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51-52 где-то

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Ясно, будем разбираться

и, кстати, австрия с этими странами не воевала - только с италией и венгрией

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Планируется ли в ближайшем времени выход новой версии? И нужна ли какая-нибудь информация, картинки?

Ссылка на комментарий

Планируется ли в ближайшем времени выход новой версии?

Сейчас мало свободного времени, поэтому разработка слегка замедлилась, но думаю к концу месяца будет новая версия.

И нужна ли какая-нибудь информация, картинки?

Спасибо, пока не надо.

Ссылка на комментарий


Здравствуйте Трувор) Как я понял, вы имеете общее дело с Маринеско, можно сделать эвент на создание франц. индокитая?

Ссылка на комментарий

Здравствуйте Трувор) Как я понял, вы имеете общее дело с Маринеско, можно сделать эвент на создание франц. индокитая?

Сделать конечно могу, но чуть попозже. Надо будет еще подумать, как лучше это реализовать.

Ссылка на комментарий


У меня будет ещё просьба сделать эвент на распад Китая на клики после передачи России Дальнего Востока и Синьхайской революции.

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Вопросик для авторов обоих модов:

Совместимы ли СhronologyMod v0.3 и New Nations&Balance mod v1.4 ?

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Вопросик для авторов обоих модов:

Совместимы ли СhronologyMod v0.3 и New Nations&Balance mod v1.4 ?

А разве в New Nations&Balance mod не содержится сразу ChronologyMod? Они же используются вместе.
Ссылка на комментарий

А разве в New Nations&Balance mod не содержится сразу ChronologyMod? Они же используются вместе.

Вроде бы нет. Это ChronologyMod 0.3 NNM содержит New Nations&Balance mod финал (который уже устарел)

Изменено пользователем Nekka
Ссылка на комментарий

Да, они вроде бы еще объединены. Только что проверил.

Сейчас ChronologyMod объединен с New Nations&Balance mod Final.

А мне же нужна совместимость с более свежей New Nations&Balance mod v1.4

Ссылка на комментарий

Сейчас ChronologyMod объединен с New Nations&Balance mod Final.

А мне же нужна совместимость с более свежей New Nations&Balance mod v1.4

Так я её токо что скачал. Они объединены. Впрочем, можете подождать еще немного, пока вам ответит автор Chronology.
Ссылка на комментарий

Вроде бы нет. Это ChronologyMod 0.3 NNM содержит New Nations&Balance mod финал (который уже устарел)

Нет, ChronologyMod 0.3 NNM сам по себе не содержит New Nations&Balance, а создан, для того, чтобы ставиться на него.

Обычная же версия ChronologyMod 0.3, ставится на чистую вику и не совместима с New Nations&Balance mod

В последнюю версию New Nations&Balance mod включена Хронология 0.3, так что достаточно просто установить его.

Изменено пользователем Truvor
Ссылка на комментарий

Нет, ChronologyMod 0.3 NNM сам по себе не содержит New Nations&Balance, а создан, для того, чтобы ставиться на него.

Обычная же версия ChronologyMod 0.3, ставится на чистую вику и не совместима с New Nations&Balance mod

Все, понял, спасибо :017: , качаю ;)

Тогда еще вопрос. Когда нам ждать новинки? :D

Изменено пользователем Nekka
Ссылка на комментарий

Тогда еще вопрос. Когда нам ждать новинки? :D

Эвенты и решения к новой версии уже прописаны, сейчас тестирую. Думаю через несколько дней будет релиз

Ссылка на комментарий

Эвенты и решения к новой версии уже прописаны, сейчас тестирую. Думаю через несколько дней будет релиз

Не забудьте сделать ее совместимой с New Nations&Balance mod v1.4 :)

И, удачи!

Изменено пользователем Nekka
Ссылка на комментарий

ОшибкаНажмите здесь!
 "countries.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"country_colors.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"cultures.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"event_modifiers.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Belarus.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Eastern Rumelia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Germany.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"North German Fed.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Prussia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Russia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"USSR.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"AUS.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"balkan.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"britishdominion.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Italy.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"NationalUnification.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"RUS.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"AUSFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BalkanFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BAYFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ChronologyMod ID.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"CleanUp.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"FRAFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"GERFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"GreatPowers.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ITAFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"KrakowRevolt.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"LiberalRevolutions.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"POLFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"RUSFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SWEFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"TURFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_communist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_fascist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_monarchy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_republic.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_communist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_fascist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_monarchy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_republic.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_communist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_fascist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_monarchy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_republic.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"antisocial.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"balkan.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"battlegrah.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"beerputch.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"belgrad.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"endofunia.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"fallOfRI.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"febrevolution.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"frenchrev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"galicekill.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"hitler1.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"hitler2.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"hungrev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ilich.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"krakovrevolt.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"lenindead.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"libnehtburg.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"lombardiarev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"marshrome.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"montenegro.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"mussolini.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"novgerrev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"omladina.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"pesht.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"polisharmy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"polishregents.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"polrebel.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"potemkin.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"praga.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"pratulin.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"redyear.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"revoltbulgar.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"romnegotations.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"romtroops.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"sevengenerals.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"svinhuvuld.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"thosandyear.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"transib.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"turkishrep.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"veimar.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"volia.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"warpeace.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR - Belarus.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM - Eastern Rumelia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"RUT - Ruthenia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV - USSR.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"663 - Suceava.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"409 - Strasbourg.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"410 - Colmar.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"412 - Metz.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1015 - Peremyshl.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1016 - Bryansk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1017 - Orel.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1018 - Belgorod.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1019 - Voronets.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1045 - Migolinskaya.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1046 - Chirskaya.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1047 - Azov.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1048 - Ekaterinodar.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1050 - Stavropol.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"676 - Chisinau.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"677 - Balti.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"678 - Izmail.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"718 - Minsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"936 - Grodno.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"937 - Brest.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"938 - Lida.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"939 - Baranovichi.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"940 - Pinsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"941 - Slutsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"942 - Mozyr.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"943 - Smolensk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"944 - Orsha.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"945 - Vitebsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"946 - Polotsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"947 - Pastavy.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"948 - Mogilev.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"949 - Gomel.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"975 - Yuzovka.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"977 - Kursk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"979 - Rostov.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1.1.csv" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"VitMod.csv" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.


