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Описание: Солянка модов, в которую отдельно включены моды на новые гербы, империи и возможность играть без временных ограничений.



  • Священные войны теперь можно вести только с соседями, поэтому мусульманам будет сложнее добратья до Сардинии, Франции и Гибралтара. Нововведение не затрагивает крестовые походы и джихады.
  • Переделаны антипапы, теперь это не просто машина для выкачивания денег.
  • Больше смертей персонажей от болезней и сражений. Жизнь их должна быть по-настоящему непредсказуемой, как это и было в Средние Века.
  • Больше разных наемников и священных орденов
  • Больше королевств и империй, которые можно создать.
  • Больше культур.
  • Восстания вассалов теперь опаснее для страны, так как один мятеж может вызвать цепную реакцию по всей стране.
  • Сложнее поднимать авторитет короны, но это дает больше бонусов.
  • Переделаны законы наследования, теперь и не-баскам можно ввести равноправное наследование. Теперь для смены систему наследования требуется меньше авторитета короны.
  • Переделана система набора ополчений, урезаны военные ресурсы больших стран со слабым авторитетом короны (такие как Франция и СРИ).
  • Больше целей.
  • При смешанном и равноправном наследовании женщины могут занимать больше позиций в придворном совете.
  • Множество других нововведений в целях баланса.


  • Улучшение системы отправки персонажей в тюрьму. Графам нельзя будет безнаказанно расправляться с детьми королей.
  • Улучшение системы личных характеристик. Необходимо сделать так, чтобы человек, регулярно прибегающий к услугам убийц, не мог быть добродушным и скромным.
  • Переделать священные войн для того, чтобы можно было вести их и с заморскими странами, но более обоснованно, чем в оригинале.
  • Улучшение динамики гражданских войн. В трудную минуту менее лояльные вассалы потребуют от вас титулов и привилегий, а верные сюзерену феодалы окажут ему поддержку.
  • Увеличение лояльности вассалов посредством брачных уз.
  • Изменение характеристик ряда провинций.
  • Модификация ересей.
  • Больше целей и заговоров для персонажей.
  • Больше событий, особенно связанных с текущей жизнью персонажей.

Скачать CK2Plus 5.0 Alpha 1.3* [Совместим с CKII v.3.3.X] GitHub (*Требует подключения CleanSlate, что идет в наборе с CK2Plus)


Скачать CK2Plus v2.06.3 с бета-русификатором [Совместим с древним CKII] : Yandex.Disk

Полезная информация


Таблица совместимости

CK2Plus v4.08 BETA1 [cовместим с CKII v2.8.3.2] Checksum: N/A

CK2Plus v4.07.7 [cовместим с CKII v2.8.3.2] Checksum: N/A

CK2Plus v4.07.2 [cовместим с CKII v2.8.1.1] Checksum: GYUK

CK2Plus v4.07.1 [cовместим с CKII v2.8.1.1] Checksum: TSQI

CK2Plus v4.07 BETA5 [cовместим с CKII v2.8.1.1] Checksum: N/A

CK2Plus v4.06 [cовместим с CKII v2.7.1] Checksums (Without India: SMHI; With India: QOXJ)

CK2Plus v4.06 Beta5 hotfix [cовместим с CKII v2.7.0.1] Checksum: N/A

CK2Plus v4.05.4d [cовместим с CKII v2.6.3] Checksums (Without India: MCWO; With India: CIVY) Cейвы совместимы с CK2+ 4.05.2

CK2Plus v4.05.4b [cовместим с CKII v2.6.3] Checksums (Without India: LTIJ; With India: VNJZ)

CK2Plus v4.05.4a [cовместим с CKII v2.6.3] Checksums (Without India: RLEB; With India: BFGR)

CK2Plus v4.05.4 [cовместим с CKII v2.6.3] Checksums (Without India: GUNA; With India: QOOQ)

CK2Plus v4.05.3b [cовместим с CKII v2.6.2] Checksums (Without India: DGYV; With India: CMJG)

CK2Plus v4.05.3a [cовместим с CKII v2.6.2] Checksums (Without India: CXRA; With India: BECK)

CK2Plus v4.05.2b [cовместим с CKII v2.6.2] Checksum (Without India: HOVI; With India: BHER)

CK2Plus v4.04.6 [cовместим с CKII v2.5.2] Checksum (Without India+: NQFP; With India+: VPMX)


Ссылки на скачивание

CK2Plus v4.07.7 MEGA

CK2Plus v4.02Yandex Disk

CK2Plus v4.01Yandex Disk

CK2Plus v4.0Yandex Disk



Предыдущие версии (начиная с 3.0.0) можно найти в Releases на GitHub.


Предыдущие версии (начиная с 1.06) можно найти на сайте автора. [На данный момент сайт недоступен]



4.08 BETA1


  • Afghanistan, Persia and surrounding areas improved.
    • Many minor rivers have been added.
    • A few provinces have been changed to the more appropriate hill
    • Added the Kashafrud River through the province of Tus


  • County of Phrah, split from Tis
  • Desert of Decht-e Margo added west of Bost
  • New CoA for Egyptian Pagans
  • Brand new holding system. All holdings start as "tribal" (renamed "villages") and must be upgraded.
  • New more historically accurate building chains. Buildings do not show in potential until technology requirements are met.
  • Tribal governments can hold Cities and Castles with no penalty as long as they share a culture or religion with the province.
  • Upgrading to Feudalism or a Republic now requires a castle or city as capital
  • New unique headgears for priests of the Hellenic Pagan group.


