The Historical Plausibility Project(FTM) - Моды - Перейти к содержимому

The Historical Plausibility Project(FTM)

Генерал Чейз

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Генерал Чейз

HPP-один из самых лучших модов,которых я видел для The Finest Hour.Также добавлю,что он один из самых популярных модов на Paradox(англосаксонском) форуме.Но все по порядку.Мод во первых был сделан,чтобы разнообразить игру,добавить больше событий,решений,развить АИ стран и улучшить игровой процесс.И я скажу проект удачный.Все получилось очень хорошо.Проделали все что надо.Но самое интересное,что каждая партия игры,отныне незабываема и интересна.Например,в 1938 году Франция и Великобритания,могут выступить на стороне Чехословакии и напасть на Германию.Или например Япония нападет на СССР в 1939 во время битвы на Халхин-Голе.И таких сценарий множество.Как говорится это мод про "что бы" или "если бы".В этом ее особенность.Также порадовало,также и переделование флагов на исторические.Например СССР или Третьего Рейха.

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Отзывы желательны :D




А с DiDays ICE пойдёт?

Скриншоты ещё меньше

Vanomas Fantomas

Добротный мод, но видел на "Модс ДБ" обновления по нему. Может кто-нить залил бы в шапку актуальную его версию?

Актуальная версия мода "The Historical Plausibility Project" на moddb:

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Дополнительные графические паки к моду.

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Мод крайне интересен, но не очень стабилен, бывают вылеты. Рекомендуется в первые полгода игры не включать скорость выше третьей.

Многие идеи мода HPP также инкорпорированы в не менее интересный мод "August storm" Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Этот мод отличается завидной стабильностью, переработанной картой, снимающей некоторые баги системы снабжения (в частности отсутствует "чёрная дыра Хамхунга" при игре за Японию) и повышенной хардкорностью, ИИ имеет очень большие бонусы даже на уровне "Нормал".


Может кто залить сборку игра+мод?


А у меня что-то не работает. :020: Хотя, при старте выбор мода есть.


Есть ли русификатор к моду?

Изменено пользователем maksyutar

Millenarian Emperor
Есть ли русификатор к моду?


Был бы Руссификатор к нему, давно бы Прикрепили в шапке темы.


Мод отличный, но играя за СССР заметил что танки в танковых дивизиях не меняются, как был изначально Т-28 так он и остаётся, меняются только характеристики, так же и с другими танковыми дивизиями.

Мод отличный, но играя за СССР заметил что танки в танковых дивизиях не меняются, как был изначально Т-28 так он и остаётся, меняются только характеристики, так же и с другими танковыми дивизиями.

Дополнительные графические паки ставили?


Тем временем, к моду HPP вышел патч с хотфиксом.

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 Change Log

Major changes (see this discussion thread)...

- The international status laws will now be linked to IC only and will give less leadership from Regional Power and upwards

- Additional leadership will now be provided by triggered modifiers based on the size of your armed forces (events will lock these in place so you don't lose leadership if your forces are destroyed)

- The percentage strength of reserve divisions will now be determined by conscription laws instead of economic laws and will be based on the army structure chosen (drafted armies will be at 50% and standing armies at 65%)

New features...

- If you choose to restructure the army there will now be a 12-month cooling-off period before you can do so again

- If you use the Standing Army model you will now be able to switch to the Extended Draft if you need more manpower

- A few new Debate in the Cabinet events have been added so that all law sets are covered apart from training and international status

- When you change a law through the Debate in the Cabinet event that choice will now be locked in place for 12 months (but may be unlocked by event on going to war or changing the ruling ideology)

- I have added a range of custom difficulty settings that can be activated by a menu of decisions and will allow you to give bonuses to the AI with different settings for the Allies, Axis, Comintern and neutral countries

- The Lend-Lease feature is now implemented for the player

Other changes...

