BLACK ICE AI submod for Didays ICE для Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour - Страница 456 - DiDay's мод - Перейти к содержимому

BLACK ICE AI submod for Didays ICE для Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour

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Канцлер Шольц

Релиз Black ICE 12

Дата релиза - март 2024 года


Hearts of Iron 3 возвращается с версией 12! Новые интересные функции и изменения в карте, деревьях технологий и юнитах, которые сделают общий процесс игры гораздо более приятным. 




1)IF You're using the steam version do this:
Move the game out of the steam folder, and launch it using the launcher.exe in the future (create a shortcut or add it to your start menu).

2) Download the mod.
3) Launch the installer.
4) Select the BASE game folder as written in the installer.
5) Let it extract, say yes to any override requests.
6) Run the “zDsafe_ExePatcher.exe” located in the main folder.
7) Start the game. Once in the main menu go into the Utility. On the “Special” page press “Remove Sprites”.
8) Restart and enjoy the game.


Download link:
Utility guide: 


BlackICE Discord
BlackICE GitHub


Black ICE 12 Patch Notes


Major Changes

  • Terrain rework:
    • Too many terrain changes to actually list. Terrain should be now more accurate although there might be some inaccuracies or simplifications for the sake of the gameplay.
    • Added new terrain types:
      • swamp
      • highlands
      • hills woods/forest/jungle/desert/arctic
      • mountain woods/forest/jungle/desert/arctic
    • Tweaked terrain modifiers for all units, technologies and leader traits
  • Experience and Training system rework
    • Went back to the old system with a few tweaks aiming at properly simulating decline in troops quality as the war progresses. In order to achieve that we:
      • removed branch specific training laws
      • tweaked repair rate of units for each training law
      • brought back “Starting Experience” as measurement of training and unit quality
      • tweaked experience gain from combat
      • tweaked Repair Rate bonuses from event, strategic modifiers and ministers
    • Training laws do not give direct bonuses - they trigger strategic effects over time
    • added option to get starting xp instead of vet HQ/elite HQ/BC/aces for events spawning them
  • IC efficiency nerf to attempt preventing unit numbers going out of hand in late war
    • Added “tech decay” similar to the one affecting unit stats meaning that IC efficiency won’t snowball later in the war
    • tweaked bonuses from techs and certain event/strategic effects
    • reduced base IC efficiency
    • tweaked cost of buildings
  • New GUI
    • Reworked every tab (diplo, production etc.)
      • Updated textures for backgrounds and buttons
      • Moved things around to be more accessible and easier to read
    • Reworked province screen
      • Updated textures for almost every piece of it
      • Everything is aligned properly now and clearer, bigger fonts
    • New textures for unit tabs and leader selection


  • many Ostfront tweaks to go well with new IC/training systems. Important note here. Make a save on June 22nd. Play it, let me know if it was too easy or too hard so I can adjust the values. Those changes will be save compatible, are easy to implement and once done you can simply restart from that save.
  • SOV leaders rework:
    • New pictures for… thousands of them
    • Added new traits:
      • Russian Liberation Army
      • Red Fleret and COastal Army
      • Soviet Air Forces and Air Defence
    • Added event with NKVD leaders purge
  • reverted event spawned ships to be built in queue like any other unit
  • tweaked the triggers for the second vienna award so it fires on a historical date
    • also tweaked Romanian joining axis event so player can decline it
  • Moscow and Leningrad will remain lvl10 forts in AI vs AI scenario
  • Winter Offensive won’t happen with Barbarossa modifiers still being in place
  • reworked Bank for International Settlements events. They're the same for minors and majors now and give the option to pick investment into one of three areas: IC, LS and money.
  • tweaks to minister types:
    • insignificant buff to insignificant layman
    • nerfed smiling oilman
    • money buff for old general
    • money laissez faires capitalist
    • removed money penalty from theoretical scientist
    • research specialist money penalty replaced with LS penalty
    • technical specialist now gives higher LS bonus but also research eff penalty
    • reduced money penalties on science specialised ministers and increased benefits from events
    • military entrepreneur now gives small Unit Repair bonus
    • school of psychology starting xp bonus is back
    • school of mass combat now comes with small starting xp penalty
  • added tiers to tank/air/naval producer effects based on IC and availability of resources
  • increased money cost of education laws
  • Added some IC to SOV
  • removed effects killing JAP in AI vs AI scenario
  • tweaked SOV purges
  • increased weather buildings effects
  • SOV now gets temporary fort attack bonuses to allow successful winter offensives
  • removed Churchill as science minister
  • reduced threat from combat (caused some weird things in test games)
  • added TP penalty for ITA after Operation Husky
  • Communism now has lower CG demand
  • Heavy Industry CG penalty reduced
  • tweaks to difficulty settings
  • Removed no modifiers difficulty option
  • split starting PER convoy raiders
  • added UK bribes for Spain neutrality decisions
  • removed "industry prepares for war" decisions
  • police buildings are now much cheaper
  • puppet master now also gives LS bonus
  • removed Blitz effects - it was stupid and player could do nothing to stop it
  • practically removed naval limits for sea leaders
  • SOV leaders now have xp gain bonus instead of penalty
  • removed Training Grounds
  • ITA now starts with Strike Commando tech (Frogmen)
  • ROM starting navy is now historical
  • 7 new ministers for JAP, historical ultranationalists with natsoc type, played varying roles irl both in politics and behind it
  • added ITA convoy raiders Adriatico and Barletta to starting OOB
  • added Ramb ships events for ITA (convoy raiders)
  • added ITA-SOV trade agreement effect
  • Italian military academy at Modena event will now spawn a training base but less IC
  • Italian historical arm divs (131a, 132a, 133a) will now have mot engineers and regular art as standard, AI versions will have arm brigades as standard but player will have to upgrade manually from larm. 133a Littorio will also have med art as standard for AI
  • XVII Corpo now spawns with arm att instead of larm att
  • removed Operation Zet LS penalty
  • ROM now can leave Axis after Vienna Diktat
  • Added event for ROM to ask to join Axis
  • Removed Japan Death effect
  • Added new ship names for POL, CHI, BRA as part of our Patreon/contributor rewards (thanks to tigeriii, MarinePhil1 and BlackBaron)

