Мусорка раздела Crusader Kings 3 - Страница 245 - Архив - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Мусорка раздела Crusader Kings 3

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Можно отлучать неугодных вассалов в своем королевстве, все денежки идут вам, а не в Рим.

это классно что мне денюшки:D

Изменено пользователем Menschenhasser


Да, давняя проблема, оплошность парадоксов

при высоком, насколько я знаю, тоже. Там ставится не во главе фронта (власть короны), а во главе отряда, а это нельзя выбирать
Но можно изменить.

Но можно изменить.

нельзя, сказано же

Обычно север сливает финским язычникам или югу. А юг может слить Польше.

Монголы приходят с ордами по 100к+. Ацтеки 164к высадили в последней моей партии.

хахах да нуу по 100к там 60к максимум:D

рукалицо просто

Ну царь персов же, Дарий I, пошёл на скифов войной, и скифы таки дали отпор (хоть и немного нестандартным путём), несмотря на меньшую по размеру армию. Так что, всякое бывает. Твой случай можно вполне отнести к такому типу.

Да что далеко ходить, вспомни хотя-бы Конотопскую Битву. 60к казаков и татар против 100-150к русской царской армии, и таки проиграли, хотя имели преимущество и в размерах и в качестве.

50 тыс. казаков и татар против 35 тыс. русской армии, не хочешь?

За любое скандинавское. Потом отжать прову с французской или бретонской культурой...

о как классно.вывести сначала нормандскую а потом ангийскую)

Хватит менять название темы, достал уже, без шуток

Где это вы такую"историю"вычитали?

Diplomat16, Sergik1777, вероятно, вот тут: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Muscovy — 150,000


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. -а если тут?

Силы сторон

30 000—35 000 крымских татар[3]

16 000 казаков Выговского[4][5]

4000 в гарнизоне Конотопа[6][7]

1500—3000 польско-литовских и прочих наёмников[8]

28 600 человек в русских полках[5][9]

6660 казаков гетмана Беспалого[5][7][10][11]

Изменено пользователем Sergik1777

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

changlogНажмите здесь!
 - Building for the Forge of Starlight

- Fix to prevent characters from repeatedly casting the fourth spell of a magic Lore after having cast all their available spells

- Beastmen uprising fix

- in option A players-only (if human) can seduce anyone else with the creature_human trait just like in option B

- Added custom layers for greenskins scars/boils/disfigurement and mutations

- Added decision spell for dark mages to try and hide deformities and mutations

- Added generic immortal_trait to deal with special immortal characters like Morathi and Daith

- Fixed infertility event not firing for elves and dwarves

- Wolfenburg and Oak of Ages unique buildings are now added

- Added modifiers to guide the dwarven AI during Holy Wars

- Tweaked trait values in duel engine for new traits

- (Hopefully) fixed Beastmen overrunning the world bug

- Beastmen can no longer holy war or unholy subjugate

- Beastman culture split in two, one for ungor (man-faced) one for gor/bestigor (goat-faced)

- Added modifiers for new mechanics

- Added new graphical culture for ungor

- Added new job actions for Beastmen marshals: Despoil Lands and Spread Chaos

- Added Bray Shamans (born with magic, but cannot study)

- Beastmen are locked into Agnatic Elective Gavelkind

- Added Migration CB and county Invasion CB for Beastmen rulers

- Added decision to fight liege for leadership for Beastmen rulers

- Added decision to join Morghur's war for Beastmen rulers

- Added decision to rally a Beastmen army for Beastmen rulers

- Added culture modifier for beastmen

- Tried to prevent the AI from never using beastmen job actions

- Bug fix for endlessly repeating "study magic" event for chaos worshippers

- Some unique buildings for Bretonnia (Couronne, Lyonesse, Brionne and L'Anguille)

- Greenskins May now not use any other CBs but the Greenskin Invasion and WAAAGH! Invasion ones ( Plus the claim on liege plot one)

- "Colonize province with provinces" now just converts a capital holding, the colonization process is now done through the Marshal's "Make land Green" job action, which does more or less the same: provinces not of your culture and with any holding that is not a tribe ( Temples excluded ) will get the Greenskin colonization levels as before

- Greenskin bands will now rise in provinces with the "Troublesome Greenskin Population" modifier in stead of the usual rebels. These rebels will also appear if the Greenskin Warboss has the "Weak Warboss" modifier

- A Greenskin King or Emperor can now remove the "Weak Warboss" modifier from himself by "bashing the head" ( Through the Diplo menu ) of a direct vassal. Winning the duel will remove the modifier and prevent it from appearing again on that character

- Greenskin Kings or Emperors may now declare "WAAAGHs!" against Kings and Emperors of sufficient size ( Realm size 15 ) not of their religions, the "WAAAGH" is a specialized version of the vanilla "Prepared Invasion" decision. The WAAAGH CB works like a Holy War that targets de-jure Kingdoms, instead of Duchies ( This also means that the defender can call on allies of his own religion ). On victory, all the provinces inside that Kingdom will become tribal and of your culture/religion

- Greenskin vassals may now challenge their liege if he is weak enough. Also, if any Greenskin kills another Greenskin, the killer will get the victim's primary title (plus one of his counties, if the killer was landled)

- Greenskinks now have their own specialized version of the "Raise tribal army" decision with a cheaper prestige cost. They also have accesss to a cheaper version of the "Found new Empire" decision: "Unite the Clans"

- Lowered the prestige requirements for the Greenskin Power laws to go up to 100, 250, 500 and 1000 respectively

- Independently of their lieges being Weak Warbosses or not, direct vassals of a Greenskin Emperor can choose to break off their realm on the "Emperors" death