- The effect of training laws on unit recruitment time has been greatly reduced

- The reinforcement bonus from training laws has also been reduced (expect to see higher reinforcement costs during war)

- Standing army laws will now give bonuses to officer recruitment

- The first draft of manpower by mobilizing of reserves or advertising the solider profession has been reduced in size by 20%

- The Mobilize for War decision has been renamed Prepare for War to avoid confusion with the law (and it will be visible in the diplomacy interface for everyone so you can check its trigger conditions before you choose to switch to Standing Army)

- The party organisation requirements for the Prepare for War decision have been relaxed a bit

- The river crossing penalty has been increased to 40%

- Harsh civil laws will now damage party support instead of giving bonuses

- State Press and Propaganda Press will now strengthen party support instead

- Opposition in the Press modifiers will now affect all parties including democracies

- The Harsh Methods modifiers will be more severe if your civil law isn't compatible with your ideology

- The counter-espionage bonuses/penalties have been moved from the press laws to civil laws

- Counter-intelligence penalties have been added to Free Press and Censored Press

- The Fascist ideology group governments no longer give a peacetime consumer goods bonus (they already benefit from better laws)

- The Communist ideology group governments now give a peacetime reduction to consumer goods demand instead

- National Socialism and Absolute Monarchy governments now give an NU bonus

- Imperial government now gives a smaller dissent bonus, greater NU bonus and an organisation regain bonus instead of greater organisation

- The international status law exceptions for nations such as the USA and UK are redundant and have been removed along with the decision-based system for fixing international status

- Events have been added to cap the international status of puppets

- The Weakened Power modifiers are now just industry-based but puppeted powers will always suffer dissent and ruling party support penalties

- Triggered modifiers have been added to provide small leadership adjustments for the UK and Commonwealth, the Spanish Civil War, the Chinese Civil War and the Soviet purges

- Spy recruitment has been increased by 50%

- New country modifiers have been added so that one manpower draft must be completed before the next one starts (this is mostly a fix for the AI)

- Increased the minimum numbers of mountaineers, marines and paratroopers you can build to 15, 12 and 6 brigades respectively

- The base transport aircraft cargo capacity has bee increased from 15 to 16.5 and the cargo hold techs will now give 1.5 capacity instead of 1.0 (this solves a lot of the problems with airborne divisions becoming too heavy)

- Soviet starting IC has been increased

- Soviet construction practical has been increased

- The Great Patriotic War modifiers have been re-worked and will now allow for land units to be built very quickly without affecting overall unit production

- The Great Patriotic War modifiers will now help an AI Soviet Union to build up massive land forces so it is actually capable of fighting back

- Some Soviet VPs moved from Leningrad and Vladivostok to Perm, Sverdlovsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk

- Low infrastructure in some Soviet IC provinces has been increased to 50%

- Terrain in Bruxelles and Amsterdam is now changed back to urban

- Republic of China's starting officer ratio has been increased

- Added a War of Resistance modifier for China (similar to GPW for the USSR)

- A few more army units will now stay loyal to the Spanish Republic

- The on-map IC and some resources have been removed from Luxembourg

- New national flags introduced for British India and Burma

- Some ruling party organisation is now added when the puppet war goal is enforced to reduce the risk of early rebellion

- All regular units in starting OOBs have been changed to reserves

- Some of Manchukuo's expeditionary units have been returned to Manchukuo

- A few extra British units have been added to Egypt for theatre balance and the garrisons of Gibraltar and Malta have been strengthened

- The taxation laws have been re-named

- The Women in Industry events have been re-weighted for the AI so it will be less stupid

- The encryption modifiers now provide the counter-intelligence bonuses

- Operation Torch no longer tries to set a US Concede Defeat war goal against Vichy because that really doesn't work if the war goal gets enforced (you should get a default conquer now)

- Germany can now add the Vichy war goal much earlier to avoid the scenario where Paris falls and France surrenders before the war goal can be added

- All the previous variants of the Vichy surrender have been re-implemented so Italy and Spain can now get a share of the spoils

- The British will now longer get a share of the French units when Vichy is formed (which created problems with trapped units and instant Operation Torch "invasions")

- The Vichy surrender now disbands 50% of the French units so Vichy can afford to support the ones that remain

- The Vichy surrender now gives a batch of convoys to Vichy so the country can actually function

- Both variants of the British surrender have now been implemented (if the USA is in the Allies the UK will go into exile)

Bug fixes...

