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2 часа назад, Svyatoslav10v сказал:

Представлено ли в моде разнообразие пород каджитов(Ом-Рат, Даги, Даги-Рат и т.п.), или они представлены лишь одной породой?

Видел только трейт Рат. Сильнее, войска быстрее. Породы, скорее всего, отличаются только внешне.

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Elder Kings 0.1.7 Developer Diary #2 - Creatures of the Night




Hello everyone! Colossal_Elk here, writing on behalf of the Elder Kings development team. I’m pleased to welcome you to the first Elder Kings 0.1.7 Developer Diary! Since our last dev diary, we’ve been working on expanding and rebuilding the systems for various cultures, religions, character traits and more! Today, I will be discussing the new systems for two types of supernatural beings that enjoy incredible powers, but face hatred and revulsion from most of the societies of Nirn: vampires and lycanthropes.

Vampires are undead beings who are completely immune to disease and to the effects of aging. Their immortality comes at a price: every vampire has an appetite for blood, and must find a source of mortal blood to satisfy that appetite. Periodically, a vampire will feel the urge to feed and will progress to a more advanced stage of vampirism, starting at Stage 1 and ending at Stage 4. Stage 1 Vampires boast no outstanding abilities to distinguish them from their mortal brethren, but subsequent stages of vampirism confer significant bonuses; Stage 4 vampires get a boost to their Martial, Intrigue and Learning scores at the cost of a little Diplomacy. Pure-Blooded Vampires (who I’ll be talking about at greater length in a future Dev Diary) get a boost to all four of these attributes. Successful feeding will return the vampire to Stage 1 vampirism.






If a vampire feels compelled to feed at Stage 4 but chooses not to do so, they risk being afflicted with a physical or mental ailment that is sometimes horribly debilitating. Pure-Blooded vampires will rarely feel an urge to feed, and for them, refusing to do so will never be lethal (stressful, perhaps, but never incapacitating).






Harkon Volkihar is, unbeknownst to most of Tamriel’s population, a Pure-Blooded Vampire.

Feeding is often dangerous for the vampire, and is of course always dangerous for prey. Vampires can pick off lone targets along the road, or can try their hand at feeding off of a local character of note (an excellent way to spread vampirism throughout a court). Characters do not take kindly to feeding attempts and will fight back. Those who are much weaker in combat than the hunting vampire are likely to get themselves killed fighting back, whereas characters of similar combat ability may deny the vampire a blood meal, but might still end up wounded and possibly infected. Do note, however, that if a vampire fails to dispatch their target, that target will reveal the vampire’s identity, in turn making them an almost unanimously-despised Known Vampire!

Some vampires do not enjoy hunting for prey; this can stem from pragmatic concerns such as their personal safety, moral and ethical objections, or a mix of each. Such vampires may out themselves as Known Benevolent Vampires, who instead depend on the blood of willing cattle to satisfy their appetites. A key advantage of being a Benevolent Vampire is that feeding is a safe and simple process, since the blood meals are provided by volunteers. Another reason to become a Benevolent Vampire is to minimize the risk of scandal associated with one’s condition. However, even Benevolent Vampires may be ostracized by their mortal peers for their peculiar and sometimes frightening traits and habits. Alternatively, a vampire may choose to become an ordinary Known Vampire and continue their traditional activities.

Count Verandis Ravenwatch, one of the more famous rulers in High Rock during the mid-Second Era, is well-known among his peers as an unapologetic yet honorable vampire.

Lycanthropes have very little in common with vampires other than a pariah status. Many lycanthropes are seemingly ordinary people and can lead relatively simple lives, and unlike vampires, are not undead and do not need to feed on other people for their own well-being. Their condition does not offer immortality, but it does provide greatly improved health and immunity to disease. Lycanthropy also does not progress in various stages. Either a person is a lycanthrope, or they are not.

Sometimes, a lycanthrope will face a spontaneous transformation that sends them into their beast form. Most lycanthropes will immediately feel the urge to hunt, which can lead the beast into a fight with a powerful foe, or may be as simple as raiding a chicken coop for an easy meal. Unlike vampires, lycanthropes in beast form are impossible for other people to identify with the human-form counterpart. Unsuccessful hunts will NOT reveal the individual as a Known Lycanthrope. Nonetheless, failed hunts are often fatal since the enraged beast will generally fight to the death, and many lycanthropes cannot stop themselves from embarking on these dangerous forays in the first place.

