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Project Balance (AKA Balansegang)

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Project Balance

Ранее известен как Balansegang





  • Распространение технологий было полностью переработано для большего реализма;
  • Страны, которые исторически продолжали существовать на протяжении игровых рамок, имеют неплохие шансы остаться на карте (Эфиопия и некоторые язычники);
  • Большие агрессивные страны действуют в более историчном ключе;
  • Очаги длительных конфликтов (Иберия/Византия) теперь не угасают десятки лет;
  • Улучшено распространение культуры и религии;
  • Переработаны здания для различных культур;
  • Переработаны де-юре королевства;
  • Переработаны законы короны/владений. Изменить авторитет короны сложнее, при этом они несут больше возможностей.

Де-юре изменения



Независимые страны



Культурные изменения



Религиозные изменения



Распространение технологий



Центры торговли



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 General changes:

  • Denmark and Norway now use Primogeniture
  • Assassinations cost 100 gold and 10 piety, plus 75 gold per title tier
  • All eligible women can now become spymasters (only your spouse or mother could before)
  • All eligible women can become treasurers if their liege's primary title doesn't use Agnatic succession
  • All eligible women can become chancellors if their liege's primary title uses Absolute Cognatic succession
  • Made all religions playable (though non-Christians aren't necessarily interesting to play)
  • Monophysite is no longer a heresy
  • Increased max duchies held to 3
  • Made the Pecheneg Company and Pecheneg Band Tengri holy orders
  • Each Pagan religion has two holy orders
    • Tengri - 5500 men
    • Romuva - 3000 men
    • Suomenusko - 3000 men
    • Norse - 3000 men

    [*]The Pagans have an event that ensures they have enough Piety to hire holy orders

    [*]Pechenegs can no longer form Bulgaria

    [*]Empires get 20% less max levy from burghers, 15% less from clergy, and 15% less from nobles

    [*]Doubled the time it takes for pagans to fabricate claims

    [*]It is now impossible to forge claims upon a duchy held by someone of another religion unless your realm borders their's

    [*]The Arabian peninsula has navigable seas surrounding it

    [*]Spanish union kingdom, creatable if Castille, Leon, Navarra, and Aragon are held

    [*]A Romuva ruler holding the duchy of Mecklemburg can no longer usurp the duchy of Pomerania if the holder is also Romuva and only has a single duke title

    [*]Made the rulers of Sardinia Greek

    [*]Reduced the cooldown between changing a councilor's job action from 183 days to 60

    [*]Added some more info to the tooltip you get when hovering over a character

    [*]Holding an empire now gives the same amount of prestige as a kingdom

    [*]Added a small chance of dying upon losing a battle (5 times less common than being imprisoned)

    [*]Made Jamtland a republic like it was historically

    [*]Made an event that kills incapable courtiers and female courtiers over 40 if they have no important dynasty members to help keep courts small

    [*]The long reign modifier now only starts after reigning for 15 years

Religious Conversion changes:

  • Provinces take twice as long to convert if they don't border any provinces of your religion
  • Converting a province takes 25% longer if the province borders other provinces of the same religion
  • Converting Pagans, Zoroastrians, and Jews takes twice as long
  • Pagans, Zoroastrians, and Jews now convert provinces half as fast
  • The Muslim conversion event now fires half as fast in Pagan, Zoroastrian, and Jewish provinces

Culture changes:

  • Divided German culture into South and North German
  • Culture can spread via ports
  • Made culture changes into province events, so that the number of held provinces doesn't affect the likelihood of culture changes
  • The culture change event for unconnected coastal provinces can now only fire if there are no neighbors of the owner's culture
  • Norman counties outside England are now more likely to become English if their liege is English
  • Added a somewhat rare event that changes a ruler's culture to that of his capital if it is of his religion. Also changes the culture of any same dynasty children he has under the age of 16. Its mean time to happen is affected by his age, his rank, and whether or not the new culture is of the same culture group
  • Added a somewhat rare event that changes a child's (under 1 year old) culture to that of the province he's living in if the province is of his religion. Affected by his parents' rank, and whether or not the new culture is of the same culture group
  • Provincial culture spread takes 50% longer in empires
  • Provinces change culture 20% faster if they border two or more provinces of the owner's culture with rulers of the same culture
  • Provinces take 25% longer to change culture if they border any province of the same culture
  • Rulers change culture 25% faster if their capital borders no provinces of their culture

Holy War changes:

  • Dukes and below cannot declare holy war on provinces they don't border
  • Emperors need Limited Crown Authority to declare holy war
  • Kings need Limited Crown Authority to declare holy war on non-bordering duchies. Emperors need Medium
  • Muslims cannot declare holy war or Jihad on Monophysites or Orthodox Ethiopians, and vice versa
  • Limited Crown Authority is required to declare holy war on pagans
  • Kings with any dukes at under -10 opinion need Medium Crown Authority to declare holy war on Pagans
  • Emperors with any kings/dukes at under -10 opinion need Medium Crown Authority to declare holy war
  • Kings with any dukes at under -10 opinion need Limited Crown Authority to declare holy war
  • Emperors need to have above -15 relations with all duke/king vassals to increase Crown Authority
  • Depressed, infirm, or incapable rulers cannot declare holy war
  • Content rulers cannot declare holy war unless they're Brave or Wroth, Zealous, Lunatic, or Possessed
  • Craven rulers cannot declare holy war unless they're Ambitious, Wroth, Zealous, Lunatic, or Possessed
  • Cynical rulers cannot declare holy war unless they're Ambitious, Brave, Wroth, Lunatic, or Possessed
  • Stressed rulers cannot declare holy war unless they're Ambitious, Brave, Wroth, Zealous Lunatic, or Possessed
  • Having any two of Cynical, Craven, Stressed, and Content will prevent rulers from declaring holy war (unless they're Lunatic or Possessed)
  • If the target duchy is not part of a de jure kingdom or empire the ruler holds, he has to be Ambitious, Brave, Wroth, Zealous, Lunatic, or Possessed to declare holy war
  • If the target duchy is not part of a de jure kingdom or empire the ruler holds, he cannot be Cynical, Craven, Stressed, and Content (unless they're Possessed or Lunatic, or has any two of Ambitious, Brave, Wroth or Zealous)
  • Rulers below 100 piety cannot start holy wars
  • Added a 5-year cooldown between holy wars and the special Muslim CBs (when used upon other religious groups)

Other Warfare changes:

  • Applied most of the holy war restrictions to the 1.06 muslim CBs. Only applies against non-muslims. Cannot be used against Pagans
  • Added a Tribal Raid casus belli. This CB lets Altaic realms (namely the Cumans, the Pechenegs, and the Mongols) raid non-Pagan non-Altaic neighbors. Victory will gain them tribute, prestige, and piety. Loss will do the opposite. The CB incurs a 5-year truce. War cannot be declared if you've got a truce with the target, or if the target has less than half the money necessary to pay the tribute
  • The Tribal Raid CB is also usable by Ethiopians and sub-Saharan Africans
  • Commander martial contributes two-thirds more to combat
  • The coastal republic CB can no longer be used against rulers of the same culture group unless they share a border.
  • Sieges are 25% shorter
  • Increased supply bonus for bordering a province to 50%
  • Reduced supply bonus for coastal provinces to 30%
  • Reduced supply bonus for realm holdings to 40%
  • Increased base supply to 6
  • Most truces reduced to 5 years (from 10)
  • Reduced reinforcement rates by 40%
  • Reduced ratio needed to overrun armies to 15 (from 25)
  • Increased warscore gained from battles by 20%. Reduced defender warscore bonus to 40% (was 50%) to compensate a bit
  • Forests now give the defender 20% higher defense for light infantry, and 10% offense
  • Forests now give the defender 15% higher defense for heavy infantry, and 7.5% offense
  • White peace in independence wars will make the revolter independent if he's revolting from someone who isn't his de jure liege. No prestige will be awarded, and crown authority will be unaffected. His former liege will have claims upon his land
  • Having any two of Cynical, Craven, Stressed, and Content will prevent rulers from declaring holy war (unless they're Lunatic or Possessed)
  • Rulers cannot declare claim wars upon allies, unless they're Ambitious, Envious, Arbitrary, or Wroth (rebellions excluded)
  • Rulers cannot declare claim wars upon allies if they're Craven, Just, Kind, or Content (rebellions excluded)
  • The two rules above do not apply to heathens, heretics, and excommunicated rulers
  • Possessed or Lunatic rulers can declare claim and holy wars regardless of other traits
  • Counties under siege's reinforce rate reduced by 100% (castles start at 125%)
  • Tribal invasions can only be started against Orthodox, Tengri, Muslim, or Komi factions
  • Characters defending against holy wars that aren't involved in any offensive wars get a 10% boost to minimum and maximum vassal levies
  • Horse archers, light cavalry, and heavy cavalry get offensive bonuses when attacking plains
  • Horse archers, light cavalry, and heavy cavalry get offensive penalties when attacking hills or mountains
  • Horse archers and light cavalry get offensive penalties attacking forests
  • Tweaked movement times, reducing movetimes in most terrain by about 30%
  • The Norwegian force at campaign start is slightly stronger, and Harald Hardrеde has slightly more Martial
  • The Norman force at campaign start is slightly stronger
  • Pagans no longer get dejure county claims upon others of the same religion
  • Muslims no longer get dejure county claims upon muslim counts of the same sect
  • The AI is now considerably less likely to attempt to gain independence from their dejure liege, unless the rebeller's title is king-level. Rebellion odds remain the same, but they'll be more likely to use another CB
  • Increased the cost of declaring war on allies to 150 prestige
  • Made it impossible for non-muslims to use the county-conquest CB
  • Tweaked the crusade weights so Muslims typically attack further east when declaring a Jihad upon Byzantium
  • Dejure wars now terminate if the dejure title is lost
  • Depose Liege rebellions now terminate if the liege dies
  • Tyranny wars will now terminate if the tyrant dies
  • Added a 5-year cooldown between holy wars and the special Muslim CBs (when used upon other religious groups)
  • The occupation modifiers now increase construction time by 50 to 200%, depending on the type

Building changes:

  • Lappish castles start with level 1 walls
  • Pecheneg counties have the Small Riding Grounds building at campaign start
  • Iberian holdings start with level 1 walls
  • Warrior Cult gives 110 fewer Light Infantry
  • Warrior Cult gives 180 more heavy infantry
  • Warrior Cult gives 20 fewer Archers
  • Warrior Cult gives 1.0 fort-levels
  • Warrior Cult gives -10% levy size (causes them to have a larger advantage at campaign start, but it slowly declines)
  • Warrior Cult gives -40% tech growth
  • Warrior Cult gives a 10% offensive and defensive boost to heavy infantry
  • Warrior Cult gives a 25% penalty to garrison size (they're still much larger than everyone else's garrisons)
  • Added a Warrior Cult building to Pagan temples and cities, giving 50 light and heavy infantry, 50 archers, 0.5 fort levels, and -15% garrison size
  • Castles give 5 heavy cavalry
  • All non-pagan counties now start with level 1 ports

Culture building changes:

  • There are now six tiers rather than four, one per tech level
  • What culture building is available now depends on province culture, not owner culture
  • Tier one and two are buildable by everyone
  • Tier three and four are buildable by characters of the same culture group as the province
  • Tier five and six are buildable by characters of the same culture as the province
  • Frisians can now build the Dutch cultural building

Law changes:

  • Split crown authority laws into two, one set for emperors, one set for kings
    • Emperors get 0/5/10/15/20% minimum levies
    • Emperors need high authority to disallow internal warfare and strip heathen/heretic titles
    • Emperors need medium authority to strip titles
    • Emperors need absolute authority to ban inheritance outside the realm

    [*]To call a vote for Limited Crown Authority one needs all duke/king vassals above -25 opinion. -20 if one is an emperor

    [*]To call a vote for Medium Crown Authority one needs all duke/king vassals above -20 opinion. -15 if one is an emperor

    [*]To call a vote for High Crown Authority one needs all duke/king vassals above -15 opinion. -10 if one is an emperor

    [*]To call a vote for Absolute Crown Authority one needs all duke/king vassals above -10 opinion. -5 if one is an emperor

    [*]Crown Authority cannot be increased if the ruler is Content or Slothful (unless they're also Ambitious or Diligent)

    [*]Crown Authority cannot be increased to Absolute unless the ruler is Ambitious or Diligent (and is neither Content or Slothful)

    [*]Crown Authority cannot be increased to High in empires unless the ruler is Ambitious or Diligent (and is neither Content or Slothful)

    [*]Taxes cannot be increased beyond the second level if the ruler is Charitable

    [*]Absolute Cognatic can be imposed by a female ruler as long as she has almost any of the positive nicknames, and isn't content

    [*]You can appoint army commanders at any crown authority level

Unrest changes:

  • Removed the provincial revolt risk for different culture or religion (in the same religious group)
  • Halved the provincial revolt risk for different religious group and heresy
  • Provinces in the same culture group as their liege, but different culture, get -2.5% tax, levies, garrisons, and levy reinforcements
  • Provinces in a different culture group than their liege, get -5% tax, levies, garrisons, and levy reinforcements
  • Provinces in the same religion gorup, but a different religion, get -5% tax, levies, garrisons, and levy reinforcements
  • Provinces in a different religion group than their liege, get -20% tax, levies, garrisons, and levy reinforcements
  • Heretic provinces get -20% tax, levies, garrisons, and levy reinforcements
  • Isolated provinces get -50% tax, levies, garrisons, and levy reinforcements

Technology changes:

  • Fixed level 5 of heavy armor being a downgrade
  • Replaced Military Fortifications (increased siege times by 10% per level) tech with Infrastructure tech (increases supply by 1 per level)
  • Starting tech is more reasonably distributed, giving appropriate tech to Ethiopia and Sicily, while fixing a few enclaves of high/low tech. To achieve this, some provinces will have the wrong culture or religion on day 1, but it should be back to normal within a few days
  • Increased the base chance of gaining tech from 1.25% (1.2% in vanilla) to 2.5%
  • Coastal provinces get +80% to tech
  • Increased neighbor spread from 15% to 130%. From 30% to 156% if in the same religion group
  • Reduced the demesne bonus from 30% to 20%
  • Reduced the focus bonus from 100% to 50%
  • Changed the ideal tech years slightly
  • Every holding in a county now gives +8% to tech, to simulate richer provinces growing faster technologically
  • Wall, garrison, town, and port buildings now give a small bonus to tech. The bonus is slightly higher for military tech in castles, and slightly higher for economy and culture in cities and temples
  • Any province with a trade center will start with a level 1 marketplace
  • Various provinces start with a trade post building, increasing tech gain by 30% per tier, as well as giving galleys and taxes. A full list available below
  • Gave the Warrior Cult building a 40% penalty to tech

Centers of Trade:

<div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsspoiler=""><div class="ipsSpoiler_header" onclick="spo_me(this);"><span class="spo_option">List</span><span class="spo_desc">Нажмите здесь!</span></div><div class=ipsSpoiler_contents> Tier 1:

  • Dublin
  • Nuremburg
  • Sjжlland
  • Trшndelag
  • Uppland
  • Utrecht
  • Novgorod
  • Esztergom
  • Krakow
  • Kermanshah
  • Adana
  • Sabzevar
  • Timbuktu
  • Dongola
  • Calais (Guines)
  • Cherson
  • Cardiff (Gwent)
  • Winchester
  • Trani (Apulia)
  • Zadar
  • Ragusa
  • Algeciras
  • Acre
  • Dyrrachion
  • Thessalonike
  • Adrianopolis
  • Methone
  • Amisos
  • Smyrna
  • Cebta
  • Tana
  • Saray
  • Itil
  • Aden
  • Derbent
  • Famagusta
  • Rhodes
  • Algiers (Al Djazair)
  • Valencia
  • Akkerman (Oleshye)
  • Reval (Kalevan)
  • Riga (Zemgale)
  • Danzig
  • Shiraz
  • Palma (Mallorca)
  • Moskva
  • Nizhnij (Chernigov)
  • Belgrade
  • Wien (Osterreich)
  • Maverannahr
  • Gurgan
  • Pest
  • Kaneia

Tier 2:

  • London
  • Edinburgh
  • Koln
  • Bordeaux
  • Santiago
  • Lisboa
  • Cordoba
  • Barcelona
  • Provence
  • Macon
  • Palermo
  • Praha
  • Athenai
  • Kiev
  • Hormuz
  • Rayy
  • Trebizond
  • Aleppo
  • Jerusalem
  • Kairwan
  • Fez
  • York
  • Salerno
  • Dax

Tier 3:

  • Brugge
  • Paris
  • Sevilla
  • Toledo
  • Lubeck
  • Firenze
  • Basra
  • Baghdad
  • Mecca
  • Damascus
  • Antioch
  • Pisa
  • Napoli

Tier 4:

  • Genoa
  • Rome
  • Venice
  • Cairo
  • Alexandria

Tier 5:

  • Constantinople

<span class="spo_close" onclick="'none';">[Cкрыть]</span></div></div>Opinion changes:

  • Upped the length of the 'granted a x' modifiers to 120, 180, 240, 360, 720 (barony, county, duchy, kingdom, empire) (all were 120)
  • Reduced the opinion penalty for feudal taxes by 5
  • Reduced the vassal opinion bonus for Feudal Elective by 10
  • Increased the dynasty opinion bonus for Seniority by 5
  • Increased the opinion bonus for same dynasty by 5
  • Reduced the opinion penalty for having a female heir by 5
  • Reduced the opinion bonus from defending against infidels to 15
  • Reduced the opinion penalty from wrong government type by 10

Character changes:

  • Made the Ambitious childhood personality event twice as common if one of the child's parents, or the child himself, is vassal to an emperor
  • Made the Content childhood personality event half as common if one of the child's parents, or the child himself, is vassal to an emperor
  • Made the guardian twice as likely to encourage the Ambitious trait if one of the child's parents, or the child himself, is vassal to an emperor
  • Made the guardian half as likely to encourage the Content trait if one of the child's parents, or the child himself, is vassal to an emperor
  • Gave the Holy Roman Emperor the Content trait
  • Reduced the Diplomacy of the Polish king by 2 so as to weaken Poland slightly
  • Removed the Sultan of Marracech's claims
  • Gave most pagan rulers their primary title 10 years earlier so as to eliminate the short reign penalty (title originally granted at campaign start)

Provincial changes:

  • Made all Vlach counties Tengri religion and Pecheneg Culture (all but one are owned by the Pecheneg)
  • Made Oleshye part of Moldau rather than Crimea; should reduce # of wars between Pechenegs and Cumans
  • Made the Kama province Komi culture and Suomenusko religion (was Tengri/Cuman, surrounded by Komi/Suomenusko and Turkish/Sunni)
  • Made the Mozhaysk province Russian culture and Orthodox religion (was Komi/Suomenusko, surrounded by Russian/Orthodox)
  • Made the Derbent province Persian culture and Sunni religion (was Armenian/Orthodox, surrounded by various other cultures and religions, with a Persian/Sunni liege)
  • Made the Kuma province Alan culture (was Turkish, primarily done to improve survival) and the Semender province Persian (the change to Kuma made it isolated from Turkish culture)
  • The Livonian rulers are now the correct culture and religion
  • The Mordevin rulers are now the correct culture and religion
  • The Komi rulers are now the correct culture
  • The Ugric-Baltic rulers are now the correct culture
  • The count of Lappland is now the correct religion
  • All of Muslim-controlled Iberia is now Muslim and Andalusian
  • Thessalia is now Greek
  • Reduced the number of holdings at game start in northern Muslim Iberia

Map changes:

  • Moved the counties of Yatvyagi and Jacwiez from Mazovia to Lithuania
  • Moved the county of Galaz from Karvuna to Moldau
  • Moved the county of Abydos from the Aegan Islands to Samos
  • Gave the county of Torki to the Pechenegs
  • Al-Andalus is formable by non-Andalusians if they hold every duchy in it
  • Removed the barony of Brzesko from Krakow to weaken Poland slightly
  • Added a city to Pohjanmaa
  • Divided the Duchy of Moldau into Moldau and Belgorod
  • Divided the Kingdom of Byzantium into four: Epirus, Thessalonika, Nikaea, and Trebizond
  • Divided the Kingdom of Rus into Novgorod and Kiev. The respective duchies are required to form/usurp them
  • Added a Crimean kingdom. Having the duchy of Crimea is required to form/usurp it
  • Made Alania a de jure kingdom
  • Moved the county of Kasogs from Abzhakia to Alania
  • Pomerania is no longer part of the HRE
  • Kingdom of Saxony created from southern Pomerania and northern Germany
  • Southern Germany given to Bavaria
  • Added the duchy of Khwarizm to the kingdom of Perisa
  • The duchy of Prussia is now part of the Kingdom of Pomerania
  • Split Savoie in two; A Burgundian and an Italian part
  • Moved the county of Grisons from Lombardy to Upper Burgundy
  • Redrew Nice and Saluzzo, making Saluzzo border Provence
  • Made the Alps look a bit better
  • Added a mountain pass between Tirol and Trent
  • Iceland is now a dejure, unformed kingdom so as to make annexation by Norway less likely
  • Changed the color of Iceland to blue
  • Added a 3rd province to Iceland; Suрisland
  • Updated the coats of arms in Iceland
  • Renamed Ostlandet to Шstlandet
  • Moved Viken from Vдstergцtland to Шstlandet
  • Added impassable mountains between Norway and Finland, between Lappland and Finland, and between Kemi and Kola
  • Valladolid is now a vassal of Castille in 1066
  • Viscaya is now a vassal of Navarre in 1066. Ceded to Castille in 1076
  • Porto is now part of Portugal rather than Galicia
  • Added the new province of Teruel to Navarra
  • Added the new province of Pontevedra to Galicia
  • Added the new province of Huesca to Aragon
  • Gave the Kingdom of Thessalonika a more historical coat of arms
  • Added a kingdom of Cilicia (dejure area: Armenia Minor) which exists from 1199
  • Improved the borders by the intersection of Tarsos, Adana, Tyana, and Lykandos; Tyana and Adana no longer border, while Tarsos and Lykandos now border
  • Amisos no longer border Koloneia
  • Redrew some of the borders in western Byzantium
  • The duchies of Athens and the Aegan Islands are now part of the Kingdom of Thessalonika
  • The duchy of Temes is now part of the kingdom of Hungary
  • The county of Belgrade is now part of Rashka to ensure proper Hungarian-Serbian borders
  • Merged the duchies of Dyrrachion and Vidin to form the duchy of Bulgaria
  • Updated the CoA of Bulgaria (duchy and kingdom)
  • Rashka is now independent from Byzantium in 1066 (conquered by Duklja and given to the ruler's son at some point during the 60s)
  • Bira is now part of the duchy of Edessa
  • Updated the duchy colors in the Balkans to be consistent with the kingdoms they belong to

Annotated image of the Project Balance de jure kingdom map available ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>. The vanilla is below for comparison.

Flavor changes:

  • Renamed Irish dukes to kings, and Irish kings to high kings
  • Norway is now red
  • Norwegians now have a chance of their children being named after their (grand)parent, the same values as Danes and Swedes have
  • Syphilis renamed to Gonhorrea as there is little evidence Syphilis was present in Europe at the time
  • Tweaked the colors of Bohemian and Polish culture to make them more distinct
  • Irish duchesses and queens are now called queens and high queens
  • Fixed some cultural titles for females not applying
  • Fixed there being no cultural consort titles
  • Most Christian titles (Prince-bishop and similar) now have female versions
  • Russian kings are now called Grand Duke/Duchess
  • Changed the colors of several German duchies to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Kingdom of Bavaria to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Kingdom of Croatia to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Duchy of Croatia to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Kingdom of Serbia to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Kingdom of Bulgaria to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Kingdom of Mesopotamia to help differentiate it from Arabia
  • Changed the color of the Duchy of Novgorod to something more historical
  • Changed the color of the Duchy of Kiev to something more historical
  • Changed the colors of the duchies within the Kingdom of Crimea to colors similar to the kingdom itself
  • Changed the color of Denmark to yellow
  • Linked various names for the purposes of regnal numbering
  • Muslims will now use their coat of arms, rather than randomly generated ones
  • Made the borders of a few provinces in Pomerania follow the rivers more closely
  • Redrew the northern border of Mainz to make the borders in the area less jagged
  • Added Slovene culture, and made Carinthia Slovene. Credit goes do duinnin
  • Ensured that Toscana is Matilda of Toscana's primary title
  • Added a small cost to hiring priests; half the cost of hiring other courtiers
  • Added decisions to hire spies, diplomats, and soldiers

Seljuk/Byzantine changes:

  • Made the Sunni Caliphate remain a vassal of the Seljuks upon starting a campaign
  • Made the Sunni Caliphate kingdom-level, and the Seljuk Sultanate empire level
  • The Seljuks start with their army raised in Hama
  • The Byzantines start with their army raised in Byzantion
  • Byzantium has a modifier until 1075 reducing their morale and morale recovery by 20%
  • Made the Seljuks a de jure empire, containing Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, and Armenia. Cannot be created
  • Byzantium is now de jure only Epirus, Thessalonika, Nikaea, and Trebizond
  • Gave the Seljuks another castle in Qazwin
  • Gave the Seljuks another castle in Rayy
  • Gave the Seljuks another castle in Mazandaran
  • Gave the Seljuks another castle in Tabaristan
  • Gave the Seljuks level 1 barracks in all cities and temples
  • Gave the Byzantine Emperor the Slothful trait
  • Gave the Byzantine Emperor the Content trait to prevent positive traits being generated
  • Changed the Byzantine emperor's Clubfooted trait to Hunchback
  • Increased the Seljuk Sultan's Diplomacy by 4
  • Azerbaijan is now a vassal of the Seljuks
  • Gave the Seljuk Sultan claims on eastern Anatolia
  • Gave the Seljuk Sultan a claim on Derbent
  • Only provinces of the Byzantine culture-group starts with walls, castle upgrades, and militia buildings within Byzantium (also applies gives walls to any Byzantine culture-group provinces outside Byzantium). Starting buildings in general are tied to the Byzantine culture-group rather than the empire
  • Removed Ambitious from the duke of Mosul
  • Reduced the size of the Varangian Guard to 3600 men
  • Made the duke of Armenia Minor Envious
  • Made the duke of Antioch Envious
  • Made the duke of Charisianon Envious
  • Made the duke of Nikaea Envious
  • Made the duke of Samos Envious
  • Made Aleppo and Edessa vassals of the Seljuks

Plot/Ambition changes:

  • Vassals are more likely to plot to lower crown authority against emperors
  • The Prestige, Wealth, and Piety ambitions are no longer repeatable
  • The Prestige, Wealth, and Piety ambitions now have three tiers, so you're more likely to be able to have the ambition available
  • The councilor ambitions now require a minimum of 10 points in the relevant skill
  • All females can now have becoming spymaster as their ambition


  • Removed Brittany from Francia
  • Removed Finland from Scandinavia
  • All empires (except the Arabian Empire and Mali Empire)) display as kingdom-level, E.G., King of Scandinavia, not Emperor of Scandinavia
  • All the empires have short names, E.G., Scandinavia rather than Kingdom of Scandinavia
  • Adquot; ded an Italian empire
  • Added an Abyssinian empire
  • Added a Mali empire
  • Bretons can form Britanny
  • To form an empire you need to hold all kingdoms it dejure contains