Units and combat Balance

  • Artillery is now split into 3 separate CA groups:
    • Light Artillery - Artillery, Rocket Artillery and Pack Art
    • Heavy Artillery - Medium and Heavy Artillery
    • Mobile Artillery - SP Artillery and Rocket Artillery
  • Hiryu construction added as a decision (removed from starting production queue)
  • rebalanced AA values for ships to make them more in line with historical use of ships
  • nerfed Mot/mech infantry combat stats
  • mot inf is now faster than mech inf
  • Kampfgruppe are now separate CA group and serve as an HQ
  • Kampfgruppe are now permanent
  • buffed armor brigade
  • buffed armor battalion
  • nerfed assault guns
  • tweaked speeds of trucks and halftracks
  • added ic/days penalties to some events that were missed
  • historical SS divs will spawn around historical dates
  • ski brigade is SF CA group now
  • nerfed CVs speed
  • HARM defensiveness buffed
  • halftracks now give toughness/defensiveness
  • armored battalions (LARM, ARM) are now Direct CA group
  • amphibious armor is now Armor CA group
  • infantry tank is now Armor CA group
  • armored engineers are a bit faster
  • Unique SS brigades have terrain modifiers tweaked based on their combat history (small bonuses, flavour mostly)
  • Anti Air brigade now gives decent (for its cost) SA
  • Heavy Anti Air tweaked (those changes are also simulated in mixed support):
    • added “artillery like” effects for terrain
    • increased SA
  • tweaks to Engineers (those changes are also simulated in mixed support):
    • lowered toughness
    • increased defensiveness
    • good defensive terrain bonuses
    • low offensive terrain bonuses in easy terrains
    • retains good fort/river/urban attack
  • tweaks to Recon (those changes are also simulated in mixed support):
    • very high toughness
    • low defensiveness
    • very good terrain attack bonuses
    • related techs now also give terrain attack bonuses on top of movement bonuses
  • tweaks to mixed support brigades:
    • mixed support brigades are now Support CA group
    • Mixed Support Brigade:
      • Artillery changed to Heavy Artillery with tweaked values
      • Rocket Artillery changed to Light artillery
      • buffed or tweaked all other options
    • Motorized Support:
      • Anti Tank changed to Tank Destroyer
      • old choice between HAT and TD is now between HAT and MTD
      • buffed or tweaked all other options (mot.supp is actually good now)
    • Armored Support:
      • reduced base AP value and re added it to certain options
      • tweaked speed effects - now it’s slower than motorized support
      • reduced armor bonuses


  • buffed Blitzkrieg doctrine
    • kesselschlacht tech now gives mobile/inf/mobile art CA bonus
    • Auftragstaktik tech toughness bonus increased
    • brigade command structure tech CA bonuses increased
    • divisional command structure tech now increases HQ CA
    • buffed air support techs
    • kampfgruppe tech CA bonus increased
    • tank crews training tech bonuses increased
    • buffed pakfront defense tech - small direct fire CA bonus and higher other bonuses
    • panzerkreil buffed
  • added law or minister requirements to certain techs
  • added casemate/turret vehicles technology (triggered by an event after researching some techs)
  • Hedgehog tech is now unique ENG technology
  • T-34 tech now comes with small casualty trickleback penalty
  • Tiger tech has now 2 levels
  • added new techs: Fletcher class, Independence class, QF17pdr, SAS, Motobomba
  • removed range penalties from air techs
  • Dual Purpose Guns is now required for more techs
  • tweaked SOV starting naval techs to be historical
  • ITA CL tech will start 1 level higher to align with the ships of that class in construction at game start
  • Localisations for gun layout techs


  • added missing class of NOR DDs


  • spread out LUA calculations to happen during different hours of the day, so the 3 am lag is reduced
  • national focus days are counted daily now (instead of every 3)
  • tweaked SOV and LUA ratios to avoid them wasting IC
  • JAP will build more land troops early in the game
  • USA AI will now have more IC on higher settings
  • re added AI GER air bases events
  • removed some IC penalties from AI SOV
  • GER AI will build more INF


  • National Focus effects table is generated dynamically now instead of being a predefined picture
  • GameInfo window:
    • added Generals browser
    • added Techs browser
    • added strategic/triggered/event Modifier browser
    • added name filtering to all browsers
    • improved presentation
      • effect names show the in-game text
      • effect values are converted to the in-game presentation
      • e.g.: “global_ic” = 0.05 => “IC” = 5%
  • added a Statistics window in which you can activate the collection and visualization of select stats
    • Causes lag, used for development purposes
  • (the utility might freeze for ~1 second when first opening the GameInfo/Help window due to the parsing of the game files)


