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Europa Universalis IV (RU)

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Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.22.0.to.v1.22.1-RezMar - (Checksum 3d00)

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  • You need to have game updated to v1.22.0 (checksum b6eb).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 6 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 10.85 MB

2017-06-20 v1.22.1

- Siberian Frontier Custom Idea now has a cost.
- Fixed large Colonial nation bonus to Land Force Limit not being given
- Fixed unlocalized variable for Russian Powers
- Fixed Tributary request spam
- Nations are now deranked when vassalized
- Fixed Mac Checksum issues
- Blocked new achievements for nation designer countries or if there's any nation designer country in the world.
- Fixed that Tributaries became independent when getting their own subjects.
- AI now only gets -20 acceptance per relation over limit for alliance and support independence actions.
- Fixed so when you hover over a non-existent great power entry that it doesn't crash
- Fixed crash caused by bad timing where province is unselected in same frame that user clicks "open siege" button
- Fixed crash in macro builder if you hovered over something with no rebel faction
- Fixed huge performance hit / freeze when trying to build large army template in large country.
- Transferring occupation of a province now properly cancels all mercenary constructions there.
- Fixed getting additional subjects as junior partners when you form Union with a nation
- Fixed countries releasing primitive countries in peace deals becoming primitive
- Fixed rare CTD when selecting fleet right after winning battle.



Как активировать все DLC?  


В 27.06.2016 в 22:59, Ярослав33 сказал:

Благодаря фиксу таблетки 3dm форумчанина Midgard, теперь активируются все DLC.

1) Скачать Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , который содержит таблетку от 3DM (рабочая).

2) Предварительно скопируйте файл steam_api.dll из папки с Europa Universalis IV.

3) Распакуйте архив и содержимое папки Crack 3DM поместите в папку Europa Universalis IV.

4) Запустите игру и проверьте наличие DLC.

5) Закройте игру. Ранее скопированный файл из пункта 2 переместите в папку Europa Universalis IV.

6) Запустите игру.




Предыдущие версии патчей  

Патч 1.22.0 от RezMar


Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.21.1.to.v1.22.0-RezMar - (Checksum b6eb)


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.21.1 (checksum 63a8).
  • Update removes 3 files, put 158 new files and update 389 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 117.12 MB

2017-06-14 v1.22.0

######################### 1.22 ###############################

# Expansion Features

- [Mare Nostrum] New Subject Interaction called 'press sailors' which allows you to take sailors from your colonial nations.
- [The Cossacks] Added a cossacks unit-category, which has +10% shock damage. Cossack Cavalry are raised through actions in the cossack estate.
- [The Cossacks] Added 3 new Cossacks Estate Interactions.
- Added new unit category ‘Streltsy’, which deals +10% fire damage, but also increases stability cost by its percentage of force limit.
- Added new diplomatic ability to Tsardom, they can now claim an entire state for 50% more cost than a single province.
- Tsardom and Principalities now have three new unique abilities, Reform Sudebik to reduce autonomy by 10% in all provinces. Support Oprichnina to reduce all rebel factions by 30% & Raise Streltsy which gives 20% of your forcelimit as streltsy units, while also reducing war exhaustion by -2.
- You can now spend 5 patriarch authority to commision a new set of icons to all churches. A set of icons provide a boost to your nation in one aspect for twenty years.
- It is now possible for Orthodox countries to consecrate a Metropolitan in any state that is fully orthodox and accepted culture that has at least 30 development. Consecrating it will increase maintenance by 10%, but gives 5 authority immediately.
- Russian ideas now gives an ability to colonise without colonists adjacent to cities that can trace a path to capital for a diplomatic cost.

# Free Features

- Added new Tsardom government type.
- Added new Principality government type.
- Added Veche Republic government type.
- Added Tsardom events.

# Gamebalance

# Diplomacy
- Breaking march status is now just -50 opinion penalty.
- Colonies get 1% Liberty Desire per every 1% tariffs rate.
- Colonies to not get LD from relative power.
- You can now Threaten War over claims & cores someones subject owns.
- Marches now gets bonuses if they have less than 25% development of the overlord.
- Send Officers is now only valid on marches with less than 25% development of the overlord.
- Victory cards are now allowed on Tributaries (and Tributaries can now get them on their overlords). Applies to all voluntary subject types.

# Economy
- Blockades now increase devastation like a siege does.
- Blockaded provinces no longer get devastation recovery from control, revanchism or forts, just like siege and occupation.

# Governments
- Effects from Absoutism are now capped at 100%, even if absolutism itself can grow higher.- Effects from Absoutism are now capped at 100%, even if absolutism itself can grow higher.
- Mandate penalty from neighbouring non-tributaries is now calculated from all owned areas instead of just the home area.

# Religion
- Karma has been rebalanced. +2 dip rep and 5% disc in the middle, with +1 dip rep at high, and 2.5% disc at low.
- You no longer lose karma for taking your own cores.
- Karma impact from development in peacedeals now scales by administrative efficiency.
- Converting provinces now gives 0.1 karma per development.

# Ideas & Policies
- Poland: Nihil Novi now also gives some WE reduction.
- Russia and Muscowy now have unique and separate ideagroups.
- Military Traditions moved to Second place in Aristocratic Ideas.
- The Aristocratic Idea Local Nobility now gives global autonomy and yearly absolutism.
- The Aristocratic Idea Serfdom increased to 33% Manpower.
- The Aristocratic Idea international Diplomacy now also gives +1 free leaders.
- The Aristocratic Idea noble Noble Resilience replaced with Noble Connections (+20% mercenary pool).
- Aristocratic Finisher is now +1 leader siege.
- Revised and balanced Russian National Ideas.

# Units
- You can now only recruit banners for fully cored provinces.

# War & Peace
- Disallowed Transfer Vassal peace treaty for several casus bellis.
- Artillery Barrage is now available even if a small automatic breach have been done.

# Nation Designer
- Prussian Monarchy now costs 100 points in Nation Designer, up from 50
- Slashed Ruler Personalities costs in Nation Designer

# AI

# Diplomacy
- AI subjects can no longer refuse to take land that their overlord gives them in peace deals. This excludes Tributaries (based on is_voluntary).
- AI no longer cares about potential allies/marriages being above diplomatic relations limit.
- AI emperors now more interested in unifying religion of HRE.
- AI may now target centers of reformation for force converting in peace.
- The AI now "clicks on" bordering nations to discover their capitals.
- Tuned down aggressiveness for AI with non-militarist rulers against smaller nations slightly.
- Further attempts to make HRE emperor act to keep the diversity in the empire.
- The first AI wave of sending diplomatic actions is now spread out over five days, instead of all on the first.
- AI no longer spams military access requests when you say no.
- AI Call to Arms acceptance from "Attitude towards enemies" now adds one fifth of, instead of twice the, Aggressive Expansion relation penalty.
- AI should now be better at dealing with rebels.
- AI no longer asks you to be their tributary when trust is below 5, to stop spamming.
- Only AIs of government rank 1 (HRE_MAX_RANK or lower) now want to join the HRE.
- Improved AI for disinheriting and abdicating.

# Economy
- AI merchant republics no longer make states taking them over the 20 province limit, although still trying to keep their size below 20 to start with.
- AI now strives to increase absolutism.
- AI no longer assigns more than 20% of its land to an estate, above what it demands.
- AI now rather disbands normal regiments than banners.

# War
- Fixed that if the AI split an army and one of the new armies got scared off to uncolonized land, both armies would then refuse to move.
- Improved AI handling of rebels by changing autonomy.
- Improved AI for when to use mercenaries.
- Significantly reduced AI aggressiveness when in debt.
- AI now stays away from dangerous borders in peace time by default.
- Improved AI army coordination.

# Interface

# Country
- Macrobuilder now remembers which tab was open when reopening it.
- Unitselection in military view now closes when you hit escape.
- Military view now tells you when you get your next unit of that type.
- Fixed that Interregnums created with special name through scripts were just called "(Interregnum)".

# Ledger

# Icons
- Modifiers that support "opposite" icons now show those in all places where appropriate.
- Fixed that Pay off Debt interaction used Scutage icon.
- Added outliner icon to armies when they are sieging.
- Allied objectives given to other countries are now shown as map icons.

# Provinces
- Added so autonomy mapmode shows provinces minimum autonomy limit as well.

# Tooltips
- Hovering over states & territories in stability screen will sort them based on highest development and highest province count
- Reworked the states & territories breakdown tooltip to make it a bit easier to read with shiny fancy icons
- Alert for Make State now lists development of the state in the tooltip.
- Alert for Make State will no longer appear for states where all your provinces belong to a trade company.
- Improved the can create state alert tooltip with icons.
- Fixed that "Is a [subject type]" tooltip was shown instead of "Is NOT a [subject type]".
- Fixed that Threaten War tooltip gave the full description for Declare War.
- Tooltip to Cede Province treaties now show breakdown of war score cost.
- Harsh treatment cost modifiers are now shown in the tooltip for the button.
- Added a detailed delayed tooltip to state maintenane in state view.

# Unitmodels
- USA now uses the american dream unit pack infantry for artillery as well.
- U-Tsang and Guge now use their Buddhist unit pack units with artillery as well.

# War & Peace
- Fixed that peace offers' displayed war score cost in peace view did not always refresh when reopening the window.
- Added details to regiment count tooltips in militaryview, telling you how many you have of each category.
- Leader selection now closes when you hit escape.
- Fixed that Cancel Subject and Transfer Subject peace options were visible even when it would never be selectable (except for colonies).

# Other
- Changed enabled dlc list in lobby to allow more entries.
- Added new Metropilitan mapmode.
- You can now search for Areas/States/Territories in the Province Finder.
- The Province Finder is now also available in the Lobby.
- Added "regions" mapmode to lobby.

# Usermodding

# Effects
- New province-scope effect 'add_siberian_construction = size'. Only valid if root scope is a country that can send it.
- Added set_government_and_rank effect (government = <government key or REB> rank = <1-3 or 0 to keep current>. The effect will respect government that have fixed ranks and max ranks for subject types). Old effects are unchanged.
- Added "grant_independence = yes" effect.
- Renamed "release_vassal" effect to "create_vassal".
- Added effect: cossack_cavalry = <prov>
- Added effect: streltsy_infantry = <prov>
- Added effects_ add_support_for_adm_action, add_support_for_dip_action , add_support_for_mil_action

# Logging
- Added error logging when attempting to divide variable by 0.

# Modifiers
- Added new country modifier: monthly_piety
- Added new country modifier:monthly_karma
- Added new province modifier: local_culture_conversion_cost

# Triggers
- Added console command "mapmode province_flag <flagname>". <flagname> is optional.
- Added province_distance trigger that works like diplomatic_distance but for any arbitrary province besides capitals.
- can_be_overlord trigger now has a tooltip.
- spawn_rebels now supports the attributes use_heir_as_leader and use_consort_as_leader to use the name of the current heir or consort for the rebel leaders.
- Separated out on_siberian_pulse from on_colonial_pulse.
- Added 'development_of_overlord_fraction = x' trigger.
- Scripted diplomatic actions now support ai_will_do trigger.
- can_be_overlord trigger now actually works.
- Added scripted trigger 'has_russian_government_interaction = yes/no'
- Added trigger 'uses_religious_icons = yes/no'.
- Added trigger: has_state_patriach = yes/no (province scope)
- Added trigger: current_icon = <icon>
- Added trigger num_of_cossacks = x
- Added trigger: num_of_streltsy = num

# Other
- The ¤ code in localization now supports a number after it, from 0 to 2. 0 is default if none given.
- The ¤1 code will give you development icon in the text.
- THe ¤2 code will give you province icon in the text.
- It is now possible to add flavor desc texts for buildings using localisation tags of the following structure building_<buildingname>_desc.
- Added can_colonize_province_siberian_frontier scripted_function to determine rules for utilizing the Siberian frontier mechanics.
- Its now possible to write [Root.GetAreaName] to get statename for states.
- "opinion" and "trust" can now be exported to variable.
- "border_distance" and "capital_distance" variable exportables now use "who=" and "with=" to determine targets.
- has_construction now takes "siberian" and "colonist" as arguments.
- Added separatists_become_subjects to subject type.

# Script

# Decisions
- Added decision for custom nation principalities to upgrade to Tsardom once they have 1000 development.

# Events
- Harem events updated to make use of new effect to take heir name for pretender leader.
- Updated the Influenza event to allow for possible spread.
- You will only get monarch points and other bonuses from destroying the Shogunate the first time you do it now.
- Idea Group Event 802, Fortification Expert, now gives a discounted advisor and has a potential second option allowing you to improve defences locally.
- Good Corruption events now require being at 3 stability.
- Limits for bad corruption events changed to be possible to trigger.
- Trust thy neighbor no longer gives +1 stability but instead lowered state maintenance for 10 years.
- Simplified the evaluation of the Nanban and Firearms incidents.
- Boosted aristocratic idea event effects.
- Added Russian Principality Events.
- L'etat c'est moi now gives 0.5 Yearly Absolutism instead of +20 maximum absolutism.

# Ideas
- Added Moravian Ideas.
- Added Estonia Ideas.
- Added Beloozero Ideas.
- Added Rostov Ideas.
- The innovative idea "Scientific Revolution" now gives -10% tech cost instead of -5%.
- The English Idea 'Bill of Rights' replaced by 'City Upon a Hill' which gives 20 extra global colonial growth.
- The English Idea 'The Eltham Ordinance' now gives 20% goods produced instead of global tax modifier.
- Changed logic for some group ideas to be more inclusive.

