Victoria II Random World Generator! - Страница 2 - Архив - Перейти к содержимому

Victoria II Random World Generator!

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0 - Create a full copy of your Victoria 2 folder. The generator will replace original files.

1 - Download and install Python 2.7. IMPORTANT: Get the 32-bit version, not the 64-bit. Here's a direct link.

2 - Download and install Python PIL for Python 2.7. Here's a direct link.

3 - Download and extract the attached Generator.7z file to your copied Victoria 2 folder (keeping folder structure).

4 - Go to your Victoria 2/Generator folder and double-click to run the generator. If you use Window's UAC, right-click the file and Run as Administrator.

5 - Enter a seed, wait for the script to do its job, and enjoy!

If step (4) fails, try restarting your computer after installing Python. If it still fails, check that Python is on Window's PATH environment variable, if not, add it (C:\Python27 if you didn't change).

You can edit the script ( with Notepad or Notepad++, if you want to customize some things. I put several variables on the first lines so you can easily modify how many superpowers will be generated, how many factions, how much population per province, etc.


- Sometimes, a generated world will crash Vic2 when you hit Play. If this happens, please post what seed you used and if you customized any variable (and which values). This seems to be rare, fortunately. Solution: pick another seed and try again.

- I don't do much data validation, so be careful when customizing the variables. For instance, don't try to create 50 superpowers with 500 provinces each, the script will crash or something.

- The syntax for some random languages may be incorrect, if you feel like fixing them, please let me know and I'll update!


- Generate a random physical map.

- Create a user-friendly interface, where you can customize the seed and some variables.

- Create an option to not create factions, i.e., keep the existing ones and randomize their starting positions etc.

- Create an option to not randomize some other things, like provinces names.

- Random events.

- Make dictionaries different for people and provinces/nations.


Q: It is compatible with which Vic2 version?

A: I tested it against 1.3 and 1.4 beta, but it should work with any version.

Q: Does it works with other mods installed, say, PDM?

A: Yes! But this wasn't thoroughly tested yet.

Q: Can I create a new names dictionary?

A: Yes, just be sure you create three files with the same name. The three files must have the extension .names1, names2 and names3. The names generator picks one random syllable from .names1, plus 0 to 2 syllables from .names2, plus one syllable from .names3. Names1 and names3 cannot be empty; names2 can.


French.names1, French.names2, French.names3.

You can also delete the ones you don't like.


- My brother, for creating the "random" religion icons and most names dictionaries;

- Taylor, for providing a provinces adjacency parser.


- Jeff



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Статья 1

Стратегиум.ру - форум с демократической формой самоуправления. Власть на форуме осуществляют Президент, вспомогательные админ-аккаунты (Техподдержка, Полиция, Форумная Служба Безопасности) и члены Парламента (Вице-Президент, Премьер-министр, Министры, Судьи,

Префекты, Советники). Любые участники форума (кроме групп Нарушителей)

могут выдвигать свои предложения, вступать в партии, а также быть

назначенным в органы власти.

Статья 2

Государственным языком форума является русский язык.

Статья 3

Конституция является главным документом на форуме.


Переведите пост на русский язык.

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Должны нормально работать с кириллицей, главное чтобы не слишком длинно

получаются иероглифы, видимо сам генератор не воспринимает кирилицу, а после генерации переводить названия смысла вообще нету, разве что нескольких основных держав + еще им флаги норм замутить:)

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