Arsenal Of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game - Страница 18 - Arsenal of Democracy / Darkest Hour / Iron Cross - Перейти к содержимому

Arsenal Of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game

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Год выпуска: 2010
Жанр: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / Top-down
Разработчик: BL-Logic
Издатель: Paradox Interactive
Версия: 1.10 (EQPW)
Тип издания: Лицензия
Язык интерфейса: мультиязычный
в том числе: Russian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Polish, Portuguese
Язык озвучки: английский

Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows 98/ ME / 2000 / XP
Процессор: Pentium III 800 MHz
Видеокарта: 4 Mb Video Card
Оперативная память: 128 Mb

Paradox Interactive выпустила очередную переделку Hearts of Iron от очередных фанатов серии. Игра будет все о том же, о стратегических буднях борца с фашизмом образца 1939-45-го годов. Нас ждет значительно переработанный классический первоисточник. Обещаны новая боевая механика, новые миссии и более реалистичное поведение юнитов в бою, улучшенная система шпионажа, детальная экономика и производство, реалистичная логистика и модернизированный искусственный интеллект. При этом игра сохранит богатый моддерский потенциал.



Состав сборки от Ознакомителя:

  • простой установщик;
  • версия игры 1.10;
  • дополнительное ПО: DirectX, DotNet, vcredist.
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Закреплённые сообщения
1 час назад, Алеск Чу сказал:

@OLDodin ПДХ это форум парадоксов, где BL-Logic выкладывает одобренные патчи для тех кто пользуется не стим версией.

Вот официальная ссылка на куммулятивный патч 1.11

Сравните архивы по файлово.

Глянул  там сразу же лежит файл 40мб от проекта visual studio и прочий мусор - вот и объём.

Если есть официальная тема - не знал, закрепите в теме и качайте оттуда. По моей ссылке еще раз разница со стим версией, хотите верьте хотите нет.

Алеск Чу

@OLDodin С хотфиксами 1.11 есть только вот Вас😉. В теме ничего нет подобного к сожалению. Иначе не дергал бы Вас)


Вышла версия 1.12.


14 new nations including European Coal and Steel Community, Republic of Canada, Benelux Union, Padania, Far Eastern Federation and Transcaucasian Republic.
reworked german surrender to improve liberation of nations after WW2.
reworked Lend Lease to use offmap resources.
USA AI is now more reactive when Northern America is invaded.
Japan utilizes more puppets to pacify its conquests in china.
adjusted balance in german-soviet-war closer to 50:50.
new scenario vanguard36, with rebalanced building queues and manpower.
and lots of improvement / bugfixes in both AI, softcoding and general issues.


CTD Fixes:

  • Divide by zero caused by infastructure repair fixed.
  • Ships retreating during naval strike could cause a endless loop,
  • Entering trade screen when there where no countries left to trade with.
  • Fixed a race condition on annex.

General Fixes:

  • AI now doesnt load moving paratroopers into transport planes
  • AI now doesnt use paratroopers for invasions
  • GFX Speedup, by precalculating lightning
  • Convoy system now is less frantic about trade convoy target port not belonging to the trade partner. causing less checks for better ports - quite a big speedup lategame.
  • Interceptor sprite now correctly falls back to the national fighter instead of the neutral fighter sprite if no specific interceptor sprite is present.
  • Fix for broken counters.
  • Improved multiplayer messaging.
  • A fix for retreat rules, where paratroopers dropped on a province were detected by units retreating as being "overrun", since enemies where both in front and behind them.
  • Fixed AI-bug regarding ASW.
  • Fix for MP research desync caused by decimal rounding


  • Mod dir support
  • Map code now doesn't require all the pre-computed files, which makes them compliant with the standard HOI2 map editor, so modders can replace it with one of their choosing.


  • 70+ new images for models.
  • 14 new nations including Czech Republic, Republic of Canada and Benelux Union, Padania,American State, Far Eastern Federation, Transcaucasian Republic.
  • 250+ new tech teams.
  • 900+ new leaders.
  • 1100+ new ministers.
  • New event makes Newfoundland join Canada in 1949, or earlier if London is lost.
  • Added 272 new events for german surrender.
  • Added 4 new events for Portugal intervening in SCW.


