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@artist8  на данный момент идёт 464-й год партии. Вылеты случаются, но редко. Ттт. В сравнении с тем, что было раньше - небо и земля.


А вот такой вопрос: владения-командования вроде Староместа, Башен Тьмы и Солнечной, владений КГ или, скажем, Рва Кейлин можно как-то создать с помощью игровой механики? Или только ручками редактировать?

15 часов назад, Конрад сказал:

А вот такой вопрос: владения-командования вроде Староместа, Башен Тьмы и Солнечной, владений КГ или, скажем, Рва Кейлин можно как-то создать с помощью игровой механики? Или только ручками редактировать?

Только ручками в файлах игры. Можно ещё передать нужную крепость (обычную) владельцу защитной крепости (командование)

Изменено пользователем fet_ted


Народ,как изменить/когда изменят провку так,что бы в том же Харренхолле была гребанная верфь для кораблей? Просто в том же Хайгардене она есть! А Божья Река от Харренхола до Королевской Гавани всяко больше чем река Мандер.


@Филипп1999  отредактировать файл карты так, чтобы Божья Река и Божье Око стали морскими провами, как это сделано с Мандером до Хайгардена, Трезубцем и Ройной :023:

В 30.06.2018 в 18:58, Конрад сказал:

@artist8  на данный момент идёт 464-й год партии. Вылеты случаются, но редко. Ттт. В сравнении с тем, что было раньше - небо и земля.


А вот такой вопрос: владения-командования вроде Староместа, Башен Тьмы и Солнечной, владений КГ или, скажем, Рва Кейлин можно как-то создать с помощью игровой механики? Или только ручками редактировать?

А таких ситуаций не было, что просто перестаёт сохраняться и при любой попытке это сделать она вылетает? Или вы резервные сохранения делаете?

2 часа назад, artist8 сказал:

А таких ситуаций не было, что просто перестаёт сохраняться и при любой попытке это сделать она вылетает? Или вы резервные сохранения делаете?

Нет, с таким в этой версии не сталкивался. Но резервные сохранения по старой памяти делаю.

В 01.07.2018 в 17:17, Конрад сказал:

@Филипп1999  отредактировать файл карты так, чтобы Божья Река и Божье Око стали морскими провами, как это сделано с Мандером до Хайгардена, Трезубцем и Ройной :023:

И как это сделать?

9 часов назад, Филипп1999 сказал:

И как это сделать?

Надругаться над папкой map в директории мода, вестимо! Как конкретно - вопрос не ко мне, но к профессиональным мододелам :023:


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Version 1.7.1
- Updated mod for

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- If all Targaryens somehow die in Robert's Rebellion the war now ends
- Euron Greyjoy Event Chain - If you play Balon Greyjoy in ACOK Scenario, you have chance that your long forgotten brother will sail back home. He may help you... or not. 

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added DNA for Red Ronnet
- Edmure is now imprisoned after Red Wedding
- Jaime is now under house arrest in ACOK until failed plot to rescue him
- Added Vylarr. Captain of Cersei's Red Cloaks
- Actually fixed Tyrion's nose
- Added Humfrey Waters, commander of Dragon's Gate during ASOIAF Timeline and commander of Gold Cloaks after Cersei imprisonment
- Houses Roote and Vance of Atranta are now fighting for Lannisters in Siege of Riverrun
- Houses Ryger, Mooton and Paege are neutral in AFFC as they surrendered to Lannisters after Red Wedding
- House Wode is now sworn to Harrenhal after Butterwells were striped of power
- Patrek Mallister is now Frey prisoner after Red Wedding
- Corrected future date of Harwood Fell's death

- Added a cooldown on white walker invasions
- Reduced tax income from winery


Graphics and portraits:

- Wineries are now possible to be built in Butterwell, Riverspring, Pentos, Andalos, Lys, Volantis, Volon Therys, Valysar, Selhorys, Myr, Qarth, Naath, Southern Yi-Ti and Tall Trees Town 
- Leng isle have now gold mines

- Winter is now affecting movement speed of your troops
- Dany can no longer try to storm Kings Landing after a Robb victory if she is in the middle of her eastern quest

Internal Scripting:

- Fixed problem with resolving a successful war for the dawn
- Fixed issue with Ice reforging, and missing description texts
- Fixed non-working moon tea
- Fixed commands to end wars to indirect vassals not working
- The children of consorts are now assigned the correct traits if the father dies before birth
- Fixed holy man hire option
- Tweaked new duel engine calculations. Very high or very low duel skills should no longer break the system.
- Fixed icons not appearing on sword quest tumbler options
- Fixed wonky game rule window

