When the World Stopped Making Sense - Миграционная эпоха 476-700 гг. н. э. - Иностранные моды - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

When the World Stopped Making Sense - Миграционная эпоха 476-700 гг. н. э.

Канцлер Шольц

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Канцлер Шольц



When the World Stopped Making Sense - A Migrational Era Mod for CK3 - 476-700 AD


When the World Stopped Making Sense (WtWSMS) - это масштабный капитальный проект для CK2, позволяющий играть в Эпоху Великого Переселения в любую дату между 476 (падение Западной Римской империи) и 600 годами, и продолжать игру до ванильной даты окончания, 1453 (падение Восточной Римской империи).


Вот основные возможности, которые планируется реализовать в моде в версии 1.0.0. 


- Новые закладки и временная шкала, игра между 476 и 800 годами, со всеми знаковыми датами.
- Полная переработка карты культур, десятки новых культур с сопутствующими плавильными котлами
- Переработанные религии, с уникальными ересями и расколами, начиная от христианских церковных соборов и заканчивая восходом ислама.
- Уникальная система управления с переходами и преемственностью, от бюрократических, гуптских и сасанидских правителей до феодальных субримских царств.
- Динамические решения и события, рождающие новые империи и приводящие к распаду старых царств
- Механика миграции, разработанная динамически, чтобы дать выбор игрокам и ИИ, со специальными особенностями для славянских племен
- Распадающиеся римские легионы, механика повторных завоеваний и контракты с федератами.
- События со вкусом, позволяющие ощутить особые чувства при игре во всех регионах карты


Дискорд группа- Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Гитхаб разработчиков Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Вики страница мода Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Вышла альфа версия мода. Этот мод основан на существующем моде WtWSMS для CK2



Steam Workshop
1. Go to the WtWSMS workshop page: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
2. Click "Subscribe"
3. Launch CK3
4. Wait for mod download to complete in Steam client
5. Select the mod "WtWSMS" in the Mod tab
6. Play!


Paradox Mods
1. Go to the WtWSMS Paradox Mods page: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
2. Click "Add" and select the appropriate playset
3. Launch CK3
4. Wait for mod download to complete in the launcher
5. Select the mod "WtWSMS" in the Mod tab
6. Play!



Русификатор устаревший Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Изменено пользователем Maraniro

Канцлер Шольц

Текущая версия мода v0.1.2




  • Updated the mod for 1.7.2

Title Grants:

  • Temporarily disabled the generic title grant buttons in the GUI for Eranshahr governments with low Secular Authority for counties while working on a GUI fix that takes religion of the holder into account


  • Ostrogoths get "Quarrelsome" tradition to grant them additional CBs
  • History
  • Updates to some in-game DNA (does not yet effect bookmarks)
  • Decisions
  • Nikomedia is a valid capital for ERE restoration

Casus Belli:

  • Roman Successor and Roman Imperial conquests have dynamised gold costs; they cost 1/2 the years income OR 500 gold, whichever is less

Landed Titles:

  • Titular titles now properly support AI primary priorities


  • Some minor updates to Aghwank (Caucasian Albania) holdings and cultural names


  • Women allowed to be Mithraic priests
  • Localisation
  • Updated Hypsistarian localisation
  • Updated Slavic Duchy flavorisation
  • Updated the "Grant to [My Culture] Noble" and "Grant to Local Noble" buttons to inform players of why that button might be disabled
  • Localisation typo fixes


  • Patron Gods extends to Hellenics properly
  • Fixed automutilation being available to eunuchs
  • Tax revolt localisation/graphics issues fixed
  • Allowed non-Zoroastrian Eranshahr government characters to grant Zoroastrian counties to anyone
  • Islamic Syncretism blocked before rise of Islam
  • Fixed the bureaucratic succession bug not changing vassal bureaucrats to gubernatorials
  • Ahistorical artifacts should no longer spawn as a result of inspirations
  • Fixed tribal holdings not converting when changing government to Feudal/Clan
  • Fixed permission issue for government conversion decisions
  • Fixed issue with title revocation for capitals
  • Fixed independent Sub-Roman getting the "as a vassal you petition your liege on taxes" Sub-Roman event


Изменено пользователем Maraniro

Канцлер Шольц

Разработка мода, если судить по гитхаб репозиторию, идет очень туго и медленно. :o_0: На данный момент текущая версия мода 0.1.2 и скорее всего мод превратится в долгострой, будет вечной альфа версии.:Cherna-facepalm:



Image 036.jpg

Изменено пользователем Maraniro

Флавий Аниций
22 минуты назад, Maraniro сказал:

Разработка мода, если судить по гитхаб репозиторию, идет очень туго и медленно. :o_0: На данный момент текущая версия мода 0.1.2 и скорее всего мод превратится в долгострой, будет вечной альфа версии

Мод для второй части тоже был долгостроем. Его лет 7 или 8 пилили. Впрочем, он был очень крутым, думаю этот будет не хуже.

Вероятно, причина такой низкой скорости в том, что мод делается всего одним человеком.

Канцлер Шольц
45 минут назад, Флавий Аниций сказал:

Мод для второй части тоже был долгостроем. Его лет 7 или 8 пилили. Впрочем, он был очень крутым, думаю этот будет не хуже.

Вероятно, причина такой низкой скорости в том, что мод делается всего одним человеком.

На гитхаб у них 11 разработчиков. Дискорд группа какая-то слабая у них. 

Флавий Аниций
8 минут назад, Maraniro сказал:

На гитхаб у них 11 разработчиков. Дискорд группа какая-то слабая у них. 

 Формально состоят в команде 11, а основную работу делает лидер, ну может ещё 1-2 человека помогают иногда. По крайней мере, у мода на Ck2 было примерно так. 


Изменено пользователем Флавий Аниций

Канцлер Шольц
5 минут назад, Флавий Аниций сказал:

 Формально состоят в команде 11, а основную работу делает лидер, ну может ещё 1-2 человека помогают иногда. По крайней мере, у мода на Ck2 было примерно так. 


Возможно, людей у них на порядок меньше, чем в ЕК2. 

Канцлер Шольц

Основная проблема мода это пиар, реклама. Людей отталкивает длинное название мода, которое никак не раскрывает содержимое мода. Группа дискорд очень слабая, там всего 1200 человек. И это группа одна для первой и второй части мода. Баг репорты и рекомендаций пишут мало, чат полу живой.

У нас в группе переводу ЕК2 950 человек. И там все русскоязычные, живой чат и много обратной связи в виде багрепортов и тд. 

Самое интересное, нигде не видел у них объявление про набор людей для разработки мода. Те же ЕК2 написали, что открыты новым людям.

Вообщем подход самих разработчиков мода к всему очень странный. 

Флавий Аниций
15 часов назад, Maraniro сказал:

Вообщем подход самих разработчиков мода к всему очень странный.