  • Japan starts with cores on Taiwan and loses them upon surrender
  • reworked japanese surrender and the following outbreak of wars in Korea and China.
  • adjusted balance in german-soviet war.
  • new event chain allows Italy to surrender to Soviet Union.
  • new event makes Japan liberate Northern China.
  • Finetuned China-Nanjing.
  • AI Japan may now end its mastery over China-Nanjing.
  • reduced chances that Germany will not surrender before its annexation.
  • France will now inherit Vichy after german surrender.
  • AI Germany and AI Japan may now liberate Azad Hind.
  • "historical outcome of events" now again results in Tiso.
  • mitigated offmap resources and ic.
  • Lend Lease event chain reworked
  • USA now intervenes if its neigbors are invaded.
  • Repaired event "The assassination of Admiral Darlan".
  • Event "War with Yugoslavia" no longer occurs if war has started already.
  • Event "An Independent England" no longer teleports units back to Berlin.
  • Moved gains from the event "An Independent England" to the second part of the event chain.
  • Event "Independent Croatia" no longer teleports units back to Berlin.
  • Moved gains from the event "Independent Croatia" to the second part of the event chain.
  • AI now builds more destroyer divisions.
  • Finland now avoids joining the war vs. Norway.
  • Ireland AI may now build coastal forts.
  • Japan AI may now create Far Eastern Federation as a puppet.
  • Nationalist Syria now gets offmap ic and resources.
  • Which of the 3 Chinas can be liberated now matches the intrinsic_gov_type.
  • Croatia has now claims on 5 more provinces corresponding with 2013 borders.
  • Swieciany is now a claim by Lithuania instead of Latvia.
  • Japan now loses its cores on Korea upon surrender to the USA
  • removed nonowned cores from Mongolia to ensure a more historic outcome in late WW2.
  • made historic years in the soviet land doctrine tree more steady.
  • Operation Torch will trigger much more likely.
  • A new rebel flag.



будьте добры скиньте ссылку на версию 1.10. все ссылки мертвые.

В 27.07.2020 в 19:34, Shamilboroda сказал:

Вышла версия 1.12.

  Основные изменения (на англ.) (Открыть)

14 new nations including European Coal and Steel Community, Republic of Canada, Benelux Union, Padania, Far Eastern Federation and Transcaucasian Republic.
reworked german surrender to improve liberation of nations after WW2.
reworked Lend Lease to use offmap resources.
USA AI is now more reactive when Northern America is invaded.
Japan utilizes more puppets to pacify its conquests in china.
adjusted balance in german-soviet-war closer to 50:50.
new scenario vanguard36, with rebalanced building queues and manpower.
and lots of improvement / bugfixes in both AI, softcoding and general issues.

  Полный список изменений (на англ.) (Скрыть)

CTD Fixes:

  • Divide by zero caused by infastructure repair fixed.
  • Ships retreating during naval strike could cause a endless loop,
  • Entering trade screen when there where no countries left to trade with.
  • Fixed a race condition on annex.

General Fixes:

  • AI now doesnt load moving paratroopers into transport planes
  • AI now doesnt use paratroopers for invasions
  • GFX Speedup, by precalculating lightning
  • Convoy system now is less frantic about trade convoy target port not belonging to the trade partner. causing less checks for better ports - quite a big speedup lategame.
  • Interceptor sprite now correctly falls back to the national fighter instead of the neutral fighter sprite if no specific interceptor sprite is present.
  • Fix for broken counters.
  • Improved multiplayer messaging.
  • A fix for retreat rules, where paratroopers dropped on a province were detected by units retreating as being "overrun", since enemies where both in front and behind them.
  • Fixed AI-bug regarding ASW.
  • Fix for MP research desync caused by decimal rounding


  • Mod dir support
  • Map code now doesn't require all the pre-computed files, which makes them compliant with the standard HOI2 map editor, so modders can replace it with one of their choosing.


  • 70+ new images for models.
  • 14 new nations including Czech Republic, Republic of Canada and Benelux Union, Padania,American State, Far Eastern Federation, Transcaucasian Republic.
  • 250+ new tech teams.
  • 900+ new leaders.
  • 1100+ new ministers.
  • New event makes Newfoundland join Canada in 1949, or earlier if London is lost.
  • Added 272 new events for german surrender.
  • Added 4 new events for Portugal intervening in SCW.