Version 1.7
- Kingdoms with low crown authority can now be shattered by Andal invasions
- Added a cooldown after defeating Andal invasion where you cant be invaded again for 10 years (unless losing heavily in a war)
- Houses Velaryon, Qoherys and Celtigar are now present in Targaryen court Pre-doom
- Added Mormonts to Pre-Doom scenarios. Also more likely to be given Bear Island via landless house refuge event.
- Swords in Valyria now all have random names
- Fixed Rhoynar Dornish invasion game over
- The Targaryens now have Blackfyre/Dark Sister pre-doom
- Added a Valyrian Architecture building for pre-doom Freehold
- Fixed newly created valyrian free cities being revassalised shortly after
- Removed valyrian quest from pre-doom scenarios
- Fixed issue with House Justman existing before it should in Andal Invasion
- Valyrian Freehold can now use the expand realm ambition
- Added a Fall of the Greyirons bookmark in Andal Invasion, with special setup event for the war
- Ironborn (that is the new culture) can no longer expel Andal settlers
- Added a 'Subdue Andals' decision, which ends the Andal invasions when certain conditions are met
- Added a decision to expand Riverun in Andal Invasion submod
- The Andals may now attack the rest of Eastern Westeros if they stall in The Vale
- Any Andal adventurer that conquers Tarth may now take on the Tarth dynasty and arms
- Expanded the Massey realm in the Andal Invasion
- Fixed Ibben base value buildings in pre-Doom bookmarks
- Removed Fall of Sarnor bookmark from Century of Blood (too many history issues)
- Tommen Lannister and his Valyria adventure are now available in the Hardhand bookmark
- Added quick trait to Qorwhyn Hardhand
- Fixed dothraki setup in Pre-Doom bookmarks
- Made Valyria capital province more powerful
- Made some fixes to Pre-Doom game selection boomarks
- Fixed missing base value buildings in Mysha Faer and Aquos Dhaen

- Revamped map of Beyond the Wall, including the addition of 6 new provinces
- Added Nightrunners and Ice River clans to Beyond the wall
- Base value buildings can now be built beyond the wall if controlled by a non-wildling or thenn
- Adapted tribal buildings for beyond the wall
- The wildling invasion Cb now subjagates wildlings of lower tier
- Any ruler can now create The Beyond the Wall title
- Wildling horde is now slightly smaller and suffers some attrition. It is now also disbanded if the king beyond the wall loses his title.
- Female wildlings may now sometimes have access to 'steal husband' decision
- Night's Watch deserter realms beyond the wall can now only be inherited by characters with the wildling trait
- Deserters beyond the wall can no longer call the world to their aid against the white walkers
- Wildling cultures now allow looting. Skagosi are now also 'seafarers'

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added a 'vanilla' option to educations costs game rule, which completely disables all mod education systems
- Most organised religions can now send children to serve at temples
- Relatives may now sometimes refuse marriages/betrothals
- Ned may now reveal R+L to J
- Removed the offer vassalisation diplomatic action. The Negotiate Annexation can now be used on non-allied de jure rulers instead.
- Added more events for dynastic feuds. Characters in feuds are now also more likely to plot against eachother.
- When a landless characters rejects a marriage, you can now either offer to change it to non-matrilineal, or sometimes force through the marriage
- Added a game rule that disables the slavery system
- Added some more variety of feast petitions
- Rulers can now declare loyalty to a particular house when siding with them in a mega war. Added historical dynasty loyalties, including Blackfyre-targ loyalists. Loyalists are more likely to be in supportive factions and join sides in a mega war.
- Scholars and dragon riders with eggs can now obtain dragon intel
- Falconer and poet traits can now appear for Way of Life users
- Council appointments can no longer be voted on by the council (caused issues with unforeseen tyranny)
- If the council has the power to vote on title grants, they can now call a vote of no confidence on fellow councillors
- Creating a new kingdom in shattered realms now establishes a new dejure kingdom
- Female rulers can now appoint handmaidens
- Prisoners may now offer to Take the Black to escape prison
- Aerys can now burn them all
- When using moon tea the pregnancy is now immediately terminated, instead of going to a stillbirth when born
- Integrated spy focus bastard reveal into mod plot events
- Changed the way Ice is destroyed/reforged
- Lords known to take their side after Renly's death can now also decide to stay neutral and lord Lorent Caswell AI is encouraged to do so

- Artifacts no longer disappear randomly on death. Instead added events where they can be stolen or lost in a siege, with a chance of recovering them
- Added various dragonbone artifacts
- Added a dragon skull artifact
- Added valyrian steel daggers and arakhs
- Flayed skins can now be kept as artifacts
- Added a shade of the evening artifact which can turn your lips blue. Added it to Euron
- Rulers who abdicate now also pass on artifacts
- Expanded the dynamics sword name system (now over 25000 possible names). Player can now get these names via the manage artifact menu
- The Dawn artifact is now always present, but only the sword of the morning can use it. It can now also be stolen.
- Iron Throne crown forging event can now also trigger for Emperors of New Valyria

