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Изменено пользователем KOROL


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Изменено пользователем Xeothy


И пожалуста обнавите шапку,а то я незнаю чё качать.

Я бы с радостью, но похоже со временем возможность редактирования сообщений пропадает, так что не плохо бы что б какой-нибудь модератор(он то наверно сможет шапку редактировать) новую тему сделал.

Насколько я понял модератора по PON нету, только админы, которые в PON не играют.

PON Public Beta Patch 1.02 (updated August 1st)

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Engine & AI

* New functionality: SPACEBAR switches between modes (Military -> Economy -> Colonial -> Decisions -> back to the beggining). ALT+SPACEBAR goes into the submode.

* Fixed the crash bug on Population F6 interface (mostly reported on USA)

* Fixed many region display problems on the F6 interface (water regions, enemies regions, etc) and problems with the pie charts construction.

* New: now the conversion of a few merchandises (Gold, gem) to state money can increase inflation (low chance: 1%)

* Improved: depending on your tariff level, there is a chance to hurt relations with other factions (change much upped compared to before).

* New: regional decisions on enemy controlled territory had a chance to be "burned down".

* Fixed: crash bug related to pillagers units on regions without an owner.

* Fixed: script problem with the commands EvalContentment, EvalMilitancy and EvalEducation that prevented them to work properly in some cases.

* You can now enter any region held by an enemy (50% more control) even if the region is owned by someone with whom you don't have a passage treaty.

* False positive Report fixed during battle (No Friendly Group message)

* Tribal relationship will at least be 1 after a formal peace settlement, so they are never hostile after a peace.

* You can enter an enemy controled region, whoever is the legit owner.

* Changed: An harbor of a nation with a trade agreement is valid for exporting goods, before you need to be allied with them (this can explain oddities with oversea assets).

* Inflation increases structure cost.

* You can't capture (or the AI can't) ships from a nation you are at war with, if the war just erupted. Capturing ships after some clever amphibious or land operations will still work.

* Contesting a stake in colonial mode should trigger much more often now.

* You can now see the various sources of prestige gained during past turn by checking the tooltip over the prestige icon, top left of the screen.

* Militancy will have higher impact than before on the long term.

* Fixed a bug where the crisis initiator would lose his planning.

* Less Prestige gain in crisis.

* You can disband troops without prestige loss now. If you are at peace and not under a threat, troops with the 'mobilize' tags will be removed each December.

Data or Events oriented changes

* Fixed: some Russian events (e.g. Kolokol 1857) that made loyalty plunge down too fast and too strong in anticipation of Serfdom Abolition event (moved forward to 1861)

* Eased the requirements for Child Work abolition and made chances of vote higher

* Fixed typo in Merchant Fleet mission which wrongly stated 100 merchant ships instead of 30 (50 for Britain)

* Fixed an error in the German/Italian unification events that made them occur only once

* Fixed various text typos

* Added a new entry system for USA and CSA generals during the ACW if it occurs at an earlier date

* Added some events to boost appearance of German and Italian unity when the player is either USA or Japan (in order to create a more 'known' Europe and higher challenge for player)

* Corrected file names for some military units that had typos, thereby preventing them to be displayed correctly

* Fixed some models data that was preventing proper showing of units pictures

* Added Amadeus' German proofreading of texts

* Renamed some units pictures that prevented them to be shown correctly

* Added missing texts for British Events: 1852 NZ Constitution and 1854 Miner Rebellion, same for French and Italian events about the 1864 September Convention

* Changed the Rebels proportion (lowered) in manu events, including Poland's martial law (Russian)

* Renamed Hevea to Rubber (English) to all concerned events

* Reworked merchandises contentment values and prices.

* Fixed: bug related to railroad/advanced railroad efficiencies that created an excessive bonus coming from the tech tree.

* Fixed: streamlined VP gain per turn coming from faction modifiers to reduce the snowballing effect seen on GBR.

Изменено пользователем Xeothy

Учитывая то что уже появился инсталер, видимо дело идёт к финальному 1.02 патчу :)

Изменения переведите кто нибудь на русский язык.


игра по шустрее стала после патча?

Изменено пользователем Владислав1996

Судя по описанию, работ по оптимизации не произведено.

Вышел новый патч 1.02j,k,l. У кого есть?