  • Moved a Zoroastrian holy site to where Mount Kajeh actually is
  • Merged the province of c_sistan into c_jask and distributed the holding counts to surrounding provinces to balance this loss
  • Split the duchy of Baluchistan off of Makran
  • Chagai made into a wasteland and renamed to Chagai Hills.
  • Birjand's size has been reduced and given to a new province, Zaveh
  • Dejure Kingdoms of East Africa have their proper duchies now
  • Culture tweaks for Assyrians, Bedouin and Beja in Iraq, Egypt and Levant
  • Separated Theodsian Walls from main wall build chain
  • Jewish Community will no longer show when not built
  • German and Celtic pagans made visually distinct from Nordic pagans.


  • New restrictions placed on Government types to prevent erronious behavior such as unexplained nomads/theocracies





  • Berber Empire



  • Buddhism and Jainism decline in India as it did in history.
  • History in Central Asia corrected.
  • Minor culture tweaks in the Balkans and Saxony.
  • Moved two Roman pagan holy sites from Greece to Istria and Montpellier.
  • Unlocked Pagan Great Holy Wars immediately on game starts after year 1099.
  • Dutch Empire can now be formed by Frisians.
  • Kingdom of Belgium can now be formed by Flemish and the French.
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands can now be formed by Flemish and Frisians.
  • Coronation tweaked so the highest crowned trait can also be given by a pentarch or king-tier vassal priest.
  • Theocracies banned from using Border Dispute CB.
  • AI will not use CBs with financial cost if they can't afford the war.
  • Declaring Border Dispute war will give opinion penalty from all neighboring rulers.
  • Carthaginian empire available for Tamazight and Zenati.
  • German melting pots revisited & simplified to hopefully give better results.
  • Tribal Barons no longer prevent Late Feudal/Imperial Administration.
  • AI Vassal rulers less likely to switch to a culture different than their liege if Active Culture Conversion law is active, or they have a high opinion of the liege, or are of the same dynasty.
  • Base decadence for new rulers is now based on existing decadence. Fibonacci and stuff.



  • Sawdan vassal of Benevento on character selection screen in TOG start.
  • Imperial commanders getting title claim with low martial skill.
  • Various "Schism Lead-up" events not having correct event targets for localisation.
  • Conditions to form HRE significantly different from conditions for requesting papal coronation.
  • Bohemian and Wendish dynasties using the germanic "van" prefix.
  • Roman province of Sardinia-Corsica active on game start.
  • Longobards not being able to convert to Plus diversified Italian cultures.
  • Reformation event referencing reformed religion instead of the old one.
  • Religious head can have any priest do the coronation in their own name.
  • Leprosy doesn't take Non-Epidemic disease game rule into account.
  • Caspian MRs being able to build TPs outside of the Caspian without their realm having land outside of there.
  • Infinite diplomacy from earning nickname ambition.





  • Italian dynasties and dynsties of cultures split from Italian will now mostly mirror eachother.



  • Removed "only once a month" employment constraint.
  • Renamed Carantanian to Carniolan.



  • Employed courtiers have dynasties of other cultures.
  • Italian count of Cinarca.
  • Heretics unable to "seek ancient knowlege".
  • Voting pattern for granting landed title checks incorrect law for women, and ignores Plus gender game rule.



  • Reduced complexity of the Silk Road. The game should now run almost twice as fast.





  • Provincial Revolt Strength GR is changed. Instead of selecting rebel strenth between normal, 2x, 4x, or 6x, rebel strength can be normal, 2x, 3x, or 4x.
  • Schism GR text adapted to fit Rex Teutonicorum submod. Functionality is the same.
  • Added 20 year delay option for Crusade Delay GR.



  • Carantanian (Slovenian) culture as an emergent culture.



  • Kingdom of Illyria is creatable for South-Slavic characters.
  • Removed Scots culture. Everyone is back to being Scottish.
  • Secretly introducing character to a religion now has a realistic chance of success.
  • Tibetan invasion of the Western Protectorate is now targeted at Tibet-adjacent provinces.
  • Muslim realms won't use Holy War CB on Iberian christian kingdoms before the year 1000.
  • Kiev's holdings in Crimea turned into a voluntary tributary, preventing them from technically neighboring Byzantium at certain bookmarks.



  • Renamed second Chud province to use local variant of the name.
  • Nowruz celebration not triggering properly if delayed.
  • Secretly introducing character to a religion event chain not checking stats or flags from introducer.
  • Granting vassals a de jure title they want won't gives opinion malus if they're on the council.
  • Duchy of Nevers being de jure to Lotharingia between CM and TOG bookmarks.
  • Unit positions for Ilam.
  • Seclussion events generating +5 tyranny per courtier.
  • Unable to play Il-Khanate or Golden Horde after 1241.
  • d_sistan ducal holder having no titles below the ducal tier from 1066-1215




  • AI will check decisions for secret religion introduction less often. Occurence rate is the same.





