Технические проблемы День Победы 3 - Страница 52 - Hearts of Iron 3 / День Победы 3 - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Технические проблемы День Победы 3

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В этой теме обсуждаются технические проблемы с игрой. Задавайте вопросы.

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Закреплённые сообщения

Сама игра работает стабильно, проблема со скриншотами. Они либо не делаются, либо в соответствующей папке появляется поврежденный файл. Сделать сторонними программами тоже не получается, как будто не видят игру и делают скрин рабочего стола или одного из параллельно запущенных приложений. В оконном режиме делать не пробовал, сейчас попробую.

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Делаю скрины программой Fraps без проблем.

У меня Windows 7 64bit. Никаких вылетов или зависаний не наблюдаю. Бывают одинокие вылеты после четырёх - пяти часов игры. Но это простительно.

На всех компах на которых я играл в ХОИ3 (а это 4 компа) стояла windows 7x64. И нигде нет проблем.

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А теперь что касается второй сборки (neigrok). Здесь игра вылетает после того как выберешь страну и нажимаешь "Начать игру". На "Creating graphics" игра вылетает на раб. стол.

Вопрос - в чем может быть проблема?

В день установки начал игру, ознакомился с интерфейсом, вырубил. Сегодня игра ведет себя как описал RUSLANALDO. Переустановка и танцы с бубном попытка восстановить условия предыдущего запуска поведение игры не изменяют.

Вопрос аналогичный.

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Куда игра могла намусорить после первого запуска, чтобы очистка папки игры и папки в "Мои документы", а также полная переустановка не помогла восстановить изначальное рабочее состояние?

Сценарии, обучение работают.

х86 ХР

Извините за даблпост, не нашел как редактировать.

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Трипл пост.

Двумя постами выше дезинформация. Сначала была поставлена сборка от separate, в которой запустилась первая игра. После перезагрузки ПК новая игра при запуске крушилась с ошибкой. Переустановка с очисткой папки в "Мои документы" не помогла. Установка сборки от neigrok не помогла. Решил проблему запусом новой игры на другом ПК и переносом сейва(на обоих в этот момент стоит сборка separate). После первого глобального зависания ПК(на котором проблемы с запуском) прекратил попытки играть ее на оном. Второй ПК - х64 Windows 7.

Предполагаемые факторы:

- процессор AMD;

- что-то изменили компоненты сборки separate после перезагрузки;

- что-то изменила сама игра.

"...После смерти Махатмы Ганди поговорить не с кем" - В.В.Путин

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- процессор AMD;

- что-то изменили компоненты сборки separate после перезагрузки;

- что-то изменила сама игра.

"...После смерти Махатмы Ганди поговорить не с кем" - В.В.Путин

не греши на амд да не погрешим будешь... просто тут косяк работы с многопроцессорными системами.

юзай эмулятор ХР и будет тебе счастье.

п/с встает только на лицензию винды. иначе импотенция.

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Вы невнимательны.

х86 ХР

Многопроцессорными? Многоядерными?

У меня еще остатки голограммы на ящике есть, и эта ваша мысль не сходится.

Ни аргументов, ни доказательств.

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Приветствую, господа.

Интересует один необычный вопрос, а именно - как стабильно ведет себя игра на недостаточно мощных машинах?

Сам я только недавно установил TFH, и меня интересует, не будут ли у меня проблемы с зависаниями и лагами на поздних этапах партии (пока что все терпимо и играбельно, только наблюдаются замедления на высоких скоростях течения времени). Конфигурация системы - нетбук Acer Aspire One AMD Dual-Core C-60 (1.3 ГГц) / RAM 2 ГБ / ATI Radeon HD 6290.

Имел ли кто опыт игры на подобных конфигурациях, и был ли он успешным?

Изменено пользователем MrBadGuy
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нетбук Acer Aspire One AMD Dual-Core C-60 (1.3 ГГц) / RAM 2 ГБ / ATI Radeon HD 6290.

То, что надо для этой игры. Играл на похожем, работало стабильно. По самой конфигурации вопросов нет. Возможная проблема только в том, что игра в целом на ноутбуках ведет себя не на 100% уверенно. Ноутбуки греются сильно и отсюда возможны тормоза.

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То, что надо для этой игры. Играл на похожем, работало стабильно. По самой конфигурации вопросов нет. Возможная проблема только в том, что игра в целом на ноутбуках ведет себя не на 100% уверенно. Ноутбуки греются сильно и отсюда возможны тормоза.

Вчера ночью за 2,5 часа игры ничего особо не нагрелось. Благо охлаждающая подставка есть в наличии.

Тормоза и лаги только на скоростях выше средней, а так нареканий на стабильность пока нет.

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Играл использую сборку Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Полная русская сборка от neigrok все было нормально, после перерыва в несколько дней при загрузке вылетает ошибка hoi3_tfh.exe - обнаружена ошибка. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства. Удалил все почистил поставил Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Русская сборка от separate, все то же самое с Стимовский оригинал Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. аналогично.

Загрузка доходит до надписи MAP PROPERLY шелчок вместо часов появляется рука и выскакивает сообщение об ошибке. Система Win XP Pro SP3.

Что это может быть, кто-нибудь сталкивался с подобным?

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Загрузка доходит до надписи MAP PROPERLY шелчок вместо часов появляется рука и выскакивает сообщение об ошибке. Система Win XP Pro SP3.

Что это может быть, кто-нибудь сталкивался с подобным?

Удалите все что осталось от ХоИ, включая папку в Документах. Почистите реестр, хотя бы программой CCleaner. И снова установите сборку 4.02.

Если не поможет, проверьте видеодрайвер и откатитесь на точку восстановления до всей этой катавасии.

Изменено пользователем Bomborbia
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Удалите все что осталось от ХоИ, включая папку в Документах. Почистите реестр, хотя бы программой CCleaner. И снова установите сборку 4.02.

Если не поможет, проверьте видеодрайвер и откатитесь на точку восстановления до всей этой катавасии.

Удалял, чистил - не помогало

Откатил видеодрайвер, удалил все установленные в этот период программы, еще раз удалил игру почистил реестр - не помогло.

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Удалял, чистил - не помогало

Откатил видеодрайвер, удалил все установленные в этот период программы, еще раз удалил игру почистил реестр - не помогло.

После очередного запуска и вылета выложите содержимое логов сюда (лучше под спойлер).

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system.logНажмите здесь!
 [systemsettings.cpp:180]: System memory: 2048MB

[systemsettings.cpp:182]: CPU speed: 2793MHz

[systemsettings.cpp:189]: Number of processors: 2

[systemsettings.cpp:200]: CPU type: x86

[systemsettings.cpp:232]: OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build: 2600

[graphicssettings.cpp:130]: Graphic Adapters:

[graphicssettings.cpp:135]: 0: Intel® HD Graphics

[graphicssettings.cpp:135]: 1: Intel® HD Graphics

[graphicssettings.cpp:152]: Checking for multi-sampling support:

[graphicssettings.cpp:178]: Using Adapter [0]:

[graphicssettings.cpp:184]: Succeeded to create a device [D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING].

[graphicssettings.cpp:226]: Graphics device: Intel® HD Graphics

[graphicssettings.cpp:227]: Graphics driver: igxprd32.dll

[graphicssettings.cpp:232]: Driver version: 5436


Dumping all gfx info:

DeviceIdentifier: {D7B78E66-4242-11CF-0AF6-0700A8C2CB35}

VendorId: 32902

DeviceId: 258

SubSysId: 537755782

Revision: 9

DriverVersion.HighPart: 393230

DriverVersion.LowPart: 660796

[graphicssettings.cpp:299]: Instancing supported.

[graphicssettings.cpp:317]: Video memory amount: 1342MB

[graphicssettings.cpp:320]: Support for T&L found.

[graphicssettings.cpp:323]: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8

[graphicssettings.cpp:324]: MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4

[graphicssettings.cpp:325]: MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 0

[graphicssettings.cpp:327]: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8

[graphicssettings.cpp:328]: MaxTextureBlendStages: 8

[graphicssettings.cpp:329]: Support for Anisotropic filtering found.

[graphicssettings.cpp:332]: Max Anisotropic filtering: 16

[graphicssettings.cpp:333]: Anisotropic filtering set to: 0

[graphicssettings.cpp:337]: Vertex Shader version: 3.0

[graphicssettings.cpp:342]: Pixel Shader version: 3.0

[main.cpp:403]: HoI3 Version Nov 5 2012 : 10:40:41

[main.cpp:472]: Blobing files

[main.cpp:502]: Init Text Database

[internationalizedtext.cpp:1237]: Create table

[internationalizedtext.cpp:1239]: Create text database

[main.cpp:504]: Text Database Done

[main.cpp:532]: Creating application...

[main.cpp:592]: Init Application...

[eu3application.cpp:267]: Initialise Defines

[eu3application.cpp:274]: App Init

[eu3application.cpp:299]: Cursors Defines

[eu3application.cpp:327]: Sound...

[dxmusic.cpp:40]: Init Music

[dxmusic.cpp:46]: Graph done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:52]: Control done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:58]: Seeking done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:63]: Event done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:68]: Music done 0

[DirectSound.cpp:37]: Init DirectSound

[DirectSound.cpp:55]: Sound initialised with result 0

[DirectSound.cpp:65]: Coop Level Set. Result: 0

[DirectSound.cpp:88]: Sound Init Done

[eu3application.cpp:376]: Initialise Graphics...

[graphics.cpp:161]: Direct3D Created

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 70

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1360 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1366 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1400 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1440 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1600 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1680 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1920 1080 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 70

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 1280 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 1280 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1360 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1366 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1400 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1400 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1400 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1440 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1600 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1680 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1680 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1680 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1080 1920 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1920 1080 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1080 1920 60

[graphics.cpp:272]: Not using multisampling.

[graphics.cpp:292]: Creating device with: D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING



[graphics.cpp:373]: Done creating device.

[eu3application.cpp:378]: Graphics Done

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Map-Sprites...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading GUI Definitions...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Databases...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Initialising Maplogic...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Databases II...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading History Files...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Events...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Sounds...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Flags...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Checksum...

[main.cpp:601]: Run Application...

[frontend.cpp:423]: entering frontend...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Graphics...

[frontend.cpp:460]: entering frontend...init map

[eu3application.cpp:768]: initialise map

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Province #

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Borders...

[provincemanager.cpp:1600]: Creating province data

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Texts....

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Trees...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Rivers...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating the World...

[provincemanager.cpp:1677]: Creating meshes

[provincemanager.cpp:1736]: vertex declarations done

[provincemanager.cpp:1826]: done quads

[provincemanager.cpp:1858]: border adjacencies done

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text CREATE_WAVES

[provincemanager.cpp:1905]: Create meshes done

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Map Properly Initialised...

[frontend.cpp:478]: eu3 idler restore

[frontend.cpp:529]: reloaded

[frontend.cpp:583]: done frontend


time.logНажмите здесь!
 [main.cpp:519]: Loading text.csv took 0.564264 seconds...

[main.cpp:522]: Loading files took 0.2057

[main.cpp:523]: Loading blob took 0.26762


***> Total loadtime before app init 1.89647 seconds.

[eu3application.cpp:370]: Initiliasing Music & Sound<1.19737>

[eu3application.cpp:435]: Loading .gfx files <3.1241>

[eu3application.cpp:450]: Initialise Graphics<37.5525>

[eu3application.cpp:515]: Loading GUI <0.325428>

[eu3application.cpp:1042]: Loading Databases <0.198895>

[map.cpp:288]: It takes <0.678462> seconds to generate colorspace.

[map.cpp:369]: It takes <1.64814> seconds to load mapfiles.

[map.cpp:410]: It takes <0.799369> seconds to generate provinces.

[map.cpp:415]: It takes <0.0987806> seconds to generate bounding boxes.

