The Zenith of Fallen Empires (ZOFE) - Иностранные моды - Перейти к содержимому

The Zenith of Fallen Empires (ZOFE)

Канцлер Шольц

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Канцлер Шольц

Десять тысячелетий назад галактика предчувствовала апокалипсис, когда Вознесенные империи развязали войну и принесли гибель могущественной цивилизации. Убежденные в праведности этого Великого крестового похода, каждая Вознесенная империя расширяла границы науки, выставляя на каждом шагу огромные флоты, вооруженные новым супероружием, каждое из которых было опаснее предыдущего. Шли великие битвы, оставляя после себя тысячи миров-гробниц, эхом отдающихся в пустоте космоса. Сегодня орудия Титанов молчат, их технологии еще не переосмыслены примитивами, пережившими Великий крестовый поход. Немногие империи достигли вершины цивилизации, и уроки Великого крестового похода показали, что даже самые могущественные могут пасть. Несмотря на все свои достижения, падшие империи сегодня являются тенями самих себя, искалеченными внутренней борьбой и апатией. О, они видели такие войны, в которые не поверили бы и примитивы, и именно поэтому они должны служить вечным напоминанием всем молодым расам о ценности галактического мира. Но уроки прошлого легко забываются, даже если отголоски истории преследуют нас до сих пор. Из тени восстает новая сила.


The Zenith of Fallen Empires празднует свою шестую годовщину долгожданной четвертой итерацией популярной серии модов. Благодаря совершенно новой механике вознесения, The Zenith of Fallen Empires повторяет шаги павших, позволяя игрокам подняться на вершину цивилизации и военной мощи, став Вознесенной Империей - Павшей Империей в расцвете сил, где они создают свою собственную сферу влияния, принуждая меньшие империи к своему делу. На этой игровой площадке гигантов будущее галактики поставлено на карту. Основываясь на достижениях, сделанных в версии 3.0, The Zenith of Fallen Empires теперь предлагает большую гибкость и совместимость, чем когда-либо прежде, позволяя игрокам свободно выбирать и прокладывать свой собственный путь в этой абсолютной песочнице - истории подъема и падения их цивилизации.



Welcome to the full list of features, where I will briefly go over the mechanics and functionalities of the Zenith of Fallen Empires 4.0. Significant differences from 3.0 may be noted, but otherwise this is intended for new users. This document is about 13 pages long.

As described in the Introductions, the first thing you must decide for yourself is if you want to play the Zenith of Fallen Empires on Vanilla Mode or Sandbox Mode. Vanilla Mode has limited access to this mod’s features in favor of greater compatibility in the form of not changing country types after ascension, whereas Sandbox Mode has access to all of this mod’s features and will contain the necessary defines and overrides needed for the country type change. Playing in Sandbox Mode requires The Zenith of Fallen Empires: Sandbox submod, and Sandbox mode will be the ZoFE that many long time players know and love.

Upon Game Start, the event Echoes of History will provide a story introduction to the Zenith of Fallen Empires, giving it context and the opportunity for players to select whether they would like to open a mod configuration menu to customize their experience, or auto-generate settings based on the submods or other mods they have installed.

The premise of the Zenith of Fallen Empires remains the same, through normal gameplay, you will be able to grow your empire to reach the pinnacle of civilization, of what the Fallen Empires were before their fall - a Galactic Ascendancy that pursues their vision for the galaxy with fanatical values, shaping galactic history for eons to come. The journey truly begins with the ‘Galactic Ascendancy’ Ascension Perk, which is no stranger to veterans of ZoFE, with a few caveats.

The technology requirement for the Galactic Ascendancy remains the same as in 3.0 in terms of technology, as you will need:


  • Dark Matter Power
  • Ascension Theory
  • Mega-Engineering

The number of ascension perks required for Galactic Ascendancy is now customizable via the main menu at start, from 3-7. Or you can even switch it to OFF if you don’t want to use a Perk slot. This is not recommended for beginners however, as Ascension Perks remain to be the best way for players to track their progress in becoming a Galactic Ascendancy.

Whether you are required to be independent is also customizable via the main menu, as well as the minimum fleet power required to select this Ascension Perk, a new mechanic to the series. An Ascendancy will be at risk if they do not maintain their fleet power.

