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Modern Day Scenario 2

Никита jew94 Нефедьев

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Странно, флаги которые делаю через EFM не подходят для ДХ :huh: И вылетает..

Вылеты точно из-за флагов?

Вылеты точно из-за флагов?

Да, как заменил один флаг сразу начала вылетать. Я проверю тщательнее что не так. Сообщу, если что.

P.S. Проблема решена :) Оказывается, что ДХ --- очень вредная игра <_< , и не принимает чужих флагов(ХоИ, Виктория и др.), а только свои, а у флагов ДХ немного другой алгоритм создания, теперь все работает :)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем Mosley


Ребята, выручайте, флаг Ближневосточной Коалиции (MEC) :D

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Изменено пользователем Mosley

Captain Willard

мод переходит на карту из Европы - ещё больше миноров :)

красивоНажмите здесь!


Изменено пользователем Dwight

мод переходит на карту из Европы - ещё больше миноров :)

красивоНажмите здесь!



На последнюю карту, где добавили около тысячи новых провинций? Это замечательная новость :)

На последнюю карту, где добавили около тысячи новых провинций? Это замечательная новость :)

Dwight, можешь выложить скрин карты например Германии на самом большом разрешении.

Captain Willard

я думаю тебе лучше будет взять их карту, доработать названия и добавить в мод

я думаю тебе лучше будет взять их карту, доработать названия и добавить в мод

Для начало её надо потестить. Проверить как ведёт себя движок, например когда практически все страны втянуты в войну. Желательно на Modern Day Scenario 2. Там больше стран.

Captain Willard

скрин попытки запустить эдитор на старой версии игры :)

кстати сегодня выходит следующая часть мода - типа 1.3

скрин попытки запустить эдитор на старой версии игры :)

кстати сегодня выходит следующая часть мода - типа 1.3

И что там много нововведений?

И что там много нововведений?

сам мод 1.3 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Changelog_GenGaribaldiНажмите здесь!


# Date 01/04/2013 - Changelog of Gen_Garibaldi for European Union #


Fixed "name action a" to "EVT_2999_NAME_A" and "name action b" to "EVT_2999_NAME_B" in event 2999 - european_union.txt

Increased ai chance to Europe Uniting for GRE DEN FIN SWE IRE AUS POR SPA POL CZE SLV SLO CRO HUN ROM BUL LIT LAT EST CYP U92 - european_union.txt

Changed start date of "Post-Unification adjustements" event from random to fixed - european_union.txt

Added "2nd Post-Unification adjustements" event - european_union.txt

Changed text of event 3020 ("action_b") from EVT_3020_A to EVT_3020_B - european_union.txt

Added command = { type = relation which = [TAG] value = 100 } for EST LIT LAT in event "East Expansion"- EU.txt

Changed MAL with U92 in event "East Expansion" - EU.txt

Added NAME_A and NAME_B for the event 2009 - event_text.csv

Fixed text of EVT_3020_A - event_text.csv

Added NAME and DESC for the event 3084 - event_text.csv

Added NAME and DESC for the events from number 1000180 to 1000193 - mods.csv

Added EU Military Staff Team - teams_u72.csv

Added EU Intelligence Analysis Centre Team - teams_u72.csv

Added to the EU Air Force Team the "Aircraft_testing" and " Naval Aviation Tactics" specialities - teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the European Defence Agency Team in "EuropeanDefenceAgency" - teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the CERN Team in "CERN"- teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the Eurocorps Team in "eurocorps"- teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the EU Air Force Team in "euairforce"- teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the EU Navy Team in "eunavy"- teams_u72.csv

Added the "eumilitarystaff" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "EuropeanDefenceAgency" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "CERN" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "eurocorps" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "euairforce" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "eunavy" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "euintcen" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)


# Date 04/04/2013 - Changelog (CocoBZ) #


Removed some of the changes made by Gen_Garibaldi (removed from the changelog aswell) - MDS2.eug

Added ICL NOR and TUR in alliance with U72 - MDS2.eug

Fixed firing date for 'East Expansion' events - EU.txt

Added events notifying new EU members of their entry - EU.txt #Note: these events don't turn these countries into allies of U72

Fixed firing dates in some of Hirz's events - Hirz.txt, arab_spring.txt

Removed Hirz's 'Caucasus Conflict' events, as the war is already covered in more detail by another event chain

Re-added events that accidentally disappeared in the last version of MDS - estonia.txt, lithuania.txt, norway.txt, sweden.txt, finland.txt, poland.txt, denmark.txt


Detailed MDSDH ChangelogНажмите здесь!


