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Western Europe 410-962 — The Winter King

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Western Europe 410-962 - The Winter King




A Dark Ages Total Conversion for CKII,

based on "The Warlord Chronicles" saga by Bernard Cornwell

(The Winter King, The Enemy of God, Excalibur)


  • A completely new map covering Britain, Ireland and part of modern-day France.
  • A campaign scenario starting in 479 AD, and revolving around two major struggles: the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, and the religious conflict between the ancient british Gods and the "new" catholic faith. The campaign end date is set to 867 AD.
  • Custom Events and Storylines. There are hundreds of new or modified events, including a search for the legendary thirteen Treasures of Britain (choose the ambition "Restore the Old Gods"), a basic druid selection and education system, events regarding Anglo-Saxon and Frankish invasions, religious conversions, trading routes with the Mediterranean sea, seasonal events, and much more.
  • A number of new traits, modifiers, decisions and ambitions/objectives.
  • A dynamic 'Music Module'
  • A dynamic 'de jure' map system that allows multiple 'de jure' map configurations.
  • Custom buildings, appropriate for post-roman Britain. Several of them are culture-based or terrain-based. Many unique historical buildings (the baths of Aquae Sulis, the tidal bay of Mont Saint Michel, etc.). All buildings have a larger array of effects compared to vanilla. Barracks, stables and military buildings, for example, will reduce your tax income, increase risk of disease, and so on. There are custom building "sets" for specific purposes: justice buildings to reduce revolt risk, health buildings to prevent diseases, smiths and forges to improve your units effectiveness, etc.
  • Culture-based de jure titles and kingdoms. In 479 AD most of Britain is divided among British, Romano-British and Cumbrian kingdoms. However, with the Anglo-Saxon invasions new de jure (non titular) kingdoms and jarldoms will slowly emerge: Mercia, Northumbria, Lindsey, Bernicia, Deira, and so on. Each title has different requirements and some of them may never appear, but in the long run at least some of these new Anglo-Saxon realms will pop up and grow, aggregate, etc.
  • New military unit types (there were no knights or pikemen in 5th century) and combat tactics.
  • Custom graphics, artwork, icons, portraits, etc.



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Скачать The Winter King Hotfix 1.3.3 [для мода версии 1.3.2] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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Данный хотфикс устанавливается на версию мода 1.3.2

changelogНажмите здесь!

Patch 1.3.3:

- Fixed some minor localisation problems

- Fixed Pagenses renaming event firing over and over again

- Fixed Swaffham unit position

- The High Kingdom of Britannia should now keep Feudal Elective succession

- Romans and Roman sub-cultures now properly use primogeniture succession at start again

- Fixed the Viking Invasion cb

- Arthur can now get the marriage event if he is legitimized before Uther dies

- Fixed issue with Verlucio not being de jure part of Atrebatia in the 410 start


Изменено пользователем vitovt13

Кто нибудь следит за модам, может новая версия вышла? :)


Кто нибудь понял по какому принципу в этом моде даются поводы для войны? Сижу сейчас в Ирландии за католика, под одним боком язычники, под другим еретики, но войну объявить не могу никому. 


Люди кто имеет доступ на плазу ? Пожалуйста проверьте на наличие новой версии. Буду вам вечно благодарен.


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- Merlin can now take the decision to Restore the Old Gods even if he is cynical
- The Consular Province of Hibernia is now creatable
- Added maintenance events so that Anglo-Saxon initial invasions will not be invalidated if against revolters
- Fixed condition for Feudal Elective succession
- AAtE and Vortigern now gradually lose their health bonus as the game progresses
- Verlucio is now properly integrated into Dobunnia in the Roman de jure structure
- Investiture now works properly for Nicenes
- Fixed a bug with Gothia being improperly created de jure upon loading a save in certain situations
- Fixed Saxon priestess portraits
- Fixed and restored Norse portraits
- Fixed season modifiers not being applied to all provinces
- Added missing third holding in Arvia
- Event-spawned Foederati troops now properly get traits
- Bretons now properly only have access to the Roman Town Hall building chain
- Fixed various bugs with the Iclingas Migration event chain
- Many more minor bugfixes

