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399 н.э.

Версия мода: 2.2.

Версия игры: DW 5.1, DW 5.2.

Язык мода: английский, русский(для версии 1.7(1.6?)).

Описание: Мод фокусируется на последних годах жизни Римской Империи, начинается в 5 веке и заканичивается в 821 году. Сама Империя разделена на 2е части - Восточную и Западную. Присутствуют варвары, много новых разных ивентов, заданий и решений.

Из интересных для игры стран: Рим, Константинополь, Персия, а также Гунны и Франки, однако играбельны все фракции.

Главные изменения v. 2.2Нажмите здесь!

1. Made it possible to change to a monarchy government (Absolute and Administrative Monarchies) with more control by spending Secular Authority, alternatively earning Secular Authority through relaxing monarchy control (to Feudal Monarchy and Elective Monarchy), the earning can be viewed as the nobles give the ruler more support and acceptance once he has loosen his grip.

2. Added two new monarchies, formable by Alan cultures: Alania and Aseti (AKA Ossetia).

3. Adjusted some mission bugs so that they don't show up or actually abort under certain circumstances. Hopefully it works this time.


Изменения предыдущих версий.Нажмите здесь!

Изменения версии 1.7:

1. Chinese nations can now reintroduce The Three Excellencies, top government officials from the ancient (Western) Han dynasty: Chancellor, Imperial Secretary, and Grand Commandant. It works the same as for the other central officials for other countries, with Ability and (hidden) Loyalty traits and with pleasant and unpleasant Events as well as Decisions.

2. Introduction of 'Mandate of Heaven' for Chinese countries (works very much along the lines of ciek's thoughts, thanks!), that can be announced under certain favourable circumstances and lost under unfavourable ones.

3. Five new tribal countries, each with their own culture: Tiele, Gaoche, Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan.

4. New cultural group, Settled Mongolian, with countries such as Wei, the two Yan's, etc.

5. New missions in the East: to create tension between tribes and kingdoms.

6. Added modifiers, such as Tian Kegan, Great Lords of Vast Steppes, Lords of Western Steppes, etc.

7. Decisions for Chinese countries to spread (or stop spreading) Chinese culture, and for non-Chinese countries to support or combat Sinicisation among its provinces.

8. Provinces can now change ownership during Chinese Civil Wars.

9. Added CB for tribals vs. tribals, if owning part of the Vast Steppes.

10. Overlords can now request troops from their vassals.

11. Tribal Federations get benefit in provinces with tribal cultures.

12. Tribal Hegemonies can call up troops in provinces with tribal cultures, but at a risk of non-compliance and negative modifiers and even revolts. This in order to reflect the historical pattern of swift rises and falls of tribal empires.

13. Settled Mongolian countries can also call up troops in tribal culture provinces, at the same risks.

14. Religious councils can be summoned during a decade in a selected province. Various potential benefits, and if placed in a border provinces can serve to convert adjacent provinces (own as well as foreign).

Изменения версии 1.6:

1. Germanic nations can now appoint top government officials: tribals Druhtin, non-romanised non-tribals Herizogo and Gravo, romanised non-tribals Majordome, Conestable, and Referendare, and anglo-saxons Hordweard and Eorl. It works the same as for the other central officials for other countries, with Ability and (hidden) Loyalty traits and with pleasant and unpleasant Events as well as Decisions.

2. All human countries of size 3 or larger can now enable the provincial officials: Chieftains for tribals, Counts for non-tribal Germanics and Slavics, and Governors for everyone else. In effect, a provincial official runs an individual province and has the usual Ability and (hidden) Loyalty traits, with accompanying Events (mostly provincial) and Decisions.

3. Expanded upon Muslim Arabic cultures and countries: 6 new cultures and 8 new countries (potentially showing up later in game if/when the mighty Caliphates crumble and disintegrate...)

