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Скачать / купить Europa Universalis: Rome - Gold Edition
Virpil добавил тему в раздел Rome I (Древний Рим. Золотой век)
Европа. Древний Рим: Золотой век(1C \ Strategy \ 2009) Europa Universalis: Rome — Vae Victis / Европа. Древний Рим: Золотой векНажмите здесь! Europa Universalis: Rome — Vae Victis / Европа. Древний Рим: Золотой век ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Дата выпуска: 13 февраля 2009 года Жанр: Глобальная стратегия Разработчик: Paradox Interactive Издательство: 1С Платформа: PC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Тип издания: лицензия Язык интерфейса: только русский Таблэтка: эмуляция образа ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Системные требования: ► Система: Windows XP SP2; ► Процессор: Pentium 4 2,8 ГГц; ► Память: 512 МБ; ► Видео-карта: с памятью 128 МБ, совместимая с DirectX 9.0с, поддерживающая 32-разрядный цвет и пиксельные шейдеры версии 2.0; ► Звуковая карта: 16 бит, совместимая с DirectX 9.0с; ► Жесткий диск: 1,2 ГБ свободного места; ► CD-ROM: 8-скоростной; ► DirectX 9.0c и .NET Framework 2.0. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Перед вами настоящий исторический полигон. Македонская фаланга против римского легиона. Галльское бесстрашие против эллинской хитрости. Варвары против цивилизации. Сокрушите врагов Рима и приведите республику к триумфальной победе или возглавьте любое государство того времени и бросьте вызов Цезарю и его легионам! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Особенности игры: * Управляйте любым государством Средиземноморья в период с 278 года до н.э. до 25 года н.э. * Продвигайте свои законы, подкупайте или убивайте несогласных с вашей политикой. * Взаимодействуйте с сотнями ключевых персонажей, имеющих собственные исторические цели и амбиции. * Создавайте собственную династию - принимайте в семью только лучших полководцев, дипломатов и политиков. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Дополнительная информация: +Мод Rome Improved Map Project 1.3.1.(англ.версия) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Скриншоты: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Cкрыть] Прикрепляю торрент файл(если ссылка будет недоступна,скажите,перезалью). При открытии данного файла поставить галочку у "Европа. Древний Рим: Золотой век",хотя при желании(и достаточного места на диске) можете скачать все игры Paradox-а. Скачать игру Благодарности камраду mikebmg -
Europa Universalis: Rome - Vae Victis - Патч 2.36с
Дoбро добавил тему в раздел Rome I (Древний Рим. Золотой век)
******************************************* * Changes for the 2.2 patch of Vae Victis * ******************************************* ОписаниеНажмите здесь! ############################################ # COLONIZATION & BARBARIANS ############################################ - Colonized provinces now retain their own culture and religion. (Until barbarian power is 0, when it changes through event 4010.) - Barbarian provinces no longer spread civilization. - Barbarian provinces no longer gain civilization. - The growth rate of Barbarian Power is now separate from population growth and exported to defines.txt. - Barbarian power now grows back faster in colonies. - Event 4001 (Barbarian Absorption) is now less common. - Event 4001 now triggers a new event; 4010 ("Successful Colony"), which changes the culture and religion of the province if barbarian power is less than 1. - Barbarians now destroy colonies (provinces with barbarian power >= 1 and a low population). - No longer possible to colonize a province containing enemy units. - Barbarian Hordes are now always of the original culture and religion of the province. ############################################ # AI ############################################ - Improved AI magistrate and minister appointment to look at loyalty more. - AI: Should be better at handing out minor titles to avoid unemployment populist drift - AI will now try to get rid of charismatic populist faction leaders - AI for republics will now always risk invoking omens to avoid growing populism - Naval AI: Will no longer hunt pirate fleets when at war and outnumbered by the enemy. - Naval AI: Improved strait blocking - Naval AI: Should now protect straits while its troops are crossing - Naval AI: Increased intercept range ############################################ # INTERFACE ############################################ - Added a new, smaller gold icon for texts - Tweaked the pig stabbing tooltip - The 'Unemployed' filter in the character views no longer includes women and children ############################################ # CHARACTERS ############################################ - Fixed the parentage of Helenus, son of Pyrrhus - Fixed the parentage of Spartacus, son Pairisades (Bosporan Kingdom) - Peace terms will now affect ruler popularity. - Balanced some loyalty, popularity and conviction modifiers. - Sons will tend to be named after their grandfather, daughters after their grandmother. - The commander with the highest martial value now leads every battle - Upped the fertility rates of characters with 10 or more prominence - Made sure enough potential spouses are created for the above to matter - Title objectives now correctly check if a character can actually hold them - Latinized names for children with parents from foreign dynasties (of the -id type), who have adopted Latin culture. - Much improved naming of Roman/Latin characters. - Sons will tend to be named after their grandfather, daughters after their grandmother. - Loosened some pretty harsh marriage rules - Reduced use of homonyms within families ############################################ # REPUBLICS ############################################ - Republics now always start with enough previous rulers to command some armies and fill out some offices - The Mercantile faction now gains influence with the amount of trade. The opposite of how it worked before. - The Religious faction now gains influence when omens are invoked. The opposite of how it worked before. - The Civic faction now gains influence when buildings have been built. The opposite of how it worked