  • Regnal names for Welsh, Cornish and Breton culture.
  • Meissen-Lausitz river crossing.
  • Patronyms for Roman cultured characters.
  • Unique Shaman names for finnish_pagan.



          Plus nomad succession events now obey Nomad Stability game rule.

  • Reduced chances of some Celtic events.
  • Reformed Celtic Paganism (formerly Tuatha) has been renamed Gentlidecht to reflect the earliest recorded name for Celtic pagans and avoid confusion with the holding also called Tuatha.



         Adopt Feudalism decision tooltip now displays holdings that won't upgrade properly.

  • CTD on nomad succession event.
  • "My Daughter is My Heir" event chain fixed to only fire for agnatic-cognatic rulers.
  • Epic hunt happening more than once.
  • Miaphysite holy order leaders not getting random traits on creation.
  • Seduction event chain failing for non-focus seduction.
  • Disinhertance decision.
  • Fixed GoPagan conversion decisions for germanic cultures added in Plus.



  • Reduced chances of some Celtic events (Feedback welcome!)



  • Enabled parent-child seduction for Kemetic characters.
  • Enabled parent-child seduction for characters who are syphilitic and, lunatic or possessed.



  • Provinces with savanna terrain get proper prosperity values.
  • Reformed Celtic Pagans no longer lose prestige while not at war.
  • Egyptian and Celtic pagan priests have been given their proper titles so events will no longer list them as blank spaces.
  • Monetary Incentives for culture conversion event will no longer trigger if Culture Conversion law is set to None.
  • Zoroastrian and Messallian parent-child seduction.
  • Enforcing Ephesus should now turn Nestorian branch religion into a heresy.
  • Corfu once-again is part of the Mediterranean Trade route.
  • Tributary event chain being broken if attacker is already at war.



  • NWO Customisation can again be triggered more than once.
  • Culture Conversion law is now applied to saves started before 4.05.4.
  • Provinces with savanna terrain get proper prosperity values.




  • Rulers can now select a regnal name during coronation events. Supported cultures are:
    • North Germanic group
    • Frankish and German (all of them)
    • Polish and Bohemian
    • English, Scots, Scottish and Anglo-Saxon
    • Hungarian
    • Croatian, Serbian and Bulgarian
    • Wallachian (Romanian)
    • French, Italian
    • Basque, Castillan, Catalan, Portuguese
    • Greek, Armenian, Georgian
    • Russian
    • Lithuanian
  • The Tributary CB is replaced with a targeted decision. The target will respond either by accepting becoming a tributary, rejecting, or offering a deal. If they reject, the attacker can then declare Tributary War, or back out of the whole deal and lose prestige. If attacker is offered a deal (bribe), they can accept the money or, again, go to war. In addition to that, using the tributary action will block tributary decision for a year, or five years in case war was won, or ten years if player chooses the backing out option.
  • Roman province of Pannonia-Dacia
  • Roman province of Armenia
  • Trigger Schism start decision is now a game rule.
  • Empire Creation game rule which regulates how many kingdom titles are required to form an empire. Options are Two and Three.
  • Culture Conversion Law - This law controls the speed and behaviour of culture conversion. It is available to independent feudal kings and emperors. This law does not affect melting pot events. Available laws are:
    • None - Culture conversion is happening at 1/10th of normal speed. Change Province Culture ambition is not available if this law is enacted, and chance of an uprising is reduced 10 times.
    • Passive - Default conversion settings.
    • Active - Culture conversion is hapening at twice the rate. Chance of an uprising is increased two times. Provinces with "wrong" culture will not prosper. Medium or higher CA is required for this law.



  • Vassal kings don't get the crown or coronation.
  • ERE/RE provinces remain De Jure under empire when created. Italy only for RE. Macedonia, Thrace and Asia for both.
  • Percentage tribute gives to suzerain reduced to 30% if reached through war, or 20% if reached through an agreement.
  • Shut The Gate decision only available if there is a disease in demesne counties or in neigbouring counties.
  • Croatian priests more likely to follow Latin rites.
  • Seduce action available to characters with the Seducer/Seductress trait.
  • Spy On action available to characters with the Schemer trait.
  • Free from Captivity action available to characters with the Schemer trait.
  • Duel action available to characters with the Duelist trait.
  • Invite to Carousing action available to characters with Hedonist or Socialiazer traits.
  • Aztec Emperor will get 400 prestige on creation. He requires 500 for the invasion CB, so this should make him invade sooner.
  • All empires now require a number of kingdom titles set in Empire Creation rule.
  • Empire of Britannia requires having complete control over England, Scotland and either Ireland, Wales or Brittany.
  • French Empire requires having complete control over France, Aquitaine, and either Burgundy, Brittany, Lotharingia or Frisia.
  • Unreformed Pagans can declare holy war if they control at least 3 holy sites.



