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Bella Gerant Alii

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Bella Gerant Alii


Мод улучшает баланс и добавляет в оригинальную игру много нового - дополнительные заговоры, события и здания. Правда, в другом куске описания сообщается, что решения, события и заговоры только запланированы, а пока в моде есть новые здания и не более. В описании утверждается, что мод разделен на несколько компонентов: полная версия (BGA FULL), базовая (BGA CORE, основы мода, без которых не подключишь его расширения), и расширения - BGA EXT council (разрешает назначать в придворные женщин), BGA EXT laws (переработаны законы королевства и домена) и GA EXT kingdoms (новые королевства и империи). Расширения можно включать в разных сочетаниях, но я при запуске почему-то смог включить только полную версию, а другие опции просто не отразились в лаунчере.



  • Играйте за персонажей всех религий.
  • Уменьшен лимит снабжения в нейтральных и враждебных владениях. Истощение войск проявиться гораздо раньше!
  • Изменены характеристики строений и добавлено несколько новых, и даже целая линейка новых зданий.
  • Уменьшено поступление благочестия и престижа. Теперь, чтобы прославиться, надо творить великие дела!
  • Переработана система авторитета короны, законов наследования и максимальных размеров домена. Удалены эксплойты, теперь играть куда сложнее!
  • Изменены эффекты от мнений, событий и личных черт.
  • Больше наемников, в том числе и разное бандитское отребье.
  • Наемники подорожали, а мощь святых орденов ослаблена.
  • Играть против ИИ теперь сложнее.
  • Последствия отсутствия денег в казне теперь гораздо серьезнее!
  • Женщин можно назначать в советники при дворе.
  • Добавлены королевства и империи.
  • Больше заговоров и амбиций персонажей.
  • Реалистичнее стала смертность беременных женщин и детей.
  • Новые события и решения.

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 Version 2.4g:

- Fixed an issue that caused crashes from time to time.

- Reduced monthly piety bonus from "chaste" to 0.25 (down from 0.5).

Version 2.4f:

- Reduced health penalty for the_dungeon to -1 (down from -2) and reduced health penalty for the_oubliette to -2 (down from -3).

- Having less than 20 realm DIP, MAR, INT or STW may now result in negative events akin to exceeded demesne limit.

- Reworked many event trigger requirements and MTTH modifiers to increase variety of random events and event chain outcomes (remember the hedge knights?).

- Some events will no longer auto-apply traits and use a certain percentage chance instead.

- Job event MTTH is now influenced skill level up to 25 (up from 20).

- Doubled the basic MTTH for "Tech Progress Sabotaged" job event.

- Increased the prestige cost for pressing a fabricated claim a fair bit.

- Increased MTTH for conversion events by the lord bishop and made the effect of church authority more linear.

- Made some minor changes to court events.

- Changing a succession law as a king or emperor now requires at least medium CA.

- Vassals can no longer change their succession laws when their liege has high or absolute CA (plots do still work, though).

- Dwarf: Added -10 vassal_opinion, but reduced sex_appeal_opinion to -20 (down from -30).

- Fair: Reduced sex_appeal_opinion to 20 (down from 30).

- Hunchback: Increased vassal_opinion to -10 (down from -5), but reduced sex_appeal_opinion to -20 (down from -30).

Version 2.4e:

- Increased ASSASSINATION_COST_RANK_MULT to 100 (up from 50).

- Reduced SHORT_REIGN_YEARS_END to 5 (down from 6) and increased LONG_REIGN_YEARS_START to 20 (up from 15).

- Increased DOW_ON_ALLY_PRESTIGE_COST to 100 (up from 50).

- Reduced USURP_TITLE_PRESTIGE_MULT to 0.1 (down from 0.25).

- Increased ATTACKER_CALL_DECLINE_COST to 50 (up from 25).

- Increased BREAK_TRUCE_PRESTIGE_COST to 200 (up from 100).

- Increased MARRIAGE_TIER_DIFF_PRESTIGE_MULT to 25 (up from 20).

- Increased KING_AS_VASSAL_PRESTIGE to 0.2 (up from 0.15).

- Reduced RAISED_TROOPS_VASSAL_OPINION_DAYS to 60 (down from 73).

- Reduced MORALE_COLLAPSE_THRESHOLD to 0.2 (down from 0.25).

- Reduced NUMBER_OF_RETREAT_DAYS to 3 (down from 5).

- Reduced MIN_COMBAT_DAYS to 5 (down from 10).

- Increased BATTLE_PRESTIGE_MULTIPLIER to 5 (up from 1).