- "Become a Sorcerer-Prophet" should now work correctly, instead of always killing the character

- The Sorcerer's Curse event now has a longer MTTH

- Fixed Chaos Dwarfs getting the "Slaves taken by Chaos Dwarfs" modifier in their capital provinces

- Added some missing on_actions important vanilla events (Over vassal limit and elective gavelkind stuff)

- Disabled the Prepared Invasion diploaction at defines.lua

- All the raider religions' AIs should now raid properly

- Added decision for ( non-Greenskin, non-Beastman and non-Asrai ) tribals with a tribal liege to convert their capital to tribal if it isn't a temple

- Chaos lores fix

- Reworked AI behavior regarding declaring war against the Chaos Wastes

- Many dwarf events changed into on_action events

- Minor tweaking on twisting decision

- Added event for turnskin kids

- Non-beastmen marshals suppressing revolts can remove beastman presence inside a province

- Beauty events are on_actions

- Chaos temptation events are on_actions

- End of grail quest is triggered event

- Holy sites for Gork & Mork, Spider God, Cadai, Cytharai, Atharti, Cult of Pleasure, Halfling, Old Faith, Chaos Undivided, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh.

- New buildings for the Greenskins

- The Greenskin Hordes spawned in the Drakwald Forests now appear as Forest Goblins (Finally gave some use to the Spider God faith)

- Modified the Chaos Magic event's triggers so that it's more varied

- New icons for Kitabid, Atruhayid and Akghan. Separate religious icons for the Cult of Pleasure and Atharti

- Gave the Taalite Hierarch a temple barony in Talabheim

- Re-arranged the Dwarf headgear

- Greenskin Extermination CB now works like the Invasion CB (All occupied provinces are taken by the victor). Also, all occuppied provinces permanently get the "Greenskin Hideouts" modifier if the -conquered province is of any Greenskin Culture

- Marshals can clear the "Greenskin Hideouts" modifier by using the Train Troops or Supress Revolts Job Actions

- The regency duel should be using "our" dueling system now, instead of the randomized one paradox created

- AI more likely to go on Grail Quests

- Grail Knights become infirm only in very old age, and do not become incapable (from age at least)

- decreases the likelihood of regent changing mysteriously

- Moved NOT = { religion = hashut } outside the OR in slavery decisions, meaning everyone can no longer see the decisions

- Dwarfs get negative money triggered modifier if they have less than 100 gold

- Added an special on_death succession event for female-only titles ( Shieldmaiden mercs, cult of Shallya... ). These titles should now also start the game with female holders

- Dwarf reconqest cb fixed can declare the CB on anyone who holds a county inside karaz ankor or drak ankor, OR anyone who is a greenskin or skaven who holds a mountain

- Taurus and Great Lamassu added to the duel engine

- Fix for buggy event option where amazon rulers imprison all their kids, instead of just the male ones

- The Greenskin cleansing event no longer triggers from job_actions; the marshal will automatically ask their liege to fund an expedition if any demesne province has the "Troublesome Greenskin Population" modifier.

- Can no longer send chaplains to convert Greenskin provinces or tribal stewards settle them

- Added combat modifiers for beastmen.

- Added modifiers for Beastmen uprisings event

- Added Beastmen landed rulers on start

- Restrictions for Greenskin councilors

- Prevented Beastmen from becoming mages

- Now mutated characters have to decide if they want to go into hiding; The AI will only do so if not under a Chaos worshipping liege

- Diplo-range added to greenskin collapse stuff

- The collapse event should now only inform over collapsed empires

- Dwarfs can no longer use the reconquest CB against fellow Dwarfs

- Different weak warboss parameters for Goblins (Goblins no longer get it for being craven, hiding or having less than 9 martial, but get it if they have less than 9 intrigue)

- Goblin camp building for non-mountain, non-forest Goblins

- Refusing to send an expedition to a Greenskin province should be less punishing now

- Fixed Elven Factions bug

- Prevented Everqueen from being elegible for Marriage

- All dragons have bonuses

- Beastmen have their own way to handle slaves

- Nerfed Seduction decision, again...

- Lahmian Queen Trait now inherited by heir





Ктож виноват, что спойлеры ставить неудобно?

Ктож виноват, что спойлеры ставить неудобно?

Для этого есть экран быстрых тегов, всё удобно. Правила общие для всех

А смысл тогда создавать тему! Если рабочей сборки нет! Зачем все это выкладывать и давать людям надежду нормально поиграть, когда это невозможно!

А смысл тогда создавать тему! Если рабочей сборки нет! Зачем все это выкладывать и давать людям надежду нормально поиграть, когда это невозможно!

Начнем с того, что надо быть дауном, чтобы не смочь установить мод с инсталятором. Ну а скачать последнюю версию игры можно на рутрекере.

В игре куча багов, никакой баланс и не все проработано, но не в теме локализации об этом же писать.



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 Я уже от скуки даже ГТА 5 начал проходить... :([Cкрыть]

ЗЫ: всех с Праздником!

ЗЗЫ: Мне одному кажется, что одичалых надо нерфить? Они во всех партиях пилят Север и почти во всех - Вестерос. Одичалые!

Изменено пользователем МенМаатСет

Ага, как в фейсбуке и "48 видов геев") Педофилы в игре уже есть, не знаю только, как самому такое получить.

Ага, как в фейсбуке и "48 видов геев") Педофилы в игре уже есть, не знаю только, как самому такое получить.

Европейские ценности еще до такого не дошли, к счастью, поэтому вводить для игрока парадоксы это не будут.

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