Изменено пользователем deoved

Последняя версия патча - PON 1.02 Patch candidate (public beta 1.01 serie L, updated Sept 02)

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Патч подходит к версии 1.01. другие патчи можно не устанавливать, ваша версия после обновления сразу будет последней.


Скачать, запустить инсталер из архива, AGEOD рекомендует забекапить игру перед установкой.

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Engine & AI

* Fix on colonial roads decision (which allowed to destroy a railroad)

* More effects for the ‘Show Support’ diplomatic action. Will give you a tiny fraction of the monthly prestige gain from the supported nation, will raise progressively your relationships plus the AI will be aware of supporters before declaring war. If the nation you supported is the target of a DOW, you’ll lose some prestige, plus 25 relationships point with the attacker. You’ll also get a chance to have a committing CB against the attacker (double-edged sword).

* Cyclical economic crisis have arrived, please refer to the AGE wiki for the rules about them:

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* AI now factors fully the net of treaties and supports when seeking for a potential target of a DOW.

* Objectives regions are always at least in your claim list (can be national too, which is the grade above).

* Economic structures after the fifth cost +20% cumulative in capital funds, when being built. This represents the bigger difficulty in convincing investors to fund structures that don’t represent brand new opportunities (and is also there to slow down the bigger economy, admittedly!)

* You can now get back the city of regions your legitimately own, if at peace with the owner, even if the region is not national to you (e.g Austria is holding a Polish city, taken from Rebels, and giving it back to Russia).

* When a country is liberated, it will also get back (in addition to its capital region) adjacent regions which are national to it, if owned by the war loser.

* AI will play more and more aggressively colonial decisions (if they can be afforded).

* Fixed a bug that prevented merchant fleets from being repaired in certain circumstances.

* Martial Law will now be enabled automatically, in regions where you have troops and too much militancy. A ruthless country will activate Martial Law as soon as there is 1 point of militancy. An autocratic country will wait for 10 points, and the rest of government types will wait for 30 points accumulated. In the short term, Martial law will tend also to reduce contentment at the same time, mostly for liberal countries.

* The 3 icons at the top of the screen (the ones that change when you change mode) are now fully operational with detailed tooltips. Check them!

* You can’t try upgrading a level 4 depot anymore.

* If a region is not pillaged, then there won’t be a natural decay in development level even if the region is above the calculated maximum level (dependant of city size and some techs).

* There is now a message indicating when the worth of a colonial area (Sphere of Influence rating) improves because you (heavily) invested into it. Target the colonial capital for maximum effect.

* Scores in various domains are now shown as a tooltip in the Objectives screen, on each of the nation’s flag. For your scores, check your capital icon for the corresponding tooltip.

* AI is more dynamic on trading.

* You can’t convert supply and ammo if your capital is besieged.

Data or Events oriented changes

* Promise local support duration upped to 24 turns (was 12).

* Peace treaty now also creates a 6-turns right of passage temporary agreement. Once elapsed, forces will be forcefully moved to nearest territory.

* Fixed Italian unification CTD because of a nonexistent treaty

* Fixed BEL crash related to the Vlaandern forts

* Fixed SPA and TUR objectives (No longer the “North Pole”)

* Added new objectives for other minor factions (DAN, SWE, MEX, PER)

* Adjusted USA colonial structures to the requirements of the colonial game

* Fixed all FRA events referencing the wrong alias “Kabylie” to the correct one “Kabilyia”

* Fixed all GBR events referencing a non existent area (Area_North_India)

* Fixed USA oil events that generated a CTD

* Reduced prices for all merchandises

* Reworked input/outputs of many structures to adapt the new situation to the new prices.

* Reworked AI stockpile algorithm and logic during the course of the game (to reduce huge stockpiles early on).

* Updated faction stockpile to fit the new AI stockpile algorithm.

* Reworked some structures force pool, now it is spread more along the tech tree (to reduce big jumps in production).

* Reduced some early structures force pool to reduce the huge availability of resources in 1850 because all major nations became powerhouses way too early (See next point).

* New faction traits: now each major faction gets 2 traits (GBR 3) that will increase your structure force pool based around historical production (GBR more coal mines, RUS more cereal farms, etc).

* Updated canned food and furniture industries graphics.