### Cyprus ###

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID

### Germany ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 31002)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31007 changed to ID 31161)

### Greece ###

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31501 changed to ID 31558)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31504 changed to ID 31559)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31505 changed to ID 31560)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31506 changed to ID 31561)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31507 changed to ID 31562)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31508 changed to ID 31563)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31509 changed to ID 31564)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31510 changed to ID 31565)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31511 changed to ID 31566)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31512 changed to ID 31567)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31513 changed to ID 31568)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31514 changed to ID 31569)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31515 changed to ID 31570)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31516 changed to ID 31571)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31517 changed to ID 31572)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31520 changed to ID 31573)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31521 changed to ID 31574)

### Guatemala ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 21020)

### North Korea ###

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (Byun ID 60542 changed to ID 60554)

### Pacific States of America ###

# Had to revise deathdates for every single leader

### Romania ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 12014)

### United States of America ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87503)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87504)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87505)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87508)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87510)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87562)


### Greece ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 32004)

### Hungary ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 36015)

### Indonesia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 37019)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 37043)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 37008)

### Iraq ###

# Fixed error with school of defence (ID 38507)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 38564)

### Israel ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 39517)

# Fixed error with air to ground proponent (ID 39527)

### Italy ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 582034)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 582073)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 582082)

# Fixed error with the cloak n dagger schemer (ID 582036)

# Fixed error with the cloak n dagger schemer (ID 582058)

# Fixed error with static defence doctrine (ID 582039)

# Fixed error with static defence doctrine (ID 582089)

# Fixed error with crooked kleptocrat (ID 7718)

# Fixed error with school of manoeuvre (ID 582022)

# Fixed error with school of manoeuvre (ID 582050)

### Japan ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41520)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41522)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41534)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41563)

### Jordan ###

# Fixed error with old airmarshal (ID 42017)

### Kazakhstan ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 42504)

### Libya ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 48004)

### Lebanon ###

# Fixed error with vertical envelopment doctrine (ID 47010)

### Liberia ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 47503)

### Lithuania ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 48521)

### Norway ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 61026)

### New Zealand ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 58530)

### Philippines ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66004)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66015)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 66021)

### Poland ###

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 66508)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 66516)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 66519)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66592)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66596)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66607)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66618)

### Romania ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 68504)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 68546)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 68558)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 68513)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 68548)

### Russia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69004)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69042)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69044)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69087)

# Fixed error with powerhungry demagogue (ID 69017)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 69034)

### Serbia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 71004)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 71055)

### Slovakia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 73003)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 73022)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 73028)

### Slovenia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 73522)

# Fixed error with school of manoeuvre (ID 73554)

### Sudan ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 77503)

### Tajikistan ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 81015)

### Tanzania ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 81504)

### Tibet ###

# Fixed error with static defence doctrine (ID 93007)

### Taiwan/CHI ###


### EU Implementation (By CocoBZ) ###

# Changed Config/Boostertext

# Changed DB/Revolt

# Changed MDS2 .EUG File

# Changed Scenarios/2003/eu file

# Changed Map_2003/Provine file

# Changed error with EU event file, line 1872. Error in "command" function.

# The Armenia event file MUST BE HASHED OUT for the EU events to work. This is due to overlapping Event ID's. Need to change ID's in the future.


September 2012

Extensive code fixes done by novapaddy to get the mod working properly and not crashing any more.

This was done by going back to an earlier version, fixing that, and working forward to version 0.6.

Tested by Arcangelus, with his fixes and changes added.

Fixed version 0.6 is now version 0.7.

All of the above before this September note, is resolved AFAIK.

version 0.7.1

ARMENIA file fixed, with new ID's. (duplicate id's before).

99% of missing event pics are now in place (novapaddy).

OOB's are half-done,and Guglie_ is finishing them off.

vincesportsman is doing the tech files.

Other contributions have been included, including new city pics (ottoman master).

jimian re-did the Taiwan files (extensive).

AgentSmith2012 contributed the model pics, not allocated yet, as awaiting tech getting sorted.

Filled in some missing model pics and changed others.

Totally redid the ai files where required.

Added an event where required.

USA invasion of Iraq now works under AI control.

Swapped Guglie_'s dprk, south korea and romania inc files

with Arcangelus's files (got rid of dummies).

Put back Decisions, added previously by Wilksjohnson.