- Updated to CK2 2.6.2 and Reaper's Due
- Merged Southern Britain and Angeln depopulation modifiers with the Reaper's Due depopulation modifiers
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.38.1 "Actaeon"
- Integrated the Names of the Romans WtWSMS submod (thanks to Sarcastik!)
- Pagan courtiers will no longer try to convert other pagans in the realm unless they are heretics of each other
- Cultural reconquest is now properly useable by Frisians in Frisia, Picts in Caledonia (except Dalriada), Britons in Wales (except for Demetia), and Cumbrians in Hen Ogledd
- Added events for de jure creation of Henis Wyren/Lleyn and de jure reconquest by Gwynedd
- Roazhon is now part of the Armorican setup (no longer part of Broerec)
- Added a formable Roman province of Caledonia and events for de jure creation of Roman civitates in Caledonia
- Added event to drift Salland and Hamaland into Saxony (on Saxon conquest)
- Added event to drift Saxony into Francia (on Frankish conquest)
- Salland and Hamaland become de jure Frisia once both Frisia and Saxony are conquered by the Franks
- The High Kingdom of Germania is now creatable
- Split Germanic paganism into Anglo-Saxon, Frankish, Suebic, and Gothic paganism
- Increased different religious branch penalty
- Added traits to reduce the opinion maluses between different branches of Celtic pagans and Germanic pagans
- Successfully Restoring the Old Gods no longer has hard requirements, but the chance of success now scales based on piety, learning, and certain traits
- Added Manicheanism in southern Gaul
- Added Manichean Elect and Hearer caste traits
- Manicheans are lead by the Apostle of the West, elected by a College of Bishops
- Manicheans gain piety at peace and have access to the vanilla Buddhist personality improvement ambitions
- Christians and Manicheans can now order characters to take the vows
- Added Jewish religion and Hebrew culture
- Feudal characters in Gaul have access to the SoA decisions to borrow money from and expel Jews, and the SoA events for Jewish advisors
- Added Old Frisian and Old Saxon culture in 479, which transition to Frisian/Saxon on the continent and Anglo-Saxon in Britannia
- Moved Hellenic and Nicene holy sites in Lutetia to Lugdunum, and Nicene holy site in Pictavium to Burdigala
- Romano-British culture in Cymry now assimilates to Briton/Cumbric after the fall of Lloegyr
- Ingnaevonic cultures will no longer assimilate into Romano-Gallic culture if ruled by other Ingnaevones
- Anglo-Saxon dukes are now localised as Ealdorman
- Added Roman legion system
- Roman legions have been converted from mercenary companies to event troops associated with a particular duchy-level legion title
- Roman legions can be restored by decision upon reconquering the appropriate provinces
- Legions can be lost/destroyed if annihilated in battle (all event troops destroyed) and the legionary base is lost
- Added several Roman legions across Britannia and Gallia (most unactive in 479)
- The arrival of the Legio VI Gallicana now uses the new Roman legion system
- Imperial (government) rulers now have higher taxes but lower vassal levies
- The Roman Caesar and Senator honorary titles are now councillor titles
- The County Conquest cb now invalidates if you no longer border the target province or own a barony inside it
- Added some more events to get Wessex to invade Berkshire in 550
- Added decision/event chain for Benoc's Folc to migrate to Bernicia in 500 as foederati
- Added decisions/event chain for Bernician and Deiran foederati revolts
- Revolt for Lindsey and Cantia are now decision-triggered for human players
- Added a 480 Saxon invasion of Salland/Hamaland
- Added decision/event chains for Ingnaevonic rulers in Germania to invade Roman Gaul
- Disabled use of seniority succession
- Construction of a tribal holding by Germanic rulers before 700 now destroys most other holdings in the county (analagous to the province tribalizing event)
- British Strongholds/Civitates are destroyed if the owner of the holder or the province becomes a non-Romanized Germanic culture (can be rebuilt later)
- Significantly increased tribal holding construction cost and building time
- Significantly nerfed the Nuncio trait
- Lowered the chances of Aelle being killed in a duel
- Significantly increased the cost of building temple holdings
- Increased the threshold for AI accepting vassalization
- Fighter and Brother of Mithras traits now increase Personal Combat Rating
- The Imperial Reconquest cb no longer gives "The Conquerer" nickname
- Humble now gives +1 Diplomacy
- Decreased the vassal opinion and martial bonus of the Augustus trait
- The Decentralization modifier now works properly with Conclave and can be reduced with higher Crown Authority, higher Centralization, higher Vassal Control, lower Council power, and Imperial government, but never eliminated
- Converted all triggered modifiers to event-based
- Romans now use the Italian/Iberian portraits, if you have it activated
- Added event for Fall of the Franks

