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A Game of Thrones v1.5


Compatible with: CK2 2.7.1

Checksum: YLFI (Century of Blood: CFXJ)


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- Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.




Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added many canon books as artifacts, and an event to buy them
- Added a glass candle artifact, with assocaited decisions/events
- Dragon riders may now move courts more often
- Added an event for wine cellars
- Enabled some regency decisions for when the regent has their liege imprisoned
- When Stannis wins the war for The North, the new Lord of Winterfell must choose whether to convert and burn the Godswood
- Added an event where a Faith of the Seven high valyrian ruler may take on an extra wife
- Added the remaining planned alchemist society missions/powers
- Unlanded husbands can now ask for dowries
- Disgruntled Blackfyres can now leave to join the Golden Company
- Added an event where a proud/ambitious lord can demand a commander title
- The Household Guard is now represented by a building in the capital holding. The AI can now also build this building. Added some canon Household Guards to some houses.
- Added more options to reward service
- Added an event informing old host when a claimant is invited to another court
- Added events informing the world of realms in interregnum or kingsmoot
- Added some missing religions to the renounce piracy options
- Allys and relatives of rulers who concede to faction ultimatums will now be informed of the event
- Improved some vanilla trait_effects events
- Lowborn military commanders can now be raised to nobility
- Added an option for Aegon to accept the Storm King alliance in The Conquest scenario
- When a family member asks for a military command you can now instead promote a previously unknown commander
- The conscript merchant ships decision is now more readily available
- Added a few new tourney events, and tweaked a few existing events
- The player can now place bets for the winner of tournies (including needlessly elaborate odds calculations :D )
- Feasts should now properly occur during tournies
- Going on a foreign tour can now relieve stress/depression
- Nghai culture/religion can now slave and sacrifice prisoners
- Improved destitute noble event

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Arlan III's conquest of The Riverlands is now ongoing in The Century of Blood
- Jorah Mormont is now Lord of Bear Island during Robert's Rebellion
- Jaime Lannister has a golden hand in AFFC for The Reaper's Due owners
- Updated history/traits for Steffon Fossoway, Helicent Uffering, Mark Mullendore, Ben Bushy, Cranes, Patchface
- Added Elston Tully, Lymond Mallister, Manfryd Lothston
- Added Simon Toyne and the Smiling Knight, as well as their small rebellion
- Fixed Ossifer Lipps' dynasty
- Added Urrathon Night-Walker
- Revised the traits/history of Gareth the Grey, Marston Waters, Lysono Marr, Small Paul, Malwyn Frey, Amerei Frey, Joyeuse Erenford, Sybell Spicer
- Fixed birth dates of Ermesande Hayford,
- Added dull trait to Victarion
- Added House Holt to The North
- Fixed some Frey birth dates
- Added sympathy for drowned god trait to Baelor Blacktyde
- Added some adjusted DNA for stark characters
- Fixed highgarden history around 8054
- Made Aerys and Rhaella abominations of incest
- Added a few riverlander houses to the correct side in the Dance
- Added opinion malus between Renly and Stannis in ACoK
- Jeor Mormont now becomes Lord Commander in 8288, also fixed longclaw handover date
- Other misc character updates

- Pirate dens and wildling barracks no longer spawn at the start of shattered realm scenarios
- Fixed being able to punish defeated rebels post mega war before the relevent events popped up
- Added more restrictions on when landless dragon riders can choose sides in a mega war
- Reduced power of some cityguard modifiers
- Reduced valyrian religion opinion bonus with other religions
- Paranoid characters will no longer go into seclusion for no reason at all
- Bad province modifiers arising from debt now also reduce prosperity
- If Dany loses a liberation war she now loses her eastern titles
- Mega war related justice now effects fear
- Can no longer plot to release slaves who are unrelated and like their master
- Made it impossible to diplomatically vassalise rulers made temporarily independent via mega war
- Stealing a slave no longer results in a opinion malus with the slave
- Added more negative consequences for northerners ignoring a call to arms from The Night's Watch
- Prisoners are now grateful for being released from a siege
- Just rulers take a smaller prestige hit and are less liekly to gain stressed or depressed if they lose a trial
- Defensive coalitions now apply to kingdom claim wars
- It is no longer possible for the Night's Watch to accept vassalisation
- Added a cooldown to seeking raiding redress after a successful vengeance war. Also reduced amount of wealth seized
- Increased Seek Raiding Redress diplomatic action cooldown
- Realms in favour of slavery can now be called into a defensive coalition for realms defending an anti-slavery war, plus the same for pro-slavery and anti-piracy wars
- Made some adjustments to ruler designer trait costs
- The republic seize city casus belli can now only be used in locations of the same culture or religion group, or against other merchant republics
- It is now cheaper to hire the golden company, but only king tier or above can now hire them
- Dawn can no longer be inherited
- Rebalanced wealth gained from province extortion
- Military commands can now be freely revoked, also updated ai military commander selection AI
- There is now a small chance of being unable to flee a battlefield duel
- Made large tournies slightly cheaper
- Added a small amount of attrition to White Walker stacks
- Redcued chance of Red Death ruining provinces in Sothoryos

