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Флавий Аниций

Нормально шлифуют, за сегодня 15 файлов обновили, все идет своим ходом.

Угу. Например, добавляют события для даэдрических культов. Просто в тихую работают, не особо афишируя свою деятельность.

Изменено пользователем FlaviusAnicius
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Герцог Цербст

Нароооод, как некромантом стать?

Кстати говоря, стоило бы увеличить FAQ. Когда-нибудь после апдейта, который мы все ждем.

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The Punisher 85
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В смысле новую? Это финалка, не бета/альфа?

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В смысле новую? Это финалка, не бета/альфа?

General Release вам что-нибудь говорит? :)

Изменено пользователем Alex_
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Флавий Аниций
Кто-то хотел новую версию?

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Уже релиз? Я думал, они еще несколько недель будут её пилить.

Ну раз выпустили официальную версию, то ссылку в шапку поместить нужно. ;)

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Перевод бы рабочий.

Изменено пользователем egori477
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Герцог Цербст

Именем %аэдра_нейм% я призываю чейнджлог!

И, народ, так как некромантией промышлять?...

Изменено пользователем Герцог Цербст
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Именем %аэдра_нейм% я призываю чейнджлог!

И, народ, так как некромантией промышлять?...

Не будет полного чейнджлога, по крайней мере сейчас.

"Unfortunately very late in the development of 0.1.6 our server suffered a critical hardware fail that resulted in the loss of both our bugtracker and the SVN revision logs which form the basis of our changelog. As such this change list does not contain all of the changes and additions since 0.1.5's release and is compiled from various different recovered lists that were available. It's a very haphazard list not for the faint of heart."

Изменено пользователем Ra30R3
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Забыл добавить в сообщение, каюсь,теперь уже не отредактировать.

А так вот он (Много букв!):

ChangelogНажмите здесь!

- 0000149: [Localisation] Cavalry building requirements wrong

- 0000144: [Localisation] Fort Legion Imperial Prison not building

- 0000059: [General] Five Courts pantheon have an odd line about bishops giving tithes to the Pope, even if there is no religious head.

- 0000063: [Events/Decisions] There's still a way to obtain Agnatic as a Tsaeci

- 0000162: [Events/Decisions] Cabals Not Being Removed by Spymaster

- 0000150: [Localisation] Reman flavor text turns into Alexander the Great

- 0000145: [General] Player character cannot marry secondary wives

- 0000090: [Localisation] tangmo_pantheon_DESC is also missing

- 0000154: [Crash Issues] Divine Bloodline crashes game

- 0000156: [Localisation] Missing Localization for Tang Mo Gods

- 0000043: [Events/Decisions] Decision: Permit Liege Requests

- 0000042: [Events/Decisions] Empty Event

- 0000104: [General] Evil god names for Khajiiti pantheon inconsistent with theology

- 0000155: [General] Lacking hidden vampire traits

- 0000160: [General] Altmer Not Always Recieving Racial Trait

- 0000132: [Events/Decisions] Lifestyle event "time to take a brake" spam

- 0000151: [Events/Decisions] SVN Slavery sacking wrong cites

- 0000084: [General] Empty provincial trade posts

- 0000141: [General] Ayleids do not get the fertility penalty for having a spouse from a non mer race

- 0000147: [General] Newborn infants being born wounded

- 0000130: [General] Alessian Order is Feudal

- 0000041: [Events/Decisions] Wrong scope in torture event chain

- 0000021: [General] Elves are a goddamn herpes reservoir.

- 0000137: [Localisation] Nibenean culture spelled wrong

- 0000136: [Map] Positions of Coldwinter and Windhelm are reversed

- 0000092: [General] Refute Claim plot doesnt work

- 0000123: [General] Claim bloodline ambition title and description weird

- 0000120: [Crash Issues] Crash when un-pausing

- 0000102: [Events/Decisions] Create e_elsweyr decision does assigns dejure only for Elsweyr-Valenwood combination

- 0000115: [General] Kamal Do Not Get Racial Traits

- 0000113: [Map] Identical colours

- 0000109: [Graphics] Atronach familiar trait icon is invisible.

- 0000083: [interface] Uninteractable Trade Posts

- 0000032: [General] "Cultists" Province modifier does not expire, and it cannot be removed by the Spymaster "Remove Cabals" job.

- 0000095: [interface] Missing ambition icon

- 0000106: [General] Regular Republics can build tribal holdings

- 0000085: [Events/Decisions] Enslave your own holding

- 0000033: [Events/Decisions] The "Write to neighbor about cultists" event seems to be hilariously wonky.