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
Sons of the Dragon updates by Paxter Redwyne:
-Aethon Velaryon name corrected to Aethan
-Gallen Corbray name corrected to Gawen
-High Septon(Aenys I) is changed to maternal uncle of Ceryse Hightower. His birth and death date is also corrected
-Added some historical High Septons
-Rhalla Targaryen name corrected to Rhaella, also she now becomes septa later in life
-Robar Baratheon marriage date corrected
-Made Maegor reign 6 years and 66 days
-Added Owen Bush, Davos Darklyn and Maladon Moore as new members of kingsguard during Maegor reign
-Removed one member of kingsguard from house Darklyn in later date so their number remains the same
-Added knights who participated in Maegor's trial of seven
-Corrected Osmund Strong date of death
-Second Faith Militant uprising war removed - after death of first High Septon, next did not opposed Maegor
-Added family of Alys Harroway
-Joffrey Dogget is now new captain of Warrior's Sons after death of Damon the Devout
-Added Poxy Jeyne Poore, Septon Moon, Ragged Silas and Dennis the Lame to the game
-Horys Hill is now leader of Poor Fellows in 8043, Wat the Hewer was defeated earlier by Maegor
-Now Prince Aegon of Dragonstone starts with some historical lords supporting him against Maegor
-King Maegor is now supported by some historical lords in 8043
-Added Androw Farman, second son of Lord Farman and lover of princess Rhaena
-Updated information about House Qoherys
-Added Ellyn Caron, lady of Nightsong
-Added trusting and kind traits to Aenys
-Added Alton Butterwell and his widowed sister with seven children
-Lord Harroway's Town is now in possession of Butterwells after extermnation of Harroways
-Rootes now obtain Lord Harroway's Town after Second Blackfyre Rebellion
-Added Dormand Darry
-Updated maesters during Maegor reign
-Added Lady Clarisse Dayne of Starfall
-Rhaena Targaryen is now dragon rider since 8035
-Made son of Jeyne Westerling and sons of Elinor Costayne wards in Casterly Rock, Eyrie and Highgarden respectively
-Changed Tyanna of Pentos traits and family a bit
-Maegor now is in possesion of Blackfyre since 8037.9.9 ( His brother gave him Blackfyre )
-Quicksilver is now female
-Padriac Baratheon name is corrected to Padraic
-Corrected birth dates of Aenys children
-Made Aerea Maegor's heir in 8047
-Made Jeyne Westrling a bit younger
-Added Tytos Lannister, younger son of Lyman Lannister who courted Jeyne Westerling
-Made son of Walton Towers older as he was present during Maegor's last council
-Made Angron and Durran kings of Stormlands ( They were incorrectly listed as only kings of Riverlands )
-Added Brandon the Breaker
-Added two more kings of the stormlands with the name Durran to ensure Durran Half-Blood gets correct number(XXIV instead XXII)
-Used hard space as Grey King's name to repair bug with numeration of Iron Kings
-Gave Loren the Last green eyes
-Fixed error where Lambert Broom were father of his younger siblings Benedict, Borell, Brienne and Bryce
-Gave Bloodraven eyepatch
-Corrected Lord Ilyn Payne death to 7998.6.6

- Added an alliance between the Reach and the Rock in the conquest scenario
- Updated traits/stats/history of Viserys II, Daenora, Duram Bar Emmon, Ardrian Celtigar, various Black Brothers, some Rainbowguards, Robin Ryger, Hoster Tully, the Blackfish, Jason Mallister, Patrek Mallister, Desmond Grell, Karyl Vance, some Freys, Genna Lannister
- Added Harrold & Terrence Celtigar, Kennoth Bracken, Dermot of the Rainwood, Yolanda Royce
- Added some bastards to Euron
- The Northern lords are now angry at Joffrey for executing Ned
- Added Favored by R'hllor trait to Mors Westford and Alester Sarwyck
- Added Lann the Clever as a historical King of the Rock
- Fixed Flint/Hightower family tree
- Added ruthless trait to Jaime
- Hoares are now located on Great Wyk before they move to The Riverlands
- Reinstated Tyrion's mangled nose
- Made many canon characters immune to pruning
- Fixed Tyrosh/Lys dragonlords not having a death date in CoB
- Fixed Tommen Lannister era screen problem in CoB
- Fixed Astapor not existing in Valyrian Freehold sunmod
- Trants are now sworn to Parchments in timeline after Blackwater Battle
- Whiteheads are now sworn to Estermonts in timeline after Blackwater Battle
- Other misc character updates/fixes

- Revised Ironborn Invasion CB, it now only targets coastal duchies. Ironborn now have access to the expand realm ambition to compensate
- Made Khal of Khals decision more difficult to use
- Fixed slaves being mad at their owner for enslaving their bred offspring
- There are now at most 5 attempts on selling a slave before a cooldown comes in
- If an AI, Thenn troops in AFFC are now given to their liege
- Declarations of war now cancel non-aggression pacts and alliances
- Reworked religious revolts so they aren't pitiful most of the time. Strength is now calulcated on the power of all rebellious provinces of that religion. Now also triggers the mega war system in empires.
- Only epidemic diseases now prevent dragon taming, rather than any illness
- Loyal vassals now get upset if you execute/murder their liege
- Swords of the Morning who somehow change dynasty now return Dawn to House Dayne upon their death
- Prosperity Reapers province upgrades now only last 30 years rather than forever
- Incumbent Triarchs will now always make final round of candidates if they fulfill certain criteria
- Vassals split via mega war can now only continue external wars of conquest against higher rank titles whilst the mega war is ongoing
- Befriend liege ambition now succeeds if opinion is 60+
- Most instances of scaled wealth effects now have a minimum and maximum effect
- Can no longer take hostile actions against a prisoner during their trial
- Independent counts can no longer be targetted by claimant adventurers
- Coalition event can no longer call in allies of the aggressor
- Can no longer appoint Kingsguard if Kingsguard is at war with the throne
- Family will no longer ask for spare counties from count tier rulers
- Sacrifice piety gain now scales with the rank of the target

- Congenital infertility is now applied on marriage instead of birth, to stop the AI having magical powers to sense infertility
- Added Ai marriage maintenance to prevent marriages to people who cannot outbreed
- Updated AI Spy On decision logic
- AI is now very unlikely to pay more for a slave than what was recently paid for them
- AI marriage maintenance now also happens on betrothal