  • Unable to destroy settlements as Nomad.
  • Bogomilist faith staying Chalcedonian heresy after schism.
  • Localisation for various pagan deity followers, they now use unreformed religion name.
  • South slavic culture group missing one retinue type.
  • Various Validator detected issues, including missing events, letter frame pictures, and a few scope fixes.
  • Mongol Invasion happening only for "Delayed Random" rule.
  • Lowborn bastards getting legitimized and getting a dynasty other than "None"
  • Adventurers asking for support more than once.
  • Emperors losing imperial government due to inheriting feudal title (only partial fix, still under investigation).
  • Chalcedonian pope ending up with gavelkind succession.
  • Fixed Bible Translation event where ALL Christian rulers would get event to increase their religion MA, causing insane MA.
  • Aztec/Mongol invasions not being delayed for 50 years in later bookmarks.
  • Pagan religious head titles being blocked if Start Reformed rule is used.
  • Another case of death by snu-snu for an immortal.
  • HRE Grand Duchies becoming de jure independent immediately after switching to kingdom variant.
  • Peresechen being Russian before Russian melting pot event.



v 4.05.3b

  • Bogomilist faith remaining Chalcedonian heresy after schism.
  • Nomads can again destroy pillaged settlements.
  • Nomads who are vassals can also use pillage decision.
  • Byzantine coronation event text not fitting window size (for weak basileus only)


v 4.05.3a


  • Added an option in 'Game Rules' to start with all Pagans reformed. This option is listed under 'Pagan Reformation'
  • Old Plus Tyranny removed in one of the 4.04 versions is back. Tyranny is again represented with traits, not opinion modifiers. In addition, Tyranny trait system is now compatible with Conclave DLC (credit to AGOT team, some of their code was used for this).
  • When empire autodestruct mechanic triggers, non-zealous, christian or pagan rulers can choose to convert to, in ERE/LE case, majority religion of Constantinople, or in HRE case, majority religion of their capital (if that capital has correct religion). This option will only be availble to ERE/LE rulers if they control Constantinople. HRE rulers must have their capital in one of the HRE regions: Frisia, Germany, Lotharingia, Pomerania, Poland, Bohemia or France.
  • Rulers who convert will get Recently Converted character modifier resulting with religion opinion +5, other religion group opinion -10 and 0.5 increase in monthly piety.



  • Entirely disabled Seduce Character plot for owners of Way of Life DLC (previously it was available to non-playable characters even with Way of Life) now that the Seduce decision has been made available for lustful characters regardless of focus.
  • WoL business focus events slightly tweaked. Build events require a certain starting fund, but might cost a little bit more. Potential income is also slightly higher.
  • Added a start up option for CK2+ games converted into EU4. You are now given the option to reveal the map as it was displayed in CK2. Most notable this was an issue for nations with a capital not within Europe, as those with a capital outside of it can end up with owned provinces surrounded by 'terra incognita' for the first few decades of a converted game.
  • Aztec religion head, once appointed can call for a great holy war. After that Aztecs will lose Invasion CB.
  • In later game starts (after 1150) some rulers of certain cultures and high enough legalism will switch from gavelkind to primogeniture, or from elective gavelkind to elective.
  • Spouse will be prevented from recommending councillors for 7 years if rejected.
  • Only foreign kings and emperors, and domestic powerful vassals will RSVP for coronation.
  • AI rulers will be more likely to switch to primogeniture or seniority as their legalism tech level rises.
  • Adopt Feudalism decision is now also available if ruler has Medium Tribal Organisation, and legalism, majesty and noble customs atleast at level 3.
  • If ERE/HRE/LE autodestruct event triggers and ruler doesn't convert, old title history will be copied to new title.
  • Hellenic heresies will no longer trigger ERE auto-destruct event.



  • Celtic Changeling event chain now properly controlled by Supernatural Events game rule.
  • Celtic female rulers can now have their children replaced by changelings and receive events/choices related to them.
  • Sacrificing heads of other religions at Celtic divination now earns extra prestige/piety as in vanilla Norse blots.
  • Nordic/Scandinavian et al. cultures now properly get Elective Gavelkind.
  • ALL cultures now have castle cultural buildings.
  • Indolent child bribe event chain won't fire if child doesn't have any money.
  • Female councillor event chain won't fire if ruler has lifetime appointment law.
  • NWO event setup allowing patrician player to cause game over.
  • Prisoner instigating challenge with an insult.
  • Some patricians not being able to trigger NWO events.
  • Fixed Aztecs not having Invasion CB.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the EU4C from converting CK2 countries to their proper government rank in EU4
  • Many other EU4C bug fixes.
  • Despot title existing while current heir is underage.
  • Player being forced to break with lover because of having low opinion of lover.
  • Character being able to legitimise himself/herself.
  • Miracle healing on pillgramage should now work.
  • Several cases where councillors were appointed by event with Lifetime Appointment law active.
  • Added another check which should prevent Patriarch Supreme from taking Rome too easily (he can still get it in the normal way).
  • Added the missing icon for the 'Grand Trunk Road'.
  • Fixed some issues with the 'Grand Trunk Road'.
  • Adventurers will no longer be stuck as planning adventure while incapable.
  • Missing Assyrian and Kurdish kingdoms from India Expansion.
  • Caliph titles that are deactivated at game start are now creatable via special decision.
  • Cut-off text during Byzantine coronation events.
  • Duchy of Armenia can no longer be used as base for a custom titular kingdom since normal kingdom title already exists.
  • Wrong scopes in many events.
  • Empire auto-destruct events will no longer trigger twice for ERE/HRE/LE.
  • Sender shown in maintenance on-action events.


