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Western Europe 410-962 — The Winter King

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Western Europe 410-962 - The Winter King




A Dark Ages Total Conversion for CKII,

based on "The Warlord Chronicles" saga by Bernard Cornwell

(The Winter King, The Enemy of God, Excalibur)


  • A completely new map covering Britain, Ireland and part of modern-day France.
  • A campaign scenario starting in 479 AD, and revolving around two major struggles: the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, and the religious conflict between the ancient british Gods and the "new" catholic faith. The campaign end date is set to 867 AD.
  • Custom Events and Storylines. There are hundreds of new or modified events, including a search for the legendary thirteen Treasures of Britain (choose the ambition "Restore the Old Gods"), a basic druid selection and education system, events regarding Anglo-Saxon and Frankish invasions, religious conversions, trading routes with the Mediterranean sea, seasonal events, and much more.
  • A number of new traits, modifiers, decisions and ambitions/objectives.
  • A dynamic 'Music Module'
  • A dynamic 'de jure' map system that allows multiple 'de jure' map configurations.
  • Custom buildings, appropriate for post-roman Britain. Several of them are culture-based or terrain-based. Many unique historical buildings (the baths of Aquae Sulis, the tidal bay of Mont Saint Michel, etc.). All buildings have a larger array of effects compared to vanilla. Barracks, stables and military buildings, for example, will reduce your tax income, increase risk of disease, and so on. There are custom building "sets" for specific purposes: justice buildings to reduce revolt risk, health buildings to prevent diseases, smiths and forges to improve your units effectiveness, etc.
  • Culture-based de jure titles and kingdoms. In 479 AD most of Britain is divided among British, Romano-British and Cumbrian kingdoms. However, with the Anglo-Saxon invasions new de jure (non titular) kingdoms and jarldoms will slowly emerge: Mercia, Northumbria, Lindsey, Bernicia, Deira, and so on. Each title has different requirements and some of them may never appear, but in the long run at least some of these new Anglo-Saxon realms will pop up and grow, aggregate, etc.
  • New military unit types (there were no knights or pikemen in 5th century) and combat tactics.
  • Custom graphics, artwork, icons, portraits, etc.



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Скачать The Winter King 1.9.2 [cовместим с CKII] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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Скачать The Winter King 1.8.1 [cовместим с CKII] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Скачать The Winter King 1.4.1 [cовместим с CKII 2.6.2/2.6.3] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Скачать The Winter King 1.4 [cовместим с CKII 2.6.2/2.6.3] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Скачать The Winter King Hotfix 1.3.3 [для мода версии 1.3.2] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Скачать The Winter King 1.3.2 [cовместим с CKII 2.5.2] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



