Патч 1.4Beta - Страница 10 - Архив - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Патч 1.4Beta

Рекомендованные сообщения

- Farmers, Labourers and Craftsmen is far less likely to become soldiers in colonies.

- Congo, Hawaii & Ionian Islands can no longer be annexed by decision if they are played by a human player.

- Pops will no longer demote to types with even worse unemployment than them in a province.

- Small Arms, Lumber & Liqour factories are now slightly more productive.

- Added a local_ruling_party_support modifier.

- Spoilsystem now only affects the actual province and not the entire country.

- Badboy now affects consciousness properly.

- Being liberated gets about 75% of workers immediately back into production in an RGO.

- Industrial score is now based on profitability and people working in it.

- Rebalanced artisan profitability on production.

Изменено пользователем Yase
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Закреплённые сообщения

Может кто-нибудь выложить патч 1.4 от 9 сентября?

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Может кто-нибудь выложить патч 1.4 от 9 сентября?

присоединяюсь :)

вот ссылка если что http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showth...scussion-Thread

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ИзмененияНажмите здесь!
 9th of September

- Pops will now properly pick political parties reforms as their issues.

- Canada no longer accepts British culture

- "Texan War of Independence", not "Texas"

- Amphibious warfare training has the correct discovery bonus from techs

- Fixed bug in piecharts in province view, when the population for certain pop type was very small, the percentage lost precision, and the piechart became corrupted

- Added more info into the projects list (tooltips that describes the expected province, where the construction is going to take place)

- Fixed bug in refreshing the projects in production view. Sometimes the list contained not valid anymore projects, that were refreshed only by going out and in to the production view again.

- Fixed chat in multiplayer, that overlapped the gui when in "production","diplomacy","trade",etc...

- Fixed "Paused by player X" message, that was removed from the game. I've also fixed it's alignment and visibility according to the active view (diplomacy,trade,etc...).

- Fixed script error in rhodesia_charter

- Fixed script error in 19027

- can no longer be possible to exploit market by buying up huge stockpiles and selling to pops

- fixed crash when renaming provinces

- states now sorted by population size in population view (with colonies last)

- province finder now support state names as well and sends you to state capital

- fixed issue with factories exporting nothing not being reset when not selling

- fixed issue with calculation of artisan export for tooltips

- military score contribution from manpower capped by a factor of standing army size

- Various text fixes

- Event 37708 has correct name/desc

- Fixed bug in unit construction cancelling. Disbanding unit, made impossible to delete military construction in the military view, via cancel button.

- Fixed bug in creating a new country which could break down if created on colonial provinces only.

- Fixed bug about precision loss of dominant issues in the pop view, that did not match the numbers from political view. F.ex. 16.89% of population wanted a reform X (in political view), but 17.12% wanted this reform due to pop view.

- admin. efficiency now calculated properly without using tax modifiers. also added new define for base admin efficiency

- fixed peace problem where many separate countries held parts of a target country but were not at war with eachother. Now the coutnry that controls capital or majority of provinces will be able to if the defender has no provinces left under control.

- sieges now show who is trying to occupy in the province view and actually update the flags

- added tooltip for occupier information to province view

- wargoals now have a new trigger can_use that works like old valid trigger. valid trigger now is run during daily udpates to filter bad states. it will white peace wars that are no longer valid.

- Fixed national focus selection, so it's possible to select new focus without having to remove it first.

- A few bugs relating to broken peaceoffers after loading savegames is now fixed.

- Fixed CRT error in corrupted savegame.

- Fixed general GUI bug. If there was 2 or more windows on top of each other, hovering mouse over the button in one window also highlighted buttons in window beneath.

- Fixed initial assignment of the workforce around the factories. It was unfair in some cases, when one factory gets tousands of craftsmen, but there was none pops left, for another factory. I did a post process that spreads them about equally.

- tooltips now reflect the fact that capitalists can invest in projects outside their province

- production view now shows actual correct number of investors for projects

- fixed a memory leak

- map mod support should now work properly with caches etc

- leader pictures now moddable

- event pictures moddable

- tech pictures moddable

- Labourers and Farmers are now more keen on becoming b'crats again if there is crime fighting.

- colonial progress now carries over when forming new countries



Изменено пользователем makabu
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Извиняюсь за оффтоп, но в этот патч ведь включены все изменения предыдущих?