[map.cpp:597]: It takes <9.53674e-007> seconds to calculate paths.

[map.cpp:605]: It takes <0.389297> seconds to fix naval distances.

[map.cpp:636]: It takes <4.44414> in total to init map-logics.

[eu3application.cpp:1083]: units&techh database <0.315342>

[eu3application.cpp:1134]: country database <2.35052>

[eu3application.cpp:1226]: final pass of databases <0.522484>

[eu3application.cpp:1261]: Loading History Database <19.2149>

[eu3application.cpp:522]: ****> databases was total of <28.1339>

[eu3application.cpp:543]: Loading Soundeffects <1.13254>

[eu3application.cpp:553]: Loading Flags <0.282227>

[eu3application.cpp:573]: history execute <0.348579>

[eu3application.cpp:579]: Idler Initialised <0.0665512>

[eu3application.cpp:759]: Creating checksum for all files took 26.4654 seconds.


***> Total loadtime after app init 100.974 seconds.

[frontend.cpp:439]: Initialising frontend artwork <0.939339>

[provincemanager.cpp:484]: CEU3MapCache creation <1.09943>

[provincemanager.cpp:730]: Finished creating beach manager <0.179687>

[provincemanager.cpp:742]: Province collision meshes <0.0379686>

[bordermanager.cpp:117]: CBorderManager::FillBitmap() <0.740181>

[provincemanager.cpp:757]: Creating borders <0.74063>

[provincemanager.cpp:773]: Creating texts <8.05717>

[provincemanager.cpp:792]: Creating trees <0.984602>

[provincemanager.cpp:806]: Creating rivers <1.24648>

[provincemanager.cpp:1744]: Creating terrain textures <1.28474>

[provincemanager.cpp:1801]: Creating visible from <2.47955e-005>

[provincemanager.cpp:1836]: Creating meshes from <14.8247>

[provincemanager.cpp:1885]: Creating waves <0.0382729>

[provincemanager.cpp:819]: Creating the world <16.7761>

[provincemanager.cpp:894]: Writing timefile for map<0.00904083>

[provincemanager.cpp:905]: Cleaning up provincemanager<3.62396e-005>

[eu3application.cpp:775]: Initialising Graphical Map <31.9265>

[eu3application.cpp:779]: Cleaning up after Graphical Map <0.00205994>

[frontend.cpp:475]: Mapflags <0.346237>

[frontend.cpp:483]: Device objects <0.057312>

[frontend.cpp:540]: frontend screens <3.01904>


Total loadtime was 137.268 seconds.

Ссылка на комментарий

game.logНажмите здесь!
 [trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 2

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 2

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 2

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for rocket_engine = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for theorical_jet_engine = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for paratrooper_infantry = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for mortorised_infantry = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for smallarms_technology = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_support = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_guns = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_at = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for infantry_activation = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for mechnical_computing_machine = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for amphibious_invasion_technology = 2

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for amphibious_assault_units = 2

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for rocket_engine = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for civil_nuclear_research = 4

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for rocket_engine = 1

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[trigger.cpp:365]: Fixed trigger dependency for radar = 3

[history.cpp:286]: Executing History from - to

[history.cpp:286]: Executing History from to 1936.1.1.0


hoi3_tfh.exe - обнаружена ошибка. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.Нажмите здесь!
Изменено пользователем volkolak
Ссылка на комментарий

setup.log-1Нажмите здесь!
 [eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/airbuilder.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/alerts.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/backend.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/battleplansinterface.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/brigaderbuilder.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/brigadeview.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/cgm.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/chat.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/combat.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/confirmbuild.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/convoys.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/core.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/country_diplomacy.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/country_espionage.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/country_politics.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/country_production.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/country_technology.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/country_theatres.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/credits.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/datewidget.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/diplomacydialog.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/divisiondesigner.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/election.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/eu3dialog.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/event_province_window.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/eventwindow.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/goto.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/hoi3ledger.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/hoi3ledgericons.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/ingamelobby.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/ledger.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/lendlease.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/lobby.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/menubar.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/messagesettings.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/metaserver.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/microgui.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/modifier_interface.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/nudge.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/oobbrowser.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/options.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/orders.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/outliner.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/province_interface.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/rightclickmenu.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/settings.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/share_technology.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/shipbuilder.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/sidebar.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/single_unitpanel.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/stratwarfaremanager.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/temp_frontend.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/topbar.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/tutorial.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/unitpanel.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/vc_interface.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/victory_conditions.gui

[eu3application.cpp:507]: Loaded GUI Definition File: interface/wardialog.gui

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #0 tag = noIdeology name = noIdeology group =

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #1 tag = national_socialist name = Национал-социалисты group = Фашизм

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #2 tag = fascistic name = Фашисты group = Фашизм

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #3 tag = paternal_autocrat name = Патерналисты group = Фашизм

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #4 tag = social_conservative name = Социал-консерваторы group = Демократия

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #5 tag = market_liberal name = Либералы-рыночники group = Демократия

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #6 tag = social_liberal name = Социал-либералы group = Демократия

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #7 tag = social_democrat name = Социал-демократы group = Демократия

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #8 tag = left_wing_radical name = Левые радикалы group = Коммунизм

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #9 tag = leninist name = Ленинисты group = Коммунизм

[ideology.cpp:259]: Ideology #10 tag = stalinist name = Сталинисты group = Коммунизм

[eu3application.cpp:933]: IdeologyDataBase Initialized

[eu3application.cpp:943]: TechnologyDatabase Phase #1 Initialized

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #0 tag = very_easy_player name = Очень легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #1 tag = easy_player name = Легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #2 tag = hard_player name = Сложно

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #3 tag = very_hard_player name = Очень сложно

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #4 tag = very_easy_ai name = Очень легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #5 tag = easy_ai name = Легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #6 tag = hard_ai name = Сложно

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #7 tag = very_hard_ai name = Очень сложно

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #8 tag = overseas name = Нет связей со столицей по суше

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #9 tag = coastal name = Прибрежная

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #10 tag = non_coastal name = Внутриконтинентальная

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #11 tag = coastal_sea name = Прибрежные воды

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #12 tag = sea_zone name = Море

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #13 tag = land_province name = Материковая провинция

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #14 tag = blockaded name = В блокаде

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #15 tag = no_adjacent_controlled name = Ни одна из смежных провинций не контролируется

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #16 tag = non_core name = Не национальная провинция

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #17 tag = occupied name = Оккупация

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #18 tag = revolt_risk name = Риск восстания

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #19 tag = nationalism name = Национализм

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #20 tag = manpower name = Людские ресурсы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #21 tag = dissent name = Недовольство

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #22 tag = neutrality name = Нейтралитет

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #23 tag = base_values name = Базовое значение

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #24 tag = war name = Война

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #25 tag = peace name = Мир

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #26 tag = war_exhaustion name = Усталость от войны

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #27 tag = luck name = luck

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #28 tag = badboy name = badboy

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #29 tag = prestige name = prestige

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #30 tag = land_maintenance name = land_maintenance

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #31 tag = naval_maintenance name = naval_maintenance

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #32 tag = initial_mobilization name = initial_mobilization

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #33 tag = government_in_exile name = government_in_exile

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #34 tag = fractured_government name = Раскол правительства

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #35 tag = align_towards_axis name = Стремление к Оси

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #36 tag = align_towards_allies name = Стремление к Союзникам

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #37 tag = align_towards_comintern name = Стремление к Коминтерну

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #38 tag = spy_lower_national_unity name = Подрывающие национальное единство шпионы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #39 tag = spy_raise_national_unity name = Увеличивающие национальное единство шпионы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #40 tag = disrupt_production name = Саботирующие производство шпионы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #41 tag = disrupt_research name = Саботирующие исследования шпионы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #42 tag = spy_lower_neutrality name = Понижающие нейтралитет шпионы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #43 tag = spy_support_resistance name = Поддерживающие сопротивление шпионы

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #44 tag = covertopsmod_sabotage name = Саботированная зона

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #45 tag = covertopsmod_scout name = Разведанная зона

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #46 tag = covertopsmod_damage_resource name = Саботировать добычу стратегического ресурса

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #0 tag = very_easy_player name = Очень легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #1 tag = easy_player name = Легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #2 tag = hard_player name = Сложно

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #3 tag = very_hard_player name = Очень сложно

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #4 tag = very_easy_ai name = Очень легко

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #673 tag = ENG_Aid name = Британская Помощь

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #674 tag = SOV_Aid name = Советская Помощь

[modifier.cpp:575]: StaticModifier #675 tag = Controls_Madrid name = Контроль над Мадридом


setup.log-2Нажмите здесь!
 [eu3application.cpp:955]: Static Modifiers Initialized

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #0 tag = noMinisterType name = noMinisterType

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #1 tag = biased_intellectual name = Предвзятый интеллектуал

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #2 tag = ideological_crusader name = Идейный борец

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #3 tag = apologetic_clerk name = Примиренец

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #4 tag = iron_fisted_brute name = Железный канцлер

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #5 tag = great_compromiser name = Мастер компромисса

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #6 tag = general_staffer name = Генштабист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #7 tag = the_cloak_n_dagger_schemer name = Рыцарь плаща и кинжала

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #8 tag = administrative_genius name = Административный гений

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #9 tag = resource_industrialist name = Сырьевой магнат

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #10 tag = laissez_faires_capitalist name = Либеральный капиталист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #11 tag = theoretical_scientist name = Ученый-теоретик

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #12 tag = military_entrepreneur name = Ставленник ВПК

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #13 tag = battle_fleet_proponent name = Сторонник надводного флота

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #14 tag = submarine_proponent name = Сторонник подводного флота

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #15 tag = tank_proponent name = Сторонник танковых войск

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #16 tag = infantry_proponent name = Сторонник сухопутных войск

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #17 tag = air_to_ground_proponent name = Сторонник тактической авиации

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #18 tag = air_to_sea_proponent name = Сторонник морской авиации

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #19 tag = strategic_air_proponent name = Сторонник стратегической авиации

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #20 tag = silent_lawyer name = Незаметный законник

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #21 tag = compassionate_gentleman name = Благожелательный джентльмен

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #22 tag = crime_fighter name = Борец с преступностью

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #23 tag = prince_of_terror name = Кровавый палач

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #24 tag = back_stabber name = Интриган

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #25 tag = man_of_the_people name = Человек из народа

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #26 tag = efficient_sociopath name = Искусный манипулятор

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #27 tag = technical_specialist name = Технический специалист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #28 tag = research_specialist name = Научный специалист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #29 tag = political_specialist name = Специалист по тайной политике

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #30 tag = dismal_enigma name = Человек-загадка

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #31 tag = industrial_specialist name = Промышленный специалист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #32 tag = naval_intelligence_specialist name = Специалист по морской разведке

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #33 tag = school_of_manoeuvre name = Школа маневра

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #34 tag = school_of_fire_support name = Школа огневой поддержки

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #35 tag = school_of_mass_combat name = Школа народной войны

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #36 tag = school_of_psychology name = Школа психологии

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #37 tag = school_of_defence name = Школа обороны

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #38 tag = logistics_specialist name = Специалист по тылу и снабжению

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #39 tag = elastic_defence_doctrine name = Сторонник гибкой обороны

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #40 tag = static_defence_doctrine name = Сторонник статичной обороны

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #41 tag = decisive_battle_doctrine name = Сторонник решающего сражения

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #42 tag = armoured_spearhead_doctrine name = Сторонник танкового прорыва

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #43 tag = guns_and_butter_doctrine name = Сторонник личной инициативы

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #44 tag = open_seas_doctrine name = Сторонник открытого моря

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #45 tag = decisive_naval_battle_doctrine name = Сторонник решающего сражения

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #46 tag = power_projection_doctrine name = Сторонник концентрации силы