  • Added a decision to create random characters for your courtiers to marry, on a per courtier basis
  • Added a decision to marry your courtiers to one another where possible
  • Added a decision that toggles the two decisions above
  • Added decisions to hire soldiers, spies, and diplomats
  • The AI will now use the employment decisions if it can afford it, and does not have a skilled character either filling that position, or available for filling the position
  • Added a decision that lets you check if war upon allies is possible
  • Added a decision letting you request a dejure title from your liege (vanilla has a similar event, but it is rather rare). The AI can only make the request if it is greedy, envious, or ambitious. The decision can only be taken once per character

Fatimid balance:

  • Halved the size of the Mamluk mercenary band
  • The Mamluks are now Turkish
  • The Fatimids start with 40% decadence
  • Removed the Fatimid ruler's positive traits
  • The Fatimid ruler starts heavily in debt; he could barely afford to pay his army at the time
  • Reduced the Fatimids' diplomacy
  • Gave the Seljuks claims upon the Fatimid duchies east of Sinai

Reworked laws:

  • Split crown authority into several sets of laws, each law only affecting a single type of privilege
  • Tax and levy laws have been replaced by a tax vs. levies slider which does not affect opinion, and an increased obligations slider which reduces opinion the higher it is set
  • The AI will change the obligation laws based on what traits he has
  • Rebalanced the reduction of imperial levies: Now -10% for cities, -15% for temples, and -20% for castles


  • Reduced the prestige for having baron vassals by 25%
  • Halved the prestige for having counts, dukes, and kings as vassals
  • Reduced the prestige for holding a county, duchy, or kingdom by 25%
  • Increased the prestige cost of revoking titles by 50%
  • Newborns now get half as much prestige from their dynasty

Included 3rd-party mods:

  • ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> - Credit goes to ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>
  • ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> mod (de jure HRE changes excluded) - Credit goes to ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>
  • ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> mod (western Africa and Ethiopia) - Credit goes to ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>




(No Ahistorical Empires) Fixed the kingdom of Mьn in SWMH being a dejure part of the British empire

Set Carpathia to localize as a kingdom like most other empires

Fixed some issues with the triggers for holy wars

Lowered the warscore from battles moderately (from a multiplier of 175 to 150)

Fixed the Mongol events sometimes misfiring due to the existence of Jewish rulers


Updated to work with 1.091

Fixed the county of Senoussi having no holdings

The decisions to hold summer fairs, feasts, and hunts can now be taken at any time of the year, but the events will only trigger during the appropriate season


The patricians of Hormuz now each hold a city

The Republic of Aden no longer has dejure territory

Reduced the tax income from Centers of Trade by about 60%

Reduced the base tax income from cities from 12 to 10

Fixed Muslim patricians using Agnatic Open rather than Agnatic Seniority

Weakened the Republic of Aden; they no longer hold cities outside their counties, and the 5 counties are split between the 5 patrician families

Muslim Trade Republics now get -50% to tax income in order to slow down their growth. Do note that due to how this stacks with Stewardship, it will in practice not be a 50% decrease in income

Reduced the tax penalty for being at war to 20% from 40%

Increased the upkeep for levies and mercenaries by ~50%. Adjusted retinue caps to compensate

Removed the culture restriction from the coastal county CB; no longer needed

Retinues now cost 5% of their max maintenance even when not reinforcing

Dejure claims can no longer be used on merchant republics in the same realm

You can now imprison vassals for free if they attempt to (or succeed at) murder you, your close kin, or your spouse

The opinion penalties for murder no longer expire

The opinion penalty for executing someone's child no longer expires

Removed the Seljuks' claim on Aden (unintended consequence of name-changes in the official patches)

Fixed some CBs triggering the wrong flavor event upon the defending leader's death

Republics can no longer use crown laws (except Investiture), like in vanilla

Removed the port building; coastal cities earn a lot more than inland cities without it due to merchant republics

Marketplaces now give galleys, like ports used to

Non-pagan coastal cities start with the first level of marketplace

Coastal cities with a center of trade start with the second level of marketplace

Fixed the port of Sinai being in the Nile Delta rather than the Northern Red Sea

Implemented the Old Age mini-mod with the health penalty halved. Credit goes to cybrxkhan

Fixed various minor issues caused by the North/South German merge

The Tanistry succession law now requires, if you hold a crown law title, to have either Title Revokation or King's/Emperor's Peace


Fixed the requirements for forming e_scandinavia and k_finland; accidentally required the non-existing Germanic culture-group

Fixed a duplicate character (caused CTDs). If you started your campaign in 3.1.3 you should start a new one


Implemented the Icelandic Republic mini-mod. Credit goes to Birdboy2000

Implemented the Aden Republic mini-mod. Credit goes to jordarkelf

Implemented the Hormuz Republic mini-mod. Credit goes to cybrxkhan

Removed the North/South German split as it is no longer needed; other measures destabilize the HRE enough. Saves from earlier versions will still have the culture split

Byzantium is now called the Byzantine Empire once more

Increased the cost of building trade posts from 150 to 200

Reduced the tax income from trade posts from 6 to 5

Reduced the tax income from family palances from 10 to 8

The "become councilor" ambitions once more require at least 10 points in the relevant skill

Women can now take the "become councilor" ambitions as long as the gender laws allow it (true cognatic for chancellor, agnatic-cognatic for treasurer, any for spymaster)

Being at war gives a -40% modifier to tax income

The Seize Coastal City CB can now only be used if you own a trade-post in the same province

Declaring war now costs 50 Prestige and 25 Piety

Updated the positions of various ports to correspond to 1.09


Titles are now renamed by culture as implemented in 1.09

Added Norwegian and Danish names for Austisland

Added Scandinavian names for Sudisland

Sicilians now have the same graphical culture as Italians, rather than Normans

The Persian Empire is now formable by people of Turkish, Iranian, and Persian cultures. All kingdom-tier titles within it have to be either be held by the ruler, or have no dejure territory

Fixed some mercenary companies having no soldiers

The Byzantine Empire is now called Rhomanнa if ruled by Greeks

Fixed Patricians not getting their fancy portrait border

Fixed Patricians (except the top leaders) having the wrong succession type

Patricians are now half as likely to take on the culture of their capital


Fixed the Pisan and Genoan republics not existing


Updated to work with 1.9

Fixed the war ending inconclusively when trying to install someone else as the leader of an Elective realm

Saxon infantry now uses the Scandinavian sprites (except shields) as this is more historical. Credit goes to Sleight of Hand

Fixed one of the requirements for holy war not showing up in the Is Holy War Possible decision

Removed the alliance restrictions from pushing others' dejure claims

Changed the name of e_seljuk_turks to Persia


  • Slowed down the Sicilian melting pot events some
  • Fixed the Sicilian provinces not actually becoming Sicilian in the 1130 start
  • Fixed The Aztecs not being able to use the Tribal Invasion CB
  • Fixed the cost of the final level of the Italian culture building (was 60 rather than 600)
  • Fixed some issues with pushing other people's dejure claims
  • Fixed some issues with pushing other people's claims
  • Fixed the war ending inconclusively when trying to install yourself as the leader of an Elective realm
  • Fixed a number of straits going through the wrong sea provinces


