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Kaiserreich for Darkest Hour


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Kaiserreich for Darkest Hour


Легендарный мод, разработка которого началась ещё в 2005 году, теперь выпущен и на базе Darkest Hour.

Действие разворачивается в 1936 году - в альтернативной реальности, где победу в Первой Мировой войне одержала Германия, Октябрьская революция в России была подавлена, а Англия и Франция стали социалистическими державами.





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Архив с модом распаковать в папку ...\Darkest Hour\Mods\Kaiserreich

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Архив с модом распаковать в папку ...\Darkest Hour\Mods\Kaiserreich. Устанавливается на версию DH 1.04RC1.

Ссылка на закачку: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  237.4 MB

Архив с модом распаковать в папку ...\Darkest Hour\Mods\Kaiserreich

Ссылка на закачку:Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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Изменено пользователем Dima-Stranik

Из других частей HOI собирал русик для интерфейса плюс кое-что переводил. Даже хотел событиями заняться (хотя эти лентяи заделали их прямо в txt, что не способствует переводу), однако времени на это сейчас нет.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Из других частей HOI собирал русик для интерфейса плюс кое-что переводил. Даже хотел событиями заняться (хотя эти лентяи заделали их прямо в txt, что не способствует переводу), однако времени на это сейчас нет.

<noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

Где-то я слышал про частичный русский перевод. Если вспомню, то обязательно выложу. :)

Canis aureus

Хороший, добротный мод, но английский язык не дает в него полностью погрузится. Над русификатором в настоящий момент никто не работает?

Где-то я слышал про частичный русский перевод. Если вспомню, то обязательно выложу

Был бы очень благодарен.

Хороший, добротный мод, но английский язык не дает в него полностью погрузится. Над русификатором в настоящий момент никто не работает?

Был бы очень благодарен.

Вот вспомнить никак не могу. ;)

если я понял о чем ты - то там работа уже не меньше года идет. и над версией для ДД. к тому же новостей там давно не видать...

если я понял о чем ты - то там работа уже не меньше года идет. и над версией для ДД. к тому же новостей там давно не видать...

Возможно мы говорим об одном и тоже. :)

Офигенный мод. Как только начал играть челюсть была у пола от проработанности вселенной. Самое интересное что мод и история в нём продуманы лучше сем вторая и первая мировая в оригинальном дх, то есть я имею ввиду что в оригинале событий в десятки раз меньше, да и рельсы событий иногда спокойно ломаются.

Думаю всёже не помешает краткое описание мода(сам сейчас перевёл):

Kaiserrech: Legacy of the Weltkrieg альтернативно истрорический мод для Hearts of Iron II который отвечает на вопрос:"Что если бы Германия выиграла первую мировую войну". Сценарий начинается в 1936 году, в следующем релизе также будут боевые сценарии: Вторая Гражданская война В США, Казахско-Туркменская война, Испанская гражданская война, Второе арабское восстание, Четвёртая балканская война, Австро венгерская война и великая южноамериканская война например(все эти сценарии уже есть)

КартаНажмите здесь!



И ссылка на вики по этому моду:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Canis aureus
Возможно мы говорим об одном и тоже. :)

Вы про перевод с хои2? Там переведено очень ограниченное число стран, да и если судить по активности в теме, работа над ним давно заброшена.

Вы про перевод с хои2? Там переведено очень ограниченное число стран, да и если судить по активности в теме, работа над ним давно заброшена.

Да, я об этом переводе. Больше про перевод не слышал.

Никита jew94 Нефедьев

Новая версия вышла сегодня!!