- Adjusted AI logic of funding claimant adventurers (made more picky)
- Made the AI more aggressive with claim wars in shattered realm starts
- Arbitrary or lunatic AI rulers may now sometimes tyranically imprison people
- Added a script that makes non-indepedent AI try to find allies
- Making a marriage with a neutral AI lord during a mega war will now prompt them to re-evaluate their neutrality
- Made some adjustments to AI casus belli weighting
- AI rulers with full slave camps may now sell some slaves so they can raid for more

Graphics and portraits:
- Added an icon for declared incapable trait
- Applied the heremetic clothing to the alchemist guild (with a green recolour)
- Added a greyscale trait icon

- Made The Sandship a military command
- Added peasedale as a sept in The Riverlands
- Tarbeck Hall is now known has Bramhope after its destruction
- Added Misty Isle as a barony in Deddington

- The devil worshipper game rule now defaults to off
- Renamed devil worshipper rule options
- Female pirate heirs are now accepted if the pirate is a traditional cognatic culture and their capital province is the same culture
- Removed the road buildings and combined all their effects into one province modifier
- Changed the effects of The Great Crypt to something that actually works
- Adjusted almost-spamlike cheating spouse punishment event
- Fixed women not getting any reaving events. Also optimised the events
- Brienne changes nickname to "the Blue" if Renly wins
- Beric now gets Blackhaven upon beating the Iron Thhrone
- The iron throne can now use bodyguards if the kingsguard is not active
- Added the Bronze Armor of House Royce as an artifact
- Added some more wildling dynasty names
- Made tooltips concerning high lord tier clearer
- Added tooltips to traits/cultures listing effects on dragon hatching/taming
- More males can now be commanders in Hyrkoon
- Made dragon dreams slightly more common
- Added tooltips to post mega war punishment events showing when any liege loans are cancelled
- Added feminist = yes to all Dornish cultures so they tolerate female liegs and heirs in all situations
- More rulers are now informed when Rickon is found in AFFC
- Added more trial charges for trial flavour event text

Internal Scripting:
- Added scripted effects: excommunication_chance_effect and excommunicate_effect
- Added custom loc for different iron throne names (iron throne or westeros)
- Unified use of kidnapping opinion modifiers, only use kidnapped_me and attempted_kidnapping not the old depreciated ones
- Hid Seaworth and High Valyrian trait
- Added a military command government for cities, looks the same as the castle one but allows for separate taxing