4. New muslim religion: Kharijite, believing that any Muslim can be a leader of the Islamic community and has the right and the duty to revolt against any ruler who deviates from the Kharijite interpretation of Islam, as all other Muslims are unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death.

5. War supply system in three steps: Country Decision in which War Supplies for future use are collected throughout the realm, then through a Provincial Decision stockpiled in a border province of choice (available for a period of time), and finally (in a war situation) distributed through a Country Decision to relevant friendly (whether own territory or controlled enemy territory) provinces, producing improved supply limit and attrition to such provinces for a period of time.

6. New tech group and corresponding new units: Advanced Barbarian that "old" Barbarian tech group countries can change to under certain circumstances: sufficient Land Tech, Government Tech, being Civilised, etc.

7. Changed supply limit and attrition penalties in remote provinces to be capped at lower levels, and in addition, even giving enemy-controlled remote provinces a further improvement in supply limit and attrition since the original purpose of the penalties was to punish the owner of a remote province and not an enemy controller (whether country or rebel).

8. Introduced some Frankish-related modifiers (all positive): Age of Merovingian Dominance, Francorum Rex, and Dei Gratia Galliarum et Francorum Rex.

9. Two new superior units: Hird unit that can be called upon (under 1 above), and Berber Mounted Lance unit that an Arab Muslim country can draft regularly in provinces with Muslim religion but tribal Berber culture (in order to reflect the role that Berber units played in the Muslim conquests of e.g. Spain).

10. Two Provincial Decisions for Muslim Arabs in Muslim non-Arabic provinces: Encourage Muslim Settlers and Discourage Muslim settlers, to be able to control the spread of Arabic culture somewhat (see Berber units above, under 9.)

11. New Casus Belli, the "Fitnah" or Muslim Civil War, available to Muslims against Muslims of other faiths (i.e., Shiite against Sunni) or Imperial government (i.e., Caliphates) against any other Muslim country, etc.

12. Fixed Event for New Briton Countries Emerging so that each country can only emerge ONCE.

13. Reworked ar-Rashidun emergence event, in that ar-Rashidun get a lot of provinces at once but can (and will!) gradually obtain them as part of events in war as well as peace time (with potential conversion to Sunni at the same time, the pace of this expansion being dependent on provinces' and countries' situations, so could be slowly but more likely swiftly.

Изменения версии 1.5:

1. Rhomania can now appoint a Doux for each Doukaton, if deciding to vest more power with the Doukes. This will work much the same as the other offices, central and regional, in that each Doux is having a Ability trait and a Loyalty trait (hidden), with events and provincial (or more correctly, Doukaton) decisions linked to the system.

Изменения версии 1.4.1:

1. Eransahr can through Decision concentrate power with three government officials (hargbed, hazarbed, spahbedan spahbed) too, and can through Decision enact Kusts with Kust Spahbeds (regional government officials), replacing the supreme spahbedan spahbed.

2. Roma and Constantinopolis can vest (through Decision) a Vicarius of each Dioecese with more powers, enabling regional offices, in addition to its national offices.

3. Brythonic culture group split into two: Brythonic and Cymbric.

4. More Pictic, Gaelic, and Briton Kingdoms to maintain the petty kingdom feel of Dark Age Britannic Isles.

5. Fixed bug that prevented Land buildings above Level 2 from being constructed.

6. Fixed bug with other unavailable buildings (many thanks, miguellima, for pointing out!).

7. Changed provinces having Roman Infrastructure at game start.

8. Moved the port of province #15 (Jutii) to face westwards and be closer to Britannia.

9. Decision (and event chain) for Britannic countries to invite Christian missionaries from abroad (to introduce Christianity to the island, something sadly lacking since removing passage between Hibernia and Britannia).

Изменения версии 1.0:

1. Scrapping size penalties altogether, insteading expanding the remoteness penalties for provinces into a 11-step scale, and making them more severe. Remoteness will inter alia depend on culture, culture group, religion, tolerance, cores. The most remote provinces will be virtually useless and actually even draw on resources through high revolt risks, etc. This hopefully will make expansion more long-term and strategic.