Могу предположить, что это связано вот с чем: Elder Kings делается ради большого комьюнити. Автора  WtWSMS, судя по всему, пиар не особо интересует. Он разрабатывает мод, в основном для себя, по этому и не пытается набрать как можно больше людей. Либо сама идея такого мода просто менее интересна для аудитории, чем E.K.


Изменено пользователем Флавий Аниций

Канцлер Шольц
1 час назад, Флавий Аниций сказал:

Могу предположить, что это связано вот с чем: Elder Kings делается ради большого комьюнити. Автора  WtWSMS, судя по всему, пиар не особо интересует. Он разрабатывает мод, в основном для себя, по этому и не пытается набрать как можно больше людей. Либо сама идея такого мода просто менее интересна для аудитории, чем E.K.

Кстати,возможно и это мод тоже возьмем на перевод. В перерывах с ЕК2,переводить этот мод)

Канцлер Шольц
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. "Just Rip it out and Replace It" Religion Rework in 0.2.0 2022-11-07




Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Работа идёт в этом Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , а потом уже заливается на основной. Так что не вводите в заблуждение, прогресс идёт.

Канцлер Шольц

@Desidur кстати этот мод схож с Fallen Eagle, только здесь идет упор на культуры.

Канцлер Шольц
В 20.12.2022 в 23:31, Symmachus сказал:

Работа идёт в этом Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , а потом уже заливается на основной. Так что не вводите в заблуждение, прогресс идёт.

Как то медленно идет этот прогресс.

На гитхаб не очень активная работа, а про обновления в стиме я молчу.






Канцлер Шольц

Сделал машинный перевод мода. Закинул в шапку :drink:

Канцлер Шольц

Дневник разработчиков: Dev Diary 15:  Additional Heritages Required


Dev Diary 15: Additional Supply Depots Required Additional Heritages Required

It's been a while, so it's about time for another dev diary. This one will talk more about heritage and culture changes.

Standard Warning: As always, everything featured here can be completely changed or even removed before release.

As we alluded to earlier, heritages were also getting a rework. Unlike language, heritage is an extremely fuzzy notion, and as such a tree structure is not a good way of modelling it. Instead, we've done completely away with a tree structure for heritages, and now heritage groups and families are instead flexible.

Heritage Groups and Families
A heritage can now have any number of groups or families instead of only one. This means we can now have far more detailed gradations than was previously possible. For example, consider Byzantine Heritage:



It is now part of both the West Asian and European Families, so it's baseline with both is higher. It also spans both the West Asian and Balko-Anatolian groups.

Or consider Amazigh heritage: it spans the Afro-Asian, North African, and West African Groups, as well as the African and West Asian families.





The improvement in granularity means we can have a better model for how cultures relate to one another.

Here's the current model for both the Heritage Groups and Heritage Families.






Heritage Groups; note Levantine Romance being in both Romance and West Asian Groups


Heritage Families

Heritage Division
As people can see in the above, we've added a number of new heritages. I'll give a brief overview of some of the major changes:

East Iranian is dead!
First, East Iranian is no longer a heritage group; we've been trying to move away from language branch == heritage group for a while, and the new heritage group/family mechanics means we can finally do so. It's been split into a few new groups:



  • Sakan is for Saka, Dahi Scythian, and Indo-Scythian cultures, representing the nomadic Scythian cultures that were clearly within the Iranian cultural sphere of influence.
  • Samartian is for Sarmatian, Iazyges, and various Alan cultures, representing the nomadic Scythian cultures that were not as readily within the Iranian sphere of influence.
  • Serindian is a renaming of Tocharian heritage; it applies to the "Serindian" cultures, or those non-tribal cultures that were within the Greater Iranian, Greater Indian, and Greater Chinese cultural spheres: Tocharian, Guchi, Khotanese, and Sogdian. Khotanese is a new culture that is a divergence of Sakan and represents the later Sakan groups that settled in the Tarim Basin (the Kingdom of Khotan and Shule kingdoms).
  • Iranian covers the remaining East Iranian groups that were pretty clearly within the greater Iranian cultural sphere: Bactrian, Khwarezmian, Amardian, Afghan.




Peristan is the heritage that covers the various western Himalayan peoples, both Indo-European speaking (Pamirs, Kalash, Nuristanis) and not (Burusho). Being very isolated, they don't cleanly fit into Serindian, Indian, Himmalyan, or Iranian spheres, and thus have their own heritage, along with new traditions helping model their long-term isolation.






We've also spoken with cyberxkhan at RICE and integrated Dezawism for the pagan religion of the Peristanis, replacing the various culture-specific religions with something more general.






With the heritage drift mechanics more-or-less fleshed out, we've moved (Old) Slavic from East Slavic heritage to instead having a (Common) Slavic heritage. Eventually, we'll code for cultural splits like the Latin cultures have.






Latin Culture Division
Since many players like playing Latin cultures/governments, it remains a top focus. So we've now added a number of heritages to model the cultural changes that took place (or could have taken place) during the migration period. Here's a list of Latin divergence heritages:




  • Italian: For Romance cultures in Greater Italy
  • Iberian: For Romano-Hispanic cultures
  • Frankish: For Romano-Gallic cultures with a Frankish superstratum (ruled by Franks/hybridized by Franks)
  • Gallic Romance: For Romano-Gallic cultures without a Frankish superstratum
  • Northern Romance: For Romano-British cultures
  • Eastern Romance: For Romano-Pannonian, Romano-Noric, Romano-Thracian, and Romano-Dacian cultures.
  • Southern Romance: For Romano-African cultures
  • Levantine Romance: For Romano-Aramean cultures

Note that some of these aren't strictly in the European Family; Southern Romance spans both African and European families, while Levantine Romance is not in the European family. All these child cultures are still within the Romance group however, so an Italian heritage culture has a +10 acceptance baseline with Levantine Romance while a Central Germanic culture (not being in the same group or family) would have a +0 acceptance baseline.

Both Vasconic and Iberian are in the same group as well, so they have a +10 baseline.

The final change we've implemented is the notion of "Kulturbunds" (lit. "culture federation", from my very poor German) for certain cultures that should have a higher-than-group acceptance with one another, but still shouldn't have the same heritage. There are three Kulturbunds right now:


  • The Turko-Mongol kulturbund (Turkic and Mongolic heritages)
  • The Scythian kulturbund (Sarmatian and Sakan heritages)
  • The Himalayan kulturbund (Peristani, Qiangic, and Tibetan heritages)

This provides a +15 baseline acceptance instead of a shared group +10 baseline acceptance. In particular, the Scythian kulturbund allows us to have a sense of "shared cultural values" between the greater Scythian groups without requiring them to have the same heritage.





### Tradition Changes
We've made some minor tweaks to some heritages. There's now a "Greco-Romano" cultural tradition for both Byzantine and Latin cultures that both blocks hybridization and increases baseline cultural acceptance. Should make it easier to hold a combined Greco-Roman empire together.






