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1792 Mod

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Гессенский стрелок

1792 Mod

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  • Время игры 1792-1836

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Checksum: VJAD

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Версия 0.0.4

  • Франция начинает с конституционной монархии
  • Франция получила события на изменения правительств и на секулюризацию
  • Изменены эффекты от военной усталости
  • Исправлены бельгийские города
  • Исправление логики ИИ и багов
  • Национальные идеи для Сардинии, Португалии, Дании

Версия 0.0.3

  • Новые государства могут создавать армию
  • Исправлены границы Польши
  • Изменены отношения
  • Цена мира изменяется на 1% каждый месяц
  • Флот в исторических пропорциях
  • Исправлены бонусы от правительств
  • Изменены правительства в нескольких странах
  • Исправлен флаг
  • Локализовано событие
  • Уменьшена британская стартовая армия
  • Конституционная монархия ослаблена
  • Нидерланды с голландскими идеями
  • Стартовая дата - 1 января 1792
  • Три новых события для Франции

Версия 0.0.2

  • Добавлены новые здания
  • Добавлены новые государства
  • Добавлены новые идеи
  • Исправлены баги
  • Польше даны новые аккуратные границы
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Польшу бы доделали побыстрее. Название, нац идею, гос. строй. На данный момент самые интересные партии за неё.

Египет как-нибудь из состояния сателлита можно вывести?

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Гессенский стрелок

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 * Ships now cost manpower to build. The largest need like 800, while sixth rates need only 150 or so.

* Ship firepower rebalanced; ships now basically have 1 point of fire per cannon. This means a First Rate has 120, while a piddly little sixth rate has 25. Galleys now have some guns (5).

* Ship frontage rebalanced. A first rate is now 1 front, a second rate 0.9, a third rate 0.75, a fourth rate 0.6, a fifth rate (frigate) 0.5, and a sixth rate 0.4. Galleys remain 0.25.

* Rebalanced combat extensively, to the point where I've redefined the phases:


Now, anything with a gun takes part in the Bombard phase. This represents more or less any fighting which involved shooting at each other. Artillery excel at this and can cause very heavy casualties. Bombard initiative now represents range, so Artillery have very high initiative in this phase, as do the rifle-armed Light Infantry units.


This now represents melee. Cavalry, particularly heavy cavalry, excel here. A well-timed charge by Curassiers will shatter enemy forces, provided enough of them survive the bombard phase. Initiative here represents the relative speed of a unit's charge, so cavalry dominate.


Pursuit represents the phase where one side or the other is withdrawing and harassing the enemy. Light cavalry and light infantry do well here.

* Changed all attack and defense stats.

* Guards now all have doubled morale. They also cost double manpower.

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Гессенский стрелок

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Checksum: SLQF

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* Ships now cost manpower to build. The largest need like 800, while sixth rates need only 150 or so.

* Ship firepower rebalanced; ships now basically have 1 point of fire per cannon. This means a First Rate has 120, while a piddly little sixth rate has 25. Galleys now have some guns (5).

* Ship combat rebalanced; a ship now has 1 combat attack and 1 combat defence per 10 crewmen. This means gallies (250 men) are equal to a fifth rate if they can make it to the combat phase.

* Ship frontage rebalanced. A first rate is now 1 front, a second rate 0.9, a third rate 0.75, a fourth rate 0.6, a fifth rate (frigate) 0.5, and a sixth rate 0.4. Galleys remain 0.25.

* Ship initiative rebalanced. Smaller ships have better combat initiative, while big ships have better bombard initiative.

* Rebalanced combat extensively, to the point where I've redefined the phases:


Now, anything with a gun takes part in the Bombard phase. This represents more or less any fighting which involved shooting at each other. Artillery excel at this and can cause very heavy casualties. Bombard initiative now represents range, so Artillery have very high initiative in this phase, as do the rifle-armed Light Infantry units.


This represents melee. Cavalry, particularly heavy cavalry, excel here. A well-timed charge by Curassiers will shatter enemy forces, provided enough of them survive the bombard phase. Initiative here represents the relative speed of a unit's charge, so cavalry dominate.


Pursuit represents the phase where one side or the other is withdrawing and harassing the enemy. Light cavalry and light infantry do well here.

* Infantry are now the toughest units; they form an army's soak value. Artillery and cavalry are great for hurting things, but will take a lot more damage than infantry units would.

* Changed all attack and defense stats.

* Guards now all have doubled morale. They also cost double manpower.

* Poland can now build garrison artillery.

* All Minors now have cities.

* Added a bunch of colonels and petty officers to most countries.

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Польша не может в армию. :D

Да и Британия, в общем-то, тоже.

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Нет ничего приятнее, чем распилить в Польшу в дружеской компании.

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Гессенский стрелок

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Checksum: PYUZ

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 * Added 4 new idea branches: Industry, Diplomacy, Recruitment, and Society.

* Expanded idea interface to accommodate new branches.

* Rebalanced and reshuffled a few ideas.

* Interest now much, much higher initially. Economic ideas now much more dedicated to reducing loan costs, with most of the old ones being moved to Industry.

* British Army shrunk further.

* Austrian armies removed from Poland.

* Austrian army in Belgium now much more powerful (tho will likely still get crushed by the French).

* Localised new city names.

* Everywhere now starts out with a leader. about 90% of them are historically accurate.

* 2 new government types - Bishopric and Archbishopric

* Reduced War Exhaustion from battle casualties to 1% per 1k deaths (from 2.5% per 1k deaths).

* Included a bunch of historical generals from Cynwulf's list.

