Русская локализация CK2Plus - Страница 6 - Русификаторы и сборки - Перейти к содержимому

Русская локализация CK2Plus

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Этот повод для войны может использовать §Y$PRESSER$§! для подтверждения претензий на земельный титул §Y$TITLE$§!.\n\n§Y$CLAIMANT$§! станет вашим вассалом, если одно из следующих условий будет верно:\n- §Y$PRESSER$§! и §Y$CLAIMANT$§! одной династии.\n- §Y$TITLE$§! ниже, чем основной титул §Y$CLAIMANT$§!.\n- §Y$PRESSER$§! де-юре владеет §Y$TITLE$§!. . ..как-то так...

Остальное на завтра. Устал что-то :wacko:

Изменено пользователем hvas2n

Skrжling - как перевести, не могу понять вообще, что это за слово. :) (From deep within your dungeons, your guards bring out [From.GetTitledFirstName], your Skrжling prisoner)

Skrжling - как перевести, не могу понять вообще, что это за слово. :) (From deep within your dungeons, your guards bring out [From.GetTitledFirstName], your Skrжling prisoner)

В современном исландском, skrælingi означает варвар или иностранец.

Изменено пользователем verwaq

"Decadence measures the introvertness and complacency of your dynasty" - Не могу понять вот это слово : the introvertness

около 60 строк осталось. Но там в основном литературный перевод нужен. Я не потяну. Кто бы перевел, я собрал бы вечером перевод тогда.

"Decadence measures the introvertness and complacency of your dynasty" - Не могу понять вот это слово : the introvertness

the introvertness- интроверт, человек, психический склад которого характеризуется сосредоточенностью на своем внутреннем мире, замкнутостью, созерцательностью, тот, кто не склонен к общению и с трудом устанавливает контакты с окружающим миром. Можно перевести так, "Уровень упадка отражает уровень замкнутости и самодовольства вашей династии"

Изменено пользователем verwaq

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Первая рабочая версия перевода.

В ней остался старый глюк. Провинции и имена пишутся и кириллицей и латиницей.

Как с этим бороться, надо будет разобраться. ;)



Добавил ссыль в шапочку. Айда качать!

Преклоняюсь и благодарю.

Изменено пользователем R0mick

Сейчас заценим :)

Изменено пользователем verwaq

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Первая рабочая версия перевода.

У меня вылетает на загрузке графики, что это может быть?

Попробуй такой порядок установки:

1. Сама игра Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. версии 1.111

2. Кидай русик игры (Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ) не в папку модс , а в корневую папку.

3. Ставь ск+ (Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. )

4. Запускай ck2game.ехе или ярлык на рабочем столе :)

5. Выбирай сам СК+ (ск+ core ) , опции, если нужны.

Изменено пользователем hvas2n

На счет путаницы с кириллицей и латиницей понятно более менее. Необходимо будет перевести ещё все Имена, названия династий и п.р в папке ..CK2Plus\common

По крайней мере попробовал переименовать пару династий из файла 00_dynasties. И всё стало на свои места. Только почему-то с провинцией не прокатило.

Тут конфликт русика с модом получается. Если включать ввиде мода, то с ск+ игра вылетает. Если русик кидать в папку с игрой, то все идет прекрасно. НО, теперь имена династий, провинций ( на счет этих пока не понятно ) берутся из common файлов мода. Так что эту папку надо править руками.

Если есть у кого желание - займитесь. ВЕСЬ, почти весь, ПЕРЕВОД можно скопировать из папки common русика 1.111 .

Сам займусь чуть позже, пока некогда.

Всё окончательно разобралсягде и что надо переводить. Это файлы: landed_titles.txt (Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus_FTT\common\landed_titles), ftt.txt (Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus_FTT\common) и файлы :00_dynasties.txt (\Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus\common\dynasties) , 00_cultures (Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus\common\cultures), landed_titles.txt (Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus\common\landed_titles)

Что переводить\кпипровать станет понятно, если заглянуть в те же файлы русика..

зы, common русика и мода Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - пометку сделал для себя. На работе буду править потихоньку.

Изменено пользователем hvas2n

Вы можете добавить это в тему на Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ?

Нет, там очень много лишних символов. По сути, надо брать каждый из этих файлов и переводить(по большей части вставлять из готового русификатора) там только то, что обрамлено вот такими кавычками "" в основном. Имена, названия Династий, Провинций и п.р.