Heritage Cultural Traditions also increase baseline cultural acceptance for cultures that have the same Heritage Cultural Tradition.









Both Heritage Cultural Tradition and Greco-Roman cultural tradition baseline acceptances stack

Governments: The Vision
Some players have complained about a lack of flavour/dynamism for governments in 0.1.*, that things all play vaguely the same. We hear that and are working on an overhaul of at least bureaucratic/gubernatorial governments in 0.2.0. Ideally, we want each government to feel and play very differently, modelling the different approaches to politics and power. In particular, I want Roman government to avoid feeling like feudalism as much as possible while still remaining interesting to the players.

That said, there are some very real limitations the game engine enforces that we cannot easily work around. We're reviewing how much we can push the game to its limits, but that remains under investigation.

That's it for this dev diary; it's a little shorter than I'd like, but that's all I can talk about right now. Next dev diary might not be for a while (as we investigate the game engine limitations, which is a non-trivial effort), but rest-assured we are working on it.


Дневник разработчиков: Dev Diary 14: Tower of Babel (PARS UNA)


Dev Diary 14: Tower of Babel (PARS UNA)

It's been a while, so it's about time for another dev diary. This one will talk about language, heritage, and related GUI changes for 0.2.0.

Standard Warning: As always, everything featured here can be completely changed or even removed before release.

The GUI:
While we've added minorities to the game system (courtesy of Nezaros of "Rajas of Asia"), I've been unhappy with the map modes, which did not quite give the granularity I desired. So, I instead spent some time working on and learning the GUI and have come up with an even better version (to toot my own horn a bit)!

Now, when you click on the culture map, you'll see a little button in the top left.




Just because I can make graphics doesn't mean the graphics I make are any good!

When pressed, it will display the minorities associated with this culture, including a breakdown of Majority/Large/Small minorities.





So beautiful...

With this change, we now have a relatively simple way of showing specific cultural minorities, which is a version with which I'm relatively happy. When I've gotten this map work "complete", I think it'll find its way back into the Cultural and Religious Minorities in Steam [1].

So, while the culture and religion maps now look a little different, you can see how we're taking advantage of the minority system to provide a more granular approach to the map. Here's a few examples (nothing is truly "settled" yet, but it should give some idea about how things look.





Still working on button placement for the Religion GUI


Shared HOF majority province Religion is also shown


As we mentioned previously, the Eastern Syriac Church has a more widespread presence than the religion map would have led you to believe


Arameans, Arameans everywhere


Roman Influence in the Isles was more extensive than the culture mode revealed

Language and Heritage Hierarchy
As hinted at with the last dev diary, the other big change that's coming is in languages. Now that I've finished working on
the Romance languages (or at least, our first cut of the Romance languages) I feel more confident to discuss in detail how we're changing things.

The Community Culture Utility was a good start, and for languages the tree model is useful at the higher levels, but it starts falling apart at the lower levels. Sure, Catalan and Occitan are Occitano-Romance languages, but Catalan isn't nearly as intelligible with French as Occitan is, and Castilian isn't as intelligible with Occitan as Catalan is. So, I've refactored the language model. Here's the new hierarchy and the associated cultural acceptance values:


  • +2 Family (e.g., Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, &c.)
  • +2 Language Union (Caucasian, Indian, Steppe-Siberian (alias Altaic))
  • +4 Branch (e.g., Italic, Balto-Slavic, Germanic, Indo-Aryan, &c.)
  • +4 Creole (e.g., Cantabrian, Mozarabic, &c.)
  • +6 Group (e.g., Romance, Baltic, Slavic, West Germanic, Nuristani, Iranic, &c.)
  • +8 Dialect Continuum (e.g., Occitano-Romance, Gallo-Romance, East Iranian, &c.)
  • +10 Same Language

Every language will have a family and a branch, and may have a group or dialect continuum. This allows us to model the fact that while the tree model works at the high level, it starts falling apart at lower levels, where the line between dialect and language begins to blur.

Furthermore, we've added the notion of Creoles to model situations where languages were at least somewhat Creolized during the period; it includes the (at least partly) Latinized Gallaecian and Cantabrian languages (after centuries of Romanization, such linguistic influence would be noticeable) and Mozarabic and Syrian Romance (with strong Semitic influences after centuries; see below for more detail about Syrian Romance).

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Legend at the top center-right. Still in progress, but should give players an idea on how much detail we're adding to the game.

For heritages, the tree model starts falling apart at the top level; cultural practices can't be cleanly divided, even at high levels. As such, we've revamped the CCU model and will instead make it possible for heritages to span multiple families and groups. We're still deciding how to break things down into the more flexible dialect cotinua-model for heritage families and groups, but its in the works.

Linguistic Drift
With Royal Court, Language and Culture were finally broken up. This allows us to model the evolution of languages with greater precision without as much work. So, with a lot of work, we've implemented events to model the evolution of Latin from a common language into its myriad medieval varieties.

We've decided (for now) to model the progression of Latin in (at least) 3-4 steps:

Latin => Proto-Romance => New Romance Language

The "Proto-Romance" languages are the various poorly attested regional variations of Latin that arose from around 450-900, when the Old Varieties of the modern Romance languages began to be attested [2]. The Proto-Languages share a continuum with both Latin and their children, helping us model the steady drift of languages into a true dialect continuum. By the final step, Iberian Romance and Gallo-Romance no longer share a dialect continuum and the shift away from a united Latin is complete.

A few languages have an additional step (e.g., Occitano-Romance divides into Occitan and Catalan, Iberian Romance into Castilian, Galician, Astureleonese, &c.) but that is not necessarily the case for all languages.

Mozarabic and Syrian Romance exist as creolized Semitic hybrids, the former if Semitic speakers reach the Iberian peninsula [3] and Syrian Romance is the evolution of the Latin speaking Romano-Arameans.

We have similar (if less extensive) events lined up for the evolution of the Indo-Aryan Prakrits into the Early Modern forms as well with similar dialect mechanics, the evolution of Slavic from Common Slavic, &c.





Latin to Proto-Italo-Romance varieties.


With the language change comes a decrease in cultural acceptance

We also have similar events for breaking up Latin Heritage into Iberian heritage, Frankish heritage, &c. or Slavic into East/West/South, but that'll wait until we're finished with defining the new heritage groups and families.

Now I know most people have many, many ideas for all sorts of languages, like "what if the Finns migrate to Italy; we should have a Finno-Latin hybrid language evolution!" For now, we're mostly focused on history and getting 476 complete. While the mechanics are extensible, we run into a combinatorics issue that I don't want to spend the time dealing with right now [4].

So, for now, we're going to keep the scope focused on history and whatever little Easter Eggs the devs want to throw in, but maybe in the (far far) future we can have every possible combination and combination of combinations [5]. But that'll wait until after religious conflicts, the Schism, Mazdakism event chain, Rise of Islam, &c.