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- Amphibious warfare training has the correct discovery bonus from techs

Что это значит? Появятся пенальти за высадку с моря?

Кстати что-то не слова об исправлении бага с вылетом в 1891 году

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Кстати что-то не слова об исправлении бага с вылетом в 1891 году

Запустил свой старый сейв, который вылетал. Промотал счетчик до 95 года - не вылетало.

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Установил сентябрьскую сборку 1.4

Решил проверить на Швеции. Так вот, что-то накрутили с бюрократами, все кому не лень в них переходят, даже если финансирование на ноль поставить и налоги поднять. Всё равно проценты растут, к 1842 году в каждой провинции за 200% эффективности от бюрократов было.

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а только у меня локализация сбросилась после этого сентябрьского патча?

(папку localisation не копировал)

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а только у меня локализация сбросилась после этого сентябрьского патча?

(папку localisation не копировал)

У меня не сбрасывалась

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Я так понимаю патч только английский пока?

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Ну как сказать. Можно поставить локализацию с 1.3

в 1.4 есть небольшой файлик, но там всего около десяти строчек для двух ивентов

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Ну как сказать. Можно поставить локализацию с 1.3

в 1.4 есть небольшой файлик, но там всего около десяти строчек для двух ивентов

Можно по-подробнее? Я пытался скачивать файлы 1.3, но видимо не то скачивал, так как архив выдал кучу ошибок и не пропатчил. 1.4 ставил на 1.3(1.3 патчил через екзешник(русский)).

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Ну смотри. Скачиваешь архив 1.3. Открываешь. Там папка локализэйшн. Открываешь - перекидываешь все файлы на комп в такую же папку где вика.

Будет все переведено, кроме двух неважных ивентов

Вот те самые несколько строчекНажмите здесь!


EVTNAME60150;The end of female suffrage;;;;;;;;;;;x ;

EVTDESC60150;With the recent rollback of voting reforms, the fairer sex is once again denied the vote.;;;;;;;;;;;;x ;

EVTOPTA60150;Get back in the kitchen!;;;;;;;;;;;x ;

EVTNAME31102;Flight from Istanbul;;;;;;;;;;;x ;

EVTDESC31102;Our position in Istanbul is no longer secure. We should move our government to a safer place.;;;;;;;;;;;;x ;

EVTOPTA31102;We have been ultimately driven from Europe...;;;;;;;;;;;x ;


Думаю они на геймплей не повлияют никак.

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Ок, спасибо, получилось :JC_doubleup: Доходчиво и понятно, прям для таких как я :)

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Патч 1.4 Beta

Последняя версия - от 26 сентября 2011

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На русскомНажмите здесь!

26 Сентября 2011

- Исправлено сообщение, когда союзник просит игрока о помощи в войне. Теперь в сообщении показывается, сколько престижа будет потеряно в случае отказа

- Исправлено множество проблем с переводом на немецкий язык

- Исправлен баг с символом фунта стерлингов в немецкой локализации

- Манчжоули теперь не отделена от остального региона

- Провинция Земио (1969) отныне часть региона Бангуй

- Провинция Куфе (1816) отныне часть региона Ниамей

- Перу имеет щитки на регион Пастаза в Эквадоре

- Исправлена ошибка, которая не отображала провинцию Оденсе как портовую

- Исправлен баг с высоким уровнем влияния России в Персии 1 января 1836

- Исправлен баг с культурой Кипра

- Исправлен ивент с приглашением принять участие в олимпиаде

- Исправлен баг с ивентом о сухом законе в тех странах, где он был недоступен, однако был осуществлен исторически

- Поправлена цепь событий о Конго

- Исправлены несколько провинций, которые должны быть в разных регионах

- Исправлен баг с потерей щитков в Южной Америке

- Исправлен баг, в котором Сербия на первый день игры считается сферой Турции

- ДП с кофеем и табаком теперь менее продуктивны на начало игры

- Постепенное снижение доходности от Роскошной Мебели

- ИИ отныне будет распускать старые корабли в случае подготовки к войне.

- ИИ отныне будет распускать совсем старые корабли в любом случае. Т.е парусные линкоры распустятся сразу, как только откроются «Дредноуты»

- Исправлен баг в ситуации, когда армии, победившей противника (который в свою очередь оккупирует провинцию), переходят все проценты хода оккупации



Предыдущие изменения (на англ.)Нажмите здесь!