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Bug fixingНажмите здесь!
 Bug fixing

- restored possibility of manual claims

- deleted extra } in event 908613 American Civil War.txt

- transformed events 908807,908615 in American civil war.txt in order to allow player to decide about seizure of american territory

- added missing description for events 3000015 and 3000019 in secret_weapons_events.txt

- fixed issues with event 901571 triggering non-existing events

- fixed issues with events 901006, 901056, 901127, 901251, 901038, 901601, 901024 which cantained wrong wake team values

- fixed issue with event 100213 triggering immediately after Union of Britain was voluntarily transformed into confederation

- fixed issue with event 700610 giving wrong cores

- events 123138,123135,123132 now forces Australia to join alliance of its master

- fixed issue with event 901134 triggering wrong event

- fixed issue with event 9981002 giving U00 extremely obsolete divisions

- fixed issue with event 750162 influencing relations with different country as it was intended

- fixed issue with Poland offering peace to either Austria or Hungary during A-H CW via events 901066,901067, when they already gained Galicia via diplomatic means

- fixed issue with event 9070802, which fired even if Albania is puppet state

- fixed wrong name/description of event 81168

- Georgia,Ukraine will no longer receive aid from Phalanstere if their ideology is not ST,LE or LWR

- fixed issues with model 1 of Destroyers, Light Carriers and Submarines never becoming obsolete

- fixed issues with German election events not reflecting possibility of German Empire being forced to accept new HoS after defeat from Russian Empire

- fixed issue with German Empire entering war against Japan after accepting Bitter peace from either RUS or SOV, while German Empire was not at war with Japan

- fixed issues with events 56018,56019 ( Columbia asks Italy for aid ) firing simultaneously

- event 901569 ( Italian opportunism ) will now cancel non-agression pact between ITA and AUS

- fixed issue with event 908009 ( The security of Kaiserreich ) which formerly radically altered political system of German Empire

- medium tank brigade can be no longer assigned to airborne divisions

- fixed issue with event 996021 ( annexation of Norway ) option b which appointed wrong HoS

- event 909500 ( Independence in the Philippines ) now removes military access for USA in Phillipines

- event 966613 ( Galicia and Lodomeria Regained ) now awakes correct tech teams for Poland

- fixed issues with Nuclear powered Submarine, Nuclear Battleship/Carrier propulsion requiring wrong tech as precondition

- fixed bug in which event 749988 ( Military force for SOV ) allowed SOV to unlock extra free land doctrine tree ( even if they already have one unlocked )

- fixed issues with events 55810,55811,55813 ( intervention in war between Chile and La-Plata for BRA and BOL )

- corrected bug with South African fleet located in Johannesburg - fleet is now based in Cape Town

- fixed bug in event 903955 ( PSA demands autonomy within the USA ) so that USA loses cores upon PSA if they accept PSA offer

- fixed issue with event 889013 ( Russian industrialization ) - event is now triggerd by event 889008 option b


- corrected techs for Canada: added carrier air group techs 1920,1930, added naval bomber techs 1918,1924, added CAS techs 1916,1917,1918,1922

- corrected techs for Australasia,Japan,Transamur : added 1916-1922 CAS techs


- added missing picture for William Myron Keck

- new flags for variants of Soviet Russia


- new events for SOV about status of Orthodox Church (by Imperator1993 and Matej von Jakubco);

- new domestic policy event chain for SOV about 1948 XII congress of VKP (by Kornilov);

- many new foreign policy events for SOV (by Kornilov and Matej von Jakubco);

- new foreign policy event chains for RUS about Status of Karelia, non-aggression pact with Ottomans and Churchill Petrograd speech (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added event for Canada that allows it to gain core upon New England after 5-6 years of direct military occupation (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new events for Combined Syndicates about death of Jack Reed and choosing his successor (by KM);

- added 1947,1957 flavour Ausgleich for unified Austria-Hungary ( U24 ) (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new domestic policy events for SER (by Milites and Matej von Jakubco);

- added flavour event for RUS (by Imperator1993);

- added flavour event for SOV (by Old Joe);

- added flavour policy events for VIC (by Matt_lublin);

- added domestic policy events for SER (by Milites and Matej von Jakubco);

- new events for ROM and URU (by Kornilov);

Ministers, leaders and tech teams:

- added 14 ministers for SOV

- added 9 ministers for CSA

- added 6 ministers for POL

- added 9 ministers for SER

- added 2 ministers for MTN

- added 6 ministers for YUG

- added 1 tech team for SOV

- added 1 tech team for JAP

- added 3 tech teams for POL

- added 5 tech teams for GEO

- added 7 leaders for CSA


- removed port from Johannesburg

- added 3 level port to Durban

- 34 new province pictures (by Milites);

Изменено пользователем Dima-Stranik



Ссылку добавил в шапку темы.