# Modifiers
- Trading in Fur bonus now 0.5 prestige instead of 1.
- Hungarian Black Army modifiers improved significantly and no longer increase mercenary maintenance.
- The Qing Modifier "Jesuits" reduced from -20% tech cost to -5%.
- The modifier from Mamluk Flavor event 2, the Public Works of Cairo, now lasts until end of game instead of 10 years.
- Black army now lasts until Age of Absolutism at the latest rather than age of reformation.

# Setup
- St Helena now considered part of Africa.
- Constantinople and Cairo now produces Cloth.
- Dorpat is now Estonian culture.
- Updated Polish dynamic province names.
- Curacao now starts with a Natural Harbor modifier.
- Added 26 new provinces in Russia and Ruthenia.
- Added Beloozero tag (vassal of Muscovy in 1444).
- Added Rostov tag (vassal of Muscovy in 1444).
- Revised winter setup in Japan.
- Burghers no longer in control of Brno in 1444.
- Added more dynamic province names for Hungary.
- Added more polynesian names.

# Other
- Tidied up visible achievements.
- Added a number of new ship names from the "More Shipnames" Mod.

# Bugfixes

- AI should now never call their tributary overlord into an offensive war.
- Daimyo rebels will no longer become daimyos if they secede from colonies or tributaries.
- Fixed inverted ending bonuses for the Neo-Confucianism Incident.
- Fixed bug which could make the Japanese mission to colonize Taiwan trigger when it was already fulfilled.
- Fixed being able to play past 1821 in Ironman games.
- When playing with random nations, the title of the Emperor of China is now given to the nation that has the most development in MANDATE_SUBCONTINENT_NAME (china_superregion by default) and their capital in the same subcontinent.
- Interest should now work better for very high loan sizes, and will never be less than zero.
- Fixed OOS after enabling/disabling heir or consort in Nation Designer.
- Fixed disabled heirs/consorts not working properly when saving/loading Custom Nations.
- Protestantism event 23 should no longer be able to target the same province multiple times.
- Consort Event 61 "A Royal Influence" can no longer convert a center of Reformation.
- Can no longer combine Transfer Vassal with Cancel Vassal in a peace deal on the same vassal.
- All cores owned by non-dynamic nations are now cleared when generating a map with random or no countries.
- The primitive status of released countries is now set to the same as the releasing country.
- Restriction to moving capital into/out of HRE is now checked before fixed capital checks.
- Sow Discontent will now list the modifier from the perspective of the target country.
- Vali Ahads will now plot slightly less intensely in the Ottoman Empire.
- Fixed the province of Jangladesh not belonging to a Trade Company.
- Fixed most of Shanxi not belonging to a Trade Company.
- Fixed Limpopo not belonging to a Trade Company.
- Fixed Sow Discontent not lowerin Meritocracy.
- When an ongoing shinto incident finishes but you are no longer shinto it will no longer display info about the incident ending.
- Bremen now loses free city status when the HRE disolves in historical start dates.
- Price Change events "Development of Veneering" and "Popularization of Silk Fabrics" can now trigger in their respective ages or after instead of only then.
- Manchu provinces now start with Feudalism.
- No longer blocked from renaming provinces in Single Player if the MP setting for renaming provinces is disabled.
- Nations in a random world no longer get assigned government forms that are not valid for nation designer.
- In a world with randomly generated nations, the Shogunate will be the country holding Kyoto instead of just being in Japan.
- HRE will no longer instantly disband when starting a game with randomly generated countries.
- Dynamic modifiers are now also shown in the detailed country modifiers list.
- Fixed a major bug where the AI would not make a territory into a state if it did not own the province with lowest province id.
- "Target Neighbours" improve relation rule no longer tries to improve relations with rivals.
- Fixed automated diplomats starting work on the same rule at the same time not finding targets for everyone immediately, if enough valid ones exist.
- Civil War Disaster now accounts for Chinese Mandate.
- Confucianism: Fixed wrong date shown in confirm dialog for harmonizing with religion if you had modifiers that affected harmonization speed.
- Confucianism: Estimated Completion date added to Harmonization target tooltip.
- Harmonization Speed modifier now shown as %.
- Government View: Fixed issue where it looked like certain subject types could upgrade Government Rank beyond the highest.
- Fixed a couple of faulty modifier triggers for enlightenment institution spread.
- Fixed unit map icon not shown as enemy (red) when Overlord is renting Condottieri to enemy Tributary.
- The Royal Heretic Consort Event can no longer trigger for Tengri countries.
- Fixed that modifiers from successful debates got forgotten when saving and loading.
- Fixed so Banners without Mandate of Heaven actually give Discipline and just doesn't pretend like it
- Fixed Duplicate mean time to happen clause in Civil war Event 4.
- Clarified tooltip for the Surrender of Maine event for France.
- Decreased frequency of Harem events slightly.
- Fixed so tooltip for vassals show it's fine to call them to war now
- Nations who are forced to auto-join wars now won't be stopped by a simple truce.
- Fixed bug causing cores to remain when running with random placed historical nations.
- Fixed bug causing territories thinking their maintenance as states would be 0.
- AI subjects will no longer use your military power to do artillery barrages.
- Fixed that border provinces were wrong the first day after loading a save, causing strange behaviour notably in AE calculations.
- Protestant event "Hostile Publications" now correctly referred to as thus, rather than claiming to be about hostles.
- The Cossack Estate Disaster now also applies a negative modifier for 15 years.
- Fixed some unclarities in the ruler history of Oman.
- Blocked a few regions from cossack aggression events.
- Fixed so you can't get negative tax on a province by a flat negative tax income from a modifier.
- Custom nations with Ottoman Government now keep their dynasty correctly as they should.
- Blocked conquest missions that were possible despite the HRE outlawing wars.
- Tidied up tooltip for mamluk event 22, coalition against the Ottomans.
- Expansion of the Royal Bureaucracy is now a 50 year modifier instead of a ruler modifier.
- French Flavor Event "Chambers of Reunion" can no longer give claims on subjects.
- Event to relocate the knights will no longer trigger unless Rhodes is held by Muslims.
- Flavor event 1, Consulate of the Sea, now lasts 50 years.
- Turkish flavor event 3377, Kösem Sultan, now gives a consort if you lack one and have Rights of Man.
- Send Officers now automatically cancels when no longer valid due to relative size.
- Auvergne, Foix and Armangac now use the Hundred Years War Infantry for artillery as well.
- USA now uses the american dream unit pack infantry for artillery as well.
- U-Tsang and Guge now use their Buddhist unit pack units with artillery as well.
- Tutorial no longer refers to Meath when it means Pale.
- Russian event 3 now no longer gives permanent claims were you already have them or cores.
- Colonies now have the same logic for automatically discovering neighbours as other owned provinces (was not always the case if El Dorado was active).
- Standardized a number of words towards American English.
- Cleaned up the saving of event target in some fetishist events.
- Tributary events will no longer trigger connected to overlords that cannot create tributaries themselves (for instance because they have annexed someone with tributaries).
- Fixed OOS related to max diplomatic relations (N_116).
- Fixed Transferring Subjects giving incorrect Aggressive Expansion.
- Civil War now accounts for Mandate if you have Mandate of Heaven.
- Fixed that integrating a vassal worsened relations with all vassals in the world, not only your own.
- Spanish Cortes Event no longer assigns parliament seats on top of estates.
- Civil War Event 4, "X is lost" will now trigger less frequently.
- Abruzzo now properly excluded from Shadow Kingdom event (was only excluded from decision to rein in Italy).
- Music player now uses weights again
- Fixed that "neutral" AI attitudes became "unknown" when loading save from within another game, causing strange behavior.
- Switched around lobby mapmode hotkeys to be more consistent with the default in-game ones.
- (Bug fix) Scripted diplomatic actions with "require_acceptance = no" now automatically execute on_accept.
- Fixed that can_transfer_in_peace subject type property didn't work properly unless can_release_in_peace was also enabled and the subject wasn't a colony.


Патч 1.21.1 от RezMar

Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.20.1.to.v1.21.1-RezMar - Checksum (63a8)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.20.1 or newer.
  • Update removes 5 files, put 31 new files and update 398 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 63.09 MB

2017-04-27 v1.21.1

######################### 1.21.1 #############################
- Fixed not being to save new Ironman games to cloud.
- Manchu provinces now start with Feudalism again.
- Qing now stopped from forming Yuan rather than Qin.
- Fixed that AI Call to Arms acceptance from Aggressive Expansion was reversed.
- Fixed Offer Condottieri dialog not shown for target player.
- No longer blocked from renaming provinces in Single Player if the MP setting for renaming provinces is disabled.
- Allies that are Tributaries can now be called into wars.

2017-04-25 v1.21.0

######################### 1.21 ###############################

# Gamebalance

# Colonization 
- Colonies can no longer attack all neighboring primitives (and they are now protected against them by their overlord).
- Colonies can now attack all independent nations with their capital in the New World (and are not protected against them by their overlord).

# Diplomacy
- You now need at least 12 months of war before you can unconditionally surrender.
- Transfer Subject peace treaty can no longer be used on Tributaries.

# Economy
- Each development now provides 30 instead of 25 sailors.
- Naval Tradition provides 20% faster sailor recovery instead of +10%.
- Autononmy from Burghers Estate no longer impact sailors from development.

# Governments
- Lost Mandate now lasts for 20 years and in addition to its old effects it also reduces diplomacy gain and includes effects from being at 0 Mandate.
- Losing Mandate now lowers stability by 2.
- Having lost Mandate makes separatist rebels more likely.
- The Unguarded Nomadic Frontier disaster will now progress more quickly.
- Reforming society now requires ADM tech 8.

- Subjects can no longer add provinces to the HRE.

# Ideas & Policies
- Strengthened the Naval Idea group.

# Technology
- Institutions will no longer spread automatically in Trade Company member provinces after the owning country due to the owner country embracing them.
- Docks now comes before Shipyars in technology.

# Units
- Ships on the seas now have a sailors maintainance cost of about 2% each month. Some ideas and effects can reduce it.

# AI
# Diplomacy
- Heavily reduced colonial AIs' desire to put vital interest everywhere.
- Fixed issues with AI who wants to make you a Tributary not being aggressive/punishing enough when you decline.
- Fixed that AI considering attacking a Tributary heavily underestimated power of the overlord if the latter would join.
- Improved AI power balance estimates in war declaration logic.
- AI Tributary States, Colonial Subjects, and Daimyo Vassals now build spy networks only on their own behalf (not for their overlord).
- Improved risk evaluation for AI armies.
- Added AI setting to Keep All Treaties.
- AI nations might now join the HRE if they need the Emperor's protection and have a friendly attitude towards the Emperor.
- AI now cares more about the Treaty of Tordesillas (especially when allied with claimant).
- Fixed bug that caused AI to get way over allowed number of diplomatic relations.
- Fixed that AI couldn't select peace treaties with a capped war score cost, if the uncapped cost was above 100%.
- When the AI declares a war to punish for not accepting tributary status or refusing to pay tribute, they are now less eager to have peace.
- AI now cares more about not getting above number of allowed relations (-50 instead of -20).
- Tweaked AI somewhat to make a more diverse (less blobby) HRE.
- AI HRE Emperor now acts more to release princes and return provinces to their rightful owners.
- Fixed bug that caused AI to never leave a coalition.

# Economy
- AI now tries to reduce war exhaustion down to almost 0 when at peace.
- AI can now go above budget to recruit enough troops for a siege (though not over force limit).

# War
- AI Tributaries no longer think their Overlord makes them safe when in important/critical wars.
- Fixed case where AI naval transport could get stuck forever.
- Fixed case where AI war allies could together siege down a fort, but not each individually, and both just stayed home.
- Fixed issue where AI didn't send well needed reinforcements to battles.

# Interface

# Country
- Fixed that only one personality was shown for foreign rulers in an elective monarchy.
- Text telling you when you get your next favor now also lists the year.
- Scrollbar scrolling speed now better adapted to amount of text in textboxes with scrollbars.
- Government View: Improved absolutism tooltips.
- Fixed that sorting by Liberty Desire in subjects view didn't work for all subject types.
- Diplomacy view Personal Union relation tooltip now shows information about inheritance and chance to break free again.
- Diplomacy view Tributary relation tooltip now shows Tributary information also on Tributary's screen.

# Ledger
- Improved devastation display on page 9 of the ledger.

# Pop-ups
- Added a separate popup for being dragged into a subject's war.

# Provinces
- State View: Improved tooltips for Raise Banners GUI elements.
- State View: Banner GUI elements are now shown if you or the selected province's owner has the possibility to raise banners (Manchu as primary culture).
- Added an option to disallow manual changes to province names in multiplayer.
- Estimate for how much you will earn from making a state now also assumes you will make it a full core.

# Tooltips
- Fixed that coalition warning in peace view always said coalition would form against you, even when it should say them.
- Fixed that coalition warning in peace view didn't show Tributaries or Daimyos.
- "Embargo Rivals" subject interaction now has a separate tooltip for cancelling.
- State Maintenance reduction values are now shown when building buildings with modifiers to State Maintenance.
- War declaration dialog co-belligerent tooltips will now refer to either "ally" or the subject type name.
- Fixed Demand Unlawful Territory acceptance (has a claim) tooltip missing province name.
- Fixed that War declaration dialog co-belligerent tooltips refered to enemy allies as "the enemy Tributary/Colony/Daimyo" if they were a subject to someone else.
- Added a warning to razing tooltip when you would not get any monarch power due to penalties.
- Added more information about cavalry to infantry ratio in the military view tooltip for the value.
- Reworded cavalry to infantry ratio to be more readable. 

# Usermodding
# Buildings
- Added the attribute "indestructible" to buildings, setting it to yes will exempt that type of building from being destroyed by bankruptcy.

