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На официальном сайте есть обновление про этот мод,и я думаю что довольно интересное будет для граждан. Разные свистелки перделки - новая система навыков,трейты и желание выпустит "в скорое время". Тема нуждается в обновлении.

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A Game of Thrones v0.1

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Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Daenerys/Aegon marriage event can now happen in AFFC

- A character can now ask for liege intervention in a war if it would result in their title leaving their liege's realm

- Event where you can burn infidels at the stake can now only be received by Rhllor worshipers

Character setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Added some DNA for Drogo


- Baron tier characters can no longer be funded by the Iron bank

- Young Griff and Iron Throne are now hostile with eachother in AFFC

Graphics and portraits:

- CoA-s: House Tully has a new CoA, minor fixes in a few images, and cadet "House Blackrose" got slightly modified.


- Removed the religion requirement for forming the Iron throne, Westerlands and North titles


- Fixed some history errors that were causing saved to break

- Fixed a duplicated event id error

- Fixed some faulty namespace event ids

- Dead babies will no longer be sent as hostages after a mega war

- Characters should no longer get messages about mega wars ending in external 'empires'

- Characters banished to the Nightswatch should now always be released from prison

- Fixed problem where bastards of your spouse appeared to become your own legit children

- Fixed bug where wildlings/thenn had no access to their merc companies

- Any missing Stark children that are located in AFFC should now have the blood feud with the Freys

- Fixed lowborn denounced bastard problem

- Fixed Dayne capital location

- Fixed problem where lower level vassals were not being re-integrated into the realm after the Iron Throne is usurped



Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Added some more detail to the Make the Eight ambition

- If a character inherits from another who defaulted on an Iron Bank loan they will now have the opportunity to pay them back

Character setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- More history updates, Houses including but not limited to, Frey, Marbrand, Tully, Mooton, Moreland, Ryger and Smallwood. Frey/Marbrand and Mooton title history has been updated to suit.

- Synced the new Bittersteel CoA with the crownlands ancestors and Valyrian.txt. Aegor is no longer hanging out in the Blackfyre dynasty tree but rather his own.

- There are no longer 2 versions of Ice in the Blackfyre Rebellion

- More Freys added... House Florent, Reyne, Tarbeck and others given updates too.

- Added House cole in the baronies of Kings gate and Dragon gate and had them all killed by Aegon III. Kept a branch alive to link with the 'Coles' of the Golden Company

- Linked House Strong to the Strong's in the Golden Company leaving the last Strong circa 190's as a retinue of Daemon Blackfyre. Then onwards to the Golden Company.

- Changed the name of Greatbarrow to Barrow Hall

- Renamed the province of Goldgrass to Spearmouth and added a barony called Goldgrass to Barrowtown

- Harwood Stout is Lord of Goldgrass rather than Spearmouth, made another branch of House Stout and gave them county of Spearmouth.


- When a King or Emperor tier is usurped the usurper will now also usurp the primary duchy title if appropriate

- Characters are now far more likely to accept a faction ultimatum for a succession law that is their culture's traditional law

Graphics and portraits:

- Updated some dynasty CoAs in Westeros, both Great and Minor Houses


- More spelling corrections in loc files

- Revised how personal interaction triggers so it is less likely to not work

- Kayakayakaya, Samyriana etc can now only use female preference succession laws. Also can now only have female castellans/marshalls


- Daenerys is no longer in the Nightswtach in ACoK

- Fixed missing } in landed_titles for k_beyond_wall

- Iron bank merc troops will now disband if their owner is at peace

- It is no longer possible to give an imprisoned character a warden title

- Nationalist revolts can no longer occur in LP titles where the equivalent Kingdom already exists

- Fixed bug where Loras would not get the Kingsguard trait if Renly won the iron Throne in ACoK

- Fixed mega war bug where Lords Paramount defeated in an independence war would redeclare indepedence after with no war

- Fixed mega war bug where it was sometimes possible to declare war on your neutral vassals

- Fixed bug where random ruins would appear for no reason

- Fixed problem where faith of the seven city baronies were using Gavelkind succession

- Fixed Thenn wildling event loop

Version 0.4.7


Main features:

- Updated mod for patch 1.111

- A new ruin/colonisation system, with ruins in Oldstones and Summerhall

- Mega wars are now universal to all empire level titles

- Canon diseases can now appear in provinces

- Feudal Elective Kingdoms held by a Drowned God follower will now have a Kingsmoot upon the King's death

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Characters can now contract Greyscale

- Adjusted the Knighthood mechanics somewhat, including making it possible for non-Faith followers to become knights under certain circumstances

- Provinces broken by Dragonfire in a siege will now be converted to ruins

- It is now possible to arrange a wedding ceremony for daughters who remain in your court

- Blackfyres now have a traditional claim on the Iron Throne

- Characters with a Dragon egg may now build Dragon pits

- Seasons now last a minimum of two years

- Members of the kingsguard can now be sent to the courts of other members of the royal family

- The Targaryen coin flip will no longer occur for a secret bastard whose real father and mother are not Targaryens

- Added a decision for female rulers in a regular marriage to a lowborn to make their marriage matrilineal

- The republic random events now use scaled wealth rather than a meaningless +/- 50 gold. Frequency of good/bad events now also depends on your ruler's stewardship.

- Slaying someone who has yielded to you in a friendly duel will now increase your dishonour

- Grandparents now have priority in choosing a child's education if they are landed and the parents are not

- Added an ambition to Make the Eight

- Added a flavour event for Patricians to lose a ship to a Kraken.