Никита jew94 Нефедьев
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Хот фикс чтобы кайзер рейх работал с новым патчем,содержимое архива скинуть в папку db кайзер рейха

Вылеты частые? Под HoI2 у меня почти не вылетал, вопрос в том, как дело обстоит с версией под DH?

Никита jew94 Нефедьев

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Сегодня вышла очередная версия кайзер рейха

Bug fixingНажмите здесь!

- restored possibility of manual claims

- deleted extra } in event 908613 American Civil War.txt

- transformed events 908807,908615 in American civil war.txt in order to allow player to decide about seizure of american territory

- added missing description for events 3000015 and 3000019 in secret_weapons_events.txt

- fixed issues with event 901571 triggering non-existing events

- fixed issues with events 901006, 901056, 901127, 901251, 901038, 901601, 901024 which cantained wrong wake team values

- fixed issue with event 100213 triggering immediately after Union of Britain was voluntarily transformed into confederation

- fixed issue with event 700610 giving wrong cores

- events 123138,123135,123132 now forces Australia to join alliance of its master

- fixed issue with event 901134 triggering wrong event

- fixed issue with event 9981002 giving U00 extremely obsolete divisions

- fixed issue with event 750162 influencing relations with different country as it was intended

- fixed issue with Poland offering peace to either Austria or Hungary during A-H CW via events 901066,901067, when they already gained Galicia via diplomatic means

- fixed issue with event 9070802, which fired even if Albania is puppet state

- fixed wrong name/description of event 81168

- Georgia,Ukraine will no longer receive aid from Phalanstere if their ideology is not ST,LE or LWR

- fixed issues with model 1 of Destroyers, Light Carriers and Submarines never becoming obsolete

- fixed issues with German election events not reflecting possibility of German Empire being forced to accept new HoS after defeat from Russian Empire

- fixed issue with German Empire entering war against Japan after accepting Bitter peace from either RUS or SOV, while German Empire was not at war with Japan

- fixed issues with events 56018,56019 ( Columbia asks Italy for aid ) firing simultaneously

- event 901569 ( Italian opportunism ) will now cancel non-agression pact between ITA and AUS

- fixed issue with event 908009 ( The security of Kaiserreich ) which formerly radically altered political system of German Empire

- medium tank brigade can be no longer assigned to airborne divisions

- fixed issue with event 996021 ( annexation of Norway ) option b which appointed wrong HoS

- event 909500 ( Independence in the Philippines ) now removes military access for USA in Phillipines

- event 966613 ( Galicia and Lodomeria Regained ) now awakes correct tech teams for Poland

- fixed issues with Nuclear powered Submarine, Nuclear Battleship/Carrier propulsion requiring wrong tech as precondition

- fixed bug in which event 749988 ( Military force for SOV ) allowed SOV to unlock extra free land doctrine tree ( even if they already have one unlocked )

- fixed issues with events 55810,55811,55813 ( intervention in war between Chile and La-Plata for BRA and BOL )

- corrected bug with South African fleet located in Johannesburg - fleet is now based in Cape Town

- fixed bug in event 903955 ( PSA demands autonomy within the USA ) so that USA loses cores upon PSA if they accept PSA offer

- fixed issue with event 889013 ( Russian industrialization ) - event is now triggerd by event 889008 option b


- fixed counters of ROM,LBY,EGY,BUR,CAN (by omega20)

- Bolsheviks can no longer win elections in Russia if Soviet Russian exist

- fixed problems with event 830170 appointing wrong chief of airforce for U07

- fixed bug in event 63078 (The Annexation of Xibei Lianbang Yiyuan) demanding wrong province as precondition

- fixed bugs in events 627053,627089,627093 - they should check if CSX is really at war with CHC