- Fixed the IC condition for the Intermediate Power law

- Made some more fixes to the Burma Road decision and modifier

- The missing starting OOBs for Kuwait and Lebanon and have been added

- Issues with Soviet laws being reset due to early wars have been fixed by making specific exceptions if the great officer purge flag is set

- Fixed the Nationalise/Communise Private Sector events so they can't fire again until the effects have expired

- Fixed some bugs in the Edward VIII abdication chain and adjusted some of the outcomes

- South Africa will now break its alliance with the UK correctly on choosing neutrality

- Some fixes done to the Soviet transfer of industry decisions (the first decision will now enact Total Economic Mobilization when it sets the great war flag)

- Added new events to fix a bizarre issue that seems to happen where the Soviet AI can "lose" manpower when wars end

- A French division starting in an impassable province has been re-positioned

- The Chinese Huang He Dikes decision now correctly reduces every province in the flood region to infrastructure level 2

Czech Improvement Pack...

- Treaty of Munich and First Vienna Award chains re-worked (mostly a re-balancing of the AI percentages)

- Province changes (a bit more IC and the Sudetenland fortifications are completely removed)

- Expanded starting OOB (mostly extra support brigades for existing divisions)

- Some new Czech army leaders and photos added

- Some re-worked tank models and photos

- New events added to put Czech border fortifications into the production queue

- Czech construction practical increased slightly


- The scripts the AI uses to manage laws have been re-written

- With the law changes in this patch the AI is now allowed to use Total Economic Mobilization

- Germany has specific instructions to conserve rares after Barbarossa

- The AI will consider its resource situation and choose sensibly between an Administrative Genius or a Resource Industrialist

- The Lend-Lease feature is now implemented so the player can ask for and receive Lend-Lease IC from the AI

- Reduced the AI's priority for unit reinforcements so that production doesn't get squeezed quite so much

- The AI should now be allowed to start new wars if it's only lost a small amount of territory (may free up Italy a bit if it's lost territory in Africa)

- Puppets will now be allowed to build more units once they are at war

- Albania will no longer build units at all (scares the Italians...)

- Made some adjustments to the AI's manpower calculation so land force production isn't interrupted as manpower runs down before enacting the Extended Draft

- Domestic spies will now take a bit longer to react to hostile spy activity before switching to counter-espionage (but will still do so immediately if attacked themselves)

- Overseas spies will now take longer to decide to fight back against the host country's counter-espionage

- The LUA output text file will now be cleared down each game by the setup event (because I sometimes forget to remove debug messages!)

- The USA will be more likely to DOW Japan once part of the Allies

- The USA will start building armour earlier

- France will now longer mobilize because it just can't afford to do so pre-war

- France will invest a bit more in land forces

- France and Italy will invest more in unit upgrades

- Italy will spend a bit more on land forces to compensate for higher unit costs

- Italy will now research cargo hold techs for its transport aircraft

- China will increase its pre-war and Sino-Japanese War land unit build

- Soviets will upgrade units when at war

- Soviets will now switch everything to land unit production when the Great Patriotic War modifiers kick in

- Germany will increase its war-time air build a bit


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Изменено пользователем Basck

Почему-то в Союзе нет рек

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точнее они есть, но их не видно.

у всех так?

Вышла новая версия мультиплеерного мода к HPP, ссылка на закачку с Гугл драйв:

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Устанавливается в отдельную папку в tfh/mod, запускается совместно с HPP 3.3.3b (ссылки на пару постов выше).

MP Mod активно развивается, по сути здесь сосредоточена основная работа над улучшением HPP. Может использоваться в сингле, на Плазе хорошие отзывы от играющих в этом режиме.


Вышла версия 0.22 мультиплеерного сабмода к HPP. Контрольная сумма WGKM.

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Устанавливается в отдельную папку в tfh/mod, запускается совместно с HPP 3.3.3b (ссылки в теме чуть выше).

Рекомендуется к использованию и в сингле, по сути это свежая версия HPP.