Fortunately for Count Glabrius, most chickens are not dangerous enemies.

However, a lycanthrope can discipline his or herself against these wild hunts, and possibly even avert spontaneous transformations altogether. This is an arduous process and can take many years to complete, but can save countless lives (including the werewolf’s own) from being destroyed. The lycanthrope will journey out into the wilderness, and attempt to master their beast form.

A sufficiently-disciplined lycanthrope ultimately poses no threat to others (unless they specifically choose to do so, of course!) and can reveal their condition. If they decide to forgo their hunts, they will henceforth be recognized as a Known Benevolent Lycanthrope, which can damage their reputation, albeit nowhere near as much as being an ordinary Known Lycanthrope would. Similarly to vampires, they can still choose to reveal themselves as standard Known Lycanthropes, which will allow them to hunt as they normally would, but will likely make them deeply unpopular.

The local liege of a character wounded (and possibly infected) by a vampire or lycanthrope will be informed of the attack, giving them the chance to take appropriate action. Imprisoning a wounded character will result in the prisoner holding a grudge, but can also save the realm from having even more subjects fall to vampirism or lycanthropy.

Count Glabrius before becoming a Lycanthrope.

Both vampires and lycanthropes are tolerated by certain religions, and belonging to that religion offers a same-faith opinion boost with other characters. For example, vampires of all types face no scrutiny from members of pro-undead religions such as Cult of Molag Bal, Worm Cult and Ideal Masters. If a vampire attacks a ruler’s court (or even the ruler) they will still draw that character’s ire. But if they continue to not harm anyone, no one of the same religion will be alarmed by their presence.

And that concludes our first Developer Diary for Elder Kings 0.1.7!



Elder Kings 0.1.6 Developer Diary #3 - Armies and Assassins






Hello everyone, and welcome to a new Elder Kings 0.1.7 Developer Diary! This week, we’ll be talking about new ways to vanquish enemies and triumph in the quests to conquer Tamriel, Yokuda, Atmora and Akavir. This includes improved content for combat tactics and a new assassination system.

The current Elder Kings military roster includes troops such as spearmen (who fit the same role as pikemen), battlemages and the highly-educated and well-trained arch-mages. All of the basic military tactics have been updated to accommodate these troop types, along with some updated versions of new tactics that battlemages and arch-mages can use to perform such feats as healing friendly troops, bombarding hostiles with fireballs and sewing chaos with illusion magick.



Although Emperor Leovic is no match for the warlord Count Saulio in a fair fight, liberal use of arcane fire and frost help to tip the balance of the battle in his favor.

In addition, we’re working on implementing various culture-specific military tactics. Some of these are vanilla tactics that we found suitable for particular cultures, and some others are newly-made to apply to specific cultures and culture groups. A general with strong martial abilities or a formal military education can drill his or her troops in culture-specific tactics, which they can then apply on the battlefield.



King Kematu of Rihad has his infantry - trained in traditional Redguard swordsmanship - disrupt the Reachman battle line and engage the enemy troops one-on-one. The Reachmen are not nearly as well-trained in such combat and are decisively beaten.


Quey generals frequently utilize their war canoes as improvised mantlets to provide archers and other troops with cover from ranged attacks.

When a person cannot outclass a foe in personal combat, on the battlefield or even in the political arena, it comes time from them to gather their allies and begin a plot that will discreetly eliminate their adversary. Unfortunately for the schemer (and fortunately for the target) in question, plots are sometimes not enough. These take time to develop and are prone to being uncovered by quick-thinking spymasters. Even then, these plots usually rely on multiple collaborators to have even small chances of success. So what is a plotter with an enemy and no friends to do? Hire an assassin, of course!

One of the major concerns we noted following the release of 0.1.6 was the AI’s insistence on eliminating or kidnapping targets through Intrigue Focus. Since rulers in Elder Kings have an even chance of using each Focus introduced by WOL, we determined that it was best to disable Murder and Kidnapping events from Intrigue Focus and instead rely on plots and a new way to handle assassinations - hiring professional assassins.

Assassins offer you the ability to eliminate a target in a matter of days. They do not work cheaply, but they offer results at a pace that few plots could ever hope to attain (and kidnapping and murder options from Intrigue Focus are no longer available). Assassins come in two primary flavors. The first is that of the hired goons. These are little more than the sorts of thugs that shopkeepers in Tamriel will send after people who pilfer their jewelry, cheese wheels and troll skulls. Brutish and clumsy, they are effective against individuals who are poor at intrigue and weak in personal combat. They tend to run into quite a few problems against well-trained fighters and talented intriguers.