- fixed bug in event 81146 ( The Beacon of the New America )

- fixed bug with event 900822 option a triggering non-existing event

- fixed bug with event 75101512 giving TRY cores upon Jekabpils

- event 900809 now correctly removes German claims upon Liege and Arlon

- fixed event 950002 trigger requiring war between RUS and GER, while it should be SOV vs GER

- fixed requirements for event 3000016 ( secret weapon tech )

- fixed event 901910 seceding territories to wrong nation

- fixed event 901913 requirng SOV to control certain territories, while it should be RUS

- event 101154 now checks if German Empire indeed controls Ceylon

- fixed event 6656239 trigger - event will now fire even when GER is at war with SOV and FRA simultaneously

- added core upon Katowice for POL in revolt.txt

- added additional trigger checks for events 94008-94011 ( Syndicalism in Sweden )

- corrected wrong event checks in events 94016,94020 ( assistance for Finland and Denmark by Sweden )

- fixed wrong control province check in event 91724 ( The syndicalist threat )

- Capitulation event 6656231 for German Empire now reflects possibility of Austria-Hungary or Danubian Federation occupying Berlin

- event 90406 will no longer fire if EAF and CGX are at war

- fixed issue with event 901032 option a triggering non-existing event

- events 750404,750405 will now not fire if Siberia exist ( and russia is therefore weak )

- event 750511 will not fire if PAK is already at war with AFG

- event 105269,105268 will sleep each other and will only fire if GER is at war with BRU

- event 11800079 now requires of FRA to control only Madrid

- ai events will no longer appears if country is controlled by player

- event 344503 is now triggered directly ( instead of not triggering at all )

- events 344501 and 344502 ( an interesting offer ) will now fire properly

- event 344535 option b triggered incorrect event

- event 661021 ( Communal 1946 elections for FRA ) is now triggered correctly

- event 55621 will not fire if Portugal is allied with any of major world powers

- event 900800 ( Bjorko pact ) now requires that SIB and SOV do not exist

- added missing descriptions for events 3000020,3000021 ( Secret weapon tech )

- events 101079 and 101182 ( A new India is born ) will now fire correctly

- event 55861 ( tension about Santa Cruz ) will now add core on correct province

- event 55862 ( La Plata demands Santa Cruz ) will now secede correct province

- fixed extremely large ammount of ai bugs ( huge thanks to MartinGB )

- events 654000 and 654036 now sleep each other

- fixed issue with event 1830100 ( The death of J. S. Woodsworth ) appointing HoG in HoS position

- fixed issue with event 756020 ( The Workers and Peasant's State ) appointing ministers into incorrect positions

- fixed issue with event 908010 ( The security of the Kaiserreich ) suddenly turning GER into national populist

- event 909209 ( Portland recaptured ) will now fire for CAL as intended

- event 909215 ( Seattle captured ) will now fire for TEX as intended

- fixed syntax errors in events 6656301-6656308 ( The fall of Canada )

- fixed issue with event 94001 ( The Election of '36: Right-Wing Victory ) appointing inccorect ministers to government positions

- fixed issue with event 94518 ( Appointment of the prime minister ) appointing inccorect ministers to government positions

- event 9728553 ( Appeal to old friends? ) now allows GER to appeal to an old friends if they are at war with SOV,CSA and ENG

- events 750358,750359 ( Turkish power ) will not fire if respective countries are already at war, are puppets or communist

- event 750359 ( Turkish power AZB ) is now triggered by event 750358

- koreans will not look for aid in RUS if either SIB or SOV exist

- fixed decision 889090 ( The Problem of Transamur ) trigger, now it should fire correctly

- event 346004 ( Levi-Straus comes to us ) now sleeps event 346005

- fixed issues with event 907003 appointing wrong HoS



- corrected techs for Canada: added carrier air group techs 1920,1930, added naval bomber techs 1918,1924, added CAS techs 1916,1917,1918,1922;

- corrected techs for Australasia,Japan,Transamur : added 1916-1922 CAS techs;


