Vuze 23 07.08.2013, 10:47:44 #1 07.08.2013, 10:47:44 Откопал на парадоксах Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Заточен для любителей поиграть за рейх... Описание Описание на английскомНажмите здесь! This is Deutsche Wehrmacht Immersion for TFH V4.02. This is v.1.0. Checksum: XITI. This mod is a realism mod intended to be played only as Germany (though you can play as any nation with everything worded for WWII Germany). This mod adds larger, more historically accurate divisions (up to nine regiments, brigades, and battalions), new interface graphics, 202 new units, 5 new decisions, and over 100 new events. The new units are not only for Germany, the major powers are well represented and many units crossover for all countries. Features: -Larger, more historically accurate divisions (up to nine regiments, brigades, and battalions). -Late war Wehrmacht map symbols for all units. -Specialty HQ units for Germany. These allow the player to differentiate between Panzerkorps, Gebirgskorps, Armeekorps (mot), Deutsches-Afrika-Korps, Fallschirmkorps, SS-Korps, Luftflotte, and Kriegsmarine HQ units. These new units are largely there for immersion and offer few bonuses besides matching the movement rate with their associated units. -Revised .lua scripts for the major nations that ensures they build large, historically accurate divisions, in the right year. -Panzer and Allied tank units are available as Abteilungen (battalions). Each major type of panzer and allied armor unit has its own unit file so that you may build different types of panzer units at the same time. You can now build a genuine Panzergrenadier Division. -Thoroughly researched unit statistics: historical research and technical data were used to give the correct speeds, armor values, and penetration factors for all armor units. -Armor unit techs and events: research your armor units using the vanilla tech tree. Different levels of research will allow technical breakthroughs and new components for your armored units. Armor units will get bonuses as their historical components get researched. Gone are the days when units will continue to upgrade passed their historical capability. For example, researching tank gun level two as Germany will fire an event for the 5.0 cm L60 tank gun. The event awards the tech for the 5.0 cm gun and the PzIII will then be upgraded with this weapon increasing its penetration by one. As this was the most powerful weapon mounted on the PzIII, researching better weapons will not upgrade the unit. If the player wishes for the unit to improve, he must either build the PzIVh brigade, or upgrade the PzIII unit to the PzIVh. -Extensive unit localization file: gives the German nomenclature for all units. Divisions are named in the German manner as well. Allied majors with unique units have their units named appropriately in their own language. -Unique historical units: three divisions have their own unique units: Leibstandarte-SS-AH (with event chain upgrading it from SS-Standarte to brigade size, to a motorized division, to a Panzergranadier division, and finally a Panzer division); GroЯdeutschland-Division (with event chain as it goes from Wach-Regiment 'Berlin', to a motorized regiment to a mot. division, and finally a Panzergrenadier division with a Tiger Abteilung), 12. Infanterie-Division (follow this historic division as it fought on all fronts). -Historically accurate 1936 OOBs for ground forces of the following nations: -Germany (also included the Ersatzheer, Wehrkreise, and high command for the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe) -The Soviet Union -USA, I converted all square divisions to their task organization for triangular divisions because by the time war breaks out, this was how they fought. -UK -Poland -Belguim -The Netherlands -France -Italy, to include Blackshirt Legions (militia) -Historically accurate 1943 OOBs for ground forces of the following nations in the scenario "The Tide has Turned".: -Germany (also included the Ersatzheer, Wehrkreise, and high command for the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe) -The