- Reduced BATTLE_PIETY_MULTIPLIER to 0.5 (down from 1).

- Reduced MAX_LEVY_RAISE_OPINION_THRESHOLD to 75 (up from 100).

- Reduced FRIENDLY_TERRITORY_LEVY_RETURN_PERCENT to 0.9 (down from 1.0).

- Increased HOLDING_SLOT_BUILD_COST_MOD to 0.4 (up from 0.2).

- Train Troops: Reduced levy_reinforce_rate bonus from train troops mission to 0.025 (down from 0.05).

- Reduced the amount of archers from castle milita buildings a bit, but increased the number of light infantry in return.

- Reduced the number of heavy infantry from barracks a bit, but added a small amount of light infantry in return.

- Reduced the number of light cavalry from stables, but added some more knights in return.

- Increased build time of wall quality buildings.

- Halved the fort bonus for wall buildings and removed tax bonus.

- Reduced the overall tax bonus from improvements.

- Reduced levy percentage bonus from high tier buildings a bit.

- Castle barracks now provide less pikemen.

- Removed the chance to get wounded, maimed or killed when winning a battle.

- Sow Discontent: Now has a chance to trigger an event that increases the revolt risk in target province (new).

- Study Technology: Now has a chance to trigger an event that reduces tech growth in target province (new).

- True Cognatic: Added a +10 female dynastic opinion bonus and added a -0.15 monthly_character_prestige penalty (new).

- Celibate: Reduced piety gain to 0.5 (down from 1.0).

- Excommunicated: Added -0.5 monthly prestige and piety penalty (new).

Version 2.4d:

- Reduced prestige gain from DIP score to 0.01 (down from 0.02).

- Increased ducal title creation cost to 500 (up from 250).

- Using an employment decision will cause them to disappear until the cooldown has expiered.

- Added two "emergency" decisions that allow lowering of tax and levy laws while law cooldown is still in effect.

- Encouraged by the recent success of mayors all over the kingdom, bishops and nobles will now also ask for lower church or vassal taxes from time to time.

- Gavelkind Succession: Increased eldest son opinion penalty to -30 (up from -10), but added +0.15 monthly prestige and piety (new) and increased GAVELKIND_MAX_SIZE_BONUS to 0.33 (up from 0.25).

- Agnatic Succession: Added +0.15 monthly prestige and piety bonus (new).

- Reduced monthly prestige and piety gain from traits.

- The pope now has additional expenses that will reduce his own tax income.

- Reduced dynasty prestige gain a fair bit.

- Reduced base assassination cost to 100 (down from 200).

- Increased tax bonus during peace to +25% (up from +10%).

- Reduced the bonus for town and temple smithy to +1% (down from +2%).

- Increased tech bonus from university tier II to 0.2 (up from 0.1).

- Extended the opinion effects of crown authority to temples and cities (to prevent ye old republic and prince-bishopric exploits).

- Tweaked free investure opinion bonus and made the pope RAGE even more. Want to be excommunicated? Go for it!

- Added "Balanced Investure" as a new inbetween level for investure laws: The pope will still appoint bishopric successors, however the church will try to limit his influence.

- Added "Crown Investure" that grants control over the bishops to the crown, but upsets the pope.

- Investure laws can now only be changed by one step at a time.

- Crown Investure and Free Investure now require religious flexibility tech and a certain crown authority level.

- Reworked all levy and tax laws and added a new level to both groups. All vassal tiers now have equal levy size, tax and opinion effects.

- Tax and levy laws can now only be increaed by up to two steps at a time.

- Reduced BASE_TECH_GROWTH_CHANCE to 0.01 (down from 0.012) and reduced BASE_NEIGHBOUR_SPREAD_BONUS to 0.1 (down from 0.15).

- Increased BASE_DEMESNE_SPREAD_BONUS to 0.5 (up from 0.25).

- Gave coastal provinces a 0.2 research bonus (new).

- Military fortifications: Increased fort level gain to 0.5 per level (up from 0.25).

- Noble, Popular and Religious Custom techs now provide a bonus to research for military, economic and culture techs.

- Reduced the additional stat bonus from high tier education traits to 1 (down from 2).

- Increased same_opinion effect of lifestyle traits to +30 (up from +10).

- Added a small fertility bonus to gluttonous.

- Added a small health penalty for diligent characters and added a small health bonus to slothful ones.

- Reduced DIP bonus for kind to 1 (down from 2).

- Reduced MAR bonus from wroth to 2 (down from 3).

- Proud: Added +1 INT bonus (new).