Я этим займусь, если на работе не будут отвлекать -)))

Fantik1, лучше попробуй пока доперевести оставшиеся строки на нотабеноиде ;)

зы, как ребята ЭТО переводили ( я про названия династий) ..сейчас вставляю, такие транскрипции встречаются, язык сломаешь.

Сейчас редактирую файл 00_dynasties.txt (\Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus\common\dynasties)

Как сделаю, сброшу сюда.

Изменено пользователем hvas2n

Нет, там очень много лишних символов. По сути, надо брать каждый из этих файлов и переводить(по большей части вставлять из готового русификатора) там только то, что обрамлено вот такими кавычками "" в основном. Имена, названия Династий, Провинций и п.р.

Я этим займусь, если на работе не будут отвлекать -)))

Fantik1, лучше попробуй пока доперевести оставшиеся строки на нотабеноиде ;)

зы, как ребята ЭТО переводили ( я про названия династий) ..сейчас вставляю, такие транскрипции встречаются, язык сломаешь.

Сейчас редактирую файл 00_dynasties.txt (\Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus\common\dynasties)

Как сделаю, сброшу сюда.

Для этого нужен кто-то посолидней меня. :)

Надо найти, может сюда оставшиеся строки выложить?

Отчего нет. Выкладываю остатки:

СпойлерНажмите здесь!
 Aonach Tailteann Chain -18 строк.

The games were founded, by Lugh Lбmhfhada, the Ollamh Йrenn, as a mourning ceremony for the death of his foster-mother Tailtiu, the event is held during the last fortnight of July and culminates with the celebration of Lughnasadh.

#2 в контексте

The judges have decided, my creation is the most intricate and beautiful piece of craftmanship the judges have ever seen, proving once and for all that I am a master craftsman.

#75 в контексте

Held Grand Aonach Tailteann

#86 в контексте

The Tailteann Games end and I have shown time and time again that my skill in arms, even if I did not win I still covered myself in glory.

#92 в контексте

People felt my leadership skills were poor, some even called me misguided. Then the tide of the game turned and in the sweat of the pursuit my voice rose above the others and my direction turned the tide.

#112 в контексте

I have been long renowned for my roughness, but in the recent game of hurling the enemy team took us by surprise and yet I still led from the front and steered us to victory.

#114 в контексте

The game was challenging and my skills were renowned. Our valiant foe men were had prepared well but if it wasn't a moment of brilliance by myself they would of triumphed

#116 в контексте

In a recent game of Hurling the toughness I habitually show has been proven to be misguided.

#122 в контексте

I was taking part in the Tailteann Games and enjoying the camaraderie with the other entrants when a queer feeling came over me.

#124 в контексте

The tailteann games are such fun, and it is not just the taking part it is all the other entertainments available. Then I noticed a strange sore on my body in a place I would much rather not mention.

#126 в контексте

While I was at the tailteann games some lower class type with pretensions insulted my honor. I could only do what a man of my class could do and challenged him to a duel. Naturally he was no match for me.

#130 в контексте

I was at the tailteann games and although I did not have an opportunity to distinguish myself in the competitions I was sitting around and listening two entrants plot together to advantage themselves in the next bought. I listened carefully to their plan and I instantly saw the flaws.

#132 в контексте

I was at the tailteann games and although I did not have an opportunity to distinguish myself in the competitions I was sitting around and listening two entrants plot together to advantage themselves in the next bought. I lent offered some advice, how was I supposed to know?.

#134 в контексте

While at the tailteann games I was listening to some lesser Lordling describe how he collected tithes from his serfs. As I listened I realized he was giving his serf plenty of ways of avoiding giving their due.

#136 в контексте

While at the tailteann games I joined in a conversation with other chiefs on how best to collect tithes. I saw a far easier way and it caused quite an argument with many Chiefs disagreeing with my stance, but the more I talked the more I convinced myself that I was right.

#138 в контексте

I was simply passing time at the tailteann games when I saw two warriors argue over honor. I knew straight away that the argument was spurious and the result would be unnecessary bloodshed. So I stepped in prevented it.

#140 в контексте

I was simply passing time at the tailteann games when I saw two warriors argue over honor. I knew straight away that the argument was spurious and the result would be unnecessary bloodshed. I attempted to mediate the dispute and they tell me that at least one of the knights should survive the resulting duel.