Дневник разработчиков: Dev Diary 13: What the Romans Begat (Part Deux)


Dev Diary 13: What the Romans Begat (Part Deux)

It's been a while, so it's about time for another dev diary. This one will talk about what progress we've been making on the game map/history, as that's been the main thrust of development efforts so far.

To note, we'll be citing the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire frequently and will abbreviate it as (PLRE) for simplicity.

Similarly, I will note that, like the minorities we showcased last time, this will all be a part of the 0.2.0 Release. We may have some additional 0.1.* releases in the interim.

Standard Warning: As always, everything featured here can be completely changed or even removed before release.

The Map
For now, we'll focus on Western Europe, which has a number of noticeable changes:



Plenty of stuff outside of Western Europe is being worked on, but we haven't settled on too much, so we'll leave it out for now.

Immediately, users are going to notice a few things:


  • The Franks are all different!
  • Britannia seems different!
  • What's that Alan Blob in the middle of Gaul?
  • The Alamannians are different and blobbier even!

Rest assured, we'll talk about these in detail.

The Franks
Carefully reading the PLRE makes it clear that the existing Frankish setup leaves much to be desired for the sake of historical accuracy. On that front, we've placed the major Frankish groups based on what historical attestation we can find (and those that don't, well, we try our best). This is the overall result, which more accurately places Mosania, Ripuaria, and Salia based on what we know historically, particularly the centering of Salia on Tournai and the Mosian Franks on Cambrai. Lacking much attestation from what we've found, Chararic controls the remaining Franks across the Rhine.

Based on further research, we suspect the Frisians controlled Zeeland and the Chatti (or what would have remained of them) would have (by the Vth Century anyway) been around the Kassel-Marbug region instead of further north and have made those Chatti a vassal of Chararic rather than the Saxons.

The increased map density in CK3 helped us greatly overhaul Britain. While we can't represent every Sub-Roman British statelet, we've been able to increase the number noticeably, including:


  • Britons and Romano-Britons:
    • Derby (Derwent)
    • Leicester (Ratae)
    • Dyfed
    • Ceredigion
    • Rhos (as part of Guynet)
    • Gwinntguic
    • Eburakon (no longer Deifr)
  • Germanics:
    • Suthrige
    • Suthgyrwa
    • Norgyrwa
    • Whitwara
    • Merowara
    • Deira
  • Picts
    • Cirinn
    • Fib
    • Fidach

Additionally, we've put Brycheiniog and Elmet in their proper locations.

And, with the new tributary mechanics, we can represent the gradual annexation of Suthrige to Kentland and London to Essex, as both start as tributaries to their respective suzerains. Likewise, Deira starts as a tributary of Eburakon, as descendents of the Laeti from Hadrians time. Will the Angles rise up against their suzerain? Time will tell.





Britain, more divided than ever!

So, as for the Alans, we'll back up a bit and talk 406. Respendial (PLRE Vol 2 Respendial) was not the only Alan leader to cross the Rhine. There was a second band of Alans, under Goar (PLRE Vol 2 Goar) who also crossed, but the Gokarids (as we've taken to calling them) instead joined the Romans, likely merged with the existing Romanized Sarmatian Laeti in Gaul, and eventually settled in and around Orleans as a foederatus to help suppress the Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  in Armorica.

Fast forward to the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains in 451. The Alans, this time under Sangiban (PLRE Vol 2 Sangibanus), participated in the battle in the centre; according to Jordanes this was to prevent him from betraying the Visigoths.

For a number of reasons (not the least of which is Jordanes, for the immense value Getica gifts us, was a Gothic partisan, and given the importance of the centre, it is unlikely that the Alans would have been placed there if doubts remained on Sangiban's loyalty), it is unlikely that the Alans were utterly destroyed in 451.

While Bernard Bachrach's "A History of the Alans in the West" goes to some... questionable lengths to defend its thesis and tie the Alans tenuously to Bretons and Britons, the underlying material and historical evidence (deformed skull burials in Gaul during the period, historical attestation of their presence during the VIth century, their importance at the Catalaunian Plains), it is unlikely that they had been completely wiped out or absorbed by 476 (a mere 25 years later).

So, the Alans of Orleans still exist in 476 in the mod, however precarious their position is. By 500, they'll be part of the Frankish Empire, and by the dawn of the 600s, they will only be remembered in the toponyms and prosoponyms they pass down, such as 
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .





Note to Self: Figure out Alanic for "Duke"

The Alamannians have grown a bit, although this is through a vassal, not themselves. Hunimund (PLRE Vol 2 Hunimundus) is the leader of the remnant Suebi and Skirians who lost at Bolia in 469. According to Jordanes, "Now this country of the Suavi has on the east the Baiovari, on the west the Franks, on the south the Burgundians and on the north the Thuringians." (Getica LV [1]). This placement (especially the reference to the Franks and Burgundians) implies they are part of the Almannian Confederation, which is how we've chosen to represent them in 476. Alaric (PLRE Vol 2 Alaricus 2) now leads the Suavi after Hunimund's death, with a remnant Skirian band as part of his confederation.





Poor Hunimund; taken from us too soon.


The Suavi, now reduced to a mere part of a Suebic confederation

But Wait! There's more!
Sharp-eyed readers will have noted the Romano-Alans and Suavi cultures, which weren't present before. Because CK3 ties culture and technology together, we've chosen to split Sub-Roman-associated cultures from their more tribal counterparts to prevent knowledge of, say, Tenet Farming and Currency to be instantly transported from North Africa to the Caucasian Steppe via the widespread Alans. Thus, we've added the Suavi culture for the remaining tribal Suebi peoples, the Romano-Alans for the Alans of Orleans, and the Alano-Vandalic culture for the Alans of the Vandalic Kingdom.







As a final little bit, here's a broader overview of the changes to Western Europe in 0.2.0:





Not Shown: All the minorities, because I haven't made a minority map mode with which I'm actually happy.

Looking Forward
While this Dev Diary has gotten long, I'll add one final note: we've built upon CCU [2] to add a new notion: linguistic dialect continuum. This notion allows languages to be considered more similar than merely sharing a language group. However, unlike groups and families, a language can have more than one continua! This gives us a means to represent gradual linguistic evolution, rather having to have a sharp transition cutoff, as intermediate languages can share continua while "final" languages (e.g., Vulgar Latin vs. Medieval French) won't _necessarily_ share the same continuum with the original language..





It's so beautiful!

So this is helping us build a framework for linguistic evolution for various language groups that underwent some noticeable divergence during the period, like Romance, Indo-Aryan, and Slavic. We still haven't settled on a final design for Romance or other languages, but we're working on it and are so far happy with the possibilities presented!




Example of languages sharing continua. Still in progress, so the faces of the accused names of the languages are hidden. We can neither confirm nor deny what language group or family this model represents.

Well, this DD has already ran long, so that's all for now.


Изменено пользователем Maraniro

Канцлер Шольц

Пост 1.9.* Обновление статуса


Прошло некоторое время, так что вот обновление статуса; не настоящий DD, потому что не так много контента для обсуждения.