  • added some GRE cores in TUR (Megali Idea)
  • added small shipyards to Genoa
  • Added sub shipyard to Gorizia
  • Added capital shipyards to Napoli and La Spezia
  • Added oil refinery building to Venezia and Fiume (AGIP)
  • Some Western colonies will now provide some benefits (mp, ls)
  • Added low infra roads in Canada to allow access to some provs with resources
  • tweaked MP and LS in FRA provinces
  • added some infra on JAP-SOV border (in Manchuria)
  • Added some infra to the libya-egypt desert to allow for more mobile warfare opportunities (oasis force style movements are now possible)
  • Reduced the ahistorical forts at el alamein/el hammam
  • Added the famous Accademia Aeronautica to Caserta
  • Spain’s base LS nerfed
  • Removed ahistorical ports from Pacific/East Indies
  • Added some infra to Indonesia/New Guinea to allow for easier troop movement and reduce chance for AI to run out of supply before scripted invasions can be complete


  • added the following new hotkeys
    • “r” - toggle the selected research
    • hotkeys of the unit selection now work with multiple selected units


  • “d” - detaches all selected units now
  • “c” - creates a higher command for all selected units now
  • “l”/”p” - loads/unloads all selected units into/from ships/planes


  • New shiny graphics, counters, battle screens and tabs

Bug Fixes

  • fixes to Spanish civil war unit spawns
  • fixed off-map IC (EXE fix - it is unused by the mod since it didn’t work until now, but may be used in the future)
  • fixed Japan joining the Allies after defeat
  • fixed rare occurrences where events for Japan capturing US cities would fire pre-war
  • fixed air bases not expanding capacity at lvl 2 sometimes
  • fixed Colón (province)
  • fixed AI ship armor types research bug
  • fixed logistic wizard for air/sea bug
  • fixed starting queues build times - still not historically accurate but proportional to what they were irl
  • fixed tech decay affecting TD too much
  • fixed op. bajadere spawning revolts in friendly provinces
  • fixed OOB spawning in ENG controlled IRQ
  • fixed ataturk death
  • fixed Stalingrad factory destruction
  • fixed 16th pzgr spawning without transport
  • fixed SOV city capture so events trigger if any european axis country captures them, rewrote localisations to match, similar for other city loss events
  • Skijager Division event picture fix
  • fixed VIC-FRA reunion
  • fixed minors tra/aux ships morale
  • removed Phleps from ROM
  • fixed Aquila loss event
  • disabled Guards events for non-SOV Comintern members
  • fixed Conscripts combat width so they are actually useful
  • Fixed ITA starting Medicine tech level
  • Fixed some fake_air_bases
  • fix weird romanian railway event
  • Fixed some errant punctuation in Pacific Momentum events



Black ICE 12.0.1 - 12.0.4  Patch Notes


Black ICE 12.0.1 Patch Notes

  • fixed Uzes province
  • fixed naval_power_I effect
  • fixed VVS PVO medal icon
  • missing localisations


Black ICE 12.0.2 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed heavy IC (by turning it into a triggered modifier using off-map IC)
  • Fixed the industry-info technologies having the wrong values
  • Fixed a time traveling technology
  • Fixed “USA_TO_SOV_LL_THREAT” decisions being visible to SOV player


Black ICE 12.0.3 Patch Notes
Major Changes


  • Added a decision/event to remove military access between faction members since that causes issues with limited wars


  • Added names for newly built Soviet destroyers


  • Disabled licencing of marines from countries that have special AI balance techs


  • Added org regain modifier to country info


  • Changed province names in Czechia/Slovakia (@pospanipas)
  • Added port and manpower to Haifa
  • Added/expanded British Middle East oil production/refining
  • Added some manpower to Chinese coastal provinces near Shanghai


  • Overhauled all country skins and topbars

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed 2 small typos in German division names
  • Fixed multiple broken event units
  • Fixed the RM Aquila launch decision
  • Fixed event pictures for RAMB III, IV
  • Fixed the Soviet invasion of Poland events immediately peacing out with Poland
  • Fixed armor category models not being displayed properly


Black ICE 12.0.4 Patch Notes
Major Changes



  • Operation dragoon now only happens if the allies control suez or gibraltar
  • Tweaks & corrections to a few soviet units (bog soviet OOB rework coming next version)
  • It is now harder to get Spain into the Axis

Units and combat Balance

  • Chinese minor leaders now have the Chinese General trait
  • Soviet Order of Lenin medal bonus nerfed
  • The loss of Yamato will trigger a NU hit for Japan
  • Mixed support now costs a bit more
  • Amphibious armor option for mixed support nerfed a bit
  • Lacking sufficient AP value now incurs a slightly higher damage penalty
  • River speed penalties increased
  • Some artillery units now have increased combat width
  • Starting Japanese OOB now has better capitalisation


  • Added event about the Sultanate of Aussa for ITA
  • Added event about the SS Patria Disaster for ENG


  • Body Armor tech now affects only engineer units but with higher bonuses






  • Added “Units” tab which lists all units (brigades) in the game
    • Shows techs which affect the unit
    • Tech levels can be changed
    • Shows the units stats, with tech levels considered
  • Added textbox for trait effects in the “Generals” gameinfo tab
  • Filtering, resetting filters now automatically selects the 1. Result in the list
  • Getting players now automatically selects the 1. Result in the list
  • Fixed the display of the default organization effect
  • Fixed a bunch of textboxes keeping their content when they should have been empty


  • Iraq province improvements
  • French Indochina province improvements
  • UK province improvements, adding historical steelworks and oil refinery to Wales
  • Malaya province improvements




  • More soviet leader picture improvements
  • Some duplicate province pictures removed