- Made some fixes/adjustments which should hopefully with some mac problems
- Made some validator fixes
- Fixed littlefinger Harrenhal grant in ACoK
- The first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard can now be manually selected
- Fixed bug where sometimes colonies would not properly revert to nomads when destroyed
- Fixed Greyjoys having a traditional claim on the Iron Islands in the Century of Blood scenario
- The Night's Watch can no longer be called into defensive coalitions
- Councillors fired during a mega war should no longer be readded to the council at the end of the war
- Fixed dothraki being able to declare war on ruins
- Fixed not being able to form the kingsguard before 7999
- Lowborn or landless rulers no longer get event to marry local commoner
- Fixed kingdom title maintenance event localisation
- Fixed special king titles (e.g. Dragon king, Shadow king)
- Can no longer force train maimed children
- Fixed Dany AFFC tangent
- Fixed some landless foreign tour event text
- Fixed kingsguard death notification
- Fixed tooltips on weapon forging events, also adjusted prestige/command bonuses from weapons and reduced their cost
- Fixed anti-nomad casus belli giving the attacker an empire tier nomad title on victory
- Fixed Daeron bastardisation in the Blackfyre Rebellion
- Fixed emperor tier sometimes being able to select the become emperor ambition
- Fixed the wrong justiciar being killed by fabricate claims event
- Valyrians can no longer read 'Valyrian for Dummies' on the sword quest
- Fixed cost of level 4 camel building
- Fixed events where claimant faction joins an adventurer's war. Factions can now also join griff/blackfyre invasions
- Courtiers can no longer elope with underage courtiers
- Can no longer befriend young children at feasts
- Fixed seclusion lover event
- Must wait a few days in game before using call for dragon rider decision so dragons are added to their riders correctly before using it
- Councillors can no longer improve relations with themself when using statecraft job
- Fixed day 0 dynast generator sometimes creating relations not connected to the family tree
- Fixed Asshai monarchy event spam
- Fixed grant kingdom decision not transferring vassals
- Fixed being able to force train dragons and other mythical creatures
- Fixed some custom locs not working (weight_multiplier cannot be less than 1)
- Fixed flag saying Aegon's crown being forged not being set during his conquest events
- Fixed kingsguard LC selection event not cycling the possible new LCs correctly
Fixed Aurion not invading Volantis if they had already lost New Valyria if it was the player
- Fixed White Walkers not using their government type
- Fixed councillor title management decision being available if liege didnt have spare title to give away
- Fixed skinchanger animal battle events
- Added check to annexation event that checks annex target is still available
- Fixed dynast war request event targetting invalid titles



Добрый день,утро,вечер!

В-общем,установил мод,кинул в документы,файлы в моде заменил,руссик для ваниллы выбрал,вроде все правильно,но в игре всё равно нет перевода мода.Может,я что-то упустил? Помогите,буду благодарен.

Червивый Труп
16 часов назад, vitovt13 сказал:

A Game of Thrones v1.5


Compatible with: CK2 2.7.1

Checksum: YLFI (Century of Blood: CFXJ)


- Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

- Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added many canon books as artifacts, and an event to buy them
- Added a glass candle artifact, with assocaited decisions/events
- Dragon riders may now move courts more often
- Added an event for wine cellars
- Enabled some regency decisions for when the regent has their liege imprisoned
- When Stannis wins the war for The North, the new Lord of Winterfell must choose whether to convert and burn the Godswood
- Added an event where a Faith of the Seven high valyrian ruler may take on an extra wife
- Added the remaining planned alchemist society missions/powers
- Unlanded husbands can now ask for dowries
- Disgruntled Blackfyres can now leave to join the Golden Company
- Added an event where a proud/ambitious lord can demand a commander title
- The Household Guard is now represented by a building in the capital holding. The AI can now also build this building. Added some canon Household Guards to some houses.
- Added more options to reward service
- Added an event informing old host when a claimant is invited to another court
- Added events informing the world of realms in interregnum or kingsmoot
- Added some missing religions to the renounce piracy options
- Allys and relatives of rulers who concede to faction ultimatums will now be informed of the event
- Improved some vanilla trait_effects events
- Lowborn military commanders can now be raised to nobility
- Added an option for Aegon to accept the Storm King alliance in The Conquest scenario
- When a family member asks for a military command you can now instead promote a previously unknown commander
- The conscript merchant ships decision is now more readily available
- Added a few new tourney events, and tweaked a few existing events
- The player can now place bets for the winner of tournies (including needlessly elaborate odds calculations :D )
- Feasts should now properly occur during tournies
- Going on a foreign tour can now relieve stress/depression
- Nghai culture/religion can now slave and sacrifice prisoners
- Improved destitute noble event

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Arlan III's conquest of The Riverlands is now ongoing in The Century of Blood
- Jorah Mormont is now Lord of Bear Island during Robert's Rebellion
- Jaime Lannister has a golden hand in AFFC for The Reaper's Due owners
- Updated history/traits for Steffon Fossoway, Helicent Uffering, Mark Mullendore, Ben Bushy, Cranes, Patchface
- Added Elston Tully, Lymond Mallister, Manfryd Lothston
- Added Simon Toyne and the Smiling Knight, as well as their small rebellion
- Fixed Ossifer Lipps' dynasty
- Added Urrathon Night-Walker
- Revised the traits/history of Gareth the Grey, Marston Waters, Lysono Marr, Small Paul, Malwyn Frey, Amerei Frey, Joyeuse Erenford, Sybell Spicer
- Fixed birth dates of Ermesande Hayford,
- Added dull trait to Victarion
- Added House Holt to The North
- Fixed some Frey birth dates
- Added sympathy for drowned god trait to Baelor Blacktyde
- Added some adjusted DNA for stark characters
- Fixed highgarden history around 8054
- Made Aerys and Rhaella abominations of incest
- Added a few riverlander houses to the correct side in the Dance
- Added opinion malus between Renly and Stannis in ACoK
- Jeor Mormont now becomes Lord Commander in 8288, also fixed longclaw handover date
- Other misc character updates