Graphics and portraits:
- Special crown artifacts now persist on the portraits of dead characters
- Added Redfort, Coldwater, Penrose, Blanetree, Ryger and Mooton to dynamic CoA system
- Added flags for remaining dothraki provinces (by Beast)

- Swapped Woodmere and Wendwater
- Added a High Lordship for Redfort in the Vale
- Added a high lordship for House Butterwell
- Added a high lordship for House Penrose
- Tarth can now have 7 holdings
- Swapped Willow Wood and Lolliston, also made Willow Wood more powerful
- Added House Lipps as rulers in Crow's Barren
- Added house Shells to a barony in Plankytown
- The south-west Westerlands is now forest terrain
- Increased size of town in Vaith
- Riverspring is now more prosperous in later bookmarks
- Added a special building for Nefer
- Crackclaw Point now has marsh terrain
- Moved the Great Sand Road to dejure Samyriana
- Sar Mell and Sarhoy ruins are now Rhoynar
- The Three Daughters is no longer a dejure realm
- Hollard Hall province is now named Crown Keep after its destruction
- Changed name_tier of Farring Cross to baron, so Gilbert Farring is "Ser" instead of "Lord"
- Changed name_tier of Brindlewood to baron, so Elwood Harte is "Ser" instead of "Lord"

- Added some spanish translations by zaxonemesis
- Revised combat rating scores. The score is now directly used in the duel engine.
- Added a few bookmarks from the More Bookmarks submod (including Blackfyre Rebellions)
- Added the Lost Legion merc company
- Have 5 children ambition now only counts living children
- Tweaked liege decides inheritance event. Dynastic stability is now checked, widows with no heirs have the title under appointment succession.
- In shattered counties mode newly created high lordships may now be renamed after the creator
- Added tooltip prohibiting heritage child focus if a valyrian culture prevents it
- Dothraki khalasars are now dynamically renamed after their owner
- Added maintenance for sub-barony ruins
- Small shipyards can now be built in level 4 or above holdings
- Naathi religion now decreases revolt risk and has opinion boost with other religions
- Naathi can now use true cognatic succession
- Naathi now lose piety for executing people
- Ibbenese now have an increased chance of ugly/dwarf/strong
- Blackfyres will now never switch to Targaryen via dynastic stability, and vice versa. AI will also not switch if in a blood feud with target house
- Randomly generated pirate can no longer be cultures which are not seafarers (e.g. dothraki)
- Tweaked event where Triarch invest in the city
- Added dynamic names for many buildings
- Young Griff and Blackfyre invasions now use landless king tier titles
- Hill clansmen lords no longer have 'The' as their title. Instead they can now obtain special nicknames
- Harpy, Great Shepherd, Dothraki and Jogos Nhai can no longer have male priests
- The Aztec Empire is now known as 'The Sunset Empire'
- If Aegon chooses to conquer New Valyria, he now ahs primogeniture succession

Internal Scripting:
- Added a cultural_congenital_trait_chance_effect scripted effect
- Seperated from vanilla files the mod's .gfx files for decision icons, trait icons and event pictures 
- Added a female_get_masculine_event_trigger scripted trigger
- Added a is_unorganised_religion_trigger scripted trigger

- Fixed problem where sometimes rulers would be forced to abidicate when siring a secret bastard which is obviously not theirs
- Fixed thralldom not being able to enslave PoWs
- Fixed CTD caused by wierd dothraki merchant republics
- Fixed royal privilege events triggering for alliance and monastic feudal governments
- Black Brothers can no longer be trial champions for non-black brothers
- Unlanded rulers can no longer be called to arms against the white walkers
- Fixed nomad titles being destroyed by titular title maintenance event
- Men without the proper equipment now usually understand why they have no children yet
- Fixed Great Sand Sea before the Doom
- Fixed not actually getting the enemies sword when defeating them in a duel after looting their location
- Can no longer complain to liege about small children blackmailing you
- Inaccessible kingsguard can no longer get drama event
- Fixed some issues with random generation of children and siblings at game start
- Fixed case of looping warden events
- Ruins can no longer build tradeposts
- Fixed exploit where Triarchs could appoint more than one extra Triarch for Life
- Can no longer visit the chamber of a giant
- Fixed problem with Yi Ti commander adventurers alway targetting the Emperor
- Fixed a CTD caused by nomad event
- Fixed rare repeating grandmaster event bug
- Fixed mega war bug where vassals of foreign empires could be vassalsied when another empire was conquered
- Fixed bug where Young griff would be generated a random wife when controlled by the player
- Fixed selling of slave from camp exploit
- Fixed Sumbyar ruin
- Made some interface file fixes
- Fixed 'The Dorne' problem
- Made some large character/dynasty ID event fixes (thanks to the mystery guest)
- Indepedence wars are now properly resolved if invalidated
- Fixed alchemist healing event
- Fixed issue with "Scarlet Emperor" special title
- Fixed typos in some names for Crannogmen and Ghiscari cultures
- Fixed Jaime's gold hand artifact
- Made some small fixes to funeral events
- Temporarily removed cold winds events with missing event text
- White walkers no longer have dynasty names
- Black brothers, kingsguard and other similar characters no longer get event to help friends at war


Изменено пользователем GeorgGoldPeace

Деймон Блэкфайр
22 минуты назад, GeorgGoldPeace сказал:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. CHANGELOG (.)