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Гессенский стрелок

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 * Half a dozen new generic events for all nations - go through a Credit Slump, deal with a Firebrand Preacher, enjoy a festival, or get lucky with a Colonial Venture.

* Overseas Holdings can now be taken away from you (by event) during a war.

* Fixed AI issue with it not building armies.

* Adjusted some other weighting for AI anyway.

* Sorted out out a few more city connections.

* Fixed the Reign of Terror event.

* Fixed the Dechristianization decision.


Checksum: EHHt

Изменено пользователем Гессенский стрелок
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 * Vassal payments reduced to 25% of income (from 50%). Vassals are now much more likely to actually have an army as a result.

* Ship frontages increased.

* Battle casualty impact reduced to 15% (from 25%).

* re-added Eyalet, which had vanished.

* added an event which will change an Eyalet to Enlightened Despotism if it's no longer a vassal of the OE.

* added a core gain event for coastal provinces.

* Ideas all now generally much less powerful.

* Moral bonuses from land and sea dominance reduced too.

* Some more AI tweaking

* Had a stab at a German Formation decision; Basically, any country with a German primary culture should (in theory) e able to form Germany now, so long as no-one aside from itself and it's vassals own any German cores. I'm not entirely sure it works, tho; the decision appears and doesn't bork anything, but the tooltip seems screwed up. Someone test it out if possible - Prussia should be able to manage it, tho it does mean kicking the Brits out of Hanover.

* Oh yeah, added Germany.

* Cities now give a small amount of tax income (£1)

* Grodok now attached to Lemburg

* Fixed a few provinces on the Franco-Belgian border

* 5 more new buildings - chapel, church, cathedral, artisan's quarter and Merchant's quarter

* Swapped Danish infantry and Light Infantry so they're actually the right way round

* Sorted out the appalling mess in Poland's Brigade file.

* Banks and Tax Offices have gone back to giving tax modifiers; artisan, manufactory and Merchant quarters now give flat income bonuses.


Checksum: TFZZ

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Captain Willard

патчи камулятивные - не надо ставить все подряд, а только крайнюю версию?

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патчи камулятивные - не надо ставить все подряд, а только крайнюю версию?


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 * Rolled back the land unit changes. Now UK builds units.

* Poland now a con mon.

* German formation now relies on holding a bunch of important cities in Germany, and adds german cores.

* German and Italian cores removed to stop AI from releasing them as vassals.

* Unit costs increased a lot.

* A load of brigade foul-ups fixed.

* Added a bunch of border fixes, courtesy of leadshooter

* Russian cores finally removed from Brest-Litovsk and Pinsk, so hopefully the Ruskies will pick a better peace deal.

* Fixed nappy's coronation.

* Roads now cheaper.

* ditto drydocks.

* Egypt a bit more developed in Cairo.


Checksum: XFWI

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* Poland now a con mon.

И что это значит?

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И что это значит?

Надеюсь что конституционная монархия.

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Гессенский стрелок

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 Gave Austria Antwerp as that was definitely not part of the Netherlands then and isn't today.

Fixed cultures on English-Welsh border and renamed British to English in the Localization Files.

Put Kurdish in the Iranian group.

Fixed culture in southern Egypt.

Fixed culture on the Austrian and Swiss borders.

Made Nice Piedmontese.

Made more areas in Spain Catalan where appropriate.

It seems that Porrentury was Swiss so I gave it to Switzerland. I made the Suisse culture Germanic and changed it in the localization files to be Swiss. Did a few culture fixes around Switzerland to reflect this.

I made Bruxelles and Louvain Flemish as they were in this era.

Noticed that the shape of Italy was still off but found that Tolmezzo was Venetian so it fixed that a bit more.

Made northern Tuscany Tuscan.

Gave Elba to Tuscany from France.

Removed Italy core from Bormio.

Last fix also removed random Russian core from the middle of Poland but forgot to mention it.

* Adjusted German formation a bit more so you should only get cores on appropriately-cultured provinces now

* Prussian army idea now gives a big land maintenance reduction but no manpower boost.

Fixed Austro-Turkish border.

Changed cultures in eastern Moldava from Ukrainian to Romanian.

Fixed a few cultural borders in Thrace.

Updated city connections file to reflect some of these changes.

* British manpower even more nerfed.

* GER now eligible for PRU ideas.

* British finances now a bit less Godlike.

* Prussia slightly wealthier and better developed.

* Shetland Islands now called 'Shetland'. Now have Scottish culture. Now have Lerwick as capital rather than Torshavn, given that Shetland is not actually in the Faeroe Islands. Now have a British core.

* Poland's back to being a feudal monarchy, as otherwise it's far to rich, stable and powerful. And tbh, the constitution was overthrown pretty quickly anyway.

* Serbia's now red

* Somehow managed to get the AI to accept the changes that were made previously to units, and yet the UK still builds things. I have absolutely not idea how, tho, since I basically just copied the contents of each file from the non-working ones to the working ones. Probably voodoo.

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Подскажите, пожалуйста, файлы необходимо поместить в папку D:/Games/папка с игрой/mod/1792mod или же скопировать их с заменой в корневой каталог?

При запуске в первом окне где есть выбор модов - этот мод должен быть виден?

При помещении в папку mod я не могу его выбрать.

Изменено пользователем Morgad
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Подскажите, пожалуйста, файлы необходимо поместить в папку D:/Games/папка с игрой/mod/1792mod или же скопировать их с заменой в корневой каталог?

При запуске в первом окне где есть выбор модов - этот мод должен быть виден?

При помещении в папку mod я него его выбрать.

Я копировал в корневую папку игры.

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