Soviet Union -USA -UK -Finland -Axis minors fighting as expeditionary forces with the Werhrmacht have been updated to their historical TO&E. You can now fight out the desperate battles of the late war without having to build your army from 1936. Any fool can beat the AI with a custom army built from 1936, but can you win in 1943 with the odds firmly against you? -Changed the availability and code of some units vanilla. Not every nation can build armor. -Submarines and destroyers are now individual units and cost less IC. Added ship names for Germany. -Unique anti-tank units for Germany, the Soviet Union, the USA, and the UK. These towed anti-tank units have unique model pics, stats, and counters and multilevel as anti-tank gun technology improves. As you research tank guns, you will receive events for each level of tank gun. This awards you a hidden tech that allocates bonuses to you AT units to upgrade to (new units start with the latest tech). For example, as Germany you start with the 3.7 cm PaK (with a base line penetration of two), as you research tank gun level two, you will receive the event for the 5.0 cm PaK and penetration for units that are built with, or upgrade to this tech model will have a penetration of three. This system allows different bonuses for different nations units, ensuring that the correct models have the correct stats and the historic anti-tank arms race plays out correctly in game. -Countless new units: -Unique German units for all unit types. Each German unit has unique model pics, stats, and counters. Where possible, the correct sprite is used if you have purchased the DLC spritepacks (The correct panzers and tankssprites are used, but there is no sprite for a StuG, Marder, SU122, etc..). -Unique Infantry Regiments for the Soviet Union, the USA, and Great Britain. There are also unique cavalry regiments for Soviet Union. -Infantry Battalions, Mot Inf. BNs, Mechanized Battalions; Germany, USA, the Soviet union, and Great Britain have their own unique models. -Jдger-Regiments for Germany (light infantry regiments) -Late war SS formations to replicate the massive expansion of the Waffen SS with foreign volunteers, new units include: an SS-Infanterie-Regiemnt, an SS-Gebirgsjдger-Regiment, an SS-Kavallerie-Regiment, an AT BN, AAA BN, engineer BN, and SS-Werfer Abteilungen -Indian Infantry Regiment -ANZAC Infantry Regiment -Pz38t Abteilung (usable by Czechoslovakia as well) -PzI-II Regiment (a mixed regiment consisting of PzI & PzII) -PzIII-IV Regiment (a mixed regiment consisting of PzIII & PzIV) -PzIII Abteilung (SS version as well) -PzIVh Regiment (two Abt. of 96X late model PzIV(SS version as well)) -PzIVh Abteilung (SS version as well) -PzIV-V Regiment (one Abt. of 96X PzIV, one Abt, of 96X PzV (SS version as well)) -Tiger Abteilung (SS version as well) -Kцnigstiger Abteilung (SS version as well) -Stьrmgeschutz Abteilung (SS version as well) -Marder Abteilung (multi-levels I-III) -Nashorn/Hornisse Abteilung -Brummbдr Abteilung -Sturmtiger Abteilung -Jagdpanther Abteilung -Aufklдrungs-Abteilung (light reconnaissance BN with horse cavalry, bicycle troops, and motorcycle troops) -Panzer-Pionier-Abteilung (armored troop carrier engineers to move with panzer units) (SS version as well) -Kradschьtzen Abteilung (motorcycle troops) (SS version as well) -Commando BN (small, airborne-commando unit, available to all majors) -Artillery-Regiment, now 3000 men, as were most armies' divisional artillery regiments -Fallschirmartillerie-Regiment (air-droppable artillery) -Gebirgsartillerie-Regiment (light mountain artillery) (SS version as well) -Motorized Artillery Regiment (SS version as well) -Heavy Artillery BN (150mm+ artillery) -Motorized Heavy Artillery (150mm+ artillery) -88mm AA BN (AA BN with equivalent penetration of a Tiger for use in a ground role, SS version as well) -Fallschirmkorps HQ (air-droppable corps HQ) -SS-Panzerkorps HQ (SS corps HQ, besides a unit symbol and a small morale bonus, no advantages) -SS-Korps HQ (non-Panzer/mot SS corps HQ, besides a unit symbol and a small morale