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #47 tag = indirect_approach_doctrine name = Сторонник непрямого воздействия

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #48 tag = base_control_doctrine name = Сторонник контроля над базами

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #49 tag = air_superiority_doctrine name = Сторонник превосходства в воздухе

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #50 tag = naval_aviation_doctrine name = Сторонник морской авиации

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #51 tag = army_aviation_doctrine name = Сторонник армейской авиации

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #52 tag = carpet_bombing_doctrine name = Сторонник ковровых бомбардировок

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #53 tag = vertical_envelopment_doctrine name = Сторонник вертикального охвата

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #54 tag = undistinguished_suit name = Неприметный чиновник

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #55 tag = air_superiority_proponent name = Сторонник превосходства в воздухе

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #56 tag = corrupt_kleptocrat name = Коррумпированный клептократ

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #57 tag = crooked_kleptocrat name = Мошенник-клептократ

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #58 tag = power_hungry_demagogue name = Рвущийся к власти демагог

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #59 tag = barking_buffoon name = Шут гороховый

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #60 tag = stern_imperialist name = Непреклонный империалист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #61 tag = ruthless_powermonger name = Безжалостный властолюбец

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #62 tag = autocratic_charmer name = Обаятельный деспот

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #63 tag = resigned_generalissimo name = Генералиссимус в отставке

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #64 tag = benevolent_gentleman name = Великодушный джентльмен

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #65 tag = weary_stiff_neck name = Высокомерный зануда

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #66 tag = insignificant_layman name = Случайное лицо

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #67 tag = die_hard_reformer name = Убежденный реформатор

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #68 tag = pig_headed_isolationist name = Тупой изоляционист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #69 tag = popular_figurehead name = Любимец народа

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #70 tag = silent_workhorse name = Рабочая лошадка

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #71 tag = naive_optimist name = Простодушный оптимист

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #72 tag = flamboyant_tough_guy name = Гибкий профессионал

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #73 tag = happy_amateur name = Беззаботный дилетант

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #74 tag = backroom_backstabber name = Тайный манипулятор

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #75 tag = smiling_oilman name = Улыбчивый нефтяной магнат

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #76 tag = old_general name = Старый генерал

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #77 tag = old_admiral name = Старый адмирал

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #78 tag = old_air_marshal name = Старый маршал авиации

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #79 tag = political_protege name = Скороспелый выдвиженец

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #80 tag = ambitious_union_boss name = Амбициозный профсоюзный босс

[minister.cpp:186]: MinisterType #81 tag = corporate_suit name = Ставленник большого бизнеса

[eu3application.cpp:969]: MinisterTypeDataBase Initialized

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #0 tag = noGovernmentPosition name = noGovernmentPosition

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #1 tag = head_of_state name = Глава государства

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #2 tag = head_of_government name = Глава правительства

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #3 tag = foreign_minister name = Министр иностранных дел

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #4 tag = armament_minister name = Министр военпрома

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #5 tag = minister_of_security name = Министр госбезопасности

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #6 tag = minister_of_intelligence name = Глава военной разведки

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #7 tag = chief_of_staff name = Начальник генштаба

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #8 tag = chief_of_army name = Главком армии

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #9 tag = chief_of_navy name = Главком ВМФ

[minister.cpp:327]: GovernmentPosition #10 tag = chief_of_air name = Главком ВВС

[eu3application.cpp:979]: GovernmentPositionDataBase Initialized

[building.cpp:429]: Building #0 tag = nobuilding name = нет_сооружения

[building.cpp:429]: Building #1 tag = air_base name = Авиабаза

[building.cpp:429]: Building #2 tag = naval_base name = Морская база

[building.cpp:429]: Building #3 tag = coastal_fort name = Береговые укрепления

[building.cpp:429]: Building #4 tag = land_fort name = Укрепления

[building.cpp:429]: Building #5 tag = anti_air name = Батареи ПВО

[building.cpp:429]: Building #6 tag = radar_station name = Радарная станция

[building.cpp:429]: Building #7 tag = underground name = Подпольное сопротивление

[building.cpp:429]: Building #8 tag = nuclear_reactor name = Ядерный реактор

[building.cpp:429]: Building #9 tag = rocket_test name = Ракетный полигон

[building.cpp:429]: Building #10 tag = industry name = Завод

[building.cpp:429]: Building #11 tag = infra name = Инфраструктура

[eu3application.cpp:990]: BuildingDatabase Initialized

[government.cpp:282]: Government #0 tag = nogovernment name = нет_формы_правления

[government.cpp:282]: Government #1 tag = national_socialism name = Национал-социализм

[government.cpp:282]: Government #2 tag = fascist_republic name = Фашистская республика

[government.cpp:282]: Government #3 tag = germanic_fascist_republic name = Фашистская республика

[government.cpp:282]: Government #4 tag = right_wing_republic name = Правая республика

[government.cpp:282]: Government #5 tag = hungarian_right_wing_republic name = Правая республика

[government.cpp:282]: Government #6 tag = right_wing_autocrat name = Правая аристократия

[government.cpp:282]: Government #7 tag = absolute_monarchy name = Абсолютная монархия

[government.cpp:282]: Government #8 tag = imperial name = Империя

[government.cpp:282]: Government #9 tag = social_conservatism name = Социал-консерватизм

[government.cpp:282]: Government #10 tag = constitutional_monarchy name = Конституционная монархия

[government.cpp:282]: Government #11 tag = spanish_social_conservatism name = Социал-консерватизм

[government.cpp:282]: Government #12 tag = market_liberalism name = Рыночный либерализм

[government.cpp:282]: Government #13 tag = social_democracy name = Социал-демократия

[government.cpp:282]: Government #14 tag = social_liberalism name = Социал-либерализм

[government.cpp:282]: Government #15 tag = left_wing_radicals name = Левый радикализм

[government.cpp:282]: Government #16 tag = socialist_republic name = Социалистическая республика

[government.cpp:282]: Government #17 tag = federal_socialist_republic name = Союз социалист. республик

[eu3application.cpp:1000]: GovernmentDatabase Initialized

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #0 name = woods with texture terrain/trees/woods.dds added.

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #1 name = woods2 with texture terrain/trees/woods2.dds added.

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #2 name = forest with texture terrain/trees/forest.dds added.

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #3 name = forest2 with texture terrain/trees/forest2.dds added.

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #4 name = jungle with texture terrain/trees/jungle.dds added.

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #5 name = jungle2 with texture terrain/trees/jungle2.dds added.

[map.cpp:804]: Tree #6 name = treemoun with texture terrain/trees/woods2.dds added.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #0 name = ocean1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #1 name = mountain1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #2 name = mountain2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #3 name = mountain3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #4 name = mountain4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #5 name = mountain5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #6 name = mountain6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #7 name = mountain7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #8 name = mountain8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #9 name = decidous_forest1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #10 name = decidous_forest2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #11 name = decidous_forest3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #12 name = decidous_forest4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #13 name = decidous_forest5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #14 name = decidous_forest6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #15 name = decidous_forest7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #16 name = decidous_forest8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #17 name = field1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #18 name = field2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #19 name = field3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #20 name = field4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #21 name = field5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #22 name = field6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #23 name = field7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #24 name = field8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #25 name = city1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #26 name = city2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #27 name = city3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #28 name = city4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #29 name = snowmount1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #30 name = snowmount2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #31 name = snowmount3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #32 name = snowmount4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #33 name = snowmount5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #34 name = snowmount6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #35 name = snowmount7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #36 name = snowmount8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #37 name = coast1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #38 name = coast2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #39 name = coast3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #40 name = coast4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #41 name = hill1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #42 name = hill2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #43 name = hill3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #44 name = hill4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #45 name = hill5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #46 name = hill6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #47 name = hill7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #48 name = hill8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #49 name = field9 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #50 name = field10 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #51 name = field11 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #52 name = field12 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #53 name = field13 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #54 name = field14 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #55 name = field15 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #56 name = field16 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #57 name = woods1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #58 name = woods2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #59 name = woods3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #60 name = woods4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #61 name = woods5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #62 name = woods6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #63 name = woods7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #64 name = woods8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #65 name = desert1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #66 name = desert2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #67 name = desert3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #68 name = desert4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #69 name = desert5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #70 name = desert6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #71 name = desert7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #72 name = desert8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #73 name = desertmountain1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #74 name = desertmountain2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #75 name = desertmountain3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #76 name = desertmountain4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #77 name = desertmountain5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #78 name = desertmountain6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #79 name = desertmountain7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #80 name = desertmountain8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #81 name = desertsnowmountain1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #82 name = desertsnowmountain2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #83 name = desertsnowmountain3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #84 name = desertsnowmountain4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #85 name = desertsnowmountain5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #86 name = desertsnowmountain6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #87 name = desertsnowmountain7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #88 name = desertsnowmountain8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #89 name = deserthill1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #90 name = deserthill2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #91 name = deserthill3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #92 name = deserthill4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #93 name = deserthill5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #94 name = deserthill6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #95 name = deserthill7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #96 name = deserthill8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #97 name = desertfarmland1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #98 name = desertfarmland2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #99 name = desertfarmland3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #100 name = desertfarmland4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #101 name = desertfarmland5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #102 name = desertfarmland6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #103 name = desertfarmland7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #104 name = desertfarmland8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #105 name = jungle1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #106 name = jungle2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #107 name = jungle3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #108 name = jungle4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #109 name = jungle5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #110 name = jungle6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #111 name = jungle7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #112 name = jungle8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #113 name = desforest1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #114 name = desforest2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #115 name = desforest3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #116 name = desforest4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #117 name = desforest5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #118 name = desforest6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #119 name = desforest7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #120 name = desforest8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #121 name = deswoods1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #122 name = deswoods2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #123 name = deswoods3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #124 name = deswoods4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #125 name = deswoods5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #126 name = deswoods6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #127 name = deswoods7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #128 name = deswoods8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #129 name = desmarsh1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #130 name = desmarsh2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #131 name = desmarsh3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #132 name = desmarsh4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #133 name = desmarsh5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #134 name = desmarsh6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #135 name = desmarsh7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #136 name = desmarsh8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #137 name = desfield1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #138 name = desfield2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #139 name = desfield3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #140 name = desfield4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #141 name = desfield5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #142 name = desfield6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #143 name = desfield7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #144 name = desfield8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #145 name = desdarker1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #146 name = desdarker2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #147 name = desdarker3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #148 name = desdarker4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #149 name = desdarker5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #150 name = desdarker6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #151 name = desdarker7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #152 name = desdarker8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #153 name = treemoun1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #154 name = treemoun2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #155 name = treemoun3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #156 name = treemoun4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #157 name = treemoun5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #158 name = treemoun6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #159 name = treemoun7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #160 name = treemoun8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #161 name = greenhills1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #162 name = greenhills2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #163 name = greenhills3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #164 name = greenhills4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #165 name = greenhills5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #166 name = greenhills6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #167 name = greenhills7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #168 name = greenhills8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #169 name = deshills2_1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #170 name = deshills2_2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #171 name = deshills2_3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #172 name = deshills2_4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #173 name = deshills2_5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #174 name = deshills2_6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #175 name = deshills2_7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #176 name = deshills2_8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #177 name = forestlight1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #178 name = forestlight2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #179 name = forestlight3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #180 name = forestlight4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #181 name = forestlight5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #182 name = forestlight6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #183 name = forestlight7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #184 name = forestlight8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #185 name = hillsdarker1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #186 name = hillsdarker2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #187 name = hillsdarker3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #188 name = hillsdarker4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #189 name = hillsdarker5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #190 name = hillsdarker6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #191 name = hillsdarker7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #192 name = hillsdarker8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #193 name = junglelight1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #194 name = junglelight2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #195 name = junglelight3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #196 name = junglelight4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #197 name = junglelight5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #198 name = junglelight6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #199 name = junglelight7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #200 name = junglelight8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #201 name = desforestlight1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #202 name = desforestlight2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #203 name = desforestlight3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #204 name = desforestlight4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #205 name = desforestlight5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #206 name = desforestlight6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #207 name = desforestlight7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #208 name = desforestlight8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #209 name = darkhillsdarker1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #210 name = darkhillsdarker2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #211 name = darkhillsdarker3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #212 name = darkhillsdarker4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #213 name = darkhillsdarker5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #214 name = darkhillsdarker6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #215 name = darkhillsdarker7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #216 name = darkhillsdarker8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #217 name = snowmix1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #218 name = snowmix2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #219 name = snowmix3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #220 name = snowmix4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #221 name = snowmix5 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #222 name = snowmix6 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #223 name = snowmix7 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #224 name = snowmix8 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #225 name = marshlight1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #226 name = marshlight2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #227 name = marshlight3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #228 name = marshlight4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #229 name = snowground1 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #230 name = snowground2 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #231 name = snowground3 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #232 name = snowground4 with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:871]: Terrain #233 name = pti with 1 colors assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #0 name = Европа with 4367province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #1 name = Азия with 3531province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #2 name = Африка with 657province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #3 name = Сев. Америка with 1222province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #4 name = Юж. Америка with 410province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #5 name = Океания with 425province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #6 name = lake with 4province assigned.

