When the World Stopped Making Sense - Миграционная эпоха 476-700 гг. н. э. - Страница 2 - Иностранные моды - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

When the World Stopped Making Sense - Миграционная эпоха 476-700 гг. н. э.

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Канцлер Шольц



When the World Stopped Making Sense - A Migrational Era Mod for CK3 - 476-700 AD


When the World Stopped Making Sense (WtWSMS) - это масштабный капитальный проект для CK2, позволяющий играть в Эпоху Великого Переселения в любую дату между 476 (падение Западной Римской империи) и 600 годами, и продолжать игру до ванильной даты окончания, 1453 (падение Восточной Римской империи).


Вот основные возможности, которые планируется реализовать в моде в версии 1.0.0. 


- Новые закладки и временная шкала, игра между 476 и 800 годами, со всеми знаковыми датами.
- Полная переработка карты культур, десятки новых культур с сопутствующими плавильными котлами
- Переработанные религии, с уникальными ересями и расколами, начиная от христианских церковных соборов и заканчивая восходом ислама.
- Уникальная система управления с переходами и преемственностью, от бюрократических, гуптских и сасанидских правителей до феодальных субримских царств.
- Динамические решения и события, рождающие новые империи и приводящие к распаду старых царств
- Механика миграции, разработанная динамически, чтобы дать выбор игрокам и ИИ, со специальными особенностями для славянских племен
- Распадающиеся римские легионы, механика повторных завоеваний и контракты с федератами.
- События со вкусом, позволяющие ощутить особые чувства при игре во всех регионах карты


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Вышла альфа версия мода. Этот мод основан на существующем моде WtWSMS для CK2



Steam Workshop
1. Go to the WtWSMS workshop page: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
2. Click "Subscribe"
3. Launch CK3
4. Wait for mod download to complete in Steam client
5. Select the mod "WtWSMS" in the Mod tab
6. Play!


Paradox Mods
1. Go to the WtWSMS Paradox Mods page: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.
2. Click "Add" and select the appropriate playset
3. Launch CK3
4. Wait for mod download to complete in the launcher
5. Select the mod "WtWSMS" in the Mod tab
6. Play!



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Канцлер Шольц
4 минуты назад, Флавий Аниций сказал:

Это называется застоем. Впрочем, автор ещё может вернутся к работе над модом. Вопрос в том, выдержит ли этот мод конкуренцию с другими модами по античной тематике.

Да, и я про тоже. Столько модов по этой тематике разрабатывается, да и вообще конкуренция среди глобальных модов серьезная на ск3

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Мод очень неплохой, проведена поистине титаническая работа по созданию атмосферы начала Темных Веков и крушения Pax Romana :good:

Атмосферная вещь! Баланс соблюдается в сценариях, нет ничего невозможного ) Разве что слишком золотишко быстро даже не самые крупные игроки накапливают, при этом его особо не тратя (ВРИ за 5 лет больше 4К золота уже имеет) Вот это как-то нереалистично, учитывая развал позднеантичной экономики и торговли. Ну и русификатора немного таки не хватает, да. 8\10 ставлю. 

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Канцлер Шольц

Dev Diary 16.2: The Dev Diary that Won't Stop Ringing (0.1.5 Changes)

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Update: 27 Apr 


- Updated the mod to vanilla 1.12.4

Defines & Game Rules:
- Added default game rule slowing hybrid and divergence
- Reduced a number of hard-coded defines, slowing the growth of cultural acceptance
- Added game rule restricting the creation of de jure titles if the ruler's primary title is titular; off by default and has an "AI only" variant as well.