- 0000093: [General] Kamal people do not get Kamal race trait when they are born

- 0000089: [Map] Map seems to be extended to the left too much for some rulers

- 0000081: [Graphics] Transparency issue

- 0000072: [Map] Strange army routing to shearpoint

- 0000071: [General] Trade Posts inland can make coastal Trade Posts Buildings

- 0000076: [General] BM1 Winterhold Switching Govt Type

- 0000052: [Events/Decisions] After a character dies, the death acknowledgment screen has no confirmation.

- 0000056: [General] A lot of minor titles appear for characters that are not supposed to have them shown.

- 0000030: [General] "Infidel revocation" Crown Law has a -25 NONE modifier.

- 0000053: [interface] There are some weird letters appearing in the message box.

- 0000054: [interface] The "Minor Titles" button is slightly offset.

- 0000038: [interface] Three mini-map issues

- 0000039: [Events/Decisions] marriage popup 2x when both people courtiers at your court

- 0000049: [Graphics] Disease icons messed up

- 0000020: [General] There are characters without an Education trait.

- 0000037: [interface] Two character interface issues

- 0000018: [Crash Issues] Crash when clicking Minor Titles from Council Menu

- 0000002: [General] Trying to steal an artifact from an imprisoned character auto-fails the plot.

- 0000009: [Events/Decisions] 'Offer to help liege with titles' decision is visible from all submenus. (Prisoners, minor titles, spellbook.)

- 0000014: [General] The 'Commit Suicide' option does not work.

- 0000091: [Events/Decisions] Elves don't seem to be losing fertility with children

- Removed High Kingdom System

- Factions can now form against tribal title holders

- Removed 20 religions and 1 religion group that were not really being used

- Fixed bug with lover pregnancy event

- Arch-Mage of the Mages guild is now Altmer culture

- You may now have a Retainer, a Mount, and a Pet at the same time

- You may no longer cast immortality or lichdom spells if you already have an immortality-giving trait

- Novice mages can now become necromancers

- Healing wounds will no longer lock you out of the spellbook

- kprov.17 now properly deducts money as intended

- Removed Horse Archers

- Converted Pikemen to Mages

- Added Battlemages, Pikemen, Dragon, and Numidium special infantry types

- Added support for raising and lowering a special 'dragon' levy that might be acquired through event

- Readded remove disease spell and spread disease spell (for testing purposes)

- Removed Petty Kingdom rebel events

- Fixed abort conditions for find lover

- Removed disabled TESO events/decisions

- Orgnum's chest event will no longer use global flags

- You can no longer recieve orgnum's chest if you are already above your artifact limit

- Removed unused global flag from ninth divine event

- Removed primary tag from all Republic titles

- Autoassign now works autonomously without spamming the player with popups

- Common, Events, and Decisions compatable with 2.1.5

- Common, Events, and Decisions compatable with 2.2

- Removed Custom Assassination system

- Overhauled Retinues, for now, there are only generic retinues, culture ones will be added later

- Removed outdated religious titles

- Newborns now inherit race and culture from their mother

- Narrative events now spawn immediately after game starts

- Fixed polygamy event firing for non-polygamy religions

- Lifestyle traits no longer cost any ruler designer points

- Added spells for transforming into other races

- Abomination check now only checks on_birth (to avoid issues with race transformation)

- Eunuch event only fires for those whom have access to the Imperal Eunuch minor title

- Menopause for non-mer species now functions correctly

- Tweaked faction membership

- Fixed trigger requirements for minor elven races

- Nickname restrictions for elves have been loosened

- Implimented clothing for Anequinian and Pellitinian Khajiit made by Saffron

- Implimented Tsaesci made by Saffron

- Common, Events, and Decisions compatable with 2.2.1

- New Factions for Tanistry and Ultimogeniture succession

- Claimant factions now check for enatic succession

- b_alcoman (in Torval) changed from castle to city

- Erasmo (Bosmer ruler of Falinesti) is now knight_4

- Arctur (Colovian ruler of Anvil) is now warrior_4

- Petty kingdom/emperor titles can be created, but they will not start with or be able to acquire de jure territory

- Added start dates for Charlemagne and Old Gods DLC, to fix a CTD bug

- Renamed special titles to petty titles

- Warlords may now choose the 'Become King' Ambition

- 'Become King' ambition will now only count de jure titles (Usually High Kingdoms)

- Temporary Emperor titles will no longer complete 'Become Emperor' ambition

- Made some changes to the initiating romance event chain (Now with less incest!)