# Defines

# Effects
- Added add_adm_tech, add_dip_tech, add_mil_tech effects.
- Added add_next_institution_embracement = <int> province effect.

# Logging
- Error log now gets two backups ("error_old.log" and "error_old_old.log").

# Modifiers
- Added new country modifier 'sailor_maintenance_modifer'
- imperial_authority_value modifier now only affects HRE Authority.
- imperial_mandate modifier instead added to affect Mandate.

# Triggers
- Fixed that "is_owned_by_trade_company = no" didn't take the "no" part.
- Added is_potential_overlord and can_be_established to subject types, and can_be_overlord trigger, checking against the former.
- Added revanchism trigger.
- Added log effect and trigger.
- Added add_active_policy and had_active_policy effect and trigger.
- Added scripted function can_declare_bankruptcy.
- Added scripted function can_colonize_province.
- is_incident_active trigger now supports = any/yes/no/none.

# Other
- Scripted diplomatic actions (partially) supported, intended to allow for modded subject types.
- variable_arithmetic_trigger allows for defining, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and checking variables locally.

# Script

# Decisions
- Can now form Manchu tag as long as you have Manchu culture, instead of having to be one of the three Jurchen tags.
- Added Decision to form Great Yuan.
- Decision to restore the Chinese Empire if held by someone not in China removed.
- AI now even more reluctant to make the decision to fight Cossack revolters in the disloyal Cossack event for having angered the Cossack estate.

# Events
- Renamed Shushi-Gaku incident to Neo-Confucianism.
- Timer for new shinto incident now counts from end of last incident instead of begining.
- Price change event for chinaware now triggers at 5% trade share for a european power rather than 10%.
- Bötger Event for reducing the price of Chinaware now requires the price to have gone up first (so that there is a demand for it).
- Adjusted some price change events based on European demand to be more accessible for non-europeans if they own land in Europe.
- Added new flavor events for Hungary.
- Added event to allow Dai Viet to choose between Confucianism and Mahayana Buddhism in the early game for owners of Mandate of Heaven.
- The Estate event Disloyal Cossacks will now only spawn peasant rebels and never nationalists.
- The Russian flavor event for the Grand Embassy will now add a small amount of institution progress to the latest non-present institution in their capital.

# Governments
- If an outside power takes Kyoto and the old Shogunate retains other provinces they will now lose the Shogunate status and forfiet their Daimyo. As before a Daimyo can re-establish the Shogunate by conquering Kyoto.

# Ideas
- Added Great Yuan Ideas.

# Modifiers
- add_manpower with decimal values between (but not including) -1, 1 no longer means "fraction of max manpower". Use add_yearly_manpower for this purpose instead.
- Updated scripts to use add_yearly_manpower instead of deprecated use of add_manpower to add percentage of total pool.
- Empire of China now makes the Righteous personality invalid.

# Setup
- Capital of Changthang changed to Balkhuduk.
- The Vistula Spit now extends all the way from Danzig to Königsberg. Marienburg and Ermland are no longer ports.
- Split Moravia province into Brno and Olomouc
- Split Breslau province into Breslau and Leignitz
- Added Fejér province.
- Added Belgrade province (Nándorfehérvár at start due to being owned by Hungary).
- Added Trencin Province and redrew Slovakia slightly.
- Renamed Ersekujvar to Hont in 1444.
- Added Moravian revolter tag.
- Corrected province assignment for the parts of the Chukotka peninsula that shows.
- Fixed colormap problem near Rybinsk.
- Adjusted the borders of Canton to be more clear.
- Cleaned up province histories in Hungary
- Pest is now and inland Center of Trade.
- Socotra is now in Asia.
- Changsheng is now properly the primary tag for the Zhuang culture.
- Gyeongsung and Yukjin now start with Korean culture.
- Manchu culture is now part of the Evenk culture group.

# Bugfixes
- Checks for allowing migration and provinces you can migrate to are now more consistent.
- Fixed crash after deleting Custom Country after rulers were given random personalities.
- New Ironman save files are now created when starting game instead of when selecting file name.
- Spanish Philipines now cored at the apropriate date in historical starts.
- Personality Event 49 will no longer have you inviting yourself to a party if you hold more than one throne.
- Can no longer develop or build in undiscovered provinces.
- Countries now get Parliaments when switching to government forms that have them enabled.
- Corrected some triggers that looked for ruler instead of consort in consort_events.303 to 305.
- Wanting subjects' provinces is now separate from wanting owned provinces.
- Removed extra Cape in the province name of "Cape Cà Mau."
- Expanded mechanic explanation for Shinto mechanic tooltip.
- Autonomous rebel suppression no longer send units to hunt rebels in your Tributaries.
- Fixed bug that could potentially allow incidents to trigger before the current incident had been seen to completion.
- Fixed some typos in the Austrian mission, "Reclaim the Imperial Crown".
- Fixed issue where achivements for an Ironman save could be disabled just after creating the save and quitting the game using Alt-F4.
- Province/State View: Fixed missing localisation for "Culture".
- Papal annulment popup should no longer claim that it is the pope who is getting a divorce.
- Subject Interaction Event 40 "Rightful Ownership" will now refer to what province it targets and the AI will evaluate their decision to grant or retain it more carefully.
- Gelre now properly has an heir in 1444.
- Fixed colonial nations losing cores and/or disappearing when executing history.
- Transfer Occupation window now gets closed when province view does.
- Estimated arrival date for units will now be more correct.
- Units will no longer lose movement progress to the next province on arrival.
- Fixed renaming of files (including save files) not working on Windows if user account name contained special characters like "Ł".
- Revolt popup now checks the owner of the province if the controller isn't real.
- Improved selection of Byzantine Missions and Purple Phoenix Missions and made them more consistent in not targeting allies or vassals in all but a select few cases.
- Moving capital will now clear estates from the new capital.
- Popup for another country joining your trade league now uses more lines to avoid overflow.
- Fixed bad unit position in Bohuslän.
- Can no longer get "trading in" bonus for a trade good from an undiscovered trade node.
- All of Karenni area now part of the Siam Trade node.
- Noble disaster will no longer change government for Shogunate or Daimyo.
- Ryuku no longer a subject of non-existant Ashikaga in the later start dates. Instead they are a subject of Tokugawa.
- Fixed title of first Shimazu idea.
- Fixed some duplicated province capital names in America.
- More triggers and effects are now properly capitalized.
- Added colors to spy network event effect tooltip.
- Fixed wrong province used in description text for Shinto Event 3.
- Ambition bonus now consistently written as that rather than 'Ambitions'.
- Fixed battles not ending in some cases after a complete collapse of one side.
- Qing now starts as a Celestial Empire after 1644.10.30.
- Hindu events should now compensate you with some monarch power if you cannot benefit from their stat boosts.
- Fixed faulty trigger in Nanban Incident that made it unable to trigger.
- Event 9030 "Traveling Monk" will now only trigger for one province nations that might still care about such visitors.
- The Shadow Kingdom now corresponds to new map areas better.
- The Pope will no longer worry that he might catch himself doing espionage in the Seal of Confession event.
- Independent Colonial Nations will no longer turn back to colonies if they should keep their independence when executing history.
- Tooltip for inviting to trade league will no longer also complain about transferred trade power if the recipient is already in a league.
- Estate event "Popular Religion" now blocked for Confucian countries.
- Fixed issue that could make the Christianity in japan incident chain end prematurely.
- Subjects no longer give their overlord the glory of owning all provinces of the subject's culture, and keep it for themselves instead.
- Tooltip for free slots in macro builder province building list will now state the amount of buildings in the province too.
- Japanese flavor event "Attempted Coup" now much more rare.
- Fixed edict icon vanishing after opening a territory state window and then switching to a real state.
- Added PS_WAR_TAXES_LIMIT_MIN (= 0 by default) to limit the minimum cost of war taxes.
- kill_leader effect will no longer kill all leaders of a given type.
- Fixed Tributaries not getting e.g. Conquest Casus Belli based on vassals' claims.
- OSX/Linux: Fixed CTD when showing message regarding tributaries not able to pay their yearly tribute.
- Fixed state view province list sort being very unruly.
- Tributaries can now Vassalize other Tributaries.
- Fixed Korea not having an old era for the confucian event about an old text.
- Vassals of a country annexed by a Tributary now correctly goes to the Tributary and not their overlord.
- Fixed CTD in CCountry::ClearRelations.
- Province view buildings list button will no longer disappear if the institution window was open when vising the state view, and then got closed.
- add_harmonized_religion tooltip will now correctly include the name of the religion.
- Japanese Colonial Nation rebels will no longer secede from the CN to become daimyos of Japan.
- Can no longer cancel Tributary Status while having a truce.
- Tributaries can now upgrade their Government Rank.
- Fixed regular (not territorial) cores sometimes disappearing when annexing countries.
- A country's delayed events are now updated to the new tag when forming a new tag.
- Pretender rebels from tribal succession crisis will now start with one province controlled.
- Tribal succession crisis can now only trigger for hordes bigger than 3 provinces.
- The War of the Roses event for lack of an heir will no longer trigger if you already have that personality. The infertile personality now counts as if you had the modifier given by this event for purposes of disaster progress after the year of 1455.
- Buddhist nations now pay Diplomatic Power for taking provinces in peace deals.
- Added checks to a few heir spawning events that lacked them for being lesser in union.
- Countries will no longer think their tributaries contribute to their relative strength.
- A Country will no longer consider its own colonies but not the enemy's in relative strength calculation.
- Fixed that popup said regent (or consort regent) had died when a Unior Partner declared an independence war.
- Fixed some inconsistencies in the reform society decision.
- Fixed that Personal Union juniors kept their heir even when he/she succeeded to the throne.
- No longer possible to cancel trade power transfer as a subject if Divert Trade is enabled.
- Warnings and Guarantees now get cleared when entering a subject relation.
- Fixed is_dynamic_tag trigger returning wrong value when used with NOT.
- Can no longer call in allies in a voluntary subject relationship against their overlord.
- Fixed some provinces belonging to both Gulf of St Lawrence and Hudson Bay Trade nodes.
- Fixed bad scoping in ai idea weights.
- Can now only scorch earth in provinces either controlled by you or owned by your enemies.
- Fixed bug where Ming would accidentally forcibly convert all christians under their rule, regardless of how many and where in the world they reside.
- Fixed crash in COfferCondottieriAction.
- OSX/Linux: Fixed crash when events were fired by Incidents.




Патч 1.20.1 от RezMar


Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.20.0.to.v1.20.1-RezMar - Checksum (07f1)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.20.0 checksum (072a).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 15 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 9 MB

1.20.1 - Checksum 07f1

- Added extra effects and checks for some random events for Celestial Empires.
- Fixed problem that made the Three Mountain Achievement demand that all your subjects be tributaries instead of all subjects being anything but tributaries.
- Noble disaster will no longer change government for Shogunate or Daimyo.
- Fixed Personal Union not breaking upon independence war when in consort regency.
- Countries now get Parliaments when switching to government forms that have them enabled.
- Fixed faulty trigger in Nanban Incident that made it unable to trigger.
- Fixed missing icon/no bonus for Eight Banners Manchu national idea.





Патч 1.20.0 от RezMar


Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.19.2.to.v1.20.0-RezMar - Checksum (072a)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.19.2 checksum (7dd8).
  • Update removes 9 files, put 535 new files and update 872 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 564.33 MB


Патч 1.19.2 от RezMar



Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.19.1.to.v1.19.2-RezMar - Checksum (7dd8)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.19.1 checksum (fa37).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 29 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 8.03 MB
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  Показать содержимое



Патч 1.19.1 от RezMar


Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.18.4.to.v1.19.1-RezMar - Checksum (fa37)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.18.4 checksum (f968).
  • Update removes 6 files, put 183 new files and update 697 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 20.47 MB



Патч 1.18.4 от RezMar


Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.18.1.to.v1.18.4-RezMar - Checksum (f968)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.18.1 or newer.
  • Update removes 2 files, put 20 new files and update 21 files.
  • Uploaded Update is 11.77 MB
Показать содержимое  

1.18.4 - Checksum f968

- Mod install crash fix
- Fixed crash in AI army region assignment
- Fixed crash in empty world custom nation start
- Crash fix in trade view
- Added remaining localization for German and Spanish
- Fixed not being able to Fortify March despite owning Common Sense if not owning Rights of Man DLC.
- Damaged units will no longer be prioritized to start at the center of the battle, but will be the last to enter
- Game state is now reset if loading a save and then loading another (should fix rulers moving around)
- Fixed PlanArmyRegions crash on non-windows platforms
- Important French localization changes from Elfryc

1.18.3 - Checksum 9198

- Fixed issue where Brandenburg could form a Personal Union with a ghost Ansbach.
- Subjects can no longer abdicate and disinherit their overlord's rulers and heirs.
- Re-added code to define_heir effect since it broke certain events.
- Fixed rebels changing own capital when breaking another nation (with weird side effects).
- Fixed cultures getting set to have wrong indices when there is more than one culture database file.
- Aggressive Expansion changes from 1.18 reverted.
- Institutions fix for effects in spawn event.
- Fixed bug that overextended countries released vassals like crazy
- Distance between border fails should now be fixed automatically within at most a year.
- Fix for: Forming a new nation with a custom nation removes cores

1.18.2 - Checksum 1558/197c

- (Hot-)Fix for allies not joining wars when they should if playing without Cossacks DLC.
- Mayans can now reform their society
- Fixed issue with [TAG.<something>] localization.
- Fixed seemingly impossible trigger tooltip for tribal reforms.
- Added missing description to global trade institution (all languages).
- Corrected war check in Brandenburg event about the Pawning of Neumark.
- Fixed subjects being sometimes set as the war leader for a day when loading a save.
- Fixed some achievements not checking for custom nations.
- Fixed that Daimyos didn't accept alliances with each other.
- Fixed a crash when ending a war during which the player changed tags.
- Added missing achievement icons in-game.