- Humble: Added +1 DIP bonus (new).

- Deceitful: Reduced INT bonus to 1 (down from 2).

- Honest: Reduced DIP bonus to 1 (down from 2).

- Zealous: Added -1 LRN penalty (new).

Version 2.3d:

- Reduced base tax of cities to 10 (down from 12).

- Added a tax penalty for dukes

- Added opinion penalties to king tier.

- Reduced opinion penalties for emperor tier a bit.

- Turned war and peace static effects into triggered modifiers (so players will actually notice them).

- Extended AI behaviour effects from traits.

- Non-muslims will now suffer greater penalties from open succession law.

- Some buildings now require higher tech levels.

- Most buildings now reduce tax income a bit.

- Reduced the fort level bonus on walls, but increased the fort level bonus for fortification quality a bit.

- Increased the cost of all tier 2 troop buildings to 200 (up from 120).

- Reduced the tech bonus of universities and church schools.

- Reduced the effect of smithy to 2% per level (down from 2.5%) and increased cost for tier II and III a bit.

Version 2.3c:

- Fixed an error with triggered modifiers.

Version 2.3b:

- Did some additional balancing to fix issues with the most recent patch.

Version 2.3:

- BGA is now compatible with patch 1.05g.

- Rebalanced some traits, effects and events.

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Pacific Coast Highway

Эх, добавили бы они в СК2Plus этот мод, по описанию выглядит классно.

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Эх, добавили бы они в СК2Plus этот мод, по описанию выглядит классно.

а он разве не входит в СК2+?

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Pacific Coast Highway

Что то из того что тут, точно есть.)

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Версия 2.5

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- Reduced supply limit from terrain by 1.

- Reduced levy_reinforce_rate penalty from regencies to -0.1 (down from -0.2).

- Increased base cost for holdings to 1000 (up from 700), but reduced HOLDING_SLOT_BUILD_COST_MOD to 0.25 (down from 0.4).

- Increased build time for holdings to 5 years (up from 2).


- Completely reworked the building system.

- Added "Siege Workshop" and "Road Network" as new buildings.


- Added some events that will make children more likely to end their childhood with stats between 3 and 7 (excluding the education trait).


- Rebalanced basic troop distribution for all holdings:

- Castles provide a balanced mix of troops and more light infantry and knights.

- Cities provide more archers and pikemen, but less heavy infantry and cavalry.

- Bishoprics provide more heavy infantry and light cavalry, but less pikemen and archers.


- Increased MTTH for sabotage technology progress.


- Reduced the benefits from tax laws to 7.5% per level (down from 10%).

- Reduced min_levy from crown authority to 5% per level (down from 10%).

- Levy laws now provide 2.5% min_levy per level (new).


- Reduced tax benefits from farming, trade practice and church taxes to 5% per level (down from 10%), but increased supply limit to 0.25 per level (up from 0.15).

- Fixed a bug that gave archers to small offensive benefits from bow tech.


- Increased maintenance cost for all units except light infantry a bit.

- Pikemen: Increased skirmish and pursuit attack to 0.5 (up from 0.2), reduced melee attack to 4 (down from 5), reduced skirmish defence to 4 (down from 5) and reduced maintenance to 5 (down from 6).

- Light Cavalry: Increased skirmish atack and melee defence to 4 (up from 3).

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Версия 2.5c.

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Вносимые изменения:


- Fixed an error with building requirements.


- Reduced attrition in land provinces to 2% (down from 2.5%) and reduced attrition in sea provinces to 2% (down from 3%) and reduced attrition from bad terrain by roughly 50%.

- Farmland does now reduce attrition by -0.005 (new).

- Dukes will now suffer opinion penalties for holding more than two ducal titles.

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Гессенский стрелок

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - версия 2.6


Now compatible with CK II 1.06b.



- Counts and dukes that are not affected by a crown law may no long select tax and levy law levels 4 and 5.

- Crown authority is now limited by succession laws:

Elective: May not enact "high" or "absolute" CA.

Open: May not enact "high" or "absolute" CA.

Gavelkind: may not enact "absolute" CA.

- Enacting a succession law that limits CA will now lower CA to allowed maximum.

- Fixed a bug that would not apply opinion penalties for increased CA when it was increased by more than one step at a time.


- Increaed MTTH for several events to prevent spamming.

Извините за большую задержку, я забыл про этот мод

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Все ссылки перетыкал, ни одна не работает

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да мод то и не работает уже

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да мод то и не работает уже

вот это печально, а может есть другие моды где женщин в совет можно было бы назначать? ))

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