Май оказался ужасным месяцем для моддинга; у большинства команды есть другие дела, которые нужно сделать, что отодвинуло выход обновления 1.9.*. По крайней мере, это означает, что мы получили 1.9.1 до начала тяжелой работы по моддингу. К сожалению, Туры и Турниры затронули большую часть кодовой базы, так что это не такое простое обновление, как 1.5, 1.6 или 1.8, поэтому ToTo [1] займет некоторое время. Особенно с их изменениями в том, как работают здания и действия; наша цель - быстро выпустить 0.1.4, поэтому мы можем временно удалить несколько незначительных функций (например, гонки на колесницах), чтобы ускорить выпуск.

Мы также подумали о том, как мы хотим продвигаться дальше, и, вероятно, мы закончим нашу карту 476, прежде чем перейти к другим механикам. Карта в основном готова, но есть несколько регионов (например, балто-славяне, религиозный ландшафт Персии, религиозный ландшафт Индии), которые требуют дополнительной работы, чтобы быть полностью завершенными.

К счастью, PDX будет в отпуске в следующем месяце, так что это даст нам буфер, по крайней мере, для завершения обновления 1.9.*.

Я сделаю еще несколько заметок, а затем опубликую текущий журнал изменений 0.1.4 ниже.


Исторические заметки

Из-за скудости некоторых записей за этот период мы взяли на себя смелость добавить несколько исторических заметок для различных культур; культура сама по себе является несколько размытым понятием, и мы почувствовали необходимость дать некоторое объяснение некоторым дизайнерским решениям или предоставить больше информации для игроков. Поэтому я взял пример с Cultures Expanded и добавил несколько подсказок, которые игроки могут прочитать, если у них возникнет интерес.






Другое небольшое примечание
С исторической точки зрения, термин "несториане" - это ужасно неправильное название древней Церкви Востока. Мы очень старались в "Когда мир перестал иметь смысл" по возможности избегать специфических полемических названий (см. мои мучительные поиски лучшего термина, чем "ксионгну"), но в Ваниле это остается особой проблемой.

Одним из конкретных предметов моих разногласий является использование термина "несторианин" по отношению к Восточной церкви и ее христологии. Более подробное рассмотрение этого вопроса см. в статье Себастьяна Брока "Несторианская церковь: A Lamentable Misnomer" (всего 14 страниц) [2] или любой текущий экуменический диалог между Западными Церквами и потомками Восточной Церкви.

Краткое резюме таково: Мы заменили название "несториане" на "восточные сирийцы" и обозначили их христологию как "восточные диофизиты". Последний термин, к сожалению, является моим собственным изобретением, но для графического интерфейса мне требовалось однострочное изложение их позиции, так что ладно.




Следующие изменения в версии 0.1.4



  • Integrated Typical's Tributary system and adapted it to WtWSMS
    • Tributary Changes:
      • Tributaries can call their suzerain to war if being attacked by an external power
      • Suzerain can always call tributaries to war
      • No tributary income currently as the system is bugged and requires major overhaul to work
      • Made it possible to refuse a suzerain call to arms, breaking the tributary contract and making tributaries target-able with punitive CBs
  • Suzerain Changes:
    • Made it possible to refuse a tributary's call to arms, breaking the tributary contract (which does not grant a punitive CB option)
  • New Tributary Types:
    • Foederatus Tributary
      • Like a permanent tributary, but (ai) will never refuse a call to arms
  • Integrated Nezaros' Minority system and adapted it to WtWSMS
    • Added notion of minority capacity so an upper limit exists on the number of minorities in a county
    • Minorities can grow and decline in a cellular automaton style system
    • Specific cultural traditions and religious doctrines & tenets will interact with this system
    • Added new minority map modes to be able to see distribution of minorities on the map
    • Integrated with council tasks
      • "Promote Culture" and "Convert County" tasks increase minority level by one (none -> small minority -> large minority -> majority)
      • By default, the tasks will continue until the majority of the county is changed
  • Improved CCU model:
    • Languages:
      • Introduced notion of dialect continua to provide more granularity to languages
        • A language can have multiple continua, helping provide a better model for languages at the lowest levels
      • Introduce notion of creoles to allow genetically unrelated languages to have some degree of relation to each other
    • Heritages:
      • Allowed heritages to have multiple heritage groups and families, in line with the generally fuzzy notion of what a heritage is
      • Added "Kulturbund" concept to capture the relative heritage closeness of some heritages that are still distinct
        • Example: Altaic Kulturbund for Turkic and Mongolic heritage, Scythian Kulturbund for Sarmatian and Scythian heritages
  • Added new title color system that colours tributary primary titles with their liege's primary title color
  • Added basic religious mission task for Court Chaplains that allows independent rulers to launch conversion missions to other independent rulers with unreformed faiths
    • AI currently does not use this task as it is being balanced
  • Implemented heritage and language drift events to model the evolution of culture and language during the period

Map/History: (Unless otherwise specified, only covers the 476 bookmark)