bonus, no advantages) -Deutsches-Afrika-Korps (one available by event only) -Panzer HQ (Panzer HQ unit that moves at the same rate with Panzer Divisions) -Motorized HQ (Motorized HQ unit that replicates the Armeekorps (mot) and moves at the same rate with Panzer and Mot. Divisions) -Gebirgs HQ (Mountain HQ unit that replicates the Gebirgskorps and moves at the same rate with Gebirgs Divisions) -Luftwaffe HQ (Luftwaffe HQ unit for those who group their air units this way) -Luftwaffe HQ (Luftwaffe HQ unit for those who group their air units this way) -Panzerschiff (Graf Spee, Adm. Scheer, etc..) -Hilfskreuzer (cargo ship commerce raider, Atlantis, Orion, etc..) -Sea mine field (sea mines to block straights, by event only at the moment, thank you Panzeroo for the unit code) -Me-262 Geschwader -Bf-109 (multi-levels) Geschwader (replaces German interceptor) -Fw-190 (multi-levels) Geschwader (replaces German multi-role) -Twin engine fighter (multi-levels) -BT7 Regiment -KV1 Regiment -T34-76 Regiment -T34-85 Regiment -IS2 Regiment -SU76 Regiment -SU85 Regiment -SU122 Regiment -SU100 Regiment -SU152 Regiment -Soviet Sherman lend-lease Regiment -Soviet Grant Tank lend-lease Regiment -Soviet Valentine lend-lease Regiment -Soviet Churchill lend-lease Regiment -Matilda Brigade -Churchill Brigade -Crusader Brigade -Valentine Brigade -Cromwell Brigade -A34 Comet Brigade -British lend lease Stuart Regiment -British lend lease Grant/Lee Brigade -British lend lease Sherman Brigade -US Stuart Regiment -US Grant/Lee Brigade -US Sherman Regiment (early war TO&E) -US Sherman Battalion (late war TO&E, allows one to make a late-war armored division of three tank battalions and three mechanized battalions) -US Tank Destroyer Battalion (M10 Wolverine) -US Tank Destroyer Battalion (M18 Hellcat) -US Tank Destroyer Battalion (M36 Jackson) -You will receive several battalions of Pz38t (very low-strength) after the annexation of Czechoslovakia. The controller of Pilsen can build Pz38t units (CZE can as well). -Five new decisions: -Rearmament -Outflank of the Maginot Line -British Expeditionary Force (now triggered when Germany goes to war with Belguim) -Deutsches Afrika Korps -Pearl Harbor (Japanese decision on 7 December, 1941) -Over 100 new events; the significant ones: -The HoЯbach memorandum -Blomberg-Fritsch Krise -Mining the Straights -Hilfskreuzer -Ritterkreuztrдger -The End of Poland -Outflank of the Maginot Line -Expansion of the Waffen-SS -SS Automedon -Long barreled PzIV -Tiger -Panther -Kцnigstiger -Annexation of Eupen and Malmedy -Me262 Schwalbe -Delay of Me262 (optional) -von Brauchitsch fired in Dec '41 -Polizei Division -Totenkopf Division -GroЯdeutschland Division event chain -LSSAH Division event chain -Last flight of Rudolf HeЯ chain (with possible/optional truce with England) -German reaction to Pearl Harbor (Germany can choose not to declare war on the USA) -Manstein's Begleit Battarien (StuG event) -The Spoils from France (puts new motorized units built with captured French trucks in the build queue to prepare for Barbarossa) -Panzer/Armor tech events for new guns and armor technology (these increase the armor and panzer units stats in conjunction with research, explained above) -British war assistance the the Soviet Union -Return of German pilots after the battle of France -Destruction of 6. Armee -Introduction of the Sherman tank (event chain) -36 tank gun and tank armor events that fire as technology is researched and keep the tank and anti-tank unit stats of the majors historically accurate. -BEF decision: Dispatches a historically accurate BEF to France in May '40. To do this I removed the BEF units from the ENG 1936 OOB and unit names, so there will not be duplication of units. As a result of the event, the invasion of France is more difficult, but can be achieved on a historical timeline. I also noticed in my last test game, that many of the BEF units shattered and started reforming in London, somewhat replicating the Dunkirk evacuation. If you invade the UK before the fall of France, the event will never trigger and you will face a skeleton force guarding the islands. -Soviet tank events: Added five events for Soviet Tank introduction: Mechanization of the Red Army (BT7), T34-76 (after defeat of France, KV1 (after Spanish civil war), T34-85 (after Kursk), IS2 (also after Kursk). -New German leader file: Includes each officer's basic branch (infantry, panzer, artillery), example: O.d.Inf. von Manstein(18,11.A,HG-Don). This means that von Manstein was an Offizier der Infanterie (infantry officer) who commanded the 18. Inf.