9th of September

- Pops will now properly pick political parties reforms as their issues.

- Canada no longer accepts British culture

- "Texan War of Independence", not "Texas"

- Amphibious warfare training has the correct discovery bonus from techs

- Fixed bug in piecharts in province view, when the population for certain pop type was very small, the percentage lost precision, and the piechart became corrupted

- Added more info into the projects list (tooltips that describes the expected province, where the construction is going to take place)

- Fixed bug in refreshing the projects in production view. Sometimes the list contained not valid anymore projects, that were refreshed only by going out and in to the production view again.

- Fixed chat in multiplayer, that overlapped the gui when in "production","diplomacy","trade",etc...

- Fixed "Paused by player X" message, that was removed from the game. I've also fixed it's alignment and visibility according to the active view (diplomacy,trade,etc...).

- Fixed script error in rhodesia_charter

- Fixed script error in 19027

- can no longer be possible to exploit market by buying up huge stockpiles and selling to pops

- fixed crash when renaming provinces

- states now sorted by population size in population view (with colonies last)

- province finder now support state names as well and sends you to state capital

- fixed issue with factories exporting nothing not being reset when not selling

- fixed issue with calculation of artisan export for tooltips

- military score contribution from manpower capped by a factor of standing army size

- Various text fixes

- Event 37708 has correct name/desc

- Fixed bug in unit construction cancelling. Disbanding unit, made impossible to delete military construction in the military view, via cancel button.

- Fixed bug in creating a new country which could break down if created on colonial provinces only.

- Fixed bug about precision loss of dominant issues in the pop view, that did not match the numbers from political view. F.ex. 16.89% of population wanted a reform X (in political view), but 17.12% wanted this reform due to pop view.

- admin. efficiency now calculated properly without using tax modifiers. also added new define for base admin efficiency

- fixed peace problem where many separate countries held parts of a target country but were not at war with eachother. Now the coutnry that controls capital or majority of provinces will be able to if the defender has no provinces left under control.

- sieges now show who is trying to occupy in the province view and actually update the flags

- added tooltip for occupier information to province view

- wargoals now have a new trigger can_use that works like old valid trigger. valid trigger now is run during daily udpates to filter bad states. it will white peace wars that are no longer valid.

- Fixed national focus selection, so it's possible to select new focus without having to remove it first.

- A few bugs relating to broken peaceoffers after loading savegames is now fixed.

- Fixed CRT error in corrupted savegame.

- Fixed general GUI bug. If there was 2 or more windows on top of each other, hovering mouse over the button in one window also highlighted buttons in window beneath.

- Fixed initial assignment of the workforce around the factories. It was unfair in some cases, when one factory gets tousands of craftsmen, but there was none pops left, for another factory. I did a post process that spreads them about equally.

- tooltips now reflect the fact that capitalists can invest in projects outside their province

- production view now shows actual correct number of investors for projects

- fixed a memory leak

- map mod support should now work properly with caches etc

- leader pictures now moddable

- event pictures moddable

- tech pictures moddable

- Labourers and Farmers are now more keen on becoming b'crats again if there is crime fighting.

- colonial progress now carries over when forming new countries

25th of August

- Added new entry to the outliner, about the provinces being occupied by rebels. (icon still TBD)

- added console command "showprovinceid" will display province ID in the tooltip

- Countries now buy things before the pops from the market. Be aware, you can piss of your pops mightily.

- fascists/commies/anarcho-liberals will no longer setup absolute_monarchy when voting is repealed

- All pops should be able to support gerrymandering correctly

- clergy are less likely to promote to bureaucrats when admin spending is low

- tweaked clergy to officer promotion logic

- When a province discovers gold it will have the gold rush effect for 2 years

- Fixed pop promotion to clergymen modifiers about their consiousness level. Maxed out con gave too high penalty making it impossible to get completely ANY more clergyments, even with national focus on.

- Fixed an issue with farmers and labourers not checking crime spending when promoting to bureaucrat.

- Outliner fliters are now remembered when closing the game.

- Any_greater_power effect now affects all great powers, not just the first.

- Game should no longer CTD when resign, open ledger in summary screen, and press "previous page".