- revised naval OOB of German Empire, Japan, Mexico, Sweden and Spain ( by Omega20);

- replaced french cores upon Starsbourg,Metz,Colmar with claims - France can gain cores via integration event;

- removed JAP cores upon Buna;

- added GER cores upon Katowice;

- added Benikongo (U03), Sahel (U04) and Bantu (U05);

- added descriptions for many countries (by Straczynski);

- added 100 extra manpower for FRA;

- corrected naval doctrines for Canada - previously they were too obsolete;

- changed human wave doctrines for SER,ROM and GRE with firepower doctrines

- replaced Arab Syndicalist Union with Pakistan



- added missing picture for William Myron Keck

- new flags for variants of Soviet Russia


- added missing pictures for various U07 ministers

- added propaganda pictures for various countries

- added newspaper header for SPR and SLO

- large fix of wrongly formatted pictures (by Inner Circle)


- added newspaper header for NIC and GUA



- new events for SOV about status of Orthodox Church (by Imperator1993 and Matej von Jakubco);

- new domestic policy event chain for SOV about 1948 XII congress of VKP (by Kornilov);

- many new foreign policy events for SOV (by Kornilov and Matej von Jakubco);

- new foreign policy event chains for RUS about Status of Karelia, non-aggression pact with Ottomans and Churchill Petrograd speech (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added event for Canada that allows it to gain core upon New England after 5-6 years of direct military occupation (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new events for Combined Syndicates about death of Jack Reed and choosing his successor (by KM);

- added 1947,1957 flavour Ausgleich for unified Austria-Hungary ( U24 ) (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new domestic policy events for SER (by Milites and Matej von Jakubco);

- added flavour event for RUS (by Imperator1993);

- added flavour event for SOV (by Old Joe);

- added flavour policy events for VIC (by Matt_lublin);

- added domestic policy events for SER (by Milites and Matej von Jakubco);

- new events for ROM and URU (by Kornilov);


- added new events for U00 ( P-L Commonwealth) (by Larry2903 and Matej von Jakubco);

- added new foreign policy events for SCA (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new event foor various countries about Fate of the Southern Italy (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new event about African liberation (by Straczynski);

- added deal with devil event chain (by airpirate);

- added new election events for DEN, NOR and FIN (by Rainbowfire);

- added new domestic policy events for Portugal (by Rainbowfire);

- added new events about fate of the Legation cities (by Matt_lublin);

- added new event for SOV, which allows them to join FRA in fight against GER (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new foreign policy events for TEX (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new event for major countries about Fate of Russia (by Matej von Jakubco);

- new events dealing with status of Indonesia (by Haze);

Ministers, leaders and tech teams:


- added 14 ministers for SOV

- added 9 ministers for CSA

- added 6 ministers for POL

- added 9 ministers for SER

- added 2 ministers for MTN

- added 6 ministers for YUG

- added 1 tech team for SOV

- added 1 tech team for JAP

- added 3 tech teams for POL

- added 5 tech teams for GEO

- added 7 leaders for CSA


- 274 new leaders for HUN (leader mod)

- 8 new ministers for HUN (pogressor mod)

- 3 new tech teams for U00

- 5 new ministers for RSI

- 17 new minister for GUI

- 5 new ministers for U29

- 6 new ministers for MOR

- 13 new ministers for ANG

- 7 new ministers for DEN

- 10 new ministers for NOR

- 6 new ministers for FIN

- 10 new ministers for POR

- 6 new tech teams for SOV

- 1 new tech team for RUS

- 1 new minister for INO

- 6 new ministers for FLA

- 16 new ministers for WLL



- removed port from Johannesburg

- added 3 level port to Durban

- 34 new province pictures (by Milites);


- added 2 level port to Port Sudan

- added 1 vp to Tampere

Изменено пользователем Dima-Stranik

Никита jew94 Нефедьев

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

два фикса,не знаю для чего они но на офф сайте сказано что их надо тоже поставить

Никита jew94 Нефедьев

По поводу АИ фикса,закинуть в AI-KAISER REICH-SWITCH

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Сегодня вышла очередная версия кайзер рейха

Bug fixingНажмите здесь!