Sahrawi removed as start up country.

Various minor changes found while playing.

This version uploaded as MDS20701.


October 2012, DH 1.03beta released.

Main effort to clean up files in an effort to get rid

of the LAG issue, and make ready for DH1.03... which

has a new ERROR CHECKER, which finds ALL ERRORS.

Files in Config folder checked against DH1.03 files

and found to be in a total mess.

Files in config folder totally redone from scratch

using the DH1.03 files as Master, and MDS2 files

added/overwriting DH where needed.

db folder files as above, much less messy.

map folder files as above, used DH1.03 map files

and only added province_name file from MDS2.

New Minister files added from Arcangelus for DH1.03 added.

Put all bases into the bases.INC file.. removed from

individual country INC files.

THIS MAY NEED REWORKING AS bases may be now missing?? cHECK

273 new AI files created so country's can now have their own

individual AI file, instead of or

being used.

Removed DH Lite map from mod.

Set Tech year from 1000 to 2000.

Only did minor gfx changes so far to suit DH1.03 new graphics.


MDS2_07DH03 now the current version.

Loads and works in DH1.03

BUT, set error checker to 1, and there are still

gazillions of errors to be sorted out.


March 2013, controlled by novapaddy again.

Added 504 tech pics, before there were none.

battle casualties on hold for the moment.

modernised generic_decisions, plus re-did some graphics

can now use style = 1, and use the normal dh event pics size.

removed thousands of errors/warnings seen on error checker 1.

This was done in preparation to porting to RC2.

Ported to DH1.03 RC2 beta.

mod now called MDS2_RC2_v1.0


March 2013, novapaddy again.

new version MDS2_RC2_v1.1

Added battle casualties for land units, so far

Added new sprites (gamer5-6)

Added new units/divs/brigades

Added/extended/moved techs on tech screen

Had to keep old way of doing units, as too much work (models) to re-do from scratch again.

Now using new extended DH counter strip (new units)

Added brigade pics (none before)

Totally re-did unit parameters, and added more, as per DH rc2.

Added/amended new DH Graphics, so enlarged unit build area, also allows for larger unit pics

Added new skiffs for new units.

Totally re-did the AI, and simplified it. Much better on test.

Added new quotes (Xie and Jimian)

Began looking into the Lag issue. With all events switched off, it remains???

Removed the CIT scenario, as it was messed up and not finished. It can be re-added.


MDSDH Conversion changelogНажмите здесь!
 MDSDH Conversion Changelog - Wilksjohnson


Supeerme: Originally started the project with the idea to convert MDS2 to work on DH.

Novapaddy: Created a functional map for the DH Full conversion. Also provided many gfx fixes for the MDS2 conversion and started the conversion to DH Full.

CocoBZ: Created the 2012 map mod which the MDSDH map is based on. Also provided many different fixes.

Kretoxian: Currently working on fixing the counters. Also provided several .inc files.

Rumpnissen89: Provided his flag and shields for use in the mod.

Hirz: Provided event fixes.

Bergioyn: Provided event fixes.

Arcangelus: Provided an early minister fix for MDS2 conversion. Also provided valuable bug testing.

Many others who provided troubleshooting and bug reports! :)

Also, thanks to the original MDS2 team for creating the original mod for ARMA! :)


# First Release. Although there are many issues with this release, I decided to release it to show just how much progress has been made.


# Fixes regarding country TAG's and events. The events should now be much more accurate. (CocoBZ/Novapaddy)

# Kuwait now appears on the map and is a puppet of the USA. (CocoBZ/Novapaddy)

# Tech Team fixes. (CocoBZ/Novapaddy)

# About half the countries now have ministers, though many majors have not been converted yet.

# Removed several airbases from Russia and poland.

# Put South Korea and North Korea IC to correct levels(IC ONLY, used the MDS2 values as a base)


# Fixed the Kosovo CTD. Kosovo is now a USA puppet. (CocoBZ)

# Integrated Rumpnissen89 flag and shield pack. (Pack by Rumpnissen89. Converted by Kretoxian.)

# Eliminated 112 extra airports. Small Increase in speed.

# Increase in speed from .eug file (Novapaddy)

# Improved OOB's for several countries (Kretoxian)

# Finished converting all of the ministers. Some issues still exist.

# Corrected revolt.txt. (CocoBZ)

# Temporarily altered Iraq War(infra and units)

# Fixed USA leaders.


# Corrected several incorrect Minister TAGS. (Kretoxian reported it, CocoBZ fixed it.)

# Corrected several incorrect .inc files. Fixed capital placements. (CocoBZ)

# Updated revolt.txt file. (CocoBZ)

# Corrected the province pictures. (CocoBZ)

# Implemented correct flag for Burma. (Kretoxian)

# Corrected save game issue. It is now possible to load saves. (CocoBZ)

# Generic Decisions are now useable. I have also begun changing the pictures for the generic decisions into something more modern.