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- Updated to CK2
- Roman/Imperial improvements
- Most of the Senators you receive when restoring the Senate are now Christian
- Syagrius's title as ruler of Soissons is now "Dux"
- Imperial government no longer has a vassal tax bonus and now has a demesne income malus rather than bonus
- Independent Imperial rulers now get significant scaling vassal opinion and military penalties if they are in debt
- Imperial vassals now always give maximum tax and levies to their liege regardless of opinion
- Roman Emperors can now use the Caesar title to designate their heir among children and grandchildren
- Imperial, Sub-Roman, and Germanic realms now have a reduced cultural differences opinion malus
- Roman Emperors now have a chancellor job action to Promote Romanization, replacing the Fabricate Claims job action
- Added an Imperial Subjugation cb, allowing a Roman Emperor to subjugate an entire realm
- Added decision for Roman/Imperial vassals to claim their liege's title
- Added decision for Roman Emperors to debase the currency, giving you gold in exchange for lower income and increased revolt risk
- Added event for Roman legions to demand a donativum from newly ascended emperors
- Enabled Conscript Merchant Ships decision for Roman Emperors
- Added hidden province modifier to reduce penalties for Imperial characters holding Romano-British provinces, and vice versa
- Added event chains and mechanics for Provence and the Ostrogoths
- Added a decision for Burgundy to claim and invade Provence
- Added narrative events for the Ostrogothic conquest of Italy and the start and end of the Gothic War
- Added Ostrogothic invasion of Provence if Provence is controlled by a non-Gothic ruler
- Following a successful conquest of Provence, the Ostrogoths can then pressure or declare war to force the Visigoths to become a tributary
- Added decision for Visigoths to call for Ostrogothic aid in a one offensive Aquitanian Reconquest war if they submitted peacefully
- Added decision/event for Frankish invasion of Provence after the start of the Gothic War
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.41.2 "Aura"
- The Plague of Justinian now has a chance of starting in Arles instead of Bordeaux (Narbonne remains the other possibility)
- Removed viceroy levy penalty
- The loan event when in debt will no longer call usury a sin if you are pagan
- Frankish invasion events are now triggered by decision for human players
- Human Sussex now also gets the event to settle the Jutes in Meonware
- Allowed Germanic rulers to create Celtic duchies in Caledonia and Ireland for now, until they get their own proper titles there
- Losing Britannia or Aengland now requires you to be below the requirements for at least 4 months consecutively
- Re-enabled Fabricating Claims for High Tribal Brythonic rulers
- Creating Icenia and Cynwidion now requires controlling their respective capitals
- Added notification events for the other characters involved in the Arthur's marriage event
- Marrying Ceinwyn as Arthur now also creates a NAP between Dumnonia and Powys
- It is now possible to stay Roman culture as Ambrosius Aurelianus the Younger
- Voluntarily converting to another religion group as a Christian now gives a large opinion penalty to all other Christians
- Improved the Proselytization job action mapmode for pagans to take into account culture-religion relationships
- Converting characters and provinces with your Theologist now converts them directly to the appropriate pagan religion if you are a pagan
- Increased vassal limit effect of Centralization laws for Imperial, Sub-Roman, and Germanic rulers and slightly decreased them for other governments
- Significantly reduced overall income and increased overall levy costs
- Rebalanced a number of traits and modifiers
- The Levies Control law is now also applied to vassal rulers, and Professional levies now gives an income malus but a smaller levy regeneration malus
- Looting or sacking holdings now also decreases prosperity
- Increased retinue size contribution from realm size and significantly decreased contribution from technology
- Increased retinue hire and base maintenance cost
- Reduced the number of family members captured when your court falls

- Added Viennensis Secunda, Narbonensis Secunda, and Alpes Maritimae
- Added the Ostrogoths as a landless offmap title
- Moved Catholic holy site from Dublin (Eblana) to Armagh
- Added new flags for Soissons, the Salian Franks, Armorica, the Roman Empires, and some other titles

- Added some more historical Gallic nobles in 479
- Added Julius Nepos's wife
- Added full history and family tree for the Ostrogoths/Amalings
- The Visigoths are now a tributary of the Ostrogoths from 511 to 524
- Angeln now becomes Norse culture/religion in 515, not 510
- Disentangled the fictional Conwy dynasty of Lerion from the descendants of Amlawdd Wledig
- Made some adjustments to the history of several of the Norse petty kingdoms
- Added wives for Theodoric I and Euric of the Visigoths

- Fixed Vindocladia fleet position
- Fixed missing eyepatches and masks for custom portraits
- Fixed a bug where women could sometimes lose their education traits without getting a replacement
- Fixed Lisieux being absorbed de jure by Evreux when reloading a savegame
- Your Caesar now gets an opinion modifier if his title is revoked if Conclave is enabled (to be consistent with other council positions)
- Fixed Arthur having too little prestige in later starts
- Enacting Notable or Full Status of Women now properly unlocks Agnatic-Cognatic succession under all circumstances
- Fixed Coel Hen starting with Elective Gavelkind succession, breaking his scripted succession event
- Fixed the offmap Roman Emperors being able to inherit onmap titles, and landed characters being able to inherit the empires
- Fixed the No Assassinations game rule not actually removing assassinations
- Fixed Vassalization cb sometimes immediately invalidating
- Fixed incorrect localisation in marriage event
- Fixed pre-Old Frisian cultures being unable to create Frisia
- Fixed some issues with the resolution of the Roman Restoration of Gaul if Honorius wins
- Fixed some issues with the Anglo-Saxon Eburacum county conquest cb block
- Fixed Imperial characters not actually getting reduced holding levies
- Client States are now also transferred when a ruler is overthrown by faction or claimant war
- Fixed some instances where legions would not be properly transferred during a faction war or ultimatum
- Fixed bug where an AI Saxon invading of Gaul would not actually properly declare war
- Fixed minor bug with the creation requirements for Morinia
- Fixed surrendering at the start of a Make Client State war not working
- Fixed the Large Realm modifier sometimes appearing and disappearing every few days
- Fixed the Imperial Reconquest cb sometimes vassalizing titles/rulers outside of the targetted duchy
- Fixed the Southern Britannia depopulation events possibly triggering even if the Anglo-Saxons in Britannia have all been wiped out
- Fixed Settling Saxons in Thanet asking the province owner instead of their top liege
- Fixed some instances where legions could be erroneously lost after a rebellion
- Fixed Zeeland and Utrecht being creatable when they would be destroyed immediately afterwards
- Fixed Rise of Mercia events not working properly if the target character is a tributary
- Fixed not being able to capture courtiers when raiding

This version is not intended to be compatible with any savegames started in 1.7.x. Do so at your own risk.