- Added some Frisian counts and provinces in Anglia in 479
- Meriadoc is now the duke-tier holder of Stronggore in 479
- Lerion is now a de facto part of Powys in 479
- Lerion and Linnius are under the kingdom of Lindum in 410
- Put Cynwidion, Went, and Colun under Maxima Caesariensis in 410
- Atrebatia/Celemion and Belgia/The Belgae are now tributaries of Maxima Caesariensis in 410 (rather than vassals)
- All Imperial, Armorican, and Romano-British vassals now use Primogeniture
- Dalriada is now formed by 479 and controls the county of Dal Riata (in Antrim)
- King Diwrnach of Lleyn now starts with some (non-reinforcing) event troops in 479
- Bran Hen is now ruler of Catreath under his brother Cyngar in 479
- The ancestors of the Bernician Angles are now playable in 479 as landless vassals of Northfolc (the Benoc's Folc)
- Hamaland and Salland are now Saxon and ruled by Saxon kings from 485 onwards
- Redonia/Roazhon is now controlled by and de jure Benoic in 479
- Baiocassia is now controlled by and de jure Soissons in 479
- Added Saxon provinces and counts in Otlinga Saxonia (old Viducassia) and Pontes Ambianorum
- Added the Saxon invasion/occupation of Anjou in 463
- Tricensemae/Xanten and Novaesium/Neuss are now tribal and Frankish in 410
- Adjusted the spread of Nicene in 479
- Downgraded Vastergotaland and Ostergotaland (de facto) into petty kings/dukes
- Added missing Blood of Calgacus trait to Talorg I
- Reduced the spread of Frankish culture
- All Frankish kingdoms now feudal in 479 (but with many tribal vassals and provinces)
- Added event troops and a few more vassals to the Frankish kingdoms in 479
- Added some Ingnaevonic rulers and provinces to Flanders
- The Kings of Ystrad Clud no longer hold the Kingdom of Lothian in pre-460 starts (but still control the area de facto)

- Added several new provinces across Cynwidion, Lindum, and southern Hen Ogledd
- Added Kingdom of Lindum (over Linnius and Lerion)
- Moved Ratae into Lerion and made it Romano-British, Nicene, and feudal
- Stonggore is now the duchy title and Cynwidion the kingdom title
- Ceredigion is now de jure part of Gwynedd and independent in 479
- Renamed Durnovaria (the duchy) to Durnac
- Renamed Grentbryce to Gwyras
- Reorganized Roman duchy (civitas) and kingdom (province) setup in Britannia
- Renamed Danish Lancaster to Agmundrnes
- Added Belgica Prima
- Added some provinces and rearranged/renamed/added duchies in Dalriada to correspond to historical Cenels
- Added several provinces across northern Pictavia
- Made Orkney and Shetland into their own duchies
- Added formable Anglo-Saxon eorldom of Tomsaete
- Added a formable Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Niwestraland in Gaul
- Several Frankish counties/duchies in Northwestern Gaul now have Anglo-Saxon localisation and will be formed under Niwestraland if formed/controlled by Anglo-Saxons
- Made Dalsland into its own duchy under Vastergotaland, added a province, and made it into an independent petty kingdom
- Added Varmland as an independent petty kingdom (duchy) de jure under Vastergotaland
- Added Svealand (3 kingdoms, 11 duchies/petty kingdoms, 32 provinces)
- Redrew provinces in Gotland
- Adjusted provinces in Saxony
- Added duchies of Osningland, Tietmelliland, Engern, and Sturmiland in Saxony
- Made the Rhine, Meuse, and Moselle navigable
- Changed some Armorican provinces from forest to woods



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Checksum: KGHD




- Fixed a bug that let Germanic titles be constantly created and then destroyed
- Made some localisation/name fixes
- Fixed the minimap (courtesy of Keizer Harm)
- Arthur now should not try to make himself regent when he already is
- Fixed Nicene being able to spread in inner Germania and Scandinavia too early
- Fixed Roman civitates in Caledonia and Hibernia not being creatable by Roman rulers
- Fixed Revoke Vassal Title plot war invalidating
- Fixed Helinius being unnavigable
- Fixed vassals of de jure Sussex revolting for independence from Sussex
- Fixed losers of claimant wars not losing their claims
- Fixed Fall of Anglia event chain breaking if the King of Anglia dies in the middle of the war
- Fixed foederati losing the foederatus trait during a revolt
- Fixed possibility of multiple of the same Anglo-Saxon invasion happening
- Lugdnensis Quartia and Narbonensis Prima now properly go under the Britannic Empire after Gaul is conquered
- Fixed Ciniubantum not going under Grawth/Segontiacia in some circumstances