  • Japan starts with cores on Taiwan and loses them upon surrender
  • reworked japanese surrender and the following outbreak of wars in Korea and China.
  • adjusted balance in german-soviet war.
  • new event chain allows Italy to surrender to Soviet Union.
  • new event makes Japan liberate Northern China.
  • Finetuned China-Nanjing.
  • AI Japan may now end its mastery over China-Nanjing.
  • reduced chances that Germany will not surrender before its annexation.
  • France will now inherit Vichy after german surrender.
  • AI Germany and AI Japan may now liberate Azad Hind.
  • "historical outcome of events" now again results in Tiso.
  • mitigated offmap resources and ic.
  • Lend Lease event chain reworked
  • USA now intervenes if its neigbors are invaded.
  • Repaired event "The assassination of Admiral Darlan".
  • Event "War with Yugoslavia" no longer occurs if war has started already.
  • Event "An Independent England" no longer teleports units back to Berlin.
  • Moved gains from the event "An Independent England" to the second part of the event chain.
  • Event "Independent Croatia" no longer teleports units back to Berlin.
  • Moved gains from the event "Independent Croatia" to the second part of the event chain.
  • AI now builds more destroyer divisions.
  • Finland now avoids joining the war vs. Norway.
  • Ireland AI may now build coastal forts.
  • Japan AI may now create Far Eastern Federation as a puppet.
  • Nationalist Syria now gets offmap ic and resources.
  • Which of the 3 Chinas can be liberated now matches the intrinsic_gov_type.
  • Croatia has now claims on 5 more provinces corresponding with 2013 borders.
  • Swieciany is now a claim by Lithuania instead of Latvia.
  • Japan now loses its cores on Korea upon surrender to the USA
  • removed nonowned cores from Mongolia to ensure a more historic outcome in late WW2.
  • made historic years in the soviet land doctrine tree more steady.
  • Operation Torch will trigger much more likely.
  • A new rebel flag.





я был бы так рад если бы кто-нибудь выложил ссылку на рабочую версию 1.12

В активной разработке версия 1.13: обсуждение будущего патча в steam, на paradoxplaza.


Комментарии разработчиков к будущему патчу:


"Привет, ребята,

Мы добавили технологии и реорганизовали все экраны / вкладки технологий. Теперь нам нужны какие-то технологии, подразделения, доктрины и т. д. для заполнения пробелов. Именно здесь вы, игроки, становитесь большим подспорьем для команды разработчиков в 1.13."

В 09.08.2019 в 05:23, Константин Дмитриевич сказал:

Мне уже не надо. Потратить пришлось больше часа, но я всё-таки нашёл торрент-версию 1.11

Поделись) вообще не могу торренты рабочие найти

Константин Дмитриевич
В 26.02.2022 в 21:36, madero сказал:

Поделись) вообще не могу торренты рабочие найти

А фиг я теперь снова найду (

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Популярные сообщения


Год выпуска: 2010Жанр: Strategy (Real-time / Grand strategy) / Top-downРазработчик: BL-LogicИздатель: Paradox InteractiveВерсия: 1.10 (EQPW)Тип издания: ЛицензияЯзык интерфейса: мультиязычныйв том чис


i Решением и.о. Президента запрещаю "Ознакомителю" менять шапки тем в разделе Arsenal of Democracy / Darkest Hour / Iron Cross. Тем более вставлять, глючные патчи и свои безумные озн


! Во исполнение решения Совета Президента, название темы об игре, шапка темы стандартизированы под единый форумный стандарт.


В связи с отсутствием единого форумного стандарта призываю местного префекта @Dima-Stranik для восстановления прежнего вида шапки и прошу бота с неясными обязанностями и полномочиями (и в связи с отсу



1. Артобстрел нужен для разрушения укреплений а не для уничтожения боеспособности чем больше дивизий с арт бригадами тем выше эффективность самое лучшее применения данного задания это отдельный корп


Да, мне HoI4 тоже не вставила... разве что конструктор дивизий интересный и разделение в производстве на разные фабрики... а вот AI  - как был тупой у Парадоксов, так таким и остался, это к сожалению.


Вышел 1.11 Beta8 in experimental branch.     

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