  • Added a customization decision to start the games with an approximation of ahistorical, de Jure vanilla CK2 empires. Please note that depending on the bookmark chosen there may be some variation compared to vanilla due to differently shaped kingdoms.
  • Fixed a bug preventing ships from sailing in or out of Kerry in Ireland
  • Fixed an issue regarding certain CBs due to an issue PDS introduced recently
  • Fixed several mercenary and title issues thanks to Agnitio Ex Mach's help
  • In later bookmarks changed the vassal relationship of Russia rulers to the hordes to instead be tributary relationships
  • Shuffled the kingdom colours in India around to make them more easily distinguishable
  • Added the bookmark "A New Millenium" to the era chooser UI, replacing the 1337 era. The latter can still be chosen as a regular bookmark via "Custom Game Setup"
  • Fixed a phantom character appearing in the "High Middle Ages" era
  • Fixed a CTD with the title finder
  • Rulers with tributaries may now declare war on them for claims, at an extra penalty. You will lose all your tributaries, lose 100 prestige and a loss of opinion with your vassals. The AI will never make use of this
  • You may now release tributaries peacefully, signing a 10 year non-aggression pact in the process
  • Fixed consorts being able to marry other courtiers on their own
  • Emperors of the HRE, ERE and Roman Empire may now reduce the Title Laws back down if they wish
  • Courtiers may no longer pick the "Gain an Estate" ambition if their liege is unable to grant them one due to their government from
  • Courtiers may no longer buy estates if their liege would not be able to grant them due to their government form
  • Distributing a new primary title to a courtier or vassal will now also make that title adopt the liege's succession laws, including gender laws, instead of using Agnatic Gavelkind everytime.


  • Maestro Ugo (Lupus Agnum)
  • Elryck and Arko (Mercator Mod)
  • zeress (Flavorful Titular Titles)
  • Viscardus (Cornish Characters)
  • Cetan (Expanded Character Tooltips)
  • Crackdtoothgrin (Crackdtoothgrin's Graphical Goodies)
  • Spartan_One (Mod File Hosting)
  • Peuri (Little Portait Mod)
  • Trovador and thrashing mad (Enhanced Portraits Mod)
  • EmperorTojo (Icelandic Culture Mod)
  • Ijtzoi (All the Way to Timbuktu)
  • Syren (Syren's Nicknames Mod)
  • mate0815 (Better Looking Characters integration)
  • Shaytana (Better Looking Characters)
  • Werther (French Localisation)
  • EOOQE (German Localisation)
  • Keanon (Patrum Scuta)
  • Zaldax (An Offer You Can't Refuse)
  • Velho e Bom Joe (Culturally Different Cities)
  • Icecream Jones (flags, new countries)
  • Strudel Man (many tweaks and additions)
  • NoNotTheMindProbe (russian kingdoms)
  • pothkan (CK2 heraldy mod)
  • The_Chancellor (Council Reshuffling mod)
  • avee (Family Relations Mod, Better Rebels mod, Death Causes mod)
  • Sniper4625 (misc graphics)
  • Van Diemen (HRE Revised Mod)
  • riso (Treaty of Nymphaeum scenario)
  • Six Gun South (PMM)



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Давно узнать хотел, мод и правда так уж оживляет оригинал? Ибо на вики наткнулся на то, что этих ребят, что разрабатывают этот мод взяли в компанию.

Настолько оживляет, что я даже перешел с русской ванилы на басурманскую(английскую) версию с модом) И мне очень нравится))


Такой вопрос - как за герцога муслима перейти в католичество? Столица католическая. Вариант стать вассалом католика и конвертироваться в его веру не проканал.

Такой вопрос - как за герцога муслима перейти в католичество? Столица католическая. Вариант стать вассалом католика и конвертироваться в его веру не проканал.

Наложница христианка может выдать эвент "пастельный разговор" где рассказывает о своей вере и предлагает принять её.

То же самое с женой, в какой то версии даже действие было "чё я не как жена то"


<noindex>CK2Plus v3.06</noindex>

changelog 4.02.2015Нажмите здесь!

* Major revision to the faction system:

* There are now four main factions:

Court (vassals who push for autonomy and recognition)

Prosperity (vassals who are interested in wealth and peace)

Glory (vassals who are interested in prestige and war)

Tradition (vassals who are interested in piety and religion)

* Vassals can join all four factions, but will be drawn to some based on their traits and relations with the faction leader

* Faction leaders have a diplo decision to 'Recruit Faction Member' for any vassal not part of their faction

* Faction members have a diplo decision to 'Court Faction Member' for any other member of their faction

* Faction members sometimes have disputes with disliked faction leaders, which can end in them leaving the faction

* Chancellors have a new 'Negotiate With Faction' result on their Improve Relations job, if they are on the province of a faction leader

* Spymasters have a new 'Undermine Faction Member' result on their Uncover Plots job, if they are on the province of a faction member

* Upon a faction meeting being called, members have the option to call for a vote of no confidence before the meeting can begin

* Factions have a wider variety of things they can demand when they're unhappy, including reversion to an old succession law or surrendering a county to a faction member

* 'Faction Mood' is no longer abstracted -- it is based directly on the prevailing opinion of faction members towards their liege

* When a faction rebellion is defeated, rebels are banned from joining ANY faction for five years

* Tooltips only indicate a change in faction mood when the liege actually has that faction existing