[map.cpp:1151]: Continent #7 name = greenland with 9province assigned.

[eu3application.cpp:1056]: Map Initialized

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/Alpini_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/Alpins_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/Guards_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/Gurkha_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/Imperial_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/anti_air_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/anti_tank_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/armor_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/armored_car_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/artillery_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/assault_ship.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/battlecruiser.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/battleship.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/bergsjaeger_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/cag.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/carrier.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/cas.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/cavalry_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/destroyer.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/engineer_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/escort_carrier.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/flying_bomb.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/flying_rocket.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/garrison_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/heavy_armor_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/heavy_cruiser.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/hq_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/infantry_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/interceptor.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/invasion_transport_ship.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/light_armor_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/light_cruiser.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/marine_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/mechanized_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/militia_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/mot_AA_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/motorized_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/multi_role.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/naval_bomber.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/nuclear_submarine.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/paratrooper_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/partisan_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/police_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/ranger_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/rocket_artillery_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/rocket_interceptor.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/sp_artillery_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/sp_rct_artillery_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/strategic_bomber.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/submarine.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/super_heavy_armor_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/super_heavy_battleship.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/tactical_bomber.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/tank_destroyer_brigade.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/transport.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/transport_plane.txt' #1

[subunit.cpp:2630]: UNITS loaded units/waffenSS_brigade.txt' #1

[eu3application.cpp:1069]: CSubUnitDataBase Initialized

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Aircraft Technology.txt' #39

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Aircraftz Doctrines.txt' #29

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Armour Technologies.txt' #24

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/ArtilleryTechnologies.txt' #9

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Land Doctrines.txt' #24

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Naval Doctrines.txt' #24

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Naval Technologies.txt' #46

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Secret Weapons.txt' #15

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/Theories.txt' #14

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/_Industry Technologies.txt' #35

[technology.cpp:1671]: TECHNOLOGIES loaded technologies/_Infantry Technologies.txt' #28


setup.log-3Нажмите здесь!
 [eu3application.cpp:1080]: TechnologyDatabase Phase #2 Initialized

[law.cpp:208]: Law #0 tag = noLaw name = noLaw group =

[law.cpp:208]: Law #1 tag = open_society name = Открытое общество group = Законы об обществе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #2 tag = limited_restrictions name = Определенные ограничения group = Законы об обществе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #3 tag = legalistic_restrictions name = Ограничения прав group = Законы об обществе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #4 tag = repression name = Репрессии group = Законы об обществе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #5 tag = totalitarian_system name = Тоталитарная система group = Законы об обществе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #6 tag = volunteer_army name = Добровольная армия group = Законы о призыве

[law.cpp:208]: Law #7 tag = one_year_draft name = Призыв на 1 год group = Законы о призыве

[law.cpp:208]: Law #8 tag = two_year_draft name = Призыв на 2 года group = Законы о призыве

[law.cpp:208]: Law #9 tag = three_year_draft name = Призыв на 3 года group = Законы о призыве

[law.cpp:208]: Law #10 tag = service_by_requirement name = Служба по требованию group = Законы о призыве

[law.cpp:208]: Law #11 tag = full_civilian_economy name = Общественная экономика group = Законы об экономике

[law.cpp:208]: Law #12 tag = basic_mobilisation name = Базовая мобилизация group = Законы об экономике

[law.cpp:208]: Law #13 tag = full_mobilisation name = Полная мобилизация group = Законы об экономике

[law.cpp:208]: Law #14 tag = war_economy name = Военная экономика group = Законы об экономике

[law.cpp:208]: Law #15 tag = total_economic_mobilisation name = Тотальная мобилизация экономики group = Законы об экономике

[law.cpp:208]: Law #16 tag = minimal_education_investment name = Низкие расходы на образование group = Законы об образовании

[law.cpp:208]: Law #17 tag = average_education_investment name = Средние расходы на образование group = Законы об образовании

[law.cpp:208]: Law #18 tag = medium_large_education_investment name = Крупные расходы на образование group = Законы об образовании

[law.cpp:208]: Law #19 tag = big_education_investment name = Огромные расходы на образование group = Законы об образовании

[law.cpp:208]: Law #20 tag = consumer_product_orientation name = Ориентация на потребителя group = Законы о промышленности

[law.cpp:208]: Law #21 tag = mixed_industry name = Смешанная промышленность group = Законы о промышленности

[law.cpp:208]: Law #22 tag = heavy_industry_emphasis name = Упор на тяжелую промышленность group = Законы о промышленности

[law.cpp:208]: Law #23 tag = free_press name = Свободная пресса group = Законы о прессе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #24 tag = censored_press name = Цензурируемая пресса group = Законы о прессе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #25 tag = state_press name = Государственная печать group = Законы о прессе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #26 tag = propaganda_press name = Пропагандистская пресса group = Законы о прессе

[law.cpp:208]: Law #27 tag = minimal_training name = Минимальная подготовка group = Законы о подготовке

[law.cpp:208]: Law #28 tag = basic_training name = Базовая подготовка group = Законы о подготовке

[law.cpp:208]: Law #29 tag = advanced_training name = Улучшенная подготовка group = Законы о подготовке

[law.cpp:208]: Law #30 tag = specialist_training name = Специализированная подготовка group = Законы о подготовке

[eu3application.cpp:1093]: LawDataBase Initialized

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #0 tag = nulltrait name = nulltrait

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #1 tag = old_guard name = Старая гвардия

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #2 tag = trickster name = Хитрый лис

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #3 tag = logistics_wizard name = Мастер снабжения

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #4 tag = defensive_doctrine name = Мастер обороны

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #5 tag = offensive_doctrine name = Мастер наступления

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #6 tag = winter_specialist name = Мастер зимней войны

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #7 tag = engineer name = Инженер

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #8 tag = fortress_buster name = Мастер штурма

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #9 tag = panzer_leader name = Мастер наземных битв

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #10 tag = commando name = Коммандо

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #11 tag = desert_fox name = Лис пустыни

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #12 tag = swamp_fox name = Болотная лиса

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #13 tag = mountaineer name = Альпинист

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #14 tag = hill_fighter name = Мастер боя в холмах

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #15 tag = jungle_rat name = Крыса Джунглей

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #16 tag = ranger name = Рейнджер

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #17 tag = urban_assault_specialist name = Специалист городского наступления

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #18 tag = seawolf name = Морской волк

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #19 tag = blockade_runner name = Мастер прорыва блокады

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #20 tag = superior_tactician name = Превосходный тактик

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #21 tag = spotter name = Наблюдатель

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #22 tag = tank_buster name = Мастер тактической бомбежки

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #23 tag = carpet_bomber name = Мастер ковровой бомбежки

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #24 tag = night_flyer name = Ночной пилот

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #25 tag = fleet_destroyer name = Летчик морской авиации

[traits.cpp:358]: Trait #26 tag = superior_air_tactician name = Превосходный воздушный боец

[eu3application.cpp:1105]: Traits Modifiers Initialized

[eu3application.cpp:1116]: CombatTactics Initialized

[eu3application.cpp:1130]: CountryDatabase Initialized

[eu3application.cpp:1144]: Historical Models Initialized

[eu3application.cpp:1155]: OccupationPolicyDataBase Initialized

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #0 tag = noStrategicResource name = noStrategicResource

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #1 tag = aluminium name = Алюминий

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #2 tag = rubber name = Каучук

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #3 tag = heavy_water name = Тяжелая вода

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #4 tag = uranium name = Уран

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #5 tag = tungsten name = Вольфрам

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #6 tag = fur name = Мех

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #7 tag = black_soil name = Чернозём

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #8 tag = cinchona name = Хинин

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #9 tag = helium name = Гелий

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #10 tag = gold name = Золото

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #11 tag = horses name = Лошади

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #12 tag = antibiotics name = Антибиотики

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #13 tag = ballbearings name = Шарикоподшипники

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #14 tag = prefab_ship_facilities name = Сборочные верфи

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #15 tag = dockyard_facilities name = Усовершенствованные доки

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #16 tag = oil_refinery name = Нефтеперегонные заводы

[strategicresource.cpp:119]: StrategicResource #17 tag = automotive_industry name = Автомобильная промышленность

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #0 tag = naval_supremacy_in_the_west name = Морское превосходство на западе

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #1 tag = naval_supremacy_in_the_east name = Морское превосходство на востоке

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #2 tag = neutrality name = Нейтралитет

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #3 tag = winter_war name = Зимняя война

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #4 tag = sino_soviet_nonaggression_pact name = Китайско-советский пакт о ненападении

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #5 tag = polish_corridor_pol name = Польский коридор

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #6 tag = polish_corridor_ger name = Польский коридор

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #7 tag = polish_corridor name = Польский коридор

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #8 tag = pact_of_steel name = Стальной пакт

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #9 tag = lapland_war name = Лапландская война

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #10 tag = general_winter name = Генерал Мороз

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #11 tag = great_army name = Великая армия

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #12 tag = great_naval_army name = Великий флот

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #13 tag = great_air_army name = Великие ВВС

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #14 tag = prosperous_convoy name = Успешные конвои

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #15 tag = veteran_army name = Опытная армия

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #16 tag = veteran_navy name = Опытный флот

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #17 tag = veteran_air_force name = Опытные ВВС

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #18 tag = mediterranean_control name = Контроль над Средиземным морем

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #19 tag = control_over_panama_channel name = Панамский канал

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #20 tag = control_over_the_black_sea name = Черное море

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #21 tag = control_over_suez_channel name = Суэцкий канал

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #22 tag = control_over_makassar_strait name = Макассарский пролив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #23 tag = control_over_gibraltar name = Гибралтар

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #24 tag = control_over_oresund name = Зунд

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #25 tag = control_english_channel name = Ла-Манш

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #26 tag = control_over_persian_gulf name = Персидский залив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #27 tag = control_over_tonkin_gulf name = Тонкинский залив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #28 tag = control_over_mexico_gulf name = Мексиканский залив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #29 tag = control_over_iskenderun_gulf name = Черноморский пролив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #30 tag = control_over_chihli_gulf name = Залив Чихли

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #31 tag = control_over_taiwan_strait name = Тайваньский пролив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #32 tag = control_over_mozambique_channel name = Мозамбикский канал

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #33 tag = control_finland_gulf name = Финский залив

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #34 tag = disorganized_soviets name = Внезапная атака

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #35 tag = desperate_defence name = Отчаянная оборона

[modifier.cpp:796]: TriggeredModifier #36 tag = population_crisis name = Кризис численности населения

[eu3application.cpp:1169]: Triggered Modifiers Initialized

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #0 tag = on_surrender entries = 0

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #1 tag = on_nuke_dropped entries = 6

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #2 tag = on_battle_won entries = 101

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #3 tag = on_battle_lost entries = 101

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #4 tag = on_naval_battle_won entries = 72

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #5 tag = on_naval_battle_lost entries = 72

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #6 tag = on_air_battle_won entries = 83

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #7 tag = on_air_battle_lost entries = 83

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #8 tag = on_encirclement entries = 33

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #9 tag = on_enemy_pride_sunk entries = 1

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #10 tag = on_our_pride_sunk entries = 1

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #11 tag = on_coup_success entries = 1

[onaction.cpp:160]: ActionList #12 tag = on_coup_fail entries = 1

[eu3application.cpp:1178]: On Actions Initialized

[musicmanager.cpp:79]: Loaded 43 songs.

