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Western Europe 410-962 — The Winter King

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Western Europe 410-962 - The Winter King




A Dark Ages Total Conversion for CKII,

based on "The Warlord Chronicles" saga by Bernard Cornwell

(The Winter King, The Enemy of God, Excalibur)


  • A completely new map covering Britain, Ireland and part of modern-day France.
  • A campaign scenario starting in 479 AD, and revolving around two major struggles: the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, and the religious conflict between the ancient british Gods and the "new" catholic faith. The campaign end date is set to 867 AD.
  • Custom Events and Storylines. There are hundreds of new or modified events, including a search for the legendary thirteen Treasures of Britain (choose the ambition "Restore the Old Gods"), a basic druid selection and education system, events regarding Anglo-Saxon and Frankish invasions, religious conversions, trading routes with the Mediterranean sea, seasonal events, and much more.
  • A number of new traits, modifiers, decisions and ambitions/objectives.
  • A dynamic 'Music Module'
  • A dynamic 'de jure' map system that allows multiple 'de jure' map configurations.
  • Custom buildings, appropriate for post-roman Britain. Several of them are culture-based or terrain-based. Many unique historical buildings (the baths of Aquae Sulis, the tidal bay of Mont Saint Michel, etc.). All buildings have a larger array of effects compared to vanilla. Barracks, stables and military buildings, for example, will reduce your tax income, increase risk of disease, and so on. There are custom building "sets" for specific purposes: justice buildings to reduce revolt risk, health buildings to prevent diseases, smiths and forges to improve your units effectiveness, etc.
  • Culture-based de jure titles and kingdoms. In 479 AD most of Britain is divided among British, Romano-British and Cumbrian kingdoms. However, with the Anglo-Saxon invasions new de jure (non titular) kingdoms and jarldoms will slowly emerge: Mercia, Northumbria, Lindsey, Bernicia, Deira, and so on. Each title has different requirements and some of them may never appear, but in the long run at least some of these new Anglo-Saxon realms will pop up and grow, aggregate, etc.
  • New military unit types (there were no knights or pikemen in 5th century) and combat tactics.
  • Custom graphics, artwork, icons, portraits, etc.



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Скачать The Winter King 1.3.2 [cовместим с CKII 2.5.2] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



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В шапке.


А можно ли на яндекс или что то подобное залить? C медиафаера стал качать с мизерной скоростью и самое главное даже не завершает загрузку

Александр 45

Интересный мод,особенно понравилось играть за Галло-Римлян.

Изменено пользователем Александр 45


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changelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed Lleyn flag resetting to Henis Wyren when loading a save

- Fixed black character circle when converting to appropriate cultural pagan religion

- Fixed an issue with the port position in Lleyn

- The Swords of Sussex are now properly vassals of South Seaxe

- Disabled the non-SoA version of Roman Pagan heresy event if you have SoA (was causing Roman heresies to appear far too often)

- Merged duplicate Court Bard Honorary Titles

- Reduced tendency of Christianity to spread to Briton and Cumbric provinces before 460 and Pictish provinces before 560

- De jure maintenance events now trigger on startup (meaning that you no longer have to wait one day for the de jure structure to correct itself)

- Reformed pagan religions now actually have a bonus to proselytizing

- Cynical and Tolerant characters can no longer take the event chain to Restore the Old Gods


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changelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed Lleyn flag resetting to Henis Wyren when loading a save

- Fixed black character circle when converting to appropriate cultural pagan religion

- Fixed an issue with the port position in Lleyn

- The Swords of Sussex are now properly vassals of South Seaxe

- Disabled the non-SoA version of Roman Pagan heresy event if you have SoA (was causing Roman heresies to appear far too often)

- Merged duplicate Court Bard Honorary Titles

- Reduced tendency of Christianity to spread to Briton and Cumbric provinces before 460 and Pictish provinces before 560

- De jure maintenance events now trigger on startup (meaning that you no longer have to wait one day for the de jure structure to correct itself)

- Reformed pagan religions now actually have a bonus to proselytizing

- Cynical and Tolerant characters can no longer take the event chain to Restore the Old Gods



в шапке


Очень неплохой мод, но после 100 лет игры тормозит как не знаю что.


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changelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed unlanded courtiers getting the foederati trait

- Fixed an issue with incorrectly set flags concerning the decision to settle Saxons

- Fixed some positions

- Fixed crash on option to Restore the Old Gods when trying to reform Brythonic Paganism without having Restored the Old Gods

- Fixed bug where you could simultaneously fulfill the conditions for both restoring and destroying the same Roman Praefecture in Britannia

- Fixed Pictish headhunter event chain (now actually finishable)

- Added missing localisation for fragile_death

- Congenital trait inheritance events are now hidden and will only trigger once

- Fixed Saebald holding Petuaria in 410

- Taking the decision to invite a Druid to your court no longer generates a character with two education traits, and should always generate a character that is allowed to be a druid

- Siege of Trebes event will now properly give all titles held by the Benoic royal family to Clovis

- British and Romano-British rulers under Maxima Caesariensis in 410 can now declare independence as centralised Roman authority in the region decreases

- Added a couple more events which now properly notify rulers when a Gallic usurper is proclaimed/defeated

- Handing over Ceint to Hengist now adds a hefty opinion malus (-100) against whomever hands it over (i.e Vortigern) from all British and Romano-British rulers