- Fixed a crashbug when selecting a province that had defected in the population view.

- Fixed problem with corrupted buttons when alt-tabbing.

- Fixed CTD when choosing option B in event 44300.

- Fixed CTD after loading a specific save file.

- Fixed bug with combat where one side overruns right before the combat starts, even that both sides has 3k army.

- Fixed bug in calculating estimated militancy change.

- Fixed bug with the ghost army.

- Fixed bug - countries in sphere of influence did not show up as top producers.

- Fixed bug - RGO goes down to 0% then instantly goes up to 75%, repeatedly.

- Fixed bug in "BuildUnitView", when selecting different provinces that has the same amount of units under construction, and clicking "BuildArmy" button.

- Fixed tooltip so it doesn't show the troops bonus, for provinces under colonization.

- Fixed bug in updating great powers - noticable in the advanced diplomacy tutorial--

- Fixed REB militancy change when it's raised, and when it get's defeated in combat.

- Fixed organisation bar in military view, so it shows correct values.

- Refactored a bit the province event window, so the long german texts doesn't overlap anything.

- Dialogs about rebellion should no longer sometimes get corrupted texts.

- Fixed an irritating checkbox blink for "Auto-create" and "Auto-assign" leaders.

- Fixed a minor tooltip problem with hotspot area.

- Fixed issue with invalid required goods shown, to build the infantry, in the military view (in the tooltip).

- Fixed the top exports/imports tooltip that is blinking when the game is unpaused, making it hard to read.

- Fixed decision requirements tooltip, for RUS "Return to third rome".

- Construction should no longer be stuck forever with spending slightly above 0 and automated trade.

- Fixed corrupted chat window in metaserver.

- Events 14550, 18530, 36705,44105, and 44104 now grant RPs based on yearly income rather than a fixed value

- Trail of tears should not affect pops which are already west of the Mississippi

- Qaraganda is now a Russian core

- toned down a giant pop in Barranquilla

- made some irish in the US catholic

- shrank giant pop in Pucallpa

- shrank giant pop in Wajir

- shrank giant pop in Saghalian Oula

- Czechoslovakia should has a core on Uzgorod

- Bacalar no longer has doubled pops

- Slovakia now accepts czechs, while Slovenia does not

- Ukraine has a core in Yuzovka

- Idaho is now a colony

- cavours_diplomacy also gives 50 relates with FRA

- Danish army now called Haeren

- Corrected add_core in province 950 to use CZH tag

- fixed flipped HAI liberal/convervative names

- POR starts with 125 relations with CHI

- JEr nimo now Jer nimo

- Lots of typos fixed

- Added tooltip message for the mil/con change estimation, that was missing if the pop is living in the province that is under rebel control.

- Fixed some typo bugs in pop modifiers, causing incorrect bonuses regarding their literacy.

- Fixed description for population growth modifier, so it's consistent to the value shown in social reforms.

- annals_of_the_fulani_jihad now requires 4% literacy

- rebels of extream ideologies should not appear before the ideology is enabled

- Brazil no longer starts with the_command_principle

- Province modifier for mining/farming size penalty now properly affects the RGO.

- Slavestate trigger now works from province scope.

- Region scope switches now clear previous scope properly.

- Pan-Nationalist rebels can no longer force country-swaps.

- Money can now go below 0 from events and decisions.

- Fixed irritating click sounds when mouseover the savefiles and pop icons in population screen.

- state_scope now clears province scope properly enabling triggers to check entire states and not just a province.

- AI for GP's will now focus more on market functionality techs.

- tweaked RGO spread modifiers to grant larger bonus and fire less pops

- tweaked trigger on Pan-Nationalist unification so AUS/KUK will not join when HUN is not free

- Austria's dual monarchy can only be enacted once

- Pops no longer have an insane love for democracies when emigrating.

- Low literate states will not see farmers or labourers becoming craftsmen unless they have unemployment.

- Beuruecrats will demote quicker to farmer and labourers if no current spending.

- Increased liquour output a little bit further.

- Reduced base profitability of luxury furniture a tad bit.

- Fixed text in "become great power" message, in all other langs then english, did overlap over the button.

- Fixed budget sliders, so they got reset immediately when got bankrupt, while budget view is open.

- Added some useful key shortcuts into diplomacy view.