- Added an interesting lunatic event

Character setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Added the Butterwell Dragon Egg

- Added new information from The Dance of the Dragons preview

- Updates to much character history including: Stark, Tully, Grell, Marbrand, Lefford, Vance, Lannister, Tyrell, beesbury, Ryger, Hightower, Blackwood, Manderly, Orkwood, Bolton, Westerlanders in the Conquest, Selmy, Tarly, Cafferen, Baratheon, Velaryon

- Minor Northern ancestor changes to go in line with the MUSH changes. Including House Dustin, Stark, Ryswell and (non-canon) changes in House Bolton to boost their family numbers in couple mid-scenarios.

- Jon Arryn's first two wives in the Ninepenny scenario were both alive and married to him at the same time. Now his Royce wife dies at the correct date.

- Joffrey and his siblings now have Jaime set as their real father in the history files

- Adjusted ages for Stark members to fit in line with succession. Added afew extra Lannister's from Blood of the Dragon.

- Slight update of House Reyne and Hightower, starting family connections between the two (and others) on Blood of the Dragon lines

- Fixed House Shett family floater by adding a father to Damon Shett and his younger brother. Gave the heir of House Moore some children so the line doesn't die out to quickly.

- Gave poor_warrior traits to two of the three Kettleblack brothers. Ormand (Kingsguard) has been given trained_warrior.

- Bloodraven no longer owns Darksister from the age of 5

- Changed Randyll Grafton's name to the Canon Marq Grafton (lord at the time of Roberts Rebellion).

- Somebody apparently thought Gregor needed Formidable Fighter. /What/. He's been brought back down to Trained where he belongs.

- Added portraits for Lynesse Hightower and Taena of Myr created by "MnK".

- King Aegon V is no longer both knight and squire

- Reduced Robert Strong's martial score

- Rhaegel's twins are now the same age

- Asha is no longer celibate, but now has a temporary fertility malus to stop the AI marrying her off immediately

- Characters with OR = { a matching personality trait, a matching job title, free time } can improve their education once per decade after they are 30 on a 10% bi yearly pulse. various_trait_events

- Corrected Jeyne Westerling's age

- Populated the Free Companies with canon characters where applicable

- Qyburn is now in the Brave Companions prior to being employed by Joffery

- Brown Ben Plumm is now in the Second Sons

- Gave Maynard Plumm a few conspicuous traits and had him go missing after the Whitewalls Tourney.

- Gave DNA to Argella Durrandon as her flumby fat appearance just wasn't cutting it for someone who was considered attractive.


- If Balon chooses to help Robb in ACoK it now starts an invasion of the Westerlands rather than the Iron Throne

- A character who has been raided can now use the vengeance CB against the raider, which will return all captured salt wives and swords

- On map reaving duels are now less likely

- The negative opinion from raiding now lasts 5 years rather than 6 months

- Reduced the gold gained from raiding

- Characters that wins a trial against the king will now lose their status as an exiled pretender

- Slaves can no longer go on adventures

- Culled high valyrians now have all their gold removed, so their liege does not inherit it

- All murder/execution of kin in the polygamy events will now make a character a kinslayer

- Added an event that prompts a new independent AI dragon rider to invade something

- Characters will now only start adventures against close family if they dislike them. Adventurers will now also move court if a courtier of their target.

- Patricians are now more likely to choose steward/court education

- The AI will no longer castrate/blind/flay/drown prisoners if the prisoner is their enemy in a war and they can enforce demands against them

- Denounced bastards will now reside in their mother's court

- The parents, kin and spouse of a character who is blinded/castrated will now be very anry with their captor, and will also have just cause to imprison the captor

- Rebels can no longer spawn against the Nightswatch

- Drowned God Lord Commanders are now switched to Old Gods to stop them raiding

- Added an opinion boost between Jon Snow and Mellisandre

- interaction events; #Niceguys wont visit a woman in prison as they dont like gRapes

- Patricians will no longer back a claimant faction that would result in the toppling of the Republic

- Made it more difficult to become chosen by rhllor

- Made it so that all the Skagosi are rebelling during the Blackfyre Rebellion bookmark

- Spymasters can no longer reveal the "Replace a Councillor" plots or get assassinated over them, since these plots aren't actually illegal.

Graphics and portraits:

- Replaced character window

- Remade council screen

- Many new trait/decision/plot icons

- Compressed many graphics to make file size smaller

- Added Dothraki portraits

- Added new portrait layer giving purple lips for Qarth warlocks

- Fixed some incorrect color index for Tyrosh and Valyrian portraits

- Changed religion screen background


- Many localisation improvements/fixes

- Removed the scripted capitals from many high lordships, to try and prevent the AI revoking titles irrationally

- Renamed High Lordship of Oldstones to Seagard

- Eustace Osgrey now supports Daemon Blackfyre during the Rebellion

- The Defiance of Duskendale happens in 8276.1.1

- The Lords of the Westerlands now remain neutral during the Reyne Rebellion

- Only relevant characters will now get informed of the King on the Iron Throne's coronation

- Non Faith of the Seven temples now use open-elective succession rather than gavelkind

- Summer Islanders now prefer Seniority succession and will form factions for it

- Only Westerosi characters or characters with a claim can now use the ambition to put their dynasty on the Iron Throne. The AI will now also use it.

- Optimised the house customiser events

- changed payne hall's terrain to goldroad and hawthorne's to oceanroad

- Durrandons can now get Baratheon stag themed nicknames

- Added some holy sites for some religions

- Added some random valyrian dynasties, names of which derived from..

- Split the Essosi religions into more groups and reduced indfidel malus from 30 to 20


- Fixed broken history in The Three Sisters, also added a Sisterman culture for them

- Fixed a sword quest related CTD

- Fixed problem where it was possible to start an upgrade castle in a wildling province despite the upgrade not being possible

- Fixed Velaryon/Driftmark setup in AFFC

- Fixed the dragon battle events

- Fixed Gold of the West launching outside dejure Westerlands

- Fixed lover event impregnating characters if boh are males

- The Rose and the Lion event now checks if the Iron Throne is held by a male Lannister, this stops Margaery marrying people like Danaerys.

