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Они ждут выхода Республики, насколько я понимаю. Поговаривают об Эссосе, однако это пока неизвестно.

Не вводите дезинфу, об Эссосе даже думать пока рано. Они не планируют его вводить и вся работа сосредоточена на Вестеросе.


Эссос вроде планировался изначально, но его не стали доделывать поскольку не было смысла - за республики играть было нельзя? Здесь даже выкладывали какой-то Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .


У меня ещё вопрос:

Если Робб Старк женится не на представительнице дома Фреев, изменится ли отношение Уолдера Фрея к "Королю Севера" (боюсь предательства Уолдера)?

Изменено пользователем Gaddafi


Расторжение помолвки даст большой минус к отношениям, и вероятность предательства увеличиться. Но ничего страшного не произойдет. У меня, к примеру, Фрей ни разу после этого не восставал. А Робба я женил на Дейенерис. :D

А Робба я женил на Дейенерис. :D

А от этого есть какие-то плюсы (дракончики например)?

Что странного в этом моде, что у Бриндена Талли есть характеристика, как у Ренли и Лораса. Хотя ни в чем подобно в книгах он замечен не был.

А от этого есть какие-то плюсы (дракончики например)?

Что странного в этом моде, что у Бриндена Талли есть характеристика, как у Ренли и Лораса. Хотя ни в чем подобно в книгах он замечен не был.

Они об этом что то писали, типо вроде того что бы у него детей не было. Могли бы просто ему "целибат" прописать и всё.

А от этого есть какие-то плюсы (дракончики например)?

Да ничего особенного. Дракона ведь надо ещё оседлать. Теоретически, дракон может перейти от неё к твоему наследнику, но поскольку наследник Таргариеном не будет, шансы приручить дракона очень малы.

Самый главный плюс в другом. У неё есть клейм на железный трон. Т. е. если постараться, можно уже во втором поколении стать королем всея вестероса. :)

А, ну ещё забыл таргариенскую внешность у наследников. Старки с серебряными волосами и фиолетовыми глазами доставляют.


Вышла новая версия 0.4, просьба обновить шапку.

Изменено пользователем @lex

Гессенский стрелок

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 Version 0.4


Main features:

- 1.09 compatibility.

- New Original Soundtrack, composed specifically for this mod by the talented Aurelien Benharrats (Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ).

- Added Liege Loyalists and Crown Loyalists factions.

- Added dozens of new CoAs and Flags.

- Dragon Duels!

- New scenarios: The Dance of the Dragons and The Conquest of Dorne

- Completely reworked secret bastard system.

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Added stillbirths.

- Women can now drink moon tea as a contraceptive.

- King on Iron Throne can now plot to revoke crownland titles off LPs.

- Added plots to steal valyrian swords.

- King can now issue mega war punishments after faction wars for feudal elective/gavelkind/lower crown authority.

- Added some generic events where rebel leaders can exact justice on the King and his family/supporters after a mega war.

- Added events dealing with the Most Devout and election of the High Septon.

- Added a NW 'First ranger wounded' flavour event.

- Added a decision to show owners of dragons and dragon eggs. Moved all such info decisions to the bottom of the panel.

- Readded the Summer Islander invasion events, after some adjustments.

- Added the Skinchanger traits "Dog" and "Brownbear" complete with events to assign them. Fixed some errors in the Skinchanger localisation.

- From now on, every girl will have to wait for their first period to be fertile and get married.

- Added an event for Tywin to reforge Ice into Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper.

- Added an event to buy a valyrian steel sword.

- Added an event for AI dragon riders that spawns them into a small army if they are not fighting during a war.

- Fixed the claim dawn decision not being usable by the AI (it was a dynasty_decision for some reason).

- Added AI only decisions to split blackfyre/darksister and ice/longclaw up.

- Fixed the rescue prisoner plot. Captor now recieves an ultimatum rather than an instant declaration of war.

- Optimised the traditional dynastic claims events.

- Added an event that disbands units spawned for AI dragon riders.

- Fixed the master-of-arms sometimes training himself when training your children. Also generally revised the action, mainly adding a negative event outcome.

- Updated the dynasty trackers to use the new dynasty_flags (hopefully since there are far less 'any_dynasty_member=' this should boost performance).

- Added a lore child event for Daenerys.