- Added First Council of Aurelius (for want of a better name) wherein Aurelius can choose to attack Vortigern Kingship after he gives away Ceint

- Narrative event for the historical Battle of Guoloph

- Once deposed, Vortigern can retake his throne by having Rowena murder Vortimer

- An AI Meirchion of Ewyas will produce no heirs (is infertile) to facilitate an event wherein Ewyas is absorbed into Vortigern's High Kingdom and given to Vortimer (as Gwent)

- Other British and Romano-British Kings can choose to join either Vortigern or Aurelius in the first civil war, depending on whom they like more

- Victory in the first civil war grants Aurelius Ambrosius Glouvia

- Added Great Saxon Revolt of 439

- Added (unfinished) event chain for the Treachery of the Long Knives

- Added a Saxon Plague to hit the Britons once the Saxon revolt starts

- Added events to kill Aurelius off from the Saxon plague

- Chance of Britons becoming independent from Maxima Caesariensis greatly increased after Aurelius' death

- Any of Vortigern's landed sons can rebel to take the High Kingdom off him

- Once deposed, Rowena can murder the usurper and put Vortigern back on his throne

- If Britannia exists, it now has the opportunity to absorb Ewyas (and change its name to Gwent) upon Meirchion's death

- Vortigern has the opportunity to grant Gwent to Vortimer when he comes of age

- Hen Ogledd now collapses when its ruler has only one kingdom title and is under a certain size

- Rebalanced city improvement income maluses to be somewhat more reasonable

- Removed several mostly unused traits

- Removed the broken Win the War ambition

- Disabled the WoL Rulership focus witch event for pagans

- Province/Conversion events will no longer trigger for pagans on other pagans that follow another pagan creed based on culture (i.e. Brythonic pagans on Germanic pagans)

- Renamed (Kingdom of) Glevum to Guenet

- Improved Irish localisations (thanks to SaintPetersbour)

- Removed ability to deny leaderless foederati a new county level leader (for now)

- Added Scythian pagan religion for the early Alans (icon source image courtesy of AnaxXiphos)

- Added a few flavour events and decisions for Scythian pagans

- Added Wikipedia links for major legendary and historical characters

- Roman and Romano-Gallic duchies are now localised as Civitates (Civitas of) and counties as Pagi (Pagus of)

- Frankish duchies are now localised as Marches and counties as Gowes

- Added and changed many Anglo-Saxon job and noble title localisations (including Jarls/Jarldoms to Eorls/Eorldoms) (courtesy of bontanel)

- Arthur is no longer specifically blocked from Restoring the Old Gods (but will normally still be unable to take it due to being tolerant)

- Germanic-controlled provinces turning tribal now also have a high chance of destroying cities and other baronies in the province, and a lower chance to destroy temples

- Added events for Germanic or Sarmatian provinces in Gaul to assimilate into Romano-Gallic culture if not controlled by their own culture

- Frankish Invasion now takes over the entire realm and imprisons the defender if targeting their only king-level title

- Roman culture now spreads much more slowly in Gaul

- Renamed Roman (religion) to Hellenic

- Made Sussex's vassal mercenary company a little stronger

- Improved AI logic for committing suicide

- Celtic divination slave choice will now only cost twice your yearly income if it is lower than 50

- Metz is now de jure under Neustria rather than Salians/Soissons

- Clovis's special convert to Christianity decision is now available to any Frankish ruler of Neustria, and now sets government to feudal

- Added the Alans of Orleans and Armorica

- Added families of Tonanitus Ferreolus, and Sidonius Apollinaris

- Extended Frankish royal family upwards back to Mellobaude and outwards to Arbogast(s)

- Added 410-530 ecclesiastical history for the Bishopric of Auvergne/Clermont

- The Merovingian Guard is now a vassal mercenary company rather than being directly held by the Salian Frankish kings

- Full scrollable history between 410-479 (This is complete on a basic level, but improvements can still be made)

- Expanded map to cover all of Western Europe (courtesy of mjohnson's The Rose, The Lily, and the Oak)

- Added navigable rivers (Thames, Severn, Somme, Seine, Oise, Aisne, Marne, Yonne, Oire, Vienne)

- Added 37 new land provinces, primarily in Belgica/Franks and Frisia

- Added the duchy of Insee Galeth in Pictavia (Orkney and Shetland)

- Added Britonia in Galicia

- Added a province for the Isle of Thanet

- Added Lyonesse

- Expanded Frisia to the Weser, added duchies of Utrecht and East Frisia

- Added the Ripuarian Franks from Salland to Cologne, consisting of 6 duchies (Hamaland, Salalant, Toxandriërs, Tongeren, Aken, Keulen)

- Completely revamped the renamed Salian Franks, added duchies of Artesië and Kamerijk and renamed Hainault to Doornik

- Restructed Roman de jure structure in Belgica and Germania to more closely follow the historical civitas and provincial boundaries

- Added Isinfier's Norse, Anglo-Saxon, and Alan/Vandal portraits (submod) - requires Celtic, Norse, Mongol, and Early Western portraits


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В шапке.

О господи. Лучший мод стал ещё лучше! Новую карту завезли (там даже Европа неиграбельная появилась (!)) и более поздние сценарии! :022: Пойду пробовать.