- If a king loses their last empire tier title to a dragon/ironborn invasion any vassals in revolt will no longer become independent

- It is no longer possible to hold multiple weddings for the same couple

- If the Summer Islander invasion fails their event forces will now be disbanded

- Adults can no longer be smothered to death in their cribs like a baby

- Fixed problem where a character would be informed their spouse is pregnant by another man, but when the child is born it would be their legit child

- If a member of the Kingsguard somehow becomes landed their titles will now be properly abdicated to a valid heir

- Fixed the Renly shadow baby now working if Stannis was already plotting to kill someone

- Event where you can try and hatch a dragon egg will no longer happen if you already have a dragon

- Fixed problem with Tower of Joy event where new kinsguard defenders wouldnt be selected properly if the initial ones died before the fight

- Fixed problem where Ironborn adventurers were getting stuck on islands due to having no fleet

- Fixed problem where a religion called priests_can_marry was appearing in the ledger

- Fixed problem with ask for legitimisation decision where the character's children would switch dynasty even if the spouse was of a higher rank

- Fixed vanilla rival event where you could imprison yourself for cheating at a tourney

- A ward will no longer ask to be a squire if already a knight

- Fixed a case of the Kingsguard title being stuck with a landed character and new members not being appointed

- Fixed Valyrian marriages of incest being referred to as Xwedodah Zoroastrian unions

- Fixed problem where if the King appoints his heir to the Kingsguard they can react to it and be upset with themself

- Fixed a CTD that could occur when a Maester is Lord Commander of the NW

- Fixed problem where sometimes the Kingsguard wasnt organised properly upon the selection of a new Lord Commander, which could result in more than 7 Kingsguard

- It is no longer possible to become friends with yourself at weddings

- Fixed bug in event where you recognise virtues of good spymaster improving relations with the Maester rather than the spymaster

- Fixed problem where the Iron Throne would change to gavelkind succession after the Blackfyre Rebellion

- Taking a landed prisoner as a salt wife will now abdicate all their titles to their heir, rather than to their captor

- Reinstated vengeance opinions between Lannisters and Starks that were missing in ACoK

- Fixed problem where Feasts, Hunts and Fairs were sometimes impossible to hold

- Fixed problem where you could end up imprisoning yourself in the dungeon after winning a trial by combat

- Brides will no longer fall pregnant during a bedding if already pregnant

- Fixed problem where characters were always presenting poor cases in trials by court

- Fixed never ending quest bug

- Removed technology requirements for trade posts

- Getting champion, master of the blade, master of the bow, venerable elder fulfills gain honorary title ambition

Version 0.4.4


Main features:

- Worshipers of the Drowned God can now use the Old Gods DLC raiding mechanics. Off map reaving is till possible

- Wildlings can go now go raiding and gain defensive bonuses.

- Drowned God followers can now take their prisoners as salt wives using the new concubine system, but only via decision so you can't ask someone to be a salt wife. Old system still in place for non DLC users

- The Blackwater, Mander and Trident are now navigable by Drowned God followers, with a portage bewteen The God's Eye and The Trident

- Added a dynamic dynasty rivalry system. Enemy dynasties can now use the vengeance CB against eachother, which now also enforces all claims .

- Added some canon rivalries, including Frey-Stark rivalry from AFFC.

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Wildlings are no longer forced to invade their neighbors by event

- Both Wildlings and Ironborn may become adventurers

- Old Gods followers can commision a DLC runestone, relocalised to portray tombs/sepulchers

- Converted the Old Gods Varangian event chain to a son serving with sellsword company chain

- Added an option for Aegon to make Harrenhal his capital after the conquest, as long as it wasnt burnt

- If Stannis wins the war for the North Davos is now released from prison

- Only characters of Westerosi culture can now employ or become a Maester. The court position is now called 'healer' for other cultures

- Revised kingsguard drama event so it now uses the duel engine and characters like Barristan Selmy wont slay the King

- The Golden Company will now disband upon a Blackfyre/Young Griff victory

- Players can now reforge their generic VS Swords for 200g

- Revised seasons a bit: Can no longer choose season length at the start of game, and canon winters and summers have been scripted

- Revamped weddings somewhat:

-The Dowry is now paid the bride's family

-Added some more events

-Added a bedding event

-It is now possible to poison someone's wine at a wedding

- Any non great house can make a cadet from a predefined list. Will be easy for people to add their own rather than a guide and fail fajerp.

- Bastard is eligible for cadet if he has good stats or good traits or parent has 2k prestiege.

- Added event dealing with the start/end of the Age of Dragons

Character setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Added some characters into Dany's court in Meereen

- Beric is now dead from ACoK, until we can come up with Brotherhood stuff

- Blackfish is now with Robb at the start of A Clash of Kings, since he was travelling with Robb's army and served Robb extensively as a battle commander.

- Roose Bolton is now A. Patient and B. No longer Super Happy Best Friends with the Starks , i.e. content

- Mors Umber now has an eyepatch

- Revised House lannister of Lannisport, to include missing characters and to make it a proper cadet branch

- The Martells now have the vengeance opinion of Lannisters/Robert after Elia's murder

- Tywle Reyne and his brother now have weak claims on the Westerlands in ADoD (due to their Lannister mother)

- Changed Dany/Viserys' opinion of Robert from usurped title to vengeance, to stop Stannis creating factions for Viserys

- Changed Jon Snow's base learning to 5 from 0, because he doesn't ACTUALLY know nothing. >_>

- Added a few more Storm kings to the Durrendons and link connection to Godsgrief, Elenei and their descendants. Dubbed "Storm Kings" Durrendon (he is purposely 7750 years old). The family tree is no longer broken.