- The Maester can now be sent to do his job actions even if the events cant happen, to avoid confusion.

- Added the option to reject all presented candidates for the kingsguard.

- A widower will now target an appropiate character according to their sexuality/gender when 'seeking solace in the arms of another'.

- Revised the coronation events (less spammy, more accurate localisation).

- When someone surrenders to a dragon conquest their vassals are now informed.

- Updated the various CK2+ plots.

- Added a warning to the family requests title event about tyranny, also revised options/ai chances slightly.

- Events that previously gave a tech bonus now give an alternative bonus.

- LPs can now crown themselves King during an independence war.

- Smaller AI lords will only join an independence war if a higher tier neighbour has joined, and will swear fealty to them upon victory.

- Maesters can no longer convert populace.

- Removed CK2+ old age events which arent in CK2+ anymore.

- Updated tyranny and dishonour mechanics from CK2+ (including dishonour now applying to plot assasinations).

- Added the option for the King to disable alerts about lesser lord's actions in a mega war.

- Only King, LPs and northern lords will be sent a call to arms from the Night's Watch now.

- Non-landed characters with the Septon or Septa trait now gain it as a minor title.

- The random priest that can be generated via event 3021 is now a female Septa, and always of the Faith of the Seven.

- Maesters are now banned from being a possible champion in trials by combat.

Character setup:

- Extended Nights Watch title history to cover all 300 years, using a combination of canon characters and non canon based on the shield's Jon describes as having been in the Shield Hall.

- House Moreland added to castle Goodgate in Drox Castle.

- House Doggett added to castle Viewpoint in Silverhill.

- House Clifton added to new level 1 castle barony Fair Keep on Fair Isle.

- Added missing Crackclaw Point dynasty Hardy with ancient history to castle Strongcliff in Rook's Rest. Includes historic Hardy member of the Kingsguard.

- Added the houses Forrester, Woods, Branch and Bole to four counties in the Wolfswood, complete with ancient history and flags. Made the Glovers High Lords and made all four their subjects.

- Extended Magnar of Thenn family history to cover 300 years, making Thenn playable at every bookmark.

- Added character histories for House Moore, House Bettley and House Deddings.

- Added ancestor history linking Gerrick Kingsblood back to King Beyond the Wall Raymun Redbeard's younger brother.

- Added House Deddings to Gravesham.

- Created House Peat complete with ancient history and gave them the barony of Gatehouse Tower in Moat Cailin.

- Changed House Draupaud into House Garrew.

- Changed House Tamm into House Blackmyre.

- Added House Graymarch in post-Robert's Rebellion Westford.

- The Reeds will now get unlanded courtiers from Houses Cray, Greengood, Quagg and Tamm.

- Some additions to Targaryen history: Added Dark Sister history, added traits for Aenar the Exile, Daenys the Dreamer and Gaemon the Glorious, added lover opinion between Aegon and his sisters.

- Reynes can now get the Lannister lion nicknames.

- Added the valyrian swords Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper.

- Added Lord Celtigar's Valyrian Axe.

- Sansa now follows the seven from the time she arrives in King's Landing.

- Added DNA for the Redwynes, who are all ginger.

- Tybolt Hetherspoon and his daughter Melara are courtiers in Tywin's court.

- Gareth Clifton married to Jayne Farman.

- Ormond Osgrey now goes to the Wall when he is stripped of Cold Moat, his son inherits Standfast.

- Lucamore Strong becomes Lord Commander after being sent to the Wall. Still regains Kingsguard trait on death for historic reasons.

- Added Gerrick Kingsblood's mising daughter.

- All Dothraki should start in the Khalasar rather than random westerosi locations now (unless they are supposed to be in another location).

- Added 2 daughters of Daemon Blackfyre.

- Set Dany's guardians (so she isnt tutored by aurane waters).

- Made Tyene Sand white and Sarella Sand black.

- Added Maester Caleotte.

- Doran is now estranged from his Norvosi wife from the time Quentyn goes to the Yronwoods.

- Quentyn is now a ward of Lord Yronwood.

- Clifford swannis now a brother rather than a son of Gulian (its mentioned he doesnt have a third son).

- Martyn and Willem Lannister are now twins.

- Revised House Toland to conform with the latest winds of winter preview.

- Added Jayne Ladybright.

- Added Edgar Yronwood and revised the house to account for him.