- restored possibility of manual claims

- deleted extra } in event 908613 American Civil War.txt

- transformed events 908807,908615 in American civil war.txt in order to allow player to decide about seizure of american territory

- added missing description for events 3000015 and 3000019 in secret_weapons_events.txt

- fixed issues with event 901571 triggering non-existing events

- fixed issues with events 901006, 901056, 901127, 901251, 901038, 901601, 901024 which cantained wrong wake team values

- fixed issue with event 100213 triggering immediately after Union of Britain was voluntarily transformed into confederation

- fixed issue with event 700610 giving wrong cores

- events 123138,123135,123132 now forces Australia to join alliance of its master

- fixed issue with event 901134 triggering wrong event

- fixed issue with event 9981002 giving U00 extremely obsolete divisions

- fixed issue with event 750162 influencing relations with different country as it was intended

- fixed issue with Poland offering peace to either Austria or Hungary during A-H CW via events 901066,901067, when they already gained Galicia via diplomatic means

- fixed issue with event 9070802, which fired even if Albania is puppet state

- fixed wrong name/description of event 81168

- Georgia,Ukraine will no longer receive aid from Phalanstere if their ideology is not ST,LE or LWR

- fixed issues with model 1 of Destroyers, Light Carriers and Submarines never becoming obsolete

- fixed issues with German election events not reflecting possibility of German Empire being forced to accept new HoS after defeat from Russian Empire

- fixed issue with German Empire entering war against Japan after accepting Bitter peace from either RUS or SOV, while German Empire was not at war with Japan

- fixed issues with events 56018,56019 ( Columbia asks Italy for aid ) firing simultaneously

- event 901569 ( Italian opportunism ) will now cancel non-agression pact between ITA and AUS

- fixed issue with event 908009 ( The security of Kaiserreich ) which formerly radically altered political system of German Empire

- medium tank brigade can be no longer assigned to airborne divisions

- fixed issue with event 996021 ( annexation of Norway ) option b which appointed wrong HoS

- event 909500 ( Independence in the Philippines ) now removes military access for USA in Phillipines

- event 966613 ( Galicia and Lodomeria Regained ) now awakes correct tech teams for Poland

- fixed issues with Nuclear powered Submarine, Nuclear Battleship/Carrier propulsion requiring wrong tech as precondition

- fixed bug in which event 749988 ( Military force for SOV ) allowed SOV to unlock extra free land doctrine tree ( even if they already have one unlocked )

- fixed issues with events 55810,55811,55813 ( intervention in war between Chile and La-Plata for BRA and BOL )

- corrected bug with South African fleet located in Johannesburg - fleet is now based in Cape Town

- fixed bug in event 903955 ( PSA demands autonomy within the USA ) so that USA loses cores upon PSA if they accept PSA offer

- fixed issue with event 889013 ( Russian industrialization ) - event is now triggerd by event 889008 option b


- fixed counters of ROM,LBY,EGY,BUR,CAN (by omega20)

- Bolsheviks can no longer win elections in Russia if Soviet Russian exist

- fixed problems with event 830170 appointing wrong chief of airforce for U07

- fixed bug in event 63078 (The Annexation of Xibei Lianbang Yiyuan) demanding wrong province as precondition

- fixed bugs in events 627053,627089,627093 - they should check if CSX is really at war with CHC

- fixed bug in event 81146 ( The Beacon of the New America )

- fixed bug with event 900822 option a triggering non-existing event

- fixed bug with event 75101512 giving TRY cores upon Jekabpils

- event 900809 now correctly removes German claims upon Liege and Arlon

- fixed event 950002 trigger requiring war between RUS and GER, while it should be SOV vs GER

- fixed requirements for event 3000016 ( secret weapon tech )

- fixed event 901910 seceding territories to wrong nation

- fixed event 901913 requirng SOV to control certain territories, while it should be RUS