* Actions that change faction opinions now last five years, rather than until the annual faction maintenance

* Factions are pleased when you give a title to a member of their faction

* Faction rebellions now properly remove the Loyalist trait upon the war ending, and the "reward your allies" event should properly fire

* Lieges now get an opinion bonus towards Loyalist vassals, as well as the reverse, for the duration of the war

* Factions are no longer called into a Separatist war

* Pretender faction leaders have a diplo decision to 'Ask to Support Pretender' for any fellow vassal, to get them to support your chosen pretender

* There is now a "Religious Faction" which can form if a vassal is part of the liege's religion group but not the same religion (meaning they are either a heretic or the parent religion). If the faction grows powerful enough, it will demand that the liege convert or will start an overthrow war -- and if that war is successful, the liege will be replaced by an heir/pretender/claimant of the faction's religion or by the faction leader.

* band-aid fix to prevent Carolingian Empire/Holy Roman Empire from gaining de jure territories before they have ever been formed

* fix to France becoming de jure e_france again after the fall of the Carolingian Empire

* fix to prevent carousing from cancelling for "no guests" when invitees have accepted.

* fix to allow the Restless Sidhe modifier to go away from provinces no longer held by Celtic Pagans or Tuatha

* Upped the impact diseases have on the provinces they infect ( effects against charaters remains unchanged)

* Pagan Subjugation CB no longer restricted to neighbors (still restricted to targets in the de jure kingdom of your capital, though)

* Egyptian, Levantine and Bedouin cultures now properly convert in the EU4 Converter

* Several omitted & incorrect provinces have been addressed in the EU4 converter

* Added "the Jailer" for rulers who enjoy having a rather populated prison

* Centralization law removed -- Vassal limits and demesne size modifiers moved to Crown Authority (+12 vassal size at minimum CA with -3 per level down to 0 at max, +0 demesne size at minimum CA with +1 per level up to +4 at max)

* Majesty conveys a bonus to demesne size, with +1 at tech level 2, +2 at tech level 4, +3 at tech level 6 and +4 at tech level 8

* Customs techs now convey a levy bonus as well as a tax bonus

* Adjusted de jure land in and around finland

* Unreformed pagans can now convert to feudalism/republicanism

* Titles that are invalid due to the Charlemagne DLC being active will now reflect that in the tooltip


<noindex>CK2Plus v3.06</noindex>

changelog 4.02.2015Нажмите здесь!

* Major revision to the faction system:

* There are now four main factions:

Court (vassals who push for autonomy and recognition)

Prosperity (vassals who are interested in wealth and peace)

Glory (vassals who are interested in prestige and war)

Tradition (vassals who are interested in piety and religion)

* Vassals can join all four factions, but will be drawn to some based on their traits and relations with the faction leader

* Faction leaders have a diplo decision to 'Recruit Faction Member' for any vassal not part of their faction

* Faction members have a diplo decision to 'Court Faction Member' for any other member of their faction

* Faction members sometimes have disputes with disliked faction leaders, which can end in them leaving the faction

* Chancellors have a new 'Negotiate With Faction' result on their Improve Relations job, if they are on the province of a faction leader

* Spymasters have a new 'Undermine Faction Member' result on their Uncover Plots job, if they are on the province of a faction member

* Upon a faction meeting being called, members have the option to call for a vote of no confidence before the meeting can begin

* Factions have a wider variety of things they can demand when they're unhappy, including reversion to an old succession law or surrendering a county to a faction member

* 'Faction Mood' is no longer abstracted -- it is based directly on the prevailing opinion of faction members towards their liege

* When a faction rebellion is defeated, rebels are banned from joining ANY faction for five years

* Tooltips only indicate a change in faction mood when the liege actually has that faction existing

* Actions that change faction opinions now last five years, rather than until the annual faction maintenance

* Factions are pleased when you give a title to a member of their faction

* Faction rebellions now properly remove the Loyalist trait upon the war ending, and the "reward your allies" event should properly fire

* Lieges now get an opinion bonus towards Loyalist vassals, as well as the reverse, for the duration of the war

* Factions are no longer called into a Separatist war

* Pretender faction leaders have a diplo decision to 'Ask to Support Pretender' for any fellow vassal, to get them to support your chosen pretender

* There is now a "Religious Faction" which can form if a vassal is part of the liege's religion group but not the same religion (meaning they are either a heretic or the parent religion). If the faction grows powerful enough, it will demand that the liege convert or will start an overthrow war -- and if that war is successful, the liege will be replaced by an heir/pretender/claimant of the faction's religion or by the faction leader.

* band-aid fix to prevent Carolingian Empire/Holy Roman Empire from gaining de jure territories before they have ever been formed

* fix to France becoming de jure e_france again after the fall of the Carolingian Empire

* fix to prevent carousing from cancelling for "no guests" when invitees have accepted.