- Updated e_stormlands, d_shipbreaker and c_storm_ends and c_rainwood county title histories.

- Added link connection with Brandon the Builder, updated stark titles to suit.

- Fixed Euron's regnal number, also added all named ancient Iron Kings

- Gave Lady Flint of Widow's watch a boy circa 299AL as she was with child during the harvest festival in a Clash of Kings. Also kept her husband alive until the red wedding. (where he can die with his son Robin.)

- DNA-ed Rohanne Webber up. She now has red hair, green eyes and is attractive.

- Gave the Red Lion of Castamere a Red bearded mane to match his nickname. Added Old Nan's Brandon Stark, brother of Edwyle. Died of a Summer chill. Added wife to Artos so Edwyle and his sister are full blooded.

- Gave Jon Fossoway the kind trait as he is considered to be a genial person in the books.

- Updated Kenning's of Kayce and Harlaw. Made Kayce Kenning's a cadet of the Harlaw Kenning's, gave the westerland Kenning's an expanded Ironborn background. Updated title histories of the two houses.

- In earlier scenario, added wifes and children for High Lords of the North, Riverlands, Iron Islands, Reach, Westerlands and Stormlands

- The lowborn wife of lord Plumm (dead during the Conquest) is no more the lady of Kayce and Maunhill, but their child, Phillip Plumm (change his sex, so house Plumm can survive if you start in 8001)

- Added a cousin to Ronnel Arryn in earlier scenario, for the sake of House Arryn

- Gave the first Daenerys DNA similar to Daenerys Stormborn. (She looked like a female Aegon IV. Now she looks like how she's supposed too.)

- Added DNA to Lyanna and Arya Stark (both, not Jeyne 'Arya' Stark however). Arya will now looks somewhat like Lyanna when she's older and Lyanna looks akin to most of the pictures of her.

- Made Ned's grand-aunt live longer so if the Starks all die in the Rebellion she and then her Vale daughters can inherit.

- Added the Stark-Karstark cadet connection and updated Karhold's title history. Note Karlon Stark is currently a Stark due to them only becoming Kar-Starks after afew generations. (Made his great great grandson the first official 'karstark')

Province and title setup:

- Daenerys is now Queen of Meereen in AFFC

- Added a dejure Night's King title to the Nights Watch, as the game would CTD without it. Uncreatable for now.

- Added all the canon Free City merc companies, unhirable for now

- Added an Ironborn merc company


- Rebalanced AFFC a bit, main change is Young Griff's war setup

- Randyll Tarly and Garlan Tyrell are now part of the Reach's army in AFFC

- A claimant ultimatum can no longer be issued to a human Stannis player who is deciding which character to give the North to in AFFC

- Added an opinion malus between Tywin and Renly/Stannis in ACoK, to hopefully encourage Joffrey to call him to arms

- Adjusted Harren Hoare's Seven Kingdoms setup so he has a chance of retaining the Riverlands

- A character will not gain any traits after a siege if they already have 5 personality traits

- Reduced the war score gained from battles, as the new patch seems to have change it's calculation to make it larger

- The Iron Bank will no longer fund small crownland lords against the Iron Throne during a mega war unless they lead a really powerful claimant faction

- Increase broken betrothal opninion malus

- Made some adjustments to secret bastard events:

-If a character is declared illegitimate the real father is now set properly

-A plotter will find it easier to find evidence against a character whose mother has already previously been exposed by the plotter for another child

- A proud female ruler now needs 10 martial to lead troops. This stops Cersei leading armies.

- The prestige gained from killing someone in a duel is now scaled depending on the rank/ability of the defeated character

- Adjusted the chances of characters using Moon tea

- Any child with a paid martial education whos mother, father, grandmother and grandfather is AI will recieve +1 to their swordsman level.

Graphics and portraits:

- Activated the "Gallows" character background for characters with the "King's Justice" title

- Made Euron's eyepatch show up in the character menu again

- Added some graphics for AAR winners

- Wildlings and Skagosi now use Norse holding graphics

- Sand and Salt Dornishmen now use Muslim holding graphics

- Added a pretty snowflake icon for the winter province modifier


- Added 'the Iron Storm' as a possible reaving nickname

- The Valyrian religion now uses Divine Blood and allows brother-sister marriages.

- Many canonically sensitive dynasties now cannot appear randomly, e.g. Blackfyre, Baratheon, Casterly

- Added a proper set of names for the free city cultures

- music : Added "Euron crow eye" song

- music : Remastered "the free folk" song, should sound less messy.

- Added a new music "A Stag in a Flaming Heart"

- Added Descriptions for all religions.

- Maesters can no longer inherit dragons

- Cheating on or cuckolding a character is now just cause for imprisonment

- Tweaked harrenhal restoration and removed event notations

- If the player doesnt have a Maester/priest at the start of the game one will be automatically generated

- If the player is a knight they will automatically gain the Ser title at the start of the game

- Kingmaker and beggar king nicks have appropriate allows.


- Changed the way greenseers are employed to make sure they always gain an education trait

- Lord Paramounts should no longer be leading the King's personal armies during a mega war

- Changed Clayton Suggs dynasty to his true one. (He was masquerading as a Bolling and f@@king up their family tree.)

- Fixed eligible kings and emperors not wearing crowns if their spouse is a lord paramount

- Fixed lord paramounts wearing funky headgear on some occasions

- Fixed a case of mistaken manhood goat feeding in imprisonment event

- Fixed problem where if no vassal attended you feast the feast would never end

- Fixed event where the marshall could get sabotage his own troop training

- Fixed event that was culling landed wildlings, also made it banish to a wildling rather than cull

- It is no longer possible to hold summer fairs in winter

- Imprisoned women cant use moon tea because they're in prison and cant use moon tea.