As for the technology requirements, Ascension Theory and Mega-engineering are vanilla late-game technologies which can already be researched normally, so let’s talk about Dark Matter Power. In vanilla, the Dark Matter Power technology is available only from defeating Fallen Empire fleets and scanning their debris. In ZoFE 4.0, there will be additional means of acquiring this elusive technology.

The event ‘Dark Matter - Possibilities’ will spawn once you have the following:


  • Zero Point Power
  • Dark Matter Drawing

This event is MTTH dependent, with higher difficulties leading to a shorter MTTH. Once you learned that Dark Matter could be used by the Precursor Empires in the most amazing ways, another event called the ‘Precursor’s Power Source’ will follow (again, MTTH dependent on difficulty).

You will be offered 2 paths (and a third if you play with the Ringworld Empire or the Original People Origin) to attain Dark Matter. You can perform a risky expedition on the border of a Fallen Empire to spy on them, or a safer but lengthier research project on your capital.

The riskier expedition lasts 2 years, and may produce 4 outcomes which are dependent on Fallen Empire difficulty that you set. The higher the difficulty, the more likely your expedition didn’t go unnoticed and Fallen Empires might respond negatively to your spying. The second option of researching at home has no risk of a potential Fallen Empire response, but since you will be going through second hand sources and artifacts, the project will take you 7 years to complete. 3 years if you are Ringworld Empire or the Original People.

Either case, upon expedition or project completion, ‘The Quest for Dark Matter Power’ will trigger and you will once again be offered various paths to achieve this.

Start an indigenous research program (Starts The Quest for Dark Matter Situation)
If you have arcane deciphering, you can choose to unlock the Research Dark Matter Power artifact decision, and pay 500 minor artifacts to unlock the research option.
If you are hardcore, you can choose the normal method of blowing up Fallen Empire ships
If you are the Ringworld Empire, you can look into your ancestor’s archives for the research option.
If you are the Original People, you will also receive this research option.

I should talk about The Quest for Dark Matter Power situation, which is an adaptation of the special projects chain from 3.0. This time you can decide how much resources you want to invest into this project, and boy you will pay dearly for progress. It would be impossible to complete this with the fastest approach without some foresight and planning. Upon project completion, you will be given the Dark Matter Power technology, and one step closer to being a Galactic Ascendancy.

Once you meet all the requirements of ascension, you may select the Galactic Ascendancy Perk to ascend, or if you have the ascension perk disabled, you can wait for an event with an MTTH of 20 years. Instead of starting an event chain with 6 special projects in 3.0, it will now begin ‘The Zenith of Fallen Empires’ Situation. If you are the Ringworld Empire or the Original People, the name of the situation would differ.

The six projects from 3.0 are now different stages in your journey of ascension. The situation progress is dependent on approach, your origin, if you are at war, or if you drew ire of one of the Fallen Empires (more on that later). These are the stages, which act as gates for branches of content for which you will have selected in the main menu.


  • Automated Industries - pertains to the unlocking of Fallen Empire buildings.
  • Societal Ascendance - unlocks ethic buildings for your empire, which steers your population towards fanaticism and unlock ethic based civics.
  • A Question of Style - unlocks Fallen Empire ship types, and many color variants to customize your ascendancy.
  • Masters of Warfare - unlocks weapons and ship components provided by this mod.
  • Ambitions of Power - unlocks additional campaigns, ambitions, and the Ascendancy Affairs Office if you are on Sandbox Mode.
  • Engineering Perfection - usually acts as a gate for the second tier of ZoFE technologies, and together with other branches, unlock higher level content.

You will pay dearly for progress, especially if you are a big empire because the costs of maintaining your approaches are scaled to the number of colonies. If you are at war during any point of your ascension, your situation progress will be halved as resources are directed towards your war effort. This mechanic can be used to slow your rivals from completing their ascension. When combined with the progress regression that occurs if your rival does not meet the minimum fleet power, the situation can fail and their population will never be able to summon the will to undertake the gargantuan task of ascension ever again.

Fallen Empires will now take an interest if an empire they do not like is about to ascend. The chance of intervention is dependent on Fallen Empire difficulty settings, with higher difficulties making intervention more likely. Note that these responses and intervention can happen only once in a playthrough so it would be impossible to upset two Fallen Empires at once. This mechanic does not apply to the Ringworld Empire or the Original People origin.