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changelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed some issues with the Roman de jure structures

- Fixed localisation issues with WoL events

- Fixed issues with Frankish de jure structures in Aquitaine and Burgundy

- Fixed a bug where Germanic vassals of Celtic vassals under a Germanic liege would be considered foederati

- Fixed issues with some titular duchies not having their de jure lieges saved

- Can now also get the Roman Military Training if your father (with the trait) is dead or your guardian has the trait

- Most honarary titles now require the holder to be an adult (age 15) rather than age 16

- The 'of the Stones' nickname is now locked to the Celtic culture group

- Corieltauvia/Lerion is no longer uncreatable by the Gallic Empire

- The Roman Reconquest of the Burgundians event can now trigger even if the Burgundians still has a holder

- The Disband of Merovingian Guard event can now actually trigger and will trigger when the Salians are destroyed

- Added missing icon for the Steal from Liege plot

- The Merovingian Guard now properly has the normal mercenary open succession

- Alan provinces in Armorica under a Celtic ruler will now always assimilate into Armorican rather than Romano-Gallic culture

- Foederati will now flip their provinces to their own culture and religion rather than always Anglo-Saxon Germanic pagan

- The event to go into hiding during a siege now properly triggers

- The event that makes Francia de jure now properly makes the Ripuarians de jure Francia and removes Broceliande de jure from the Gallic Empire

- The event for Britons declaring independence from Maxima Caesariensis now scales by opinion and will not trigger if Aurelius Ambrosius still rules and the Saxon Revolt has not yet started

- Dumnonia now starts with Medium Crown Authority

- Re-enabled historical wars for the 486 start

- Obsolete titles are now deactivated and completely hidden

- Foederati are now considered independent for the purposes of adopting feudalism (i.e. must have fully-upgraded hillfort and tribal organization rather than being able to take it for free if liege is feudal)

- Relocalized adopting feudalism events and decisions to better reflect mod localisation and mechanics

- Reduced the chances of battlefield duels

- Battlefield duels now take Combat Ability into account

- The Siege of Trebes event will now always trigger after Benoic is defeated in a Frankish invasion

- The royal family of Benoic will now properly flee to Dumnonia and gets a strong, inheritable claim rather than an uninheritable one

- The War in the North event will now not trigger if the selected Pictish ruler is at war

- Nicene religion will now spread more slowly in Anglo-Saxon and Frisian provinces earlier in the timeline

- The AI is now more likely to go into hiding during a siege if they are tribal (since otherwise it's too easy to just go siege their capital and capture them), and lowered chance of losing brave/gaining craven if hiding when tribal

- Nerfed the amount of event troops the AI gets for the Invasion of Benoic

- Increased the vassal limit slightly for the continental cultures

- All of the Kings of the Franks (and their agnatic descendants) are now Merovingian

- Fixed the ancestry of Arbogast

- Fleshed out missing Frisian and Pictish history to 530




Новая версия - в шапке.

Можно ли присоединить провинцию в Испании к домену, если можно то как ?

Играя от даты Артура, только нерыцарским способом смог устранить угрозу со стороны королевства англов - объявил им войну, разбив войска в первой битве, продолжал преследовать деморализованную армию, чтобы взять в плен Элла (их короля), после чего казнил пленника. Это было сделано больше от бессилия, так как их армаде, пополняемой "с континента" (событием), в войне, которую англы должны были объявлять мне в течении месяца после начала игры, было невозможно противостоять, но вдруг смерть Эллы обернулась развалом англов и на первое место вышла проблема религии.

Мордред в королевстве занимает титул патриарха и контролирует подавляющее большинство земель на старте, при этом он христианин. Чтобы обратить его, потребуется реформировать религию, но восстановить старых богов (это решение с началом цепи событий) при правлении Артура невозможно - критериями против решения служат черты content и tolerate. Если content условно, с довольно малой вероятностью, можно снять через фокус на бизнесе, то с tolerate похоже ничего не поделать. На данный момент взяты все священные места, покорены ближайшие земли, так что Мордред сейчас не первый, как по размеру владений, так и по имеющейся армии (войны его измотали), и я имею возможность его низложить, так как он планирует убить свою супругу, а попытка его заключения имеет успех 1% - наверняка поднимет восстание и проиграет. Крайне не хотелось бы этого делать, но чтобы собрать 13 сокровищ, нужно дождаться наследования и потерять Артура - великого полководца, а в этой модификации всё решается именно битвами, кроме того Мордред не простит своего низложения и откажется от смены религии - а это цель всего мероприятия с реформацией.

Так что первый вопрос: как быть в этой ситуации?, - а второй вопрос: если получится сохранить королевство "римских бриттов" (культурой-то значится romano-british) до 769г., то как бы перенести сложившиеся королевства на территории Британских островов и полуострова Бретань в другие "комплектации" игры (оригинал и остальные модификации CK2)? Всё-таки Европы здесь очень мало, потому продолжение до 867г. здесь не имеет такой проработанности.


У кого-нибудь вообще версия 1.2.1 работает?

Не работает ни одна, кроме 1.0

У кого-нибудь вообще версия 1.2.1 работает?

Не работает ни одна, кроме 1.0

Даже с последним патчем работает. Ищите проблему у себя.

Воле Шойинка

Какая сейчас последняя версия?

Какая сейчас последняя версия?

Насколько я понимаю, 1.2.1 на патч 2.4.5. Кстати, поправил этот момент в шапке, спасибо за напоминание.