Из интересных особенностей HPP MP мода - собственная система настроек сложности ИИ, позволяющая в любой момент менять уровень бонусов как для всех ИИ стран, так и по отдельным блокам (Ось, Союзники, Коминтерн).

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 Changelog 0.22



The fog of war is practically non-existent in most MP games thanks to the power of military espionage, making it impossible to achieve surprise in most situations.

To counteract this, espionage spotting has been drastically reduced to make units far less likely to remain visible. Radar is now the best way to spot units/ships. but that is only around a fixed radius, and venturing past that means the possibility of running head on into an enemy fleet is very high.

War exhaustion

To simulate the discontent when losing cities, war exhaustion is now used as a longer lasting penalty than pure dissent hits. War exhaustion now will steadily tick down even when at war, but if too much bad news accumulates you'll take a huge constant dissent penalty and lose NU/party support very fast.

Numerous cities and important locations have been included, including overseas colonies for the British, and puppets for the Allies.

Press laws will help facist/communist countries suppress war exhaustion faster than democratic countries

Naval air bombing

In previous games, CAG bombing has evolved towards a more constant, week long bombing spree that slowly attrites down the enemy fleets. This is quite unrealistic since in most cases, CAGs could only sortie out in a few waves before having to repair and rearm over a matter of days or weeks.

To that end, the older high sea attack of CAGs/NAV/CAS have been restored to make them a more decisive weapon. The anti-air on fleets have also been increased in step.

Some tests have shown that smaller fleets (<10) will evaporate if hit by a 4CV force of 8 CAGs. This is perfectly reasonable in that small fleets hit by naval air power without any cover of their own were historically easily destroyed.

On the other hand, having a large force (30 ships) means there enough concentration of AA to attrite down the CAGs, while spreading the damage far more evenly. This ties in nicely with a well escorted force being less threatened by CAGs.

The penalty to bombing when intercepted has also been doubled, while CAGs attack bonuses reduced and the damage recieved by CAGs increased.

Land based air, or simply intercepting CAGs with your own CAGs will make the bombing less than 60% effective, while quickly routing the bombing cags with high losses.

Morale of this change, is to simply escort your forces with either enough AA to stop bombing, or bring your own CAGs if you don't want to get caught out of port and bombed to the bottom of the ocean.

In 0.22

CAGs with 1940/41 + naval focus will have 16 air attack, NAVs will have 20.

CAGs with 1942/43 + naval focus will have 20 air attack, NAVs will have 24.

0.17 had cags with around 11 sea attack at 1940/41 rising to 13 at 1942/43 tech.

However the 2x bonus for CAGs hitting ships in battle has been reduced to 1x for strength (no bonus) and 1.5x for org. In practice this just means CAGs are now on average, better at hitting ships even without them being engaged, but do not magically melt down the bombed fleet if they engage subs. Late war CAGs will also be substantially more deadly

Support Brigades

Using double support brigades is a good way to save menpower, and concentrate firepower for offensive operations. However, they used to be too good, with SUP having higher stats in all respects than the infantry. To address this issue, the ORG of SUP has been reduced to prevent them from supplanting infantry entirely. Some hard attack and air attack has also been removed from doctrines.


Operational doctrines have been rebalanced again, with some shifting of the bonuses around.

Grand battleplan now has the highest defensiveness of all the doctrines with bonuses to HSUP and TSUP in the first three techs. They gain 1.5 def and 0.25 toughness per bonus, with 2 bonuses to HSUP and 4 to TSUP. This allows them to turtle very effectively, especially with a slightly higher artillery combined arms bonus than the rest.

Firepower is a all rounded choice, with 0.75 defensiveness and 0.5 toughness per bonus, and 2 bonuses for HSUP/TSUP/MSUP.Bonuses for HSUP has been shifted forward into 1930 tech, so they get the full bonus to HSUP/TSUP by 1940, with MSUP coming in in 1943/46. It's a good, all rounded choice for most countries. The extra strength to SUP help hold out against teh effects of bombing or strength loss far better.

Blitzkrieg is a far more offensive oriented doctrine with 2 bonuses to TSUP and 4 to MSUP. They have substantial bonuses to attack delay, which helps them maintain a high tempo of operations, especially with armor oriented combat events to help breakthrough. They gain 0.75 toughness and 0.5 defensivenss per bonus.