- event 101154 now checks if German Empire indeed controls Ceylon

- fixed event 6656239 trigger - event will now fire even when GER is at war with SOV and FRA simultaneously

- added core upon Katowice for POL in revolt.txt

- added additional trigger checks for events 94008-94011 ( Syndicalism in Sweden )

- corrected wrong event checks in events 94016,94020 ( assistance for Finland and Denmark by Sweden )

- fixed wrong control province check in event 91724 ( The syndicalist threat )

- Capitulation event 6656231 for German Empire now reflects possibility of Austria-Hungary or Danubian Federation occupying Berlin

- event 90406 will no longer fire if EAF and CGX are at war

- fixed issue with event 901032 option a triggering non-existing event

- events 750404,750405 will now not fire if Siberia exist ( and russia is therefore weak )

- event 750511 will not fire if PAK is already at war with AFG

- event 105269,105268 will sleep each other and will only fire if GER is at war with BRU

- event 11800079 now requires of FRA to control only Madrid

- ai events will no longer appears if country is controlled by player

- event 344503 is now triggered directly ( instead of not triggering at all )

- events 344501 and 344502 ( an interesting offer ) will now fire properly

- event 344535 option b triggered incorrect event

- event 661021 ( Communal 1946 elections for FRA ) is now triggered correctly

- event 55621 will not fire if Portugal is allied with any of major world powers

- event 900800 ( Bjorko pact ) now requires that SIB and SOV do not exist

- added missing descriptions for events 3000020,3000021 ( Secret weapon tech )

- events 101079 and 101182 ( A new India is born ) will now fire correctly

- event 55861 ( tension about Santa Cruz ) will now add core on correct province

- event 55862 ( La Plata demands Santa Cruz ) will now secede correct province

- fixed extremely large ammount of ai bugs ( huge thanks to MartinGB )

- events 654000 and 654036 now sleep each other

- fixed issue with event 1830100 ( The death of J. S. Woodsworth ) appointing HoG in HoS position

- fixed issue with event 756020 ( The Workers and Peasant's State ) appointing ministers into incorrect positions

- fixed issue with event 908010 ( The security of the Kaiserreich ) suddenly turning GER into national populist

- event 909209 ( Portland recaptured ) will now fire for CAL as intended

- event 909215 ( Seattle captured ) will now fire for TEX as intended

- fixed syntax errors in events 6656301-6656308 ( The fall of Canada )

- fixed issue with event 94001 ( The Election of '36: Right-Wing Victory ) appointing inccorect ministers to government positions

- fixed issue with event 94518 ( Appointment of the prime minister ) appointing inccorect ministers to government positions

- event 9728553 ( Appeal to old friends? ) now allows GER to appeal to an old friends if they are at war with SOV,CSA and ENG

- events 750358,750359 ( Turkish power ) will not fire if respective countries are already at war, are puppets or communist

- event 750359 ( Turkish power AZB ) is now triggered by event 750358

- koreans will not look for aid in RUS if either SIB or SOV exist

- fixed decision 889090 ( The Problem of Transamur ) trigger, now it should fire correctly

- event 346004 ( Levi-Straus comes to us ) now sleeps event 346005

- fixed issues with event 907003 appointing wrong HoS



- corrected techs for Canada: added carrier air group techs 1920,1930, added naval bomber techs 1918,1924, added CAS techs 1916,1917,1918,1922;

- corrected techs for Australasia,Japan,Transamur : added 1916-1922 CAS techs;


- revised naval OOB of German Empire, Japan, Mexico, Sweden and Spain ( by Omega20);

- replaced french cores upon Starsbourg,Metz,Colmar with claims - France can gain cores via integration event;

- removed JAP cores upon Buna;

- added GER cores upon Katowice;

- added Benikongo (U03), Sahel (U04) and Bantu (U05);

- added descriptions for many countries (by Straczynski);

- added 100 extra manpower for FRA;

- corrected naval doctrines for Canada - previously they were too obsolete;