- The event where a character is converted by a priest now actually works

- Fixed problem where if a character lost to a claimant faction for a secondary title in favour of their liege they would lose all of their direct vassals to their liege even if they were not part of the taken title

- Learned how to spell surprise and made tooltip clearer.

- Fixed some holdings which had the wrong type of base value building

- Fixed problem where if you were improving a base value building and died, the upgrade building and investment would be lost

- Revised banish to nighstwatch decision/event, to hopefully avoid random crashes

- Taking a ward potential now matches the effect. Will only display if eligible.

- Standardized R'hllor localization from R'hollor

- Stopped fot7 lords from spamming employ priest via employment decisions ai chance tampering

- Fixed problem where the Iron Bank could fund you to war against yourself

- Added a title to wikid and adjusted some AI_chance factors

Version 0.4.2


Main features:

- 1.092 compatibility.

- Two new scenarios: The Blackfyre Rebellion and A Feast for Crows.

- Improved Hedge Knights.

- Added a first draft revision of vanilla buildings.

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- The priest councillor can now use the 'Perform Charity' job action.

- The season event (as well as other initialsation) now occurs immediately upon starting a new game.

- Female regents may now be challenged to duels if they belong to Dornish, Wildling, or Ironborn cultures.

- The ruler designer high valyrian decision is now an automatic event.

- Added an AI decision to split the swords widowswail and oathkeeper.

- The regency duel event chain now uses the duel engine. Female regents can also no longer be challenged to duels.

- Added a salt wife related event.

- Householdguard decisions - disband - removes all household guard modifiers.

- Can no longer start feasts/hunts/fairs whilst reaving.

- Vanilla 'Dragon hunt' event now cannot happen during the age of dragons.

- A character will not get the widowed trait if they assasinated their spouse, unless they are a lunatic.

- Characters either captured or released after a siege now get a notification event.

- The Bran inspired falling from tower event now gives the crippled trait rather than the maimed trait.

- Adjusted options in event where your vassal kills one of your servants.

- Added the option to grant vacant LP titles via personal interaction.

- Added new special decisions (Hire a Hedge Knight) for the following cultures (northmen, riverlander, valeman, crownlander, westerman, reachman, stormlander, ironborn, salt_dornish, stone_dornish, sand_dornish and crannogman).

- Characters employed by decision will no longer get traits like incapable and infirm.

- Revised NW maintenance event that handles women/children to also give men the NW trait if they dont have it.

- Ironborn reaving events now occur whilst using ironborn raid/invasion CB on the map.

- Added an event chain for Rhaegar in the Tower of Joy in the case of the Targaryens winning the War of the Usurper.

- If a character is put under house arrest, any of their child relatives who are also in prison will be placed under house arrest also.

- Trial by Combat is no longer always to the death, and if the prisoner loses their captor can now choose a punishment.

- Obtaining Dawn now aborts the obtain valyrian sword ambition.

- Added jenk's changes to skinchanger events. Only farwynds can now have sea animal companions. The chain is now less likely to happen as well.

- Polished the Fashionable & Authoritative traits. (added mid-life events to gain/lose/interact).

- If you win a trial by court you can now only send the loser to the wall if they are a man.

- Feast/hunts/fairs have a 12 month cooldown as opposed to a required month.

- Added oathbreaker mechanics.

Character setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Made Theon a prisoner of Ramsay and put him in the oubliette.

- Moved Asha to Stannis' court before she is married and put her under arrest.

- Added Aeron Damphair's imprisonment by the Lannisters after the Greyjoy Rebellion.

- Gave Erik Ironmaker his own dynasty, changed his nickname to "Anvil-Breaker" and added his grandsons.

- Fixed Gregor Cleganes killer to be Oberyn.

- Removed celibate traits from Theon and Varys (they have eunuch).

- Made Varys and Melisandre ambitious.

- Added positive opinion modifiers between Illyrio, Varys and Young Griff.

- Baelor the Blessed now becomes celibate a bit earlier.

- Rolland Storm is now in Renly's court in ACoK.

- Reduced Jon and Ramsay Snow's martial, and increased Stannis' a bit.

- Adjusted the ages of Roose, Domeric and Ramsay to be more in keeping with canon.

- Deleted Heward Bolton (Roose's non canon father) who never became a Lord and with Roose's increased age is unnecessary.

- Renamed characters to Canon names for Houses : Falwell, Lorch, Terrick, Wayn and Lychester for the time period of Maegor's reign.

- Maester Aemon and Bloodraven now have relevant employment history placing them in the Nights Watch from 8233.

- Added Glendon Flowers aka Glendon Ball as Quentyn Fireball's bastard.

- Added dynasty with CoA for Dunk. Makes him playable when he is LC and lets him have his own CoA.

- Added Andrik the Unsmiling and Nute the Barber.

- Added some AAR winners, including the new Valyrian Sword Stranger's Mercy (Graphics still needed).

- Added some additional canon names to Andal, Dornish, Ironborn and Valyrian cultures.

- Added ancient Kings Beyond the Wall.

- Added Septa Lemore, Septa Saranella and Mirri Maz Dur.

- Added opinion modifiers between Jorah Mormont, his father and Eddard Stark after Jorah has been exiled.

- Added the family of the Prince of Pentos (Illyrio married one of them).

- Randyll Tarly no longer looks like Stannis, Styr is bald and Petyr the Pimple has pimples.

- Added some more characters to the Dance of Dragons bookmark.

- Blackfyres can now get Targaryen nicknames.

- Added a more senior Hardyng line, so Harry the Heir is less likely to inherit the Hardyng lands and cause the house to die out.

- Robert no longer thinks Ned a traitor in the Crowned Stag scenario.

- Created a "Saan" dynasty and assigned Sallador to it. Gave him traits, Fashionable, Gregarious, Proud and Charismatic Negotiator.