Bug Fixes

  • Fix radar guided bomb tech trigger
  • Fix Tank/Air/Naval producer strategic effects
  • Fixed light armor recon morale
  • Fixed the rare materials cost of the polish-soviet forces event
  • Fixed 2nd vienna award date trigger
  • Fixed a missing MTN division event picture for GER
  • Fixed some duplicating names for planes and ships across several countries, especially GER and BRA
  • Fixed a major bug with gainable traits that was denying multiple countries access to their unique traits
  • Fixed Japanese heavy cruisers added to queue tech levels (Suzuya, Kumano, Tone, Chikuma)
  • Fixed Retrocession of Alsace-Lorraine localisation
  • Multiple event and popup localisations improved with better syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation etc
  • Fixed British PWE ‘PWE destroyed’ event firing immediately after it’s creation



### ***OTHER ***###

































Рекомендация от разраба, если краш последней версии



My game keeps crashing during start up. The crash happens when I'm loading the quad textures, around 4800-4900. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Its probably at the very last map quad.
Try using this pre-built map cache (Download button is in the top right)
Place the contents at C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron III\BlackICE 12.0.4\map


Изменено пользователем Maraniro
Ссылка на комментарий

Закреплённые сообщения
В 16.01.2018 в 19:56, Gamerzzz сказал:

Извиняюсь, может кто-то подсказать как этот мод (не сборка) вообще ставится? Распаковывал в папку mod, лаунчер видит его, но не запускает. С несколькими версиями игры пытался, несколько версий мода (от 8.4 до 9.11) качал - всё бес толку. И установщик и файлы мода не хотят читаться игрой.

Лично мне помог один из двух пунктов (какой именно разбираться лень):

- снятие флажка "только чтение" на папку и все файлы ХОИ

- прописал абсолютные пути в "*.mod" файле мода и сабмодов, заодно исправил версию в сабмодах...

Ссылка на комментарий

В ‎16‎.‎01‎.‎2018 в 19:56, Gamerzzz сказал:

Извиняюсь, может кто-то подсказать как этот мод (не сборка) вообще ставится? Распаковывал в папку mod, лаунчер видит его, но не запускает. С несколькими версиями игры пытался, несколько версий мода (от 8.4 до 9.11) качал - всё бес толку. И установщик и файлы мода не хотят читаться игрой.

Инструкция от создателей:
1) Загрузите podcats.exe (пропатченый екзешник) отсюда:
2) Скопируйте файл podcats.exe в основную папку (где находятся EXE-файлы. Он должен попросить вас перезаписать файл hoi3_tfh.exe. ДА.
3) Скопируйте Black ICE в папку tfh / mod.
4) Извлечение с использованием опции «Извлечь здесь»
5) Подождите
6) Проверьте, не забыли ли вы о шагах 1 и 2.
7) Если нет - Запустите игру
8) Не забудьте закрыть игру и перезапустить ее после первого запуска

От себя:

Если играете с саб модами (Герман Графикал, Юниты Третего Рейха, Спрайт мод...) в файле саб мода с расширением .mod измените версию блек айса. Мне помогло.

Открыть с помощью блокнота и посмотреть совпадает ли ваша версия блек айса 

name = "UTR"
path = "tfh/mod/utr"
dependencies = {"Black ICE 9.11"}

Ссылка на комментарий

В 02.01.2018 в 00:05, Bambino сказал:

Блэк Айс 9.11 -

Пропатченый Экзешник -

Мэп кэш -


As always for zip file:
1) Download podcats.exe from here: Podcat's latest exe the LAA one
2) Copy podcats.exe to main folder (where are the EXE files are. It should ask you to overwrite hoi3_tfh.exe file. Sey YES.
3) Copy Black ICE to tfh/mod folder.
4) Extract using "Extract Here" option
5) Wait
6) Check if you didn't forgot about steps 1 and 2.
7) If not - Launch the game
8) Remember to close the game and relaunch it after first run
9) Eat and drink yourself to death. It's Christmas!

Checksum with FULL INSTALL: RGUKПатч ноут :

Game Balance:

  • CAGs are back. Rebalanced to be a bit more historical. Decent Sea and Ground attack stats, very good air defence to make shooting them down slightly more difficult. CAG Duty mission bonus also rebalanced to avoid situations in which CAG can easily fight against up to date, land based INT/FTR.
  • AI (USA, ENG, JAP) will receive some for free since it’s unable to cope with losing them. After war starts each of those countries will get 15 free, up to date CAGs per year. This means it will be a bit harder for player to simply shot dowdown CAGs and finish off defenceless CVs.
  • SUB were rebalanced once again. They have huge HULL and Sea Defence value now. Effect of that is that 3 SUB are as much as can be used in a single fleet to not trigger positioning penalties.
  • SUB combat stats and surprise bonuses were tweaked
  • all ASW units have their Submarine Attack values greatly increased to offset better SUB defence stats
  • Surface ships rebalanced: Capital ships have slightly lower survivability now while screens are a bit tougher
  • tweaked firing ranges (except CVs and SUBs) to more realistic levels, so no more late war BB with 80 km firing range
  • naval invasions (all of them I think) were redone to be actual naval invasions with units storming beaches. Only issue is that it’s impossible to link them with transport ships so they move directly from sea province
  • added event chain related to GER IC spam (Nerf basicaly)
  • removed event which removes 1000 MP from USA (for some reason)
  • nerfed NAVs a bit
  • reduced all ships air attack
  • tweaked armor techs for ships
  • buffed MECH INF
  • rebalanced Unique Wehmracht units choice bonuses to not be so no brainer
  • lowered Air Attack on all ground units except dedicated AA units
  • CRO and SER will now automaticaly DOW countries that GER and ITA are at war with
  • AI GER won’t suffer from partisans spam in FRA anymore - this caused sometimes weird game results
  • reduced number of NAVs AI will build
  • MTB and TB are once again buildable
  • Atlantik Wall tweaked (NERF!)
  • rebalanced SS and Guards units to be more linear and logical comparing to normal units
  • tweaked Military College bonus
  • Central/South America minors will automaticaly join Allies only if USA is NOT controlled by a player
  • Tweaked stats of INT and FTR