  • North Africa:
    • Added Byzacena duchy to k_africa
    • Granted Byzacena to Theodoric, son of Gaisaric as per attestation (PLRE Vol 2)
  • Anatolia:
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Removed Aeolian and replaced with Greek
      • Adjusted placement of Montanism, Hypsistarianism to match historical records better
    • Cybellianism, Rabbinism reduced to a minority presence
  • Arabia:
    • Adjusted some county borders to better represent
    • Fixed Zarqa Jadi being alive in 476 and replaced with Monophysite Hanzalah tribe in Yamama
    • Added Hanwazinid's as a subordinate tribe to Hajr-Amr
    • Fixed Tamim, Taghlebi, and Al-Qays locations
    • Removed Lebbaeus presence in Arabia, as Mesan did not extend that far south
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Added Christian Qatarye provinces for settled Arabic provinces in the Sassanid Empire
  • Britannia:
    • History:
      • Added additional historic holders to various parts of British territory
      • Surrey and Middlesex are tributaries of Kent and Essex, respectively, representing the steady Germanic hold on the region
      • Added Angle tributary of York, representing long-settled Angle laeti
      • Added Jute presence on the Isle of Wight
      • Added additional Pictish principalities with improved granularity
      • Culture/Religion:
        • Moved Pelagian counties to those under Germanic domination, in line with early references to Pelagianism being a problem for the Church in the Urban east
        • Pelagian presence in Hibernia changed to minorities
        • Improved locations of Angles, Jutes, Saxons in the east of Britannia
  • Caucasus:
    • Tributaries:
      • Converted Iberia, Albania to Sassanid tributaries
      • Converted Lazica, Sarir to ERE tributaries
      • Added Zichia as a ERE tributary, given references to Zichia as under ERE influence during the period
    • Lazica
      • Abaza made a vassal of Lazica
      • Added fictional Svan vassal of Svaneti to match the historic quasi-independence of the region
    • Roman Armenia
      • Added Theodorus, satrap of Sophanene in 502
    • Sarir
      • Sarir moved to a more accurate location centered on Kumukh, as per best sources for its location
      • Added fictional Durdzuk ruler under Sarir so Sarir is connected (tenuously) to the ERE
      • Added independent Adyghes ruler in Cabardinia
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Adjusted Corduenian culture to better match history
      • Added Awaral to match historic distribution
      • Extended Adyghes counties to match historic distribution
  • Dacia & Moesia:
    • Added Tuldila's descendents in Moesia, as records of Hunnic raiding extend to the Vth Century
    • Added Hormidak as a vassal of the Gepids as he was active during the period
  • Gaul and Italia:
    • Corrected the placement of Frankish tribes
    • Expanded Frankish presence in Gaul
    • Improved Romano-Raetian distribution
    • Added new holders for Romano-Alan regions in Gaul
    • Handled the division of Burgundians between the children of Gunderic (whereas they were previously unlanded
  • Hispania:
  • Culture/Religion:
    • Gothic presence reduced to minorities more in line with historic settlement
  • India:
    • Replaced old proto-cultures with a greater variety of cultures
    • Western Satraps moved to a more accurate location
  • Levant:
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Reduced Audianism, Patripassianism to minorities in line with history; replaced with Western Syriac and Maronites
      • Romano-Arameans converted to minorities
      • Some minor adjustments of cultural positions
  • Persia:
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Zurvanism remains the court religion of the Sassanids, but has no on-map presence
      • Indo-Parthian used to cover the extent of future Balochi cultures
      • Brahui brought more in line with historic presence
      • Median, Romano-Aramean reduce to minorities
  • Raetia:
    • Adjusted the Roman-Germanic border along the Danube to more accurately represent the chaos of the period
    • Gave St. Severinus a holding in Sankt Polten under Rugi dominion, to model the complexity of the period
  • Tarim Basin and Central Asia:
    • Hephthalite Empire uses tributaries instead of vassals, as was the case in CK2 WtWSMS
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Fixed the horrific Bactrian/Sogdian border (the old version was to fix some CTD; no longer CTDs)
      • Sakan replaces Sogdian in the Syr Daya basin
      • Khotanese replaces Saka in the Tarim Basin
      • Added Pamiri in the Pamir mountain region
  • Thrace and Hellas:
    • Gave the Thracian Goths a Hunnic vassal in c_vratsa based on historic attestation of Hunnic settlement & activity into the Vth Century
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Tsakonian reduced to historical Tsakonia
  • Balto-Slavia:
    • Very much in progress; may be extensively changed in 0.1.5
    • Adjusted position of Antes and Sklaveni to closer match early Archaeological complexes
    • Removed ahistorical Slavic tribes (Lutogostians, Berimirians) to have more accurate Balto-Slavic tribes instead
    • Added additional East Baltic tribes in Aesti territory
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Adjusted general disposition of Balts and Slavs in e_russia, e_finland, e_baltic_empire
  • Germania Magna:
    • Adjusted borders of many tribal powers to better match historical records, include Saxony, Thuringia, Alamannia, Lombards, Venedi
    • Added Suavi vassal in the eastern part of the Alamannian Confederation, per Jordanes
    • Culture/Religion:
      • Chatti moved to a more accurate region for Vth Century
      • Cheruscii removed as they were likely no longer extant
  • Pontic-Caspian Steppe:
    • Improved the position of the Bolghar tribes
      • Acatiri are a Hunnic tributary to start
    • Improved the division of Crimea between the Bosporan Kingdom, the (Crimean) Goths, and Byzantium
  • Tibetan Plateau:
    • Balti replaces Zhangzhung in the Kashmir area