  • Updated to work with 1.08
  • Sicily now becomes Sicilian culture in 1130. Credit goes to cybrxkhan
  • Alexios Komnenos now has a claim upon the Byzantine Empire in 1066 rather than 1072
  • Fixed the Institute Succession by Feudal Elective faction being broken (caused extra icons to show when selecting ambitions)
  • Fixed the Imperial Reconquest CB being usable against Bavaria at times when it shouldn't
  • Rulers of a religion with autocephaly can now use the dejure barony claim CB against the Pentarchy baronies


  • Reduced the chance of characters joining the Remove Protected Inheritance faction by 80%
  • Reduced the chance of Greek Orthodox characters vassalized to a Greek Orthodox Byzantine/Roman Emperor joining crown authority factions by 90%
  • Characters will no longer join crown authority or independence factions if they're in a claimant faction. They can however still join the Independence faction if they're not a dejure vassal
  • Increased the base chance of joining the Independence faction by 50% in order to compensate for the other changes
  • Characters are only a fifth as likely to join the Independence faction if they're a dejure vassal
  • Characters are ten times as likely to join the Independence faction if they consider their liege a heretic
  • Characters are ten times as likely rather than twice as likely to join the Independence faction if their liege is in a different religion group
  • Made the Independence faction wait until it is even stronger before launching its attack
  • The leader of a faction to reduce crown authority will now be imprisoned if the war is lost
  • Reduced the chance of joining the Feudal Elective faction by 50%
  • The Mamlukes no longer start as a vassal of the Fatimids
  • Characters will no longer get dejure barony claims on the Pentarchy baronies
  • Fixed the barony of Huesca not having all the buildings it should
  • Added melting pot events for Norse-Gael. Credit for the culture goes to duinnin
  • The Norwegian provinces in Scotland and Ireland are now Norse-Gael, as are all provinces in the duchy of The Isles
  • Added melting pot events for Sicilian. Credit for the cultures goes to Zaldax
  • Added a 5-year cooldown to the Coastal Republic CB
  • Fixed the "Is Imperial Conquest Possible" decision claiming you need to be a faction leader
  • Harald now properly has a weak claim on England, rather than no claim


  • Characters of North Germanic, Altaic, Arabic, and Iranian cultures now dislike people of other cultures 40% less (E.G., foreigner penalty against different culture groups is 12 instead of 20)
  • Shia Islam is now a heresy of Sunni Islam
  • The Coptic Pope now holds the Bishopric of Alexandria
  • Fixed the county of Sarqihya not being Miaphysite
  • Fixed the Jewish religion having the wrong icon
  • Made almost all of the Shia Fatimid provinces Sunni
  • Harald Hardrеde's claim on England is now weak
  • To change succession law one must have sufficient prestige. Counts need 100, dukes 250, kings 500, and emperors 1000
  • Fixed it being impossible to restore the Roman Empire
  • Fixed the county of Aprutium appearing to belong to Apulia before starting the campaign
  • The Scheme mission will now properly coerce characters to join your faction (previously it was not possible to get anyone who was in any faction to join)
  • Imperial Reconquest can now be used against Muslims
  • The Byzantine Empire can now use Imperial Reconquest again, but with strict requirements. The requirements can be seen in-game through the "Is War Possible?" decision
  • Project Balance's introduction event now triggers on day 1 rather than day 2. This also means that the religion setup is correct from day 1
  • Counts will now no longer start Independence factions unless their liege is a duke. They can still join it
  • The coastal republic CB can no longer be used against Muslims
  • Fixed a potential cause of CTDs (duplicate province history)


  • Properly fixed a potential cause of CTDs (duplicate event IDs)
  • Fixed another potential cause of CTDs (duplicate character)
  • Characters are now twice as likely to join the Independence faction if they only border members of the faction


  • Updated to work with 1.07b
  • Rebalanced the starting forces of Harald, Harold, and William in order to promote historical results
  • Reintroduced the Imperial Reconquest CB. It is now only available to the restored Roman Empire
  • Fixed the Amass Wealth ambition being repeatable
  • Removed the requirement that the target of the "Fabricate Claim" plot is Feudal
  • Fixed the localisation of King's Peace
  • Fixed a potential cause of CTDs (duplicate event IDs)


  • The war restrictions based on a party being Monophysite now base themselves on being Miaphysite instead
  • Vassals of emperors are now 50% more likely to join the Independence faction
  • Made the AI wait until it is a bit stronger before trying to declare independence. Should lead to fewer Independence revolts, but those that happen will be stronger
  • Fixed the Pentarchy not working
  • The Scheme spy mission can now be sent to anyone who has the same liege as you
  • Install Successor faction wars will no longer instantly end inconclusively
  • Rebalanced the Tribal Raid CB: The victor will now get 30 gold plus two years worth of income (was 5 years of income)
  • Fixed culture conversion via ports not working correctly
  • Provincial culture conversion now happens twice as fast if the province doesn't neighbor any provinces of the same culture
  • You can now forge claims upon islands even if they're held by someone of another religion. A province counts as an island as long as it doesn't border any land-locked provinces or any province that borders a land-locked province


  • The campaign now starts with an event introducing Project Balance
  • Fixed an issue where some people would have African provinces in the Netherlands
  • Fixed William the Conqueror being missing
  • England now starts with a more appropriate army size in 1066 (was initially far too small)
  • Removed the Imperial reconquest CB; it invariably lead to the Byzantine Empire conquering land all over the place
  • Fixed some provinces starting with too low technology
  • Fixed several blank decisions appearing
  • Fixed a localisation issue with Ethiopian duchies
  • Consolidated the paragon of virtue, exalted, and wealth ambitions down to one ambition each but with 3 levels of goals depending on the character's current standard. In practice it works the same as before
  • The event where a city vassal asks for lower taxes now works properly (previously it could fire at any time, and would have no effect upon laws)
  • PB's crown laws now use the faction mechanics rather than plots
  • Dukes and counts can now change their succession laws regardless of crown authority
  • Fixed the localisation for Medium Clergy Obligations


  • When pushing others' claims the war declaration restrictions are now upon your alliances, not the claimant's
  • The event that changes a ruler's culture and his/her children to the provincial culture will now only affect children of the ruler's dynasty
  • The events that change character culture now take on average 25% longer to happen
  • The event killing off useless courtiers will no longer kill married courtiers
  • The plots to reduce the new crown authority laws now use the icon of the vanilla plot rather than the icon for "Amass Wealth"
  • Fixed some missing localisation for the new laws introduced in 3.0
  • Added a decision letting you request a dejure title from your liege (vanilla has a similar event, but it is rather rare). The AI can only make the request if it is greedy, envious, or ambitious. The decision can only be taken once per character
  • Reduced the size of the Norwegian starting force, as it had become overly large due to the law changes in 3.0
  • Fixed the localisation for dying of gonorrhea (used to say "of syphilis")
  • Fixed the opinion bonus for clergy not being applied when enacting Free Infidel Revokation.