New Mechanics:
- The Senate:
- Created two Senate institutions, with Roman and Constantinopolitan Senates, instead of having them on the map as a title
- The institution is interactable through the GUI as a new menu item
- Senate Interactions:
- Request Recognition:
- An event fires several days after taking the Senate Seat, where the Consul requests that you request Senatorial recognition
- You can Accept, Ignore the Senate, or Stall; all actions costing prestige and conferring modifiers
- After that event, players may request through the GUI that the Senate recognize them if they chose to stall instead of making a decision
- Rather than a decision, players may disestablish the Senate in the GUI if they are not a Roman-type culture or a Roman government
- Senatorial Recognition:
- Getting the recognition of the Senate confers a modifier which negates short-reign penalties, at the cost of prestige, but also gains an opinion bump with Senators
- Ignoring the Senate gains one prestige at the cost of an opinion malus with Senators
- Stalling the Senate hurts one's opinion with Senators, and each new consul will both the Senate Seat top liege, requesting that they seek the approval of the Senate
- Senate Character Interactions:
- The top liege of the Senate seat (Rome or Constantinople for East and West, respectively) and the consul may use Senate Interactions
- They may nominate a new Senator from characters in the "Senatorial Regions" around the Senate Seats or within the top liege of the Senate Holder's realm
- They may elevate dynasties to join the ranks of the senate
- The top liege of the Senate Seat may also nominate the next consul
- However, Senators react negatively to such interference by the top holder and such actions give negative opinion modifiers and cost variable prestige (depending on the nominee's traits and standing)
- Senatorial Families:
- Senatorial families have some implicit modifiers, granting prestige gain for dynasty members as well as bolstering diplomacy and intrigue
- Senatorial families expect to have a certain number of non-capital (or capital) baronies in their family
- Senatorial family dynasts will bother the holder of the Senate seat if their family has fewer holdings than desired
- Accepting grants a random non-capital barony to the Senator's family at the cost of aggrivating vassals
- Refusing irritates the whole Senate
- Traits and Modifiers:
- Senators for both the East and West have traits which denote their membership and provide some prestige gain
- The Consuls have a character modifier indicating their consulship
- Previous Consuls have a trait indicating their prior consulship
- These Traits have additional, culture-related modifiers
- Senate leadership is elected yearly
- The Senate will behave somewhat autonomously, electing Consuls every January, or sooner if the consul dies mid-term, from among their ranks
- Players may nominate Consuls if they hold the Senate Seat, annoying the Senate but giving their nominee prestige and renown, as well as making them next consul
- Senate and Title Revocation:
- Revoking non-capital baronies from Senators _without a revocation_ reason angers all Senators
- Applies even for bureaucratic and gubernatorial governments (who otherwise have very liberal revocation rules)
- This does not extend to Senators with counties or greater
- Either of the Senates may collapse if no senator is available to maintain the Senate's functions
- Rajamandala and Eranshahr governments cannot request interact with the Senate, as they function under very different understanding of universality than the Roman Empire
- Senatorial approval and disapproval comes with legitimacy gain and loss, modified by government type, held titles, and culture features
- Title Creation:
- Titular Cultural Titles and related concepts removed
- Holding only Titular Kingdoms or Empires prevents you from creating de jure kingdoms and empires
- Added a decision for making titular Kingdoms into de jure Kingdoms for characters who cannot establish Roman empires, or for land outside the Roman Empire
- Only available to non-tribal, non-nomad, non-Gubernatorial governments
- Requirements:
- Have held the duchy in which the capital county resides for at least 30 years
- Complete control of at least two duchies within the same de jure kingdom, one of which is the capital duchy
- The capital duchy is your culture and faith
- Your culture has Social Stratification and Writing Innovations
- Legitimacy Level of 3
- Prestige Level of 5
- Maximum Crown-Type Authority if government has it, or sufficient fedualization for Sub-Roman governments
- Added a decision for replacing de jure Roman Provinces with titular Kingdoms for characters who can establish Roman empires, for land within the Roman Empire
- Similar to the above, but requires complete control of the associated kingdom
- Prestige prices increases quadratically with the degree of feudalization in the Realm
- Also requires Legal Codex Innovation
- Added a decision for making titular Empires de jure
- Added a decision for making titular Roman Empires de jure

WtWSMS Mechanics, from Previous Releases:
- Minorities:
- Faith Conversion (by event/decision/interface): a large minority of your old faith will still exist in your capital if you convert
- Culture creation removes parent culture minorities in counties of the new culture
- If a hybrid or diverged culture is within the cooldown period, the parent cultures are subsumed instead of becoming a minority when the county culture changes
- Conversion (by any means) now will keep a large minority of the old faith in your capital county
- Rites and related faiths do not leave behind a minority if converted to the main faith, _unless_ it is a holy site of the Rite and not the main faith

Map and History:
- Adjusted position of the Ostrogoth presence around Lake Balaton
- Increased number of size and Amazigh minorities in North Africa
- Minor fixes to some minorities around the map
- Daylamite Zoroastrian and Iranian Polytheist counties use Afridunism

- Nomads obligations function like clan obligations in 1.10.*

- Zoroastrian faiths no longer have access to Rite tenet, instead using the branch mechanic from Vanilla
- Added Bosnian Church to Christian religion, but made it unconvertable for the time being
- Manicheanism has "Clerical Vegetarianism" Doctrine
- Tenets:
- Hellenic Syncretism is extended to Mazdan faiths as an option
- Patron Gods available to Zoroastrians
- Faith Changes:
- Scythian Paganism replaces "Sky Burials" with "Communal Identity"
- Mazdayasna replaces "Sky Burials" with "Ecclesiarchy", Replaces "Pluralism" with "Righteous"
- Zurvanism replaces "Sky Burials" with "Ritual Celebrations"
- Khurmazta replaces "Sky Burials" with "Communal Identity"
- Arewordik replaces "Sky Burials" with "Communal Identity"
- Funeral Rite Changes (beside Stoic):
- Religions:
- Arabian Paganism uses Bewailment
- Celtic Paganism uses Cremation
- Egyptian Paganism uses Mummification
- Georgian Paganism uses Sky Burials
- Hepthalite Religion uses Cremation
- Indian Tribal Religion uses Cremation
- Iranian Paganism uses Sky Burial
- Khasi Religion uses Cremation


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Канцлер Шольц

When the World Stopped Making Sense - A Migrational Era Mod for CK3 - 476-700 AD   When the World Stopped Making Sense (WtWSMS) - это масштабный капитальный проект для CK2, позволяющий играт

Канцлер Шольц

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Канцлер Шольц

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