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Народ, у меня уже 35 лет суровая зима это баг или фича?


Люди добрые, подскажите как поиграть за великанов

Народ, у меня уже 35 лет суровая зима это баг или фича?

Если белые ходоки уже побеждены - то баг. Лучше вообще играть в версию 1.0 . Они по идее должны в ближайшем времени выпустить фикс-версию 1.1, слишком много багов

п.с. а за великанов никак. Максимум во двор придут

Изменено пользователем Mayonez_kun

Народ, у меня уже 35 лет суровая зима это баг или фича?

Это баг, который будет исправлен в следующей версии.

А пока на форуме цитадели один из пользователей выложил саб-мод, исправляющий это. Собственно второй пост на странице Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .

Люди подскажите пожалуйста как получить животное,видел ворона,лютоволка,собаку и ещё много кого,а за всё время (играю 600 лет уже) ни разу этот ивент не вышел...


-Нужно быть Северянином.

-Лучше - Одичалым.

-Лучший шанс - воспитать дитё.

-У Старков шанс бОльший

-Нужно быть Северянином.

-Лучше - Одичалым.

-Лучший шанс - воспитать дитё.

-У Старков шанс бОльший

Не знаю, не знаю... Жаль скрина нету, но вот краткое описание

Нажмите здесь!


Животное - орел

Трейт "Зеленые сны"

Максимальный бойцовский скилл.

Всего-лишь отправил своего малолетнего лорда на воспитание в Ночной Дозор к тамошнему лорду-командующему. Драконьему наезднику. С high валирийской культурой. У учителя не было зеленых снов, но был медведь. И скилл бойцовский тоже максимальный. Так я получил самого четкого железнорожденного с блекджеком и шлюхами орлом и зелеными снами. Кстати, угадайте, чей сын дезертировал из НД и захватил теплый нихрена не теплый замок?



A Game of Thrones v1.1.1

Checksum: TZEA

Compatible with: CK2 2.5.2

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

- History database updated to take into account TV show canon

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Added some more feast events

- Duel Engine Overhaul:

- Added a duel_rounds counter to duels to represent fatigue, the more rounds go on the more likely someone will be to yield if they lose the main loop

- Duels are called in the new duel.0 with the main loop still being duel.1

- There are now three duel tactics speed, force and defense with it beign a rock raper scissors of speed > force > defense

- Generally cleaned up the old commented out code in the duel events and output events

- Added an event which has a chance to give the Brotherhood troops or gold upon sieging a province

- Characters bastardised by plot (or in joffrey ACOK case) can now un-bastardise themselves by royal decree

- When a king is deposed in a war, the leading rebel may now sometimes choose to hold a Great Council to determine the new king

- Made take a ward as squire a targeted decision

- Tourneys, feasts, grand councils are no longer stopped for minor wars

- Adjusted event that puts AI dragon riders into action during wartime

- Added a third option for player Aegon in Bleeding Years to not get involed with the Essos war

Other Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Made Rhaenyra rivals with Aemond and Aegon

- Joffrey and siblings are now made bastards if they lose the war, they are now also kingslanders

- Move Haegon Blackfyre's invasion to Crackclaw point

- Fixed Orys being called Archon

- Fixed Tyrosh history around 8134

- Fixed Crowl/Vanilla wikipedia link clash

- Added line of corsairs for Talon, to stop Saans wrongly getting the title

- Fixed Varys' location

- Plankytown is now a city held by a random Rhoynar characters who worships the old Mother Rhyone faith

- Rhaenys should always be the primary spouse

- Buffed Jon Arryn's health but decreased his fertility a little bit

- Slightly reduced the fertility debuff on Aegon and Visenya as they often have no kids at all

- Added homosexual trait back to Loras as somehow it got removed


- When Dany takes the Iron Throne in AFFC, the AI may now select an Emperor to rule in Slaver's Bay

- Decreased strength of dragon tactics and field of fire a bit

- Hiding/escaping from sieges now only happens if the attacker actually has enough troops at the siege

- Characters are now much less likely to legitimise someone if they are bastards of incest

- When pressing someone elses claim, the old holder will now be anrgy with the leader of the war

- Boosted nomad camp garison size/fort level

- Gave nomad units defensive bonuses in home territory

- Nationalist revolts may now target duchy/county titles

- When an AI ruler imprisons a vassal who they are heir to, the vassal is now immediately called to trial to try and avoid irrational executions.