Изменено пользователем Enmergal


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changelogНажмите здесь!

- Fixed broken Levies Control, Viceroyalty, and Administration laws

- Fixed crash when typing "h" in the title finder

- The Unification of the Franks event will now not immediately trigger in the 410 start or post-486

- Cultural councillor localisations will now properly show for tribal rulers

- You can now properly appoint your mother or spouse as spymaster again

- Several event localisation fixes

- Numerous minor history fixes

- Prevented the Great Saxon revolt from firing incorrectly in post-410 games

- Fixed bugs in the Saxon Revolt and the Battle of Guolph events where the 90% warscore trigger would apply to any war

- Fixed bug where the event granting Vortimer Gwent would fire for every successive High King

- Prevented the Sussex rebellion from happening pre-479

- Fixed some issues with the foederati mechanics

- The Siege of Trebes event now also properly expels the King of Benoic's dynasty members

- Gallic Emperors now properly lose the 'Augustus' trait once they're deposed

- Fixed several bugs where event troops wouldn't spawn properly

- Can no longer get into a duel if you are incapable

- Fixed some mercenary companies having theocratic government

- Cumbric rulers who give away Cantia to Hengist (in cases where Vortigern fails to become High King) also have the 'Betrayed Britannia' opinion modifier applied to them

- Fixed a modifier in the event giving characters the Saxon plague

- The three duchies of Broceliande are now properly localised as Principalities, and their rulers as Princes

- Fixed several historical events that weren't triggering

- Derfel will now properly become Arthur's vassal if he is granted the Wolftails while Arthur is king

- Relocalised Frankish Marches to Counties and Dukes to Counts

- Roman provincial governors can now no longer use the county conquest cb against each other

- Pelagian, Nestorian, and Gnostic priests now also use the default Catholic clothes and headgear

- The events that break up Maxima Caesariensis now only properly trigger if it is an independent realm

- Tribal realms now properly use the petty king naming system

- Pagan Holy Orders will now convert to their reformed religions after the Reformation

- Primogeniture is now properly always available to Romano-Britons and Imperial cultures regardless of crown authority

- Fixed Viking invasions usurping county titles without a war

- Heretics will no longer get the event to convert a friend if their friend is the same religion

- King of Cantia can now longer create the kingdom of Sussex

- Prevented infinite numbers of Aureliani being born

- Gwent will only be given to one of Vortigern's unlanded sons

- The Saxon invasion will no longer occur if The Belgae is held by a Saxon tributary

- Many more minor bugfixes

- Updated to CK2 2.5.2

- Ported most Conclave mechanics and events

- Merged Ancient Religions v0.37.3 "Tullius"

- Added an event for Maxima Caesariensis to completely collapse during the Saxon Revolt if not held by a strong leader, with Ambrosius Aurelianus fleeing to Guenet if applicable

- Added a Gallic Coast region for the Ruler of Northern Gaul modifier

- The Imperial Reclaim and Imperial Conquest (of Hibernia) cbs now target a single de jure duchy and can only be used if you have a neighbouring province or a province one sea zone away

- A powerful and prestigious ruler of Soissons will now have access to the Imperial Reconquest cb before reclaiming the Gallic Empire

- Can now use the Imperial Conquest (for Hibernia) cb against the Isle of Mann

- Added a Britannic Empire for Romans in Britannia to claim the imperial crown

- The Roman de jure structure now reverts to the Diocletian provinces after the fall of Soissons

- Added events to integrate the Isle of Mann de jure into Valentia

- Britons, Cumbrians, Irish, Gaels, Picts, Anglo-Saxons, Frisians, Franks, and Norse can now all raid regardless of religion or government

- Britons and Romano-Britons are now given the Saxon plague by event after the Saxon revolt starts

- Added events for Germanus of Auxerre to combat Pelagianism in Britain

- Britannia will now not be destroyed after it is usurped by one of Vortigern's sons

- Added events allowing Aurelianus, if he rules in Glevum, to invade, depose and kill Vortigern

- The Scythian pagan faith is now reformable

- Added the Sacea festival (based on the blot/other vanilla pagan feasts/festivals) for Scythian pagans

- Added Priscillianism as a Nicene heresy in southern Gaul

- Added a basic Suebic culture

- Seperated Anglo-Saxon culture into Angle, Saxon, and Jutish and made it into a melting-pot culture that can appear after 650

- Added Taifal culture in Pictonia/Poitou and Lindum

- Added Alemannic culture

- Added Romano-Germanic culture in Roman Germania in early start dates and as an Imperial-Germanic melting pot culture

- Added an Old Norse culture for the pre-Viking Age Norse and a Start of the Viking Age event (after 700) that converts it to Norse and starts the Viking Invasion events

- Added Breton culture and events for it to arise in Armorica if there is substantial Brythonic immigration

- Armorican rulers can now convert to Romano-Gallic through the Convert to Local Culture decision, and vice versa

- Armorican counties outside of Brittany under Germanic rule will now slowly assimilate to Romano-Gallic culture

- The Offa's Dike event no longer automatically converts much of Mercia to Anglo-Saxon culture, but instead speeds it up

- Replaced the Frankish kingdom de jure events with events that trigger on the successful Frankish invasion of a kingdom