- Melisandre is now zealous.

- Orys Baratheon is now legitimised from the time he gains the Stormlands.

- Edited employer history so that from Blackfyre Rebellion onwards the Stricklands serve in the Golden Company. "Gold for four generations."

- Harry the Heir succession should now be fixed (as far as paradox succession allows at least), also gave him some dna.

- Moved Kettleblacks to Petyr's court before they arrive in KL.

- Aerion the Monstrous is now banished to Lys from the appropiate date.

- Added Victarion's wife that he beat to death, gave him the widowed rather than celibate trait after her death.

- Updated Rhaenyra's husband from house Strong and 3 sons who died in the Dance.

- Baelor now locks his sisters in the Maidenvault once he is king. He is now both a lunatic and a paragon of virtue.

- Petyr Baelish's unlanded ancestors are now employed by House Corbray and House Arryn respectivly.

- Added legendary characters Queen Nymeria of the Rhoynar and Mors Martell, founders of House Martell.

- Raised a bit Joffrey's stats, as he was too close to Robert of the Vale.

- Padded out historical Arryns and Tullys with siblings.

- Added Ser Artys Arryn and the Griffin King to Vale history.

- Fixed error where all historical Volmarks worshipped the Seven.

Province and title setup:

- Baelskeep is now called Midlor Keep before the Baelish family acquire it.

- Adjusted Beyond the Wall provinces to account for Raymun Redbeard being KbtW in 8222.1.1 and then not in 8223.9.9.

- Can no longer create the LP of the Crownlands in a pre-conquest scenario.

- Moved House Harclay to a new lv2 castle barony in Pinesend (Castle Harclay). Made them hill clansmen.

- Moved House Cassel to the King's Course county. Renamed the old Cassel's Castle in Blackgrove to Castle Blackgrove.

- Moved House Poole to a new lv2 castle barony in Winterfell (Castle Coldstream).

- Gave House Hayes the county of Cape Kraken to remove the canon ironborn House Shepherd from there.

- Changed Golden Company title history so that Haegon Blackfyre inherits from Bittersteel. Adjusted employer history of all involved.

- Dagon Greyjoy now starts "After the Spring" in rebellion against the Iron Throne.

- Gave the Tarbecks LV4 base buildings which get destroyed at the same time Castamere does.

- Renamed the baronies in Blackwood to places mentioned in Dance with Dragons.

- Swapped Greenmont and Fang Tower, so Cleganes are sworn directly to Lannisters.

- Swapped Payne Hall and Hawthorne.

- Renamed high lordship of Peckledon to Goldroad and the Goldroad in The Reach to The Ring.

- Made House Payne Lords of Goldroad (they are a principal house).

- Changed High Lordship of Goldshire to Sarsfield and made Sarsfields Lords (because it is a marked location/principal house).

- Changed High Lordship of Greenfield to Cornfield and made Swyfts Lords (because it is a marked location/principal house).

- Moved House Bettley to the Westerlands, Pendrick Hills and added their CoA.

- Moved House Ruttiger to the Oxefort barony.

- Moved House Grell to Martlet Bay.

- Swapped the position of Summerhall and Fawnton, according to Summerhall's location on the new maps.

- Mountain Clans now worship the Old Gods.

- Added the titular Kingdom of the Mountain, that existed before the arrival of the Andals.


- Dragon Riders now far less likely to accept faction ultimatums.

- If a king-tier character lost his LP title in a claim war, he wouldn't become a vassal of the new LP. He does now.

- If a King on the iron throne is deposed, his crownland vassals will now always transfer to the new King.

- It is now only possible to banish people you are a liege of to the Nightswatch.

- AI will now refrain from banishing close relatives of their enemies to the wall if said enemy has one of their relatives under their control (stops Robb banishing Jaime). Also much less likely to execute/do nasty things to them.

- Decreased dragon ambition opinion malus from -100 to -40, as it was causing most Targs to have -100 opinion of eachother.

- Adjusted the way education is assigned. The order of whom decides is now: Father (unless mother is higher tier), mother, regent, random close relative then liege. Also if you are landed and the character choosing education is not your parent you now pay for it.

- Made the conversion of the North to Old Gods and Iron Islands to Drowned God more likely.

- Made Starks slightly more likely to gain direwolves.

- Reduced the chance of infants becoming ill.