As before, DO NOT enable the The Winter King - Portraits submod unless you have all of the required portrait packs (Celtic, Norse, Mongol, and Early Western Portraits), as otherwise you will face graphical issues.

Vladislavius First

Последняя версия мода судя по описанию для версии, хотя последнюю версию которую можно скачать является Мод вылетает в конце загрузки (в этом причина?). 

19 часов назад, Vladislavius First сказал:

Последняя версия мода судя по описанию для версии, хотя последнюю версию которую можно скачать является Мод вылетает в конце загрузки (в этом причина?). 



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- Updated to CK2 2.8.3
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.41.3 "Cardea"
- Updated some Roman Empire and Frankish flags
- Removed opinion penalty for granting viceroyalties
- Famine and Brythonic migration events now do not give depopulation if the province previously had Flourishing or Booming prosperity levels
- Improved religion conversion logic for the Germanic assimilation into Roman culture event
- Fixed conditions for the Civitas of Concania event
- Fixed Scylding migration war sometimes not spawning event troops
- Fixed a case where a successful Ostrogothic Invasion of Provence would not actually take any territory
- Fixed famine event not removing prosperity
- Fixed some issues with the Roman Cultural Bonds modifier event not being hidden
- Fixed the Expand the Empire into Magna Germania decision
- Fixed laws not being copied over when forming the Britannic Empire by decision



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- Compatible with CK2 version

- Fixed duchies in Northeast Gaul reverting to Soissons instead of their proper Roman province when reconquered by Romans in post-486 starts
- Fixed the castle version of the Hill of Tara being available in the wrong barony
- Fixed unclickable event popping up after temporarily falling below the requirements for holding onto Britannia/Aenglaland, but not for long enough to lose the title
- Fixed some cases where you would erroneously lose vassals after losing Britannia or Aenglaland
- Fixed missing male names for the Saxon culture
- Fixed the holding abandonment event destroying the last non-temple holding in a province, causing Nomad Agitation to appear the next time it changes holder




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- Fixed releasing prisoners when capturing an enemy capital sometimes releasing some of your own prisoners as well
- Fixed incorrect capitals for a few duchies
- Fixed the Unite the Norse Kingdoms decision disappearing once you get an empire title
- The Raid cb is no longer available against baron-tier characters
- Adjusted creation requirements for Francia
- Fall of the Franks event now requires more of northeastern Gaul to be Roman-controlled
- The Return of the Franks event can now also trigger if e_franks is held
- Fixed offmap titles being inheritable
- Fixed being unable to convert between Romano-Aquitanian and Vasconian culture with the Convert to Local Culture decision
- Fixed missing government flavour for tribal High Kingdoms
- Tribal councillors will no longer oppose you declaring war on their close relatives if you are also a close relative of the target
- Fixed some tooltips implying that tribal councillors normally could not join factions
- Fixed some instances of Tribal rulers getting the wrong government type when splitting up on succession
- Fixed realm peace not actually becoming available if Tribal Organization is Strong or above
- Removed nonfunctional disease defence and local build cost/time modifiers from buildings (health buildings have been adjusted to give other bonuses instead)
- Fixed some cultures sometimes erroneously appearing in randomly generated characters
- Fixed some events using the vanilla Indian religion localisation
- Fixed some issues with capturing family members when taking your war enemy's capital holding
- Alan portraits are now enabled if the Portraits module is used with vanilla CK2