# Started the conversion of certain events into Decisions. All instances are found in "Event To Decision Conversion List".


# Implemented converted IC values. Countries now have MDS2 IC. (Paul Hanson)

# Updated the counters. (Pack by Rumpnissen89. Converted by Kretoxian)

# Updated various .inc files. (CocoBZ)

# Updated .eug file. (CocoBZ)

# Updated minister files. (CocoBZ)

# Updated scenario pics. (Novapaddy)

# Updated country skins. (Novapaddy)

# Updated world names and scenario text. (Novapaddy)

# MDSDH now has it's own startup icon.

# Started to redo famous quotes.


# Corrected issues in the .ai files. Used the correct name for special rocket artillery.

# Fixed error with duplicate Serbian minister ID (ID 71073 changed to ID 71080)

# Fixed many errors regarding leaders. More info available in the in-depth changelog.

# Implemented new Australian OOB. (Kretoxian)

# Changed Scenario name from "Modern Day Scenario 2" to "MDSDH"

# Fixed many errors regarding minister personalities. More info available in the in-depth changelog.

# Converted TAG for DPRK military leaders. They now show up in-game.

# Implemented CocoBZ's EU Fix. The EU is now (somewhat) functional. More info in in-depth changelog. (CocoBZ)

# Updated Models.csv file. (CocoBZ)


# Extensive code fixes in order to regain mod stability. Eliminates almost all crashing! (Novapaddy)

# Testing of code fixes and addition of fixes (Arcangelus)


# Armenia DB Event file fixed. Changed ID's. (Novapaddy)

# 99% of missing event pics are now in place (Novapaddy)

# Half of all OOB's are finished. (Guglie_)

# Refining Tech files. (vincesportsman)

# New city pictures. (ottoman master)

# Complete restructure of Taiwan files. (jimian)

# New model pics.(Not yet implemented/AgentSmith2012)

# Filled in an changed model pictures. (Novapaddy)

# Large revision of .ai files. (Novapaddy)

# Added certain events where required. (Novapaddy)

# USA invasion of Iraq now works under AI control. (Novapaddy)

# Implemented DPRK, South Korea, and Romania .inc files. (Arcangelus)

# Added back decisions into game. (Novapaddy/Wilksjohnson)

# Sahrawi removed as start up country. (Novapaddy)

# Other minor changes. (Novapaddy)

# Manpower gain is now at reasonable levels. (Novapaddy)


# NOW COMPATIBLE WITH DH 1.03 RC1. (Novapaddy)

# The files in the config folder have been completely redone. (Novapaddy)

# DB files redone. (Novapaddy)

# Map files redone. (Novapaddy)

# New minister files. (Arcangelus)

# Put all the bases into the file. (Novapaddy)

# 273 New AI Files created so each country can have an individual AI file. (Novapaddy)

# Old Scenario removed from mod. (Novapaddy)

# Changed tech year to 2000's. (Novapaddy)

# Small gfx fixes for 1.03 Beta. (Novapaddy)


# Re-implemented original MDS2 Industrial Capacity Values. (Paul Hanson)

# Converted 22% of infrastructure values.

# New Policy_effects file. It should fix the rampant partisan issues. (Arcangelus)

# Modified text.csv file so that the Alliances now have correct names. NATO, ECON, Shanghai Pact (Arcangelus)

# Modified Kuwait ai file to prevent Kuwait from cutting off supplies for the Americans in the invasion of Iraq.(Should work)

# Implemented MDS2 style flags (not shields) (RumpNissen89)

# Added the "continent in turmoil" scenario. It is not yet playable. If you see this DO NOT REPORT BUGS DEALING WITH THIS SCENARIO!!!


March 2013, controlled by novapaddy again.

Added 504 tech pics, before there were none.

battle casualties on hold for the moment.

modernised generic_decisions, plus re-did some graphics

can now use style = 1, and use the normal dh event pics size.

removed thousands of errors/warnings seen on error checker 1.

This was done in preparation to porting to RC2.