  • Spiritualist Fallen Empire doesn’t like machines ascending in general.
  • Materialist Fallen Empire doesn’t like empires with equivalent technology level.
  • Xenophile Fallen Empire doesn’t like Fanatical Purifiers, Devouring Swarm, or Machine Terminators.
  • Xenophobe Fallen Empire doesn’t like empires with an equivalent fleet power level.

You will be notified by a Fallen Empire that they are displeased with you and will want to install overseers to ‘control’ your ascension progress. You can choose to accept this demand and take a penalty to your ascension situation progress, or reject their demand. Rejecting their demand will lead to various outcomes of severity for your empire, with the higher difficulty making the negative consequences more likely. The Fallen Empire whose demand is rejected may do one of the following:

Do Nothing. They are unable to gather the political will and mobilize their society to do anything about your rise.
They will wake up, becoming an Awakened Fallen Empire.
They will declare war on you.

Despite a treaty signed long ago which stipulated that Fallen Empires should not go into direct conflict with each other, ancient grudges and rivalries remain.


  • If you are a Fanatic Spiritualist or possess the head of Zarqlan, the Spiritualist Fallen Empire may provide you aid if you are attacked by the Materialist or the Xenophobe Fallen Empire, just to spite their rivals.
  • If you are attacked by the Spiritualist Fallen Empire and don’t have an equivalent technology level, the Materialist Fallen Empire may provide you aid just to spite the Spiritualists.
  • If you are a Fanatic Xenophile, the Xenophile Fallen Empire may provide you aid if you are attacked by the Xenophobe or the Materialist Fallen Empire, just to spite their rivals.
  • Xenophobes obviously won’t help anyone.

Once you have completed the situation you will become either a Galactic Ascendancy if you are on Vanilla Mode, or an Ascended Empire if you are on Sandbox Mode. The National Focus Civics from ZoFE 2.0 is brought back in favor of the 3.0 civics system. The following are your national civics for 4.0, they are added as a 4th civic similar to Galactic Emperor and do not replace existing civics. They are intended to be powerful but somewhat balanced against each other. Unlike 3.0, once these are chosen, the civics can only be removed but never swapped to a different focus.


  • Galactic Superpower
  • Beacon of Prosperity
  • Industrial Juggernaut
  • World Architect
  • Spymaster
  • All Seeing Eye (Hive Mind Only)
  • All Seeing Machine (Machine Only)

The Ethic civics are now gated behind Societal Ascendance as to represent a natural progression of your society towards fanaticism. After the branch’s technologies are fully researched (The last one being Ascended Society), the ‘Path to Fanaticism’ event will trigger to prompt you that an Ascendancy should stand for something to make a mark in the galaxy, and you are given the opportunity to remove a minor ethic in order to pursue your fanatic ethic with total fanaticism. This is a Sandbox Mode event.

Should you decide to pursue fanaticism, you will gain a special project to mass convert your pops into your fanatical ethic, and once completed your minor ethic will be removed, as well as granting you access to ZoFE’s Ethic civics, which you can swap in and out of with other vanilla civics should you wish to.


  • Scripture Scholars
  • Fanatical Roboteers
  • Fervid Xeno Collectors
  • Xenophobic Fervor
  • Inspiring Warlords
  • Walled Garden
  • Master Race
  • Utopian Union

Aside from gaining access to new civics and technologies, being an Ascended Empire (Sandbox Mode) also gives you access to new subject types. Since the Overlord Update, Subjects have been reworked and thus the subject agreement presets provided by this mod will be for flavors only, and functionally not all that different to what you already have access to in the DLC. These new subject types are:


  • Dominion
  • Satellite
  • Signatory
  • Thrall
  • Clan Member
  • Demilitarized State
  • Puppet State
  • Union State
  • Satrapy
  • Symbiote
  • Auxiliary
  • Coerced Investor (Megacorp submod)

Certain subjects like Demilitarized State, Clan Member (requires Inspiring Warlords civic) have special buffs/debuffs while Auxiliary grants the overlord a bonus to robot assembly speed. Your subjects are an Ascended Empire’s sphere of influence, and from time to time, you may get events from them, and you can interact with them via the Ascendancy Affairs Office (Sandbox Only).