Поставил сначала New Nations&Balance mod v1.4, потом ChronologyMod 0.3 NNM

Использовал JSGME

Что делать? ;)

Изменено пользователем Nekka
Ссылка на комментарий

Сделать конечно могу, но чуть попозже. Надо будет еще подумать, как лучше это реализовать.

Спасибо, я попробую подумать в пределах возможности игры, что можно реализовать и подкинуть идейки)

Ссылка на комментарий

Воле Шойинка
ОшибкаНажмите здесь!
 "countries.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"country_colors.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"cultures.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"event_modifiers.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Belarus.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Eastern Rumelia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Germany.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"North German Fed.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Prussia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Russia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"USSR.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"AUS.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"balkan.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"britishdominion.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"Italy.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"NationalUnification.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"RUS.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"AUSFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BalkanFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BAYFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ChronologyMod ID.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"CleanUp.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"FRAFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"GERFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"GreatPowers.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ITAFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"KrakowRevolt.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"LiberalRevolutions.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"POLFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"RUSFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SWEFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"TURFlavor.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_communist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_fascist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_monarchy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR_republic.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_communist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_fascist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_monarchy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM_republic.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_communist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_fascist.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_monarchy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV_republic.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"antisocial.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"balkan.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"battlegrah.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"beerputch.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"belgrad.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"endofunia.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"fallOfRI.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"febrevolution.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"frenchrev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"galicekill.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"hitler1.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"hitler2.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"hungrev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ilich.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"krakovrevolt.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"lenindead.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"libnehtburg.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"lombardiarev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"marshrome.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"montenegro.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"mussolini.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"novgerrev.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"omladina.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"pesht.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"polisharmy.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"polishregents.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"polrebel.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"potemkin.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"praga.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"pratulin.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"redyear.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"revoltbulgar.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"romnegotations.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"romtroops.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"sevengenerals.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"svinhuvuld.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"thosandyear.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"transib.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"turkishrep.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"veimar.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"volia.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"warpeace.tga" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"BLR - Belarus.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"ERM - Eastern Rumelia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"RUT - Ruthenia.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"SOV - USSR.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"663 - Suceava.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"409 - Strasbourg.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"410 - Colmar.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"412 - Metz.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1015 - Peremyshl.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1016 - Bryansk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1017 - Orel.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1018 - Belgorod.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1019 - Voronets.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1045 - Migolinskaya.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1046 - Chirskaya.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1047 - Azov.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1048 - Ekaterinodar.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1050 - Stavropol.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"676 - Chisinau.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"677 - Balti.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"678 - Izmail.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"718 - Minsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"936 - Grodno.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"937 - Brest.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"938 - Lida.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"939 - Baranovichi.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"940 - Pinsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"941 - Slutsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"942 - Mozyr.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"943 - Smolensk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"944 - Orsha.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"945 - Vitebsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"946 - Polotsk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"947 - Pastavy.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"948 - Mogilev.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"949 - Gomel.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"975 - Yuzovka.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"977 - Kursk.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"979 - Rostov.txt" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"1.1.csv" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.

"VitMod.csv" has already been altered by the "New Nations&Balance Mod" mod.


Поставил сначала New Nations&Balance mod v1.4, потом ChronologyMod 0.3 NNM

Использовал JSGME

Что делать? ;)

В NewNations&Balance уже вшит Chronology, если не ошибаюсь.

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Популярные сообщения


ChronologyMod - это глобальная модификация для Виктории 2, затрагивающая практически все аспекты игры. Прежде всего мод направлен на то, чтобы увеличить историческую достоверность хода кампании. Добав


Может месяц, может два может день, иль вдруг неделя, но не ставлю сроки я, без них лучше раза в два. ________________________ добавлено 0 минут назад Теперь вы мне за это об


@Али Джи , совсем неплохо для первого сообщения на форуме! Ждем дальнейшего выражения мыслей.


Инструкция для очень простая: распаковать содержимое архива в папку mod, у вас должно получиться так что в папке mod будет файл Chronology.mod и папка сhronology,  запустить лаунчер файл


@Січовик да, я читал Ваши сообщения прошлых лет в этой теме   Давайте разберемся теперь какая версия какой является  Truvor делал до версии мода 1.4.3 которая для версии игры 3.03, последней


i  Версия Сборка игра + мод (1.4.3) перезалита!!! Устранён баг с ранней колонизаций которую начинали Нидерланды.   a621dc915a98d2d4e294d95726b97

Херсонський Кавун

Играю только в Хронолоджи..мой любимый мод. 10\10.


Устанавливается в папку mod которая в игре, а не в документах. Запускать сразу с  лаунчера нажимая на слово "играть". Включать мод перед каждым запуском игры.

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