Human wave is a infantry oriented doctrine whether on the offense or defense. It has new bonuses to HSUP and TSUP similar to GBP (2 HSUP 4 TSUP) or has MSUP in teh mechanised wave branch (1943/1946) This bonus is 0.5 defensivness and 0.25 in toughness. They have very high combat reinforcement bonuses to allow quick rotation into an attack or defense, and the increased morale and lowered width for infantry make it great for countries willing to spend menpower on overwhelming the opponent.


BB and BCs historical models for the majors (USA/ENG/FRA/SOV/JAP/GER/ITA) have been completely overhauled thanks to Eraserr's work. A proper list of battleship armaments have been implemented, and most ships have their historical models in game now. Speeds have also been reworked, with the slow USA BBs getting a more realistic speed.

CBBs have been reworked into a new ship class that's more multifunction. They now represent ships in the 18-28k tons displacement range, larger than a crusier but smaller than a battleship. They're armed with capital ship class guns (larger than 8 inches), but do not carry the same level of firepower as BCs or BBs thanks to their smaller size. Their speeds will be similar to cruisers since they're based on the same premise of a heavily armed cruiser, with increased guns and engine capacity. With only a hull of 1.4, they're slightly stronger than CAs, but will never match the firepower or armor of battleships (hull 2.0). Their firepower with 1940 techs will be around 24 sea attack, while CAs have 16, making them able to beat most CA based fleets cheaply.

As such CBBs offer new option of cheap capital ships, synergizing well with heavy cruisers for countries that want to field a stronger fleet, but can't afford a full on battleship and the time it takes to develop it.

Historical flow

For MP purposes some decisions now have new fixed dates, such as danzig on 1st September 1939 and Barbarossa on 1st April 1941.


Subs are less vulnerable to air attack since the majority of naval air sub attack has been reduced, this encourages the use of DDs which should be the best at hunting down subs in early war.

Changelog 0.22


Combat Tactics

Breakthrough/Blitz tactics armor unit dependency fixed


Spy unit detection chance from 0.5 to 0.1



Unit attack delay from 60 to 120






STRAT_REDEP_SUPPLY_MOD from 2.0 to 1.0

CAG_SHIP_ATTACK_STR_BONUS from 2.0 to 1.00

CAG_SHIP_ATTACK_ORG_BONUS from 2.0 to 1.50

LEND_LEASE_MAX_IC_HIGH from 0.25 to 0.50

Event modifiers

added for USA repair_pacific_ports = {global_ic = -0.05}

women_in_industry from industrial_efficiency = 0.15 to global_ic = 0.15

Removed all resource storage penalty modifiers

Gainable traits

Fixed Panzer leader trait to only be gained by leaders that lead divisions with armor type units inside

Fixed School of manoeuver trait to be gained by leaders as long there are the BM_MULTIPLE modifier (3 directions or more)

Reduced air_tactician trait to 200 hours of combat in line with previous reductions

Government types

All Comintern government types changed to only give land_build_speed = -0.1 instead of unit_recruitment_time = -0.1/air_build_speed = 0.1/naval_build_speed = 0.1


War exhaustion reduction from press laws changed from -0.01/-0.025/-0.05 to -0.05/-0.10/-0.25 for censored/state/propaganda press

War economy changed to allow drafted army to reach it provided 85 NU/30 party ORG or 70 NU/50 party ORG is reached AND being stalinist or <15 neutrality.

Standing army now only open to countries without elections OR facist governments

Standing army/Mobilize for war experience from 5 to 7.50

Drafted army now only open to countries with elections, democratic governments or communists

Training laws changed to only affect land build speed, no effect on air/naval units anymore

Specialist training to open drafted army

Specialist training requires special forces level 3 from 1.