- Female rulers may now sometimes keep non-matrilineal marriages

- Adjusted pirate mutiny event

- Added some event troops for the Dornish when they choose to rebel after the conquest of dorne

Graphics and portraits:

- Added a "beautiful" new has_missing icon



- All first men can now personally behead people

- The House Customiser can no longer be used for nomadic characters (it causes many problems, including CTDs)

- High Valyrian players now get Maesters/Priests generated at the start of the game

- All relatives of cognatic rulers now have their marriages checked at the start of the game to see if they need the disinherited trait

- Auto-generated rulers of barony theocracies now get the apporpriate traits added at the start of the game

- The Crownlands is now only made up of parts of it Aegon wins his wars against and is generated when he establishes his capital

- Removed commented out ai_knight_son decision

- Blocked dejure casus belli for characters who can use the dragon conquest CB (they are effectively the same)

- Summer Islanders can now use true cognatic succession

- Carousing is no longer high priority


- Fixed up the priesthood decisions

- Fixed lovers event where men could impregnate themselves

- Fixed problem where Aemonds marriage to lady Baratheon in the Dance would be cancelled by the AI

- Fixed the Thenn being a theocracy bug

- Fixed problem where The Others held the Thenn religious title in AFFC, causing the Long Night to go on forever

- Others maintenance event now makes sure Winter titles are by held others, and also checks yearly if the Long Night should end

- Fixed bug where lower lords couldn't revoke titles when Conclave was enabled

- Fixed problem where Invasion Councils were cut short for the player

- Night's Watch initialisation now works with ruler designed Lord Commanders

- Fixed nomad slave camps giving light infantry troops that can't be used, but boosted garrison size to a very high level

- Fixed problem where mega war punishment events did not happen for wars to increase council power

- Fixed Ali_Ali name

- Fixed duplicate Quanis pirate dynasty

- Fixed problem with rhllor resurrection event where the wrong character sometimes got the event

- Fixed problem where Aegon did not gain Harrenhal when Harren the Black was defeated in the conquest

- Fixed Dany not getting Golden Company troops on her Pentos tangent

- Fixed visible tyranny/dishonour reduction events

- Old women who are resurrected are now made infertile (including Lady Stoneheart)

- Fixed advancing colony event

- Fixed other dejure county claim CB not working

- Fixed Tower of Joy events

- Fixed wedding decision

- Fixed eunuchs eloping with mercenary rulers

- Wol spouse having an affair event will not happen if said lover is a consort

- Fixed problem where characters could gain multiple education traits

- Fixed pirate trait opinion bug

- Made a temp fix for characters getting an education trait on startup even if they are too young

- Fixed characters with education traits getting an education modifiers (the any_character seems to be dodgy with it)

- Fixed Iron Throne slavery law


Comandante Raven
A Game of Thrones v1.1.1


В шапке.

P.S. Чойта они первого апреля новую версию выкладывают? Подозрительно. :lol:

P.P.S. Почитал их форум, хах:

Lol. Does Ramsay have a courtier named Twenty, of the House Goodmen who has 500 martial and max stats on the duel engine?
Queen Deadpan 'Stormborn' of Meeren

Darth Sansa of The North (And heir to the forgetten plotline...)

Lord Paramount Carol of The Westerlands

Lord Commander Larry 'the Kingslayer'

Saint Tyrion the Imp

Lord Paramount Satannis of The Stormlands


Twenty Goodmen

Ramsay with giant and genius traits... And 30 base martial

Theek Greyjoy

Dorne Renamed as P*rne

Showberyn the Red Viper

Lord Petyr 'BatFinger'

Varys Marx

What ?

Did I just deleted my all save files and v1.1 for the 1 April joke ?

Wtf... :evil:

basically it's latest test build changelog plus some prima aprilis joke

I do not download

I already knew it was 1 april.. sooo 1/10 for trying.
Изменено пользователем Commander Raven Feather

P.S. Чойта они первого апреля новую версию выкладывают? Подозрительно. :lol:

Тоже было подозрение после прошлогодней карты Европы..Darth Sansa of The North его оправдала :sarcastic_hand:


Надеюсь про то, что по сериалу - тоже шутка. Юный Гриф :(

A Game of Thrones v1.1.1

Checksum: TZEA

Compatible with: CK2 2.5.2

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

changelogНажмите здесь!