before. - The Populist faction now gains influence from lack of omens, lack of trade routes and lack of buildings, though less than the corresponding presence. - A recent sacrifice now strengthens the Religious faction - A recent triumph now strengthens the Military faction - The first candidate now has more of an advantage in elections in republics - Reduced the charisma influence multipler for the populist party leader a bit - Long period of peace is now a Populist influence factor instead of Military - The long period of peace factor now also considers civil wars - New Populist influence factor: Pillaged provinces - New Military influence factor: Huge Army (above force limits) - Toned down trade route faction influence effects a bit ############################################ # EVENTS ############################################ - Fixed some string formatting in character commands - Misleading effect tooltips will no longer be shown for an event target scope that are not valid. - Added events 3402 and 3403; the legal heir killing off an underage monarch. - Civilizing events for tribes are more likely to fire if they have the 'outside_influences' modifier - The capital province of a tributary state now gains civilization from the capital province of the suzerain state - The capital province of a suzerain state now gains civilization from the capital provinces of its tributaries ############################################ # MISC GAMEBALANCE ############################################ - Country stability now affects the real risk of civil war and governor secession a lot. - Upped the starting population of Bastetani and raised the civ value in Contestani to help Carthage found New Carthage - Tribes are now allowed to convert to monarchies as well as republics ############################################ # MODDABILITY ############################################ - Exported annexation threshold to defines ( _DIPDEF_MAX_ANNEX_SIZE_ ) - Exported the most important spouse and child creation thresholds to defines.txt - Exported all of the major party influence gain factors to defines.txt - Events that are triggered by other events now also evaluate their own trigger before actually firing. - The 'has_governor' trigger is now true for the capital region - The 'governor_scope' scope change now applies to the ruler in the capital region - The 'ruler' scope now works directly within province scope, checking against the owning country's ruler (i.e. without using an 'owner' scope first) ############################################ # BUGFIXES & STABILITY ############################################ - Game now runs with the latest version of Clausewitz, including some speed ups. - Fixed some potential issues with succession laws in monarchies - Fixed some bugs in the character objective scripts - Fixed the exit crashes - Fixed a bug where the population breakdown of some provinces would get borked by moving back and forth along the timeline in the lobby - Fixed a bug with spamming of event 3544 (disappointed clan chief) - Fixed a bug in the mission 'revoke_jobs_of_heretics' - Fixed a bug in the Egyptian mission 'incursions_into_seleucid_territory' - Fixed a bug in the Egyptian mission 'reclaim_cyrenaica' - Fixed some issues with regiments and ships retaining personal loyalty to dead characters or characters of different countries - Fixed bug preventing some monthly country update calcs from completing - Corrected 'proclaim_aristocratic_republic_desc' and 'proclaim_republic_confederacy_desc' - Fixed a bug in the law 'we_dont_like_outsiders', causing constant passing and revoking - Fixed the completely borked 'month' trigger - The correct ruler and successor title should now be shown in the government window after changing government - Switching tag now correctly sets the new country tag in each faction - The correct laws are now always shown after switching tags - Characters no longer lose their titles on a tag change - Fixed some typos [Cкрыть] Скачать патч http://www.gamersgate.com/eurome/vv_22.exe ******************************************* * Changes for the Patch 2.31b of Vae Victis * ******************************************* ОписаниеНажмите здесь! It is time to show Rome some love again. New beta patch! - Fixed a problem where the dynasty info button in the government screen would not work after assigning a new character to office - Added tooltips explaining the reasons why you cannot call an ally - Diplo AI: reduced peace offer spam - Event 'Affairs of State' should no longer fire for female rulers - The Clausewitz TAB-chat crash bug should now be fixed - More powerful countries should now be more likely to take over leadership in a defensive war - Imported more advanced on_action system from HttT - Scripts: 'on_country_broken' will now always have a result - Fixed an issue where characters were not always properly imprisoned - Successors are now recalculated immediately when a character is imprisoned - Successors are now recalculated immediately after a character's reputation has been smeared - Should no longer be possible to receive exorbitant tributes - Occupied provinces are no longer counted for trade route effects on Faction attraction - Improved handling of foreign occupation of provinces at the end of a civil war (no more gamey auto-conquests) - Fixed a bug with too many provinces taken in the creation of Barbarian client states - Offer and Demand Tribute: Fixed a bug which would cause the new suzerain's tributaries and alliances to be cancelled - The Slave uprising event (4903) can no longer result in the death of the governor - The Mission 'take_control_of_macedonia' for Rome gives a correct -10 popularity to ruler when failed - CAT and SIL women can now be consuls and party leaders as well, and will be more likely to marry - The Child Sacrifice invention now correctly decreases stability costs - Event 4002 (Province Cultural Absorbtion) is now more likely to happen in uncivilized provinces [Cкрыть] http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/attach...mp;d=1267607058 Скачать патч 2.36с русский ----> <noindex>http://yadi.sk/d/O4RdcqxoBQDpR</noindex> (благодарности камраду mikebmg)