#142 в контексте

The great Tailteann Games will now take place, over the next days, various competitions of strength, will and creativity will be held.

#144 в контексте

0_bookmarks: - 16 строк.

Manuel Komenos reigns in Byzantium, and Hungary looks on in fear. Ever the opportunist, Manuel had long ago concluded a pact with the King of Hungary, Istvбn III,whereby Istvбn's brother Belб would be educated at the Imperial court in Constantinople. Manuel had as-of-yet been without legitimate male issue, and intended Belб to be married to his daughter Maria, to eventually rule alongside her as Emperor. Sensing opportunity, however, Manuel decided to move against Istvбn and press his son-in-law's claims on the duchies of Dalmatia and Croatia. With those titles secured, Belб is now a landed vassal of Manuel, and the heir to the Kingdoms of Croatia and Hungary. Although the Komnenos line looks as though it may slip from the Imperial seat unless Manuel takes immediate action, the Byzantine Empire stands to grasp the greatest prize it has had in its sights since the Komnenoi took the throne: the buffer between the Holy Roman and Eastern Roman Empires.

#36 в контексте

Against even other Muslims the Seljuk horde does not stay its hand. Seeking access to critical Mediterranean trade and control over the holy city of Mecca, Malik I Shah of the Seljuk Sultanate has declared war upon the Fatimid Sultan al-Mustansir, a war that al-Mustansir has lost. Control of the Levant and the holy cities of Mecca and Medina have passed into Seljuk hands, smashing the balance of power in the east and making the Seljuks one of the most powerful states in Eurasia. Can the Fatimids of Egypt and the Doukas of Byzantium hold against such a vast power?

#38 в контексте

After the brief reign of the usurper-king Treniotas, the people of Lithuania have seen fit to restore the house of King Mindaugas to the throne, establishing his first son Vaisvilkas as King. Vaisvilkas has expanded Lithuania to the east, and in so doing has inadvertantly made Lithuania one of the de facto gateguards of Europe alongside the Kings of Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Grand Duke of Novgorod. Although Vaisvilkas's realm is still relatively small, his pious Christianity buys him time and potential support from other Christian rulers. If he can gain that support and use it to hold off the Mongol horde,the ambitious young King of Lithuania might well be able to recover some of his ancestral lands lost to the Teuton knights….

#40 в контексте

Lithuania Unites!

#41 в контексте

Mali United

#43 в контексте

Christmas Day, 1000 AD. A period of religious upheaval, as pagan rulers adopt Christianity while struggling to control their subjects, many of whom refuse to abandon the old ways. Istvan I, the King of Hungary has been crowned by the Pope and adopted Catholicism, but his people still worship the Sky Father of their steppe heritage. In Scandinavia, Christian kings must balance their new faith with the Norse paganism of the masses. Even Kuchug, Khan of the vast Pecheneg horde, has converted to Orthodox Christianity. Meanwhile, the Muslim caliphs of Egypt and Spain have concentrated their holdings, but the Umayyad Caliph of Cordoba is threatened by his advisor Al-Mansur, who seeks the thrown for himself and his sons.

#46 в контексте

Following the death of the great Khan Ghengis, his realm has split between his heirs. His grandson Batu rules in the north as the Golden Horde, while his youngest son Tolui rules in the south as the Ilkhanate. Although the division of these realms may well make the Mongol menace weaker on the offensive, their dynastic alliance will certainly make what lands they have already claimed nigh-impenetrable….

#48 в контексте

In the bloody aftermath of the Sicilian Vespers, a war in which the Aragonese King attempted to assert his claim to the Kingdom of Sicily, the southern Italian peninsula is divided. The Kingdom of Trinacria has been proclaimed on the island of Sicily, with the brother of the Aragonese King ruling, and claiming rights to the entirety of the kingdom. On the mainland, the old king of Sicily, now absent his title's namesake, has instead crowned himself the King of Naples, and looks with jealousy on the island that should by rights be his. Both sides of the conflict have powerful allies, the king of Trinacria protected by the Kings of Aragon and Castille, and the king of Naples supported by Hungary-Croatia--a new war will noy be an easy one. Also on the Iberian peninsula,Philippe IV Capet has come to inherit the Kingdom of Navarra, and can likewise be counted in the Iberian struggle. Who will move when, and what will they move against?