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #0 tag = nocasusbelli

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #1 tag = civil_war

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #2 tag = conquer

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #3 tag = aquire_territory

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #4 tag = aquire_all_cores

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #5 tag = install_democracy

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #6 tag = install_communism

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #7 tag = puppet

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #8 tag = vichy_war_goal

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #9 tag = barbarossa_war_goal

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #10 tag = china_war_goal

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #11 tag = restore_france

[casusbelli.cpp:406]: Casus Belli Types #12 tag = japan_USA_goal

[eu3application.cpp:1196]: Casus Belli Types Initialized

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/AnnexationOfAlbania.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/AnschlussOfAustria.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/BulgarianClaimsForConstanta.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/CaseAnton.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/CessionOfHatay.txt' #2

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/ClaimsOnMemel.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/FateOfCzechoslovakia.txt' #3

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/FinnishWinterWar.txt' #5

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/IcelandAndGreenland.txt' #2

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/IndependentCroatia.txt' #2

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/InvasionOfEcuador.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/Japan.txt' #3

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/Mengkukuo.txt' #2

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/MolotovRibbentropPact.txt' #3

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/NationalistChina.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/ReoccupationOfTheRhineland.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/SecondViennaAward.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/Soviet.txt' #3

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/SpanishCivilWar.txt' #5

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/Specials.txt' #22

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/TheFutureOfGreece.txt' #1

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/TheFutureOfPoland.txt' #2

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/TheUndeclaredWar.txt' #6

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/USA.txt' #2

[decision.cpp:264]: Decisions loaded decisions/UnitedKingdom.txt' #2

[rebeltype.cpp:368]: Rebel Type #0 tag = partisans

[rebeltype.cpp:368]: Rebel Type #1 tag = organized_partisans

[rebeltype.cpp:368]: Rebel Type #2 tag = nationalist_rebels

[rebeltype.cpp:368]: Rebel Type #3 tag = patriot_rebels

[rebeltype.cpp:368]: Rebel Type #4 tag = disgruntled_rabble

[eu3application.cpp:1210]: Rebel Types Initialized

[eu3application.cpp:1220]: On Actions Initialized

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #AFG filename = history/countries/AFG - Afghanistan.txt entires = 179

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ALB filename = history/countries/ALB - Albania.txt entires = 120

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ARG filename = history/countries/ARG - Argentina.txt entires = 203

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #AST filename = history/countries/AST - Australia.txt entires = 223

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #AUS filename = history/countries/AUS - Austria.txt entires = 119

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #BEL filename = history/countries/BEL - Belgium.txt entires = 182

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #BHU filename = history/countries/BHU - Bhutan.txt entires = 180

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #BOL filename = history/countries/BOL - Bolivia.txt entires = 171

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #BRA filename = history/countries/BRA - Brazil.txt entires = 188

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #BUL filename = history/countries/BUL - Bulgaria.txt entires = 183

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CAN filename = history/countries/CAN - Canada.txt entires = 199

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CGX filename = history/countries/CGX - Guangxi Clique.txt entires = 171

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CHC filename = history/countries/CHC - Communist China.txt entires = 183

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CHI filename = history/countries/CHI - Nationalist China.txt entires = 198

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CHL filename = history/countries/CHL - Chile.txt entires = 177

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #COL filename = history/countries/COL - Colombia.txt entires = 186

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #COS filename = history/countries/COS - Costa Rica.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CRO filename = history/countries/CRO - Croatia.txt entires = 129

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CSX filename = history/countries/CSX - Shanxi.txt entires = 150

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CUB filename = history/countries/CUB - Cuba.txt entires = 184

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CXB filename = history/countries/CXB - Xibei San Ma.txt entires = 164

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CYN filename = history/countries/CYN - Yunnan.txt entires = 159

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #CZE filename = history/countries/CZE - Czechoslovakia.txt entires = 145

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #DDR filename = history/countries/DDR - DDR.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #DEN filename = history/countries/DEN - Denmark.txt entires = 146

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #DFR filename = history/countries/DFR - FRG.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #DOM filename = history/countries/DOM - Dominican Republic.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ECU filename = history/countries/ECU - Ecuador.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #EGY filename = history/countries/EGY - Egypt.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ENG filename = history/countries/ENG - United Kingdom.txt entires = 1076

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #EST filename = history/countries/EST - Estonia.txt entires = 141

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ETH filename = history/countries/ETH - Ethiopia.txt entires = 137

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #FIN filename = history/countries/FIN - Finland.txt entires = 195

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #FRA filename = history/countries/FRA - France.txt entires = 423

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #GER filename = history/countries/GER - Germany.txt entires = 951

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #GRE filename = history/countries/GRE - Greece.txt entires = 179

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #GUA filename = history/countries/GUA - Guatemala.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #GUY filename = history/countries/GUY - Guyana.txt entires = 57

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #HAI filename = history/countries/HAI - Haiti.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #HOL filename = history/countries/HOL - Netherlands.txt entires = 191

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #HON filename = history/countries/HON - Honduras.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #HUN filename = history/countries/HUN - Hungary.txt entires = 213

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ICL filename = history/countries/ICL - Iceland.txt entires = 55

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #IDC filename = history/countries/IDC - Indochina.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #IND filename = history/countries/IND - India.txt entires = 52

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #INO filename = history/countries/INO - Indonesia.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #IRE filename = history/countries/IRE - Ireland.txt entires = 183

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #IRQ filename = history/countries/IRQ - Iraq.txt entires = 147

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ISR filename = history/countries/ISR - Israel.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ITA filename = history/countries/ITA - Italy.txt entires = 715

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #JAP filename = history/countries/JAP - Japan.txt entires = 1000

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #JOR filename = history/countries/JOR - Jordan.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #KOR filename = history/countries/KOR - Korea.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #LAT filename = history/countries/LAT - Latvia.txt entires = 131

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #LEB filename = history/countries/LEB - Lebanon.txt entires = 105

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #LIB filename = history/countries/LIB - Liberia.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #LIT filename = history/countries/LIT - Lithuania.txt entires = 142

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #LUX filename = history/countries/LUX - Luxemburg.txt entires = 142

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #MAN filename = history/countries/MAN - Manchukuo.txt entires = 176

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #MEN filename = history/countries/MEN - Mengkukuo.txt entires = 160

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #MEX filename = history/countries/MEX - Mexico.txt entires = 179

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #MON filename = history/countries/MON - Mongolia.txt entires = 180

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #NEP filename = history/countries/NEP - Nepal.txt entires = 181

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #NIC filename = history/countries/NIC - Nicaragua.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #NOR filename = history/countries/NOR - Norway.txt entires = 154

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #NZL filename = history/countries/NZL - New Zealand.txt entires = 216

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #OMN filename = history/countries/OMN - Oman.txt entires = 150

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PAK filename = history/countries/PAK - Pakistan.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PAL filename = history/countries/PAL - Palestine.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PAN filename = history/countries/PAN - Panama.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PAR filename = history/countries/PAR - Paraguay.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PER filename = history/countries/PER - Persia.txt entires = 168

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PHI filename = history/countries/PHI - Philippines.txt entires = 164

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #POL filename = history/countries/POL - Poland.txt entires = 160

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #POR filename = history/countries/POR - Portugal.txt entires = 180

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PRK filename = history/countries/PRK - People's Republic of Korea.txt entires = 51

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #PRU filename = history/countries/PRU - Peru.txt entires = 193

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #REB filename = history/countries/REB - Rebels.txt entires = 0

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #ROM filename = history/countries/ROM - Romania.txt entires = 202

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #RSI filename = history/countries/RSI - Italian Social Republic.txt entires = 62

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SAF filename = history/countries/SAF - South Africa.txt entires = 210

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SAL filename = history/countries/SAL - El Salvador.txt entires = 186

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SAU filename = history/countries/SAU - Saudi Arabia.txt entires = 157

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SCH filename = history/countries/SCH - Switzerland.txt entires = 182

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SIA filename = history/countries/SIA - Siam.txt entires = 184

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SIK filename = history/countries/SIK - Sinkiang.txt entires = 169

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SLO filename = history/countries/SLO - Slovakia.txt entires = 195

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SOV filename = history/countries/SOV - Soviet Union.txt entires = 874

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SPA filename = history/countries/SPA - Nationalist Spain.txt entires = 201

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SPR filename = history/countries/SPR - Republican Spain.txt entires = 150

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SWE filename = history/countries/SWE - Sweden.txt entires = 241

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #SYR filename = history/countries/SYR - Syria.txt entires = 87

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #TAN filename = history/countries/TAN - Tannu Tuva.txt entires = 180

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #TIB filename = history/countries/TIB - Tibet.txt entires = 177

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #TUR filename = history/countries/TUR - Turkey.txt entires = 191

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #URU filename = history/countries/URU - Uruguay.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #USA filename = history/countries/USA - USA.txt entires = 1126

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #VEN filename = history/countries/VEN - Venezuela.txt entires = 185

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #VIC filename = history/countries/VIC - Vichy France.txt entires = 117

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #YEM filename = history/countries/YEM - Yemen.txt entires = 150

[history.cpp:905]: History loaded for #YUG filename = history/countries/YUG - Yugoslavia.txt entires = 158

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/AngloIraqiWar.txt entries = 5

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/ContinuationWar.txt entries = 0

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/EcuadorianPeruvianWar.txt entries = 5

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/FinnishWinterWar.txt entries = 5

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/FrancoThaiWar.txt entries = 7

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/InvasionOfTheBalticStates.txt entries = 14

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/ItalianInvasionOfAlbania.txt entries = 4

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/SecondItalyAbyssinianWar.txt entries = 6

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/SinoJapaneseWar.txt entries = 15

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/SovietJapaneseWar.txt entries = 0

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/SpanishCivilWar.txt entries = 7

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/WWIII.txt entries = 20

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/WorldWarII.txt entries = 112

[history.cpp:1161]: History loaded for #history/wars/WorldWarIIPacific.txt entries = 34

