Treaty of Verdun - Страница 2 - Архив - Перейти к содержимому

Treaty of Verdun

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Гессенский стрелок

Верденский договор

Версия игры: 1.07b.

Версия мода: 1.4


Мод начинается в 844 г. н.э. после заключения договора при Вердене, который разделил Европу между тремя внуками Карла Великого. . Англия в огне гражданской войны, Уэссекс борется за господство в Англии с Мерсией.Королевство Астурия изо всех сил пытается сдержать натиск исламской нации Аль-Андалус, в то время как Восточная Римская империя находится в тени восходящего халифат Аббасидов , который управляет всем Ближним Востоком .Норманны атакуют берега толпами воинов, внушая страх всей цивилизованной Европе. Во время того как европейские страны сражаются друг с другом они окружены со всех фронтов, мусульманами на юго-западе, юге и востоке. И норманнами на севере. Смогут ли короли Европы забыть обиды и выступить вместе против врагов или проиграют?

Скриншоты версии 1.2:Нажмите здесь!




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Updated many, many, many, many, many counties.....#so much research, brain hurts...

Added a few historical wifes to the karling dynasty.

Added the dynasty of Etichonids. #did all the research for this when they got added in 1.07... -_-

Added the dynasty of Nordgau. #Etichonid cadet branch.

Added the dynasty of de Bourges. #Etichonid cadet branch.

Added the dynasty of Hattonids. #partially implemented

Added the dynasty of Rorgonids.

Added the dynasty of d'Herbauges. #Rorgonids cadet branch

Added the dynasty of Bellonids.

Added the dynasty of Fernandes.

Added the dynasty of Betotes.

Added the dynasty of Peres.

Added the dynasty of Qasid.

Added the dynasty of d'Empuries. #bellonid cadet branch

Added the dynasty of Carcassonne. #bellonid cadet branch

Added the muslim dynasty of Qasid.

Added new nickname of "the Stammerer". #used for the son of Charles the Bald, Louis the Stammerer. can gain nickname if have stutter trait.

Added new nickname of "Mostelanicus". #used for Seguin II

Added new nickname of "Plantapilosa". #Latin/Occitan for Hairy Feet.

Added new nickname of "the Hairy".

Added new nickname of "Longneck". #used for Reginar I "Longneck".

Added new nickname of "the Timid". #used for Hugh the Timid. can gain nickname if have craven trait.

Added flags for every kingdom/empire that didn't have a flag. #Not all are correct ex: West Francia/Frankish Empire.

Added new feature where West Francia, East Francia, Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria king titles will be destroyed if creating certain titles. #IE: France, Germany and England.

Added barony of Attigny to Reims.

Added war of Breton Independence. #West Francia now starts with a 2 front war facing Aquitaine and Brittany.

Added new Duchy of Septimania.

Added new culture of Muladi. #iberian of mixed arab/berber

Beefed up Denmark to prevent catholic holy wars.

Beefed up Asturias/Navarra slightly.

Beefed up Brittany slightly.

Changed Norman counties culture to frankish. #Counties will turn norman in 910.1.1

Changed soria de jur duchy to Navarra to stop Asturias from having a claim.

Changed vivarais de jur duchy to Auvergne.

Changed Foix de jur duchy to Toulouse.

Changed county of Reims capitol to Attigny.

Changed county of Reims from a bishropic to a barony.

Changed capitol of West Francia to Reims.

Changed Aquitaine to Elective Succession. #Pepin the Young was elected.

Changed capital of andalusia to cordoba. #Fixed Republic of Andalusia bug.

Expanded Frisian culture.

Fixed bugs...

Fixed issue with Umayyad Sultanate being a serene republic.

Fixed issue with Frankish Empire gavelkind succession being treated like primogeniture.

Fixed issue with flags not displaying correctly.

Fixed independent realms view to properly show liege.

Further weakened Umayyad Sultanate by making some previous vassals independent.

Gave Louis the Stammerer appropriate traits.

Gave ERE emperor more land.

Gave Kingdom of Asturias the de jur of Castille, Leon and Galicia.

Gave King of Greater Moravia more counties in Bohemia.

Increased de jur Germany/decreased de jur Pomerania.

Increased holding size in Brittany counties by 1 or 2.

Nerfed muslim spain holdings to stop curb stomp of Austurias/navara.

Made Jewish religion pacifist. #Khazaria.

Made Khazaria not use dynasty names as its title.

Made Aghlabids not use dynasty names as its title.

Made Great Moravia de jur kingdom of Bohemia. Made Bohemia titular.

Made Aghlabids de jur kingdom of tunis, kabylia and alger.

Made West Francia de jur kingdom of france.

Made following titles titular: King of Castille, Galicia and Leon.

Made Khazaria de jur in duchy of Itil.

Pepin the Young now starts with his army assembled in Toulouse.

Removed duplicate Rhodri the Great.

Removed k_idrisid. #Now use k_mauretania.

Removed kingdom of navarra, replaced with kingdom of pamplona

Seguin II(count of Bordeaux and now starts supporting Charles the Bald in 844. In 845 he changes over and supports Pepin II.

Split new character file into 6 new character files. #new_catholic, new_byzantine, new_muslim, new_pagan, new_other and new_placeholder.

East Francia, Wessex, Mercia, Northumbria, Strathclyde, East Anglia and Dal Riada are no longer formable. So if the title is destroyed it cannot be created again.


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Изменено пользователем Maslov55

Закреплённые сообщения

У этого мода есть какие-нибудь преимущества перед старыми богами?


Господа, будьте более внимательными! Этот мод для версии игры 1.7, тогда еще не было "старых богов". Сейчас же 1.111 и "старые боги" есть и этот мод более не актуален воооооообще!)


Т.к. не удалось найти хотя бы одну не битую ссылку на мод, тема перенесена в "Архив".

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