The other variety of assassins is that of the professional guild assassins: those who spend their lives serving the Dark Brotherhood or the Morag Tong. These contract killers undergo extensive training and they have the talents to match. Few foes will ever see one of these shadowy figures descending upon them, and all but the best fighters are in grave danger against one of their ilk. The Dark Brotherhood and Morag Tong charge exorbitant fees for their services and their availability varies depending on location, culture and religion, but each is supremely effective against an overwhelming majority of potential targets. Worshippers of Sithis get a 20% discount in dealing with the Dark Brotherhood. Likewise, worshippers of Mephala can hire the Morag Tong at 20% lower prices than otherwise.


The exact cost of an assassination attempt corresponds directly with the rank of the target. Killing a landless courtier is simpler than taking out a count. Eliminating a count pales in comparison to taking care of an Emperor who resides in an enormous palace or a well-guarded military camp. Assassins charge larger fees as a target’s rank increases; partly to compensate their increased expenses, and partly because higher-profile targets are just plain more lucrative. Once a plotter hires an assassin and the contract is made, the attempt quickly follows. Targets have two separate opportunities to foil their attacker(s). The first is an Intrigue Check. If the target passes this check, they and their guards will stop the assassination attempt before the assassins can strike. The outcomes of this are dependent on what kinds of assassins are sent, and what the target’s Intrigue score is. However, if the target fails this check, the assassin will launch their attack.


Muthsera Dralval has a Personal Combat Rating of 0. This makes him a less-than-challenging opponent for a professional assassin.

This moves the assassination on to the second check – the Personal Combat Check. This check pits the assassin against the target in what will likely lead to a death for one of the two parties. However, this is not guaranteed to happen. An assassin can be driven off with or without wounding their target, and may be captured and coerced into revealing their client’s identity even if they successfully eliminate their target.



Abnur Tharn manages to foil an attempt on his life carried out by the Dark Brotherhood, but even this powerful mage walks away with serious injuries.

Regardless of what transpires during the assassination attempt, the sender and the target will be notified of the results. The fallout of an assassination attempt corresponds to similar outcomes in standard plots. For example, if a plotter’s identity is revealed, that plotter may find a multitude of characters turn hostile toward them. If the target survives, that target is likely to make their attacker a personal rival and may seek justice against the target, either by hiring assassins of their own or even arresting the plotter if that plotter is a vassal.


Count Aquillio faces imprisonment for his misdeeds...




...as well as resentment from Abnur's kin.

Some additional information about these new features:
-The "Swarm" tactics now use Light Infantry in place of Horse Archers, since Horse Archers do not make an appearance in Elder Kings.
-Battlemages and Arch-Mages perform ranged combat in a manner similar to Archers, allowing them to provide as ranged tactical support during battles.
-Every culture is planned to have at least 2 culture-specific tactics available for use.
-Characters with extremely high Personal Combat scores may not be possible to eliminate through professional assassins alone.



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Убо Рщик

У меня пара вопросов. Какова средняя продолжительность жизни у игровых рас? Может быть даже стоит это в faq в шапку занести? И еще, кроме Дворца Исграмора и Двемерской твердыни есть ли в игре еще какие то специальные постройки для конкретных селений, я пока других не нашел. Если что, играю в последнюю версию мода скаченного програмкой TortoiseSVN на последней версии самой игры.

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2 часа назад, ivan_911 сказал:

У меня пара вопросов. Какова средняя продолжительность жизни у игровых рас? Может быть даже стоит это в faq в шапку занести? И еще, кроме Дворца Исграмора и Двемерской твердыни есть ли в игре еще какие то специальные постройки для конкретных селений, я пока других не нашел. Если что, играю в последнюю версию мода скаченного програмкой TortoiseSVN на последней версии самой игры.

Аргониане - стандарт.

Босмеры, данмеры, альтмеры, айлейды, кимеры - 150-250

Редагарды, ричемны, имперцы обоих видов, норды - стандарт

Хаджиты - стандарт.

Орки - мало, обычно до совершеннолетия наследника. Читня.


По уникальным строениям - Адамантиновая башня на Балфере, ну и куча на имперском острове (в разных владениях).

Боюсь соврать, но по-моему можно еще арену в Кватче построить.