Version 1.7.1
- Updated mod for

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- If all Targaryens somehow die in Robert's Rebellion the war now ends
- Euron Greyjoy Event Chain - If you play Balon Greyjoy in ACOK Scenario, you have chance that your long forgotten brother will sail back home. He may help you... or not. 

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added DNA for Red Ronnet
- Edmure is now imprisoned after Red Wedding
- Jaime is now under house arrest in ACOK until failed plot to rescue him
- Added Vylarr. Captain of Cersei's Red Cloaks
- Actually fixed Tyrion's nose
- Added Humfrey Waters, commander of Dragon's Gate during ASOIAF Timeline and commander of Gold Cloaks after Cersei imprisonment
- Houses Roote and Vance of Atranta are now fighting for Lannisters in Siege of Riverrun
- Houses Ryger, Mooton and Paege are neutral in AFFC as they surrendered to Lannisters after Red Wedding
- House Wode is now sworn to Harrenhal after Butterwells were striped of power
- Patrek Mallister is now Frey prisoner after Red Wedding
- Corrected future date of Harwood Fell's death

- Added a cooldown on white walker invasions
- Reduced tax income from winery


Graphics and portraits:

- Wineries are now possible to be built in Butterwell, Riverspring, Pentos, Andalos, Lys, Volantis, Volon Therys, Valysar, Selhorys, Myr, Qarth, Naath, Southern Yi-Ti and Tall Trees Town 
- Leng isle have now gold mines

- Winter is now affecting movement speed of your troops
- Dany can no longer try to storm Kings Landing after a Robb victory if she is in the middle of her eastern quest

Internal Scripting:

- Fixed problem with resolving a successful war for the dawn
- Fixed issue with Ice reforging, and missing description texts
- Fixed non-working moon tea
- Fixed commands to end wars to indirect vassals not working
- The children of consorts are now assigned the correct traits if the father dies before birth
- Fixed holy man hire option
- Tweaked new duel engine calculations. Very high or very low duel skills should no longer break the system.
- Fixed icons not appearing on sword quest tumbler options
- Fixed wonky game rule window

Version 1.7
- Kingdoms with low crown authority can now be shattered by Andal invasions
- Added a cooldown after defeating Andal invasion where you cant be invaded again for 10 years (unless losing heavily in a war)
- Houses Velaryon, Qoherys and Celtigar are now present in Targaryen court Pre-doom
- Added Mormonts to Pre-Doom scenarios. Also more likely to be given Bear Island via landless house refuge event.
- Swords in Valyria now all have random names
- Fixed Rhoynar Dornish invasion game over
- The Targaryens now have Blackfyre/Dark Sister pre-doom
- Added a Valyrian Architecture building for pre-doom Freehold
- Fixed newly created valyrian free cities being revassalised shortly after
- Removed valyrian quest from pre-doom scenarios
- Fixed issue with House Justman existing before it should in Andal Invasion
- Valyrian Freehold can now use the expand realm ambition
- Added a Fall of the Greyirons bookmark in Andal Invasion, with special setup event for the war
- Ironborn (that is the new culture) can no longer expel Andal settlers
- Added a 'Subdue Andals' decision, which ends the Andal invasions when certain conditions are met
- Added a decision to expand Riverun in Andal Invasion submod
- The Andals may now attack the rest of Eastern Westeros if they stall in The Vale
- Any Andal adventurer that conquers Tarth may now take on the Tarth dynasty and arms
- Expanded the Massey realm in the Andal Invasion
- Fixed Ibben base value buildings in pre-Doom bookmarks
- Removed Fall of Sarnor bookmark from Century of Blood (too many history issues)
- Tommen Lannister and his Valyria adventure are now available in the Hardhand bookmark
- Added quick trait to Qorwhyn Hardhand
- Fixed dothraki setup in Pre-Doom bookmarks
- Made Valyria capital province more powerful
- Made some fixes to Pre-Doom game selection boomarks
- Fixed missing base value buildings in Mysha Faer and Aquos Dhaen

- Revamped map of Beyond the Wall, including the addition of 6 new provinces
- Added Nightrunners and Ice River clans to Beyond the wall
- Base value buildings can now be built beyond the wall if controlled by a non-wildling or thenn
- Adapted tribal buildings for beyond the wall
- The wildling invasion Cb now subjagates wildlings of lower tier
- Any ruler can now create The Beyond the Wall title
- Wildling horde is now slightly smaller and suffers some attrition. It is now also disbanded if the king beyond the wall loses his title.
- Female wildlings may now sometimes have access to 'steal husband' decision
- Night's Watch deserter realms beyond the wall can now only be inherited by characters with the wildling trait
- Deserters beyond the wall can no longer call the world to their aid against the white walkers
- Wildling cultures now allow looting. Skagosi are now also 'seafarers'