  • airfields events for GER now give 100% finished airfields. Each costs normal IC after recalculation, but they are 100% complete, which means that there is no possibility of screwing up those events by forgetting to move them to the top of the queue
  • added missing localisations for training grounds events
  • AI now has fixed events related to Mixed Support brigades options. This removes possible early game stability problems (especialy visible in MP)
  • Changed coding format on all files as per suggestion of @Marneman
  • Fixed some typos


  • Fixed “Operation Compass” bug which caused it to launch too early
  • Fixed missing techs for USS Hornet
  • Fixed Italian annexation of Ethiopia event
  • Fixed events for JAP and China that caused major ORG penalties for China players
  • Fixed few units missing from radio related techs
  • Fixed some traits being impossible to get
  • Fixed AI GER/SOV operations not launching
  • Fixed 24th Panzer division bug
  • Interlocked Armour tech fix
  • fixed localisation issues
  • fixed Admiral Scheer hull value
  • tweaked GER Industry events
  • fixes to GER models (more fixes like that for other countries in 9.2)
  • fixed missing CAGs from OOB

Добрый день, друзья.

Считаю эту сборку на сегодняшний день лучшей (даже стабильней чем 8.65) т.к. играется почти без вылетов и все очень сбалансировано.

Играю уже 2-ую партию. Каги есть и работают) корабли сами себя не ушатывают) Все нормально работает. 

Если позволите, рекомендую её в шапку.

Ссылка на комментарий

1 час назад, Bambino сказал:

Инструкция от создателей:
1) Загрузите podcats.exe (пропатченый екзешник) отсюда:
2) Скопируйте файл podcats.exe в основную папку (где находятся EXE-файлы. Он должен попросить вас перезаписать файл hoi3_tfh.exe. ДА.
3) Скопируйте Black ICE в папку tfh / mod.
4) Извлечение с использованием опции «Извлечь здесь»
5) Подождите
6) Проверьте, не забыли ли вы о шагах 1 и 2.
7) Если нет - Запустите игру
8) Не забудьте закрыть игру и перезапустить ее после первого запуска

От себя:

Если играете с саб модами (Герман Графикал, Юниты Третего Рейха, Спрайт мод...) в файле саб мода с расширением .mod измените версию блек айса. Мне помогло.

Открыть с помощью блокнота и посмотреть совпадает ли ваша версия блек айса 

name = "UTR"
path = "tfh/mod/utr"
dependencies = {"Black ICE 9.11"}

Есть свежие саб моды Герман Графикал, Юниты Третего Рейха, ???  И совсем забыл если их подключить, то новую игру надо начинать?

Заранее благоДарю.

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33 минуты назад, JJJVirus сказал:

Есть свежие саб моды Герман Графикал, Юниты Третего Рейха, ???  И совсем забыл если их подключить, то новую игру надо начинать?

Заранее благоДарю.

Список архива:

German Game Play and Graphical Augment Mod (мод для  добавляющий много всего за Германию. Описание следующим постом.)

Spritemod (спраиты для Германии)

Third Reich Event  (доп события для Рейха)

Units of the Third Reich (уникальные значки дивизий Германии)

добавлено 3 минуты назад

Языком не владею (гугл переводчик в помощь)


New Version for BICE 9.11 ready!

German Graphical Augment v9.1 available!

German Game play Augment v1.1 available!

Since its modest beginning this sub mod has evolved and added many elements which influence the game play. With this new version I do hope to increase the range of players. Therefore I split the mod into the game play related part and the graphical and naming focused parts of it.

You can play now with all the 1000+ events for a GER player without having all the German naming conventions, the historic model pictures and the colorful counters. No more British or any other nations' forces showing in-game with German naming conventions! Still, the four new unit types (Police HQ brigade, Anti-Air HQ brigade, Order Police brigade, Fortress brigade) are included in the German Game play Augment mod v1beta.

If you want the full package I recommend to lay the graphical part over all other files, including other submods.

Both parts of the mod are best suited for players who play mostly historical until 1941. Many event chains will only get unlocked if the war does take a historic road. After that I have scripted the AI heavily and set up event chains for stronger historic invasions of the Western Allies, hypothetical landings and alternative landings in case the player goes unhistorical and gets unusual countries into the Axis. This should pose a challenge from 1941 onwards. It is advisable to garrison the conquered countries and also keep a capable strategic reserve ready.

Please note that these modifications aim to increase a gamers' knowledge of the WW2 period from a military history perspective and does not promote in any form the political system, actions or crimes of national socialist Germany during this period.

New content:

Wehrmacht Leadership Event Pack
The event package covers the historic decisions of Hitler to interfere personally and give orders directly to military commanders during the various campaigns. The failure to take politically or strategically important goals leads to events to dismiss and remove famous commanders from their commands, together with overall penalties. No more ahistorical command postings of von Rundtstedt or von Bock in Heeresgruppen Mitte and Süd after Winter 1941 or Guderian commanding his Panzergruppe in 1942. If you do not want to loose these top commanders, live up to the challenge and take reach the goals or simply opt out here!

German Armeekorps Events
This event chain adds additional German Army Corps events. Those appear on their historic dates with their unique counters and contain relevant corps units besides the main brigade. They can be deployed as 'fighting HQs'. If those HQs are not desired or needed, choose the option no!