- Made some code optimizations
- Redid Romano-Gallic name list
- Irish Invasion now works similarly to vanilla (not mod) Imperial Reconquest and can be used against any duchy in Alba, Henis Wyren/Lleyn, or Demetia
- Alan rulers now start with Romanized Administration from 440 onwards
- Defeat of the Franks event now moves Ripuarian Franks to Germania and other Frankish kingdoms to Gallic Empire (like the 479 setup, before the Death of Julius Nepos)
- Added Return of the Franks event for if Franks reconquer Belgica after being defeated (reverse of the above event)
- Blocked Franks from using duchy invasion on Hamaland and Salland after they become Saxon
- Increased base vassal limit for Imperials, Franks, Visigoths, and Burgundians
- Anglo-Saxon invasions and settlements now clear depopulation modifiers from the settled provinces once the culture changes
- Reduced supply limit malus from depopulation modifiers
- Made AI less likely to launch hopeless independence faction revolts
- Added a vassal mercenary company for Wessex




Можно ссылку на яндекс диск,а то ссылку в шапке мне банит роскомнадзор

В 17.12.2016 at 23:37, JimmyAlco сказал:

Можно ссылку на яндекс диск,а то ссылку в шапке мне банит роскомнадзор

Да вообще безпредел и идиотия


Никто не подскажет, как играть за Артура в кампании Winter King. Сижу на континенте, войск нету, ничего нету, сделать по сути ничего нельзя

Есть какие нибудь новости по моду?

Ребята скажите, ожидается новая версия мода адаптированнная под новые патчи СС или он затух?

Вышла новая версия мода Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


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- устанавливается на версию мода 1.5.0


Checksum: VHZE




- Fixed Conquest of Saxony event triggering over and over again
- Fixed 552 West Saxon invasion spawning many duplicates of the invasion
- The Frankish Invasion of Gaul event will now only trigger if the King of the Salians is actually Frankish
- Fixed Irish provinces not getting season modifiers
- Fixed Tribals being blocked from the Ruler Title Revocation Sovereignty law even with high enough Tribal Organization
- Fixed Manichean CoAs not showing up on the map
- Fixed some requirements for leveling up in the Manichean monastic order not showing up in the tooltip
- Germanic and Feudal government characters can now access Feudal Elective and Primogeniture succession laws at and high technology
- Fixed starting music not playing
- Fixed an issue with the de jure removal of Catuvellaunia event
- Fixed Aurelius Ambrosius the Elder not properly losing all of his fertility malus once Ambrosius Aurelianus the Younger is born
- Fixed Combat trait education events not firing properly if Conclave is enabled



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- Updated to CK2 2.7.2
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.40.4 "Asteria 2"
- Removed hardy, soft, brilliant, and idiot traits
- Converted shrewd, dull, brawny, and frail to congenital traits (rank 1)
- Congenital traits are now assigned between 3 and 7 (Calculated at birth with flags)
- Updatde ze_adolesence events for BCT
- Some childhood traits affect epigenetics; epigenetics also less punishing for AI
- Updated warrior traits for conclave and new BCT
- New BCThelper! Upshot: The AI no longer marries Kings to lowborn weak imbeciles
- All Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Britannia can now be created by any non-Romanized Germanic
- Added event for restoring Gwinntguic and Guenet de jure once Dumnonia is not held by Uther, any of Uther's children, or Mordred
- Added event for the death of Arthur if he is High King
- The Anglian Invasion events no longer allow Aelle to break truces
- Brythonic/Anglo-Saxon kings will also receive a notification that Britannia/Aenglaland has been claimed before getting the letter event asking for their consent
- Tribal taxes and levies now require at least Strong Tribal Organization
- The Fall of Anglia chain now gives the King of Anglia a serious negative modifier, while the rebel event troops have been significantly nerfed
- Feudal rulers using the County Conquest, Duchy Invasion, or Imperial Conquest (not Reconquest) cbs on a tribal province require the province (or any province inside the duchy neighbouring your realm for duchy-level cbs) to either be of your culture group or neighbour a feudal province
- Added a special building for foederati capitals
- Season modifiers now also affect tribal holding taxes
- Added climate periods and variations
- 410 - 536 normal, 536 - 550 very cold (Late Antique Little Ice Age start), 550 - 660 cold (Late Antique Little Ice Age continuing), 660 - 800 normal, 800 - 962 warm (Medieval Warm Period)
- Seasons now vary in length and severity based on the year
- During the Late Antique Little Ice Age, provinces can be hit by famines that cause depopulation and destroy buildings, and undeveloped city and castle holdings can be destroyed
- Added unique buildings for the Hill of Tara and Rock of Cashel
- Added cultural buildings for the Alans
- Added Legionary Camp/Castrum castle buildings
- Temple holdings now have a small base technology spread and piety bonus
- Moved the Scriptorium/Library building chain from cities to temples
- Added farm buildings to temple holdings
- Added heavy infantry/spearmen building chain to temples
- Nerfed city building economic tech point bonuses
- Increased major battle warscore threshold to 10%
- Added AI councillor voting logic for military professionalism laws
- Renamed all Hellenic gods to correspond to their Roman/Latin names
- A successful Saxon invasion of Gaul now changes your government type to Germanic
- Tribal holdings manually built in a feudal province now also get free buildings
- Imperial and Romanized Germanic dukes are now called "Comes", and Romanized Germanic duchies also now have the prefix "Civitas of"
- The Disallowed Vassal Wars law can now be enacted by Sub-Roman (Brythonic) and Germanic government realms
- Imperial, Romano-British, and Romance culture characters now have a small opinion bonus to counteract being part of different culture groups
- Conversion of Clovis event/decision now only converts the capital of the Frankish king to Nicene, not the capitals of all vassals
- Changed Offa's Dyke event localisation to better reflect what it actually does
- Made hillfort buildings somewhat cheaper
- Rebalanced Anglo-Saxon event troops, including generally reducing the amount of event troops kept after wars
- Creating Guenet now requires controlling Glevum
- Made AI much more likely to use de jure subjugation over other cbs
- Romano-Britons in Cymry are now also converted to Feudal government by the event that converts to Briton/Cumbric
- Gallóglaigh Courtyards/War Halls and British Tesserarion/Vigiles buildings can now only be built in Irish or Briton/Cumbric buildings, respectively