- Made Hoster Tully's illness more gradual, so he is only infirm at the beginning of ACoK, becoming incapable later on. Also added his stillborn children and made him and his children have blue eyes.

- Ser Barristan now has blue eyes.

- Characters that die stillborn now have it shown as their cause of death. Also added cause to historical stillborns.

- Fixed it so that the Gorge and Skirling Pass are sworn to Raymun Redbeard while he is King beyond the Wall.

- Made it so that Bloodraven is imprisoned by Maekar from Maekar becomming King to when he and Aemon go to the Wall.

Province and title setup:

- Added a war with CB "bid for independence" for the Rains of Castermere in 8260.1.1.

- Added traditional claims for Housea Blackwood and Bracken, which give claims to some of eachother's lands.

- Changed beyond the wall to a king tier title.

- Added a Painted Table flavour building to the Stone Drum in Dragonstone.

- Changed all Dornish titles to true cognatic, some were still using agnatic.

- House Sunglass was moved and degraded to Barony-level on Dragonstone Island.

- Placed House Rambton on the empty barony of Winwyrm on Dragonstone Island. (added non-canon Family history)

- Renamed Sweetport Sound to The Whispers and House Crabb got moved there. The province was switched from Duchy of Dragonstone to duchy of Crackclaw Point.

- Renamed Brownhollow to Dyre Den. House Brune of Brownhollow got degraded to Baron level. House Brune of Dyre Den became their liege.

- Former seat of House Crabb, Crackclaw point got renamed North Crackclaw Point. House Boggs was added in that castle. (added non-canon Family history)

- Added a new barony in North Crackclaw Point for House Pyne. (added non-canon Family history)

- Rook's Rest was moved south into former Dyre Den province. House Staunton was moved with it. (tachnically they are not crackclaw but close enough)

- The former Rook's Rest became South Crackclaw Point. House Cave was placed there. (added non-canon Family history) House Hardy remained there.

- Created and added correct province flags for Crackclaw Point provinces.

- Degraded the level of some Castles in Crackclaw Point Duchy to keep the balance and more or less the same amount of troops.

- The Vale now uses agnatic succession from the reign of Jon Arryn, to give more accurate succession.

- Fixed Eastwatch's base value building.

- Added a war for Raymun Redbeard's invasion in 8223.1.1.

- Made the High Lordships of the Kingswood and Bywater Rush created from the beginning and gave them to the Bywaters and the Thornes, respectively.

- Made Wendwater sworn to the Masseys.


- Liege/faction member opinion modifier set to zero (to avoid lieges hating their own loyalists, better solution to follow).

- Fertilty malus added to army commanders.

- The "mysterious conception" legitimacy evidence flag is now only assigned to children whose mother's husbands were commanding an army when pregnancy began to show.

- Lovers are now twice as likely to sleep together while their spouses are commanding armies.

- Added some restrictions to who can use the weaken vassal plot against LPs.

- The unique scenario CBs are now flagged as major revolts, so vassals will get the 'revolt defeated' opinion bonus if the King wins. Also increased this bonus slightly.

- There is no longer a minimum piety requirement for imprisonment/execution.

- When a King grants a Lord Paramount title to a lord via event they now have a boosted opinion of the new lord ( to try and stop the AI being nasty to the new lord).

- The AI now has no limit on how many lord paramount titles it will create.

- If the leader of an independence faction war dies the war wil no longer end inconclusively.

- It is no longer possible to start a claimant faction for Septons, Septas or Red Priests.

- A landed claimant who is a vassal of the holder of the title now needs to be backing the faction before an ultimatum can be issued.

- Females who are rulers or close relatives of rulers can now lead armies if they have 15 martial.

- Took away the North's boats, as they were going to the beach again. Human players of the North can still use boat mercs though.

- It is no longer possible to plot to revoke the primary duchy of a lord paramount tier character.

- Land based animal companions now all have an effect on duel outcomes.

- Form Westeros decision is now usable even if you only control four kingdoms rather than own the titles directly.

- Flaying or drowning will now give an opinion malus with the target's relatives.

- Weaker lords are now more likely to accept demands to stand down.

- Any King can now use the post mega war punishments against their vassals.

- Added extra checks on the vassalisation of allies after a successful indep war event, to make sure only neighbours are vassalised.

- Black brothers and other special characters can no longer fabricate claims.

- Reduced the prestige gain on some knight events.

- Reduced the chance of a character using moon tea.

- Salt wives can no longer be councillors or use moon tea.

- A child can now only be increased in combat skill by your marshall once every two years, and only to one level above your marshall.

- More than one member of a dynasty can now have a traditional claim to a title.

- Owners of dragons now dislike dragon slayers.

- Slightly decreased the chance of being wounded/maimed/killed whilst reaving.

- Dejure barony CBs are now usable against characters in the same realm. it now also vassalises the target if possible/appropiate.

- Reduced the chance of stillbirths happening (from 23% to 10% on average).

- Trickster and defender overall provide a +0.1 commandmodifier as opposed to a -0.1.

- Holy warrior can be given out randomly but not through reeducation. Took away the -0.1 damage and reduced religious enemy to +0.1.

- Gold Mines now give less gold, but the Westerlands now has more to compensate.

- Adjusted the special War of the Usurper CB, so the effect tooltip is clearer and the war continues if Renly somehow inherits the Stormlands.

Graphics and portraits:

- Added the Hedge Knight project. Included 337 Hedge Dynasties with their own unique Coat of Arms for most cultures of Westeros.

- Added 58 new title Flags. Most ware duchy flags that ware either low quality or a placeholder.

- Changed the way traits are displayed on the character screen (thanks to Elder Scrolls mod).

- Added a new background for loading screen hints, so the text no longer overlaps the border.