- Successfully invading the Visigoths as the Franks will only take all of Gaul outside of Septimania

- The Fall of the Western Roman Empire event now reassigns all kingdoms in the Imperium Galliarum to their respective cultural empires

- Removed the event that assigns all the Frankish kingdoms to Francia (now part of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire)

- The Roman conquest of Benoic and Broceliande will now retain the duchies and rename/rearrange them to the historical civitate setup

- Added an events for the (re)creation of Broceliande or Benoic that creates or restores the Celtic de jure structure in those two kingdoms

- Benoic's duchies now become de jure part of Broceliande/Soissons/Lugdunesis Secunda after being destroyed by the Franks, with events to restore it afterwards

- Added an Armorican/Breton de jure structure for the historical maximum extent of the Kingdom of Brittany

- Added events for Britons to migrate from Dumnonia and Kernow to Armorica (mostly Broceliande)

- Daughters of Briton, Cumbric, and Pictish rulers will now always get inheritable claims, even under Agnatic succession

- Revised and expanded name and dynasty lists for several cultures

- De jure title removal events no longer trigger during revolts

- Heresies for Roman/Hellenic paganism will now not appear until the Pontificate is restored (the Hellenic "reformation")

- Powerful and prestigious continential Germanic rulers now have access to a duchy-level cb against rulers of other cultures

- Pagan vassal mercenary companies will now eventually convert to the reformed versions of their faith if their liege is that religion

- Increased reformed pagan conversion ability and resistance to Christian conversion

- Unreformed pagan provinces under a reformed pagan ruler now also have (some) resistance to Christian conversion

- Theocratic Celtic pagans now automatically get the druid trait

- Added a decision for Celtic rulers to employ a bard

- Added decision for unreformed pagans to convert to reformed faith

- The War focus can now also upgrade your Fighter Trait level and properly takes into account BCT traits

- Ported vanilla flavour events and decisions for the Norse

- Made some cbs more transparent to the player (some conditions moved to can_use_gui)

- Tributaries are now not automatically broken on suzerain/tribute death, but rather the new tributary can choose to break the agreement on succession, but risks war if they do so (credit to CK2+ team)

- Broke up the Roman Reconquest of the Visigoths event into a number of events re-integrating southern Gaul by regions

- Added events for the Visigothic conquest of southern Gaul (essentially an inverse of the above events)

- The Visigoths now have a decision to raise troops from Hispania if their realm size is small enough

- The Visigoths now get events and cbs to reconquer Aquitania after it is lost (presumably to the Franks)

- Added decision/event chain for Scyldings of Angeln to migrate to Britannia

- Added decisions/event chain for the migrated Scyldings to become the Iclingas and form Mercia in the late 6th century

- Added alternate decision/event chain for Anglo-Saxon lords in Mercia to form it in the late 6th century (if the Scyldings don't)

- Added events to force the AI to create Frankish counties

- Ported Norse CoAs for Norse dynasties and titles from ARKOpack Armoiries (many thanks to Arko!)

- Added some restrictions to the tributary cb (target must now either be of equal or lower tier, have low prestige, or have a small realm)

- Arthur is now playable from 479 as a landless vassal of Broceliande

- Made Cuneglas and Owain landed as vassals of Powys and Dumnonia

- The Black Shields are now a vassal mercenary company of Demetia rather than being personally held by Oengus

- Added Flavius Aetius and his father, who commands an army against Constantine in 410

- Added a few Pelagian count level rulers as vassals of already existing Pelagian dukes

- Added a Nuncio for the 410 start

- Fixed Constantine's (Uther's father) life and reign dates

- Vortigern and his wife are now significantly younger in the 410 start

- Dumnonia now uses Agnatic succession rather than Agnatic-Cognatic

- Visigoths now use (Feudal) Elective succession

- Aelle now holds Aenglaland in the 496 start

- Nerfed the stats of Aelle's legitimate sons

- Added (back) the historical counts of Vermandois

- Added pre-settlement Burgundian kings

- Rejigged the post-settlement Burgundian kings to be more historically accurate

- Expanded the Visigothic royal family to be more historically accurate

- Added Ricimer and his family

- Added the Suebic royal family (but no Kingdom title yet)

- Added Bors's parents, linked him to the royal family of Benoic, and gave him Baiocassia in eastern Benoic

- Added the Armorican rulers (princes) of Blois

- Made some of Soissons's western vassals Armorican

- Clovis now conquers the western parts of Soissons (Blois westwards) in 491 rather than 486, as historically

- Added a 511 Death of Clovis bookmark

- Redrew much of the North Sea coast to more accurately portray the time period

- Added Denmark, southern Norway, Sweden, and parts of northern Germany

- Added kingdoms of Jutland, Angeln, Saxony (partly), Sjaelland, Skane, Vikin, Upplond, Gulathingslog, Smaland, Ostergotland, and Vastergotland

- Added empires of Germania, Denmark, and Norway

- Redrew provinces and completely redid duchy setups through all of northern Gaul to better match Roman civatates/Catholic dioceses and historical borders

- Redrew and added the rest of Aquitania Prima, Aquitania Secunda, and Lugdunesis Prima

- Catalaunia now becomes part of Belgica Secunda when the Roman provinces in Gaul are restored

- Seperated the province of Lugdunesis Quartia from the Domain of Soissons

- Rearranged Frankish kingdom setup to better represent the historical post-Clovis kingdom setup