- City of Glassbarrow is now owned by Falinesti

- AI will now choose Imperial Isle as a primary duchy title if it is available

- Decoupled Raht and Strong traits, Khajiit can now get Strong trait

- Base supply limit increased to 4K (from 3K)

- Fixed autoassigner event spamming

- Doubled the number of galleys from docks, and increased cost by 50%

- Mane's palace is no longer tied to b_torval, but rather is built at the capital holding of the mane

- Undead can no longer choose the 'Make a friend' ambition

- Fixed some possible problems with friends/rivals events

- Tribal loyalty event now checks if the vassal is already a friend of the liege

- Removed Check Dragonborn decision/event, as it does not work and is obsolete anyway

- Basic event chain added for Tiber Septim

- Fixed a bug which theoretically allowed arcane students to join other guilds

- Guild student traits can now be picked in ruler designer

- Fixed bug preventing tangmo male beards from displaying

- Removed parts of the family relations mod made redundant by additions of vanilla opinions

- Converted many vanilla events over to use Sora's maimed system

- Reduced the cost of titular titles to create

- Investment and Menopause timers should now be hidden

- Characters no longer get opinion modifiers for education based on 'proper' culture

- Khajiit vassals of the Mane now get a positive opinion modifier of newborn manes that lasts until adulthood

- Decreased probability of powerful manes and weak manes, should be more traditional manes

- Removed SoA Province heresy event

- Reduced the chances of non-zealous and cynical courtiers of minority religions from attempting to convert

- Effectiveness of AI assassins against spymasters now scales based on spymaster intrigue

- Weak claims will no longer work against female rulers

- It is now possible to sell artifacts you own and do not want

- Amulet of Kings is now grantable, but can only be given to those with dragonblood

- Fixed a bug that might have prevented Amulet of Kings from passing down if the previous holder had no other artifacts

- Quadrupled the MTTH for the Dragonborn event

- Amulet of Kings is properly transferred if seized from a prisoner

- Health/fertility penalty from Crimson Plague reduced by 25%

- Reduced the number of summoned lesser daedra by 50% and greater daedra by 33%

- All summoning spells now consume a modest amount of favor

- Battle maim event now only maims once (But may maim the same body part multiple times)

- Effects of winter slightly reduced

- Reduced the chances of a vampire to infect prisoners

- Vampires will no longer infect people they dislike, and eat people they like

- Tweaked requirements of Amulet of Kings ambition

- Nerfed mundane artifacts

- Buffed prestige gain from unique artifacts

- Reduced the cost of family palace upgrades

- Replaced incorrect feudal_opinion with the proper modifier castle_opinion

- Tweaked AI decisionmaking on torture

- Removed unused torture decisions

- Removed many unused and obsolete traits (strange trait)

- White-Gold Tower now has Heavy Cavalry in its buildings

- Implimented Argonian portraits

- Bloodline ambition conditions fixed

- Implimented Kamal portraits

- Removed Sabercats until I can figure out how to fix them

- Reverted some combat changes back to vanilla

- Converted Breathren of the Gold Coast to a normal Republic to make it playable

- Added racial checks to pregnancy triggers in Sanguine events

- Removed artifact count checks and additions in Hiricine and Sanguine events

- Removed some erroneous script in maimed system

- Increased MTTH of Sanguine/Hiricine events

- Moved the Akaviri of Rimmen in time to 3500, after the Kamal Invasion Bookmark. During Interregnum and Reachmen bookmark gave their lands to the Khajiit King of Rimmen.

- Changed the culture and religion of Rimmen, Sago and Duncinthe to Khajiit and Alkosh, with their culture and religion changing into Akaviri and Eight Divines after 3500.

- Removed Auridon and Lillandril wars, they were causing problems when you switched around the Bookmark selection screen.

- Added north Elsweyr independents for Kamal

-Added Force prisoner into marriage

-Added Take kid prisoner as hostage

-Added Change prison

-Moved prisoner decisions from Intrigue tab to personal diplomacy

-Added Steal Artefact Plot

Added numbers to the Month names

Changed Prisoner Tab so it will only show if you do have Prisoners

Added Age Restriction to "become warlod" ambition (60 for non mer and orcs, 150 for mer)

Some Small Changes to Buildings (Rebalance in Cities, moved Fortlevel for Castles from lvl 0 to base and finished Techrequirements for Temples)

Added Strings for Temples

Added Strings for Cities

Minor Tweaks to City buildinglines

Reduced Boat coast for all Holdings by roughly 50% (Still expensive like hell :P )

No longer able to Declare most Wars while under a Regency (EU4 Style anyone)