Beginning of the End Event Pack
This event pack provides more immersion for the crucial, however somewhat forgotten war period during 1943 and into 1944. Events cover the political decline of the Axis alliance after the failure of the second Russian campaign, the loss of the initiative on the Eastern Front and the surrender of Italy and the increasingly aggressive and exploiting policies of the Reich against its Axis minor partners to continue the war at any cost. The events are bound on the possession of strategic Soviet cities, like Stalingrad or Kursk or Baku. If a player fails to seize them during the first years of the Russian campaign, and London and Cairo still in Allied hands, events will be triggered to worsen the relations with the Axis minors, destabilize them domestically and withdraw the Axis minor expeditionary forces from the Eastern front. This shall pose additional challenges and still reflect history within the limitations of this game. If this does not fit your style of play, opt out here!

As well I have added some strategic effects to cover the period 1941 to 1943.
They include:
- German priorities for the armament Focus
- Priorities of the Ersatzheer (replacement army).
- Strategic focus of the Luftwaffe
- Foreign trade with Axis Minors and Neutrals

Content German Game play Augment v1.1
At game start you will find a decision to launch the German Game play Augment mod for Black Ice in the diplomacy screen. Upon launching events for the various components of GGA will fire. Choose upon your liking. However, if opting out by mistake you will have to restart the game to get the event options back.

Mid-War Challenges Event Pack: This event pack features stronger Allied challenges against a player in the mid-war perspective 1942 - 1944. Included are amphibious operations against Axis positions in the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, plus alternative Allied invasions for hypothetical Axis countries like Spain or Turkey. Be prepared to garrison your conquered territories with troops in sufficient numbers and quality. You will need to push back full scale Allied formations and do expect reinforced landings.

Axis Foreign Policy Events: This series of events add immersion by recalling foreign policy and political events during the wartime. Covered are mainly the political relations between the Axis countries and German domestic political events. They have effects on your Axis partners, their expeditionary forces, economy and technologies.

Allied Bombing Campaign Events: This pack unlocks events on strategic air campaigns of the Western Allies against the Reich. They target and take out your key industries or hamper your production as penalties and depend on the Allied ability to keep the British Isles unconquered. No Allied England, no bombing of your industries and infrastructure.

Axis War Situation Events: Receive information at important historic crossroads to decide on the direction your war efforts should take. Noteworthy consultations and historic conferences with your Axis partners are covered in this part of the mod. These events might just give you small advantages which could make the difference in the mid to long run perspective of the war. Important territorial gains on the battlefields will trigger events displaying your progress as well as loosing key locations to your AI opponents.

German Police and Occupation Events: Include events on German police forces and the military administration of occupied countries during the period. A player will get command structures of the historic Order of Battle which will be useful to minimize revolt risks and react in case incursions will threaten your rear. Additional partisan and resistance events are added to the mod to create difficulties behind the front lines. The events will grant relevant HQs to organise your new lands properly and adds additional immersion as a sort of a game within the game. The police and security forces might just be what a player needs to fare well through this aspect of the game.

Allied Conferences Events: The event chain covers the historically important Allied conferences during the period 1941 to 1943. The conferences were instrumental to develop joint strategies to prevail against the agresssive Axis, to coordinate the diverse national interests of the Anti-Axis coalition and the respective war efforts by the USA, the British Empire and its Commonwealth and the Soviet Union. The events support your AI opponents and should tipp the balance just a little more against the player.

Allied Operations Event Pack: This event chain adds more, reinforced, still historic Allied invasions around the Mediterranean and grants various Allied expeditionary forces to the hostile armies a player will face on the Southern European battlefields. The Italian armistice is reworked as well as the establishment of the RSI in Northern Italy. Look forward to equip the Wehrmacht, possibly for a last time, with the military loot of an occupied and demilitarized country. Manage the vacated Balkans with your internal security forces against various partisan uprisings in your rear.

Wehrmacht Administration Events: This events pack adds a good number of events on the Wehrmacht's reserve, training and replacement system ('Wehrkreise'), plus the various training facilities for the Luftwaffe, the Heer, Special forces and other branches. They grant technology advances and give some positive modifiers to boost your capability to wage war. Some of those schools will be transformed during the war into military units. Best to include the events for your long term war planning.

Wehrmacht Auxiliary and Civil Defense Events: Opting for this event pack will provide the player with events on the various military auxiliary organisations of the Wehrmacht like the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service) and adds further events to introduce the civil defense set-up of the German Reich during the period. The events will provide some additional manpower, grant technology advances and modify production times or manage the public dissent and national unity of your country. In particular during the Allied bombing campaigns this might lend some useful support.

Deutsches Afrikakorps Event Pack: This event pack offers more coverage of the Mediterranean region, in particular the campaign in North Africa. The events try to detail more aspects of the German involvement and expand the timeframe from 1940 to 1943. Part of the pack are OoBs, political events, captured Axis and Allied supplies and aspects of a convoy warfare together with historic HQs for air, land and sea units.

Defense of Norway Events: If selected the road of events lead to historical OoBs of land, air and sea HQs, and historical garrison troops from 1942 onwards. It could prove helpful to have these heavy artillery units up there just in case some unfriendly visit by the Allies comes unannounced.

Balkan Campaign Events 1941-1944: This event pack provides many historical units for the mid to late war situations in Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania. Most of them depend on the overall development of the war. If you go historical (OP Barbarossa) and if the Western Allies attack Italy many OoB Events will fire over time and dependent on the progress of the Allies. In any case added are Yugoslav, Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Croatian partisan events to spice up things in this theatre of war. Do not leave this area unguarded!

Reich Air Defense Events: This event pack includes immersion events covering aspects such as Luftwaffe Reorganizations, the air war at night, the radar tech race, Flak towers, as well as Flak units for ground combat.