2. Introducing new concept to governments, idea from jnt.mullen, which require certain policy slider settings to enact a Decision to change to a certain government.

3. Chinese civil wars reworked to be more random in occurrence, but still involving the major historical dynasties of Song, Liang, Qi, Chen, Sui, Tang and others. (Also, many more Chinese kingdoms created.)

4. Chinese, Briton, Pictic, Gaelic, Nubian, and Tribal Arabic cultures split up into more and smaller to make expansion more strategic and less blobby.

5. Other new countries and cultures related to those, such as Dacian, Kipchak, and Kimak.

6. New religion, Thraco-Dacian, and renamed existing religions: Roman to Hellenistic, Steppe to Tengrist.

7. Empires get to choose a second capital (Provincial Decision), giving certain benefits in terms of remoteness.

8. Decision to form Nova Romania as a Roman usurper under certain (challenging) circumstances.

9. New government type: Elective Monarchy.

10. And much more than I can remember....

Изменения версии

1. New main menu background, many thanks StarWarsFan541!

2. New Greek cultures (in Hellenic Greek and Anatolian Greek groups) appearing upon Constantinopolis forming Rhomania (the renamed Byzantium).

3. Each of these linked to a country (Kriti, Rodos, Athinai, Achaea, Kilikia, Lydia, Kappadokia, Thessaloniki, et al) potentially appearing as part of releases or revolts.

4. Two other new cultures, Thraco-Roman (at start) for Thracia and Vlach (potentially arriving much later on) for Valahia.

6. Valahia may appear together with Vlach culture as part of event.

7. Roman Culture Group provinces owned by WRE, ERE, or BZN enjoy Pax Romana Adherence Modifiers, with substantially lower revolt risk and stability cost.

8. (Hellenic and Anatolian) Greek Culture Group provinces owned by BZN enjoy Greek Language Unity, with lower revolt risk and stability cost.

9. New Territorial Missions in Europe and India to add more dynamics.

10. East Hunnic countries (XIO, HEP, KID) can settle into Kushan, Kashmir, Sindh, Sogd, et al countries with Settled Hunnic cultures.

11. Two new "Persian" countries, Mada for Median culture and Verkana for Caspian culture.

12. Added Priestal Influence system for Zoroastrian Eran (the renamed Persia) in which each new ruler can reduce or expand Zoroastrian priests' influence (a -5 to +5 scale), having effects on the realm.


Ссылки на скачивание:

Версия 2.2

Версия 1.7(для русификатора - подробности ниже)

Инструкция по установке:

1. Скачать архив 399ADv22.7z по ссылке выше.

2. Разархивировать файлы из архива в папку mod папки игры. В папке mod должны оказаться папка 399AD и файл 399.mod.

3. Запустить лаунчер ЕУ3(папка игры, файл EU3.exe, не eu3game.exe). Выбрать в нём(нижняя строка) "v2.2 for EUIII DW 5.2"

4. Играть, отключив удачные страны.


Скачать бета-версию русификатора</noindex>

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Reworked Anglo-Saxon setup:

Briton kingdoms can now invite North Germanic warriors for assistance during wars, but any country doing so will later on pay the price through giving land to these tribal warriors. Was it worth it or not?

New Anglo-Saxon countries (such as Westengle, Middelseaxne), of which Mearce (Mercia) and Norethymbre (Northumbria) can be formed.

Also, Angles can now form kingdom of Angeln and Jutes the kingdom of Jotland, releasing Anglo-Saxon vassals in Britannia.

In addition, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes can decide to settle in Britannia and form a local kingdom there, giving up their lands in far away Germania.

The "invasion of Britannia" sequence of events is now removed, but Jutes, Saxons, and Angles can still get a Mission to conquer Britannia. And human player can always strive in that direction anyway.