Ported to DH1.03 RC2.

mod now called MDS2_RC2_v1.0

Изменено пользователем Striker

сам мод 1.3 ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>

Changelog_GenGaribaldiНажмите здесь!


# Date 01/04/2013 - Changelog of Gen_Garibaldi for European Union #


Fixed "name action a" to "EVT_2999_NAME_A" and "name action b" to "EVT_2999_NAME_B" in event 2999 - european_union.txt

Increased ai chance to Europe Uniting for GRE DEN FIN SWE IRE AUS POR SPA POL CZE SLV SLO CRO HUN ROM BUL LIT LAT EST CYP U92 - european_union.txt

Changed start date of "Post-Unification adjustements" event from random to fixed - european_union.txt

Added "2nd Post-Unification adjustements" event - european_union.txt

Changed text of event 3020 ("action_b") from EVT_3020_A to EVT_3020_B - european_union.txt

Added command = { type = relation which = [TAG] value = 100 } for EST LIT LAT in event "East Expansion"- EU.txt

Changed MAL with U92 in event "East Expansion" - EU.txt

Added NAME_A and NAME_B for the event 2009 - event_text.csv

Fixed text of EVT_3020_A - event_text.csv

Added NAME and DESC for the event 3084 - event_text.csv

Added NAME and DESC for the events from number 1000180 to 1000193 - mods.csv

Added EU Military Staff Team - teams_u72.csv

Added EU Intelligence Analysis Centre Team - teams_u72.csv

Added to the EU Air Force Team the "Aircraft_testing" and " Naval Aviation Tactics" specialities - teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the European Defence Agency Team in "EuropeanDefenceAgency" - teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the CERN Team in "CERN"- teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the Eurocorps Team in "eurocorps"- teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the EU Air Force Team in "euairforce"- teams_u72.csv

Changed the pic name of the EU Navy Team in "eunavy"- teams_u72.csv

Added the "eumilitarystaff" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "EuropeanDefenceAgency" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "CERN" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "eurocorps" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "euairforce" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "eunavy" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)

Added the "euintcen" pic - (gfx -> interface -> pics)


# Date 04/04/2013 - Changelog (CocoBZ) #


Removed some of the changes made by Gen_Garibaldi (removed from the changelog aswell) - MDS2.eug

Added ICL NOR and TUR in alliance with U72 - MDS2.eug

Fixed firing date for 'East Expansion' events - EU.txt

Added events notifying new EU members of their entry - EU.txt #Note: these events don't turn these countries into allies of U72

Fixed firing dates in some of Hirz's events - Hirz.txt, arab_spring.txt

Removed Hirz's 'Caucasus Conflict' events, as the war is already covered in more detail by another event chain

Re-added events that accidentally disappeared in the last version of MDS - estonia.txt, lithuania.txt, norway.txt, sweden.txt, finland.txt, poland.txt, denmark.txt


Detailed MDSDH ChangelogНажмите здесь!


### Cyprus ###

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID

### Germany ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 31002)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31007 changed to ID 31161)

### Greece ###

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31501 changed to ID 31558)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31504 changed to ID 31559)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31505 changed to ID 31560)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31506 changed to ID 31561)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31507 changed to ID 31562)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31508 changed to ID 31563)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31509 changed to ID 31564)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31510 changed to ID 31565)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31511 changed to ID 31566)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31512 changed to ID 31567)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31513 changed to ID 31568)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31514 changed to ID 31569)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31515 changed to ID 31570)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31516 changed to ID 31571)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31517 changed to ID 31572)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31520 changed to ID 31573)

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (ID 31521 changed to ID 31574)

### Guatemala ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 21020)

### North Korea ###

# Fixed error with duplicate leader ID (Byun ID 60542 changed to ID 60554)

### Pacific States of America ###

# Had to revise deathdates for every single leader

### Romania ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 12014)

### United States of America ###

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87503)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87504)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87505)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87508)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87510)

# Fixed error with incorrect leader death date (ID 87562)


### Greece ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 32004)

### Hungary ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 36015)

### Indonesia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 37019)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 37043)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 37008)

### Iraq ###

# Fixed error with school of defence (ID 38507)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 38564)

### Israel ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 39517)

# Fixed error with air to ground proponent (ID 39527)

### Italy ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 582034)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 582073)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 582082)