Патч 1.18.1 от RezMar



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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.17.1 от RezMar

RezMar писал:

Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.17.0.to.v1.17.1-RezMar - Checksum (6704)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.17.0 (f236).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 4 files
  • Uploaded Update is 7.61 MB


Change log:Нажмите здесь!
 1.17.1 - Checksum 6704


- Fixed tendency for AI to end up with too much artillery and cavalry late game.

- You can no longer change difficulty after starting an Ironman game.

- Fixed issue where an Ironman game would no longer be valid for Achievements after loading it by pressing Continue.

- Fixed issue where settings were overwritten after loading a "Continue" save game, potentially disabling Achievements.

- MP: Fixed out of sync when upgrading fleets.


Патч 1.17.0 от RezMar

Huge thanks to @Добро.


Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.16.3.to.v1.17.0-RezMar - Checksum (f236)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.16.3 (6227).
  • Update removes 9 files, put 38 new files and update 568 files
  • Uploaded Update is 485.99 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.17.0.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder.

4. Copy new crack to activate DLCs.

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.16.3 [RezMar] - Checksum (6227)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.16.1 or newer.
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 29 files
  • Uploaded Update is 44.09 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.16.3.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if is needed).

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.


RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.16.2 [RezMar] - Checksum (3a8e)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.16.1 (60a9).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 27 files
  • Uploaded Update is 22.91 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.16.2.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if is needed).

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.16.1 [RezMar] - Checksum (60a9)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.15.1 (8ad5).
  • Update removes 33 files, put 373 new files and update 3445 files
  • Uploaded Update is 137.03 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.16.1.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder.

4. Copy new crack to activate DLCs.

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

 Патч 1.15.1 от RezMar

RezMar писал:
Friend from Serbia is here :)


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.15.1 [RezMar] - Checksum (8ad5)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.15.0 (e5f7).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 23 files
  • Uploaded Update is 24.09 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.15.0.exe".

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if is needed).

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.


Зеркало: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч 1.15.0 от RezMar

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.15.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (e5f7)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.14.4 (e1a1).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 121 new files and update 3545 files
  • Uploaded Update is 57.21 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.15.0.exe".

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder

4. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if is needed).

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Зеркало: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч 1.14.4 от RezMar

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.14.4 [RezMar] - Checksum (e1a1)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.14.3 (f611).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 7 files
  • Uploaded Update is 23.77 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.14.4.exe".

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install.

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if is needed).

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Happy new Year and happy Holidays...

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч 1.14.3 от RezMar

RezMar писал:
Big thanks to user @Добро. This update will work from v1.14.0 to any newer version. So Previous update from main post can be removed.


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.14.3 [RezMar] - Checksum (f611)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.14.0 or newer.
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 81 files
  • Uploaded Update is 199.26 MB

Альтернатива на патч 1.14.3.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч 1.14.2 от RezMar

RezMar писал:
This will work from v1.14.0 to any newer version. So my previous update (v1.14.1) can be removed from main page.


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.14.2 [RezMar] - Checksum (4c26)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.14.0 or newer.
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 28 files
  • Uploaded Update is 40.18 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.14.2.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder

4. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if is needed)

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч 1.14.0 от RezMar

Ставится на игру версии 1.13.2 (04fe)!

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.14.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (fb1c)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.13.2 (04fe).
  • Update removes 141 files, put 982 new files and update 1268 files
  • Uploaded Update is 459.68 MB

This update will update the game, place new DLCs and update old DLCs.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.14.0.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder

4. Copy folder from "New Soundtracks" folder to game folder

5. Copy new crack to activate DLCs

6. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

I separate DLCs and Soundtracks because of Legal users who already have up to date game but maybe not updated DLCs and/or Soundtracks.

For dirty pirates you need to do full instruction...

No SteamFix for now unitl @Voksi provide me. He is busy too. ;)

Have fun. И живела Русија.

Crack отдельно:

3DM and Steamworks.Fix-RVTFiX

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Хотфикс 1.13.2 от RezMar

Ставить только на патч 1.13.1 или 1.13.

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.13.2 [RezMar] - Checksum (04fe)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.13.0 or v1.13.2.
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 14 files
  • Uploaded Update is 41.74 MB

Have fun...

Хотфикс 1.13.1 от RezMar

Ставить только на патч 1.13.


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.13.1 [RezMar] - Checksum (13a0)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

  • You need to have game updated to v1.13.0 (30a2).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 6 files
  • Uploaded Update is 16.49 MB

Патч 1.13 от RezMar.

Внимание! Первая версия предназначена только для обновления с 1.12.2, а вторая - только с 1.13 beta!


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.13.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (30a2)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.12.2 (551a).
  • Update removes 21 files, put 34 new files and update 1114 files
  • Uploaded Update is 54.91 MB

This update will update the game.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.13.0.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if needed)

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.



Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.13.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (30a2)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to BETA v1.13.0 hf3 (acc0).
  • Uploaded Update is 32.46 MB

This update will update the game.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.13.0.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if needed)

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Europa Universalis IV - Update BETA v1.13.0 hotfix3 [RezMar] - Checksum (acc0)

(требует установленной игры версии 1.12.2 (551a) или новее)

RezMar писал:
Europa Universalis IV - Update BETA v1.13.0 hotfix3 [RezMar] - Checksum (acc0) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.12.2 (551a) or newer.
  • Update removes 21 files, put 32 new files and update 1102 files
  • Uploaded Update is 51.64 MB

1. Start "EU IV - Update BETA v1.13.0 hf3.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if needed)

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Europa Universalis IV - Update BETA v1.13.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (607e)

(требует установленной игры версии 1.12.2!)

RezMar писал:
Europa Universalis IV - Update BETA v1.13.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (607e) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.12.2 (551a).
  • Update removes 14 files, put 29 new files and update 1019 files
  • Uploaded Update is 11.73 MB

This update will update the game.

1. Start "EU IV - Update BETA v1.13.0.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if needed)

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Альтернативная ссылка на Бету 1.13: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

RezMar писал:
NO DLCs are updated in this version...



Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.12.2 [RezMar] - Checksum (551a)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.12.1 (ae85).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 0 new files and update 6 files
  • Uploaded Update is 6.88 MB

This update will update the game.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.12.2.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if needed)

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Альтернативная ссылка на 1.12.2: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

hotfix 1.12.1 (ae85) (от пользователя giant_sloth)



Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.12.1 [RezMar] - Checksum (ae85)

UPDATE ONLY (требует установленной игры версии 1.12.0!)

RezMar писал:
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • You need to have game updated to v1.12.0 (6550).
  • Update removes 0 files, put 15 new files and update 32 files
  • Uploaded Update is 166.04 MB

This update will update the game and update old DLCs.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.12.1.exe"

2. Browse to your game folder and click Install

3. Copy folder from "Updated DLCs" folder to game folder

4. Copy new crack to activate DLCs (if needed)

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

BONUS - Copy folder from "New Soundtracks" folder to game folder

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.12.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (6550)

(требует установленной игры версии 1.11.4!)

RezMar писал:
This update is huge.

It will update all game files, will update DLCs that was updated in this version and it will put all new DLCs.

That's why is huge ~605 MB. And it is separated in 4 links because zippyshare limit is 200 MB.

Now here it is UPDATE:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.12.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (6550)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


  • This update requires game v1.11.4 or newer to work properly
  • Update removes 80 files, put 557 new files and update 4024 files

Crack is updated.

Hotfix 1.11.4 от RezMar (требует игры версии 1.11.0 - 1.11.3)

RezMar писал:
It will work on any version from v1.11.0 and newer...


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.11.4 [RezMar] - Checksum (63fd)

  • This update requires game v1.11.0 or newer to work properly
  • Read _HOW TO.txt for more information
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.11.4.exe"

2. Install update where is your game

3. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Патч 1.11.0 от RezMar - ( требует игры версии 1.10.0 - 1.10.1 )

RezMar писал:
Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.11.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (6f52)
  1. This update requires game v1.10.0 or newer to work properly
  2. Read _HOW TO.txt for more information
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

This update will update the game and add new DLC.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.11.0.exe"

2. Install update where is your game

3. Place again new 3DM crack in to the game folder

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

This update will work on v1.10.0 - 1.10.1

This is new installer and it will check what version you have, it will update and remove files (who are not more in this version.

Much better and easier for users.

If you have wrong version or modified game files for example game .exe update will not start.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Запускаем файл EU IV - Update v1.11.0.exe, выбираем папку с игрой и жмём install.

*Для установки необходима версия 1.10.0 - 1.10.1 от RezMar!

**Не забудьте воспользоваться кряком от 3DM для активации DLC.

*** версия 1.10.1 НЕ от RezMar! - не обновляется!

Подробная информация на английском в _HOW TO.txt

Все благодарности - RezMar. :)

RedArmy61 писал:
Установите на игру патч 1.10.1 от RezMar (даже если у вас уже игра версии 1.10.1) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

А потом патч 1.11.0

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Hotfix 1.11.3 от RezMar (требует игры версии 1.11.0 - 1.11.2)

RezMar писал:
It will work on any version from v1.11.0 and newer...


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.11.3 [RezMar] - Checksum (62b3)

  • This update requires game v1.11.0 or newer to work properly
  • Read _HOW TO.txt for more information
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.11.3.exe"

2. Install update where is your game

3. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Hotfix 1.11.2 от RezMar (требует игры версии 1.11.0 - 1.11.1)

RezMar писал:
It will work on v1.11.0 and v1.11.1


Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.11.2 [RezMar] - Checksum (4dee)

This update requires game v1.11.0 or newer to work properly

Read _HOW TO.txt for more information

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.11.2.exe"

2. Install update where is your game

4. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Hotfix 1.11.1 от RezMar (требует игры версии 1.11.0)

RezMar писал:

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.11.1 [RezMar] - Checksum (547a)

  • This update requires game v1.11.0 to work properly
  • Read _HOW TO.txt for more information
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

1. Start "EU IV - Update v1.11.1.exe"

2. Install update where is your game

3. Place again new 3DM crack in to the game folder

5. And that's all!!! Now play the game.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.




Hotfix 1.10.1 (на 1.10)

Razer98K писал:
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Хотфикс. В работоспособности не уверен, пробуйте на свой страх и риск.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.10 от RezMar

RezMar писал:
First sorry for English. I am not Russian and don't know Russian to speak. But I understood all with google translate.

Paradoxians update is uploaded...

Europa Universalis IV - Update v1.10.0 [RezMar] - Checksum (89ca)

  • This update requires game v1.9.2 to work properly*
  • Read _HOW TO.txt for more information
  • Don't forget to activate DLCs with 3DM crack**

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

If you already have 1.10.0 and want just updated DLCs and new one. This will work too.

This update will remove 7 old files that are no more in this version.

Альтернативная ссылка: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Запускаем файл EU IV - Update v1.10.0.exe, выбираем папку с игрой и жмём install.

*Для установки необходима версия 1.9.2 или 1.10!

**Не забудьте воспользоваться кряком от 3DM для активации DLC.

Подробная информация на английском в _HOW TO.txt

Все благодарности - RezMar. :)



vitovt13 писал:
Патч v1.9.2hotfix - Checksum (e938) by RezMar ( для обладателей игры версии 1.9 и выше)

На этот раз RezMar сделал обновление в виде инсталлятора:

- скачиваем архив:<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- запускаем EU IV - Updater и указываем путь к папке с игрой;

- при появлении синего окошка нажимаем "Y" и Enter, после окончания процесса обновления "пробел";

- наслаждаемся игрой

*.sfv файл для проверки обновленной игры находится в папке EXTRA (открывается программой QuickSVF)

P.S. По сложившейся традиции, не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. :JC_doubleup:

vitovt13 писал:
Патч v1.9.1 hotfix - Checksum (f555) by RezMar (для тех, кто уже обновил игру до версии 1.9)

- скачиваем архив:<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

Патч v1.9.1 hotfix - Checksum (f555) by RezMar ( для тех, кто хочет обновиться с 1.8.1 hotfix до 1.9.1 hotfix)

- скачиваем архив:<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- помещаем из архива в папку с игрой файл CLEANUP.bat и запускаем его ;

- после завершения процесса можно его удалить;

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

*.sfv файл для проверки обновленной игры (открывается программой QuickSVF)

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

P.S. По сложившейся традиции, не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. :JC_doubleup:

vitovt13 писал:
Патч v1.9.0 - Checksum (6845) by RezMar (лишь для обладателей игры версии 1.8 и выше)

- скачиваем архив:<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- помещаем из архива в папку с игрой файл CLEANUP.bat и запускаем его ;

- после завершения процесса можно его удалить;

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

*.sfv файл для проверки обновленной игры (открывается программой QuickSVF)

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

P.S. По сложившейся традиции, не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. :JC_doubleup: [/font]

vitovt13 писал:
Патч v1.8.1 Hotfix - Checksum (5d13) by RezMar (лишь для обладателей игры версии 1.8 и выше)

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

Файлы из папки UPDATE переносим в папку с игрой, соглашаемся с заменой.

P.S. По сложившейся традиции, не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. :JC_handshake:


Альтернативная ссылка на 1.8.1 Hotfix - Checksum (5d13) на Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Valkon писал:
Hotfix 1.7.3 от RezMar

h**tps://mega.co.nz/#!F44h0bha!zKDZILbe1geXD9aBcqTAvU5OE4o5c8vb4_1SgIjPpSM (** = tt, по другому парсер форума насилует сию ссылку)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Хотфикс ставится на 1.7.0

Чексумма 7d7e. Проверено.