Offmap land/naval/political/industry intel bonuses reduced from +50% to +10%

Static modifiers

While at war, war exhaustion from +0.041 to -0.25 per month

While at peace, war exhaustion from -0.05 to -1.00 per month

War exhaustion has the following effects: ruling party support from -0.02 to -0.025, National unity from -0.05 to -0.25, Dissent from 0 to +0.02

Triggered modifiers

GPW 2 triggers when below 1500 brigades from 1800 previously

Chinese worker modifier for Communist China potential changed to AI only and 2000 menpower, global manpower bonus from 4.0 to 1.0, industry efficiency from 0.5 to 0.25

German Soviet cooperation bonus for Soviets changed from 7.5% industrial efficiency to 10% land build speed

British India modifier removed if India goes government in exile

Encryption tech counterintelligence from 0.05/0.01/0.15/0.2/0.25 to 0.1/0/2/0.3/0.4/0.5 per level

Decryption tech bonus now has 0.05/0.1/0.15/0.2/0.25 bonus to naval/industry/political/land intel


Operation Barbarossa can only be fired after 1941.4.1 instead of 1941.1.1

MP China decision added for Japan to choose if China will auto-surrender

Mobilizing reserves can be done when either at war or when neutrality is below 15

Danzig or war can only be fired after 1939.9.1

Call in the USA decision removed

Oil Embargo for USA does not depend on relations and gives -10 neutrality


City lost events exported from battle lost to cities lost, numerous cities/islands added.

USA does not get basic mobilization from FateOfCzechoslovakia anymore

Fall of China requires decision flag before triggering

Industry investment event basic triggering MTTH from 48 months to 1 Month to give AI highest chance of picking this

Future of Poland will now properly secede Soviet occupied territory east of Lithuania to Lithuania as per original MR Pact

Lendlease IC from USA to Soviets only trigger in provinces with 8 Infra and above

Oil embargo gives 5 dissent to Japan from 1.0 war exhaustion previously

New timer added to repair pacific ports in 2 sets of 3 months each instead of random MTTH

New deal IC event changed from +2IC every 3 months to +6IC every 3 months (8 IC per year to 24IC per year)


Leaders that appear by 1939 are available from 1936 game start for most countries, USA gets up to 1941

ENG capitalship_armament tech from 3 to 7, capital ship engine from 4 to 6

FRA armor practical from 4.95 to 6.00, capitalship_armament tech from 5 to 6

GER has level 1 electronic computing machine, capitalship_armament tech from 4 to 7 total exploitation for all countries (AI)

ITA capitalship_armament tech increased to 7, capital ship engine to 6

JAP capitalship_armament tech from 7 to 8, capital ship engine from 6 to 7

SOV capital ship engine from 3 to 4

USA capital ship practical from 4 to 6, capitalship_armament from 5 to 8, capitalship_armor from 2 to 3, capitalship_engine from 4 to 6

Reconstruction OOBs added, reconstruction cost/duration tweaked to avoid game engine changing it too much when any other production finishes.

French HARM division removed from starting build queue

Ships historical models adjusted as part of overhaul of historically present battleships


New capitalship_armament localisation added

New Decision/event localisation added

New ship models added (thanks to eraserr)

New reconstruction localisation added


Production AI tweaked further for more optimised production

AI can now produce with engineer (AST) mountain and marine units

Germans and soviets always build IC now pre-war

Some tweaking to trade logic to make GER build-up smoother

General improvements to AI division compositions

Country specific research orders tweaked after testing for FRA/GER/SOV


Industry tech

Radio gives 2.5 org to SUP from +5.0

Infantry tech

mountain warfare equipment gives 2.5% instead of 5% bonus to defense per level

Aircraft Technology

single engine armament gives CAGs +2.5 from 1.5 air attack and +0.25 soft attack from +0.125

small bombs give CAS 2.0 sea attack and 0.5 sub attack from +1 sea attack and +1 sub attack

small bombs give CAG 2.0 sea attack and 0.5 sub attack from +1 sea attack and +1 sub attack

Medium bombs give NAV +2 sea attack and +1 sub attack from +1.5/+1.5

Air_launched_torpedo give TAC +0.5 sub attack from +1.0

Air_launched_torpedo give NAV +1 sub attack from +2

Air_launched_torpedo give CAG +2 sea attack from +1.0

Air_launched_torpedo give CAS +2 sea attack from +1.0

Droptanks give CAGs 300km from +200 range.