# Fixed error with the cloak n dagger schemer (ID 582036)

# Fixed error with the cloak n dagger schemer (ID 582058)

# Fixed error with static defence doctrine (ID 582039)

# Fixed error with static defence doctrine (ID 582089)

# Fixed error with crooked kleptocrat (ID 7718)

# Fixed error with school of manoeuvre (ID 582022)

# Fixed error with school of manoeuvre (ID 582050)

### Japan ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41520)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41522)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41534)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 41563)

### Jordan ###

# Fixed error with old airmarshal (ID 42017)

### Kazakhstan ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 42504)

### Libya ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 48004)

### Lebanon ###

# Fixed error with vertical envelopment doctrine (ID 47010)

### Liberia ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 47503)

### Lithuania ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 48521)

### Norway ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 61026)

### New Zealand ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 58530)

### Philippines ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66004)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66015)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 66021)

### Poland ###

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 66508)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 66516)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 66519)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66592)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66596)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66607)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 66618)

### Romania ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 68504)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 68546)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 68558)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 68513)

# Fixed error with barking buffoon (ID 68548)

### Russia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69004)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69042)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69044)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 69087)

# Fixed error with powerhungry demagogue (ID 69017)

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 69034)

### Serbia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 71004)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 71055)

### Slovakia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 73003)

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 73022)

# Fixed error with elastic defence doctrine (ID 73028)

### Slovenia ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 73522)

# Fixed error with school of manoeuvre (ID 73554)

### Sudan ###

# Fixed error with iron fisted brute (ID 77503)

### Tajikistan ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 81015)

### Tanzania ###

# Fixed error with laissez-faire capitalist (ID 81504)

### Tibet ###

# Fixed error with static defence doctrine (ID 93007)

### Taiwan/CHI ###


### EU Implementation (By CocoBZ) ###

# Changed Config/Boostertext

# Changed DB/Revolt

# Changed MDS2 .EUG File

# Changed Scenarios/2003/eu file

# Changed Map_2003/Provine file

# Changed error with EU event file, line 1872. Error in "command" function.

# The Armenia event file MUST BE HASHED OUT for the EU events to work. This is due to overlapping Event ID's. Need to change ID's in the future.


September 2012

Extensive code fixes done by novapaddy to get the mod working properly and not crashing any more.

This was done by going back to an earlier version, fixing that, and working forward to version 0.6.

Tested by Arcangelus, with his fixes and changes added.

Fixed version 0.6 is now version 0.7.

All of the above before this September note, is resolved AFAIK.

version 0.7.1

ARMENIA file fixed, with new ID's. (duplicate id's before).

99% of missing event pics are now in place (novapaddy).

OOB's are half-done,and Guglie_ is finishing them off.

vincesportsman is doing the tech files.

Other contributions have been included, including new city pics (ottoman master).

jimian re-did the Taiwan files (extensive).

AgentSmith2012 contributed the model pics, not allocated yet, as awaiting tech getting sorted.

Filled in some missing model pics and changed others.

Totally redid the ai files where required.

Added an event where required.

USA invasion of Iraq now works under AI control.

Swapped Guglie_'s dprk, south korea and romania inc files

with Arcangelus's files (got rid of dummies).

Put back Decisions, added previously by Wilksjohnson.

Sahrawi removed as start up country.

Various minor changes found while playing.

This version uploaded as MDS20701.


October 2012, DH 1.03beta released.

Main effort to clean up files in an effort to get rid

of the LAG issue, and make ready for DH1.03... which

has a new ERROR CHECKER, which finds ALL ERRORS.

Files in Config folder checked against DH1.03 files

and found to be in a total mess.

Files in config folder totally redone from scratch

using the DH1.03 files as Master, and MDS2 files

added/overwriting DH where needed.

db folder files as above, much less messy.

map folder files as above, used DH1.03 map files

and only added province_name file from MDS2.

New Minister files added from Arcangelus for DH1.03 added.

Put all bases into the bases.INC file.. removed from

individual country INC files.

THIS MAY NEED REWORKING AS bases may be now missing?? cHECK

273 new AI files created so country's can now have their own

individual AI file, instead of or

being used.

Removed DH Lite map from mod.

Set Tech year from 1000 to 2000.

Only did minor gfx changes so far to suit DH1.03 new graphics.


MDS2_07DH03 now the current version.

Loads and works in DH1.03

BUT, set error checker to 1, and there are still

gazillions of errors to be sorted out.


March 2013, controlled by novapaddy again.

Added 504 tech pics, before there were none.

battle casualties on hold for the moment.

modernised generic_decisions, plus re-did some graphics

can now use style = 1, and use the normal dh event pics size.

removed thousands of errors/warnings seen on error checker 1.