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/AFG.txt leaders = 26

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ALB.txt leaders = 32

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ARG.txt leaders = 76

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/AST.txt leaders = 94

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/AUS.txt leaders = 69

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/BEL.txt leaders = 79

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/BHU.txt leaders = 19

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/BOL.txt leaders = 36

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/BRA.txt leaders = 96

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/BUL.txt leaders = 89

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CAN.txt leaders = 126

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CGX.txt leaders = 22

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CHC.txt leaders = 73

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CHI.txt leaders = 389

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CHL.txt leaders = 69

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/COL.txt leaders = 47

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/COS.txt leaders = 27

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CRO.txt leaders = 31

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CSX.txt leaders = 20

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CUB.txt leaders = 27

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CXB.txt leaders = 18

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CYN.txt leaders = 20

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/CZE.txt leaders = 52

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/DDR.txt leaders = 251

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/DEN.txt leaders = 33

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/DFR.txt leaders = 452

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/DOM.txt leaders = 23

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ECU.txt leaders = 38

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/EGY.txt leaders = 36

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ENG.txt leaders = 522

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/EST.txt leaders = 33

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ETH.txt leaders = 36

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/FIN.txt leaders = 80

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/FRA.txt leaders = 231

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/GER.txt leaders = 993

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/GRE.txt leaders = 64

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/GUA.txt leaders = 23

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/GUY.txt leaders = 20

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/HAI.txt leaders = 20

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/HOL.txt leaders = 61

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/HON.txt leaders = 26

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/HUN.txt leaders = 199

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ICL.txt leaders = 24

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/IDC.txt leaders = 57

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/IND.txt leaders = 178

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/INO.txt leaders = 38

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/IRE.txt leaders = 37

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/IRQ.txt leaders = 30

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ISR.txt leaders = 41

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ITA.txt leaders = 291

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/JAP.txt leaders = 351

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/JOR.txt leaders = 24

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/KOR.txt leaders = 25

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/LAT.txt leaders = 42

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/LEB.txt leaders = 43

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/LIB.txt leaders = 19

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/LIT.txt leaders = 37

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/LUX.txt leaders = 17

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/MAN.txt leaders = 41

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/MEN.txt leaders = 32

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/MEX.txt leaders = 61

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/MON.txt leaders = 25

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/NEP.txt leaders = 18

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/NIC.txt leaders = 23

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/NOR.txt leaders = 66

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/NZL.txt leaders = 68

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/OMN.txt leaders = 20

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PAK.txt leaders = 30

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PAL.txt leaders = 28

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PAN.txt leaders = 24

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PAR.txt leaders = 36

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PER.txt leaders = 42

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PHI.txt leaders = 45

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/POL.txt leaders = 199

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/POR.txt leaders = 91

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PRK.txt leaders = 35

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/PRU.txt leaders = 55

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/ROM.txt leaders = 125

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/RSI.txt leaders = 86

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SAF.txt leaders = 50

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SAL.txt leaders = 32

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SAU.txt leaders = 34

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SCH.txt leaders = 49

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SIA.txt leaders = 51

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SIK.txt leaders = 39

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SLO.txt leaders = 28

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SOV.txt leaders = 725

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SPA.txt leaders = 95

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SPR.txt leaders = 125

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SWE.txt leaders = 46

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/SYR.txt leaders = 37

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/TAN.txt leaders = 17

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/TIB.txt leaders = 20

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/TUR.txt leaders = 61

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/URU.txt leaders = 46

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/USA.txt leaders = 584

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/VEN.txt leaders = 51

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/VIC.txt leaders = 55

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/YEM.txt leaders = 22

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/YUG.txt leaders = 64

[history.cpp:1269]: History loaded for #history/leaders/reb.txt leaders = 0

[eu3application.cpp:1258]: History Initialized

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/AirBattleLost.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/AirBattleWon.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/AnnexationOfAlbania.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/AnschlussOfAustria.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Austria.txt' #1

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/BattleLost.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/BattleWon.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Belgium.txt' #3

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/BulgarianClaimsOnConstanta.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/CessionOfHatay.txt' #3

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/ChangkufentIncident.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/ClaimingMemel.txt' #3

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Coups.txt' #8

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/DemandsForIndochine.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/EcuadorianPeruvianWar.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Encirclement.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/FateOfCzechoslovakia.txt' #11

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/FinnishWinterWar.txt' #14

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/France.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/IcelandAndGreenland.txt' #1

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/IndependentCroatia.txt' #1

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Japan.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/MaginotSudeten.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/MarcoPoloBridgeIncident.txt' #1

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/MolotovRibbentropPact.txt' #21

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/NationalistChina.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/NaturalDisasters.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/NavalBattleLost.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/NavalBattleWon.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/NewsEvents.txt' #20

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/OperationZet.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/PoliticalEvents.txt' #43

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/PrideOfTheFleet.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/ReoccupationOfTheRhineland.txt' #2

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/SecondViennaAward.txt' #6

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Soviet.txt' #4

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/SpanishCivilWar.txt' #10

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Surrender.txt' #0

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/TheFutureOfGreece.txt' #3

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/TheFutureOfPoland.txt' #6

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/TheUndeclaredWar.txt' #6

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/UnitedKingdom.txt' #7

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/Uprisings.txt' #7

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/WarGoals.txt' #1

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/nuke_events.txt' #6

[eventmanager.cpp:119]: Events loaded events/surrender2.txt' #4

[eu3application.cpp:760]: Checksum is HoI3 v4.02 (TSIT) -237454743

[eu3application.cpp:761]: Testversion 4(settings)

[provincemanager.cpp:473]: CEU3MapCache creation.

[provincemanager.cpp:724]: Creating beach manager.

[provincemanager.cpp:735]: Creating province collision data.

[provincemanager.cpp:741]: Finished creating province collision data.

Ссылка на комментарий

system.logНажмите здесь!
 [systemsettings.cpp:180]: System memory: 2048MB

[systemsettings.cpp:182]: CPU speed: 2793MHz

[systemsettings.cpp:189]: Number of processors: 2

[systemsettings.cpp:200]: CPU type: x86

[systemsettings.cpp:232]: OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build: 2600

[graphicssettings.cpp:130]: Graphic Adapters:

[graphicssettings.cpp:135]: 0: Intel® HD Graphics

[graphicssettings.cpp:135]: 1: Intel® HD Graphics

[graphicssettings.cpp:152]: Checking for multi-sampling support:

[graphicssettings.cpp:178]: Using Adapter [0]:

[graphicssettings.cpp:184]: Succeeded to create a device [D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING].

[graphicssettings.cpp:226]: Graphics device: Intel® HD Graphics

[graphicssettings.cpp:227]: Graphics driver: igxprd32.dll

[graphicssettings.cpp:232]: Driver version: 5436


Dumping all gfx info:

DeviceIdentifier: {D7B78E66-4242-11CF-0AF6-0700A8C2CB35}

VendorId: 32902

DeviceId: 258

SubSysId: 537755782

Revision: 9

DriverVersion.HighPart: 393230

DriverVersion.LowPart: 660796

[graphicssettings.cpp:299]: Instancing supported.

[graphicssettings.cpp:317]: Video memory amount: 1342MB

[graphicssettings.cpp:320]: Support for T&L found.

[graphicssettings.cpp:323]: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8

[graphicssettings.cpp:324]: MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4

[graphicssettings.cpp:325]: MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 0

[graphicssettings.cpp:327]: MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8

[graphicssettings.cpp:328]: MaxTextureBlendStages: 8

[graphicssettings.cpp:329]: Support for Anisotropic filtering found.

[graphicssettings.cpp:332]: Max Anisotropic filtering: 16

[graphicssettings.cpp:333]: Anisotropic filtering set to: 0

[graphicssettings.cpp:337]: Vertex Shader version: 3.0

[graphicssettings.cpp:342]: Pixel Shader version: 3.0

[main.cpp:403]: HoI3 Version Nov 5 2012 : 10:40:41

[main.cpp:472]: Blobing files

[main.cpp:502]: Init Text Database

[internationalizedtext.cpp:1237]: Create table

[internationalizedtext.cpp:1239]: Create text database

[main.cpp:504]: Text Database Done

[main.cpp:532]: Creating application...

[main.cpp:592]: Init Application...

[eu3application.cpp:267]: Initialise Defines

[eu3application.cpp:274]: App Init

[eu3application.cpp:299]: Cursors Defines

[eu3application.cpp:327]: Sound...

[dxmusic.cpp:40]: Init Music

[dxmusic.cpp:46]: Graph done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:52]: Control done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:58]: Seeking done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:63]: Event done 0

[dxmusic.cpp:68]: Music done 0

[DirectSound.cpp:37]: Init DirectSound

[DirectSound.cpp:55]: Sound initialised with result 0

[DirectSound.cpp:65]: Coop Level Set. Result: 0

[DirectSound.cpp:88]: Sound Init Done

[eu3application.cpp:376]: Initialise Graphics...

[graphics.cpp:161]: Direct3D Created

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 70

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1360 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1366 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1400 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1440 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1600 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1680 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1920 1080 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 70

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1152 864 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 720 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 768 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 800 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 960 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 1280 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1024 1280 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1280 1024 75

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1360 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1366 768 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1400 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1400 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1400 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1440 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1600 900 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1680 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1680 1050 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1050 1680 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1080 1920 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1920 1080 60

[graphicssettings.cpp:651]: Usable res: 1080 1920 60

[graphics.cpp:272]: Not using multisampling.

[graphics.cpp:292]: Creating device with: D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING



[graphics.cpp:373]: Done creating device.

[eu3application.cpp:378]: Graphics Done

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Map-Sprites...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading GUI Definitions...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Databases...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Initialising Maplogic...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Databases II...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading History Files...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Events...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Sounds...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Flags...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Checksum...

[main.cpp:601]: Run Application...

[frontend.cpp:423]: entering frontend...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Loading Graphics...

[frontend.cpp:460]: entering frontend...init map

[eu3application.cpp:768]: initialise map

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Province #

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Borders...

[provincemanager.cpp:1600]: Creating province data

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Texts....

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Trees...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating Rivers...

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Creating the World...

[provincemanager.cpp:1677]: Creating meshes

[provincemanager.cpp:1736]: vertex declarations done

[provincemanager.cpp:1826]: done quads

[provincemanager.cpp:1858]: border adjacencies done

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text CREATE_WAVES

[provincemanager.cpp:1905]: Create meshes done

[eu3graphics.cpp:250]: Load text Map Properly Initialised...

[frontend.cpp:478]: eu3 idler restore

[frontend.cpp:529]: reloaded

[frontend.cpp:583]: done frontend


Предварительно все хорошо загружает, а затем вдруг обрыв на интересном месте без объяснения причин.

Насторожили 2 дискретные (?) видеокарты (или это игра так рассудила из-за подкачки памяти).

Хотелось бы еще увидеть отчет dxdiag (Пуск-Выполнить-dxdiag-Ок-Сохранить все сведения).

Изменено пользователем Bomborbia
Ссылка на комментарий

Предварительно все хорошо загружает, а затем вдруг обрыв на интересном месте без объяснения причин.

Насторожили 2 дискретные (?) видеокарты (или это игра так рассудила из-за подкачки памяти).

Хотелось бы еще увидеть отчет dxdiag (Пуск-Выполнить-dxdiag-Ок-Сохранить все сведения).

Это не две видеокарты, а два монитора. Для эксперимента попробовал загрузить Виктория 2 она загрузилась полнстью можно начать сценарий но через несколько минут следует точно такой же вылет обнаружена ошибка. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства

dxdiag-1Нажмите здесь!
  Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.130307-0422)

Language: Russian (Regional Setting: Russian)

System Manufacturer: INTEL_

System Model: DH61CR__

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Processor: Intel® Pentium® CPU G840 @ 2.80GHz (2 CPUs)

Memory: 2528MB RAM

Page File: 1761MB used, 2088MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode


DxDiag Notes


DirectX Files Tab: The file d3dx9d.dll is incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.

Display Tab 1: No problems found.

Display Tab 2: No problems found.

Sound Tab 1: No problems found.

Sound Tab 2: The file SRS_HDAL_i386.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.

Sound Tab 3: The file srs_sscfilter_i386.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.

Music Tab: No problems found.

Input Tab: No problems found.

Network Tab: The registry information for the DirectPlay application 'Kasparov Chessmate' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall that application. The registry information for the DirectPlay application 'Kasparov Chessmate Blitz15' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall that application.


DirectX Debug Levels


Direct3D: 0/4 (n/a)

DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)

DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)

DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)

DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)

DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)

DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)


dxdiag-2Нажмите здесь!