- Added the Frankish kingdoms of Orleans, Aquitaine, and Waskonia

- Formation of Neustria now moves Toxandria, Tongres, and Aachen de jure into Soissons/Sallians

- Added, renamed, and completely rearranged all Frankish duchies in Gaul

- Added an empire of Armorica for continential Armoricans and Bretons to form

- Added formable Armorican duchies of Bro-Raez and Etre Daou Vor

- Added formable Anglo-Saxon eorldoms of Gallawa (Galloway) and Ayrscir (Ayrshire) in Ystrad Clut

- Made the Vilaine/Herius and the Adour/Atturus navigable


This is the compatch for 2.5.2/Conclave. Most Conclave/2.5.2 patch features, such as the council, new education system, and shattered retreat, have been ported and should be fully functional, with some adaptations to better fit the scale and time period. Coalitions are currently disabled, but this may or may not change in the future depending on how we can mod and adjust them.

As before, DO NOT enable the The Winter King - Portraits submod unless you have all of the required portrait packs (Celtic, Norse, Mongol, and Early Western Portraits), as otherwise you will face graphical issues. The portraits have also not yet been updated with Isinfier's fixes and new portraits, so there may still be problems. The portraits will be updated soon, likely with our first bugfix patch.

Scandinavia, especially Norway and Geatland, are still in a very rudimentary state. Flags, more detailed provinces, and proper holding localisation will be coming soon. Saxony is also not yet completely finished.

Because of all the added provinces, the mod may run slower than before. If you are seeing significant performance problems, please report as there are some things we can do to improve it (most of us have pretty good computers so we don't really encounter these problems).

As usual, if you see any bugs, balance issues, or just weird behavior please feel free to report them so we can investigate and fix them.

Principáu d'Asturies

Потрясающий мод поиграла немного за императора Константиноса сразу же понравились ненавязчивая музыка и атмосферные звуки в игре,затем разобравшись поняла что выиграть битву мало шансов пришлось устроить заговор убийства и так удачно случилось что заговор сработал и война закончилась, как все удачно...

Приятно увидеть новые трейты и главное есть мелочи вроде веры в магию и прочие древности, грустно что сейчас напрочь забыта магическая составляющая в crusader kings 2 когда в древние времена люди были очень набожными и верили в волшебство, вампиров, шаманов и супер сверхъестественные способности, такое ощущение будто в игре все личности современные бизнесмены. Интересный мод продолжу играть в новые сценарии.


<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

Patch 1.3.2:

- Romanized Administration and Religious Control Mandate laws can now be passed

- Removed erroneous adjacency between Haestingas and Lutetia/Catullicaus

- Fixed AI unit issue with Rithergabail/Agaelesthrep

- Fixed issue with Angle Migration not being able to declare war

- Disabled buggy alliances in history

- Urban vassals now properly have no opinion malus towards imperial lieges

- Fixed Imperial rulers not being able to grant kingdoms to other government types

- Fixed several issues regarding the tributary continuation upon death event chain

Patch 1.3.1:

- Fixed event that makes Arthur regent of Dumnonia

- Ceinwyn is now properly prevented from marrying normally

- Creation of Hwicce now properly destroys Glouvia, Baddon, and Ceri

- Creation of Somerset now properly destroys Glastenning

- King Cadwy of Dumnonia no longer has a claim on Dumnonia in the 530 start

- The Corners of the Earth Building Pack monuments no longer appear on the map

- De jure kingdoms are now properly saved for Anglia, Sussex, and the 479 Frankish area

- Added missing localisation for death from the soft trait

- Angeln is now properly uncreatable after the Angle migration

- The Gallic Empire now properly uses Primogeniture when created by decision

- Fixed issue with Visigothic de jure events flipping back and forth if Visigothic Kingdom is held by a Gallo-Roman

- Made some names Christian-only

- Weak characters can no longer claim Aenglaland and will lose it if holding it

- Raised stat requirements for claiming Aenglaland to be the same as the requirements to hold it

- Britannia depopulation events are now less likely to trigger if first civil war has not started or if there are no Anglo-Saxon kings in the area

- Ported some missing Patch 2.5.2 events

- The province converting to Nicene event now has more appropriate localisation for non-Nicene Christians

- Increased base Organized Religion moral authority

- Slightly nerfed moral authority from religion head piety

- Added Imperial government for Roman emperors

- Buffed Frankish event troops for Frankish Invasion of Soissons

- Increased to vassal limit bonus for continential cultures to +15 (from +10)

- Norse Paganism is now reformable

- The Kingdom of Guenet is now formable

- Added event for de jure formation of Guenet (basically for 479 start)

- Gorfyddyd and Gundleus are now cousins, as in the books

- Added the alliance between Powys and Siluria, and Dumnonia and Gwent, in 479

Patch 1.3.0:

- Fixed broken Levies Control, Viceroyalty, and Administration laws

- Fixed crash when typing "h" in the title finder

- The Unification of the Franks event will now not immediately trigger in the 410 start or post-486

- Cultural councillor localisations will now properly show for tribal rulers

- You can now properly appoint your mother or spouse as spymaster again

- Several event localisation fixes

- Numerous minor history fixes

- Prevented the Great Saxon revolt from firing incorrectly in post-410 games

- Fixed bugs in the Saxon Revolt and the Battle of Guolph events where the 90% warscore trigger would apply to any war

