Достижения с модами и без Ironman
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Серж Барнаул 1 сообщение
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Разработчики добавили возможность получения достижений с модами и без Ironman в версии 1.9
3. Achievements
Patch 1.9, aka "Lance", was released on 2023-05-11. It was released alongside the Tours and Tournaments expansion pack.
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Achievements can only be gained in single-player games. They can be earned while playing older versions of the game as long as said DLC was present in that version. Certain game rules will also disable achievements for the savegame; usually, such rules make the game easier. If the Ruler Designer was used, achievements can still be obtained as long as no custom characters were created for AI and no more than 400 customization points are spent (some achievements excepted - see below for details). Manually switching to another ruler or using console commands will block achievements for the current game. Since version 1.9, neither Ironman mode nor an unmodified checksum are required for achievements to remain enabled.
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PS. Для игры с любыми модами крайне желательно отключать Ironman
Опубликовано Канцлер Шольц,
Закреплено StrаtegiumПрисоединиться к обсуждению
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