Тема с перечнем изменений патчей (на русском): Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч v1.7 (f2a1) от [RezMar] (устанавливается на версию 1.6.2)


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Некумулятивный Патч v1.6.2 (e98d) от [RezMar] (Установка поверх патча 1.6.1)


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Патч 1.6.1

Некумулятивный hotfix-patch 1.6.1 доступен отдельным архивом. Установка поверх игры версии 1.6.0 !

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

На данный момент недоступен отдельный архив с патчем 1.6.0, поэтому пока тут размещаются ссылки на скачивание полной версии игры 1.6.1:

Сборка Europa Universalis IV v1.6.1 + 20 DLCs (релиз от fffggg):

Чексумма 1.6.1 - 4a16

- Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменения патча 1.6.1 на РУССКОМ в специальной Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменения патча 1.6.1 на английском - там же, Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.5.0 + 14 DLCs:


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменения патча 1.5.0 на русском в специальной Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.4.1 + 14 DLCs:


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменения на русском в патче 1.4: в специальной Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.3


Ссылки на скачивание v.1.3.2:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Ссылки на скачивание более ранних версий патча 1.3

Ссылки на скачивание v.1.3.1:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Тот же архив, но с Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Ссылка на скачивание v.1.3.0

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.2


Ссылка на скачивание v.1.2.2:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Ссылки на скачивание более ранних версий патча 1.2:

Ссылка на скачивание v.1.2.1 c мини-фиксом

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Ссылка на скачивание v.1.2.1 без мини-фикса

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Ссылка на скачивание v.1.2.0

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Перевод на русский изменений патча 1.2.0 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Патч 1.1


Ссылка на скачивание v.1.1.1:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (распаковать архив, запустить update.exe)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (распаковать в папку игры)




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Колониальные державы больше не будут давать право на базирование флота - прощай лёгкая колонизация (No longer willing to give out fleet basing rights if they are a colonial power).

я всегда базировался у неколониальной державы Марокко. где проблема?

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у меня что-то пошло качаться

да, это патч 1.2

Изменено пользователем Kapellan
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Последний Консул

1.2 ReleasedНажмите здесь!

New Features

- Added new ideagroups for Anatolian Beyliks, Marathas, Taungu, Rajput States,Granada, Papal States, Daimyos, Serbia, Orissa, Punjab, Ragusa, German States, Ryukyu, Bengal States, Tibet, Dravidian States, Assam, Gujarati States, Tuscany, USA, Switzerland, Irish States, Songhai, Brittany, Malayan States, Arabian States, Italian States, Najd & Hedjaz

- When you release a vassal you now get the option to swap to that country and play as it.

- Added two buttons to the peace interface. 'Surrender' - clicking this will automatically construct a peace offer the AI would accept & 'Suggest Demands' that constructs a demanding peace offer the AI will accept.

- Editboxes can now have use copy/paste/cut and accepts text from other applications. This is handy if you want to copy a steamid for example. Also implemented some basic text navigation-features like ctrl-skipping words, and marking text.

- There is now support for windowed fullscreen, and you can now toggle between fullscreen, windowed, windowed fullscreen) in the video-settings.

- Added in two new mapmodes, one to display coalitions, and one to display opinions.

- Added in five new achievements: Grand Coalition - to get a coalition with 6 members in it. Trade Hegemon - be a western european and owning Aden, Hormoz & Malacca. Winged Hussars - Have the Winged Hussar unit, while having at least 50% cavalry power. Luck of the Irish - Conquer all the british isles as an irish country. Sunset Invasion - Start as the Aztecs and conquer Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, London, Amsterdam & Rome.



- Bankruptcy now only reduces inflation by 25%.

- Halfed inflation impact from goldmines

- Taking gold in peace now gives you 0.02 inflation for each monthly income worth of money taken

- You can now always reduce inflation if you got admin power & basecost for reducing inflation is now 75 ADM for -2 inflation.

- The Bonus for economy group is now 33% cheaper inflation reduction.

- Resilient state is now -10% inflation reduction costs, instead of +25% spy defence.

- The dutch idea revenuestamps now reduced inflation reduction cost by 15%, instead of adding 10% tax.

- Bavaria now starts with 10% cheaper inflation reduction.

- Aragons reformed administration is now reduced inflation reduction cost by 15%, instead of adding 10% tax.


- Papal Influence cap now goes up full five years of growth and its properly explained.

- Cardinals no longer give you more papal influence, and their effect on legitimacy is scaled down to same level as prestige.

- Its now possible to invest in cardinals even if you don't take full control over them.

- Influencing cardinals no longer breaks apart if the previously highest controller has been annexed.

- You can now see what everyone have invested in a cardinal, in a tooltip over the votes.

- Cardinals now have a far higher likelihood to die as they grow old.

- Cardinals not yet in the curia can now die.

- Changing country tag no longer makes you lose investment in cardinals.

- Papal influence no longer blocks excommunication, but papal opinions must be below -50.

- There is no longer any distance limit to crusades.


- Claims now only reduce peacecosts by 10%.

- Being discovered while fabricating claims now gives 10 AE

- Fabricating claims no longer gives AE unless discovered

- Can no longer fabricate claims on your vassals

- Can now only be discovered once while fabricating claims

Gaining Cores

- Size penalty on coring is now reduced by about 0,2% each year, down to basically 0 at 1800.

- Default core time modifier from size of country reduced by 20%.

- Coring colonies you colonized now takes 50% of the time & coring provinces of your own culture is now quicker.

- The russian idea Subednik is now 15% cheaper cores instead of +10% tax income.

- Coring a province can no longer take more than 20 years, no matter what.

- Claims no longer have any major impact on coring time, its just a 10% bonus.

- You now only get cores on your vassals/unions if they have cores on those provinces.

- Making a province you colonized into a core now costs the same anywhere in the world. aka, Russia gets Siberia for same price as Spain gets south america.

Losing Cores

- Countries that have been annexed will now lose their cores over time

- When forming a nation, the previous nation's cores will now be wiped

- Cores in the same culture group can now be lost after 150 years (300 years if the country is the culture's primary tag)

- All province owner changes resets timer for "loss of core"


- You no longer get new nationalism in colonial territory you are busy coring or havent cored yet when switching tags..

- Non-Pagan countries no longer get overextension for conquering the provinces of Pagans, unless those provinces have cores from other Non-Pagan countries


- You can never store more than 1000000 ducats now.

- Tweaked tariff rates, making them slightly better, while at the same time making overseas goldmines useful.

- Refactored internal code for estimated monthly income, so there are no more weird spikes after some things.

- Income from loot is now classified as spoils of war instead of tax.

Holy Roman Empire

- Holy Roman Emperor will no longer receive a imperial authority hit if it refuses to join a war started by a member state that is also allied with the Emperor.

- You can now add provinces to the empire, if they border a seazone bordering the empire.

- When the emperor is refused by a country in Revoke the Privilegia, he now gets claims on all their formelry HRE provinces.

- Revoke the Privilegia no longer causes a war.

- Can no longer start a war with HRE if you are allied to the Emperor and the Emperor is fighting a war that has not gone on for at least two months

- Enemy and Heretic status is now severe drawbacks to elector decisions, not blockers.

- HRE provinces taken from non HRE members are no longer considered 'unlawful'

- Grant electorate can now be done after 1650.

- imperial influence is now reset if a reform is revoked.


- Trade ships that are withdrawing to a friendly port to repair will no longer path through enemy fleets

- Reduced outgoing trade value increase from forwarding merchants to prevent absurd value accumulations of thousands of ducats in home nodes

- Can no longer maintain patrol ships where you do not have either province power or a trader

- Ships patrolling trade nodes should now never enter open water provinces unless travelling to a new node

- Trade fleets will now only try to repair in your own ports

- Trade fleets will no longer stray from the coasts next to their node unless they are travelling to a different node (aka no more red sea - alexandria via cape patrol)

- Ships on trade patrol will patrol at slightly further ranges, so that fleets patrolling nodes like Novgorod isn't constantly bouncing in and out of port

- Improved setup logic for trade fleet routes

- Trade fleets can now always patrol sea provinces adjacent to their country's controlled territory

- Reduced England's blockade bonus to sane levels

- Trader in bonus only updates on monthly basis (reduces message spam when it changes often)


- War Taxes now last for a fixed period of 2 years and have a one-time cost of 50 military power

- War Taxes no longer have any negative effects


- Popery Act is now only good.

- Unam Sanctam has been renamed to Deus Vult, is no longer worthless after 1650, and any religion can use it.

- Orthodox countries now gets +2% missionary strength from full patriarch authority.

- Provinces converting to protestand and reformed at the spawn of the religion will now get zeal as well.

- Rebalance neo-confusianism.

- Ottomans now get Ottoman tolerance much faster

- Converting to protestant or reformed the first time, also converts a random province.


- Halved landmaintainance scaling from tech.

- Reduced ideas impacting naval forcelimits.

- Changed places of war cabinet & adaptability ideas.

- Mass Army is now earlier in quantity.

- Land attrition modifiers now works like a reduction on actual attrition, just like naval attrition does.

- Tweaked several attrition ideas.

- Temple faction now increases forcelimits by 50%, not just giving +0.5 forcelimit.

- Large countries with small naval forcelimits (ie France) now start the game with some big ships

- Fixed an inconsistency in modifiers applied to maintenance between land and naval.

- Only return canceled mercenaries to pool if there is room for them.

- Warexhaustion from combat is now 33% of before.


- Autonomous Rebel Suppression will no longer be canceled if a unit is defeated in battle

- Armies getting on ships now turns off rebel hunt.

- Burning a colony now makes all ships leave port.

- Moving units no longer loot.


- Detach mercenary and detach subunit now keeps the exile status of the detached units.

- Exiled units must now return to your own controlled or owned territory to clear exile status

- Exiled units will now have exile status cleared when they loaded onto transports.

- exiled fleets can no longer blockade.

- Exiled units can no longer explore.


- A shattered unit now gets an extra morale adjustment as it stops retreating.

- Morale is no longer regained while force marching.

- Maxmorale can no longer be below the threshold where you can move troops.

- Morale modifiers are now percentage, so they scale the same through the ages, and are as important in late game, as in the early game.

- A large overhaul of morale modifiers have been tweaked.

- Maintenance slider for morale now affects the tech effect BEFORE modifiers are applied.


- Sieging now always gives at least 1% attrition.

- Western units now get a new cavalry unit, schwarze reiter at miltech 10.

- Gallop Cavalry is now ok in firephase.

- Rebalanced cavalry & infantry fire/shock values, so cavalry is more useful.

- Nerfed Culverin

- Minor boost to Small Cast Iron Cannon.

- Nerfed Southern Cossacks to same level as similar eastern cavalry.

- Leaders in units that are attached to another stack will not be checked in combat algoritms.

- Tweaked some units that had far too few pips for their tech level (aka were inferior to previous units)

- Changed combat logic for attached leaders to let them be valid leader of combat, if the army they are attached to doesnt have a leader.

- Rebalanced weapon damage impact through the ages in landcombat .


- Fixed an exploit where you could greatly reduce the power of rebels by having weak units selected for your army

- Revoltrisk from foreign rebel support now scales with the support given, and the revoltrisk scales with support_rebels ideas.

- Doubled effect and cost of harsh treatment

- Lollards now dissapear when you negotiate with them.

- Religious rebels will now convert every province they take

- Religious rebels will only convert a country's religion if the they represent the dominant religion

- Religious rebels of a non-dominant religion give a heretic tolerance modifier on enforce

- Non-pagan religious rebels can now negotiate/enforce religious conversion if dominant religion

- Rebels now break a country when they occupy more then half of your provinces

- Rebels now prefer to defect provinces to independent countries


- Horde government is now only 50% manpower and 50% forcelimits

- Religious governments no longer get a -1 stability for having their ruler die.


- Natural Scientists now give +10% production efficiency.

- Grand Captain now gives +10% cheaper maintenance.

- Naval Reformer now gives +10% navy morale.

- Army Reformer now gives +10% army morale.


- Revolutionary war CB no longer has double wargoals

- Claim throne now only gives a CB if you are in the same dynasty

- CBs now properly updated after executing claim throne

- Shogun now has a CB against Daimyos that hold at least 10 provinces or have become independent

- Improve Relations: Now ticks correctly.

- The change government CB is no longer valid if you or your target has a government form that cannot be force-converted

- When an overlord ally is called, it will now allways be possible for it to replace its subject as warleader


- Unions breaking due to rebels in a lesser partner should no longer kill your heir.

- Unions breaking from rebels by a government change now creates a new ruler.

- Forming a union breaks any alliance between union partners (without penalty)

- When a nation that has lesser union partners gets absorbed in a personal union, the lesser partners gets transfered to the new union


- Should an overlord find itself in a war with its subject as overlord, the tables will now be turned

- Refactored call for peace, so it slowly ticks up when valid instead of instant cripple in a long war.

Peace Negotiations

- War of independence white peace no longer breaks union

- Force conversions now scale with the size of the target country.

- Annexing a province will now only destroy the highest level building in each category. Unique buildings, manufacturies, and level 5 and 6 buildings will always be destroyed.

- You can no longer revoke a core from a province with the same culture as that core's primary culture.

- Government changes can no longer be given away by an attacker in a war.

- Target of wargoal can no longer choose to not have warleader negotiate for them

- Large countries can now be instantly annexed in a revolutionary war.