Added Buildings and Strings for Familypalace

Added Buildings and Strings for Tradeposts

Fixed and Tweaked many Vanilla Events to work with EK correctly

Added Escape Prison Ambition/Descision/Events - more Flavor to come soon

Reworked Directly Declared CBs - now are more consistent are more restricted and who and when they can be used and also have a tooltip when Traits forbid you from using them

No longer able to Declare Embargo War when the Republic has no Tradeposts in your Realm

Added Towerbuildings

Added Strings for Towerbuildings

Added Event for "Gain Random Maimed Trait" - feel free to use it when you need it

Added Special Towerbuildings

Changed Order of Technologies in the Techscreen

Added a (rather high) chance to loose Zealous after ending an Holy War - regaining Zealous will NOT reanable Holy Wars for you

Added Strings for Special Towerbuildings

Added all Existing Names for Towerbuildings and Special Towerbuildings

Overhauled Unitstats and nerfed Skirmishphase

Nerfed Tradepost Defensiveness

Fully Integrated Mages and Sorcerers/Battlemages into the Buildingsystem

Added Decision do abandon one of your own claims

Added the possibility to kill Familiar of Plottarget during the Refute Claim Plot

Added 2nd option to "get a Job" events so you actually can choose not to ask for a job

Added some missing WAR_NAME strings

Changed Scourge_Living_CB ans Scourge_Undead so that the target County will be forceconverted to Draugr Culture and Religion or viceversa

Added some more Strings for CBs and Fixed some smaller Bugs

Divided buildings file into different Files for each type of Holding

Added New Castle Buildings

Added Strings and Names for New Castle Buildings

Added Modifier to Refute Claim Plot that lets the Plot always Succeed if Plottarget is imprisond by Plotholder

Changed Strings for Church related Tech to reflect the new "Academy" Style we gave to Templeholdings

Added new Buildings for Academy

Added new Buildings for Cities

Most Bosmer and Altmer switched to Cognatic-Enatic

Added Harkon, Serana, and Valerica's DNA, hairstyles, and traits

Added Ayrenn, Naemon, many more Altmer's DNA, hairstyles, and traits

Minor localization fixes

Holy sites added to all Tamrielic Religions

Combat ratings added to most (if not all) EK and vanilla traits

Compliments/Insults added to some traits, localization file added and edited.

Ayrenn inheriting from Hidellith event chain

Added geographic regions

Lich decay to Undead event chain.

Up the chance to become a lich, due to the drawbacks it brings.

Meridia's interaction with Necromancers, Lich and Undead.

Clavicus Vile deal to deal with Lich decay chain.

Peryite deal with the Lich decay chain.

Skeleton women added.

Undead should no longer be able to adopt children. (No more creepy draugr-children, brrr.)

Undead maintenance events. Now Undead will lose a good deal of illness and congenital traits. (Both good and bad.)

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Герцог Цербст
(Много букв!)

Ну, ну. Это нормально для чейнджлогов.

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Comandante Raven


Обновил шапку.
Изменено пользователем Commander Raven Feather
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Нафига засорять шапку лишними ссылками? Одна лишь ссылка заменяет кучу других, один клик на нужную версию на moddb даже умственно отсталый сделает, а разделения на 32 и 64 битные системы там и подавна нет

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Comandante Raven
Нафига засорять шапку лишними ссылками? Одна лишь ссылка заменяет кучу других, один клик на нужную версию на moddb даже умственно отсталый сделает, а разделения на 32 и 64 битные системы там и подавна нет

Засоряет только в твоём воображении. На деле никакого захламления не происходит (всего две ссылки, а не стопитсот, окстись), и так банально удобней тем, что позволяет сразу выбрать способ установки без лишних кликов.

Изменено пользователем Commander Raven Feather
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Elder Kings Мод позволяет игрокам окунуться в знакомую многим вселенную The Elder Scrolls. Добавлены новые решения, события, портреты и множество провинций.   !


Новости с плазы: All the Mer are getting a redesign, more a resolution upscaling and retouch of the details. They are also getting their Headgear and Clothing sets. The main Mer races will be imp


Мод перешел на версию 2.8.2, вы скорей всего пробуете с 2.8.1 запустить это чудо и по этой причине мод вылетает. Вот ссылка на патч 2.8.2 кому надо, у меня после его установки все заработало. e0e36851


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А вот сам дневник в спойлере,для тех кто не может в парадокплазу. Конечно же просто скопирован с парадоксплазы.    


Да, к сожалению. Команда EK официально заявила даже на плазе о разработке мода для CK3, и насколько я понял, хоть не говорили о полной приостановке разработки для CK2, но число новых ревизий за недавн

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