Reich Armament Ministry Events: This event pack tries to add immersion with events on the reorganisation of the German Armament efforts. Events mainly add modifiers and allow tech gains. Do not forget to keep Albert Speer as the Armament Minister.

Italian Campaign Events: This event pack is triggered by the Axis defeat in North Africa and adds many events around the Italian campaign. They include most of the German units which fought the Campaign. Events are triggered by Allied gains on Sicily and later in Italy proper. Included are also: captured Italian equipment, security units, Luftwaffe Flak ground units, air and naval HQs. Italian resistance events are covered, as well as the RSI establishment and Badoglio troops for the Allies.

Race for Tunis Events: Starting with the arrival of Allied troops in North Africa events unfold to cover the 'Race for Tunis' as the prelude to the Tunisian Campaign. The events will grant OoBs for Axis and Allied Forces.

German Unit Events: For the later years of the war a series of OoB events to introduce the 'Infanterie-Division (bodenständig)' or Static infantry Division are set up. The events are triggered by the BICE 'Atlantic Wall Decision' and if chosen historic units will appear from Norway to Normandy starting in late 1942. There are also events on the 'Brandenburg Division' and the Wehrmacht's Kosaken-Divisionen, Theatre HQs plus units and formations carrying small, nevertheless historic Immersion.

Allied Raiding Campaign Events: If chosen this event pack provides a series of British smaller scale invasion raids against key locations within the Axis' zone of control. A player should properly garrison important coastal provinces or Axis minor ports. The events will occur periodically.

German Graphical Augment v9.1
All models pics are replaced with historic pictures for German Land, Air and Naval Forces. Each of the unique units has received their own model pics. Localisation changes to reflect historical naming conventions.

New loading Screens

Counters are adapted to recall the historic “Waffenfarben” (piping colors or corps colors) of the German Army in WW2. It will get colorful on the screen!

When playing with German Graphical Augment sub mod you will produce units which reflect the historical naming conventions of the German armed forces during the period of WW2. Be aware that the German naming is applied to all other nations you might play at a later stage.

Three main types are represented: Division, Regiment and Battalion/Abteilung.

The units will appear in the production queue as Panzer-Regiment x, Fallschirmjäger-Regiment y, Infanterie-Regiment , etc. The battalions will appear either as Panzerjäger-Abteilung x, as Pionier-Bataillon y or as Artillerie-Abteilung (mot.) z. However, as Black Ice uses a component style approach for the Divisions (1 main + 6 support units) the unit size in game is certainly higher than their historical naming suggests.

Axis Minors Forces
Operation Barbarossa Axis units get their relevant model pictures and improved names of units. Volunteer formations from occupied and/or collaborating European counties are covered with their own model pics. French, Czech and Soviet captured equipment units will get their relevant model pics.

This sub mod changes the checksum.

The sub mod is compatible with TRE and UTR sub mods. I have provided the GGA mod file with the relevant dependencies and install components. You can tick all three submods together with Black Ice 911

Install instructions for GGA v1.1:

1. Download rar file and unrar.

2. Copy tfh folder and place them under the following path HoI3/tfh with clean BICE 9.01, latest TRE and UTR builds.

3. Accept to overwrite existing files. These are the mod files which should enable the various sub mods to function on each other.

It is advised to start a new 1936 campaign as it is not save game compatible!!

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День добрый.


Поделитесь, пожалуйста, сборкой на 9.11... 

6.26 вдоль и поперек поперепройдена... 7-ка вылетала нещадно и была заброшена...


9-ка ставилась по инструкции, но при этом контрольное число другое ((


+ пара графических и не только багов даже не дает толком начать...





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В 16.01.2018 в 19:56, Gamerzzz сказал:

Извиняюсь, может кто-то подсказать как этот мод (не сборка) вообще ставится? Распаковывал в папку mod, лаунчер видит его, но не запускает. С несколькими версиями игры пытался, несколько версий мода (от 8.4 до 9.11) качал - всё бес толку. И установщик и файлы мода не хотят читаться игрой.

Чтобы долго не объяснять про правильные установки модов, то объясню просто. Скачайте готовую версию 4.02 с любой версией BI, а потом просто поменяйте мод в конечной папке модов. Также можно будет туда добавить или убавить оттуда всякие сабмоды .

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5 часов назад, Piter-Alex сказал:

Чтобы долго не объяснять про правильные установки модов, то объясню просто. Скачайте готовую версию 4.02 с любой версией BI, а потом просто поменяйте мод в конечной папке модов. Также можно будет туда добавить или убавить оттуда всякие сабмоды .

И в итоге он получит ту же проблему, в виде файлов с тегом "только для чтения"... ))) Под 10-й у меня появилась эта забава... Надо будет копаться в причинах.

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10 часов назад, Malignus сказал:

И в итоге он получит ту же проблему, в виде файлов с тегом "только для чтения"... ))) Под 10-й у меня появилась эта забава... Надо будет копаться в причинах.

     Вы наверное не поняли. Допустим у меня Винда 7 (64),  берём ссылку на скачивание игры с установленным модом, и тупо скачиваем. Потом распаковываем куда удобнее. Находим лаунчер , устанавливаем свойства и удачи...

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Здравствуйте, решил поиграть в ДП3 вижу стоит у меня BlackICE v8,5 и не закончена игра за СССР, шёл январь 42 года, играю уже год, чем дольше играю чем чаще вылеты, сейчас вылетает чуть ли не каждые 2 дня, игровые два!!! дня. Заранее спасибо за помощь.