-Div., 11. Armee, and Heeresgruppe-Don. I also removed generals that retired before the war started and Austrians that never served in the Wehrmacht. I replaced them with naval leaders, air leaders, and new leaders that were over looked in the game. I also added some colonels that served as division commanders during the war (like Hans von Luck). I added an SS officer named Diekmann, he is August Diekmann, not to be confused with Adolf Diekmann (of murderous fame from Oradure-sur-Glane). Hundreds of new officers were added for historic division corps and army commanders for Germany, the USA, and Great Britain in v.95 beta. -New leader traits: Award bonuses for each leader's basic branch. I also added a Ritterkreuztrдger trait that is gain-able after long combat. In test games about one-to-ten officer's earned it in the Poland campaign, and about half the division commanders in the battle for France. -Many new interface changes to add Wehrmacht flavor, to include new combined arms symbols and experience icons of German badges. Changed some country colors: England to brown and USA to green, Italy to black, this simply makes sense to me. The link to the files: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Edit: Latest version is v.1.0. Checksum: XITI. Installation: Extract the files to your Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron III\tfh\mod folder and select the mod from the check boxes in the TFH startup menu. Note: be sure to use the mod folder in TFH, not the mod folder under the ordinary game. Constructive feedback: Wanted! Please let me know what is not working in this thread and I will try to address it or fix it. Use of my work: Please do not use my work in any other mod without my permission. That does not mean I will say no, but please ask me first. The future?: Sadly v1.0 will be the last version. I will make hot fixes to fix bugs, but I no longer have the time to mod. Special thank you to: Marwis, our loyal beta-tester. Had a dad, for all of his answers to my lua questions and other help. Lothos, for his answers to my lua questions. Calders, for modding advice and for permission to use his Gothic font. Panzeroo, for allowing me to use his sea mines. Shierholzer, for modding advice. Trigg, for the HQs upgrade concept. Had a Dad, for modding advice. ODIN, for pointing out bugs. Dr. Leo Niehorster and his page at, I used his work extensively for the OOBs. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , a great website with an unbelievable amount of material on the Wehrmacht. The HOI3 community for your making it possible to mod by answering questions in the forums, you guys are the best. [Cкрыть] Версия 1.36 <noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex> Версия 1.383 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Изменено 15.11.2013, 10:40:25 пользователем Антипа Цитата
Asgart 35 16.09.2013, 09:32:51 #3 16.09.2013, 09:32:51 Скачал, распаковал, положил в c:\Games\HOI3 TFH\tfh\mod\Deutshe_Wehrmacht_Immersion.mod. Запускаю через лаунчер - ftm_launcher.exe. Мод невидим. Что, где, как поправить? А то описание ну очень соблазнительно... Цитата
Freezze 1,445 16.09.2013, 13:37:28 #4 16.09.2013, 13:37:28 ! Пользователю Vuze, в соответствии с Законом №2, согласно требований к аватарам, необходимо в течении суток сменить аватар, иначе он будет снят принудительно, а пользователь отправится за решетку. Цитата