- Fixed bug where the event granting Vortimer Gwent would fire for every successive High King

- Prevented the Sussex rebellion from happening pre-479

- Fixed some issues with the foederati mechanics

- The Siege of Trebes event now also properly expels the King of Benoic's dynasty members

- Gallic Emperors now properly lose the 'Augustus' trait once they're deposed

- Fixed several bugs where event troops wouldn't spawn properly

- Can no longer get into a duel if you are incapable

- Fixed some mercenary companies having theocratic government

- Cumbric rulers who give away Cantia to Hengist (in cases where Vortigern fails to become High King) also have the 'Betrayed Britannia' opinion modifier applied to them

- Fixed a modifier in the event giving characters the Saxon plague

- The three duchies of Broceliande are now properly localised as Principalities, and their rulers as Princes

- Fixed several historical events that weren't triggering

- Derfel will now properly become Arthur's vassal if he is granted the Wolftails while Arthur is king

- Relocalised Frankish Marches to Counties and Dukes to Counts

- Roman provincial governors can now no longer use the county conquest cb against each other

- Pelagian, Nestorian, and Gnostic priests now also use the default Catholic clothes and headgear

- The events that break up Maxima Caesariensis now only properly trigger if it is an independent realm

- Tribal realms now properly use the petty king naming system

- Pagan Holy Orders will now convert to their reformed religions after the Reformation

- Primogeniture is now properly always available to Romano-Britons and Imperial cultures regardless of crown authority

- Fixed Viking invasions usurping county titles without a war

- Heretics will no longer get the event to convert a friend if their friend is the same religion

- King of Cantia can now longer create the kingdom of Sussex

- Prevented infinite numbers of Aureliani being born

- Gwent will only be given to one of Vortigern's unlanded sons

- The Saxon invasion will no longer occur if The Belgae is held by a Saxon tributary

- Many more minor bugfixes

- Updated to CK2 2.5.2

- Ported most Conclave mechanics and events

- Merged Ancient Religions v0.37.3 "Tullius"

- Added an event for Maxima Caesariensis to completely collapse during the Saxon Revolt if not held by a strong leader, with Ambrosius Aurelianus fleeing to Guenet if applicable

- Added a Gallic Coast region for the Ruler of Northern Gaul modifier

- The Imperial Reclaim and Imperial Conquest (of Hibernia) cbs now target a single de jure duchy and can only be used if you have a neighbouring province or a province one sea zone away

- A powerful and prestigious ruler of Soissons will now have access to the Imperial Reconquest cb before reclaiming the Gallic Empire

- Can now use the Imperial Conquest (for Hibernia) cb against the Isle of Mann

- Added a Britannic Empire for Romans in Britannia to claim the imperial crown

- The Roman de jure structure now reverts to the Diocletian provinces after the fall of Soissons

- Added events to integrate the Isle of Mann de jure into Valentia

- Britons, Cumbrians, Irish, Gaels, Picts, Anglo-Saxons, Frisians, Franks, and Norse can now all raid regardless of religion or government

- Britons and Romano-Britons are now given the Saxon plague by event after the Saxon revolt starts

- Added events for Germanus of Auxerre to combat Pelagianism in Britain

- Britannia will now not be destroyed after it is usurped by one of Vortigern's sons

- Added events allowing Aurelianus, if he rules in Glevum, to invade, depose and kill Vortigern

- The Scythian pagan faith is now reformable

- Added the Sacea festival (based on the blot/other vanilla pagan feasts/festivals) for Scythian pagans

- Added Priscillianism as a Nicene heresy in southern Gaul

- Added a basic Suebic culture

- Seperated Anglo-Saxon culture into Angle, Saxon, and Jutish and made it into a melting-pot culture that can appear after 650

- Added Taifal culture in Pictonia/Poitou and Lindum

- Added Alemannic culture

- Added Romano-Germanic culture in Roman Germania in early start dates and as an Imperial-Germanic melting pot culture

- Added an Old Norse culture for the pre-Viking Age Norse and a Start of the Viking Age event (after 700) that converts it to Norse and starts the Viking Invasion events

- Added Breton culture and events for it to arise in Armorica if there is substantial Brythonic immigration

- Armorican rulers can now convert to Romano-Gallic through the Convert to Local Culture decision, and vice versa

- Armorican counties outside of Brittany under Germanic rule will now slowly assimilate to Romano-Gallic culture

- The Offa's Dike event no longer automatically converts much of Mercia to Anglo-Saxon culture, but instead speeds it up

- Replaced the Frankish kingdom de jure events with events that trigger on the successful Frankish invasion of a kingdom

- Successfully invading the Visigoths as the Franks will only take all of Gaul outside of Septimania

- The Fall of the Western Roman Empire event now reassigns all kingdoms in the Imperium Galliarum to their respective cultural empires

- Removed the event that assigns all the Frankish kingdoms to Francia (now part of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire)

- The Roman conquest of Benoic and Broceliande will now retain the duchies and rename/rearrange them to the historical civitate setup

- Added an events for the (re)creation of Broceliande or Benoic that creates or restores the Celtic de jure structure in those two kingdoms

- Benoic's duchies now become de jure part of Broceliande/Soissons/Lugdunesis Secunda after being destroyed by the Franks, with events to restore it afterwards