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added a 'vanilla' option to educations costs game rule, which completely disables all mod education systems
- Most organised religions can now send children to serve at temples
- Relatives may now sometimes refuse marriages/betrothals
- Ned may now reveal R+L to J
- Removed the offer vassalisation diplomatic action. The Negotiate Annexation can now be used on non-allied de jure rulers instead.
- Added more events for dynastic feuds. Characters in feuds are now also more likely to plot against eachother.
- When a landless characters rejects a marriage, you can now either offer to change it to non-matrilineal, or sometimes force through the marriage
- Added a game rule that disables the slavery system
- Added some more variety of feast petitions
- Rulers can now declare loyalty to a particular house when siding with them in a mega war. Added historical dynasty loyalties, including Blackfyre-targ loyalists. Loyalists are more likely to be in supportive factions and join sides in a mega war.
- Scholars and dragon riders with eggs can now obtain dragon intel
- Falconer and poet traits can now appear for Way of Life users
- Council appointments can no longer be voted on by the council (caused issues with unforeseen tyranny)
- If the council has the power to vote on title grants, they can now call a vote of no confidence on fellow councillors
- Creating a new kingdom in shattered realms now establishes a new dejure kingdom
- Female rulers can now appoint handmaidens
- Prisoners may now offer to Take the Black to escape prison
- Aerys can now burn them all
- When using moon tea the pregnancy is now immediately terminated, instead of going to a stillbirth when born
- Integrated spy focus bastard reveal into mod plot events
- Changed the way Ice is destroyed/reforged
- Lords known to take their side after Renly's death can now also decide to stay neutral and lord Lorent Caswell AI is encouraged to do so

- Artifacts no longer disappear randomly on death. Instead added events where they can be stolen or lost in a siege, with a chance of recovering them
- Added various dragonbone artifacts
- Added a dragon skull artifact
- Added valyrian steel daggers and arakhs
- Flayed skins can now be kept as artifacts
- Added a shade of the evening artifact which can turn your lips blue. Added it to Euron
- Rulers who abdicate now also pass on artifacts
- Expanded the dynamics sword name system (now over 25000 possible names). Player can now get these names via the manage artifact menu
- The Dawn artifact is now always present, but only the sword of the morning can use it. It can now also be stolen.
- Iron Throne crown forging event can now also trigger for Emperors of New Valyria

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
Sons of the Dragon updates by Paxter Redwyne:
-Aethon Velaryon name corrected to Aethan
-Gallen Corbray name corrected to Gawen
-High Septon(Aenys I) is changed to maternal uncle of Ceryse Hightower. His birth and death date is also corrected
-Added some historical High Septons
-Rhalla Targaryen name corrected to Rhaella, also she now becomes septa later in life
-Robar Baratheon marriage date corrected
-Made Maegor reign 6 years and 66 days
-Added Owen Bush, Davos Darklyn and Maladon Moore as new members of kingsguard during Maegor reign
-Removed one member of kingsguard from house Darklyn in later date so their number remains the same
-Added knights who participated in Maegor's trial of seven
-Corrected Osmund Strong date of death
-Second Faith Militant uprising war removed - after death of first High Septon, next did not opposed Maegor
-Added family of Alys Harroway
-Joffrey Dogget is now new captain of Warrior's Sons after death of Damon the Devout
-Added Poxy Jeyne Poore, Septon Moon, Ragged Silas and Dennis the Lame to the game
-Horys Hill is now leader of Poor Fellows in 8043, Wat the Hewer was defeated earlier by Maegor
-Now Prince Aegon of Dragonstone starts with some historical lords supporting him against Maegor
-King Maegor is now supported by some historical lords in 8043
-Added Androw Farman, second son of Lord Farman and lover of princess Rhaena
-Updated information about House Qoherys
-Added Ellyn Caron, lady of Nightsong
-Added trusting and kind traits to Aenys
-Added Alton Butterwell and his widowed sister with seven children
-Lord Harroway's Town is now in possession of Butterwells after extermnation of Harroways
-Rootes now obtain Lord Harroway's Town after Second Blackfyre Rebellion
-Added Dormand Darry
-Updated maesters during Maegor reign
-Added Lady Clarisse Dayne of Starfall
-Rhaena Targaryen is now dragon rider since 8035
-Made son of Jeyne Westerling and sons of Elinor Costayne wards in Casterly Rock, Eyrie and Highgarden respectively
-Changed Tyanna of Pentos traits and family a bit
-Maegor now is in possesion of Blackfyre since 8037.9.9 ( His brother gave him Blackfyre )
-Quicksilver is now female
-Padriac Baratheon name is corrected to Padraic
-Corrected birth dates of Aenys children
-Made Aerea Maegor's heir in 8047
-Made Jeyne Westrling a bit younger
-Added Tytos Lannister, younger son of Lyman Lannister who courted Jeyne Westerling
-Made son of Walton Towers older as he was present during Maegor's last council
-Made Angron and Durran kings of Stormlands ( They were incorrectly listed as only kings of Riverlands )
-Added Brandon the Breaker
-Added two more kings of the stormlands with the name Durran to ensure Durran Half-Blood gets correct number(XXIV instead XXII)
-Used hard space as Grey King's name to repair bug with numeration of Iron Kings
-Gave Loren the Last green eyes
-Fixed error where Lambert Broom were father of his younger siblings Benedict, Borell, Brienne and Bryce
-Gave Bloodraven eyepatch
-Corrected Lord Ilyn Payne death to 7998.6.6