  • Reduced the prestige for having baron vassals by 25%
  • Halved the prestige for having counts, dukes, and kings as vassals
  • Reduced the prestige for holding a county, duchy, or kingdom by 25%
  • Increased the prestige cost of revoking titles by 50%
  • Newborns now get half as much prestige from their dynasty


Credits to Keanon for making me some CoAs; graphics from Wappenwiki

Credits to Rooster and Reignerok for their assistance in making Spain more historical

  • Added a small chance of dying upon losing a battle (5 times less common than being imprisoned)
  • Made Jamtland a republic like it was historically
  • Jihads can now only be called if an independent ruler of your religion borders the target title
  • Made an event that kills incapable courtiers and female courtiers over 40 if they have no important dynasty members to help keep courts small
  • The long reign modifier now only starts after reigning for 15 years
  • The requirement of holding each kingdom within an empire in order to create it is now waived if the kingdom does not exist dejure
  • Fixed Muslim invasions being possible against kingdoms with under 6 provinces (vanilla bug)
  • Better Looking Characters content is no longer included
  • Pagans, Zoroastrians, and Jews now convert provinces half as fast
  • Zoroastrian and Jewish provinces now convert half as fast (already applies to Pagan provinces)
  • The Muslim conversion event now fires half as fast in Pagan, Zoroastrian, and Jewish provinces
  • Crown law rank requirements now display properly (E.G., "Rank is lower than Emperor" rather than "'s rank is lower than Emperor")
  • Changed the casus belli used for the Seljuk-Byzantine war to invasion
  • The ruler culture-conversion events can now only fire if the province is of their religion (helps prevent issues such as Armenian/Greek Seljuks, and Levantine Crusaders)

Map and related changes:

  • Made the Alps look a bit better
  • Added a mountain pass between Tirol and Trent
The Nordics:
  • Iceland is now a dejure, unformed kingdom so as to make annexation by Norway less likely
  • Changed the color of Iceland to blue
  • Added a 3rd province to Iceland; Suрisland
  • Updated the coats of arms in Iceland
  • Renamed Ostlandet to Шstlandet
  • Moved Viken from Vдstergцtland to Шstlandet
  • Added impassable mountains between Norway and Finland, between Lappland and Finland, and between Kemi and Kola
  • Valladolid is now a vassal of Castille in 1066
  • Viscaya is now a vassal of Navarre in 1066. Ceded to Castille in 1076
  • Porto is now part of Portugal rather than Galicia
  • Added the new province of Teruel to Navarra
  • Added the new province of Pontevedra to Galicia
  • Added the new province of Huesca to Aragon
Balkans and Anatolia:
  • Gave the Kingdom of Thessalonika a more historical coat of arms
  • Added a kingdom of Cilicia (dejure area: Armenia Minor) which exists from 1199
  • Improved the borders by the intersection of Tarsos, Adana, Tyana, and Lykandos; Tyana and Adana no longer border, while Tarsos and Lykandos now border
  • Amisos no longer border Koloneia
  • Redrew some of the borders in western Byzantium
  • The duchies of Athens and the Aegan Islands are now part of the Kingdom of Thessalonika
  • The duchy of Temes is now part of the kingdom of Hungary
  • The county of Belgrade is now part of Rashka to ensure proper Hungarian-Serbian borders
  • Merged the duchies of Dyrrachion and Vidin to form the duchy of Bulgaria
  • Updated the CoA of Bulgaria (duchy and kingdom)
  • Rashka is now independent from Byzantium in 1066 (conquered by Duklja and given to the ruler's son at some point during the 60s)
  • Bira is now part of the duchy of Edessa
  • Updated the duchy colors in the Balkans to be consistent with the kingdoms they belong to


  • Added a decision to create random characters for your courtiers to marry, on a per courtier basis
  • Added a decision to marry your courtiers to one another where possible
  • Added a decision that toggles the two decisions above
  • Added decisions to hire soldiers, spies, and diplomats
  • The AI will now use the employment decisions if it can afford it, and does not have a skilled character either filling that position, or available for filling the position
  • Added a decision that lets you check if war upon allies is possible

Fatimid balance:

  • Halved the size of the Mamluk mercenary band
  • The Mamluks are now Turkish
  • The Fatimids start with 40% decadence
  • Removed the Fatimid ruler's positive traits
  • The Fatimid ruler starts heavily in debt; he could barely afford to pay his army at the time
  • Reduced the Fatimids' diplomacy
  • Gave the Seljuks claims upon the Fatimid duchies east of Sinai

Reworked laws:

  • Split crown authority into several sets of laws, each law only affecting a single type of privilege
  • Tax and levy laws have been replaced by a tax vs. levies slider which does not affect opinion, and an increased obligations slider which reduces opinion the higher it is set
  • The AI will change the obligation laws based on what traits he has
  • Rebalanced the reduction of imperial levies: Now -10% for cities, -15% for temples, and -20% for castles



Meneth - Project Lead

The_Chancellor for his Council Shuffling mini-mod

Darrigan for his Lotharinga and Lowlands mod

Korbah for his North African Expansion mod

Shaytana for his Better Looking Characters mod (African portraits used)

CrackdToothGrin for the Pagan holy order coat of arms and names, and for suggesting some changes to the Seljuks

Humlenerd for his help with flavor and de jure changes

Wiz for his suggestions

duinnin for his information about Slovene culture

CJL78 for his various suggestions and feedback

Keanon for making me some CoAs; graphics from Wappenwiki

Rooster for his assistance in making Spain more historical

Reignerok for his assistance in making Spain more historical

Various people for their feedback



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Updated to work with 1.9

Fixed the war ending inconclusively when trying to install someone else as the leader of an Elective realm

Saxon infantry now uses the Scandinavian sprites (except shields) as this is more historical. Credit goes to Sleight of Hand

Fixed one of the requirements for holy war not showing up in the Is Holy War Possible decision

Removed the alliance restrictions from pushing others' dejure claims

Changed the name of e_seljuk_turks to Persia


Fixed the Pisan and Genoan republics not existing

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Titles are now renamed by culture as implemented in 1.09

Added Norwegian and Danish names for Austisland

Added Scandinavian names for Sudisland

Sicilians now have the same graphical culture as Italians, rather than Normans

The Persian Empire is now formable by people of Turkish, Iranian, and Persian cultures. All kingdom-tier titles within it have to be either be held by the ruler, or have no dejure territory

Fixed some mercenary companies having no soldiers

The Byzantine Empire is now called Rhomanía if ruled by Greeks

Fixed Patricians not getting their fancy portrait border

Fixed Patricians (except the top leaders) having the wrong succession type

Patricians are now half as likely to take on the culture of their capital

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Implemented the Icelandic Republic mini-mod. Credit goes to Birdboy2000