- Surrendering to a dragon conquest will now decrease your relations with your more beligerent vassals.

- Reduced the requirements for players to pick the dragon egg and valyrian sword ambitions.

- Landed 14 year olds can now lead armies if they have 15 martial or a dragon (to allow Daeron I to lead armies against Dorne).

- Upped the tyranny malus values to that of CK2+, as the AI doesnt seem to accrue it as fast as before.

- Slightly increased the piety malus when you castrate someone.

- Increased chances to anger the Iron Bank.

- Reduced slightly the revolt risk multiplier from distance (10%), westeros is large.

- For stability sake, reduced by 20 % the chance to undergo multiple independance revolts.

- Lowered required age for killing plots (14 instead of 16).

- Relatives of characters you kill in duels wont want bloody vengeance against you now, rather a less extreme modifier is applied.

- Due to dynasty_decisions not working for the AI, added AI only decisions to give dragon egg to random children and to knight all eligible children.

- Prohibited the knighting of sons who have a health problem.

- You can now imprison your regent if they embezzle your funds.

- Added an 'Abomination of Incest' modifier that reduces a characters opinion with the church.

- When losing dragon duel against unlanded char, you get imprisoned by his liege.

Graphics and portraits:

- Removed all traces of the horrible Mediterranean portraits from the mod.

- Added valyrian portraits for children.

- Revised Dynasty CoA's for Crownlands, North and Dorne. Other regions will follow in next version.

- Added new flag for Stony Shore.

- Added placeholder flags for Khalasar and Summer Islands.

- Added some hair/eye colour variety to Dornish people.

- Added rebel_leader and deserter trait icons.

- Mountain Clans now use the same portrait backgrounds as Wildlings.

- Fixed male Dornish septons working in the nude, damn perverts all of them.

- Made some more eye colours for Valyrian truebloods.

- Characters with the septa and silent_sister traits now get appropriate clothes and church backgrounds on portraits.

- New and improved icons for skinchangers.


- Added a Summer Gods religion (needs icon).

- French translation improvement (proofreading and corrections).

- New files for better translation of (pre)Conquest scenario.

- Added some provisional titles for the various potential tiers of republic in Westeros.

- Added the captain of your household guard, with his trait.

- High Valyrians are no longer culled before 8050.

- If at the start of a game there is no LC of the Nightswtach, a random realm character will now be selected to be LC upon game start.

- *SPOILER WARNING* If Aegon invades and Daenerys happens to be on the throne and is unmarried, Aegon can now offer to be her consort in exchange for a dragon


- Wildlings can now no longer hire sellsword infantry, dornish spears or sellsail fleets.

- Fixed issue where the same character could come 2nd and 3rd in a Tourney.

- Fixed vanilla event where it was possible for your wife to drag you in front of yourself for judgement of your love affairs.

- Fixed the independent Reach and Dorne in Crowned Stag/Greyjoy Rebellion bug.

- Fixed the bug where the game would CTD when alternating between Robert's Rebellion and ACOK scenarios.

- A child born whilst their mother is hidden will now also be hidden.

- Prevented wildling_horde and negative_money triggered modifiers from spamming and eventually crashing the game.

- Changed the name of Wildling invasions to "Wildling Invasion" instead of "Invasion of ---".

- Fixed the localisation of the offended moneylenders event.

- Fixed bug where it was possible for the Lord of the Westerlands to declare dejure wars on his vassals who splintered during a mega war.

- Added some failsafe global flags to make sure Lps are reabsorbed after a mega war.

- An event referring to the church demanding alms will now only happen for the seven and rhllor followers.

- Fixed Tower of Joy events happening if Robert loses his rebellion but then usurps the throne later.

- Fixed a character who has the bloody gate as a lesser title not being able to fabricate claims.

- Fixed a problem with certain Reach castles not getting their BV buildings.

- Fixed the event where someone who dies during a dragon conquest with no male heir loses their titles.

- Fixed vanilla event where it was possible to argue with yourself about releasing your wife from prison (you could even imprison or execute yourself for this).

- Fixed vanilla event where one of your spouses could demand you break up with another wife.

- The events about the long lost dragons now cannot fire during the age of dragons.

- Fixed decision to crown yourself King sometimes being usable during a non-independence war.

- Fixed dejure 'duchy' CB not being usable for Kings against High Lords.