- History database updated to take into account TV show canon

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Added some more feast events

- Duel Engine Overhaul:

- Added a duel_rounds counter to duels to represent fatigue, the more rounds go on the more likely someone will be to yield if they lose the main loop

- Duels are called in the new duel.0 with the main loop still being duel.1

- There are now three duel tactics speed, force and defense with it beign a rock raper scissors of speed > force > defense

- Generally cleaned up the old commented out code in the duel events and output events

- Added an event which has a chance to give the Brotherhood troops or gold upon sieging a province

- Characters bastardised by plot (or in joffrey ACOK case) can now un-bastardise themselves by royal decree

- When a king is deposed in a war, the leading rebel may now sometimes choose to hold a Great Council to determine the new king

- Made take a ward as squire a targeted decision

- Tourneys, feasts, grand councils are no longer stopped for minor wars

- Adjusted event that puts AI dragon riders into action during wartime

- Added a third option for player Aegon in Bleeding Years to not get involed with the Essos war

Other Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Made Rhaenyra rivals with Aemond and Aegon

- Joffrey and siblings are now made bastards if they lose the war, they are now also kingslanders

- Move Haegon Blackfyre's invasion to Crackclaw point

- Fixed Orys being called Archon

- Fixed Tyrosh history around 8134

- Fixed Crowl/Vanilla wikipedia link clash

- Added line of corsairs for Talon, to stop Saans wrongly getting the title

- Fixed Varys' location

- Plankytown is now a city held by a random Rhoynar characters who worships the old Mother Rhyone faith

- Rhaenys should always be the primary spouse

- Buffed Jon Arryn's health but decreased his fertility a little bit

- Slightly reduced the fertility debuff on Aegon and Visenya as they often have no kids at all

- Added homosexual trait back to Loras as somehow it got removed


- When Dany takes the Iron Throne in AFFC, the AI may now select an Emperor to rule in Slaver's Bay

- Decreased strength of dragon tactics and field of fire a bit

- Hiding/escaping from sieges now only happens if the attacker actually has enough troops at the siege

- Characters are now much less likely to legitimise someone if they are bastards of incest

- When pressing someone elses claim, the old holder will now be anrgy with the leader of the war

- Boosted nomad camp garison size/fort level

- Gave nomad units defensive bonuses in home territory

- Nationalist revolts may now target duchy/county titles

- When an AI ruler imprisons a vassal who they are heir to, the vassal is now immediately called to trial to try and avoid irrational executions.

- Female rulers may now sometimes keep non-matrilineal marriages

- Adjusted pirate mutiny event

- Added some event troops for the Dornish when they choose to rebel after the conquest of dorne

Graphics and portraits:

- Added a "beautiful" new has_missing icon



- All first men can now personally behead people

- The House Customiser can no longer be used for nomadic characters (it causes many problems, including CTDs)

- High Valyrian players now get Maesters/Priests generated at the start of the game

- All relatives of cognatic rulers now have their marriages checked at the start of the game to see if they need the disinherited trait

- Auto-generated rulers of barony theocracies now get the apporpriate traits added at the start of the game

- The Crownlands is now only made up of parts of it Aegon wins his wars against and is generated when he establishes his capital

- Removed commented out ai_knight_son decision

- Blocked dejure casus belli for characters who can use the dragon conquest CB (they are effectively the same)

- Summer Islanders can now use true cognatic succession

- Carousing is no longer high priority


- Fixed up the priesthood decisions

- Fixed lovers event where men could impregnate themselves

- Fixed problem where Aemonds marriage to lady Baratheon in the Dance would be cancelled by the AI

- Fixed the Thenn being a theocracy bug

- Fixed problem where The Others held the Thenn religious title in AFFC, causing the Long Night to go on forever

- Others maintenance event now makes sure Winter titles are by held others, and also checks yearly if the Long Night should end

- Fixed bug where lower lords couldn't revoke titles when Conclave was enabled

- Fixed problem where Invasion Councils were cut short for the player

- Night's Watch initialisation now works with ruler designed Lord Commanders

- Fixed nomad slave camps giving light infantry troops that can't be used, but boosted garrison size to a very high level