- Sagramor is now Romano-Numidian
- Ambrosius family adjustments
- Various character trait changes (Mordred, Sagramor)
- Londinium is now a depopulated Romano-British province vassal to the Middle Saxons in 479
- The Belgae and its rulers are now Romano-British
- Removed the starting war in the 479 start
- Stronggore now starts off as a Dumnonian tributary in 479
- Gereint's son Cadwy is now born in 476
- Rearranged and added some vassals to Celemion in 479
- Added historical wives to the playable Kings of Gwynedd, along with their genealogies
- Added a descendant of Eudaf Hen as a vassal of Gwynedd (in Rhos) in 479
- Burgundy now expands into Lugdunensis Prima in 457 (with Lugdunum returning to Roman control 457-462)
- Added in several interlinked senatorial/episcopal Gallo-Roman families in southern Gaul
- Replaced some of the fictional Roman governors in the 410 start with historical characters (Rusticus Decimus in Belgica Prima and Germanus of Auxerre in Lugdunensis Tertia)
- Added in many fictional characters to populate southern Gaul in the 410 start
- Renamed Aelle's (Angle) sons to Hrothgar and Cyrning, as in the books

- Removed provinces of Camboritum, Cora Vicus, Exolidunum, Exidualum, Andarta, and Magnus Mons
- Added province of Durocornovium in Ceri
- Adjusted provinces in Kent
- Made several minor adjustments to Briton duchy setup in SE Britannia
- Moved Rhegin from Gwinntguic to Ceint
- Added Briton duchy of Dubris in southern Ceint (split off duchy of Ceint)
- Renamed "Isca Dumnonia" to "Isca"
- Moved Colun from Icenia to Londinium
- Added Briton duchy of Durobrivae in Icenia (split off of Lerion)
- Moved Grwath from Cynwidion to Icenia
- Added rivers in Tarraconensis
- Removed province of Zeeland/Þolen and Frisian/Germanic duchy of Holland/Masuland
- Added in Viennensis Prima
- Removed Roman duchy of Caletia
- Added Frankish county of Lisieux (split off Evreux)
- Renamed Frankish county of Calz to Roðoburg (Rouen)
- Made the Rhone/Saone navigable

- Ported secret society balance fixes from vanilla
- Fixed Ardstraw and Tirkeeran not being in the Roman de jure setup for Ireland
- Fixed Romans being unable to form Concania
- Roman Emperors and their vassals are now properly blocked from creating Dalriada and Pictavia
- No longer able to Claim Britannia while someone has already claimed it and is currently fighting over the claim
- Fixed Britannia not being locked into Feudal Elective
- Fixed Old Frisian melting pot events firing for characters/provinces that are already Old Frisian
- Stealing Excalibur from Arthur now properly does not simply duplicate the artifact
- The sacrifice for the ritual to Restore the Old Gods is now chosen right before the ritual, and will now properly any characters chosen to be sacrificed
- Fixed Disallowed Vassal Wars being unenactable even with Imperial government
- Fixed Cultural Reclaim wars not being usable