- Added an alliance between the Reach and the Rock in the conquest scenario
- Updated traits/stats/history of Viserys II, Daenora, Duram Bar Emmon, Ardrian Celtigar, various Black Brothers, some Rainbowguards, Robin Ryger, Hoster Tully, the Blackfish, Jason Mallister, Patrek Mallister, Desmond Grell, Karyl Vance, some Freys, Genna Lannister
- Added Harrold & Terrence Celtigar, Kennoth Bracken, Dermot of the Rainwood, Yolanda Royce
- Added some bastards to Euron
- The Northern lords are now angry at Joffrey for executing Ned
- Added Favored by R'hllor trait to Mors Westford and Alester Sarwyck
- Added Lann the Clever as a historical King of the Rock
- Fixed Flint/Hightower family tree
- Added ruthless trait to Jaime
- Hoares are now located on Great Wyk before they move to The Riverlands
- Reinstated Tyrion's mangled nose
- Made many canon characters immune to pruning
- Fixed Tyrosh/Lys dragonlords not having a death date in CoB
- Fixed Tommen Lannister era screen problem in CoB
- Fixed Astapor not existing in Valyrian Freehold sunmod
- Trants are now sworn to Parchments in timeline after Blackwater Battle
- Whiteheads are now sworn to Estermonts in timeline after Blackwater Battle
- Other misc character updates/fixes

- Revised Ironborn Invasion CB, it now only targets coastal duchies. Ironborn now have access to the expand realm ambition to compensate
- Made Khal of Khals decision more difficult to use
- Fixed slaves being mad at their owner for enslaving their bred offspring
- There are now at most 5 attempts on selling a slave before a cooldown comes in
- If an AI, Thenn troops in AFFC are now given to their liege
- Declarations of war now cancel non-aggression pacts and alliances
- Reworked religious revolts so they aren't pitiful most of the time. Strength is now calulcated on the power of all rebellious provinces of that religion. Now also triggers the mega war system in empires.
- Only epidemic diseases now prevent dragon taming, rather than any illness
- Loyal vassals now get upset if you execute/murder their liege
- Swords of the Morning who somehow change dynasty now return Dawn to House Dayne upon their death
- Prosperity Reapers province upgrades now only last 30 years rather than forever
- Incumbent Triarchs will now always make final round of candidates if they fulfill certain criteria
- Vassals split via mega war can now only continue external wars of conquest against higher rank titles whilst the mega war is ongoing
- Befriend liege ambition now succeeds if opinion is 60+
- Most instances of scaled wealth effects now have a minimum and maximum effect
- Can no longer take hostile actions against a prisoner during their trial
- Independent counts can no longer be targetted by claimant adventurers
- Coalition event can no longer call in allies of the aggressor
- Can no longer appoint Kingsguard if Kingsguard is at war with the throne
- Family will no longer ask for spare counties from count tier rulers
- Sacrifice piety gain now scales with the rank of the target

- Congenital infertility is now applied on marriage instead of birth, to stop the AI having magical powers to sense infertility
- Added Ai marriage maintenance to prevent marriages to people who cannot outbreed
- Updated AI Spy On decision logic
- AI is now very unlikely to pay more for a slave than what was recently paid for them
- AI marriage maintenance now also happens on betrothal

Graphics and portraits:
- Special crown artifacts now persist on the portraits of dead characters
- Added Redfort, Coldwater, Penrose, Blanetree, Ryger and Mooton to dynamic CoA system
- Added flags for remaining dothraki provinces (by Beast)

- Swapped Woodmere and Wendwater
- Added a High Lordship for Redfort in the Vale
- Added a high lordship for House Butterwell
- Added a high lordship for House Penrose
- Tarth can now have 7 holdings
- Swapped Willow Wood and Lolliston, also made Willow Wood more powerful
- Added House Lipps as rulers in Crow's Barren
- Added house Shells to a barony in Plankytown
- The south-west Westerlands is now forest terrain
- Increased size of town in Vaith
- Riverspring is now more prosperous in later bookmarks
- Added a special building for Nefer
- Crackclaw Point now has marsh terrain
- Moved the Great Sand Road to dejure Samyriana
- Sar Mell and Sarhoy ruins are now Rhoynar
- The Three Daughters is no longer a dejure realm
- Hollard Hall province is now named Crown Keep after its destruction
- Changed name_tier of Farring Cross to baron, so Gilbert Farring is "Ser" instead of "Lord"
- Changed name_tier of Brindlewood to baron, so Elwood Harte is "Ser" instead of "Lord"

- Added some spanish translations by zaxonemesis
- Revised combat rating scores. The score is now directly used in the duel engine.
- Added a few bookmarks from the More Bookmarks submod (including Blackfyre Rebellions)
- Added the Lost Legion merc company
- Have 5 children ambition now only counts living children
- Tweaked liege decides inheritance event. Dynastic stability is now checked, widows with no heirs have the title under appointment succession.
- In shattered counties mode newly created high lordships may now be renamed after the creator
- Added tooltip prohibiting heritage child focus if a valyrian culture prevents it
- Dothraki khalasars are now dynamically renamed after their owner
- Added maintenance for sub-barony ruins
- Small shipyards can now be built in level 4 or above holdings
- Naathi religion now decreases revolt risk and has opinion boost with other religions
- Naathi can now use true cognatic succession
- Naathi now lose piety for executing people
- Ibbenese now have an increased chance of ugly/dwarf/strong
- Blackfyres will now never switch to Targaryen via dynastic stability, and vice versa. AI will also not switch if in a blood feud with target house
- Randomly generated pirate can no longer be cultures which are not seafarers (e.g. dothraki)
- Tweaked event where Triarch invest in the city
- Added dynamic names for many buildings
- Young Griff and Blackfyre invasions now use landless king tier titles
- Hill clansmen lords no longer have 'The' as their title. Instead they can now obtain special nicknames
- Harpy, Great Shepherd, Dothraki and Jogos Nhai can no longer have male priests
- The Aztec Empire is now known as 'The Sunset Empire'
- If Aegon chooses to conquer New Valyria, he now ahs primogeniture succession