This was done in preparation to porting to RC2.

Ported to DH1.03 RC2 beta.

mod now called MDS2_RC2_v1.0


March 2013, novapaddy again.

new version MDS2_RC2_v1.1

Added battle casualties for land units, so far

Added new sprites (gamer5-6)

Added new units/divs/brigades

Added/extended/moved techs on tech screen

Had to keep old way of doing units, as too much work (models) to re-do from scratch again.

Now using new extended DH counter strip (new units)

Added brigade pics (none before)

Totally re-did unit parameters, and added more, as per DH rc2.

Added/amended new DH Graphics, so enlarged unit build area, also allows for larger unit pics

Added new skiffs for new units.

Totally re-did the AI, and simplified it. Much better on test.

Added new quotes (Xie and Jimian)

Began looking into the Lag issue. With all events switched off, it remains???

Removed the CIT scenario, as it was messed up and not finished. It can be re-added.


MDSDH Conversion changelogНажмите здесь!
 MDSDH Conversion Changelog - Wilksjohnson


Supeerme: Originally started the project with the idea to convert MDS2 to work on DH.

Novapaddy: Created a functional map for the DH Full conversion. Also provided many gfx fixes for the MDS2 conversion and started the conversion to DH Full.

CocoBZ: Created the 2012 map mod which the MDSDH map is based on. Also provided many different fixes.

Kretoxian: Currently working on fixing the counters. Also provided several .inc files.

Rumpnissen89: Provided his flag and shields for use in the mod.

Hirz: Provided event fixes.

Bergioyn: Provided event fixes.

Arcangelus: Provided an early minister fix for MDS2 conversion. Also provided valuable bug testing.

Many others who provided troubleshooting and bug reports! :)

Also, thanks to the original MDS2 team for creating the original mod for ARMA! :)


# First Release. Although there are many issues with this release, I decided to release it to show just how much progress has been made.


# Fixes regarding country TAG's and events. The events should now be much more accurate. (CocoBZ/Novapaddy)

# Kuwait now appears on the map and is a puppet of the USA. (CocoBZ/Novapaddy)

# Tech Team fixes. (CocoBZ/Novapaddy)

# About half the countries now have ministers, though many majors have not been converted yet.

# Removed several airbases from Russia and poland.

# Put South Korea and North Korea IC to correct levels(IC ONLY, used the MDS2 values as a base)


# Fixed the Kosovo CTD. Kosovo is now a USA puppet. (CocoBZ)

# Integrated Rumpnissen89 flag and shield pack. (Pack by Rumpnissen89. Converted by Kretoxian.)

# Eliminated 112 extra airports. Small Increase in speed.

# Increase in speed from .eug file (Novapaddy)

# Improved OOB's for several countries (Kretoxian)

# Finished converting all of the ministers. Some issues still exist.

# Corrected revolt.txt. (CocoBZ)

# Temporarily altered Iraq War(infra and units)

# Fixed USA leaders.


# Corrected several incorrect Minister TAGS. (Kretoxian reported it, CocoBZ fixed it.)

# Corrected several incorrect .inc files. Fixed capital placements. (CocoBZ)

# Updated revolt.txt file. (CocoBZ)

# Corrected the province pictures. (CocoBZ)

# Implemented correct flag for Burma. (Kretoxian)

# Corrected save game issue. It is now possible to load saves. (CocoBZ)

# Generic Decisions are now useable. I have also begun changing the pictures for the generic decisions into something more modern.

# Started the conversion of certain events into Decisions. All instances are found in "Event To Decision Conversion List".