- Fixed missing triggers for options and broken localisation in the Roman triumph after battle event
- Fixed bug where certain Anglo-Saxon duchies were creatable even if you had a non-Germanic liege
- Fixed missing localisation for Roman Fever onset event
- Fixed missing localisation for the de jure destruction of Wiltshire event
- Fixed Imperial rulers gaining non-legion commanders through certain events
- Fixed missing localisation for the Swords of East Seaxe event
- Fixed some missing localisations for Roman gods
- Fixed Norse invaders spawning with Sub-Roman Brythonic government
- Fixed Roman de jure drift for Verlucio and Manduessum
- Scylding migration and revolts from high tribal realms are now properly set to High Tribal government after victory
- Cannot claim the Iclingas if your liege is also a Scylding who can take the decision
- The Hwiccas invaders now properly start off as high tribals
- Fixed Burgundy going back under Gallic Empire if the WRE has already fallen and the Franks are subsequently destroyed
- Fixed issue where Tomsaete would go de jure under Pegansaete after reloading a save
- Fixed several other minor bugs



Чрезвычайно хороший мод. Но у меня есть баг - все создаваемые нпс идут с трейтом низкорослый. 


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- Updated to CK2
- Ported JD Compose Book and Recruit Smith decisions
- Ported Vanilla Bema decision/event chain for Manicheans
- Added foederati, client state, and Roman province tributary types, in addition to the new vanilla tributary types
- Added a Make Client State cb for Sub-Roman and Imperial rulers, replacing the JD Make Permanent Tributary cb
- Tribal Overhaul
- All tribal holding buildings are now built with gold, with tribal income increased to compensate
- Added a character modifier for tribal rulers' levies and character opinion - increases with prestige and martial, decreases with number of provinces in realm
- Disabled de jure claim cbs for (Low) Tribal rulers
- Re-enabled raid cb for (Low) Tribals to use against any neighbouring realm
- Claim cbs have prestige requirements and costs for (Low) Tribals
- (Low) Tribals can subjugate small (Low) Tribal neighbours if they have enough prestige, regardless of rank
- (Low) Tribals now generally have access to the county conquest cb at a high prestige requirement and cost, with it being easier to attack rulers of a different culture group and much easier to attack feudal rulers
- Added a cb for (Low) Tribals to take vassals from neighbouring tribal realms
- Added a variant of the Duchy Invasion cb for (Low) Tribal rulers with high prestige that can be used against feudal realms
- Tribal Raid, Subjugation, and County Conquest cbs have timers restricting their use
- The Depose Liege cb now forces your liege to abdicate all of their top-level titles to you if you are (Low) Tribal, rather than just abdicating to your favourite heir
- High Tribal rulers of certain Germanic cultures can now use a version of the Pagan Subjugation cb to subjugate other rulers their de jure kingdom
- Added a "Become High King" ambition for Norse Kings in Scandinavia which unlocks a version of the Pagan Subjugation cb that can be used to unite your de jure high kingdom
- Restored Settle Tribe Steward action for Tribal rulers - now increases income from province
- Events now add prosperity and can give a province modifier for economic boons as remove depopulation and rather than changing province culture, but the job action still makes cultural conversion a little faster
- Replaced the Fabricate Claim Chancellor action with a new Sponsor Bards job action for Tribals
- Non-Celtic Tribal kingdoms are destroyed if the holder has low prestige and a small realm
- The Raise Tribal Army decision now scales the raised army according to your prestige
- Enabled the Overthrow Khan/Ruler faction for (Low) Tribals
- Only peasant revolts can now fire in (Low) Tribal counties
- Realm Peace can now only be used by tribal rulers with Strong or Absolute Tribal Organization
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.41.1 "Euronotus"
- Armorican/Breton dukes are now uniformly have the title Prince
- Rulers of Roman provinces now only have the title "Governor" when under Imperial government, using king otherwise (i.e. when independent Sub-Roman rulers)
- Duel Engine now properly takes into account Reaper's Due injury traits
- It is now possible to be disarmed if defeated in a round of a duel (especially if you have been seriously injured), which forces you to yield
- Added ethnicity randomization for randomly generated characters (e.g. newly-generated Romano-Gallic characters can occaisionally use Celtic or Iberian portraits)
- Added decision for Soissons to integrate its client states and foederati
- Restoring the Senate no longer requires you to wait until 483 (you only need to wait for the WRE to fall)
- Any sufficiently powerful Roman King/Emperor can now create their own Senate even if someone else has already created one
- Renamed "Imperial Reclaim" and "Cultural Reclaim" cbs to "Imperial Reconquest" and "Cultural Reclamation"
- Imperial reconquest now vassalizes Roman-cultured rulers in the target duchy, rather than simply usurping all titles
- Added a decision for a Roman Emperor that has reconquered Gaul to invade Magna Germania, giving them access to the County Conquest and Imperial Conquest against that region
- Blocked Roman rulers from using the county conquest cb against Magna Germania before taking the decision to invade Magna Germania
- Alan-cultured rulers and independent duke-level characters with at least 8 provinces in their realm can now also use the Duchy Invasion cb (if they follow all other requirements)
- Blocked Germanic rulers from using the county conquest and duchy invasion cbs against Vasconian provinces in Aquitania Tertia
- Blocked Frankish human players from using county conquest cb against Broceliande (was already blocked for the AI)
- Reduced piety gained by pagan rulers when using many cbs
- All feudal vassals of Roman Emperors are now Imperial government as well
- Imperial cultures now use the dynasty name (nomen) before the personal name (cognomen)
- Added a decision for non-Roman-cultured Sub-Roman kings (e.g. Visigoths, Burgundians, Alans) to create their own version of the Gallic Empire
- The Unite the Frankish Kingdoms decision now gives you the other Frankish kings as tributaries rather than vassals if Horse Lords is enabled
- Added a targeted decision for a Frankish king to claim tributary Frankish petty kingdoms
- Added a number of new mercenary companies
- Made mercenaries a little less expensive to hire upfront
- Renamed Holy Orders to Zealots
- Added a Rejuventate Manicheanism decision for a powerful Manichaean emperor who has conquered most of Gaul
- Added a Zealot company to Manicheanism, appearing shortly after taking the Rejuventate Manicheanism decision
- Ported Vasconic paganism from WtWSMS
- Promethean Pagans now properly have access to Agnatic-Cognatic and Abso lute Cognatic succession at all times
- Vasconians now have access to Agnatic-Cognatic and Absolute Cognatic succession laws, and start off with Agnatic-Cognatic
- Pagan Germanic rulers no longer have access to Agnatic-Cognatic succession by default
- Tribals are no longer blocked from Agnatic-Cognatic succession
- Blocked access to Feudal Elective for independent duchy-level Irish/Gaelic rulers, except for Airgialla
- Added a flavour event for the defeat of the Anglo-Saxons when all Anglo-Saxon realms on Britannia have been destroyed and all the Anglo-Saxon invasions have finished
- The British foederati are now always represented as tributaries, even without Horse Lords disabled
- Removed obsolete Ransom All decision
- Added decision to form In Fochla (identical to creating it the normal way)