- Replaced all christian crosses that were left in the UI with the Seven Pointed Star.

- Added trait icons for Honorable, Ruthless, Wildling and Salt Wife.

- Added icon for Valyrian religion and changed icon of Summer Gods (was Drowned God icon?).

- Northman females now wear northern martial gear instead of western.

- Some minor additions to Ironborn clothes.

- The Ironborn should no longer bedeck themselves like whores and have had new clothes and headgear added.

- Added eyepatches for left and right eyes and gave Euron his eyepatch.

- Dornish characters now use Muslim event images where appropriate.

- Kingsguard, Night's Watch and Maester clothes should now override most other clothes.

- Fixed some more instances of naked Dornish priests.

- Red Priests now wear red clothes.

- Adjusted portrait backgrounds for several cultures.

- Added Night's Watch flags with cloth texture courtesy of Smoesville, and cloth texture versions of the Golden Company and Warrior's Sons flags.

- House "of Thenn" no longer has the House Thenn Rhllor influenced coat of arms for the historical Magnars.

- Added an icon for decision to give Crabspincer to a child.

- Added starkweather's valyrian child portraits.

- Added icons for the loyalist factions.

- Removed red eyes from high valyrians.


- Changed the way king tier titles in Westeros are named, so king tier titles outside westeros can be referred to as Kingdoms.

- Replaced some loading text to refer Westeros.

- Replaced dynasty trackers set in history files with the new dynasty= trigger.

- Only Lannisters, Reynes and Osgreys can now get 'the Lionheart' nickname.

- AI Kings will now create LP titles.

- Maesters now have to serve at least 10 years with a lord before being invited to be a Archmaester.

- The AI will now actively switch to their culture succession gender law.

- A stillborn character will now get a bastard nickname if appropiate.

-Added some improved localisations by pulcherada.


- Fixed the dejure 'kingdom' CB outcomes not working in some instances.

- Fixed a friend/rival event sometimes triggering wrongly.

- Removed Byzantine reference in blinding decision.

- Fixed the missing localisation for Redwyne nicknames.

- The 'Become Lord Paramount' ambition will now abort properly if the character is not of the right rank, also fixed localisation.

- It is no longer possible to capture yourself after a successful siege.

- Fixed a case of trial by combat events triggering erroneously.

- Fixed the peasants dying winter.

- Added some more checks to the high valyrian cull to ensure it doesnt cull the wrong characters.

- Florents no longer get traditional claims on the Reach if the holder is a Gardener.

- Fixed Trial by Combat not finishing properly in some circumstances.

- The Nightswatch maintenance event now switches the watch back to it's normal state if it somehow becomes a merchant republic.

- Fixed the reforging of widowswail/oathkeeper into ice in reclaim sword CB not actually detroying the sword.

- Fixed problem where if you sent your child to be the ward of someone at the citadel they would be banished to a random place.

- Fixed ACOK bug where Renly/Stannis would sometimes auto declare war on the Iron throne after their brother's death even if they backed them in the parley.

- Top lieges on another character's reaving will no longer get two of every reaving event.

- If a character is declared a bastard after an investigation they will now get the appropiate bastard name.

- Fixed event where your Maester could demand you execute/exile an infidel.

- Fixed a case of mega war event spam for the King.


CreditsНажмите здесь!

Cabezaestufa: (Project Leader) Map creator, General Coding Support, Events, DNA, Balancing, Bugfixing, North Content, Misc. Graphics, Team Management.

Scripting & Coding:

Knuckey: Events, Reach Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Bastard-Names, Nightswatch, Maesters, Tournies and "Megawars".

Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.

Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Household Guard , Dragons.

Galle: Events, Reach Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, New Assassinations Mechanics, Fighting Traits, the Duel Engine.

Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.

Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.

Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.

Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.

Etel: Grell-conversion Work.

black_imperator: Events.

Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.

HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.


Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner versions).

Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).

dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).

Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.

HMAS-Nameless: CoA, misc. graphics.

Molleby: CoA placeholders.

Narf: Iconography & Testing.

Smoesville: Event pictures

Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures: ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>

StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens

Regional Character & Title Allocations.

the_hdk: Crownlands Content, CoA graphics.

ThePiglet: Dornish Content.

Hroppa: Vale content.

AlecTrevelyan006: Stormlands content, DNA, CoA placeholders.

Helios Ra: Some initial Stormland content.

Jazthesentinel: Some initial Stormland content.

Maginor: Some initial Riverlands content.

Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories.

Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.

Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.

Translations & Localization:

Loomis (German)

Osuna (Spanish)

Darkhorse27 (Spanish)

Bysne (Spanish)

FgM (Spanish)

Werther (French)

Stannis (French)

Lord Riusma (Official French translation of the Books)


Dom (JonSnoooow)


Ser Ham








Benjen Coldwater


Special Thanks To:

Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things

Paradox Interactive for their great game

George R. R. Martin for his awesome books

Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.


Better Rebels

Family Relations

Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates

The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions

La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation.


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Изменено пользователем Антипа

Они это сделали! *ушел давить Таргариенов*

Изменено пользователем Laite


Они это сделали! *ушел топить в крови узурпатора*

а перевод мода будет?

а перевод мода будет?

Просто перевести эту версию недостаточно. Подозреваю, что будет куча фиксов и исправлений, возможно даже в ближайшее время (судя по версии 0.1 и 20 новым темам с багами на форуме разработчиков). Так что кому-то придётся потом ещё и подгонять гипотетический перевод под новые версии.

С переводом пока стоит подождать до появления более-менее вменяемой версии. Посмотрел файлы - в принципе, текста не очень много, ивентов мало, в основном - всяческие специфические "термины", свойственные ПЛиП. Тут уже другая проблема - человек, не знающий все эти перипетии вселенной вряд ли сможет сделать качественный перевод.