- Pirate dens and wildling barracks no longer spawn at the start of shattered realm scenarios
- Fixed being able to punish defeated rebels post mega war before the relevent events popped up
- Added more restrictions on when landless dragon riders can choose sides in a mega war
- Reduced power of some cityguard modifiers
- Reduced valyrian religion opinion bonus with other religions
- Paranoid characters will no longer go into seclusion for no reason at all
- Bad province modifiers arising from debt now also reduce prosperity
- If Dany loses a liberation war she now loses her eastern titles
- Mega war related justice now effects fear
- Can no longer plot to release slaves who are unrelated and like their master
- Made it impossible to diplomatically vassalise rulers made temporarily independent via mega war
- Stealing a slave no longer results in a opinion malus with the slave
- Added more negative consequences for northerners ignoring a call to arms from The Night's Watch
- Prisoners are now grateful for being released from a siege
- Just rulers take a smaller prestige hit and are less liekly to gain stressed or depressed if they lose a trial
- Defensive coalitions now apply to kingdom claim wars
- It is no longer possible for the Night's Watch to accept vassalisation
- Added a cooldown to seeking raiding redress after a successful vengeance war. Also reduced amount of wealth seized
- Increased Seek Raiding Redress diplomatic action cooldown
- Realms in favour of slavery can now be called into a defensive coalition for realms defending an anti-slavery war, plus the same for pro-slavery and anti-piracy wars
- Made some adjustments to ruler designer trait costs
- The republic seize city casus belli can now only be used in locations of the same culture or religion group, or against other merchant republics
- It is now cheaper to hire the golden company, but only king tier or above can now hire them
- Dawn can no longer be inherited
- Rebalanced wealth gained from province extortion
- Military commands can now be freely revoked, also updated ai military commander selection AI
- There is now a small chance of being unable to flee a battlefield duel
- Made large tournies slightly cheaper
- Added a small amount of attrition to White Walker stacks
- Redcued chance of Red Death ruining provinces in Sothoryos

- Adjusted AI logic of funding claimant adventurers (made more picky)
- Made the AI more aggressive with claim wars in shattered realm starts
- Arbitrary or lunatic AI rulers may now sometimes tyranically imprison people
- Added a script that makes non-indepedent AI try to find allies
- Making a marriage with a neutral AI lord during a mega war will now prompt them to re-evaluate their neutrality
- Made some adjustments to AI casus belli weighting
- AI rulers with full slave camps may now sell some slaves so they can raid for more

Graphics and portraits:
- Added an icon for declared incapable trait
- Applied the heremetic clothing to the alchemist guild (with a green recolour)
- Added a greyscale trait icon

- Made The Sandship a military command
- Added peasedale as a sept in The Riverlands
- Tarbeck Hall is now known has Bramhope after its destruction
- Added Misty Isle as a barony in Deddington

- The devil worshipper game rule now defaults to off
- Renamed devil worshipper rule options
- Female pirate heirs are now accepted if the pirate is a traditional cognatic culture and their capital province is the same culture
- Removed the road buildings and combined all their effects into one province modifier
- Changed the effects of The Great Crypt to something that actually works
- Adjusted almost-spamlike cheating spouse punishment event
- Fixed women not getting any reaving events. Also optimised the events
- Brienne changes nickname to "the Blue" if Renly wins
- Beric now gets Blackhaven upon beating the Iron Thhrone
- The iron throne can now use bodyguards if the kingsguard is not active
- Added the Bronze Armor of House Royce as an artifact
- Added some more wildling dynasty names
- Made tooltips concerning high lord tier clearer
- Added tooltips to traits/cultures listing effects on dragon hatching/taming
- More males can now be commanders in Hyrkoon
- Made dragon dreams slightly more common
- Added tooltips to post mega war punishment events showing when any liege loans are cancelled
- Added feminist = yes to all Dornish cultures so they tolerate female liegs and heirs in all situations
- More rulers are now informed when Rickon is found in AFFC
- Added more trial charges for trial flavour event text