* fix to allow the Restless Sidhe modifier to go away from provinces no longer held by Celtic Pagans or Tuatha

* Upped the impact diseases have on the provinces they infect ( effects against charaters remains unchanged)

* Pagan Subjugation CB no longer restricted to neighbors (still restricted to targets in the de jure kingdom of your capital, though)

* Egyptian, Levantine and Bedouin cultures now properly convert in the EU4 Converter

* Several omitted & incorrect provinces have been addressed in the EU4 converter

* Added "the Jailer" for rulers who enjoy having a rather populated prison

* Centralization law removed -- Vassal limits and demesne size modifiers moved to Crown Authority (+12 vassal size at minimum CA with -3 per level down to 0 at max, +0 demesne size at minimum CA with +1 per level up to +4 at max)

* Majesty conveys a bonus to demesne size, with +1 at tech level 2, +2 at tech level 4, +3 at tech level 6 and +4 at tech level 8

* Customs techs now convey a levy bonus as well as a tax bonus

* Adjusted de jure land in and around finland

* Unreformed pagans can now convert to feudalism/republicanism

* Titles that are invalid due to the Charlemagne DLC being active will now reflect that in the tooltip



Добавил в шапку

Есть империя с несколькими королевствами в составе и в некоторых из них у меня нельзя призвать армию вассала, как решить эту проблему?

Есть империя с несколькими королевствами в составе и в некоторых из них у меня нельзя призвать армию вассала, как решить эту проблему?

Слишком мало деталей. Что за королевства, что за вассалы, племенные или феодальные, какое у них к вам отношение, может они просто вас не любят? И учтите, вассал моего вассала - не мой вассал. Вы можете призвать армию короля-вассала, но не герцога/графа, который подчиняется этому королю, хоть он и в вашем гос-ве


Хелп кто может.

Контролирую Францию, Голландию, Аквитанию и Бургундию( столица в Париже) при этом не могу создать императорский титул. В чем беда, или способ созданию поменяли?


<noindex>CK2Plus v3.06.01</noindex>

changelog 8.02.2015Нажмите здесь!

* The AI will now only use pagan subjugation on neighboring (or very close) territories.

* The AI will now be willing to press antipope claims on the Papacy even if the antipope is not of the ruler's dynasty.

* Moved the county of Sudermanland to the duchy of Uppland to solidify a king of Sweden's power a little

* Increased the holding count of Akershus, Bergenshus, and Trondelag so Norway is no longer just a tasty snack for Sweden or Denmark to munch on

* Moved Norway's capital to Trondelag

* Being caught murdering someone will now give an extra level of Dishonourable (for a total of 2, which wear off at the usual speed) instead of vanilla's permanent "Known Murderer" modifier.

* Factions in the HRE are more disapproving of Crown Authority, and more likely to demand it be reduced.

* The descriptions of Autonomous Vassals and Low Crown Authority now contain a note that Kingdom and Empire de jure claims cannot be made.

* Faction vote results will now display the vote of the player.

* Ruler name has been added to the faction mood tooltips, so they make sense (particularly in the CB code).

* The 'support our liege' faction result now states that prestige is being transferred to the liege, so it's not confusing.

* Revolts that stem from failed imprisonment will no longer be rendered invalid.


]]>CK2Plus v3.06.01]]>

changelog 8.02.2015Нажмите здесь!

* The AI will now only use pagan subjugation on neighboring (or very close) territories.

* The AI will now be willing to press antipope claims on the Papacy even if the antipope is not of the ruler's dynasty.

* Moved the county of Sudermanland to the duchy of Uppland to solidify a king of Sweden's power a little

* Increased the holding count of Akershus, Bergenshus, and Trondelag so Norway is no longer just a tasty snack for Sweden or Denmark to munch on

* Moved Norway's capital to Trondelag

* Being caught murdering someone will now give an extra level of Dishonourable (for a total of 2, which wear off at the usual speed) instead of vanilla's permanent "Known Murderer" modifier.

* Factions in the HRE are more disapproving of Crown Authority, and more likely to demand it be reduced.

* The descriptions of Autonomous Vassals and Low Crown Authority now contain a note that Kingdom and Empire de jure claims cannot be made.

* Faction vote results will now display the vote of the player.

* Ruler name has been added to the faction mood tooltips, so they make sense (particularly in the CB code).

* The 'support our liege' faction result now states that prestige is being transferred to the liege, so it's not confusing.

* Revolts that stem from failed imprisonment will no longer be rendered invalid.



В шапке

Слишком мало деталей. Что за королевства, что за вассалы, племенные или феодальные, какое у них к вам отношение, может они просто вас не любят? И учтите, вассал моего вассала - не мой вассал. Вы можете призвать армию короля-вассала, но не герцога/графа, который подчиняется этому королю, хоть он и в вашем гос-ве

Греция и Сицилия, в составе Византии, феодальные, отношение 100 положительное, короли - мои прямые вассалы. Раньше всё было нормально, но потом они откололись, пришлось завоевать снова и после завоевания и назначения нового короля войска не призываются, хотя в игре прошло уже лет 20.

Изменено пользователем Katy_s

Не могу запустить мод.

устанавливаю сборку с форума и на нее мод.

Лаунчер мод видит, но к сожалению при загрузке выпадает с ошибкой.

Видимо есть какие-то нюансы с установкой?

Не могу запустить мод.

устанавливаю сборку с форума и на нее мод.

Лаунчер мод видит, но к сожалению при загрузке выпадает с ошибкой.

Видимо есть какие-то нюансы с установкой?

4.1 Все моды устанавливаются в <Мои документы>\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod.


<noindex>CK2Plus v3.06.02</noindex>

changelog 19.02.2015Нажмите здесь!

