Мод Barbarians! (с форума парадоксов) - Моды и моддинг - Strategium.ru
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Мод Barbarians! (с форума парадоксов)

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Barbarians! v1.0 Features list.

Primary Features

10 new tribes.

Quadi - Suebi Culture

Marcomanni - Suebi Culture

Vandals - Vandalic Culture

Gepidae - Vandalic Culture

Taurisci - Celtic Culture

Eravisci - Celtic Culture

Ordovices - Celtic Culture

Picts - Celtic Culture

Gangani - Celtic Culture

Panonni - Panonnian Culture

New tribes start with 2 provinces each province with 18-20 population. Exception, Gangani, Ordovices and Picts who are given further population boost to compensate.

Original barbarian tribes given population boost including Rhoxolani and Tylis as well as Iberian tribes. Rhoxolani also have gained another province.

Tribes of Gaul given second starting province with population raised to 18-20 for both provinces. Exception Helvetii who are given further population boost to compensate. Some tribes also begin with 3 provinces.

Rate of Civilization spread increased to facilitate continued expansion of Barbarians. Barbarians tend to expand enough to provide relatively firm barriers to Macedonian and Roman conquest and colonization.

Uses Barbarian Flags for all new nations.

Minor Features or Fixes.

Research rate modified.

Option to decline civil war troops event, Inspired by TheLand.

Increased casualty rate by 3x to reduce ping pong battles.

Assassination success chance modified (To reduce assassination spam)

Increased reputation decrease to address problem with rapid inflation of Badboy.

This mod has not been tested with the player as Rome, I expect that while the expansion of Rome is slowed when Rome is AI controlled it would be possible for a human player of Rome to expand quite rapidly against these Barbarian tribes. Feedback would be apreciated.

If people feel that a human Roman player should have more difficulty expanding into Germania and Gaul my first inclination would be to increase the populations further. The higher tax revenue and larger man power base is the easiest way to get these Barbarian tribes to field larger armies. One thing of note is that as these states expand they will be dealing with culture penalties and the like.

I am considering adding Dacia and Scythia at this point.

************************************************** ****

Since the first day of release I have been modifying my game first to add more tribes.

My tribal expansion was initially to add tribes to Germania and the Balkans. The next step was to add tribes to Britain, I accomplished that easily enough. The problem then became that these new tribes simply did not have the manpower base or economic strength to offer any sort of resistance to Macedonia or Rome.

I will list the tweaks I have done and my rational behind them. I will also provide my anecdotal results and provide a couple screen shots showing my current starting setup as well as what the tribes are now capable of doing.

1) I increased the population of all Barbarian states to 18 to 20 and set their capital provinces to 55 civilization.

Why? I wanted to give the tribes the population base to instantly fuel the colonization of 2 or 3 provinces and the ability to colonize immediatly.

Result? Tribes were able to expand but they remained weak and unable to provide any sort of resistance to Rome or Macedonia.

2) I increased the rate of civilization spread by neighbor provinces by 50%.

Why? I decided that perhaps the problem was their expansion was being stifled by two things. First barbarian hordes usually sacked the capitals of the tribes eventually halting further civilization spread and all further colonization. Second civilization simply was not spreading fast enough to allow the barbarians to continue colonizing. Increasing the rate of spread killed two birds with one stone. The different tribes would raise each others civilization values back up if they were sacked and they would be able to continue expansion at a decent pace. They were also dependent on Roman or Greek centers of civilization to increase beyond 55.

Result? Expansion was increased, now the map was beginning to fill up. Decent sized tribal states were forming. However they still lacked the ability to resist Rome or Macedonia.

3) I gave all tribes located in Gaul, Germania and Ilyria a second province with a population of 18 to 20.

Why? Manpower and Money. The tribal states simply did not have the revenue to support any sort of army nor the manpower to withstand a war with a Greek power or Rome.

Result? Gaul now provides something of a fight. It still slowly loses territory to Rome but instead of immediate wholesale annexation it seems to be a slower process. Germania on the other hand turns into a region capable of resisting Rome depending on which alliance comes out on top.

Here is a screenshot of a game in progress.

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As you can see, the Suebi have become a rather large state, as have the purple guys south east of them. Purple is the Quadi which is a Germanic group that is also of the Suebi culture subgroup. On the far right are the Gepidae the red color, they are a Vandalic culture as is the yellow state above them which are the Vandals. The brown state stuck between Rome the Suebi and the Quadi are the Marcomanni.

The Suebi and the Quadi form one power bloc with the Vandals as well. The Marcomanni are allied to only the Suebi and the Gepidae pay tribute to the Quadi and are allied to the Vandals.

In this region two celtic states have been eliminated as well as another Ilyrian tribe.

In Gual we can see that Rome has been eating into them slowly with the help of Massilia.

The most interesting event in this game occurred approximately 20 years before this screenshot was taken. Rome went to war with the Quadi Suebi Vandal alliance. Rome made early inroads on the Quadi and Suebi and was able to force a quick separate peace on the Vandals which can be seen. However the gains were reversed and the northern half of the Italian peninsula was conquered by the Quadi while most of Roman controlled Gaul was occupied by the Suebi who in turn had about half of their own territory occupied. The end result was a white peace.

Here is what the map now looks like at the start of the game.

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Закреплённые сообщения

Я так понимаю они нас опередили и варваров уже добавили новых <_< Этот мод посмотрю одним из первых.

  rome писал:
Я так понимаю они нас опередили и варваров уже добавили новых <_< Этот мод посмотрю одним из первых.

Посмотрел. Респект, молодцы люди. Жаль что не мы сделали - ну ладно, у них пощностей побольше. А так мод хороший, играть интереснее будет в разы. Правда, я бы еще добавил одно племя в Скандинавии и одно-два племя на Пиренеях.

  rome писал:
Посмотрел. Респект, молодцы люди. Жаль что не мы сделали - ну ладно, у них пощностей побольше. А так мод хороший, играть интереснее будет в разы. Правда, я бы еще добавил одно племя в Скандинавии и одно-два племя на Пиренеях.

и 2-3 в Англии ( саксы, шотландцы(горцы), Уэльцы и т.д.) в да и на Перенеях непомишалоб

Я предлагаю взять за основу нового мода этот мод и самим его изменять(сделаем свой мод Варвары)

Скажите чё и куда добавлять , я другу скажу , он сделает и он выложит доделаный мод сюда

  AlBrut писал:
Скажите чё и куда добавлять , я другу скажу , он сделает и он выложит доделаный мод сюда

Да честно говоря, по моему, уже нет смысла ничего делать. В моде ROME: ENHANCED, например, добавленны и отлажены все варвары и делать тоже самое по сути - лично я не вижу смысла.

А команда мододелов так и не собралась, к сожалению. Желающие были, но не было координатора который направлял бы проект. Комрад Darhark который взялся вроде бы быть лидером проекта, к сожалению, пропал с форума.


спс за мод)

А на 1.2 мод встанет???

  Brodyaga писал:
А на 1.2 мод встанет???

Этот нет. Но в мод ROME: ENHANCED включен мод Barbarian. И есть версия для 1.2.


Я этот мод установил на 1.2 и все норм запахало....

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