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- Updated to CK2 Fury
- Ported Norse/Germanic and Hellenic warrior lodges from vanilla and added warrior lodges for Celtic (The Fianna), Scythian (The Swords of Agin), and Vasconic (The Cave Dwellers) pagans
- Pagan Reformation Features/Doctrine changes:
- Proselytization nature allows conversion of other cultures to your reformed pagan religion
- Peaceful, Warmongering, and Unyielding natures give halved penalties to provinces of other pagan religions (except heresies)
- Cosmopolitan nature removes all penalties from provinces of other pagan religions (except heresies)
- Daring/Sons of Ragnarok doctrines now give increased culture conversion and levy size rather than enabling prepared invasions
- Brythonic unique doctrine (Guardians of the Old Gods): Animistic + Bloodthirsty Gods
- Pictish unique doctrine (Chosen of Cailleach): Animistic + Equal
- Gaelic unique doctrine (Children of Danu): Animistic + Seafaring
- Anglo-Saxon unique doctrine (Children of Wodan): Seafaring + Meritocratic
- Frankish unique doctrine (Chosen of the Allfadir): Polygamy + Ancestor Worship + No opinion malus for raised levies
- Suebic unique doctrine (Warriors of Donar): Meritocratic + Relentless
- Gothic unique doctrine (Heirs of Gapt): Relentless + Ancestor Worship
- Scythian unique doctrine (Riders of the Flame): Relentless + Haruspicy
- Vasconic unique doctrine (Earthborn): Equal + Defensive Bonuses
- Added Druidic leadership for Celtic pagans (enables the Archdruid election mechanics)
- Sainthood mechanics enabled for all Christians and Manichaeans, even if they don't have a religious head
- Coronations and associated mechanics enabled for all Christians with Majesty tech at least 5
- Your religious head may ask you to donate one of your counties to a theocratic vassal as their coronation demand
- All Roman empire titles are locked into Imperial Elective
- Added Germanic Elective succession law - similar to normal Feudal Elective, but only characters of your culture group are allowed to be electors and candidates, used by the Visigoths at start
- Added Matrilineal Tanistry succession law - similar to normal Tanistry, but claimants related to a king through a female line are favoured, and children of kings are disfavoured, used by Pictavia at start
- Ported Vortigern, Niall Noigiallach, Merovech, and Caratacus bloodlines from vanilla
- Changed Calgacus, Coel Hen, Arthur Pendragon, and Magnus Maximus blood traits into bloodlines
- Added new bloodlines for Aurelius Ambrosius, Cunedda, Aelle (doubling as a first Bretwalda bloodline), the Anicii, Alaric I, Gundahar, Hrothgar, Beowulf, and Finn Folcwalding
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.42.4 "Tasgetius"
- Brythonic High Kingship overhaul
- Imperial-cultured rulers and (independent) rulers of Roman provinces in Britannia are now also eligible to claim the High Kingship
- All independent Celtic or Imperial-cultured rulers in Britannia (except Hen Ogledd), not just kings, get asked for recognition when the High Kingship is claimed
- When claiming the High Kingship, you must now fight all the opposing kings at once instead of one at a time
- Becoming High King now makes the other kings a new tributary type (Subject Kingdom) instead of vassals
- Added cb to make other kings into your Subject Kingdoms and disabled de jure claims for Britannia (before reforms)
- Added cbs to depose a currently reigning High King and directly claim the High Kingship for yourself
- The High Kingship is now automatically lost upon succession (before reforms)
- Blocked Sub-Roman Brythonic government Imperial-cultured rulers from using the County Conquest cb on Brythonic rulers, and vice versa
- Added special decision for a Roman governor who becomes High King to claim the Imperium Britanniarum
- Added 7 High King decisions/reforms that can be taken to unite the kingdoms of Britannia into a single unified realm, with the final reform allowing you to choose between a Celtic or a Roman path
- The Celtic path gives Subjugation cbs and de jure integration events on Alba, Ireland, and Armorica
- The Roman path allows you to Restore the Senate and then transform Britannia into the Imperium Britanniarum after fighting a civil war
- Moved Hellenic paganism to the Pagan group
- Removed Sol Invictus (can now get the same effect by reforming Hellenic with Dogmatic + Hierocratic)
- Increased threshold for heresies to replace main religion
- Added formable religion head titles for all Christian heresies
- Added decision for a restored Roman Empire to invade the Agri Decumates
- Added events for Roman conquest of the Agri Decumates and Germania
- Adjusted creation requirements for Germania
- Scripted Anglo-Saxon vassals revolts are now weaker if the relevant kingdom title has ever been held and end after 700, but now allowed to trigger for characters with human lieges as well
- Made all mercenaries duchy-tier
- Reduced penalty for holding multiple kingdom titles as an Anglo-Saxon
- Tribal prestige/realm size modifier now also affects unit morale and organization
- Retinue cap is no longer increased by technology
- Added a minimum retinue cap
- Imperial, Sub-Roman, Sub-Roman Brythonic, and Germanic government rulers now have a percentage retinue cap boost
- Significantly increased maintenance and retinue cap usage for heavy infantry (warriors) and cavalry
- Nerfed overall income from most holdings
- Removed revolt risk reduction for stewardship and reduced revolt risk for different religion and culture group
- Many other minor adjustments