The Ascendancy Affairs Office is unlocked with the fifth technology in the Ambitions of Power branch, and is Sandbox only. It is accessed through an edict and represents your ruler’s office from which all your Ascendancy Affairs are conducted. Here, you can perform a multitude of friendly or mean actions to your neighbors, subjects and federation members alike. Be a bully? Sure. Be benevolent? Sure. From gifting them with your ships to stealing your subject’s outposts, if it is within your sphere of influence, you can do anything as long as your conscience allows you to. These are some of the actions currently available in the Ascendancy Affairs Office:


  • Transfer Resources - Energy, Minerals, Consumer Goods, Alloys, Minor Artifacts
  • Transfer Technology - Dark Matter Power, Lost Technologies
  • Transfer Fleet
  • Take - A Pop, A Scientist, A Fleet, An Outpost
  • Launch - Asteroid Strike, Dimensional Horror, Psionic Avatar, Punitive Sanctions
  • Plot - Ruler Assassination

Note that being friendly or being mean will produce new opinion modifiers for your subjects, and some options such as the Dimensional Horror Strike requires the Portal Generator Technology, so there might be various requirements and limits to these actions.

Several of the 3.0 functionalities are also ported to the Ascendancy Affairs Office as well. Starbase Redesign, Ringworld Redesign, Clear System debris, Renounce Ascendancy etc are also done from the Ascendancy Affairs Office. Another new internal affairs option is to manage decadence in your empire, should it become a problem.

When two Ascended Empires (sandbox) fight under certain war goals, it becomes a clash of spheres of influence and they can call all their subjects to an epic war, similar to War in Heaven.

There are numerous war goals available for Ascended Empires. Claim, Colossus, Humiliate, Ideology (vs default), Subjugation (vs default), and End Threat (vs Genocidal). Default empires may also use the End Threat war goal against an Ascended Empire similar to how they fight an Awakened Fallen Empire. In addition, two new war goals are available with this mod: Banish Ascendancy and Total Annihilation, both of which are not Total Wars.

Banish Ascendancy: Requires poor or worse opinion. On accept, the defeated Ascendancy will be ‘Banished’, becoming a Fallen Empire (a new country type) as well as being a subject of the victor. They don’t pay tax, but will have their civics removed and replaced with nasty debuff civics, and you will also acquire all their subjects. You may also use this against Awakened Fallen Empires.

Total Annihilation: Requires terrible opinion. Only available against Ascended Empires of the direct opposite fanatic ethic (E.g. Spiritualist vs Materialist), or against Hive Minds and Machines, or against something Genocidal. On accept, the defeated Ascendancy and its subjects will be wiped from the galaxy (mass Genocide, as if they have never existed…). On Status quo, all colonies within the opposing empire’s borders will be destroyed, bypassing Land Invasion. Other Empires will also remember you for being genocidal, so this war goal is best reserved for empires that deserve your utter hatred.


At this point, it is probably a good idea to go through what each of the technology branches in the content menu does. This will of course be familiar to 3.0 users.

Automated Industries unlocks vanilla Fallen Empire buildings (via adding a direct clone of the vanilla buildings in this mod), and once you have researched them all, you will unlock upgrades for them that consume more strategic resources as upkeep, but produce more resources. With the appropriate Lost Technologies, you can unlock an even higher tier of these buildings with the highest being the crisis rewards. This branch is required if you want to create Utopian Worlds which utilizes the same automated technologies but in your districts.

Societal Ascendance provides 2 tiers of technologies that describe the evolution of your society towards fanaticism. The first tier unlocks an ethic building only usable if you have the corresponding ethic, the second tier unlocks an ethic building only usable if you have a corresponding fanatic ethic. Unlocking this also means ‘The Path to Fanaticism’ event could trigger for Sandbox Mode players, meaning you can use this opportunity to begin a special project to convert all your pops to a single, fanatic ethic, and drop the minor ethic. Once the minor ethic is dropped, new ethic related civics for your empire should be available to you.

A Question of Style unlocks Fallen Empire ship types that you see in vanilla. Escorts, Battlecruisers and Fallen Empire Titans are new ship classes that are available to you once you have researched the technologies to build them. You will be given an opportunity to change your graphical culture to be more Fallen Empire appropriate, and if you have Engineering Perfection, you will be given extra technologies for hull and build speed upgrades. New sections for these ship types will be available if you find the lost blueprints among the Lost Technologies that you find, and the most powerful sections are only unlocked by defeating the crisis.