- Fixed bug - when building army, and it's still gathering required materials, then save and reload, the building time increases by 1 day.

- Fixed slider bar functionality in population view.

- Fixed slider bar reset when game unpaused, in politics view.

- Fixed Text overflow in election event.

- Fixed bug about not responsive for clicks, topbar buttons. Sometimes user could accidently click on a small icons, that caused the button not being clicked at all - it was frustrating.

- Fixed colony icon in pops view, so it's faded out if impossible to colonize, and expanded tooltip with more details.

- China no longer accepts beifaren culture

- Satellites shall now be known as puppets

- The world now produces more sulphur

- ENG now starts at cordial relations with PER, EGY, AFG, and PAN

- female suffrage requires a universal type voting reform

- female suffrage will be removed if a universal type voting reform is not present

- ALD now has a core on Oran

- Drunken sailor event choices fire corrrect reaction events

- Orange and Transvaal start with slavery enabled

- Authoritarianism invention can be discovered by absolute monarchies with conservative ruling parties too

- Turkish capital can move to Ankara if the neighbouring balkan provinces are taken

27th of June

- Pop files can now be loaded properly in mod-dir without destroying references to them elsewhere.

- Admit Hegemony now only takes countries in the targets sphere, and nobody else spheres.

- Provincesize should no longer increase by resigning and reloading.

- Sphere members now will see their entire sphere in the "sphere" filter in diplomacy view.

- The game now supports multiple bookmarks.

- Liquor distilleries and artisans now produce a little bit more liquor.

- Pops will not moved to colonies if they can get alot of luxury goods.

- Prohibition can only be enacted once now.

- Manowar now has a higher supply need of artillery.

- Cavalry move and select sound effects is now used.

- Bhutan, Ladakh, Mongolia & Tibet are now Gelugpa.

- Lots of provinces are now prorpley tagged as colonial.

- Jan Mayen is now a norwegian core.

- Springtime of Nations modifier now have a proper icon.

- Mecklenburgs second socialist party now have the correct start date.

- Sunda Strait works correctly now.

- Fixed quite a few minor errors in datafiles.

- Added prussian_constitutionalism as valid government type for crown_empress_of_india

- Egypt not allowed to initiate egyptological_excavations itself

- Fixed Congo badboy threshold on annex_the_congo

- Excluded Schleswig provinces from South German Federation formation requirements

- Added prussian_constitutionalism as valid government type for establish_la_guardia_civil

- Removed check for carlism prevails flag (which is never set) from establish_la_guardia_civil

- Israel's capital is now Jerusalem.

- Iquique and Arica are now cores of Chile.

- Fixed a few problems in event files which created unintended things.

20th of May

- Farmers, Labourers and Craftsmen is far less likely to become soldiers in colonies.

- Congo, Hawaii & Ionian Islands can no longer be annexed by decision if they are played by a human player.

- Pops will no longer demote to types with even worse unemployment than them in a province.

- Small Arms, Lumber & Liqour factories are now slightly more productive.

- Added a local_ruling_party_support modifier.

- Spoilsystem now only affects the actual province and not the entire country.

- Badboy now affects consciousness properly.

- Being liberated gets about 75% of workers immediately back into production in an RGO.

- Industrial score is now based on profitability and people working in it.

- Rebalanced artian profitability on production.



Открываем архив с патчем и все файлы\папки перекидываем в корневую папку Виктории (Например C:\Program Files\VictoriaII), отвечая "да" на все предложения о замене.

Файлы локализации (отдельным архивом):

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Все файлы в архиве кидаем в папку /localisation, что находится в корневой папке игры

Пока толька бета. Выход полноценного 1.4 планируется в октябре.

Изменено пользователем Yase
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На форуме парадокса есть тема с информацией о патче 1.4 беты, сборка от 26 сентября. Может кто-нибудь выкинуть ссылку для скачивания?

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  • Ответы 264
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  • Просмотры 89907

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  • Royce_59


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  • eros


  • Gfm-89


  • aaar


  • Nedzvikk


  • Олег Добрый


  • prinigo


  • Juanito


  • patr00n


  • Шпротоед


  • CezarX.ua


  • DarkArcher


  • [light]


  • Pshizik


  • Kapitalist




  • makabu


  • Razor_Ex


  • Vissarionych


  • KaPZeN


  • Kervan


  • Pedobear


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