- Revolution & Counter-Revolution wargoal now reduces badboy by 50% rather than 75%

- Tweaked some wargoal peace cost modifiers

- Can now always demand releasing of countries from wargoal target.

- Having a wargoal to vassalize means that only the originalattacker can vassalize the target country, no matter who occupies the capital.

- CB against wargoal target you are unable to negotiate with separately will now be applied against enemy warleader

- Can now always demand vassalization of wargoal target if you're unable to negotiate with them separately

- You can no longer do release nation on a province that neither you nor any of the takers controlls.

- You can no longer release and take the same province in a peace settlement.

- Cancel building constructions on province conquer

- A country will now lose all claims as they get annexed.

- If a conquered province is a capital, move the capital and the spy actions along with it

- When making someone your vassal he will join your wars and you will join his.

- An ally that is not the warleader that makes an individual peace deal is no longer limited to the warleaders influence over its peace deal.

- Reduced the warscore cost reduction against large countries so that you can't dismantle Russia in one war

- When enforcing peace against a country attacking your vassal, allies will no longer automatically be called

- Forceing a vassal or a lesser union partner will now call you to war with their enemies

- Fixed several issues with the War for the Emperor CB and annexation logic

- Concede defeat is now 10 warscore & 10 prestige

- The Diplomatic Power cost for returning a core corresponds to the information in the peace negotiation view.

- No longer possible to annual treaties against non-existing countries.

- Fixed enforce religion not adding correctly to total peace cost.


- When fighting a large coalition, you no longer get 100% warscore just for occupying coalition leader

- Countries that are already in a coalition war can no longer be targeted by a coalition CB

- Subject countries will no longer join coalitions

- When attacking a subject country whose overlord is in a coalition against the attacker, their overlord's coalition will now be called in

- In offensive coalition wars a larger power can now always take over as warleader

- In coalition wars the leader can no longer demand provinces unless those provinces are the wargoal or a core or claim of theirs

- Coalitions can no longer form against non-existing countries.


- 'Enemy of my enemy' relation now ticks up over time

- Increased opinion bonus for returning cores to a country.

- Added an opinion penalty for breaking a royal marriage.

- Increased AE reduction for losing provinces in war.

- A guarantee is now a +10 opinion towards the one guaranteeing.

- Increased AE impact for Daimyos conquering other Daimyos.

- Tweaked AE impact of some CBs

- refusing alliance calls now gives the bonus opinion properly.

- Canceling fleet basing, and declining an offer about fleet basing/military access does no longer give relation penalties (revoking and refusing access still gives penalties as it should).

- Will no longer get 'Competitor for world domination' against vassals

- Toned down AE multiplier effects a bit

- When a country is annexed, all its temporary opinion modifiers will now be cleared

Lucky Nations

- Exported historical-lucky to a scriptfile, so modders can now have what they want in their mods.

- Lucky nation bonus on monarch stats are now +1 instead of +2.

- The player should now never be set as lucky

- Lucky nations no longer changes when a nation is annexed


- It is no longer possible to westernise while overextended.

- Rebalanced prestige dramatically, its now harder to get capped.

- Non-existent countries will no longer bump down your score.

- Fixed an exploit where you could run an endless amount of colonies at no cost

- When changing country tags, a country will now always get the culture group union setting of the tag they change to

- Tweaked AI/Player bonuses

- Moving capital to another continent is only possible if you only have one province on that continent.


Strategic AI

- Will now remain passive for 12 months after a player drops or tag-switches to prevent undesirable AI management of a player's country in MP

- Will devote less of its budget to the army if it's in a safe position

- Will devote more of its budget to colonization if its income is fairly low

- Will now make use of harsh treatment, particularily when they are a tiny country whose capital is at risk of revolt

- Will now consider diplovassalization as an alternative to outright expansion, especially if it is the Holy Roman Emperor

- Prefers taking vassals instead of conquering when majorly behind in admin tech

- Will now prefer larger, cheaper armies of infantry if their income is poor

- More consistent about when to use long-term savings to recruit mercs due to war or rebels

- Much better at planning out military access to reach enemies and bring home stranded units

- Will now compare their navies to those of rivals when determining its fleet size.

- Will now disband troops if bankruptcy is looming, even if they are at war or have revolts

- Better at managing and repaying bank loans

- Less willing to grab provinces unless they have an actual cultural or strategic interest in them

- More interested in vassalizing rather than outright conquest under certain circumstances

- Less willing to let countries get away with holding unlawful territory if they decline a request to return it

- Will no longer declare any wars while attempting to westernize

- Better at conquering overseas targets

- Daimyos now have properly working AI for their mechanics, and will attempt to take over Japan

- Shogun will now attack a Daimyo that grows too large

- Better at balancing monarch point spending between tech, ideas and short-term actions

- Will no longer pick Naval, Exploration or Expansion ideas if they lack ports

- Much better at setting up a proper budget and maintaining an appropriate standing army and navy

- More prio on conquering overseas provinces with gold or high trade importance

- Better at converting and culture-flipping primitives

- Better at determining which provinces are most important to convert

- Smarter about when to take loans to raise mercs

- More prio on attacking countries that hold critical provinces (such as Novgorod for Muscovy)

- Less aggressive and more rational about expansion, especially in the HRE

- Aggressiveness and general behaviour is now much more closely tied to AI personality

- Will no longer seize colonies that it cannot core

- Tweaked force composition logic to include less cav and more art in the late game

- Will no longer attempt to westernize unless it has a ADM 4+ ruler, 0 war exhaustion and a strong manpower reserve

- More prone to switching rivals when it makes sense to do so

- More willing to join allies in defensive wars

- More spending on armies for horde nations

- Less interested in conquering the Papal capital if Catholic

- Less willing to join allies in offensive wars unless it has the 'Friendly' attitude

- Will no longer join a coalition if it has no AE towards the target country

- Much better at determining how to spend papal influence

- Will no longer fabricate claims on provinces they have other CBs for

- More restrained about when to fabricate claims in general

- Smarter about when to enact the vassalisation of the HRE.

- Much more prio on building regular buildings over unique ones

- Higher prio on colonizing downstream of its existing colonies

- AI countries that are in a threatened position will now allocate more of their budget to the military

- When calculating the AI's conquest prio against a country, their vassals are now counted as being part of that country

- When calculating border distance for purposes of diplomacy, a country's vassals are now counted as being part of that country

- Countries with very slow tech speeds now spend more money on armies and advisors rather than simply letting it pile up

- Rewrote AI government selection logic to create a more logical progression of governments

- AI Republics will no longer vote in someone that would cause them to drop to a monarchy.

- Better at tweaking navy and army maintenance according to the situation

- Added ai_will_do logic to ideagroups, for now AI just avoids ideagroups if they evaluate to 0


- More willing to make peace if enemy is fully occupied

- Will no longer force-vassalize countries that it cannot reasonably ever diploannex due to negative opinion modifiers

- Now understands when integration/annexation is impossible due to the size of the target

- More prio on improving relations with countries they want to ally but can't due to negative relations

- More prio on maintaining an alliance that is in danger of failing due to low opinion

- Will no longer insult a country that already has the insulted opinion penalty against them

- Will no longer agree to buy non-core non-claim provinces if they are a vassal

- Will no longer leave a coaliton unless it has been in said coalition for at least 5 years

- Will now make use of gifts when attempting to vassalize or diploannex a country

- Will now always accept offers of military access from their allies

- Far less willing to join wars when low on manpower or heavily in debt

- No longer willing to give out fleet basing rights if they are a colonial power

- Will now reject peace offers of gold if it has other things it wants instead

- When releasing annexed countries, AI will prefer releasing countries of a different culture from the releasing country

- Better at evaluating when it wants and doesn't want to release countries and vassals from an enemy

- No longer interested in returning cores to vastly inferior tech group countries

- Will now always want some allies, even if they have maxed out diplo relations from vassals etc

- More interested in releasing annexed/vassal HRE countries if they themselves are HRE

- No longer interested in releasing vassals that the releasing country has cores on

- No longer willing to buy provinces from a country that is suffering from revolts

- Now properly takes stability hit into account when considering whether to join an offensive war

- Simplified peace deals, AI now only has thumbs up and thumbs down to make it easier to negotiate with

- HRE members are now a bit harder to diplovassalize


- Prefers directing trade along sea routes, if they have a decent-sized merchant fleet

- Fixed a bug that was making the trade AI overprioritize steering from certain nodes

- More prio on steering where they have power

- More aggressive about using embargos on powers that are pulling away vast amounts of trade from their home node

- More prio on embargoing rival trade powers that are embargoing them

- Better at determining where their trade ships are most needed


- Will no longer attempt to besiege provinces unless they have at least 500 more troops than the garrison size

- Very low prio on assigning leaders to attached armies

- Should now make sure it is detaching stacks with sufficient numbers of troops when carpet sieging enemies

- Will no longer march vast distances to attach to friendly units

- Now able to properly tell when a nearby unit will be able to join them against an enemy army or not

- Will no longer attach to armies that are earmarked for a sea invasion

- Better at recovering morale before rushing into combat

- Better at coordinating armies with its allies

- Less inclined to siege provinces deep in enemy territory

- More prio on helping friends engaged in combat with the enemy

- Now understands when it is a good idea to lift a siege in order to engage enemy troops

- Now able to take into account when troops are unloading from a ship into a province they are traveling to

- Better at determining when it is safe to split off siege stacks

- Better at determining when it is a good idea to pursue retreating enemies

- More careful about sending armies to distant areas if it is low on manpowwer

- Less prio on chasing after small enemy armies

- Better at concentrating forces against enemy armies

- Now understands when to withdraw siege forces because of approaching enemy armies

- Much more careful about getting trapped in provinces that are only connected via straits when it does not have naval supremacy

- Now aware of the effects of combined arms when calculating army strength

- Will no longer send in a weak army ahead of a strongerarmy when launching an attack from multiple directions

- Better at calculating odds of victory before starting a battle

- Now takes into account skill of leaders when determining the relative strength of armies and navies

- Should now 'wake up' armies from invasion mode if the surrounding area turns into a warzone

- Now understands how to get military access to and chase down enemy units sheltering in neighbouring neutral countries

- Now always willing to attach to their overlord in war

- Improved logic for AI army composition, should no longer be using all inf or all art stacks etc

- Less willing to send armies far away from its own territory when low on manpower

- Newly recruited armies will now wait for other armies under construction to finish before heading off to fight the enemy

Navy AI

- Will now explore with single ships instead of small fleets

- Better at dealing with pirates

- Will now abort sea invasions if waiting for ships that aren't going to arrive

- Will abort invasions that cannot be safely executed due to enemy navies

- Better at blockading enemy fleets in port

AI related Bugs

- Fixed a bug where AI armies would be stuck attached to units they no longer wanted to follow

- Fixed a bug where the AI would constantly attach and detach from an army that was slightly above average supply limits

- Fixed a bug in AI trade steering where it would steer in the wrong direction

- Fixed a bug where the AI Pope could offer to convert religion in a peace deal

- Fixed a bug where the AI would not buy mercs if the precise type they wanted wasn't available

- Fixed a bug that was making AI fleets take wild detours to distant places when they had no valid target to travel to

- Fixed a bug where the AI would endlessly send and recall merchants from certain trade nodes

- Fixed a bug where AI armies would ignore rebels in their own territory because of a bad force strength check

- Fixed a bug that was making AI armies 'bounce' when trying to siege rebel provinces

- Fixed a math error that was making the AI severely underestimate the power of large, low-morale armies

- Fixed a bug that was making the AI treat provinces bordering wasteland and uncolonized territory as outside the fog of war

- Fixed a bug that was causing the AI to endlessly split and merge its troops when sieging

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from converting to non-preferred faiths

- Fixed a bug with force march that was making the AI turn it on and off constantly

- Fixed a bug where the AI would not correctly disband mercenaries it no longer wanted

- Fixed a bug that was allowing the AI to opt out of 'Leader can negotiate for us' in coalition wars

- Fixed a bug that was causing AI units to get stuck in a loop while unloading from ships

- Fixed a bug in trade AI that was causing it to steer trade through unnecessarily long routes

- Fixed several lockups in peace AI that could cause endless wars

- Fixed a bug that caused the AI's armies to go braindead if you tag switched to and from them

- Fixed a bug where AI countries who just got declared war on would send out a double call to arms to their allies

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from shipping home troops under certain circumstances

- Fixed a bug where the AI would not move to help its own armies when fighting rebels on foreign soil

- Fixed a bug where AI would wrongly evaluate return core / release vassal / release annexed on war allies as targeting the war leader (ie France would want to return cores from Portugal to Morocco)

- Cut ai_hard_strategy from saves as it is no longer used



- Display correct multiplayer server

- Ignore case when sorting names

- Fixed filters for lobby servers

- Fixed server information mismatch

- Keep scrollbar position when a new server is added


- The tooltips for the clients now belongs to thier selected country instead of the hosts selected country.

- If a savegame is already transfered to a client through the lobby, it will not be transfered again.

- Server can request password from client on connect


- Rewrote some parts of the hotjoin-process. (should go faster now)

- Added a lot of information to the ingamelobby during hotjoin. (savegame transfer etc.)

- Fixed bug with file transfer during hotjoin.

- Fixed some oos-bugs.


- When host pauses the game, noone else can unpause

- Fixed a pause-bug on the standalone server where the server sometimes didn't unpause correctly after a player joined.

- Don't update map mode on refused connection

- Show password prompt when connecting to password protected server from friend

- Fixed passwords for MP

- Fixed connect to ID not containing the correct ID

- Connection status dialog no longer cuts to long messages

- Fixed crash when going oos using different languages on clients.

- The oos-error code are now shown for everybody in the game after an oos.