Masters of Warfare replaced the old Technology Mastery of 3.0, and is now used to unlock all ship components provided by this mod. Dark Matter Weapons are researched normally through technology, their damage roughly 50% higher than that of the highest vanilla tier. Their damage potential can be further enhanced by 3 more technologies which increase their damage. Lost Technology Weapons cannot be researched normally (they’re lost) and must be found first. Otherwise they do 2x more damage than vanilla and the ship components provide 2x the stats. There are 5 technologies which increase the damage of Lost Technology weapons. Original Empire Weapons are available only if you are the Original People, or you have destroyed the crisis’ ships. They are 4x vanilla and their damage increase bonuses depend upon player choices and how they choose to engage with the story.

Ambitions of Power unlocks 5 technologies which offer a range of campaigns and powerful unity ambitions, with the last 3 being exclusive to Sandbox Mode players. The last one unlocks the Ascendancy Affairs Office, which we have already covered.

Engineering Perfection acts as the second gate to Automated Industries, A Question of Style, and Masters of Warfare. It also unlocks Utopian Worlds if combined with Automated Industries. Utopian Worlds are built from Gaia, Ecumenopolis, Ringworlds, or level 3 habitats for regular empires, and Hive/Machine or Ringworlds for Gestalts. Utopian Worlds utilize the automated technologies so each district now contains automated buildings, saving you building slots and also massively increasing your economic output. This output can be further increased if you have Lost or Original Empire Technologies. Automation however, takes away jobs too. Unemployed pops will become Hedonists living off excesses of your empire on these worlds. Hive Mind Drones may become confused, and Machines may be infected with a strange virus. This feeds into the Decadence mechanic that is set in the main menu.

This mod contains a number of digsites relating to Fallen Empires and the Great Crusade should you be interested in some lore, and the completion of which will grant you Lost Technologies, similar to the Archaeotech introduced in Stellaris 3.7. The idea is that the weapons used in the Great Crusade were bigger, stronger, and costlier than what the Fallen Empires use today, and as such were retired or were decommissioned along with the great recession that followed. These are powerful components and weapons with the Archaeoengineers perk (Sandbox only) giving them extra oomph. The completion of each digsite also grants you Lost Technology insights, further increasing Lost Technology Weapon damage (up to +160%). +75% may be achieved via further technological research and +15% may be achieved via an edict. With the +33% from the Archaeoengineers Perk the highest potential damage bonus for Lost Technologies is +283%, which makes Lost Technologies quite a bit stronger than 3.0 should you get all these bonuses (and you will need them…)

Say you are unlucky and didn’t come across any digsites (They are found in FE capitals, Materialist Archive, uninhabited Tomb Planets, Molten/Shattered/Broken planets, RE Origin capital), an event will pop up after some time that enables you to use the Recover Lost Technologies decision, which costs 2000 Minor Artifacts. There it will open a menu and you can choose whichever technology you want to unlock, but it will share a 2-year cooldown with arcane deciphering. The Lost Technology Menu is supposedly a backup for when you are unable to acquire them via digsites and is intended to prepare you for the endgame.

Should you need more Minor Artifacts, you can check out the new Archaeomuseum building that is new to 4.0. It provides 2 jobs (3 if you have Archaeoengineers) which produces 1 Minor Artifact Each and each job has an upkeep of 100 energy and 10 consumer goods (or 10 alloys for gestalts). This building is planet unique and will ensure a steady trickle of Minor Artifacts to your empire along with the Hoard Minor Artifacts Ambition.

There are currently four ways to ‘fall’ as an Ascended Empire, which is a Sandbox Mode feature. The first and most straightforward path is to renounce your ascendancy directly from the Ascendancy Affairs Office, while the second is if one loses the banish ascendancy wargoal and was banished and put down with a harsh treaty. And then there are two situations that will pop up and the completion of which will turn you into a Fallen Empire (formerly Lost Empire in 3.0). These situations can go both ways so you can always try to fight the downward spiral at a great cost to you. The first one is conditional to the setting of Ascended Empire Minimum Fleet Requirement, and should an Ascendancy fall beneath this number, unless they are at war, the situation will begin. This situation will progress until your fleet power is back to the minimum amount set, and will regress once you have regained your strength. This is to prevent weak Ascended Empires from claiming dominion over the galaxy where they have literally no power to remain there.