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В 19.01.2018 в 14:39, Piter-Alex сказал:

Чтобы долго не объяснять про правильные установки модов, то объясню просто. Скачайте готовую версию 4.02 с любой версией BI, а потом просто поменяйте мод в конечной папке модов. Также можно будет туда добавить или убавить оттуда всякие сабмоды .


Если вы у вас есть 9,11 русифицированная, выставите на один день я скачаю и выставлю надолго для всех.

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Насколько я понял версия 9.11 вообще ещё не совсем доделанная, и тем более русификатора на него нигде не встречал.

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Залейте на файлообменник с докачкой или торрентом раздайте последнюю версию мода (( Ядиск в блеклисте у провайдера ((

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Здравствуйте, играю в BlackICE v8,5 за СССР, сложность нормальная, начало 43 года перехожу в контр наступление, в первый раз мне было так сложно, а я играл в ДП2 и 3 и во все дополнения и во многие моды, спасибо авторам BlackICE v8,5 СПАСИБО!!! А теперь вопрос если играть за Германию будет сложно?

ЗЫ Как там ДП4 играбельна, я просто пока не выйдет куча патчей (исправлений всяких багов) и дополнений не играю в игры.

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За немцев легче, только пару моментов, дивизии врага не разбиваем, а окружаем и уничтожаем насовсем, второй момент, подводные лодки+рейдеры(те что выглядят как транспортники) с 39-40 года, должны начать блокировать транспортные пути бритов !!! И к 41-42 должны господствовать в океане.

Загружал в 43-45 сейвы за бритов и амеров, очередь производств занята транспортниками и конвоями. Этот момент чистой воды чит :Cherna-facepalm:


Есть ещё момент с авиацией, но там много писать, на предыдущих страницах форума писал, только там далеко уже :).


За ДП4 , увидев экономику в игре :wall:, удалил её............

Изменено пользователем exile22
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Lokki Odinson

Есть у кого то список изменений в версиях 8.6 и 9.1 ?  Да кстати для всех любителей хои 3 и данного мода , есть группа людей , мы регулярно устраиваем партии на разное кол-во игроков вот первые аары по партии которую проводим сейчас  , от вас только желание играть остальному научим , будем рады всем , пишите ( в профиле ссылка стима либо же в вк ) 



Изменено пользователем Lokki Odinson
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В 30.01.2018 в 15:08, AlexandrS сказал:

Здравствуйте, играю в BlackICE v8,5 за СССР, сложность нормальная, начало 43 года перехожу в контр наступление, в первый раз мне было так сложно, а я играл в ДП2 и 3 и во все дополнения и во многие моды, спасибо авторам BlackICE v8,5 СПАСИБО!!! А теперь вопрос если играть за Германию будет сложно?

ЗЫ Как там ДП4 играбельна, я просто пока не выйдет куча патчей (исправлений всяких багов) и дополнений не играю в игры.


За Германию не сложно, только СССР победить нельзя!:)
У меня на дворе лето 1943 год линия фронта приблизительно там же где была исторически.
Наступать я не могу лишь потихоньку отступаю с боями. Думаю так будет до 1944, а потом откроют второй фронт и мне придется уводить дивизии на запад со всеми вытекающими.

Изменено пользователем ROTOR
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11 минуту назад, ROTOR сказал:


За Германию не сложно, только СССР победить нельзя!:)
У меня на дворе лето 1943 год линия фронта приблизительно там же где была исторически.
Наступать я не могу лишь потихоньку отступаю с боями. Думаю так будет до 1944, а потом откроют второй фронт и мне придется уводить дивизии на запад со всеми вытекающими.

Почему это победить нельзя? В чём проблема то? Может вы играть не умеете, я то ещё в ДП2 играл. ЗЫ для не допущения высадки в Нормандии достаточно в каждом порту поставить по гарнизону, гарнизоны по Франции для защиты заводов, резервный стрелковый корпус в Париже и иметь побольше морских бомбардировщиков, что бы топить вражеские корабли.

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Lokki Odinson
6 минут назад, AlexandrS сказал:

Почему это победить нельзя? В чём проблема то? Может вы играть не умеете, я то ещё в ДП2 играл. ЗЫ для не допущения высадки в Нормандии достаточно в каждом порту поставить по гарнизону, гарнизоны по Франции для защиты заводов, резервный стрелковый корпус в Париже и иметь побольше морских бомбардировщиков, что бы топить вражеские корабли.

Против аи всё легко , чуть ли на за любую страну можно мир покорить ) Другое дело игра с людьми , тогда отношение совсем другое ) 

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1 минуту назад, Lokki Odinson сказал:

Против аи всё легко , чуть ли на за любую страну можно мир покорить ) Другое дело игра с людьми , тогда отношение совсем другое ) 

Согласен, но я то играю с АИ сложность средняя.

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Новоя версия моей сборки Black ICE 10.41   Улучшаю историю,сиправляю ошибки и т.д. Самое главное добавил более 300 своих евентов, как важных исторических так и просто интересны


BLACK ICE submod for Didays  

Vladimir9 8.52 блек айс , держите. 7.40 кому интересно

Bambino - 10.3 - 10.31


Разрабы анонсировали версию 10.4 и поведали о том, что в ней планируется сделать. Это с оговорками, потому что они не уверены в технической возможности осуществления всего задуманного. Итак:

Nekitlos Вот ссыля на чистый 10.41 с парадокс плазы. Я видел запрос человека, но выше уже давалась ссылка. Возможно, стоит в шапку прикреп


Не успели мы попросить модератора загрузить в шапку версию 10.41, как уже вышла версия 10.42   Скачать


надо ставить не в /mod  а в /tfh/mod     introductio/help несет чисто информационный характер и объясняет механику игры и ивентов   Всю информация я естественно не смогу тут

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