Implemented the Aden Republic mini-mod. Credit goes to jordarkelf

Implemented the Hormuz Republic mini-mod. Credit goes to cybrxkhan

Removed the North/South German split as it is no longer needed; other measures destabilize the HRE enough. Saves from earlier versions will still have the culture split

Byzantium is now called the Byzantine Empire once more

Increased the cost of building trade posts from 150 to 200

Reduced the tax income from trade posts from 6 to 5

Reduced the tax income from family palances from 10 to 8

The "become councilor" ambitions once more require at least 10 points in the relevant skill

Women can now take the "become councilor" ambitions as long as the gender laws allow it (true cognatic for chancellor, agnatic-cognatic for treasurer, any for spymaster)

Being at war gives a -40% modifier to tax income

The Seize Coastal City CB can now only be used if you own a trade-post in the same province

Declaring war now costs 50 Prestige and 25 Piety

Updated the positions of various ports to correspond to 1.09


Fixed the requirements for forming e_scandinavia and k_finland; accidentally required the non-existing Germanic culture-group

Fixed a duplicate character (caused CTDs). If you started your campaign in 3.1.3 you should start a new one

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The patricians of Hormuz now each hold a city

The Republic of Aden no longer has dejure territory

Reduced the tax income from Centers of Trade by about 60%

Reduced the base tax income from cities from 12 to 10

Fixed Muslim patricians using Agnatic Open rather than Agnatic Seniority

Weakened the Republic of Aden; they no longer hold cities outside their counties, and the 5 counties are split between the 5 patrician families

Muslim Trade Republics now get -50% to tax income in order to slow down their growth. Do note that due to how this stacks with Stewardship, it will in practice not be a 50% decrease in income

Reduced the tax penalty for being at war to 20% from 40%

Increased the upkeep for levies and mercenaries by ~50%. Adjusted retinue caps to compensate

Removed the culture restriction from the coastal county CB; no longer needed

Retinues now cost 5% of their max maintenance even when not reinforcing

Dejure claims can no longer be used on merchant republics in the same realm

You can now imprison vassals for free if they attempt to (or succeed at) murder you, your close kin, or your spouse

The opinion penalties for murder no longer expire

The opinion penalty for executing someone's child no longer expires

Removed the Seljuks' claim on Aden (unintended consequence of name-changes in the official patches)

Fixed some CBs triggering the wrong flavor event upon the defending leader's death

Republics can no longer use crown laws (except Investiture), like in vanilla

Removed the port building; coastal cities earn a lot more than inland cities without it due to merchant republics

Marketplaces now give galleys, like ports used to

Non-pagan coastal cities start with the first level of marketplace

Coastal cities with a center of trade start with the second level of marketplace

Fixed the port of Sinai being in the Nile Delta rather than the Northern Red Sea

Implemented the Old Age mini-mod with the health penalty halved. Credit goes to cybrxkhan

Fixed various minor issues caused by the North/South German merge

The Tanistry succession law now requires, if you hold a crown law title, to have either Title Revokation or King's/Emperor's Peace


Updated to work with 1.091

Fixed the county of Senoussi having no holdings

The decisions to hold summer fairs, feasts, and hunts can now be taken at any time of the year, but the events will only trigger during the appropriate season

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Reduced the tax penalty for being at war to 20% from 40%

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Made much of Bulgaria Bogomilist after year 950, as it was historically a Bogomilist stronghold

Toned down province to province spread significantly

Increased tech gain from centers of trade

The Warrior Cult building now reduces tech point game somewhat

The Warrior Cult building is no longer available to Reformed Pagans

Stewardship no longer speeds up culture spread quite as much. Now reduces time to spread by at most 50% rather than 68%

Mongols cannot use the Tribal Invasion CB on other Mongols until year 1350

Vassals will always provide a general for their levies regardless of their opinion of their liege. This should ensure fewer leaderless battles

Made Judaism blue and Zoroastrianism red

Added Georgia, Armenia, Croatia, and Sicily to the list of kingdoms Byzantines cannot form

The schism can now also be mended by a Catholic who controls Rome if there are no Orthodox empires

Reduced the size of Robert of Apulia's army somewhat

Added a Baqt province modifier to Cairo and all of Ethiopia giving a decent tax bonus in order to simulate the Baqt

The Baqt can now be violated by either party, removing the restrictions on war between Muslims and Ethiopians, but also removing the Baqt province modifiers

Cultural buildings are now a lot more important. The amount of troops given has been doubled, but levies of all other types are slightly reduced. This will hopefully result in different cultures having noticeably different army compositions

Added a Basque culture building, giving heavy infantry

Reduced the tech requirements of the last three tiers of cultural buildings

(Experimental) Crusades can now only be called on Jerusalem and kingdoms with at least one Catholic province in them

(867 start) Improved the Creation of Hungary Event. The Russian provinces they hold now end up in the hands of Russian rulers

(867 start) The province of Torki starts as Hungarian


Fixed some potential issues with the Release/Execute All decisions

Fixed an issue that would cause Hungary to not lose its Crimean provinces when formed by a player

Fixed a number of missing centers of trade, mainly in the 867 start

The "German Realm" empire can no longer be created except by event

Eliminated an edge-case where the wrong characters would be imprisoned after a siege

Eliminated an edge-case where the wrong characters would end up dueling in battle

Fixed it being possible to exploit the prestige bonus from being assigned to a council by repeatedly resigning; the bonus checked for being fired rather than resigning

(No Ahistorical Empires) Fixed Khazaria not existing in 867, and being dejure part of Tartaria

(867 start) If the French form the HRE the narrative event will now say "French and Italian lands" rather than "German and Italian"

(PB+SWMH) Fixed the Papacy not being targetable for Imperial Reconquest if it exists dejure

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(No Ahistorical Empires) Fixed the kingdom of Mün in SWMH being a dejure part of the British empire

Set Carpathia to localize as a kingdom like most other empires

Fixed some issues with the triggers for holy wars

Lowered the warscore from battles moderately (from a multiplier of 175 to 150)

Fixed the Mongol events sometimes misfiring due to the existence of Jewish rulers

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(PB+SWMH) Updated to work with SWMH 2.85

(PB Module Pack) Ensured all modules work properly with CKII 2.0 and 2.0.1

(VIET Traits) Fixed lip-reading events happening even if the character already knows how to read lips

(VIET Traits) Updated to the latest version, adding 3 new traits (calm voice, imposing, fertile)

The formation of Rum no longer gives Rum the dejure kingdom of Nikaea with the exception of of the province of Nikaea (captured in 1075 historically)

Ensured the formation of Rum does not give them the county of Rhodos

Ensured that the formation of Rum does not leave Rum with enclaves in Persia

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(PB+SWMH) Fixed some dependency issues, potentially fixing certain CTDs

(PB+SWMH) Fixed a CTD when certain holy orders are formed

(PB+SWMH) Fixed the formation of Rum not giving Rum the duchy of Paphlagonia

(No Ahistorical Empires) Fixed some ahistorical empires still partially existing dejure in PB+SWMH

The "no tribal invasions against other Mongols before 1350" limitation now properly applies

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