Display Devices


Card name: Intel® HD Graphics

Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

Chip type: Intel® HD Graphics Family

DAC type: Internal

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0102&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_09

Display Memory: 1024.0 MB

Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (16 bit) (60Hz)

Monitor: Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200

Driver Name: igxprd32.dll

Driver Version: 6.14.0010.5436 (English)

DDI Version: 9 (or higher)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Driver Date/Size: 1/18/2013 17:07:46, 59392 bytes

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

WHQL Date Stamp: n/a

VDD: Mini VDD: igxpmp32.sys

Mini VDD Date: 1/18/2013 17:07:46, 2530720 bytes

Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-4242-11CF-0AF6-0700A8C2CB35}

Vendor ID: 0x8086

Device ID: 0x0102

SubSys ID: 0x200D8086

Revision ID: 0x0009

Revision ID: 0x0009

Video Accel:

Deinterlace Caps: n/a

Registry: OK

DDraw Status: Enabled

D3D Status: Enabled

AGP Status: Not Available

DDraw Test Result: Not run

D3D7 Test Result: Not run

D3D8 Test Result: Not run

D3D9 Test Result: Not run

Card name: Intel® HD Graphics

Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

Chip type: Intel® HD Graphics Family

DAC type: Internal

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0102&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_09

Display Memory: 1024.0 MB

Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (16 bit) (60Hz)

Monitor: Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200

Driver Name: igxprd32.dll

Driver Version: 6.14.0010.5436 (English)

DDI Version: 9 (or higher)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Driver Date/Size: 1/18/2013 17:07:46, 59392 bytes

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

WHQL Date Stamp: n/a

VDD: Mini VDD: igxpmp32.sys

Mini VDD Date: 1/18/2013 17:07:46, 2530720 bytes

Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-4242-11CF-0AF6-0700A8C2CB35}

Vendor ID: 0x8086

Device ID: 0x0102

SubSys ID: 0x200D8086

Revision ID: 0x0009

Revision ID: 0x0009

Video Accel:

Deinterlace Caps: n/a

Registry: OK

DDraw Status: Enabled

D3D Status: Enabled

AGP Status: Not Available

DDraw Test Result: Not run

D3D7 Test Result: Not run

D3D8 Test Result: Not run

D3D9 Test Result: Not run


Sound Devices


Description: Realtek HD Audio output

Default Sound Playback: Yes

Default Voice Playback: Yes

Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0892&SUBSYS_8086200D&REV_1003

Manufacturer ID: 1

Product ID: 100

Type: WDM

Driver Name: RtkHDAud.sys

Driver Version: 5.10.0000.6710 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

Date and Size: 8/21/2012 18:34:12, 6168208 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

HW Accel Level: Full

Cap Flags: 0xF5F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 8000, 192000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 33, 31

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 33, 31

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes

I3DL2 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Registry: OK

Sound Test Result: Not run

Description: SRS HD Audio Lab

Default Sound Playback: No

Default Voice Playback: No

Hardware ID: SRS\HDALFilter

Manufacturer ID: 65535

Product ID: 65535

Type: WDM

Driver Name: SRS_HDAL_i386.sys

Driver Version: 2.03.0003.0000 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: No

Date and Size: 11/15/2010 14:29:02, 390944 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: SRS Labs, Inc.

HW Accel Level: Full

Cap Flags: 0xF5F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Registry: OK

Sound Test Result: Not run

Description: SRS Labs Audio Sandbox

Default Sound Playback: No

Default Voice Playback: No

Hardware ID: SRS\SSCFilter

Manufacturer ID: 65535

Product ID: 65535

Type: WDM

Driver Name: srs_sscfilter_i386.sys

Driver Version: 1.07.0000.0000 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: No

Date and Size: 7/26/2007 13:25:12, 39808 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: SRS Labs, Inc.

HW Accel Level: Full

Cap Flags: 0xF5F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Registry: OK

Sound Test Result: Not run


Sound Capture Devices


Description: Realtek HD Audio Input

Default Sound Capture: Yes

Default Voice Capture: Yes

Driver Name: RtkHDAud.sys

Driver Version: 5.10.0000.6710 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 8/21/2012 18:34:12, 6168208 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x41

Format Flags: 0xFFF

Description: Screaming Bee Audio Driver

Default Sound Capture: No

Default Voice Capture: No

Driver Name: ScreamingBAudio.sys

Driver Version: 1.01.0000.0000 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 9/27/2006 03:21:10, 21920 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x41

Format Flags: 0x440

Description: WebCamera Plus Audio

Default Sound Capture: No

Default Voice Capture: No

Driver Name: ateksoftaudio.sys

Driver Version: 1.00.0000.0000 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 7/14/2009 16:30:00, 12288 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x41

Format Flags: 0x4





DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002

Acceleration: n/a

Ports: Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port

SRS HD Audio Lab, Software (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal

SRS Audio Sandbox, Software (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal

YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer [ YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer ( [ Registry: OK

Test Result: Not run


DirectInput Devices


Device Name: Attached: 1

Controller ID: n/a

Vendor/Product ID: n/a

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Attached: 1

Controller ID: n/a

Vendor/Product ID: n/a

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Enhanced Device

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x0458, 0x005A

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Enhanced Device

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x0458, 0x005A

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Enhanced Device

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x0458, 0x005A

FF Driver: n/a

Poll w/ Interrupt: No

Registry: OK


USB Devices


+ | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x1C26

| Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub20

| Service: usbhub

| Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/14/2008 00:15:38, 59520 bytes

| Driver: usbd.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 4736 bytes


+-+ | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8087, 0x0024

| | Location: USB Device

| | Matching Device ID: usb\class_09

| | Service: usbhub

| | Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/14/2008 00:15:38, 59520 bytes

| |

| +-+ USB Human Interface Device

| | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x093A, 0x2510

| | | Location: USB Optical Mouse

| | | Matching Device ID: usb\vid_093a&pid_2510&rev_0100

| | | Lower Filters: KMWDFILTER

| | | Service: HidUsb

| | | Driver: hidusb.sys, 4/14/2008 00:15:28, 10368 bytes

| | | Driver: hidclass.sys, 4/14/2008 00:15:28, 36864 bytes

| | | Driver: hidparse.sys, 4/14/2008 00:15:24, 24960 bytes

| | | Driver: hid.dll, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 20992 bytes

| | | Driver: KMWDFILTER.sys, 10/9/2008 15:42:42, 17408 bytes

| | |

| | +-+ HID-| | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x093A, 0x2510

| | | | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse

| | | | Service: mouhid

| | | | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 23296 bytes

| | | | Driver: mouhid.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 12160 bytes


Gameport Devices



PS/2 Devices


+ | Matching Device ID: *pnp0303

| Service: i8042prt

| Driver: i8042prt.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 53120 bytes

| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 24832 bytes


+ | Vendor/Product ID: 0x0458, 0x005A

| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard

| Service: kbdhid

| Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 14720 bytes

| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 24832 bytes


+ | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd

| Upper Filters: kbdclass

| Service: TermDD

| Driver: termdd.sys, 4/15/2008 00:11:40, 40840 bytes

| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 24832 bytes


+ ErgoMedia R800

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x0458, 0x005A

| Matching Device ID: hid\vid_0458&pid_005a&mi_01&col01

| Lower Filters: genmcmnUSB

| Service: mouhid

| Driver: gflmouhid.sys, 7/12/2005 10:53:20, 7808 bytes


+ | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou

| Upper Filters: mouclass

| Service: TermDD

| Driver: termdd.sys, 4/15/2008 00:11:40, 40840 bytes

| Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 23296 bytes


DirectPlay Service Providers


DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.6311)

DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.6311)

DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.6311)

DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.6311)

Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)

IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)

Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)

Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)

DirectPlay Voice Wizard Tests: Full Duplex: Passed, Half Duplex: Passed, Mic: Failed gracefully

DirectPlay Test Result: Not run

Registry: OK


DirectPlay Adapters


DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider: GPRS via COM

DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM1

DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: VirtualBox Host-Only Network - IPv4 -

DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 - IPv4 -

DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 - IPv4 -


dxdiag-3Нажмите здесь!

DirectPlay Voice Codecs


Voxware VR12 1.4 Voxware SC06 6.4 Voxware SC03 3.2 MS-PCM 64 MS-ADPCM 32.8 Microsoft GSM 6.10 13 TrueSpeech 8.6


DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps


Kasparov Chessmate (DX7) - Registry: Error, ExeFile: KasparovChess.exe (<Kasparov Chessmate Blitz15 (DX7) - Registry: Error, ExeFile: KasparovChess.exe (<


Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives


Drive: C:

Free Space: 63.7 GB

Total Space: 103.4 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: ST500DM002-1BC142

Drive: D:

Free Space: 32.7 GB

Total Space: 51.2 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: ST500DM002-1BC142

Drive: E:

Free Space: 0.0 GB

Total Space: 1.5 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: Romex RAM-DISK SCSI Device

Drive: F:

Free Space: 58.5 GB

Total Space: 322.3 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: ST500DM002-1BC142

Drive: H:

Free Space: 59.2 GB

Total Space: 953.9 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: WDC WD10EALX-229BA0

Drive: G:


Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 62976 bytes

Drive: I:


Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 62976 bytes

Drive: M:

Model: DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device

Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 62976 bytes


System Devices


Name: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Family LPC Interface Controller - 1C5C

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C5C&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_05\3&11583659&0&F8

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\isapnp.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/14/2008 21:17:16, 37504 bytes

Name: Intel® Management Engine Interface

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_04\3&11583659&0&B0

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\HECI.sys, 8.00.0000.1262 (English), 11/10/2011 01:52:02, 46080 bytes

Name: Intel® 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C2D

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_05\3&11583659&0&D0

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 00:15:36, 30208 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 00:15:38, 143872 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/14/2008 21:40:48, 76800 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 00:15:38, 59520 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 7168 bytes

Name: Intel® 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_05\3&11583659&0&E8

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 00:15:36, 30208 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 00:15:38, 143872 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/14/2008 21:40:48, 76800 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/14/2008 00:15:38, 59520 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 7168 bytes

Name: Intel® 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller - 1C22

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C22&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_05\3&11583659&0&FB

Driver: n/a

Name: Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C20&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_05\3&11583659&0&D8

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 4/15/2008 16:00:00, 144384 bytes

Name: Intel® 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 1C10

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C10&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_B5\3&11583659&0&E0

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/14/2008 21:22:30, 68480 bytes

Name: Intel® Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C02&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_05\3&11583659&0&FA

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\iaStor.sys, 11.02.0000.1006 (English), 5/30/2012 13:30:50, 471360 bytes

Name: Intel® 82579V Gigabit Network Connection

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1503&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_05\3&11583659&0&C8

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\e1c5132.sys, 11.15.0016.0000 (Russian), 1/12/2012 00:22:28, 203944 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\e1c5132.din, 12/24/2009 07:12:55, 3108 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\NicCo2.dll, 1.02.0000.0000 (English), 8/7/2007 01:28:34, 28272 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\NicInstC.dll, 9.10.0074.0000 (English), 11/7/2011 13:28:54, 81600 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\e1cmsg.dll, 10.00.0099.0000 (English), 11/3/2011 12:54:01, 68264 bytes

Name: Intel® HD Graphics

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0102&SUBSYS_200D8086&REV_09\3&11583659&0&10

Driver: n/a

Name: 2nd Generation Intel® Core Processor Family DRAM Controller - 0100

Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0100&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_09\3&11583659&0&00

Driver: n/a

Name: Device ID: PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8892&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_30\4&3A7101AB&0&00E0

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (Russian), 4/14/2008 21:22:30, 68480 bytes

Name: ANNKAU6I IDE Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1103&DEV_3220&SUBSYS_3547C827&REV_01\4&5D18F2DF&1