- Added an Armorican/Breton de jure structure for the historical maximum extent of the Kingdom of Brittany

- Added events for Britons to migrate from Dumnonia and Kernow to Armorica (mostly Broceliande)

- Daughters of Briton, Cumbric, and Pictish rulers will now always get inheritable claims, even under Agnatic succession

- Revised and expanded name and dynasty lists for several cultures

- De jure title removal events no longer trigger during revolts

- Heresies for Roman/Hellenic paganism will now not appear until the Pontificate is restored (the Hellenic "reformation")

- Powerful and prestigious continential Germanic rulers now have access to a duchy-level cb against rulers of other cultures

- Pagan vassal mercenary companies will now eventually convert to the reformed versions of their faith if their liege is that religion

- Increased reformed pagan conversion ability and resistance to Christian conversion

- Unreformed pagan provinces under a reformed pagan ruler now also have (some) resistance to Christian conversion

- Theocratic Celtic pagans now automatically get the druid trait

- Added a decision for Celtic rulers to employ a bard

- Added decision for unreformed pagans to convert to reformed faith

- The War focus can now also upgrade your Fighter Trait level and properly takes into account BCT traits

- Ported vanilla flavour events and decisions for the Norse

- Made some cbs more transparent to the player (some conditions moved to can_use_gui)

- Tributaries are now not automatically broken on suzerain/tribute death, but rather the new tributary can choose to break the agreement on succession, but risks war if they do so (credit to CK2+ team)

- Broke up the Roman Reconquest of the Visigoths event into a number of events re-integrating southern Gaul by regions

- Added events for the Visigothic conquest of southern Gaul (essentially an inverse of the above events)

- The Visigoths now have a decision to raise troops from Hispania if their realm size is small enough

- The Visigoths now get events and cbs to reconquer Aquitania after it is lost (presumably to the Franks)

- Added decision/event chain for Scyldings of Angeln to migrate to Britannia

- Added decisions/event chain for the migrated Scyldings to become the Iclingas and form Mercia in the late 6th century

- Added alternate decision/event chain for Anglo-Saxon lords in Mercia to form it in the late 6th century (if the Scyldings don't)

- Added events to force the AI to create Frankish counties

- Ported Norse CoAs for Norse dynasties and titles from ARKOpack Armoiries (many thanks to Arko!)

- Added some restrictions to the tributary cb (target must now either be of equal or lower tier, have low prestige, or have a small realm)

- Arthur is now playable from 479 as a landless vassal of Broceliande

- Made Cuneglas and Owain landed as vassals of Powys and Dumnonia

- The Black Shields are now a vassal mercenary company of Demetia rather than being personally held by Oengus

- Added Flavius Aetius and his father, who commands an army against Constantine in 410

- Added a few Pelagian count level rulers as vassals of already existing Pelagian dukes

- Added a Nuncio for the 410 start

- Fixed Constantine's (Uther's father) life and reign dates

- Vortigern and his wife are now significantly younger in the 410 start

- Dumnonia now uses Agnatic succession rather than Agnatic-Cognatic

- Visigoths now use (Feudal) Elective succession

- Aelle now holds Aenglaland in the 496 start

- Nerfed the stats of Aelle's legitimate sons

- Added (back) the historical counts of Vermandois

- Added pre-settlement Burgundian kings

- Rejigged the post-settlement Burgundian kings to be more historically accurate

- Expanded the Visigothic royal family to be more historically accurate

- Added Ricimer and his family

- Added the Suebic royal family (but no Kingdom title yet)

- Added Bors's parents, linked him to the royal family of Benoic, and gave him Baiocassia in eastern Benoic

- Added the Armorican rulers (princes) of Blois

- Made some of Soissons's western vassals Armorican

- Clovis now conquers the western parts of Soissons (Blois westwards) in 491 rather than 486, as historically

- Added a 511 Death of Clovis bookmark

- Redrew much of the North Sea coast to more accurately portray the time period

- Added Denmark, southern Norway, Sweden, and parts of northern Germany

- Added kingdoms of Jutland, Angeln, Saxony (partly), Sjaelland, Skane, Vikin, Upplond, Gulathingslog, Smaland, Ostergotland, and Vastergotland

- Added empires of Germania, Denmark, and Norway

- Redrew provinces and completely redid duchy setups through all of northern Gaul to better match Roman civatates/Catholic dioceses and historical borders

- Redrew and added the rest of Aquitania Prima, Aquitania Secunda, and Lugdunesis Prima

- Catalaunia now becomes part of Belgica Secunda when the Roman provinces in Gaul are restored

- Seperated the province of Lugdunesis Quartia from the Domain of Soissons

- Rearranged Frankish kingdom setup to better represent the historical post-Clovis kingdom setup

- Added the Frankish kingdoms of Orleans, Aquitaine, and Waskonia

- Formation of Neustria now moves Toxandria, Tongres, and Aachen de jure into Soissons/Sallians

- Added, renamed, and completely rearranged all Frankish duchies in Gaul

- Added an empire of Armorica for continential Armoricans and Bretons to form

- Added formable Armorican duchies of Bro-Raez and Etre Daou Vor

- Added formable Anglo-Saxon eorldoms of Gallawa (Galloway) and Ayrscir (Ayrshire) in Ystrad Clut

- Made the Vilaine/Herius and the Adour/Atturus navigable


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