Изменено пользователем Nadd
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10 часов назад, ivan_911 сказал:

У меня пара вопросов. Какова средняя продолжительность жизни у игровых рас? Может быть даже стоит это в faq в шапку занести? И еще, кроме Дворца Исграмора и Двемерской твердыни есть ли в игре еще какие то специальные постройки для конкретных селений, я пока других не нашел. Если что, играю в последнюю версию мода скаченного програмкой TortoiseSVN на последней версии самой игры.

Университет Таинств в Университете Таинств, Коллегия Винтерхолда в Винтерхолде, Храм Единого в Храмовом районе (по крайней мере, они были), ещё, вроде, Йоррваскр/Небесная кузня в Вайтране.

Плюс есть четыре особых владения-башни (Адамантиновая на Балфиере, Белого Золота на Имперском острове, Кристальная на северо-востоке Саммерсета и Фалинести в одноимённой провинции) - там вообще всё уникальное, потенциально даёт очень хорошие плюшки, но требует неиллюзорных инвестиций.

Изменено пользователем FVR
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Флавий Аниций

Ещё есть дворец Вивека, в одноименном городе на юге Вварденфелла, и Великий Дворец Гривы в Торвале.

Изменено пользователем Флавий Аниций
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Приветствую форумчане.

Столкнулся с таким феноменом: Играю год-три и из игры вылетает на рабочий стол.

Притом на ванильной версии игры такого нет, решаемо ли это?

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


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А можно пожалуйста ссылку на оригинал последних дневников разработчиков? А то половина картинок потерялась. 

Или они на плазе и их не посмотреть?

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Здравствуйте, а есть ли only tamriel на 0.16? И как стать вампиром, ну или вообще продлить жизнь?

Изменено пользователем Sodden
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10 часов назад, Sodden сказал:

И как стать вампиром, ну или вообще продлить жизнь?

Вампиризм - рандом, при наличии соответствующей болезни в провинции, где находится персонаж.

А еще можно стать личем (обучение 20+, трейт - некромант, профессии -  маг, боевой маг, священник 4-го уровня)

И просто бессмертие (обучение 30+, профессии - маг, боевой маг, священник 4-го уровня)


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Белый офицер
20 часов назад, Nadd сказал:

Вампиризм - рандом, при наличии соответствующей болезни в провинции, где находится персонаж.

А еще можно стать личем (обучение 20+, трейт - некромант, профессии -  маг, боевой маг, священник 4-го уровня)

И просто бессмертие (обучение 30+, профессии - маг, боевой маг, священник 4-го уровня)


Тащемта боевой маг не может стать бессмертным, проверено. Ну, если что я про то которое 30+ образованности требует..

Изменено пользователем Белый офицер
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Никто не сталкивался с проблемой в новых версии dev с профессиями у детей при совершеннолетии?

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Флавий Аниций
3 часа назад, Kadosel сказал:

Никто не сталкивался с проблемой в новых версии dev с профессиями у детей при совершеннолетии?

Сталкивались. Связано это с Конклавом, его систему обучения пока не адаптировали к Elder Kings, поэтому приходится отключать Конклав, перед тем, как играть с модом. Надеюсь, хоть осенью адаптируют.

Изменено пользователем Флавий Аниций
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Как я понял, у каждого персонажа может быть только один артефакт, не знаете, где это можно подправить?

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Белый офицер
3 часа назад, Sodden сказал:

Как я понял, у каждого персонажа может быть только один артефакт, не знаете, где это можно подправить?

Вообще то нет, к примеру в последней партии у моей королевы было сразу 3 артефакта и что интересно все они были броней.

Изменено пользователем Белый офицер
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6 часов назад, Sodden сказал:

Как я понял, у каждого персонажа может быть только один артефакт, не знаете, где это можно подправить?

В папке "events" в событиях фигурирует модификатор artefact_count = 2.5, где 2.5 - это предельное количество артефактов, при котором по событию может добавиться новый (т.е. при 2 артефактах третий добавиться может, при трёх четвёртый - уже нет). Поменяйте это число на то, которое вам хочется (я, например, менял на 9.5) во всех событиях - и лимит увеличится. Плюс, насколько я помню, Амулет Королей на лимит артефактов не влияет и находится вне этой системы.

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Elder Kings 0.1.7 Developer Diary #4 - No One Bests an Orc!



Welcome to another Elder Kings 0.1.7 Developer Diary! As part of our Dev Diary last week, we talked about military tactics available to some of the cultures in Elder Kings. This week, we will be talking about one very specific culture, and their new and improved content: the Orsimer.