Internal Scripting:
- Added scripted effects: excommunication_chance_effect and excommunicate_effect
- Added custom loc for different iron throne names (iron throne or westeros)
- Unified use of kidnapping opinion modifiers, only use kidnapped_me and attempted_kidnapping not the old depreciated ones
- Hid Seaworth and High Valyrian trait
- Added a military command government for cities, looks the same as the castle one but allows for separate taxing

- Made some fixes/adjustments which should hopefully with some mac problems
- Made some validator fixes
- Fixed littlefinger Harrenhal grant in ACoK
- The first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard can now be manually selected
- Fixed bug where sometimes colonies would not properly revert to nomads when destroyed
- Fixed Greyjoys having a traditional claim on the Iron Islands in the Century of Blood scenario
- The Night's Watch can no longer be called into defensive coalitions
- Councillors fired during a mega war should no longer be readded to the council at the end of the war
- Fixed dothraki being able to declare war on ruins
- Fixed not being able to form the kingsguard before 7999
- Lowborn or landless rulers no longer get event to marry local commoner
- Fixed kingdom title maintenance event localisation
- Fixed special king titles (e.g. Dragon king, Shadow king)
- Can no longer force train maimed children
- Fixed Dany AFFC tangent
- Fixed some landless foreign tour event text
- Fixed kingsguard death notification
- Fixed tooltips on weapon forging events, also adjusted prestige/command bonuses from weapons and reduced their cost
- Fixed anti-nomad casus belli giving the attacker an empire tier nomad title on victory
- Fixed Daeron bastardisation in the Blackfyre Rebellion
- Fixed emperor tier sometimes being able to select the become emperor ambition
- Fixed the wrong justiciar being killed by fabricate claims event
- Valyrians can no longer read 'Valyrian for Dummies' on the sword quest
- Fixed cost of level 4 camel building
- Fixed events where claimant faction joins an adventurer's war. Factions can now also join griff/blackfyre invasions
- Courtiers can no longer elope with underage courtiers
- Can no longer befriend young children at feasts
- Fixed seclusion lover event
- Must wait a few days in game before using call for dragon rider decision so dragons are added to their riders correctly before using it
- Councillors can no longer improve relations with themself when using statecraft job
- Fixed day 0 dynast generator sometimes creating relations not connected to the family tree
- Fixed Asshai monarchy event spam
- Fixed grant kingdom decision not transferring vassals
- Fixed being able to force train dragons and other mythical creatures
- Fixed some custom locs not working (weight_multiplier cannot be less than 1)
- Fixed flag saying Aegon's crown being forged not being set during his conquest events
- Fixed kingsguard LC selection event not cycling the possible new LCs correctly
Fixed Aurion not invading Volantis if they had already lost New Valyria if it was the player
- Fixed White Walkers not using their government type
- Fixed councillor title management decision being available if liege didnt have spare title to give away
- Fixed skinchanger animal battle events
- Added check to annexation event that checks annex target is still available
- Fixed dynast war request event targetting invalid titles


Новая версия? Чтож ты молчал))


Все забывал поинтересоваться, что значит R+L=J?

Объясните кому не сложно.

8 минут назад, montenblan сказал:

Все забывал поинтересоваться, что значит R+L=J?

Объясните кому не сложно.


Rhaegar Targarien + Lianna Stark = Jon Snow



Давно не играл в мод, заметил, что механику участия драконов в битвах несколько изменили. Никто не может объяснить подробно, как они теперь работают?

Ирландский Змей

Господа, спасите-помогите! Кампания "Восстание Баратеона". У Рейгара и его наследников нет амбиции на получение меча из валирийской стали. Отыграл уже лет 50. Похоже, для её получения нужны какие-то условия? Подскажите, кто знает. А ещё амбиция на поиск драконьего яйца 15 лет висела, и ничего не произошло.

Деймон Блэкфайр
17 минут назад, Ирландский Змей сказал:

А ещё амбиция на поиск драконьего яйца 15 лет висела, и ничего не произошло.

Она может и всю жизнь персонажа провисеть без каких либо событий. Рандом суров, но это рандом:)

По поводу меча - хз, иногда пропадают, ИМХО, может это от трейтов зависит, типа амбициозности, удовлетворённости и тд

Ирландский Змей
23 минуты назад, rinat-nabiullin сказал:

Она может и всю жизнь персонажа провисеть без каких либо событий. Рандом суров, но это рандом:)

По поводу меча - хз, иногда пропадают, ИМХО, может это от трейтов зависит, типа амбициозности, удовлетворённости и тд


Эх, спасибо.