#50 в контексте

The Kingdom that Gudrшd Crovan worked his entire life to create is no more. Dead of the plague, Gudrшd's Kingdom has fractured. While King Magnus III of Norway has reasserted hegemony over much of Gudrшd's old land, Galloway and Dublin have both declared independence from the Norwegian King. The north of Albion lies in flux: will Magnus be able to avenge his defeated grandfather the Hеrdrеde and terrorise the shores of Albion once again, or will Edgar, the young King of Scotland, be able to use this transition to his advantage?

#52 в контексте

The Treaty of Nymphaeum was a peace treaty signed between the Nicaean Empire, successor state of the Byzantine Empire, and the Latin Empire, which was established in the aftermath of the Fourth Crusade of 1204.

#54 в контексте

Saladin, a Kurdish Sunni Muslim, has usurped the Sultanate of Egypt from the Shia Fatimids, turning his back on his benefactor Nur ad-Din, Emir of Aleppo, and causing great tension in the Crusader States. Although Saladin is likely to be preoccupied for a time with the Emir of Aleppo, not to mention his own Shia subjects, it is only a matter of time until the holy warrior turns his eyes toward the states of Jerusalem and Antioch….

#60 в контексте

Sartaq Khan the Nestorian

#61 в контексте

Sartaq Khan has become Khagan of the Golden Horde, but his reign is unstable and almost certainly doomed to fail. Sartaq is a Nestorian Christian, a heathen to his fellow Mongols and a heretic to his Orthodox vassals. There is minimal support for his reign throughout the Golden Horde… but perhaps there need not be. Realms that have been battered by warfare, either by the Horde itself or other Muslims, will inevitably look toward Sartaq's ascension--heretic or not--as a beacon in a time of darkness. If Sartaq can retain his rule long enough to form marriage ties with strong European realms, his rule and his faith might be beaten into his reluctant vassals.

#62 в контексте

The Komnenoi have fallen from the Imperial Throne, and Byzantium is falling with them. The newly-formed Kingdoms of Serbia and Bulgaria have declared their independence from the Byzantine crown, the Seljuk Sultans of Rum press against the Empire's restored borders in Anatolia, and an independent Belб III rules in Hungary-Croatia. All of Manuel Komnenos's dreams have come to naught, but this is a time of opportunity, for those wise enough to see it. Alexios Komnenos, an infant member of the royal Komnenos dynasty, rules in Trebizond. If he can gather support enough to press his claim on Byzantium, the young Komnenos can work to restore the golden age his family's untimely fall from grace brought to a close.

#66 в контексте

Gudrшd Crovan, of both Norwegian and Irish descent, has finally succeeded in expanding his Kingdom of Mann and the Isles to include his birthright, the Kingdom of Dublin. The day of the Norwegian conquerors is over, dead with the failure of Harald Hеrdrеde at Stamford Bridge, but Gudrшd Crovan believes in turning back that clock. From his foothold in Dublin, he seeks to expand and name himself Ard Rн ua Йire, High King of Ireland. But Gudrod is not without other troubles. He holds lands that Malcolm Dunkeld calls his own, and the Scottish king will not back down from his own birthright easily.

#72 в контексте

On the death of King Stenkil I, his son Erik ascended the throne of Sweden as Erik II. As soon as the young Erik II ascended the throne, Erik III of Uppland declared a war to place himself, youngest--and bastard--son of King Emundr I, on the throne in a conflict which would come to be known as the War of the Two Eriks. Erik II is Catholic, whereas Erik III is Norse, one of the last living remnants of the old faith. Can Erik III restore the Norse religion and the rule of his house to a land that has abandoned both?

#76 в контексте

Изменено пользователем Fantik1

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Можно закидывать сюда : \Crusader Kings II\mod\CK2Plus\common\dynasties

И видеть на нормальном русском языке все династии.

Целый рабочий день ушло на это.

зы, сам пока не проверял - на работе.

Целый рабочий день ушло на это.

зы, сам пока не проверял - на работе.

Интересная работа, однако :D

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Работаю с файлом династий. И я в некотором смятении. Многие (некоторые?) династии на русском не соответствуют оригиналу на английском. Примеров можно найти кучи, и ладно ещё, если б были просто мисс


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