Internal Scripting:
- Added a cultural_congenital_trait_chance_effect scripted effect
- Seperated from vanilla files the mod's .gfx files for decision icons, trait icons and event pictures 
- Added a female_get_masculine_event_trigger scripted trigger
- Added a is_unorganised_religion_trigger scripted trigger

- Fixed problem where sometimes rulers would be forced to abidicate when siring a secret bastard which is obviously not theirs
- Fixed thralldom not being able to enslave PoWs
- Fixed CTD caused by wierd dothraki merchant republics
- Fixed royal privilege events triggering for alliance and monastic feudal governments
- Black Brothers can no longer be trial champions for non-black brothers
- Unlanded rulers can no longer be called to arms against the white walkers
- Fixed nomad titles being destroyed by titular title maintenance event
- Men without the proper equipment now usually understand why they have no children yet
- Fixed Great Sand Sea before the Doom
- Fixed not actually getting the enemies sword when defeating them in a duel after looting their location
- Can no longer complain to liege about small children blackmailing you
- Inaccessible kingsguard can no longer get drama event
- Fixed some issues with random generation of children and siblings at game start
- Fixed case of looping warden events
- Ruins can no longer build tradeposts
- Fixed exploit where Triarchs could appoint more than one extra Triarch for Life
- Can no longer visit the chamber of a giant
- Fixed problem with Yi Ti commander adventurers alway targetting the Emperor
- Fixed a CTD caused by nomad event
- Fixed rare repeating grandmaster event bug
- Fixed mega war bug where vassals of foreign empires could be vassalsied when another empire was conquered
- Fixed bug where Young griff would be generated a random wife when controlled by the player
- Fixed selling of slave from camp exploit
- Fixed Sumbyar ruin
- Made some interface file fixes
- Fixed 'The Dorne' problem
- Made some large character/dynasty ID event fixes (thanks to the mystery guest)
- Indepedence wars are now properly resolved if invalidated
- Fixed alchemist healing event
- Fixed issue with "Scarlet Emperor" special title
- Fixed typos in some names for Crannogmen and Ghiscari cultures
- Fixed Jaime's gold hand artifact
- Made some small fixes to funeral events
- Temporarily removed cold winds events with missing event text
- White walkers no longer have dynasty names
- Black brothers, kingsguard and other similar characters no longer get event to help friends at war


В ближайшее время займусь


Конец золотым рекам от работорговли. Хех.

Деймон Блэкфайр

Лайт заделаю либо сегодня к вечеру/ночи (что менее вероятно). либо завтра


Точно сегодня. Новых ивентов нет совсем, кроме небольшой цепочки Бейлона и Эурона Грейджоев

Изменено пользователем Деймон Блэкфайр

Деймон Блэкфайр

Господа, у всех такие артефакты в главном меню, что кнопка обучения улетела куда-то вправо, а при новой игре 2 и 3 портреты в выборе сценария "съедены" наполовину? 


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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Игру перестанавливал, кэш чистил, запускал английские версии игры и мода

Изменено пользователем Деймон Блэкфайр

1 час назад, Деймон Блэкфайр сказал:

Господа, у всех такие артефакты в главном меню, что кнопка обучения улетела куда-то вправо, а при новой игре 2 и 3 портреты в выборе сценария "съедены" наполовину? 


Игру перестанавливал, кэш чистил, запускал английские версии игры и мода


Хотел бы я помочь и проверить, но у меня тупо уже пол года беда со стимом. А новой версии пиратки нет, чтобы новую версию мода проверить(


@Деймон Блэкфайр Такая же проблема

Деймон Блэкфайр
2 минуты назад, GeorgGoldPeace сказал:

@Деймон Блэкфайр Такая же проблема

О, спасибо. Ждал хотя бы одного подтверждения. Через несколько минут выложу лайт

Деймон Блэкфайр

Лайт-перевод AGOT 1.7.1 для CK2 в подписи

Ко всему прочему у меня Эйгон Гриф стал Великой княгиней Анной, без титула де факто, но в закладке Пир Стервятников как интересный персонаж. Много с какими персонажами такая ерунда. А при попытке начать игру вылетает в самом начале загрузки.

Изменено пользователем Apelsan


Имена теперь и должны быть на английском? Jon Сноу или Deynerys Бурерожденная?

48 минут назад, Apelsan сказал:

Ко всему прочему у меня Эйгон Гриф стал Великой княгиней Анной, без титула де факто, но в закладке Пир Стервятников как интересный персонаж. Много с какими персонажами такая ерунда. А при попытке начать игру вылетает в самом начале загрузки.

У тебя новая версия игры? ?

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Деймон Блэкфайр


У меня было так: отжал Север у Болтонов для Рикона, пока Эйгон захватывал Штормовые, и Томмен с кем-то там еще воевал, было непросто, но мы справились, взяли в плен Русе и Рамси после осады, и казнили

enrique suarez

Вышла 1.6 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. A GAME OF THRONES A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones v1.6 Checksum: GRSL Compatible with: CK2 2.8.1  


A Game of Thrones v1.3   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    




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