Думаю и надеюсь,что читал много кто ПЛиП,да и вроди Ол обещал перевод...)

А СКII как нельзя лучше подходят для реализации ПЛиП,тут тебе и феодализм и предательства и интрижки,конечно кривовато сделано,но всё же есть...


Да, перевод беру на себя. Сейчас создам небольшую тему на этот счет.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Ктото поможет с запуском мода? Скачал чистую сборку с Вашего сайта версии 1.05f, скачал мод, скинул как всегда в папку mods,

В ланчере выбираю мод, всё как обычно, но при запуске выкидывает с ошибкой. Что только не делал - не получается запустить!

Win 7 x64, redist, directx и nvidia drivers - все последнии. Без мода CK2 идут без какихто проблем.

Имя сбойного приложения: ck2.exe, версия:, отметка времени: 0x4fb394e1

Имя сбойного модуля: ck2.exe, версия:, отметка времени 0x4fb394e1

Код исключения: 0xc0000005

Смещение ошибки: 0x005488a4

Идентификатор сбойного процесса: 0x230

Изменено пользователем fidel

Ктото поможет с запуском мода? Скачал чистую сборку с Вашего сайта версии 1.05f, скачал мод, скинул как всегда в папку mods,

В ланчере выбираю мод, всё как обычно, но при запуске выкидывает с ошибкой. Что только не делал - не получается запустить!

Win 7 x64, redist, directx и nvidia drivers - все последнии. Без мода CK2 идут без какихто проблем.

Имя сбойного приложения: ck2.exe, версия:, отметка времени: 0x4fb394e1

Имя сбойного модуля: ck2.exe, версия:, отметка времени 0x4fb394e1

Код исключения: 0xc0000005

Смещение ошибки: 0x005488a4

Идентификатор сбойного процесса: 0x230

Если драйвера обновлены, то попробуйте вот это:

1. Исключите из пути к папке с игрой кириллические символы.

2. Попробуйте установить режим совместимости с другими версиями ОС.

3. Запустите программу от имени администратора.

4. На всякий случай установите это.

И еще раз проверьте, правильно ли Вы скопировали сам мод в папку (ну так, на всякий случай :rolleyes: )

А чего мод не обсуждаем?

У меня сложилось такое чувство что авторы очень уж симпатизируют узурпаторам, у железного трона войск как-то не очень.

А чего мод не обсуждаем?

У меня сложилось такое чувство что авторы очень уж симпатизируют узурпаторам, у железного трона войск как-то не очень.

Не любят они Эйериса. :(

Внесу свои пять копеек:

1)клаймы на титулы добываются как то криво, либо у меня корейский рандом (за 50 лет я ничего не добыл, играя Петиром Бейлишем+ у него жена дорнийка с 20 уровнем дипломатии, она же канцлер.)

2)Слишком большое количество народа в "Нубозамках"- там,где цивилизация только только продвигается, уже гарнизон 2к и 1.5к воинов.

3)В ночной дозор я так и не нашел как отправлять людей. По идее,можно отправлять кого хочешь из придворных (добровольно-принудительно), особенно своих детей и бастардов

4)Убийства отработаны вообще эпично. Заказываю человека, беру парочку соучастников, 150% вероятность убить нужного человека. И о чудо- 2 варианта: 1 отравление кубком (30% что убьешь 70% что тебя раскроют) 2 убийство- плати 50 золотых и получай шанс 30% что тебя раскроют. При 5-х соучастниках открывается вариант - либо ты убьешь человека с вероятность 40% либо сдохнешь сам с вероятностью 60%=))) я не совсем понимаю что это за фигня)

5) Идея с скваирами\рыцарями интересна, но у меня за 2 раза игры (ланнистерами и бейлишами) не получалось тренировать своих детей через список действий. Там написано- сколько то процентов (около 20), что персонаж,которого тренируют, будет покалечен, 20% что ему нанесут серьезную рану и 64% что он станет ПЛОХИМ воином. хотя статы были всегда хорошие

6) Тайнвин Ланнистер нелюбил Тириона. Как и все прочие. Однако в 2 из 2-х игр у меня он был любимчиком всех всех всех, а с отцом они вместе плясали на вечеринках и были лучшими друзьями

7) Войска Наемников меня не впечатлили. За 75 золотых можно нанять толпу голодранцев, но никак не Золотую роту (образно).

Тем не менее, мод мне очень понравился, я пару дней не мог вообще определиться, за кого играть- за всех хочется :D Тем более посмотреть на географию регионов и увидеть знакомых по книге людей крайне приятно.

P.S. мой "конвой" из ланниспорта дошел до Стены за 2.5 года=)) Наверное,пересечение из Солнечного копья (Дорн) в Черный Замок (Стена) пройдет года 3.5-4.

3)В ночной дозор я так и не нашел как отправлять людей. По идее,можно отправлять кого хочешь из придворных (добровольно-принудительно), особенно своих детей и бастардов

Только для узников и возможно это только король может.

А вообще фича не очень, отправил Роберта Баратеона Толстого на стену и отношения со всеми вассалами -280. Смысла играть дальше не вижу.

Фича с поединком чести тоже раздражает, любой пленник стремится ей воспользоваться и мои защитники часто умирают.

Зато безумный король может вместо обычной казни сжигать своих пленников. Это жирный плюс:)

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Деймон Блэкфайр


У меня было так: отжал Север у Болтонов для Рикона, пока Эйгон захватывал Штормовые, и Томмен с кем-то там еще воевал, было непросто, но мы справились, взяли в плен Русе и Рамси после осады, и казнили

enrique suarez

Вышла 1.6 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. A GAME OF THRONES A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones v1.6 Checksum: GRSL Compatible with: CK2 2.8.1


A Game of Thrones v1.3   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    




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