* Become King ambition no longer selectable when a vassal (was already invalidated on selection if not independent).

* Spying via the Way of Life decision no longer reveals a lover who is the target's wife or consort.

* Added additional check so guests of feasts do not have their flags cleared before the feast is actually over.

* Court members will no longer auto-marry members of their liege's dynasty.

* Cleaned up feast events to make them mostly work from triggers instead of slowing down the system.

* Tweaked feast events:

-duels are now available to women with martial lady traits

-female and homosexual feast hosts can now seduce feast guests (married or not)

-single and homosexual feast guests can now seduce other guests (married or not)

-possible to become lovers as a result of a successful seduction at a feast

-tweaked chances of triggering and success for seductions at feast

* You may now invite members of the target's court to join a Fabricate Treason plot (when used against a vassal).

* Added tooltips for the factions so it's clear what raises and lowers their moods.

* The "Settle Tribe" job for a tribal ruler's Steward now has the chance to begin city construction if the county is already of the ruler's culture.

* Duchy of Aland added to the technology list.

* Fixed the event chain where adventurers are taken captive and offered to their target for ransom.

* Seduction, Scholarship, and Theology focus are also lost when the ruler is a prisoner.

* The HRE should not lose de jure land any longer after the fall of the Carolingian Empire.

* Pagan wards no longer care whether guardian takes prisoners/makes sacrifices after sieges.

* Lowered tribal building costs for market village and tribal hillfort.

* Other factions get a little jealous when you grant a landed title to the member of a different faction.

* Events/decisions which are supposed to be tied to geographical regions will no longer fail to work if the province de jure drifts to a different kingdom title.

* Vassals will no longer ask to replace your councillors during a rebellion.

* Moved Majesty's demesne size bonus to Legalism instead.

* Added a number of law prerequisites into Legalism tech.

* Changed Norse culture conversion events to happen a bit more quickly.

* Limited spread of Outremer culture to the Levant and the Middle East.

* All reformed pagan religion heads are now granted to the player in the same manner as the Norse were.



Плохо, что после формирования Римской Империи, византийская коронация становится обычной имперской.... как-то неправильно =) Ради триггера стоит ли формировать...


Какие требования к удовлетворению амбиции "Become exalted among Men"? У меня столько вассалов, что условия скрылись на самом верху этого длинного списка.

Изменено пользователем Воевода

Какие требования к удовлетворению амбиции "Become exalted among Men"? У меня столько вассалов, что условия скрылись на самом верху этого длинного списка.

в ванилле это 1000 престижа

в ванилле это 1000 престижа

Да, я это нашёл, про обычную игру речь не веду, так как, например, цена "Become Paragon of Virtue" в CK2+ поднята с 500 до 1000 благочестия, и добавлены некоторые новые амбиции, то, скорее всего, и у "Become Exalted among Men" порог удовлетворения повышен. Вот только насколько: 1500 или 2000 престижа? Мне важно, чтобы расставить приоритет для амбиций.

Изменено пользователем Воевода

Да, я это нашёл, про обычную игру речь не веду, так как, например, цена "Become Paragon of Virtue" в CK2+ поднята с 500 до 1000 благочестия, и добавлены некоторые новые амбиции, то, скорее всего, и у "Become Exalted among Men" порог удовлетворения повышен. Вот только насколько: 1500 или 2000 престижа? Мне важно, чтобы расставить приоритет для амбиций.

Он там кажется повышается каждый раз, пропорционально твоему престижу.

Да, я это нашёл, про обычную игру речь не веду, так как, например, цена "Become Paragon of Virtue" в CK2+ поднята с 500 до 1000 благочестия, и добавлены некоторые новые амбиции, то, скорее всего, и у "Become Exalted among Men" порог удовлетворения повышен. Вот только насколько: 1500 или 2000 престижа? Мне важно, чтобы расставить приоритет для амбиций.

Сначала 1000, если превышаешь, то 3000. Если превышаешь 3000 амбиция становится недоступной.

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Адаптация полной самодостаточной сборки CK2+ на основе прежнего перевода готова. Сейчас попробую исправить одну мелочь и выложу ссылку. Поскольку я не занимался переводом, а только адаптацие


I don't speak Russian but I really wanted to thanks you for sharing this mod out of paradox forum ! Thanks you very much !


@Adjudicator на игру постоянные скидки (Стим или Гамазавр). Если являешься таким уж ярым фанатом данной серии, то можно сэкономить на табаке, алкоголе или грязных женщинах, приобрести стоковую ве


Шел святой к Господу. Шел туда, где не был ни разу, Увидал на рабе Божьем (имя) проказу. Поклонюсь святому по первому разу,   Попрошу убрать злую проказу. Помоги, святой,


мдаа, ск плюс пока на голову превосходит ванилу по степени внезапности смертей и доставления веселья.   В общем, сел за киев с 769, начитерил лютого персонажа (гений, сильный и далее по текс




Гитхаб. Кстати, в итоге таки выпустили патч совместимости с 3.3.0.   Культуры закончились. Теперь разрабы скачут на религиях и истории. Я наконец-то нашёл место, где можно хот


CK2Plus v4.05.1   Compatible with Patch Checksums Without India: KDCR With India: GRQD    

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