Escort fighters development do not increase build cost anymore, gives -300 range and +2 air attack to NAV from -200/+1, -200/+2 for TAC from -100/1 and -500/+1 for STR from -400/0

Escort fighter development give +1 to NAV/TAC/STR per level

Escort fighter drop tank development gives +150 to TAC from +100.

Armor technology

Truck engine now only gives movement bonus in bad terrain to MOT, added new movement bonus to MEC in bad terrain.

TSUP has improved terrain attack bonuses from 2.5% to 5% per level

MSUP has improved terrain attack bonuses from 2.5% to 5% per level

Artillery technology

HSUP added back to rocket artillery activation to simulate the smallest level of rocket support that can be horse towed

Armored car activation gives +2.5 org instead of +5 org to TSUP/MSUP.

Land Doctrine

Suppression for brigades doubled

Artillery training gives +2.5 org to HSUP and TSUP from +5

Tank crew training gives +0.025 morale from +0.05 morale for MSUP

Tank crew training starts from 18/37 instead of 18/39 now (increased 1 tech level for 1937)

Officer training gives -10 attack delay from -5 hours

Firepower doctrine org bonus reduced from +6.25 to +5 per level

Infilitration doctrine org bonus reduced from +7.5 to +5 per level, terrain attack and defense bonuses adjusted, movement bonuses added

IST doctrine now has bonuses to LARM in 1930/1937 techs, removed 1943 LARM bonuses to compensate, and shifted TD bonus from 1946 IST to 1943 IST doctrine

1930/1937 Schwerpunkt has new TD bonuses

Schwerpunkt armor bonuses adjusted for spread, 1937/1940 Schwerpunkt has -0.25 width for armor now

Combined arms 1937 has -0.25 width for MOT

Combined arms 1940 has -0.25 width for MEC

Naval Technology

Construction material first offset from 1920 to 1924, additional offsets to 3 years from 4 (increasing number of techs)


BC convoy attack from 0.25 to 0.5. Removed -0.5 speed penalty, distance from 0.02 to 0.012

BB sea attack from 2 to 1.5, convoy attack from 0.2 to 0.5, removed -0.5 speed penalty, distance from 0.02 to 0.012

CBB sea attack from 1.25 to 1.0, convoy attack from 0.2 to 0.4, shore bombardment from 1.25 to 2.0, distance from 0.015 to 0.010

Difficulty changed from 3 to 1, offset changed from 3 to 2 (increased number of techs)

heavycruiser_armament convoy attack from 0.2 to 0.4

lightcruiser_armament convoy attack from 0.2 to 0.4

MP guns

DD convoy attack from 0.2 to 0.4, air attack from 0.5 to 1.0, air defense from 0.66 to 1.0

CL/CA/CBB air attack from 0.5 to 1.0

BB/BC air attack from 0.5 to 1.5

CV/CVL air attack from 0.25 to 1.0

Light AA

DD air attack/defense from 0.375/0.33 to 0.5/0.5

CL/CA/BC/CBB/BB air attack from 0.25 to 0.5

CVL/CV air attack/defense from 0.125/0.25 to 0.5/0.5


submarine convoy attack from 0.75 to 1.5

Capital ship engines

BB/BC range bonus from 450 to 200

Cruiser engines

CBB range bonus from 100 to 375

Capital ship armor

BB/BC range penalty from -400 to -150, first offset changed to 1924 (increased by 1 tech)

Cruiser armor

CBB range penalty from -100 to -350

CAG air focus air/sea/sub/soft/hard attack from 4/-1/-1/-2/-0.75 to 1/-1/-0.25/-1/-1

CAG land focus air/sea/sub/soft/hard attack from -2/-1/-1/4/1.5 to -0.5/-1/-0.25/2/2

CAG land focus air/sea/sub/soft/hard attack from -2/2/2/-2/-0.75 to -0.5/2/-0.5/-1/-1