Driver: n/a

Name: Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC

Device ID: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8139&SUBSYS_813910EC&REV_10\5&31CB6A26&0&0000E0

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\Rtnicxp.sys, 5.719.0325.2009 (Russian), 12/16/2011 17:57:04, 130432 bytes

Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\RtNicProp32.dll, 1.02.0000.0003 (English), 12/16/2011 17:57:04, 73728 bytes

Name: AT5FXGD4 IDE Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_2455&SUBSYS_21721C34&REV_01\4&5D18F2DF&0

Driver: n/a

Name: Romex SCSI Controller

Device ID: PCI\RXVSTOR\1&36444BD7&0&01

Driver: n/a


DirectX Components


ddraw.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 279552 bytes

ddrawex.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 27136 bytes

dxapi.sys: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 10496 bytes

d3d8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 1179648 bytes

d3d8thk.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 8192 bytes

d3dx9d.dll: 9.00.0000.0000 English Final Retail 4/22/2003 23:13:42 1540096 bytes

d3d9.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 1689088 bytes

d3dim.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 436224 bytes

d3dim700.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 824320 bytes

d3dramp.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 590336 bytes

d3drm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 350208 bytes

d3dxof.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 47616 bytes

d3dpmesh.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 34816 bytes

dplay.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 33040 bytes

dplayx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 229888 bytes

dpmodemx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 24064 bytes

dpwsock.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 42768 bytes

dpwsockx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 57856 bytes

dplaysvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 29696 bytes

dpnsvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 17920 bytes

dpnet.dll: 5.03.2600.6311 English Final Retail 11/2/2012 06:03:58 375296 bytes

dpnlobby.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 3072 bytes

dpnaddr.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 3072 bytes

dpvoice.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 212480 bytes

dpvsetup.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 83456 bytes

dpvvox.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 116736 bytes

dpvacm.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 21504 bytes

dpnhpast.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 35328 bytes

dpnhupnp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 60928 bytes

dpserial.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 54032 bytes

dinput.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 162816 bytes

dinput8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 185856 bytes

dimap.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 44032 bytes

diactfrm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 394752 bytes

joy.cpl: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 69120 bytes

gcdef.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 77312 bytes

pid.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 35328 bytes

gameenum.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 10624 bytes

dsound.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 367616 bytes

dsound3d.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 1293824 bytes

dswave.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 19456 bytes

dsdmo.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 181248 bytes

dsdmoprp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 71680 bytes

dmusic.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 104448 bytes

dmband.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 28672 bytes

dmcompos.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 61440 bytes

dmime.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 181248 bytes

dmloader.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 35840 bytes

dmstyle.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 105984 bytes

dmsynth.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 103424 bytes

dmscript.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 82432 bytes

system.dll: 1.01.4322.2502 English Final Retail 1/9/2013 01:10:59 1232896 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 473600 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 5.04.0000.3900 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:34 2676224 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.04.0091.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:34 2846720 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:35 563712 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.06.0168.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:35 567296 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.07.0239.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:35 576000 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.08.0299.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:35 577024 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.09.0376.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:35 577536 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.10.0455.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:35 577536 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.11.0519.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 578560 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.12.0589.0000 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 578560 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 145920 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:37 159232 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:37 364544 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:37 178176 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 53248 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 12800 bytes

Microsoft.DirectX.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 9/25/2012 16:58:36 223232 bytes

dx7vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 619008 bytes

dx8vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 1227264 bytes

dxdiagn.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 2113536 bytes

mfc40.dll: 4.01.0000.6151 English Beta Retail 9/18/2010 14:53:38 954368 bytes

mfc42.dll: 6.02.8081.0000 English Final Retail 2/8/2011 21:33:56 978944 bytes

wsock32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 24576 bytes

amstream.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 70656 bytes

devenum.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 59904 bytes

dxmasf.dll: 6.04.0009.1133 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 498742 bytes

mciqtz.drv: 4.00.0096.0729 Russian Final Retail 9/26/2007 15:48:10 11919 bytes

mciqtz32.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 35328 bytes

mpg2splt.ax: 6.05.2600.6333 English Final Retail 1/2/2013 10:49:47 148992 bytes

msdmo.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 14336 bytes

encapi.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 20480 bytes

qasf.dll: 11.00.5721.5145 English Final Retail 10/19/2006 01:47:18 211456 bytes

qcap.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 192512 bytes

qdv.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 279040 bytes

qdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.6169 Russian Final Retail 11/3/2011 19:29:12 386560 bytes

qedit.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 562688 bytes

qedwipes.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 733696 bytes

quartz.dll: 6.05.2600.6333 Russian Final Retail 1/2/2013 10:49:48 1293824 bytes

strmdll.dll: 4.01.0000.3938 Russian Final Retail 8/26/2009 16:02:10 247326 bytes

iac25_32.ax: 2.00.0005.0053 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 199680 bytes

ir41_32.ax: 4.51.0016.0003 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 848384 bytes

ir41_qc.dll: 4.30.0062.0002 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 120320 bytes

ir41_qcx.dll: 4.30.0064.0001 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 338432 bytes

ir50_32.dll: 5.2562.0015.0055 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 755200 bytes

ir50_qc.dll: 5.00.0063.0048 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 200192 bytes

ir50_qcx.dll: 5.00.0064.0048 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 183808 bytes

ivfsrc.ax: 5.10.0002.0051 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 154624 bytes

mswebdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5857 Russian Final Retail 8/5/2009 17:01:18 204800 bytes

ks.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/14/2008 00:46:38 141056 bytes

ksproxy.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/14/2008 21:41:16 129536 bytes

ksuser.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/14/2008 21:40:40 4096 bytes

stream.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/14/2008 00:15:16 49408 bytes

mspclock.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 5376 bytes

mspqm.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 4992 bytes

mskssrv.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 7552 bytes

swenum.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 4352 bytes

mstee.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/14/2008 02:39:50 5504 bytes

bdaplgin.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 18432 bytes

bdasup.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 11776 bytes

msdvbnp.ax: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 56832 bytes

psisdecd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 363520 bytes

psisrndr.ax: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 33280 bytes

ipsink.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 16384 bytes

mpeg2data.ax: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 118272 bytes

ndisip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 10880 bytes

mpe.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 15232 bytes

streamip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 15232 bytes

msvidctl.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 1431552 bytes

slip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 11136 bytes

nabtsfec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 02:46:26 85248 bytes

ccdecode.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 02:46:24 17024 bytes

vbisurf.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 30208 bytes

msyuv.dll: 5.03.2600.5908 English Final Retail 11/28/2009 01:13:50 17920 bytes

kstvtune.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 00:11:16 61952 bytes

ksxbar.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/15/2008 00:11:16 43008 bytes

kswdmcap.ax: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 00:11:16 91648 bytes

wstcodec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 02:46:24 19200 bytes

wstdecod.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 Russian Final Retail 4/15/2008 16:00:00 50688 bytes

msdv.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/14/2008 02:46:10 51200 bytes


DirectShow Filters


DirectShow Filters:

QuickTime Audio Decoder Filter,0x00600800,1,1,,

InterVideo G726Dec DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

WMAudio Decoder DMO,0x00800800,1,1,,

WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

WMA Voice Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

WMVideo Advanced Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,

WMVideo 8 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,

G2M Session Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,

Mpeg4s Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,

WMV Screen decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,

WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,

QuickTime Video Decoder Filter,0x00600800,1,1,,

Mpeg43 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,

Mpeg4 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,,





YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512


Video Compressors:

WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

MSScreen encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.05.2600.5512

ffdshow video encoder,0x00100000,1,1,ffdshow.ax,1.02.4475.0000

Indeo® video 5.03 Compression Filter,0x00600000,1,1,ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055

Indeo® video 5.10 Compression Filter,0x00100000,1,1,ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055

Indeo® Video 5.2 Compression Filter,0x00100000,1,1,ir50_32.dll,5.2562.0015.0055

InterVideo MPEG4 Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,MP4VENC.ax,0.08.0007.0000

InterVideo Video Encoder,0x00200000,2,1,IVIVENC.ax,3.00.0088.0000

MainConcept (Adobe) H.264/AVC Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,ad2evh264.ax,2.02.0000.19522

MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

MPEG-4 V3.1,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Cinepak Codec by Radius,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Low-Motion,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Fast-Motion,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

DivX Pro 5.0.3 Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Intel I.263 Video Driver 2.55.012,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Intel Indeo® Video R3.2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Intel Indeo® Video 4.5,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Indeo® video 5.10,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512


Microsoft H.261 Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Microsoft H.263 Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Microsoft RLE,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Microsoft Video 1,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

TechSmith Screen Capture Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

VMnc v2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Microsoft Windows Media Video 9,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

DivX Pro 5.0.3 Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Intel Indeo® Video Raw R1.2,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Audio Compressors:

WMA Voice Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,,

Indeo® audio software,0x00500000,1,1,iac25_32.ax,2.00.0005.0053

InterVideo Audio Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,iviaenc.ax,3.00.0088.0000

Intervideo AAC Encoder,0x00600000,0,0,AACEnc.ax,1.00.0000.0001

Intervideo AMR Encoder,0x00600000,1,1,AmrEnc.ax,8.01.0000.0000



IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333


Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333


DSP Group TrueSpeech0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Windows Media Audio V1,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Windows Media Audio V2,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Messenger Audio Codec,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Microsoft G.723.1,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333



MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Audio Capture Sources:

Realtek HD Audio Input,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Screaming Bee Audio Driver,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

WebCamera Plus Audio,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.05.2600.5512

Midi Renderers:

Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

YAMAHA XG WDM SoftSynthesizer (,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333


Realtek HD Audio Input,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

Screaming Bee Audio Driver,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

WebCamera Plus Audio,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,3,1,,5.03.2600.5512

SRS HD Audio Lab,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

SRS Audio Sandbox,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512



BDA Network Providers:

Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,msdvbnp.ax,6.05.2600.5512

Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,msdvbnp.ax,

Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,msdvbnp.ax,6.05.2600.5512

Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,msdvbnp.ax,

Video Capture Sources:

WebCamera Plus,0x00200000,0,1,device.ax,2.00.0000.0006

Mobiola Video Source,0x00600000,0,1,BTCamVideoSource.dll,2.03.0000.0002

BDA Transport Information Renderers:

BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,1,0,psisrndr.ax,6.05.2600.5512

MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,mpeg2data.ax,


BDA CP/CA Filters:



XDS Codec,0x00200000,0,0,encdec.dll,6.05.2600.6161

Audio Renderers:

Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

CyberLink Audio Renderer (PDVD6),0x00200000,1,0,,

Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

DirectSound: SRS HD Audio Lab,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

DirectSound: SRS Labs Audio Sandbox,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

SRS HD Audio Lab,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

SRS Labs Audio Sandbox,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.05.2600.6333

Realtek HD Audio Input,0x00200000,15,2,,5.03.2600.5512

Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,5,1,,5.03.2600.5512

SRS HD Audio Lab,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

SRS Audio Sandbox,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

Screaming Bee Audio Driver,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

WebCamera Plus Audio,0x00200000,1,1,,5.03.2600.5512

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Hearts of Iron 3 - известные проблемы, исправления, обходные пути и т.д.    


Провинцию с суши берешь ? если да то за нее кликай по нужному направлению .


Здраствуйте!При заходе на игре одна контрольная сумма при выходе отобразилась другая контрольная сумма(это может принести проблемы?) . Что с этим можно сделать?Заранее спасибо


спасибо,мидрагу за совет чистить кеш.Из-за отключения света, во время загрузки игры, не стала запускатся игра.ее удалил. С диска перекинул сохранение тоже самое и тут вспомнил совет -чистить кеш от с


Доброго времени суток всем. Прошу совета в возникшей проблеме. Скачал последнюю версии Дня Победы 3, и в игре не работает сохранение. Просто заходу в игру - Одиночная игра - Загрузки, а там пусто.


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