    • Kalash and Burusho made independent, as has more-or-less been the case in that region
  • Turks:
    • Turuk/Gokturk culture removed for 476


  • Doctrines:
    • Right to Rule Doctrines: (Credit: Rajas of Asia)
      • All faiths have a "Right to Rule" doctrine, which influences which type of government they may have
        • If you have a religious doctrine OR cultural tradition that supports your government, you cannot change it
        • Otherwise, a decision is available to change your government
        • Options: Divine Right (Feudal government), Material (Clan government), Rajadharma (Rajamandala government), Khvarenah (Eranshar government)
    • Ritual Doctrines:
      • Added "Ritual Doctrines" category for faiths controlling their views on Conversion, Pilgrimages, and Vegetarianism
      • These interplay with various activities and decisions in game, giving players more customization options
    • Buddhism Doctrines: (Credit: cyberxkhan's RICE)
      • Buddhist faiths have a "canon" doctrine that control relations between each other, similar to Christian ecumenism doctrines
    • Gnostic Doctrines:
      • Gnosticism has a "Syncretism" doctrine, covering potential syncretisms as well as a Communal Identity equivalent
        • Supersessionism (Communal Identity-like): Manicheanism
        • Christian Syncretism: Valentinianism, Marcosianism, Mandeanism,
        • Jewish Syncretism: Sethianism, Caintinism
        • Hellenic Syncretism: Sabianism
      • Gnosticism Doctrine views other Gnostics as astray instead of Righteous
    • Christian Doctrines:
      • Gnosis Christian Soteriology doctrine now covers Gnosticism tenet effects
      • Added Liturgical Rite as a flavor doctrine for Christians (minimal cost to change)
    • Zoroastrian Doctrines:
      • Zoroastrian faiths that share a Head of Faith convert counties to their HoF's faith instead of their own
    • Dharmic Doctrines:
      • Added Nudity Doctrine so all Jains can choose whether to be nude or not
    • Pagan Doctrines:
      • Iranian Paganism has a doctrine improving relations with Zoroastrianism; considers and is considered by Zoroastrianism to be Hostile instead of Evil
  • Tenets
    • Tenet Changes:
      • Gnostics can no longer can choose Communal Identity tenet, as its effect is bundled with a Gnostic Doctrine choice
      • Gnostics can no longer can choose Syncretism tenet, as its effect is bundled with a Gnostic Doctrine choice
      • Jewish Faiths can no longer choose Communal Identity tenet, as they have Jewish Identity covering those effects
      • Christian Faiths can no longer choose Gnosticism tenet, as its effect is in Christian Soteriology Gnosis doctrine
      • Gnosticism Tenet views other Gnostics as astray instead of Righteous
    • New Tenets:
      • Jewish Identity tenet added, replacing Communal Identity for Judaism; similar, but more insular than Communal Identity
    • Removed Faiths:
      • Kalashism (Hinduism)
      • Nuristanism (Hinduism)
    • New Faiths:
      • Christianity:
        • Maronite Church: The Chalcedon Creed accepting, West Syriac Liturgy Christians that retained their communion with Rome
          • Tenets: Communion, Rite, Monasticism
      • Iranian Religion: (New Religion)
        • Iranian Paganism: Models the pre-Zoroastrian faith that preceded Zoroastrianism and probably influenced Yazidism and Yarsanism
          • Tenets: Sun Worship, Megalithic Constructions, Ritual Celebrations
      • Indian Tribal Religion: (New Religion)
        • Gondi Paganism (for non-Hindu Gondi regions)
          • Tenets: Ethnic Religion, Pacifism, Sanctity of Nature
      • Khasi Religion: (New Religion; Credit: Rajas of Asia)
        • Khasi Paganism: Ethnic religion of the Khasi people
          • Tenets: Sanctity of Nature, Ethnic Religion, Megalithic Constructions
      • Peristani Religion: (New Religion; Credit: cyberxkhan's RICE)
        • Nuristani Paganism: Covers the pagan beliefs of the Pamirs, Nuristanis, Kalash, and Burusho
          • Tenets: Cthonic Redoubts, Ritual Celebrations, Ritual Hospitality
  • Faith Changes:
    • Buddhists use Lay Clergy instead of Theocratic Clergy
    • Jains use Lay Clergy instead of Theocratic Clergy
    • Dualists:
    • Doctrine Changes:
      • Valentinianism replaces Lay Clergy with Theocratic Clergy, in line with their proto-Orthodox stance
      • Marcosianism replaces Lay Clergy with Theocratic Clergy, in line with their proto-Orthodox stance
      • Mandeanism replaces Theocratic Clergy with Lay Clergy
      • Sabianism replaces Theocratic Clergy with Lay Clergy
      • Caintinism replaces Theocratic Clergy with Lay Clergy
    • Tenet Changes:
      • Marcosianism replaces Communal Identity with Literalism
      • Christians:
        • African Church uses Righteous pluralism doctrine and replaces Legalism with Monasticism
        • Georgian Orthodoxy starts with the Miaphysite Creed and a local Rite
        • Armenian Christianity uses Etchmiadzin instead of Suenik as a Holy Site
        • Paulicianism replaces Gnosticism with Communion and uses the Gnosis Soteriology doctrine
        • Marcionianism replaces Gnosticism with Aniconism and uses the Gnosis Soteriology doctrine
        • Priscillianism made a Gnostic Christian faith again
      • Judaism:
        • Rabbinism replaces Communal Identity with Jewish Identity
        • Karaism replaces Communal Identity with Jewish Identity
        • Malabarism replaces Communal Identity with Ethnic Religion
      • Zoroastrianism:
        • Khurmazta replaces Theocratic Head of Faith with No Head of Faith
        • Mazdakism replaces Clerical Gender Either with Clerical Gender Only Men
        • Arewordik replaces Unrelenting Faith tenet with Sky Burial tenet
      • Scythian Paganism is part of the Steppe Religion
      • Donipolyoism uses Ethnic Religion instead of Communal Identity
      • Hypsistarianism replaces Sinope and Tebizond with Tanais and Oenoanda as Holy Sites
      • Indian Tribal Religion (New Eastern Pagan religion)
        • Includes Munda Paganism and Gondi Paganism