In 0.1.6, we introduced the Code of Malacath for Orsimer characters who worship Malacath. Members of this government can hold Castles and same-culture Tribes at no penalty, and can build every holding type except for Cities. Code of Malacath rulers must call their subjects to arms like Tribal rulers do, which means that baron-tier rulers are left to their own devices and typically need do little besides supply their liege with taxes (but their large garrisons, which are boosted by being in Cult of Malacath territory, can lead to protracted sieges when faced by hostile armies).



This government incudes a unique method of succession where the child of a ruler can challenge them in personal combat for their titles, which has been updated so that rulers can defeat their progeny in duels and remain in power.



Most of Tamriel’s nation-states are static, but Orsinium is not. Despite being destroyed repeatedly, Orsinium always resurfaces sooner or later, in new lands and under new leadership but almost always with the same core purpose: a homeland for the Orcs. With no Orsinium, bands of Orcs sometimes rally under the leadership of intrepid leaders and set out to colonize a new homeland. When one such band finds place to settle, their Chief will send emissaries to meet with the land’s owner and negotiate a treaty. A ruler can accept this treaty, and will gain a shiny new Castle holding and some gold. They can also reject the terms and send the Orcs on their way. There is also the option to take all of the Chief’s money -and- reject the treaty, which may lead a very angry group of Orcs taking up arms against their unfriendly host.




The Kingdom of Orsinium can always be created by an Orc character of Duke-tier or better if their capital is Orsimer-culture and the title does not already exist. But Orsinium is no ordinary title. It symbolizes Orc perseverance, ingenuity and bravery. It holds enormous importance for many Orsimer, who have historically traveled far and wide to make their homes there, no matter how perilous the journey may be. When an Orsimer ruler plans on creating the Kingdom of Orsinium, they may wish to announce their intentions and “break ground” for a new Orsinium. Orc settlers and Goblin-ken will flock to the ruler’s capital, and this can lead to the future King of Orsinium receiving the assistance of all sorts of interesting characters.






Once a large enough contingent of settlers has arrived in the capital, the ruler will be notified about the rapid population growth, which helps jumpstart local construction projects and boosts the province’s manpower. At this point, an Orc ruler who creates the Kingdom of Orsinium will be in a much better position to assert their power and defend their newly-formed state against the inevitable tide of foreign invaders.



The Orcs’ pariah status has earned them the hatred of many neighbors, but it has strengthened their bonds as a people. Simply surviving is itself a serious challenge, but an Orc who can lead and unite his people will command unparalleled respect and loyalty.


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Максим Градский

Надо ли ставить последние драйвера на видео карту как Антип? Я чето нифига не понимаю... У меня не запускается((( 

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В 15.08.2016 at 2:47 PM, Максим Градский сказал:

Надо ли ставить последние драйвера на видео карту как Антип? Я чето нифига не понимаю... У меня не запускается((( 

Подробнее - версия игры, версия мода, есть ли русификатор, куда ставите мод?

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Максим Градский
В 16.08.2016 at 8:37 PM, NYUTON сказал:

Подробнее - версия игры, версия мода, есть ли русификатор, куда ставите мод?

Да я уже разобрался) Вылеты были из-за несоответствия версий мода и игры) В шапке написано версия игры 2.4.5 - а ссылка ведет на версию игры вот я и воспринял её как идентичную 

Изменено пользователем Максим Градский
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Elder Kings Мод позволяет игрокам окунуться в знакомую многим вселенную The Elder Scrolls. Добавлены новые решения, события, портреты и множество провинций.   !


Новости с плазы: All the Mer are getting a redesign, more a resolution upscaling and retouch of the details. They are also getting their Headgear and Clothing sets. The main Mer races will be imp


Мод перешел на версию 2.8.2, вы скорей всего пробуете с 2.8.1 запустить это чудо и по этой причине мод вылетает. Вот ссылка на патч 2.8.2 кому надо, у меня после его установки все заработало. 1efa602e


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Checksum: EDGP CK2 Version:


Скриншот с парадоксплазы    


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


А вот сам дневник в спойлере,для тех кто не может в парадокплазу. Конечно же просто скопирован с парадоксплазы.    


Да, к сожалению. Команда EK официально заявила даже на плазе о разработке мода для CK3, и насколько я понял, хоть не говорили о полной приостановке разработки для CK2, но число новых ревизий за недавн

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