# Implemented converted IC values. Countries now have MDS2 IC. (Paul Hanson)

# Updated the counters. (Pack by Rumpnissen89. Converted by Kretoxian)

# Updated various .inc files. (CocoBZ)

# Updated .eug file. (CocoBZ)

# Updated minister files. (CocoBZ)

# Updated scenario pics. (Novapaddy)

# Updated country skins. (Novapaddy)

# Updated world names and scenario text. (Novapaddy)

# MDSDH now has it's own startup icon.

# Started to redo famous quotes.


# Corrected issues in the .ai files. Used the correct name for special rocket artillery.

# Fixed error with duplicate Serbian minister ID (ID 71073 changed to ID 71080)

# Fixed many errors regarding leaders. More info available in the in-depth changelog.

# Implemented new Australian OOB. (Kretoxian)

# Changed Scenario name from "Modern Day Scenario 2" to "MDSDH"

# Fixed many errors regarding minister personalities. More info available in the in-depth changelog.

# Converted TAG for DPRK military leaders. They now show up in-game.

# Implemented CocoBZ's EU Fix. The EU is now (somewhat) functional. More info in in-depth changelog. (CocoBZ)

# Updated Models.csv file. (CocoBZ)


# Extensive code fixes in order to regain mod stability. Eliminates almost all crashing! (Novapaddy)

# Testing of code fixes and addition of fixes (Arcangelus)


# Armenia DB Event file fixed. Changed ID's. (Novapaddy)

# 99% of missing event pics are now in place (Novapaddy)

# Half of all OOB's are finished. (Guglie_)

# Refining Tech files. (vincesportsman)

# New city pictures. (ottoman master)

# Complete restructure of Taiwan files. (jimian)

# New model pics.(Not yet implemented/AgentSmith2012)

# Filled in an changed model pictures. (Novapaddy)

# Large revision of .ai files. (Novapaddy)

# Added certain events where required. (Novapaddy)

# USA invasion of Iraq now works under AI control. (Novapaddy)

# Implemented DPRK, South Korea, and Romania .inc files. (Arcangelus)

# Added back decisions into game. (Novapaddy/Wilksjohnson)

# Sahrawi removed as start up country. (Novapaddy)

# Other minor changes. (Novapaddy)

# Manpower gain is now at reasonable levels. (Novapaddy)


# NOW COMPATIBLE WITH DH 1.03 RC1. (Novapaddy)

# The files in the config folder have been completely redone. (Novapaddy)

# DB files redone. (Novapaddy)

# Map files redone. (Novapaddy)

# New minister files. (Arcangelus)

# Put all the bases into the file. (Novapaddy)

# 273 New AI Files created so each country can have an individual AI file. (Novapaddy)

# Old Scenario removed from mod. (Novapaddy)

# Changed tech year to 2000's. (Novapaddy)

# Small gfx fixes for 1.03 Beta. (Novapaddy)


# Re-implemented original MDS2 Industrial Capacity Values. (Paul Hanson)

# Converted 22% of infrastructure values.

# New Policy_effects file. It should fix the rampant partisan issues. (Arcangelus)

# Modified text.csv file so that the Alliances now have correct names. NATO, ECON, Shanghai Pact (Arcangelus)

# Modified Kuwait ai file to prevent Kuwait from cutting off supplies for the Americans in the invasion of Iraq.(Should work)

# Implemented MDS2 style flags (not shields) (RumpNissen89)

# Added the "continent in turmoil" scenario. It is not yet playable. If you see this DO NOT REPORT BUGS DEALING WITH THIS SCENARIO!!!


March 2013, controlled by novapaddy again.

Added 504 tech pics, before there were none.

battle casualties on hold for the moment.

modernised generic_decisions, plus re-did some graphics

can now use style = 1, and use the normal dh event pics size.

removed thousands of errors/warnings seen on error checker 1.

This was done in preparation to porting to RC2.

Ported to DH1.03 RC2.

mod now called MDS2_RC2_v1.0

поверх старой версы ставить можно?

Captain Willard

поставь лучше по новой

кстати пока не спешите качать - кое-где неожиданно вылезли баги, полная 1.3 будет вечерком :)

Изменено пользователем Dwight

поставь лучше по новой

кстати пока не спешите качать - кое-где неожиданно вылезли баги, полная 1.3 будет вечерком :)

Тогда ждём пока ты выложишь,а эту лучше удалю от греха подальше.

Captain Willard

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

качайте на здоровье, версия 1.3 с спрайтами России

]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>

качайте на здоровье, версия 1.3 с спрайтами России

как ставить новую версу-старую удалять,заново переименовывать ДХ и ставить поверх неё этот архив,так?

]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>

качайте на здоровье, версия 1.3 с спрайтами России

Ну что скачал я архив,хотел перенести файлы и тут выскакивает диагностическое окно с кучей ошибок.Это что значит,ссылка битая или как быть в такой ситуации?

Ну что скачал я архив,хотел перенести файлы и тут выскакивает диагностическое окно с кучей ошибок.Это что значит,ссылка битая или как быть в такой ситуации?

У меня все норм установилось и запустилось.

У меня все норм установилось и запустилось.
Если не трудно расскажи порядок установски.Я уже второй раз скачивал и опять та же проблема.

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