Vuze 23 18.09.2013, 07:52:01 Автор #6 18.09.2013, 07:52:01 Скачал, распаковал, положил в c:\Games\HOI3 TFH\tfh\mod\Deutshe_Wehrmacht_Immersion.mod.Запускаю через лаунчер - ftm_launcher.exe. Мод невидим. Что, где, как поправить? А то описание ну очень соблазнительно... может ощибка?Надо распаковать содержимое в папку мод и усё и дописывать ничего не надо У меня всё работает почему-то даже исторический ООБ за Германию СССР Англию и США уже сделал!!! Изменено 18.09.2013, 08:07:49 пользователем Vuze Цитата
Vuze 23 18.09.2013, 07:55:33 Автор #7 18.09.2013, 07:55:33 Новая версия Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Качаем народ!!! Изменено 18.09.2013, 07:57:16 пользователем Vuze Цитата
Антипа 1,323 18.09.2013, 13:48:17 #8 18.09.2013, 13:48:17 i Отредактировал и закрепил шапку. В дальнейшем прошу тексты на иностранных языках прятать под спойлер. Цитата
Igorjan 14 19.09.2013, 11:29:45 #9 19.09.2013, 11:29:45 Поиграл бы, да в английском не силен. Ещё одно подтверждение тому, что надо учить языки! Цитата
Vuze 23 19.09.2013, 12:19:48 Автор #10 19.09.2013, 12:19:48 Поиграл бы, да в английском не силен. Ещё одно подтверждение тому, что надо учить языки! Так я тоже не силён и ничё разобрался.Там всё интуитивно понятно тем более у меня стоит английская версия ванилы Цитата
Igorjan 14 20.09.2013, 15:18:28 #11 20.09.2013, 15:18:28 Так я тоже не силён и ничё разобрался.Там всё интуитивно понятно тем более у меня стоит английская версия ванилы Да, но английский всё равно нужен..мне ещё французский возможно понадобится, а это полный швах! А как мод? Лучше блэк айс? Цитата
Vuze 23 20.09.2013, 15:46:45 Автор #12 20.09.2013, 15:46:45 Да, но английский всё равно нужен..мне ещё французский возможно понадобится, а это полный швах! А как мод? Лучше блэк айс? Фишка мода в том что можно создавать дивизии реалистично т.е. со всеми подразделениями (как в реале кароче почти).Блэк мне не понравился слишком альтернативен а этот сделан с упором на историческую составляющую и ивентов немало правда с техами подкачали новых аж два(!) Ну может ещё приделают не знаю.Если не секрет зачем французский? Изменено 20.09.2013, 15:49:52 пользователем Vuze Цитата
Igorjan 14 20.09.2013, 17:19:44 #13 20.09.2013, 17:19:44 Фишка мода в том что можно создавать дивизии реалистично т.е. со всеми подразделениями (как в реале кароче почти).Блэк мне не понравился слишком альтернативен а этот сделан с упором на историческую составляющую и ивентов немало правда с техами подкачали новых аж два(!) Ну может ещё приделают не знаю.Если не секрет зачем французский? Я подумал, что если меня не возьмут по контракту в нашу доблестную армию, то почему бы тогда не пойти на службу во "французский легион" Цитата
Vuze 23 20.09.2013, 17:40:08 Автор #14 20.09.2013, 17:40:08 Я подумал, что если меня не возьмут по контракту в нашу доблестную армию, то почему бы тогда не пойти на службу во "французский легион" Тогда уж лучше в Бундесвер там много наших служит Цитата
Igorjan 14 21.09.2013, 10:39:08 #15 21.09.2013, 10:39:08 Тогда уж лучше в Бундесвер там много наших служит В Бундесвере форма красивая Я и не знал, что они берут на службу иностранных граждан. А вот "ФЛ" специально для этого и создан. Думаю в Бундесвере с этим строже. Цитата
Vuze 23 21.09.2013, 14:21:50 Автор #16 21.09.2013, 14:21:50 В Бундесвере форма красивая Я и не знал, что они берут на службу иностранных граждан. А вот "ФЛ" специально для этого и создан. Думаю в Бундесвере с этим строже. Я знаю... Цитата
Igorjan 14 21.09.2013, 19:28:56 #17 21.09.2013, 19:28:56 Я знаю... Надо будет уточнить этот вопрос. Цитата
Vuze 23 22.09.2013, 18:00:22 Автор #18 22.09.2013, 18:00:22 Надо будет уточнить этот вопрос. Удачи тем более здесь ловить нечего!!! Цитата
Igorjan 14 23.09.2013, 17:27:19 #19 23.09.2013, 17:27:19 Удачи тем более здесь ловить нечего!!! Спасибо Да я бы остался, если всё пойдёт благополучно. С другой стороны жить за границей тоже весело! Цитата
Vuze 23 23.09.2013, 18:29:19 Автор #20 23.09.2013, 18:29:19 Спасибо Да я бы остался, если всё пойдёт благополучно. С другой стороны жить за границей тоже весело! Я лично не был там никогда!!!Ну тоже хочется отсюда побыстрей свалить тока возможности нету Изменено 23.09.2013, 18:53:36 пользователем Антипа цензура устраняет -б..ть- Цитата
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