- Added some more Roman localisation in Britannia
- Added provinces of Maxima Sequanorum and Germania Prima
- Added in western Franconia and Alemannia
- Moved Frankish holy site from Cologne to Agredingland
- Moved Frankish and Suebic holy site to Fritzlar (Donar's Oak) from Nithersi (Irminsul) and Walacria, respectively
- Moved Suebic holy site from Meduantum to Cannstatt
- Added de jure shift events for forming Germania
- Added a kingdom of Franconia under Germania that appears from the eastern parts of Ripuarian Franks/Austrasia when Germania is created

- Added in the Gallic usurpation of Jovinus
- Owain now holds the High Lordship of Gradawc in 479

- Added new portraits for all of the regional Imperial cultures (native portrait base + Roman clothing)
- Romanized Germanic cultures (Visigoths, Burgundians, etc.) now also use Germanic portraits
- Only royal Franks will now wear long hair

- Fixed de jure destruction of Embrum firing with the wrong conditions
- Fixed history issue for the province of Crích Mugdornd
- Fixed the High Lordship of Latharna not gaining its de jure territory in the Creation of Dalriada event


Обеликс из Галлии
46 минут назад, vitovt13 сказал:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Changelog (Открыть)

- Updated to CK2 Fury
- Ported Norse/Germanic and Hellenic warrior lodges from vanilla and added warrior lodges for Celtic (The Fianna), Scythian (The Swords of Agin), and Vasconic (The Cave Dwellers) pagans
- Pagan Reformation Features/Doctrine changes:
- Proselytization nature allows conversion of other cultures to your reformed pagan religion
- Peaceful, Warmongering, and Unyielding natures give halved penalties to provinces of other pagan religions (except heresies)
- Cosmopolitan nature removes all penalties from provinces of other pagan religions (except heresies)
- Daring/Sons of Ragnarok doctrines now give increased culture conversion and levy size rather than enabling prepared invasions
- Brythonic unique doctrine (Guardians of the Old Gods): Animistic + Bloodthirsty Gods
- Pictish unique doctrine (Chosen of Cailleach): Animistic + Equal
- Gaelic unique doctrine (Children of Danu): Animistic + Seafaring
- Anglo-Saxon unique doctrine (Children of Wodan): Seafaring + Meritocratic
- Frankish unique doctrine (Chosen of the Allfadir): Polygamy + Ancestor Worship + No opinion malus for raised levies
- Suebic unique doctrine (Warriors of Donar): Meritocratic + Relentless
- Gothic unique doctrine (Heirs of Gapt): Relentless + Ancestor Worship
- Scythian unique doctrine (Riders of the Flame): Relentless + Haruspicy
- Vasconic unique doctrine (Earthborn): Equal + Defensive Bonuses
- Added Druidic leadership for Celtic pagans (enables the Archdruid election mechanics)
- Sainthood mechanics enabled for all Christians and Manichaeans, even if they don't have a religious head
- Coronations and associated mechanics enabled for all Christians with Majesty tech at least 5
- Your religious head may ask you to donate one of your counties to a theocratic vassal as their coronation demand
- All Roman empire titles are locked into Imperial Elective
- Added Germanic Elective succession law - similar to normal Feudal Elective, but only characters of your culture group are allowed to be electors and candidates, used by the Visigoths at start
- Added Matrilineal Tanistry succession law - similar to normal Tanistry, but claimants related to a king through a female line are favoured, and children of kings are disfavoured, used by Pictavia at start
- Ported Vortigern, Niall Noigiallach, Merovech, and Caratacus bloodlines from vanilla
- Changed Calgacus, Coel Hen, Arthur Pendragon, and Magnus Maximus blood traits into bloodlines
- Added new bloodlines for Aurelius Ambrosius, Cunedda, Aelle (doubling as a first Bretwalda bloodline), the Anicii, Alaric I, Gundahar, Hrothgar, Beowulf, and Finn Folcwalding
- Merged Ancient Religions v0.42.4 "Tasgetius"
- Brythonic High Kingship overhaul
- Imperial-cultured rulers and (independent) rulers of Roman provinces in Britannia are now also eligible to claim the High Kingship
- All independent Celtic or Imperial-cultured rulers in Britannia (except Hen Ogledd), not just kings, get asked for recognition when the High Kingship is claimed