- Fixed 'improve relations sabotaged' event happening for maesters who are educating children rather than you master of laws.

- Fixed banishing people to the Wall via trial by court.

- Fixed the KG counter not being adjusted after gelding one for having a lover.

- Fixed Celtigars being culled when they are High valyrians in early scenarios.

- If the attacker in an independence war dies the war no longer ends inconclusively.

- Fixed Nightswatch calling for aid calling characters they are at war with.

- Any event that adds a trait that prevents inhertiance should now recalculate succession lines properly.

- Fixed rebel leaders sometimes not gaining victory upon winning.

- Fixed the convert populace mission not being valid for some provinces when it is supposed to be valid.

- Spouses of culled high valyrians will no longer get the widowed trait.

- Lesser lords that defect in a mega war cannot now defect again (they could be on both sides previously).

- Added some extra checks on Robb's white peace event (hopefully stop the LP North turning up in Dorne).


Checksum: GYKD

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Изменено пользователем Гессенский стрелок



Версия в шапке обновлена.

Гессенский стрелок
правда, в настоящий момент готов лишь один сценарий — Восстание Роберта Баратеона.

The Seven Kingdoms, which ruled a divided Westeros in the age before Aegon's Conquest.

The War of Conquest, when Aegon Targaryen set out to forge the Seven Kingdoms into one, through fire and blood.

The Dance of the Dragons, upon Viserys' death in 129AL, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Criston Cole, defies the king's will, and crowns Prince Aegon as Aegon II. A civil war fought between Aegon II Targaryen and Rhaenyra Targaryen for control of the Iron Throne emerges.

Conquest of Dorne. When Prince Daeron the Young Dragon ascended the Iron Throne in 157 AL, he declared war on the independent Kingdom of Dorne to complete the legacy of his ancestor Aegon the Conqueror and to unite all Seven Kingdoms under Targaryen rule.

After the Spring, in the aftermath of the Blackfyre Rebellion and the Great Spring Sickness, as House Blackfyre once again plots to take the Iron Throne.

Robert's Rebellion, when Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, and Tywin Lannister overthrew the Mad King and brought the Targaryen dynasty to an end.

The Crowned Stag, set in the immediate aftermath of the above, as the reign of King Robert begins.

The Greyjoy Rebellion, when the Iron Islands fought to be independent of the Iron Throne.

A Clash of Kings, set at the beginning of the book of the same name (Season Two of the HBO show).

The Seven Kingdoms, which ruled a divided Westeros in the age before Aegon's Conquest.

The War of Conquest, when Aegon Targaryen set out to forge the Seven Kingdoms into one, through fire and blood.

The Dance of the Dragons, upon Viserys' death in 129AL, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Criston Cole, defies the king's will, and crowns Prince Aegon as Aegon II. A civil war fought between Aegon II Targaryen and Rhaenyra Targaryen for control of the Iron Throne emerges.

Conquest of Dorne. When Prince Daeron the Young Dragon ascended the Iron Throne in 157 AL, he declared war on the independent Kingdom of Dorne to complete the legacy of his ancestor Aegon the Conqueror and to unite all Seven Kingdoms under Targaryen rule.

After the Spring, in the aftermath of the Blackfyre Rebellion and the Great Spring Sickness, as House Blackfyre once again plots to take the Iron Throne.

Robert's Rebellion, when Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, and Tywin Lannister overthrew the Mad King and brought the Targaryen dynasty to an end.

The Crowned Stag, set in the immediate aftermath of the above, as the reign of King Robert begins.

The Greyjoy Rebellion, when the Iron Islands fought to be independent of the Iron Throne.

A Clash of Kings, set at the beginning of the book of the same name (Season Two of the HBO show).

Семь Королевств , что правили Вестеросом во времена до Завоевания Эйгона.

Завоевание, когда Эйгон Завоеватель огнем и кровью сковал семь королевств в одно.

Танец Драконов, после смерти Визериса I в 127 п. з., вопреки воле короля, Лорд-командующий Королевской Гвардией Кристин Коль короновал принца Эйгона как Эйона II. Началась гражданская война между Эйгоном и Райнирой Таргариен за власть в Вестеросе.

Завоевание Дорна. Когда принц Дэйрон Юный Дракон взошел на Железный Трон в 157 п. з., он объявил войну независимому королевству Дорн чтобы завершить дела своего предка, Эйгона Завоевателя, и объединить Семи Королевств под властью Таргариенов.