* Fixed the missing “name” and “text” entries for some technologies (some error introduced with the replacement of “armour” for “armor”).

* Fixed all “programm” and “canon” appearances on all texts (replaced by “program” and “cannon” respectively).

* Fixed many minor errors reported on event scripts.

* Reduced all prestige gain/loss from all structures.

* Colonial roads decision allows again a region to develop to road level. (bugfix)

* Fixed a problem with wrong objectives assigned during the ACW for USA

* Changed the Coast of Senegal “terrain type” to Coastal Water (instead of Ocean).

* Added Zwedru region to the Ivory Coast colonial area.

* Fixed the problem that prevented in some cases to build railroads for players that already discovered the advanced railroad.

Изменено пользователем Xeothy

Патч 1.02M вышел седьмого числа.


public beta 1.01 serie M updated Sept 07 кто нить выложит? плииз...



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Спасибо, брат.

Последняя версия патча - PON 1.02 Patch candidate (public beta 1.01 serie M, updated Sept 07)

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Патч подходит к версии 1.01. другие патчи можно не устанавливать, ваша версия после обновления сразу будет последней.


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Engine & AI

* There is now a +33% cost penalty to each element which is fighting and was besieged the past turn.

* Fixed battle scenarios that were crashing in latest beta patch (except the RJW 1904).

* Fix for the structure upgrade crash that happened commonly.

* Removed the beta (unfinished) version of FPW 1870 (we hope you liked it and will now buy the final version!).

* Interface: Added back the new ledger buttons graphics that were missing (except for betas!).

Data or Events oriented changes

* Reduced output of late game structures (-1 production all around the place)

* Increased capital input for all structures and all levels.

* Reworked late game structures output, now they have a linear progression (level1=5, level2=10, level3=15), before it was a 2x relation (level1=5, level2=10, level3=20).

* Reworked input and output relation to fit the new system of linear progression.

* Removed manufactures goods input for Shipyard.

* Reduced Iron base price to 3

* Reduced Minerals base price to 3

* Reduced Nitrates base price to 3

* Reduced Rubber base price to 3

* Reduced Luxuries base price to 11

* Reduced Wood base price to 2

* Reduced Dyes base price to 2

* Reduced Electrical parts base price to 8

* Reduced Autos base price to 25

* Reduced Aviation base price to 30

* Increased cost to build structures outside your country.

Изменено пользователем Xeothy

Они их как из пулемета... Уже 1.01N вышел.

Они их как из пулемета... Уже 1.01N вышел.

Лучше бы полноценный патч выпустиили и голову геймерам не морочили :)

Последняя версия патча - PON 1.02 Patch candidate (public beta 1.01 serie N, updated Sept 16)

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Скачать, запустить инсталер из архива, AGEOD рекомендует забекапить игру перед установкой.

Патч подходит к версии 1.01. другие патчи можно не устанавливать, ваша версия после обновления сразу будет последней.

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Engine & AI

Structure cost now properly shown in tooltip (including the penalty for many structure, every fifth structure).

Adjacent territories when liberating a nation were not freed reliably (even if qualified as to be freed). Warscore costs in the interface was erroneously too low (fixed).

Foreign investments in structures will be costlier and more dangerous (more chance to get seized).

In some cases, elements could receive replacements without any spending from mother nation.

Windowed mode should now behave as expected, resolution-wise.

The game will now pause correctly (if pause on battle is chosen) during turns, without generating display glitch.

Declaring a protectorate in a region with a significant colonial presence from another country can generates automatically a crisis now (no need to have a stake/contest stake decisions issued).

AI has added interests in selling or buying non critical merchandises (like tropical fruits, etc.)

Tradepost now generate their goods later in the turn, so that stockpile situation is clearer for the player.

AI will favor even more strongly the presence of railroads when seeking a construction site.

Crash when doing a distant unload fixed.

4 colonial structures, when placed, lower others nations CP by 5 each: Mission, School, Dispensary, Outpost. This can be seen as a tool to sap away the influence of others colonial powers.

New window, listing structures (F11 key).

Data or Events oriented changes

1870 DLC FPW changes

* added AI guidelines events for Prussia

* added Production (pools and assets)

* added French "Franc-Tireurs" events (guerrillas)

* added French leaders 3*** promotion for AI

Изменено пользователем Xeothy

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