The second way to fall is decadence. Again set from the menu, after the preset number of years, hedonist pops might show up in your empire as automation takes their jobs, their equivalent (new in 4.0), confused drone and custodian drones may appear in gestalt empires for other reasons, and they will accumulate slowly (one worker pop every 2 months), or if you are on a utopian world, all unemployed pops will be hedonists/decadent pops. At 5 hedonist jobs, the Hedonist Party will form and let you know their demands - high standards of living, reproductive freedoms etc. They are mostly pacifists who don’t really like it when the state goes to war and prefer to stay at home in the comfort of luxuries. At 10% Hedonist to population ratio, Ascendancy Affairs Office may gain an option to unlock a planet decision on some of your worst affected planets, that offers a Hedonist ‘Rehab’, which has a 70% chance to succeed. If you succeed you can put these pops back to work, and if you do not, they may resent the state for their conversion therapy and have lowered pop happiness.

At 15% Hedonist to population ratio, the Decadence Situation will start at stage 4, which can progress or regress depending on your approach. Each stage brings a new negative modifier to your empire (based on Awakened Fallen Empire Decadence but split up in stages).

Once you have completed your transition to a Fallen Empire, your subjects will be converted to Scions and you will have lost your ascended empire civics, instead gaining 2 civics similar to the Fallen Empires in vanilla. If you are banished however, you could be forced to sign a peace treaty with nasty debuff civics and your overlord will destroy you should you ever attempt to return to power.

Otherwise the Ascendancy Affairs Office is still available to Fallen Empires as of now, and it is my plan to expand it and the features of playing as a Fallen Empire.

The Zenith of Fallen Empires Sandbox Mode offers 2 Origins, representing the aftermath of the two different sides of the central conflict of the story that took place 10000 years ago. The Ringworld Empire was, although destroyed during the war, an important member of the coalition that brought the Fallen Empires to victory, and thus Fallen Empires are particularly receptive to the return of the Ringworld Empire to the galactic stage. Ringworld Empires are ‘boosted’ with unique events, neighboring megastructures and as well as progress bonuses during ascension, as well as their own unique dig site and access to lost technologies.

On the other side of the conflict was the Original People Origin, their people long imagined to be hunted to extinction by the Fallen Empires 10000 years ago. The Original Empire was destroyed during the war, and their people’s return to the galactic stage will be met with suspicion by the Fallen Empires. Original People have access to their own ships and technologies otherwise not researchable normally in game, their own events, digsites, neighboring megastructures as well as progress bonuses during ascension. They will be attacked by the coalition of Fallen Empires if they attempt to ascend or attempt to rush a Fallen Empire before ascension.

This mod features an end-game crisis that appears in the form of a mysterious, militarist Fallen Empire known as the Ancient Custodians appearing on the galactic stage when one of the 3 vanilla crisis factions have spawned (unbidden, prethoryn, contingency). They claim to be the historical guardian of the galaxy against existential threats, and will attempt to unite younger races to their cause to repel the invaders. The Ancient Custodians will offer up to 3 deals depending on player choice and each deal will increase the Ancient Custodian’s effectiveness in combat.

The other Fallen Empires will be unhappy to learn that the Ancient Custodians have returned and will attempt to convince younger races to take their side instead. It is revealed later that the Ancient Custodians are in fact remnants of the Original Empire once thought destroyed during the Great Crusade, and that they have returned to reclaim their heritage and take revenge against the precursor empires that have defeated them. Another crusade ensues where the players can choose to take the side of the Fallen Empires, or the Original Empire, or help none of them.

If the Fallen Empires are defeated, the Original Empire may awaken and start their domination campaign against those that have defied them in the past, or stayed neutral in the conflict, until all of the galaxy is subjugated under their banner. Should the player be successful in defeating Original Empire ships and capturing their planets, they will be able to access Original Empire technologies as reward, which are the highest tier technologies provided in this mod.



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Изменено пользователем Maraniro

Канцлер Шольц

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У вас не сохранилась копия руссификатора мода? А то его из стима удалили.

Канцлер Шольц
В 02.12.2023 в 14:10, Folosman сказал:

У вас не сохранилась копия руссификатора мода? А то его из стима удалили.

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