- The Alans are now a tributary (rather than a vassal) of the Gallic Empire in 410
- The western half of Soissons (beyond the Seine, roughly) is now composed of tributaries rather than vassals of Soissons
- Benoic is now a tributary of Soissons in 479
- The Gallic Roman Provinces are now tributaries of the WRE in pre-479 start dates
- Added in history for the dioceses of Reims, Soissons, and Laon
- Made each of the duchy-level vassals of Munster independent, with the Deisi Muman and Osraighe tributaries of the Corcu Loigde
- Cadwallon's wife is now the sister of the reigning King of Fotla in 479
- Added the paternal ancestry of the Emperor Anthemius

- Added the Eastern Roman Empire as a titular title, with associated history
- Added Roman de jure structure for Magna Germania up to the Elbe, including a new Province of Germania Tertia
- Added the Marais Poitevin and the ancient Loire estuary
- Redrew and overhauled the provinces of Pictonia
- k_franks and k_ripuarian_franks now move their capitals to Soissons and Metz, respectively, after the Frankish conquest of (Roman) Soissons (alongside being renamed)
- Visigothic capital now moves to Narbonne after the Frankish conquest of Toulouse
- Aardenburg and Waasland now become part of Flanders after Frisia is conquered by the Franks
- Added several provinces in Norway
- Made Vingulmark into a duchy
- Added duchies of Sunnmore, Gudbrandsdalen, Osterdalen, Herjedalen, and Halsingland
- Added the rest of the major rivers of Norway
- Added flavour event for the creation of Germania, Denmark, Norway, Gautland, and Sweden
- Added formable empire of Norrœnirmennland (Scandinavia)
- Moved Scythian pagan holy site from Lyon to Valentia and Gaelic pagan holy site from An Deise to Cashel