- changed human wave doctrines for SER,ROM and GRE with firepower doctrines

- replaced Arab Syndicalist Union with Pakistan



- added missing picture for William Myron Keck

- new flags for variants of Soviet Russia


- added missing pictures for various U07 ministers

- added propaganda pictures for various countries

- added newspaper header for SPR and SLO

- large fix of wrongly formatted pictures (by Inner Circle)


- added newspaper header for NIC and GUA



- new events for SOV about status of Orthodox Church (by Imperator1993 and Matej von Jakubco);

- new domestic policy event chain for SOV about 1948 XII congress of VKP (by Kornilov);

- many new foreign policy events for SOV (by Kornilov and Matej von Jakubco);

- new foreign policy event chains for RUS about Status of Karelia, non-aggression pact with Ottomans and Churchill Petrograd speech (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added event for Canada that allows it to gain core upon New England after 5-6 years of direct military occupation (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new events for Combined Syndicates about death of Jack Reed and choosing his successor (by KM);

- added 1947,1957 flavour Ausgleich for unified Austria-Hungary ( U24 ) (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new domestic policy events for SER (by Milites and Matej von Jakubco);

- added flavour event for RUS (by Imperator1993);

- added flavour event for SOV (by Old Joe);

- added flavour policy events for VIC (by Matt_lublin);

- added domestic policy events for SER (by Milites and Matej von Jakubco);

- new events for ROM and URU (by Kornilov);


- added new events for U00 ( P-L Commonwealth) (by Larry2903 and Matej von Jakubco);

- added new foreign policy events for SCA (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new event foor various countries about Fate of the Southern Italy (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new event about African liberation (by Straczynski);

- added deal with devil event chain (by airpirate);

- added new election events for DEN, NOR and FIN (by Rainbowfire);

- added new domestic policy events for Portugal (by Rainbowfire);

- added new events about fate of the Legation cities (by Matt_lublin);

- added new event for SOV, which allows them to join FRA in fight against GER (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new foreign policy events for TEX (by Matej von Jakubco);

- added new event for major countries about Fate of Russia (by Matej von Jakubco);

- new events dealing with status of Indonesia (by Haze);

Ministers, leaders and tech teams:


- added 14 ministers for SOV

- added 9 ministers for CSA

- added 6 ministers for POL

- added 9 ministers for SER

- added 2 ministers for MTN

- added 6 ministers for YUG

- added 1 tech team for SOV

- added 1 tech team for JAP

- added 3 tech teams for POL

- added 5 tech teams for GEO

- added 7 leaders for CSA


- 274 new leaders for HUN (leader mod)

- 8 new ministers for HUN (pogressor mod)

- 3 new tech teams for U00

- 5 new ministers for RSI

- 17 new minister for GUI

- 5 new ministers for U29

- 6 new ministers for MOR

- 13 new ministers for ANG

- 7 new ministers for DEN

- 10 new ministers for NOR

- 6 new ministers for FIN

- 10 new ministers for POR

- 6 new tech teams for SOV

- 1 new tech team for RUS

- 1 new minister for INO

- 6 new ministers for FLA

- 16 new ministers for WLL



- removed port from Johannesburg

- added 3 level port to Durban

- 34 new province pictures (by Milites);


- added 2 level port to Port Sudan

- added 1 vp to Tampere



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Деймон Блэкфайр

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Kaiserreich for Darkest Hour Легендарный мод, разработка которого началась ещё в 2005 году, теперь выпущен и на базе Darkest Hour. Действие разворачивается в 1936 году - в альтернатив

Деймон Блэкфайр

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Это DH 1.05.1 + KR 1.8 + перевод к нему же

Деймон Блэкфайр

Стоило только уехать праздновать НГ в другую область, так вышла обнова... Ладно, начну перевод адаптировать


Новогодний подарок от разработчиков мода! Версия 1.9 31 декабря 2018 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. *Старые сэйвы не совместимы.


Релиз 1.9.3 от 09.12.2020 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   Скачать 1.9.3 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Музыкальный мод Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  


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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  для тех кто был в танке, и быть может, не знал о ведущемся переводе на версию 1.8 для Darkest Hour 1.05

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