Fast battleship BB speed bonus from +10 to +5kmh

Naval Doctrine

Underway repleshment, CBB from +200 to +500 range

Independent battleship operation, BC/BB convoy attack from 1/0.75 to 2/1.5

independent_cruiser_operations, CBB/CA/CL from 0.5/0.5/0.3 convoy attack to 1/1/0.6

independent_destroyer_operations DD convoy attack from 0.25 to 0.5

trade_interdiction_submarine_doctrine SS convoy attack from 0.5 to 1.0

Operational Doctrines

All SUP only get toughness and defensiveness bonuses, no hard/soft/air attack

GBP bonuses shifted, 1930 has HSUP, 1937 has TSUP/HSUP from only HSUP, 1940 has TSUP from HSUP/TSUP, 1943 has TSUP, 1946 is empty from having TSUP

Firepower bonuses shifted 1930 has HSUP from no bonus, 1937 has HSUP/TSUP, 1940 has TSUP only from HSUP/TSUP, 1943/46 have MSUP

Blitzkrieg attack delay bonus increased for 1930/37/40/43/46 from 5/4/3/2/1 to 10/8/6/4/2

Blitzkrieg bonuses shifted, 1930 has TSUP from nothing, 1937 has TSUP/MSUP, 1940 has MSUP only from TSUP/MSUP, 1943/46 has MSUP.

Human wave/Mechanised wave reinforce chance and unit cooperation increased from 0.02/0.01 to 0.05/0.025 per level.

Human wave now has SUP bonuses, 1930 has HSUP, 1937 has HSUP/TSUP, 1940/43/46 has TSUP

Mechanised wave now has SUP bonuses, 1942/45 has MSUP

Human wave 1930 give addition -0.125 width, 0.1 morale for CAV/MOT shifted from 1940 human wave

Human wave 1940 now gives bonuses to special forces (GUR/ALP/MTN/AST/MAR/PAR) shifted from 1946 human wave

Secret weapons

Radar guided bombs give NAV/CAG 4/2 sea attack from 6/5

Proximity fuze give DD/CL/CA/BC/CVL/BB/CV +2/2 air attack defense from +0.5/+0.5


Armor: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.1 (doubled), additional terrain attrition removed

Engineer: Build cost and time from 1.50/140 to 2.0 IC/ 150 days. manpower from 2.0 to 1.0, repair cost from 0.05 to 1.0 (doubled)

Heavy armor: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.1 (doubled),menpower from 0.8 to 0.5, attrition removed.

Light armor: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.1 (doubled), additional terrain attrition removed

MEC: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.075 (1.5x), additional terrain attrition removed

MOT: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.075 (1.5x), additional terrain attrition removed

MSUP: organisation from 30 to 25, additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.075 (1.5x), additional terrain attrition removed

IST: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.1 (doubled),menpower from 0.8 to 0.5, attrition removed

TD: additional flags setup to trigger combat events, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.1 (doubled),menpower from 0.8 to 0.5, attrition removed.

TSUP: Build cost from 8 IC to 7 IC, repair cost from 0.05 to 0.075 (1.5x), additional terrain attrition removed

BC: Build cost and time from 7.5/480 to 7.0IC/450 days, speed from 32 to 28, range from 4000 to 4200, sea attack from 12 to 18, air attack from 2 to 5, shore bombardment from 7 to 8

BB: Build cost and time from 7.5/585 to 7.0IC/540 days, range from 3000 to 3600, sea attack from 15 to 20, air attack from 2 to 5

CV: Build cost from 7.5 IC to 5.5 IC, air attack from 2 to 4, practical gain from 1.25 to 0.92

CBB: Speed from 28 to 30, sea attack from 10 to 12, air attack from 2.5 to 3.0, range from 1500 to 2800, build time from 340 to 370 days.

DD: Speed from 32 to 35, air attack from 1.5 to 2.0

CVL: Air attack from 1.5 to 3.0

CA: Speed from 28 to 30

CL: Air attack from 2.5 to 3

CAG: Build cost/time from 5/180 to 9IC/210 days, soft/hard attack from 2 to 3, sub attack from 4 to 2, practical gain from 0.3 to 0.66

CAS: Sea attack from 5 to 6, sub attack from 5 to 2

NAV: Sea attack from 8 to 10, sub attack from 8 to 2

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