- When claiming the High Kingship, you must now fight all the opposing kings at once instead of one at a time
- Becoming High King now makes the other kings a new tributary type (Subject Kingdom) instead of vassals
- Added cb to make other kings into your Subject Kingdoms and disabled de jure claims for Britannia (before reforms)
- Added cbs to depose a currently reigning High King and directly claim the High Kingship for yourself
- The High Kingship is now automatically lost upon succession (before reforms)
- Blocked Sub-Roman Brythonic government Imperial-cultured rulers from using the County Conquest cb on Brythonic rulers, and vice versa
- Added special decision for a Roman governor who becomes High King to claim the Imperium Britanniarum
- Added 7 High King decisions/reforms that can be taken to unite the kingdoms of Britannia into a single unified realm, with the final reform allowing you to choose between a Celtic or a Roman path
- The Celtic path gives Subjugation cbs and de jure integration events on Alba, Ireland, and Armorica
- The Roman path allows you to Restore the Senate and then transform Britannia into the Imperium Britanniarum after fighting a civil war
- Moved Hellenic paganism to the Pagan group
- Removed Sol Invictus (can now get the same effect by reforming Hellenic with Dogmatic + Hierocratic)
- Increased threshold for heresies to replace main religion
- Added formable religion head titles for all Christian heresies
- Added decision for a restored Roman Empire to invade the Agri Decumates
- Added events for Roman conquest of the Agri Decumates and Germania
- Adjusted creation requirements for Germania
- Scripted Anglo-Saxon vassals revolts are now weaker if the relevant kingdom title has ever been held and end after 700, but now allowed to trigger for characters with human lieges as well
- Made all mercenaries duchy-tier
- Reduced penalty for holding multiple kingdom titles as an Anglo-Saxon
- Tribal prestige/realm size modifier now also affects unit morale and organization
- Retinue cap is no longer increased by technology
- Added a minimum retinue cap
- Imperial, Sub-Roman, Sub-Roman Brythonic, and Germanic government rulers now have a percentage retinue cap boost
- Significantly increased maintenance and retinue cap usage for heavy infantry (warriors) and cavalry
- Nerfed overall income from most holdings
- Removed revolt risk reduction for stewardship and reduced revolt risk for different religion and culture group
- Many other minor adjustments

- Added some more Roman localisation in Britannia
- Added provinces of Maxima Sequanorum and Germania Prima
- Added in western Franconia and Alemannia
- Moved Frankish holy site from Cologne to Agredingland
- Moved Frankish and Suebic holy site to Fritzlar (Donar's Oak) from Nithersi (Irminsul) and Walacria, respectively
- Moved Suebic holy site from Meduantum to Cannstatt
- Added de jure shift events for forming Germania
- Added a kingdom of Franconia under Germania that appears from the eastern parts of Ripuarian Franks/Austrasia when Germania is created

- Added in the Gallic usurpation of Jovinus
- Owain now holds the High Lordship of Gradawc in 479

- Added new portraits for all of the regional Imperial cultures (native portrait base + Roman clothing)
- Romanized Germanic cultures (Visigoths, Burgundians, etc.) now also use Germanic portraits
- Only royal Franks will now wear long hair

- Fixed de jure destruction of Embrum firing with the wrong conditions
- Fixed history issue for the province of Crích Mugdornd
- Fixed the High Lordship of Latharna not gaining its de jure territory in the Creation of Dalriada event


Как я понял, там не только Британией все ограничивается ?

2 часа назад, vitovt13 сказал:

Western Europe 410-962 - The Winter King v1.9


Новая версия добавлена в шапку темы.

17 часов назад, Обеликс из Галлии сказал:

Как я понял, там не только Британией все ограничивается ?

Есть часть Германии, нижние земли, Франция вся и скандинавский полуостров.

Обеликс из Галлии
47 минут назад, valynnit сказал:

Есть часть Германии, нижние земли, Франция вся и скандинавский полуостров.

А откуда там скифское язычество и эллинизм? 