- Clicking a player in the outliner is now a shortcut for whisper

Interface Improvements

Major additions

- Added coalitions page to the ledger.

- Diplomatic offer now has a check box that will make the dialog pop up instantly.

- Call to arms will pop up instantly.

- Added message for when a future cardinal previously loyal to us is now loyal to somebody else.


- Browse-button in content now opens DLC- or MOD-pages depending on what tab is selected.

- Country selection: Don't display shortcut shields until game setup is shown.

Diplomatic Interface

- Rivals can now be set by clicking on the map.

- Show in tooltip why some shields are grey.

- Fixed glitch when tag switching and having the window open.

- Removed focus from search field when window is hidden.

- Added info when you can insult again in diplomacy tooltip.

- Fixed alliance AI acceptance tooltip to match with AI logic.

- Added attitude icon for human player.

- Replaced blood drop attitude icon with a flame.

- Declare War: Forcing a vassal or a lesser union partner will now warn you about who you are about to go to war with.

- Declare War: Added missing line break after "All Provinces" when listing war goal peace options.


- Fixed annexation tooltip to display that you can't annex the emperor.

- If we disable the "become vassal" option and it is selected, we deselect it.

- Better readability in peace offer concede list.

- Added information of how the Diplomatic Power cost was calculated in the tooltip for returning cores.

- AE info no longer show countries that will receive 0 opinion change


- Reorganize: Fixed list order changing when moving ships and fixed type sort

- Detached damaged from a fleet now gives the new fleet a fleet name instead of an army name.

- No longer possible to detach damaged units if all of them are damaged

- Disabled buttons for splitting army while it is in shattered state.

- Scorched Earth now shows correct MIL cost

- Enemy panel visible over friend panel

- Maintenance tooltips now show the correct values.

- Combat view: fixed tooltip for insufficient support to accurately describe effects and to use the correct color for being a malus.

- Combat view: Added tooltips to the numbers to show how many troops are in each line, reserves or retreating.

- Siege view: Show breach description if the walls are breached.

- Siege view: Added new siege, breach and assault pictures.

HRE Intergace

- Fixed the overlapping of emperor's name.

- The button now glows when a reform can be enacted.


- Show error message when failing to save cloud file.

- Save game folder entries are now properly aligned and have an icon as well.

- It's now possible to load from and to observer-savegames from ingame.

- debug_saves in settings.txt now works with numbers greater than 12, so you can set the game to save every 5 years, 10 years, etc.


- Improved navy tooltip in outliner.

- Added additional information to the tooltip of the diplomat Improving Relations.


- Implemented tooltips for pie charts.

- Fixed column sizes for trade nodes and province overview.


- Correct message is now shown if a lesser union partner breaks.

- Call to arms popups now lists the war name when possible.

- Add goto-button to ~30 of message-popups.

- Rebels entered our country now has a go to button.

- Added icon for choosing between alert or popup when dealing with alliance offers.

- Added the stats of the heir to the "new heir"-popup.

- "Cardinal No Longer Loyal to us" Goto button opens Papacy view.

- Sell province message is no longer received for undiscovered countries.

- GOTO button in end of combat message now works when the unit was wiped.


- Diplomatic-alerts now fade in/out when the are about to expire instead of blinking randomly.

- Show Stability and Expansion tab when clicking Overextension alert.

- Fixed country at war alert for non-existing country.

- Added 4 alerts: alert_can_vote_for_cardinal, alert_can_convert_province, alert_over_diplomatic_relations and alert_can_westernize.


- It is now possible to get hints for already chosen ideas.

- Updated idea group cost in the hint.


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  Misc Interface fixes.

- Economy tab: Fixed colony maintenance tooltip.

- Trade: Trade interface and Unit view now send ships on to Protect Trade in the same way as the AI.

- Shortcuts: The keys 'p' and 'i' are now used to open papacy- & HRE-view.Map mode: Trade Steering percentage in the on-map tooltip is no longer divided by 100.

- Papacy view: Fixed long country names overlapping.

- Government tab: Slightly improved tooltip for advisor skill.

- The gui textbox for mission titles is now much wider

- Canceling building Confirmation Window now shows the correct percentage of returned investment.

- Find province: Pressing enter when searching for a country will take you to the capital.

- Top bar: Fixed so ducats above 9999 are displayed as "10K" etc.

- fixed enemy core-cost icon.

- Fixed duplicate + sign in power increase tooltip.

- Updated missionary strength icon. Replaced the die with a fist.

- Why missionaries have no progress is now listed in the tooltip for construction/outliner.

- Discovery chance display for spy actions are now a monthly chance.

- Clicking leader attribute icons will sort them as well.

- Can no longer see where an army is doing a shattered retreat unless it's your own unit.

- Fixed correct update of secondary map mode when forced.

- All building icons now has a proper frame.

- Hide HRE button if the HRE is dismantled.

- Unit types icons are now smaller to avoid tooltip overlapping.

- Fixed display of religious bonus in missionary tooltip if negative.

- Better user feedback about halted coring when in war with another core owner.

- On Monarch Death tooltip will now show the name of an heir's dynasty.

- tooltips now uses correct way to calculate maintenance costs.

- The mouse cursor now changes to the normal cursor if hovering a gui-object while Production Interface is open.

- Fixed bug where land maintenance would be shown instead of naval maintenance.

- If you can't afford to build a unit the tooltip now says how much cash you need.

- Buildings: Fixed canceling unique building construction.

- Rewrote tooltip for CV_BREAK_COUNTRY_CITIES.

- Cleaned up tooltip for REPUBLICAN_TRADITION_IRO.

- Colony view: Added a decimal to colonist chance.Economy tab: Maintenance slider tooltips now show final effect on morale (after modifiers and adjusting for minimum value).

- Stability tab: Fixed on siege effect display in Handle rebels.

- Religion tab: Provinces that cannot be converted are now placed at the bottom of the list when sorting on conversion time.

- Economy tab: Added base maintenance string to unit maintenance tooltip make it clearer why it differs from economy calculations.

- Economy tab: Inflation now update immediately when inflation changes.

User Modding

- Ideagroups can now contain an idea already existing in another ideagroup!

- Ideagroups can now have "overrides" in other files, where triggers/bonus/start can be changed.. if a mod for example just want to allow the Aztecs to get the French national ideas.

- Added triggers historical_friend_with = tag and historical_rival_with = tag

- Added new modifier inflation_action_cost = x, which modifies the code of the reduce inflation action.

- Added defines DIPLOMATIC_ACTION_FABRICATE_CLAIM_HRE_FACTOR & DIPLOMATIC_ACTION_FABRICATE_CLAIM_HRE_EMPEROR_FACT OR for controlling AI willingness to fabricate inside the empire

- Added declare_war console command to start a war (no CB) between two nations.

- Fixed hidden function for add_ruler_modifier and add_country_modifier

- define_ruler and define_heir now work correctly when using dynasty = ROOT/FROM/PREV

- has_casus_belli trigger now takes ROOT/PREV/FROM/EMPEROR correctly

- Fixed a better tooltip for rename_capital effect

- Fixed effect for spawning female rulers

- Fixed effect for spawning female heirs

Achievements & Ironman

- Jihad achievement should now work again

- African Power achievement should now work again

- Ruina Imperii achievement should now work again

- Fixed a bug with achievement_norwegian_wood

- There is now a small icon on the savegame list for ironman saves.

- Improved performance of ironman (it now saves smarter)

- Game now clarifies that achievements are toggled off due to ironman not being enabled.

- Removed random new country button when loading a ironman save

- Play as released vassal option not available in ironman mode

Events & Decisions

Country Formation Decisions

- Removed culture_group_union effect from all country formation decisions

- Decision form_manchu_dynasty now gives claims instead of cores on Chinese region

- Eastern religion countries (ie, Manchu) will now change to Chinese tech group instead of Muslim when reforming out of tribalism

- unite_japan decision releases all remaining daimyo vassals as free nations

- Added a decision to form Japan for an independent Daimyo

- Prussian Nation decisions will now be visible to the player from game start

- Can no longer form Spain diplomatically before adm tech 10

- Diplomatic formation of Spain is now a bit less likely to happen, but results in inheriting Aragon

- The form Persia decision changes technology group to muslim

- The form Persia decision changes government form to despotic monarchy

- Decision malayan_nation now gives claims instead of cores

- Manchu can form Qing dynasty with Chinese techgroup

Move Capital Decisions

- move_capital_to_warsawa no longer gives +3 stability

- make_st_petersburg_capital no longer gives +3 stability

- make_st_petersburg_capital requires you to have a core on Neva

- move_capital_to_warsawa & make_st_petersburg_capital both cost 1 years of income

- make_constantinople_capital no longer available unless Ottomans is Turkish and Sunni


- Added missing dlc checks to Muslim decisions

- Thalassocracy is now a decision for anyone dominating either baltic or mediterranean trade.

- statute_of_monopolies now require 30% mercantilism instead of 75%

Major Event Chains

- All major revolt event chains require no active revolts and positive stability to end

- Peasants War can now end quicker if you have higher stability

- Catholic religation MTTH modifiers in event "Peasants' War" will only count for catholic countries

- Liberum Veto "Reform" event requires monarch skills of 3 instead of 4

- Event "End of the Liberum Veto" now give neighbors claims instead of cores

- Fixed a problem with the ending of the "Dacke Feud" event chain

- "Dacke Feud" last at least three years instead of one unless Dacke is killed

- WotR start event now adds the appropriate support modifier in the rebels home province

- Fixed wrong flag set in event flavor_eng.9263

- Opinions for helping/meddling with the War of the Roses are now 50/-50

- Tweaked effects of the WotR event "Rebel Leaders Captured"

- The effects from "Rebel Leaders Captured" event now properly affect other WotR events

- Events that end the WotR now gives +1 stability

- Border Friction events fire more/less often based on opinion

- Event ideagroups.1017 "Naval Construction!" now gives 2 heavy ships instead of 3

- "Fear and Loathing" event series will no longer trigger for regencies

- Time of Troubles will last at least three years

- Increased/decreased likelyhood of Time of Troubles events based on positive stability

- False Dimitri event chain no longer happens unless Russia is a monarchy

- Event "End of the Time of Troubles" gives a choice to create Mikhail Romanov

- Event civil_war.100 "End of Civil War" can no longer fire within the first three years of civil war

- Fixed a few inconsistencies in liberalism event chain

- Tweaked start event of Janissaries event series

- The first option for event flavor_tur.107 "Janissary Palace Coup" will also kill the heir

- Burgundy collapse events can now happen even if they are lucky

- Spain/Castile can now inherit part of Burgundy if they have a royal marriage

- The emperor no longer get part of Burgundy if in a losing war against them

Japanese Catholic Events

- Event flavor_jap.7 "Nanban Boeki" will no longer trigger for a westernized nation

- Event flavor_jap.7 "Nanban Boeki" will no longer fire for Ryuku

- Event 9008 "Kirishitan Tensions" will only fire in provinces of Japanese culture

- Higher MTTH and less rebels in "Kirishitan Tensions" event

- Higher MTTH on "Kirishitan" event

- Tweaked ai options of events "Christian Pater" and "Christian Converts"

Papal State Events

- Event "The Papal State" removes core of nation that cede the province

- Event "The Papal State" will only give a province in Europe to the Pope

- Papal State will no longer be given a non-catholic province if they don't exist


- Event 807 "Large Revolt" will no longer target a colony with nationalist rebels

- Event random_event.5 "Our ancestors are watching" will only fire for monarchies

- Fixed bad trigger in event 9455 "Soarée"

- "Minorities flock to..." event will no longer trigger unless one province of wrong religion in home country

- Fixed wrong country tag in Pierre d'Aubusson event

- Event "Conservative Backlash" now requires idea divine_supremacy

- Fixed event flavor_bur.16 not being able to trigger for the Netherlands

- Fixed spawn unit effect in event 2062 "Native Attack"

- Event 882 "Expanding influence" now gives a claim instead of a core

- Rebalanced "Exceptional Year" events

- Event flavor_pol.3488 "Turko-Polish Tension" now gives claim for ROOT rather than POL

- Event flavor_hun.2 "Mattias Corvinus or an Habsburg king" now kills previous king

- Event ideagroups.1308 "The Power of the Fleet" now checks for an actual fleet

- Event colonial.8 "A Witch!" will only fire for Christian/Western nations

- Event flavor_hol.3507 "Dutch Military Reforms" now gives right monarch powers & tradition

- Event 11240 "Choosing a Tomb" now gives mil points to temples and dip points to enuchs

- The triggers for event "The Treaty of Nerchiinsk" now checks for either Ming or Qing

- Removed accepted culture Greek from event flavor_rus.3415

- Event flavor_swe.3231 "The Mercantile Reforms" now gives correct modifiers

- Event flavor_rus.1011 "Grand Embassy Arrives in CAPITAL" gives opinion about correct country

- Changed MTTH for event flavor_lit.10 from 2000 to 12 months

- Second option of vent tribal_succession.1 "Tribal Succession Crisis" now kills of current heir

- Event 9470 "Heir is of our Dynasty" will no longer target non-monarchies

- Added additional trigger conditions to event 737 "Local fortification expert discovered"

- Event 5096 "Influenced elections" will no longer fire for an elector that is emperor

- Event trade.7 "Merchants suffering" can no longer target your own nodes

- Rebalanced effects for event flavor_fra.3139 "Machault and the 5% tax"

- France can no longer join the League of Augsburg against itself

- Event ideagroups.1200 "Colonist Rush" require quest_for_the_new_world and at least 1 colony

- Event flavor_sco.3 "Cardinal Beaton" will no longer fire for a non-Catholic Scotland

- Added localisation for opinion_pierre_daubusson

- Fixed option localisation for event "Fyodor Baikov's Diplomatic Intermezzo"

- Fixed localisation error for event flavor_rus.1011 "Grand Embassy in CAPITALNAME"

- Fixed order of localization for options in event flavor_fra.3139 "Machault and the 5%


- Fixed bad abort trigger in no_ottomans_in_eastern_balkans mission

- Fixed bad abort trigger in no_ottomans_in_western_balkans mission

- fixed typo in delhi mission title

- Mission change_province_culture will no longer fire for wrong-religion provinces

- control_the_pope mission require theocracy government or at least 5 provinces to fire

- Upped the chance for Purple Phoenix missions

- the_pentarchy mission is now category DIP instead of MIL

- the_pentarchy mission weights scaled down slightly

- defeat_rebels_mission now gives +5 prestige instead of +2 stability.