- The Fall of WRE event should now always trigger by 482
- Fixed Kilkenny positions
- Fixed issue where the Benoc Folc could be improperly granted landed titles
- Fixed bug where second Iclingas invasion could invade in the middle of Britannia even with no neighbouring Anglo-Saxon realms
- Fixed missing base localisation for d_lisieux
- Fixed part of the Adour and the Gave de Pau being considered ocean regions
- Fixed swapped triggers for Civitas of Velabria and Civitas of Ivernia events
- Fixed mercenary band captains being able to take the Claim Mercian Lands
- Fixed issue with multiple Imperial Conquest cbs for the same duchies appearing
- West Saxon, Iclingas, and Hwiccas invasions no longer have a delay between declaring war and spawning troops
- Fixed the Restoring the Old Gods ritual
- Enacting the Notable/Full Status of Women Law or the Full Gender Equality Game Rule should now properly give you access to Agnatic-Cognatic Succession regardless of your culture
- Fixed a number of minor localisation issues
- The event where your druid-in-training child returns with one leg should now actually give them the one-legged trait if you have Reaper's Due
- Fixed issue with the trigger for the de jure removal event of the County of Lisieux
- Fixed Tribal Training Grounds 6 effect

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В 29.12.2017 в 13:57, vitovt13 сказал:

- Restoring the Senate no longer requires you to wait until 483 (you only need to wait for the WRE to fall)

WRE вроде своих земель не имеет, как она может распасться? (начал за последнего римлянина в Британии, уже 460 год)


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- Compatible with CK2

- Moved Music into a seperate module/submod
- Made requirements for non-de jure subjugation more visible
- The Kingdom and High Kingdom-level Germanic subjugation cbs are no longer restricted for Old Norse, Angle, Old Saxon, and Old Frisian characters
- Non-Tribal rulers have building costs in tribal holdings reduced by one half
- Reduced time required for armies to load and unload off boats
- Added a couple of Manichean artifacts
- Added notifications for changes in your tribal respect level
- Significantly decreased prestige penalty for refusing a call to arms as a tribal vassal
- Reduced Sussex revolt event troops and added a significant military and vassal debuff modifier for Sussex after the death or deposition of Cerdic instead
- Enabled a limited version of the Vassalization cb for non-Brythonic High Tribals
- Enabled the tribal version of the county conquest cb for High Tribal Irish/Gaels and Norse to use against other Irish/Gaels and Norse
- Significantly reduced gold from sieging down tribal holdings while raiding
- Added a decision for High Tribal rulers to claim their liege's primary title (or king-level de jure liege if independent) if they have high prestige, stats, or a family connection and the liege has low prestige
- Reduced character attribute requirements for keeping Britannia/Aenglaland

- Fixed missing retinues
- Fixed county conquest and duchy invasion cbs being usable against Roman Provinces under the WRE if you are also a tributary of the WRE
- Fixed Crown focus not being removed from provinces conquered using the Imperial Reconquest cb
- Fixed Promethean and Titan Pagans not getting conversion bonuses
- Fixed Anglo-Saxon melting pot event not firing properly under some circumstances
- Fixed Germanic duchy titles in Frisia and Saxony not used as civitates being creatable by Roman/Imperial rulers
- Fixed Confirm Senate event not always firing when you have a new ruler
- Fixed requirements to adopt Germanic government for certain cultures
- The Decision to Convert to Hellenic Paganism now properly converts you to Reformed Hellenic/Sol Invictus after the Hellenic Reformation and is no longer available to other Imperial Pagan characters
- Fixed missing localisation for holy site secret conversion decisions for pagan religions
- Fixed missing localisation for Hellenic secret religious cult
- Fixed tribals being able to choose to get crown jewels when taking the Search for a Smith decision
- Fixed Arthur marriage event localisation overflowing
- Fixed NO_TEXT_KEY_FOR GROUP localisation when hovering over holy sites




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Compatible with CK2
Checksum: BGSU



- Fixed missing GOD_LOKI localisation
- Fixed Imperial Administration law not being immediately applied upon become Gallic Emperor
- Fixed a bug where you could get a game over on succession as Aenglaland
- Fixed Saxon Weards retinue having a bonus to militant morale instead of spearmen morale
- Fixed a bug with dealing with disabling landless count-tier titles
- Fixed a possible crash with the Free Town of Caletum event
- Fixed the AI not revoking Plague Laws
- Fixed Revoke Foederati Status decision not always properly declaring war if refused
- Fixed a bug causing AI characters to give away all of their county titles until they only had one left
- Fixed travelling courtier events not always spawning courtiers with the correct graphical culture/ethnicity
- Fixed Imperial cultured vassals of Brythonic realms not being able to create certain Brythonic titles


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