1 минуту назад, Обеликс из Галлии сказал:

А откуда там скифское язычество и эллинизм? 

Аланы мимо скакали, и РИ жива ещё на ранних датах.

Обеликс из Галлии
5 часов назад, valynnit сказал:

Аланы мимо скакали, и РИ жива ещё на ранних датах.

А какая ранняя дата?

2 минуты назад, Обеликс из Галлии сказал:

А какая ранняя дата?

Есть бета раннего пятого века





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- Updated to ACR v0.43.0 "Sequana"
- Added event chain for Return of the Saxons
- Made Hwiccas and Iclingas/Mercian follow-up event troop spawns somewhat more reasonable
- Rebalanced chance of successfully Restoring the Old Gods to be more dependent on your piety/learning/traits
- Famine events will no longer destroy buildings if the province is prosperous (but will still wipe all prosperity)
- British Strongholds/Forts/Civitates are now only deactivated when conquered by a non-Romanized Germanic, and will only be destroyed when the province culture is converted
- Standardized British Strongholds/Forts/Civitas locations across all holding types, and added some more (potential) locations
- Frankish unique doctrine now combines Harems and Monasticism instead of Ancestor Worship
- Gothic unique doctrine now combines Relentless and Religious Tax instead of Ancestor Worship
- Restoring the Old Gods is no longer an absolute requirement for reforming Brythonic paganism, but rather removes a large moral authority malus instead
- Added event for Roman-cultured or government characters in Cymry to assimilate to Briton/Cumbric culture and/or feudal government
- Tribal vassals of Feudal realms now get a tribal building cost reduction modifier
- The House of East Seaxe event will now not trigger for the Seaxneatings
- Made health buildings available to all semi-Romanized cultures (e.g. Visigoths, Alans, Vasconians)
- Forming Francia no longer requires controlling Rodanum/Rodænlænd
- Reduced the amount of Anglian revolt event troops, but the rebellion can now fire twice before Anglia is safe
- Added a bloodline for the Syagrii
- Halved the minimum retinue cap
- Successors of Subject Kings that give in to a claimant faction now get an event to decide if they want to continue the Subject Kingdom status, with the High King being able to declare war if they refuse
- Feudal governments now also have a Tribal holding building time bonus

- Mordred is now a subject kingdom tributary of Arthur in the 496 start, with the rest of Dumnonia vassals of Arthur instead
- Arthur now starts with a small band of event troop warriors

- Fixed Subject Kingdom tributary relation breaking on death of tributary
- Fixed incorrect Tall trait effects
- Fixed Expand the Empire into Magna Germania decision not appearing
- Fixed several issues with AI consideration of Mass Conversions
- Fixed forming the Imperium Britanniarum from the High Kingship not properly transferring over the Imperial Senate or realm laws
- Fixed Restore the Imperial Senate decision being enactable while the event is open
- Fixed some instances where creating the Gallic or Britannic Empires would not automatically apply the Imperial Elective or Imperial Administration laws
- Tried to increase AI looting
- Fixed some issues and inconsistencies with the Town Hall building prerequisite
- Event HFP.11034 can no longer replace a stronger strength congenital trait with robust
- Fixed Roman provinces being creatable by vassals of a Frankish emperor
- Fixed Alans sometimes not properly being assigned the foederati trait
- Fixed some more cases where Feudal realms could erroneously appear
- Fixed a crash when hovering over certain Warrior Lodge traits in the Ruler Designer
- Fixed incorrect de jure liege for Roman duchies in Germania Prima in post-486 start dates
- The AI is now actually capable of reforming into High Tribal/Feudal governments in a somewhat reasonable timeframe
- Fixed the Kingdom of Gwinntguic formation event unintentionally integrating Meonware
- Fixed it being possible to have Uncontrolled and Disallowed Vassal Wars simultaneously
- Fixed the Restless Sidhe modifier being impossible to remove if you're not a Celtic pagan
- Fixed claimant faction wars sometimes creating theocracies from tribal realms
- Fixed the Wolftails mercenary company lacking any troops and not forming from a 479 start
- Anglo-Saxon invaders will now not break NAPs or alliances when expanding
- Fixed being prompted to nominate successors for titles with an Elective succession type that don't actually exist (i.e. have a holder)


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Western Europe 410-962 - The Winter King     A Dark Ages Total Conversion for CKII, based on "The Warlord Chronicles" saga by Bernard Cornwell (The Win


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