  • Removed Decentralization innovation as it is no longer necessary
  • Writing and Social Stratification innovations now spread organically; the culture that lacks the innovation must border a sufficient number of counties with cultures having the innovation for them to spread
  • Late Migration "Dominum Mundi" innovation unlocks the ability to change government if neither the player's culture nor faith supports the current government


  • Extensively overhauled culture history with custom tooltips for added clarity and player insight
  • Reimplemented previous Indo-Aryan cultures in light of new language/heritage drift mechanics
  • Reworked Languages:
    • Languages extensively reworked in light of new CCU model
  • Reworked Heritages:
    • New heritages added to adapt to the CCU model
    • East Iranian Heritage removed; cultures moved into Sarmatian, Sakan, Serindian, Peristani, or Iranian heritages
      • Sarmatian: Sarmatian, Iazyges, Alan
      • Sakan: Sakan, Indo-Scythian, Dahi Scythian
      • Serindian: Sogdian
      • Iranian: Afghan, Khwarezmian, Bactrian, Mazanderani (Amardian)
      • Peristani: Nuristani
  • Tradition Changes:
    • Strong Kinship unlocks Clan government as a conversion option
    • Vegetarianism adds a prestige bonus for the vegetarian trait instead of passive health bonus
    • Added "Greco-Roman" tradition category, which prevents Greeks and Romans from hybridizing but increases Cultural acceptance between the two
  • New Traditions:
    • Caucasian Mountain Homes
      • For Caucasian Cultures
      • Like Mountain Homes, but with Staunch Traditionalist and Isolationist effects
    • Xenophobic:
      • For Peristani Cultures
      • Like Isolationist, but stronger and makes promoting Xenophobic culture/replacing Xenophobic cultures more difficult
  • New/Extensively Changed Cultures:
    • Arabic Cultures:
      • Qatarye: Models the coastal Arabic communities under Persian suzerainty who had long been settled (see Dilmun, Tylos)
        • Pillars: Cosmopolitan Ethos, Arabic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Strong Believers, Dexterous Fishermen, Xenophilic, Maritime Mercantilism, Dryland Dwellers
    • Baltic Cultures:
      • Sudovian/Yotvingians: Models the ancient people who were attested as early as Herodotus and Ptolemy
        • Pillars: Bellicose Ethos, West Baltic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Forest Wardens, Battlefield Looters, Swords for Hire
      • East Galindians: Baltic people listed in Slavic records, likely separate from the (Western) Galindians
        • Pillars: Bellicose Ethos, East Baltic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Forest Wardens, Hill Dwellers, Staunch Traditionalists (Royal Court) OR Isolationist
      • Kolochin: Balto-Slavic Archaeological Complex between the Vth and VIIth Centuries
        • Pillars: Bellicose Ethos, East Baltic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Polygamous, Forest Folk, Sacred Groves
      • Dnieper Baltic: Baltic Subgroup in the Dnieper river basin, extant until (possibly) as late as the XIIIth Century
        • Pillars: Communal Ethos, East Baltic Language, Male Only Martial
      • Traditions: Forest Folk, Wetlanders, Hit-and-Run Tacticians
    • Balto-Finnic Cultures:
      • Chud: Proto-Ingrian/Izhourian/Votes
        • Pillars: Communa Ethosl, Finnic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Strong Believers, Forest Folk, Hit-and-Run Tacticians
    • Caucasian Cultures:
      • Svan: Ancient highland tribal Kartvelian culture
        • Pillars: Communal Ethos, Svan Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Eye for an Eye, Caucasian Wolves Caucasian Mountain Homes
      • Awaral: Migration Era (Caucasian) Avars
        • Pillars: Stoic Ethos, Avaric Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Eye for an Eye, Quarrelsome, Caucasian Mountain Homes
    • Central Germanic Cultures:
      • Suavi: Tribal Suebi that didn't migrate to Galacia (see Hunimund PLRE Vol 2)
        • Pillars: Spiritual Ethos, Irminonic Germanic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Strong Believers, Tribal Hierarchy, Stand and Fight!
    • East Germanic Cultures:
      • Przeworsk: Now represents Germanic component of Przeworsk Archaeological Complex
        • Pillars: Cosmopolitan Ethos, East Germanic Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Tribal Unity, Forest Folk, Culture Blending (Royal Court) OR Xenophilic
    • Indo-Aryan Cultures:
      • Maithil: Models one of the major Gangetic cultures/languages
        • Pillars: Communal Ethos, Magadhan Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Xenophilic, Frequent Festivities, Culinary Artists, Parochialism
      • Gandhari: Early important culture in the transmission of Buddhism to Central Asia
        • Pillars: Cosmopolitan Ethos, Gandhari Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Refined Poetry, Philosopher Culture, Xenophilic, Religious Patronage, Expert Artisans (Royal Court)
    • Peristani Cultures:
      • Burusho: Models the non-Indo-European people in the Yaisn valley
        • Pillars: Communal Ethos, Burusho Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Xenophobic, Mountain Homes, Equal Inheritance
    • Pamiri: Models the East Iranian-speaking people of the Pamir region (Credit: cyberxkhan's RICE)
      • Pillars: Communal Ethos, Pamir Language, Male Only Martial
      • Traditions: Mendicant Mystics, Mountain Homes, Pastoralists
    • Sarmatian Cultures:
      • Romano-Alan: Models the Romanized Alans near Orleans in the Vth Century
        • Pillars: Spiritual Ethos, Scythian Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Mendicant Mystics, Strong Believers, Horse Lords, Concubines
      • Alano-Vandals: Models the Vandalized Alans in the African Vandal Kingdom
        • Pillars: Bellicose Ethos, Scythian Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Mendicant Mystics, Concubines, Ruling Caste, Horse Lords
    • Serindian Cultures:
      • Khotanese: Models the Sakanized Tocharian basin culture in Khotan
        • Pillars: Cosmopolitan Ethos, Sakan Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Caravaneers, Religious Patronage, Dryland Dwellers, City Keeprs, Expert Artisans (Royal Court)
    • Southeast Asian Cultures:
      • Tripuri: Ancient Tibeto-Burman people in Tripuria (Credit: Rajas of Asia)
        • Pillars: Communal, Kokborok Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Isolationist, Sacred Groves, Jungle Dwellers, Adaptive Skirmishing
      • Khasi: Austroasiatic people settled in Meghalaya (Credit: Rajas of Asia)
        • Pillars: Communal, Khasi Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Tribal Unity, Matriarchal, Monogamous
    • Tibetan Cultures:
      • Balti: Tibetan people noted by Ptolemy
        • Pillars: Communal Ethos, Tibetan Language, Male Only Martial
        • Traditions: Isolationist, Himalayan Settlers, Sacred Mountains
  • Cultural Tradition/Pillar Changes:
    • Additions/Removals:
      • Abaza: Added Caucasian Mountain Homes
      • Adyghes: Added Caucasian Mountain Homes
      • Basque: Added Hill Dwellers tradition
      • Minaean: Removed disaporic
      • Parthian: Added Persian Traditions
    • Replacements:
      • Adnanite: Tribal Unity replaces Dryland Dwellers
      • Alamannian: Communal Ethos replaces Cosmopolitan
      • Brahui: Iranian heritage replaces Dravidian heritage
      • Gallaecian: Gallaecian language replaces Celtiberian language
      • Gustow: Sacred Groves replaces Metalworkers
      • Gutnish: Norse language replaces Gothic language
      • Juhuro: Caucasian Mountain Homes replaces Staunch Traditionalists
      • Lusitanian: Latin language replaces Lusitanian language
      • Reudignian: North Germanic heritage replaces Central Germanic heritage
    • Removed Cultures:
      • Aeolian (Byzantine Heritage)
      • Gruzinim (Israelite Heritage)
  • Updated a number of ethnicities to match archeogenetic studies and historical attestations

Casus Belli:

  • Updated migration CB's to utilize the new minority system
    • The chance of flipping the majority population reaches 0 at 20 development
    • Otherwise, there is a chance for minorities (large or small) to spawn as a result of the migration, inversely proportional to development
  • Updated other CB's to interact with tributary system
  • Added Punitive CB so that suzerain's may cheaply force tributary status on tributaries
  • Roman Imperial Reconquest CB is no longer innovation-locked


  • Added new government conversion decision in line with religions partially dictating the type of government one can have
  • Added "Become a Vegetarian" decision to add trait, available depending of cultural and religious features
    • Vegetarianism can also be abandoned
  • Added "Reform Government" decision, which allows one to adopt a fitting government if their religion or culture changes
  • Vegetarian ritual doctrine blocks hunting decisions


  • Added minority interaction laws


  • Renamed "Gupta government" to "Rajamandala government"
  • Renamed "Macronian" to "Lazic"
  • Renamed "Galician" to "Gallaecian" to avoid collision with Vanilla Galician culture
  • Renamed "Amardian" to "Mazanderani"
  • Renamed "Tocharian" heritage to "Serindian" heritage
  • Renamed "Nestorian" Christian doctrine to "Eastern Dyophysitism" for increased accuracy


  • Wrote up system that should avoid issues with random government changes as a result of war, grants, &c.
  • Updated GUI to include support for new law tabs
  • Added a large number of custom culture creation names from CK2 WtWSMS
  • A handful of Easter Eggs added
  • Reduced speed of establish de jure in light of bug fixes; is now 67% than de jure drift instead of 150%

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed vassals to the Roman Empires having access to the Sub-Roman Reconquest CB
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the "Establish De Jure" council task

Submod improvements:

  • Made an incremental improvement for future colour-blind mods by making religions and cultures use named colours
    • This will make it so submods only need to overwrite name color files



Канцлер Шольц

Краткое обновление статуса от разработчика

  • Обновление 0.1.3 до версии в основном завершено. Осталось исправить лишь несколько ошибок.
  • Инновации и эпохи получают новый взгляд на ванильные изменения PDX 
  • Осталось запустить полный набор тестов, чтобы посмотреть, что еще упустили при обновлении 0.1.3 до
  • Затем перенести изменения в 0.1.4 (ETA неизвестно, но некоторые из них должны быть быстрыми)

Канцлер Шольц
В 12/20/2022 в 11:31 PM, Symmachus сказал:

Работа идёт в этом Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , а потом уже заливается на основной. Так что не вводите в заблуждение, прогресс идёт.

Это называется прогрессом, когда последнее изменение файлов было 5 мес назад? :drink:




Флавий Аниций
3 часа назад, Maraniro сказал:

Это называется прогрессом

Это называется застоем. Впрочем, автор ещё может вернутся к работе над модом. Вопрос в том, выдержит ли этот мод конкуренцию с другими модами по античной тематике.

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Канцлер Шольц

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Канцлер Шольц

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