Anglosaxon culture up into many (tribes/clans/Folks), in its own culture group.

Scandinavian cultures (swedish, geatish, danish, norwegian) forming its own culture group too.

Government slider bugs and Neustria and Austrasia problems identified by Quantrix hopefully fixed. Alaric has been given better stats.

Changed mechanics to Roman civil wars (again, jnt.mullen's idea) with provinces actually changing side during a war.

This mechanic has also been implemented to some extent for germanic tribes warring Roman states, also with the opportunity for the germans to totally overrun and annex Roman usurpers.

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Vladimir DP

В версии 09999999 я за Римскую Британию(кампания 2 января 399 года) захватил весь остров, а также Ирландию и вассализировал Арморику.Так вот, в землях Ирландии и за Адриановым валом есть ужасный модификатор, который уводит лимит снабжения войск в минус.Как от него избавится? :(

Изменено пользователем Vladimir DP
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Добавлена ссылка на версию 1.2
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Охренеть. Это самый хардкорнейший од который мне довелось видеть. два года пролетели за 5 минут. Честно. Автору +

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Обновил ссылку. Доступна новая версия от 13 февраля
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Финский лыжник

Есть руссификатр на этот мод?

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В данный момент ведется перевод мода.

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Вышел русский перевод мода. Ссылка в шапке
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Ура наконец перевод вышел!!!

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Обновил ссылки. Доступна версия 1.6

Русификатор адаптирован к новой версии

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Позавчера вышла версия 1.7 http://www.mediafire.com/?mx4azeo9f8fsfv1

Насколько понял со своими скудными знаниями иностранного языка, основной уклон новой версии на Китай и восток.

Main changes in v1.7Нажмите здесь!
 1. Chinese nations can now reintroduce The Three Excellencies, top government officials from the ancient (Western) Han dynasty: Chancellor, Imperial Secretary, and Grand Commandant. It works the same as for the other central officials for other countries, with Ability and (hidden) Loyalty traits and with pleasant and unpleasant Events as well as Decisions.

2. Introduction of 'Mandate of Heaven' for Chinese countries (works very much along the lines of ciek's thoughts, thanks!), that can be announced under certain favourable circumstances and lost under unfavourable ones.

3. Five new tribal countries, each with their own culture: Tiele, Gaoche, Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan.

4. New cultural group, Settled Mongolian, with countries such as Wei, the two Yan's, etc.

5. New missions in the East: to create tension between tribes and kingdoms.

6. Added modifiers, such as Tian Kegan, Great Lords of Vast Steppes, Lords of Western Steppes, etc.

7. Decisions for Chinese countries to spread (or stop spreading) Chinese culture, and for non-Chinese countries to support or combat Sinicisation among its provinces.

8. Provinces can now change ownership during Chinese Civil Wars.

9. Added CB for tribals vs. tribals, if owning part of the Vast Steppes.

10. Overlords can now request troops from their vassals.

11. Tribal Federations get benefit in provinces with tribal cultures.

12. Tribal Hegemonies can call up troops in provinces with tribal cultures, but at a risk of non-compliance and negative modifiers and even revolts. This in order to reflect the historical pattern of swift rises and falls of tribal empires.

13. Settled Mongolian countries can also call up troops in tribal culture provinces, at the same risks.

14. Religious councils can be summoned during a decade in a selected province. Various potential benefits, and if placed in a border provinces can serve to convert adjacent provinces (own as well as foreign).

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Побольше бы модов на русском языке :huh:

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Может кто либо из добрых людей закинуть всю рабочую сборку(Европа+мод) в архив,а тот на народ?Вылетает при загрузке,пробовал на разных версиях

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Ссылка битая! Обновите пожалуйста.

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На парадоксплазе выпустили версию 2.0 только для патча 5.2 и там же версия 1.9 для 5.1.

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