- No longer possible to get same mission twice in a row

- subjugate_novgorod is now a conquest mission rather than a vassalization mission

- Mission establish_trade_in_indonesian_cot_por can only fire once

- Mission establish_trade_in_indonesian_cot can only fire once

- Mission establish_trade_in_indian_cot can only fire once

- Mission establish_trade_in_american_cot can only fire once

- Mission monopolize_british_cot can only fire once

- Mission monopolize_italian_cot can only fire once

- Fixed abort trigger for dutch_colony_in_brazil mission

- Mission insult_rival should now work

- Mission get_presence_in_india will remove excess claims on success

- Mission get_foothold_in_china will remove excess claims on success

- Fixed triggers for mission access_to_the_baltic_sea

- Fixed broken abort trigger for no_territory_to_the_ottomans mission

- Mission title for annex_savoy now says "...into the realm" instead of Kingdom

- Better success trigger localisation for mission royal_marriage_threat

- Fixed better localisation for missions befriend_rival_rival and befriend_threat_rival

- Mission message now has text on Go to button

- Fixed an exploit with Ming and the religious unity mission where you could repeatedly complete it for endless amounts of points

- Added 11 new missions for the Ottomans to guide them towards their historical conquests

- Fixed wrong scope used in success trigger for mission insult_rival

- Mission fortify_province now gives 1 manpower instead of 0.05

- Mission build_colony_to_city now gives 0.5 manpower instead of 0.2

- Mission convert_the_pagans now gives 0.5 manpower instead of 0.3


Setup & History

- Changed colors of Persia, Bar, Dulkadir, Armenia and Tripoli

- Tweaked country colors of Ragusa, Pegu and Ayutthaya

- Added in historical birth dates for 95 countries

- Added Qing tag for Manchu to form.

- Manchu now starts as a horde

- Factions are now removed after 1645 start for Ming.

- Removed French core in Antwerpen

- Spain now has its correct flag

- Muskowy now has the correct flag again

- Uzbeks change to muslim tech group in 1501

- Ragusa starts with a regency

- Fixed some regnal numbers for Lithuanian rulers

- Removed Ottoman guarantee on Athens

- Athens starts as a vassal of the Byzantines

- Fixed provinces belonging to Russia before Russia is properly formed

- First Muscovite-Lithuanian War is no longer fought over Niederbayern...

- Controller change in Volhynia in 1654 changed from POL to PLC

- Added more monarch, army and ship names for England and Great Britain

- Added better monarch, leader and ship names for turkish states

- Added culture_group_union to Hindustan and Holy Roman Empire country history files

- NAJ is now the primary tag for bedouin_arabic culture

- KAZ is now the primary tag for tartar culture

- CSH is now the primary tag of Han culture

- Riga now has Prussian as primary culture

- Strengthened Manchu traditions and provinces to make them better able to expand into China

- Strengthened Teutonic Order, the Ottomans and Indian Sultanates.

- Scotland and France will now take exploration ideas earlier

- Mamluks are now historical rivals with Timurids

- Aragon are now historical friends with Castile

- Tweaked historical friends setup in the Baltic

Map & Trade

- Strait between Tokachi and Kuril Islands now go across Sanriku Coast

- Trade now flows Hangzhou-Beijing instead of Beijing-Hangzhou

- Galapagos is now part of the Andes region and can get tradegoods if colonized

- Reassigned some provinces to different tradenodes in the pacific

- Expanded sight range for steppe nomad techgroup

- Expanded Chinese sight range

- Manchu, Oirats & Mongols can now see Japan

- Increased sight range of Indian tech group

- "Central Pacific Basin" and "Coast of Alaska" are no longer neighbors.


- Tweaked the historical idea setups of numerous countries

- In later start dates, last unlocked idea group now starts with a few ideas based on how close you are to the next ideagroup in tech

Stability & Performance


- Fixed all reported reproducible crash problems, including, but not limited to: empty war history, savegame transfer, hre interface, etc.

- Fixed game freeze when forming country.

- Fixed game freeze if saving the game when only having 1 available core.

- Fixed some random crashes some users experienced.

- Fixed crashes when failing to retrieve resolution


- Optimized AI acceptance chance calculation.

- Optimized AI military access calculation.

- Optimized the trade AI to make use of less distance checks and tick less often.

- Optimized the financial AI.

- Optimized AI when checking for alliance possibilities.


- Threaded monthly update of trade goods prices.

- Threaded calculation of the most likely rebel being done on monthly update.

- Threaded calculation of gained and lost CBs.

- Optimized calculation of defection country for rebels.

- Optimized mission and revolt risk alerts.

- Optimized country and province monthly update.


- Optimized game for when we disable trees/terrain/water/borders.

- Optimized water shader.

- Optimized province on map icons.

- Border optimization


- Cached land morale, calculated on daily update.

- Cached naval morale, calculated on daily update.

- Cached military power, calculated on daily update.

- Don't do a daily update if you are about to autosave.

- Reduced lategame saves by about 10%.


- Restart sounds we try to play, that is already playing.

- Fixed issue with music not resuming after pause.

- Reduced frequency of cannon sound during siege.

- Slightly reduced volume of cannon sound during siege.

- Religion view: Fixed show sound not always playing.

- Fixed pause/game speed sound not always playing.

- Only play the papal controller change sound when the controller actually has changed.

- Fixed minor sound related issues.


- Fixed cursors having white halo on Linux.

- Possible to choose resolution below min_gui.

- Fixed issue with black areas in TI.

Major Bugfixes

- Annexing a country will no longer reset your steering in their tradenodes.

- Fixed a bug which caused shattered retreats to not work while in hostile territory.

- Fixed a major bug which caused regiments to be at multiple places at once in combat.

- Imperial reforms that enable/disable features now rollback properly.

- Fixed fired events not being updated when loading game from game setup

- Pending events should no longer fill up with illegal events that may fire at a future reload.

- Pending events now work properly with namespace events after patches adding new ones.

- YesMan is now reset when starting a new game.

- Merchant and diplomats travel back on annexation

Minor Bugfixes

- Fixed problems with spanish, german & french localisations.

- Fixed peace message for allies in war

- Font in frontend settings is now corrected

- Religious rebel flags got a slight touch up and are now added

- Sprite no longer overlaps if Marching from Brabant to Antwerp.

- Land Units and Sea Units are no longer placed on top of each other in Sulu/Sulu Sea.

- Fixed wrong country name in offer alliance tooltip

- Fixed length of labels in macro build

- Fixed so Manage Overextension button has localization instead of static text

- Fixed Bug where shields in diplomacy view flickered on daily update.

- Economy view: Don't update information during a daily/monthly update (fixed production value flicker)

- Peace view: Fixed extra - in description

- Category-icons in log are now click-able again.

- Rearranged log-icons and added tooltips.

- Fix pop-up text overlapping accept button in diplomacy dialogs

- Show busy cursor on resign

- When more than 5 events event options the list is scrollable and does not overflow window.

- Fixed bug where the stripes of the diplomatic mapmode was not updated when a new country was selected.

- Tutorial: chapter buttons are now larger

- Tutorial: layout has been adjusted to accommodate for larger chapter buttons

- Improved hunt rebels path finding

- Diplomatic expiration now checked on daily update

- Added validation step for war allies

- Removed unused gfx and cleaned gfx-files

- Trees no longer extend into the sea in southeast Asian provinces.

- Province Handan no longer has a tiny bit of river in Jinan assigned to it.

- Fixed heightmap bugs

- Tweaks to mountains in Europe not to be too extreme

- Fixed inverted normals for red channel in meshes

- Fixed possible overflow in MTTH triggers

- Fix colonist disappearing when selling province.

- Fixed an issue where you could "detach damaged" from a fleet of size 1 creating a empty fleet.

- Fixed issue with Player being granted an additional diplomat because of "ai_nation" modifier

- Fixed issue with diplomats and merchants returning home after annex

- Fixed a bug where countries that were inherited or diploannexed during war would exist as 'ghost' countries constantly moving their capital about

- Fixed bug where the effects of espionage actions were not removed when the diplomat left the country.

- Fixed discover from bookmark not being reversed correctly

- Units in foreign territory should now never be able to get stuck after a war ends

- Fixed camera locked after canceling exit to menu and reset.

- Fixed a few issues where the game would break if a patch added new countries.

- Fixed broken continent trigger scope

- Added localisation for trigger all_province

- Fixed typo in loading tip 73

- Fixed flickering select country text when loading IM game.

- Fixed faulty conditions for IM allowed.

- Finish lakes are now Finnish lakes

- Fixed bug where the tooltip for the unit change screen contained information about shock and fire modifiers, not base values. Also added more text to the morale icon on the same screen.

- Fixed some bugs with revolter countries and bad capitals.

- Fixed broken messageicon for combat.

- Fixed a bug where sometimes an incorrect opinion value would be displayed in diplomacy.

- Fixed bad country tag for historical_rival for Crimea

- Fixed bad effect for decision chinese_nation

- Fixed two bad triggers in governments.txt

- All CBs are now saved in savegame, even if endyear < 1.

- War: Removes fighting war status from old country when changing to a new country

- Units will now update to preferred type when changing unit type through decision

- Fixed a bug where historical buildings would not appear correctly due to scripted owner changes before gamestart

- Fixed a bug in succession wars where the target of the succession war would not get called in

- Fixed autosave happening on 2nd day of month

- Save games: Fixed issue with losing diplomats on loading in-game save.

- Fixed bug where the outliner tooltip for a fabricating diplomat would show the wrong discovery chance.

- Tutorial: Fixed so you have enough adm power to buy stability

- Tutorial: Fixed a trigger for if the rebels have spawned

- Tutorial: Fixed minor faulty page numbering

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30 метров всего что то маловато

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Идеи в DLC не сунули? DLC по Америке только про штаты или индейцы тоже затронуты?

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Наконец то он вышел. Списочек внушает.

Кто будет заливать для пиратской версии - залейте на rghost.ru или rusfolder.ru (только не на яндекс)


Изменено пользователем Scald
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Идеи в DLC не сунули? DLC по Америке только про штаты или индейцы тоже затронуты?

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress of the 13 American Colonies declared independence from Great Britain. The American Revolutionary War, having started the year before, would last for another seven years and see the birth of a new nation, the United States of America.

Europa Universalis IV: American Dream DLC adds over 50 new, unique events, 10 themed event pictures, as well as several new units models to the United States of America

Ссылка на комментарий

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress of the 13 American Colonies declared independence from Great Britain. The American Revolutionary War, having started the year before, would last for another seven years and see the birth of a new nation, the United States of America.

Europa Universalis IV: American Dream DLC adds over 50 new, unique events, 10 themed event pictures, as well as several new units models to the United States of America

Видимо делали только для американцев. Не вижу смысла играть 50 лет. Проходной DLC, увы.

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fffggg, скоро будет патч для пиратки?

А я откуда знаю? Я не делаю пиратских патчей.

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Burning a colony now makes all ships leave port.

Классная тема! Теперь наконец-то ИИ не сможет отсиживаться в порту до конца войны, как собственно и игрок. Классная вещь ;)

Moving units no longer loot.

А вот тут не ясно, что имеется в виду.

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

В работоспособности не уверен, за что купил за то и продаю.

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

В работоспособности не уверен, за что купил за то и продаю.

У меня работает.

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Даааа, АИ теперь совсем другой. Ни Византией толком с турками не повоюешь, да и столетнюю войну за Англию на Hard/AI bonus уже даже в ноль вывести малореально.

Moving units no longer loot.

А вот тут не ясно, что имеется в виду.

Войска на марше больше не могут грабить. Надо остановиться.

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

В работоспособности не уверен, за что купил за то и продаю.

Антивир ругается :huh:

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UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.22.0.to.v1.22.2-RezMar - (Checksum 7645) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.22.0 or newer. Updat


Here it is the update.   UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.20.1.to.v1.21.1-RezMar - Checksum (63a8) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game u


Загрузить 1.28.2 Hotfix Patch Europa Universalis IV Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Требование к игре: версия 1.28.1.   З.Ы. Принимаю в дар:


Here it is finally... some old DLCs was updated too. UPDATES ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.22.2.to.v1.23.0-RezMar - (Checksum 1b5e) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need


A lot of DLCs was updated...   UPDATES ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.23.0.to.v1.24.0-RezMar - (Checksum c6bc) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game


UPDATES ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.24.0.to.v1.24.1-RezMar - (Checksum 0625) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.24.0 (checksum c6bc).


Here it is the update...   UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.19.2.to.v1.20.0-RezMar - Checksum (072a) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game


UPDATE ONLY Europa.Universalis.IV.Update.v1.20.0.to.v1.20.1-RezMar - Checksum (07f1) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. NOTE! You need to have game updated to v1.20.0 checksum (072a).

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