Vladislavius First

Зачем они тайные "сатанинские" культы закрыли?
Не понял просто, зачем их тогда вообще было нужно создавать, если закрыли?:o_0:

5 часов назад, Ирландский Змей сказал:

Господа, спасите-помогите! Кампания "Восстание Баратеона". У Рейгара и его наследников нет амбиции на получение меча из валирийской стали. Отыграл уже лет 50. Похоже, для её получения нужны какие-то условия? Подскажите, кто знает. А ещё амбиция на поиск драконьего яйца 15 лет висела, и ничего не произошло.

Трейты : высокомерный , амбициозный , завистливый или жадный .


После последнего патча у меня перестали работать ивенты за Дейнерис. Сюжетка просто пропала
До патча всё работало. Хорошо, что осталась старая сохранка, но поправить бы. У всех так?

Запусаю букмарк за Дейнерис. У неё в управлении "Удел Толкволарт".(Раньше она начинала без земель, но с титулом)
Почти сразу на неё нападает Кварт или даже Дотракийцы. RIP

Изменено пользователем nikitaslivkin

9 минут назад, nikitaslivkin сказал:

После последнего патча у меня перестали работать ивенты за Дейнерис. Сюжетка просто пропала
До патча всё работало. Хорошо, что осталась старая сохранка, но поправить бы. У всех так?

Запусаю букмарк за Дейнерис. У неё в управлении "Удел Толкволарт".(Раньше она начинала без земель, но с титулом)
Почти сразу на неё нападает Кварт или даже Дотракийцы. RIP

У меня все нормально , может не на ту версию поставили?

Vladislavius First

Вылеты участились... систематически часто вылетает

1 час назад, Sergio_52 сказал:

У меня все нормально , может не на ту версию поставили?

Может быть дело в новом русификаторе. Он заменяет файл A Game of Thrones.mod

Тоже были проблемы с ивентами у Дейнерис, но в моем случаи помог перезапуск игры. 
Единственное что смущает, так это ИИ играющий за Дейнерис, в 90% он вообще не чего не делает. Лишь однажды я смог лицезреть Дени в Пентосе, при дворе Иллирио, но она там не чего не делала.

1 час назад, RokWar сказал:

Тоже были проблемы с ивентами у Дейнерис, но в моем случаи помог перезапуск игры. 
Единственное что смущает, так это ИИ играющий за Дейнерис, в 90% он вообще не чего не делает. Лишь однажды я смог лицезреть Дени в Пентосе, при дворе Иллирио, но она там не чего не делала.

Перезапустил игру (С новым патчем и новым русификатором поверх.)... Оно заработало. 
Похоже иногда баг действительно происходит, но он не всегда. 

подскажите как посадить ориса баратеона на трон штормовых земель

8 часов назад, ka66al сказал:

подскажите как посадить ориса баратеона на трон штормовых земель

Все очень просто:

1) Захватываешь титул Королевства Штормовых земель

2) Легитимируешь Ориса в меню инриги(жены и дети, если есть, будут недовольны)

3) Назначаешь его Канцлером(или он уже назначен, не помню)

4) Выдаешь ему титул чере соответствующее окошко на персонаже

5) ???

6) PROFIT!!!



Есть и другой способ. Более лорный.
Если во время войны ты каким-либо образом убьешь правителя штормовых земель, то война автоматически закончится твоей победой и эти земли будут узурпированы тобой. А дальше просто ждешь. Через некоторое время выскочит ивент, предлагающий дать Орису штормовые земли + взять в жены единственную уцелевшую дочку Дюррандонов, даже если у нее уже есть муж. И герб также сменится с дракона на знаменитого Баратеонского оленя. 
Главное до появления этого события держи штормовые земли у себя и никому их не отдавай. В том числе и Орису.

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Деймон Блэкфайр


У меня было так: отжал Север у Болтонов для Рикона, пока Эйгон захватывал Штормовые, и Томмен с кем-то там еще воевал, было непросто, но мы справились, взяли в плен Русе и Рамси после осады, и казнили

enrique suarez

Вышла 1.6 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. A GAME OF THRONES A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones v1.6 Checksum: GRSL Compatible with: CK2 2.8.1


A Game of Thrones v1.3   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    




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