После Весны. После Востания Черного Пламени и Великого Весеннего Поветрия, дом Блекфаер опять строит заговор по захвату Железного Трона.

Восстание Баратеона, когда Роберт Баратеон, Эддард Старк, Джон Аррен, Хостер Талли, и Тайвин Ланнистер свергли Безумного короля и свергли династию Таргариенов.

Коронованный Олень, базируется на событиях после Восстания Баратеона, начало правления короля Роберта.

Восстание Грейджоя, когда Железные острова боролись за независимость от Железного Трона.

Битва Королей базируется на начале книги с тем же названием.

Изменено пользователем Raistlin


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Mr. Freeman

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Main features:

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- 1.091 compatibility.

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Revised trial by court somewhat. They are now overseen by the Castellan. You can also now overturn their decision at the cost of tyranny.

- Added an event where the King on Iron Throne can demand exiled pretenders from his vassals who are harbouring them.

- Optimised event where a claimant to the Iron Throne is granted a claim on Kings Landing.

Character setup:

- Added more house traits for the character creator.

- The Starks, Robert and other people who were wronged by King Aerys now have the vengeance opinion of him, rather than being rivals.

- Lord Garin Wells no longer has two children called Eleanor.

- Lord Gerold Dayne no longer has two children called Arron.

- Fixed a Peake having a blank name.

- Richard Horpe's Lord brother is now older than him rather than younger.

- Fixed Corliss Penny being a Wensington.

- Daenarys is now widowed from Drogo's death.

Province and title setup:

- The New Gift is now called North Road before it becomes part of the Nightswatch.


- Added is_patrician = no to realm_decisions/tournaments.

- Added a 2 year cooldown on commanding vassals to stand down.

- If an unlanded character wins a siege their liege is now granted the prisoners gained.

- Removed the period events along with the -1000 fertility modifier for children.

Graphics and portraits:

- The overhaul for the Dynasty Coat of Arms is nearly finished.

- Gave Orys back his CoA.


- Moved some more dynasty trackr flags to be set in the history files.

- Blackwood/Bracken event is now on_birth.

- Tywin can no longer reforge Ice until the Starks are defeated.


- Added "is_alive = yes" to job martial / tutor children. In testing a dead child gained swordsman levels.

- If the Grandmaester successfully flees imprisonment he wont now simply be sent back again.

- Fixed bug where allies of victorious Kings in independence wars werent becoming their vassals.

- Removed WIP 'gain crownlander vassal' plot accidentally added to the build.

- Fixed the conditions to allow you to establish oldtown as your capital in The Conquest.

- Fixed vanilla pride event that referred to your Maester.

- Fulfilling the become spymaster ambition now improves your intrigue rather than stewardship.

- Fixed some bugs concerning secret bastards and Moon Tea mechanics.

- Your descendents will no longer be imprisoned if you win a siege where they are located.

- Fixed bug where you could execute your backed claimant if their relative was your enemy.

- Fixed problem where if you pressed all claims you wouldnt win claims that were owned by the enemy's vassals.

- Greatly reduced the supply limit/attrition penalties for provinces dragons have been used in. This should prevent disappearing armies.

- Added some more checks to the 'I am a prince' event, so hopefully it shouldnt spam.

- The owner of Dawn can longer get the 'obtain valyrian sword' ambition.

- Added some checks to warden events, to stop inexplicable spam for Eddard.

- Fixed bug where if the leader of an indep faction died (causing the war to end inconclusively) anyone who delcared themself King wouldn't be revassalised.

- Fixed the independent Vale bug.

- Fixed the Rose and the Lion event not working in ACoK.

- Fixed problem where Loras Tyrell wasn't going back to Highgarden on Renly's death in ACoK.


Checksum: FHQN

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Деймон Блэкфайр


У меня было так: отжал Север у Болтонов для Рикона, пока Эйгон захватывал Штормовые, и Томмен с кем-то там еще воевал, было непросто, но мы справились, взяли в плен Русе и Рамси после осады, и казнили

enrique suarez

Вышла 1.6 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. A GAME OF THRONES A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones v1.6 Checksum: GRSL Compatible with: CK2 2.8.1


A Game of Thrones v1.3   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    




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