- Fixed problem where mega war punishment events did not happen for wars to increase council power

- Fixed Ali_Ali name

- Fixed duplicate Quanis pirate dynasty

- Fixed problem with rhllor resurrection event where the wrong character sometimes got the event

- Fixed problem where Aegon did not gain Harrenhal when Harren the Black was defeated in the conquest

- Fixed Dany not getting Golden Company troops on her Pentos tangent

- Fixed visible tyranny/dishonour reduction events

- Old women who are resurrected are now made infertile (including Lady Stoneheart)

- Fixed advancing colony event

- Fixed other dejure county claim CB not working

- Fixed Tower of Joy events

- Fixed wedding decision

- Fixed eunuchs eloping with mercenary rulers

- Wol spouse having an affair event will not happen if said lover is a consort

- Fixed problem where characters could gain multiple education traits

- Fixed pirate trait opinion bug

- Made a temp fix for characters getting an education trait on startup even if they are too young

- Fixed characters with education traits getting an education modifiers (the any_character seems to be dodgy with it)

- Fixed Iron Throne slavery law


С последним переводом пойдет?


Лол, такой-то эпик случился. Начал в Восстание Роберта играть за гварду, просто наблюдать то есть. Мятежники побеждают, как обычно, но после войны и отсидки в темнице, Рейги тоже соглашается защищать нового короля-Аррена. Ладно. Окей. Хорошо. Идут года, всё более-менее спокойно, в основном мелкие восстания. В 8310-х Рейги таки выслуживается до Лорда-Коммандующего и во время одного из особо крупных восстаний - объявляю войну своему бесхребетному королю. Сейчас сижу с Рейгаром на троне, который всё ещё напрямую командует КГ. Интересно получилось, очень интересно.

А ещё Старки почти все вымерли, кроме двух девушек. А всё из-за того, что на севере произошло восстание за его независимость под началом какого-то случайного чувака.

Изменено пользователем Kopistko

Столкнулся с проблемой на 700-м году игры,у меня сейчас 8703г играть вообще не возможно,какую бы скорость не делал игра зависает на 1-2 секунды и так каждые секунд 5,попробовал сжать сохранялку не помогло,у меня ОЧЕНЬ обширная династия не знаю что делать...


Это всё из-за трупов в сейве. Чтобы бодрость духа и резвость жизни вернулась, нужно угробить из него всех мертвяков. Или хотя бы часть. Кайф от игры поломает напрочь, но скорость вернётся.

Как это сделать? Поиграть хочется,думаю на игре не прямо колоссально отразится...


Тебе Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. . Акт вивисекции там подробно расписан. И даже картинощьке есть.


Что за бред происходит? Я победил в нападении авантюриста(брата) за Железный трон (не сюжетном) и мои родственники остались его придворными хотя у него не земель и он мой придворный?

Что за бред происходит? Я победил в нападении авантюриста(брата) за Железный трон (не сюжетном) и мои родственники остались его придворными хотя у него не земель и он мой придворный?

Баг, у меня частенько бывает, что дети из ночного дозора ко мне прибывают, причем один становится моим придворным, а другой придворным первого. Хз кароч, баг.

Я что хотел спросить. Как можно увеличить вероятность выпадения гениальности? Ибо ситуация такая:

Нажмите здесь!

Отец - смышленый

Мать - гений.

Дети - двое обычных, один с трейтом "тупой".



легче создать on_birth event. Если родители гениальные или что ещё сам придумаешь условия то:

1) убрать тупой, имбецил итп

2) с 10% или с 25% шансом если оба гениальные итп добавить трейт гениальные, если нет, то с таким же шансом трейт смышлённый. Легче даже через рандом лист, с модификаторами.

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Деймон Блэкфайр


У меня было так: отжал Север у Болтонов для Рикона, пока Эйгон захватывал Штормовые, и Томмен с кем-то там еще воевал, было непросто, но мы справились, взяли в плен Русе и Рамси после осады, и казнили

enrique suarez

Вышла 1.6 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. A GAME OF THRONES A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones v1.6 Checksum: GRSL Compatible with: CK2 2.8.1


A Game of Thrones v1.3   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    




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